Recall Questons Sepember 2014
#. all 12. !le*ated cream yellow colored
colonies? a. +tapylococcus epidermidis b. +tapylococcus aemolycus c. Sap Sap%) %)lo loco cocc ccus us aure aureus us #. $## 1. :ptocin test %or +6 pneumonia? a. <10 mm &one o% inibion in
1. How to prepare agar plates? a. 1/! 1/!a aer er "r "rs b. Pour all agar frst c. ½ agar frst #. Pour all water frst 2. Water bacteriology completed test? a. Gram neg, non-sporulang on agar slant b. $aco $acose se bro bro% % -Ac& -Ac # !&% !&% 'as 'as c. Metallic seen on !M" #. #actose brot -$cid only . "y product o% acetamide uli&aon? a. 'arbon dio(ide b. Ammon&a 4. )ncubaon period %or %ungal
de*elopment in bone marrow and '+? a. 1 days b. . days c. 2( #a)s #. /0 days Microscope %or spirocetes a. "rigield b. +luo luoresce escen n c. !lectron #. Pase contasrt How is water bacteriology reported? a. '2 b. 'olonies3ml c. MP/100ml #. I/ml Houseold bleac inac*ated at? a. 1 our b. 40 minutes c. 10 m&nues #. 40 seconds Wat is benc mar5ing? $s5ed twice6 )nterlaboratory mar5eng 71st8 a. )nterlaboratory )nterlaboraty monitoring 7/nd8 b. )nterlaboraty c. "enc so oters a*e space #. Compar Compar&n' &n' resul resuls s !&% !&% peers peers Gra*id segments contain? a. Male reproduc*e organ b. emale reproduc*e organ c. '' #. +cole( 9eco*ered %rom cestodes in stool are? a. ilari%orm lar*a b. Microflaria c. :*a #. Pro' Pro'lo lo# #s3 s3 scol scole e33 o5a o5a !nancement media? a. "$P ;ioglycollate brot b. ;ioglycollate c. +elenite brot
4mm dis5 b. =1mm &one o% inibion in
4mm dis5 <1mm &one o% inibion in
4mm dis5 #. =14mm &one o% inibion in 4mm dis5
14. >ouble &one o% emolysis? a. C. per6r er6r&n &n' 'es b. C. #&7c&le c. C. boul&num #. 8. cereus 1*. 'ause o% wooping coug? a. 8or# 8or#e eel ella la parap paraper eru us& s&ss b. 8or# 8or#e eel ella la per peru uss ss&s &s c. 8or# 8or#e eel ella la bronc bronc%& %&se sept ptca ca #. A$$ 1,. ;est %or inuen&a @ rubella? a. 9ema'' 9ema''lut lutna naton ton &n%&b& &n%&b&to ton n b. eu eurral&: al&:a aton ton c. MI; #. 1. ;rue o% #eptorspirosis a. +mear o% urine sediment %or diagnosis b. <&7cul <&7cul o sa&n sa&n an# loo= loo= 6or 6or &n
m&croscope c. +tained wit P$Ps #. all 1(. "est Auality control in parasitology #aboratory a. Sl Sles es !&% !&% o5a o5a an# an# a#u a#ul l b. Hanging drop %rom preser*ed stools Parasitology atlas c. Parasitology #. all 1. +tool delayed %or B0 minutes must be transported in a. Su Suar ar me#&u e#&um m b. $nderson medium c. rancis medium #. +aline Mary medium 20. 2ndulang membrane 7M::9+! ;CP!8 a. ;r&c% r&c%o omonas onas b. !uglena c. Giardia #. ;r)pa r)pan nosom osoma a 1
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21. R%ab#&t6 R%ab#&t6orm orm lar5ae> lar5ae> ;%rea# !orm 22. +tool sample enricmentD Selen&e bro% 2. ?&ne'ar> ?&ne'ar> @u=es @u=es can can be =&lle# ;rue o% scistosomi sc istosomiasisD asisD S=&n 24. ;rue peneraton peneraton o6 cercar&a &n conam&nae# water 2*. ormal ormal oral @ora> @ora> ?&rans ?&rans 2,. Common Common pa%o'en pa%o'en>> Broup A 2. Sool conam&na conam&nae# e# !&% S. aureus aureus
b6 ;+H c6 ;B upta5e E6 'lori 'loride de and "icar "icarbon bonat ate e relaon relaonsi sip? p? 9eciprocal 6 $c*e $c*e male male ormone ormone? ? ;est ;estost ostero erone ne 106 +creening +creening test %or 'usingQs 'usingQs syndrome syndrome a6 #ow #ow de(a de(ame met tas ason one e -------b6 / our our urin urine e cor corso soll c6 $ll items d6 )nsuli )nsulin n ypog ypogly lycae caemia mia test test 116 Hepac Hepac RaundiceD RaundiceD )ncrease )ncrease in direct and
!%a o #o Plae !&% MSA D.*EaClF 2(. E nucleiD !ntamoeba coli6 >iFerenate istolyca and artmaniiD 2. >iFerenate
indirect bilirubin 7bot8 1/6 'olelitiasisD )ncrease in unconRugated unconRugated
si&e alciparum and 0. 0 cause o% malariaD alciparum
conRugated8 1B6 )n case o% li*er li*er transplant transplant wic wic are
*i*a( 1. P:'; %or d( o% malariaD alciparum, *i*a(, malariae 2. >war%D H6 nana . Herpes*iridae-eter sensi*e 4. ;rue o% W6bancroIiiD no terminal nuclei 7"6 malayi yun8 *. 'utaneous lar*a migransD $ncylostoma brasilense ,. 2sed in coagulase testD a. +eep b. 9uman c. Goat '' 16 Wat Wat does does 2 stan stand d %or %or in 'lear 'learanc ance eJ urine 2(K3P? 2rine 'reanine in mg3dl /6 1/ mg3dl mg3dl o% uric uric acid acid to mmol3l mmol3l J 06.1 06.1 B6 ;'J/0 ;'J/00L 0L H>#JB0 H>#JB0LL ;$GJ ;$GJ10 10 compu compute te %or %or #># J 10mg3dl 6 Wic Wic one one is is not not nee neede ded d in in computaon %or #>#? #># J ;' N 7H># O K#>#8 a6 H># b6 K#># c6 ;$G$G- ind indir irect ectly ly need needed ed d6 ;' 6 $brup $bruptt cang cange e to new mean mean in in #e*y #e*y enningQs cart a6 >ispers ersion b6 +iI c6 ;rend 46 Hypot Hypotyr yroid oidism ism ;B ;B and ; ; upta5 upta5e e are? are? a6 "ot ig b6 "ot low c6 :ne :ne is is *ery *ery ig ig and and one one is moderately ig
bilirubin 7increase ;" = 0 is
monitored? Hepac en&ymes, "ilirubin, 'oagulaon %actos 16 Glucose Glucose o(idase nega*eL nega*eL "enedictQs "enedictQs test posi*e in new bornD )nborn error o% metabolism 16 ;$G as %asng %asng 1/-1 rs rs 7ideal- 1/rs8 146 9$'! meaning meaning J rescue, alarm, alarm, contain contain,, e(nguis 1.6 <0 mg3dl alcool alcool le*el le*el or 0606 0606 Wat is te presumpon a6 Sot Sot unde underr inu inuen ence ce o% o% alco alcoo oll b6 Presum Presumed ed to to be be unde underr inu inuenc ence e o% alcool c6 So pres presum ump pon on can can be be don done e 1E6 !ndogenous !ndogenous ;$GD ;$GD K#># 16 !(ogenous ;$GD 'ylomicrons 'ylomicrons /06 H!P$ H!P$ meaningJ meaningJ ig eTciency eTciency parculate air /16 2ricaseD 2ricaseD !n&yma !n&ymacDH/0/ cDH/0/ //6 aey aey and Mancini Mancini metodD aey aey E/B6 /6 /6
./ ours and sensi*e 'on*ert 'on*ert 06mg3dl 06mg3dl )g> to mmol3#D mmol3#D 60 60 pH measurement measurementDD Potenometr Potenometry y )n*ol*e )n*ol*ed d in %emale ormones ormonesDD a6 Hirsusm b6 Poly Polyci cis scc o*a o*ari rian an dse dse c6 )n%erlity d6 $ll p'0/D increas increase e B wen increase increase 1Q
temp /.6 "lood wit wit no ancoagulan ancoagulantt blood glucose decreasesD .mg3dl per our /E6 $c*ity $c*ity depends on increase increase substrate substrate concentraon6 )ncrease in substrate substrate - - - -%or en&yme e(cessD irst order 5inecs e *ic
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b6 $#; c6 ' U d6 $'P B/6 )ncrease )ncrease in gauge gauge o% needleD needleD decrease decrease in bore o% needle6 BB6 $ll are true %or %or +odium e(ceptD e(ceptD %or %or ner*e impulses B6 Middle Middle *alue *alue o% dateD dateD Median Median B6 reVuentl reVuently y seen in dateD dateD Mode Mode B46 ;otal di*ided di*ided by by te number o% populaonsD Mean B.6 ;rue about about connuous connuous owD owD a6 2se 2se o% o% sep separ arat ate e cu* cu*et etss b6 2se 2se o% o% sr srri ring ng rod c6 'on 'onnuo nuou us tubi tubing ng d6 $ll $llows +;$ +;$; BE6 >iFeren >iFerenate ate K#># %rom %rom #># and H>#D H>#D ;$G and cole content daw po 7?8 B6 'aracteri 'aracteriscs scs o% >MD >estruco >estrucon n o% " cells 7sa pancreas indi sa immunes system system ibig sabiin nito8L defciency o% insulin receptorsL increase blood glucose 06 Wic o% te %ollo %ollowing wing is not consider considered ed emergencyD ans is Glycosuria 16 Measure Measure o% substance substance in relaon relaon to oter substance in soluonD concentraon /6 'olor 'olor o% o% # mmol3#D use use ;$G3/61. ;$G3/61. 7 "inigay "inigay po bot %riedwald and de long but %riedwald ang commonly used8 6 Kariaon Kariaon in basal stateD e(ercise, e(ercise, diet diet 7$ll o% te abo*e8 'M 16 2rinom 2rinomet eter er steps stepsDD 16 ill ill urine urineLL /6 Place Place urinometer in twisng moonL B6 9ead at lower meniscus /6 Principle Principle o% protein protein strip? strip? Protein Protein errors errors o% indicators6 B6 +tain +tain tat tat best best diFere diFerena nates tes small small cells cells and monocyc cells?
6 Gi*e Gi*ess grea greate test st pro probl blem em in in re%ractometer? a6 bubbles b6 'ells c6 'rystals d6 Hig Hig prot protei ein n 6 +ame +ame paen paentt *oide *oided d urine urine tric trice6 e6 Wic Wic as igest specifc gra*ity? a6 $ll $ll a a*e sam same e +G +G b6 B0 ml c6 100ml d6 E0ml 46 Hig Hig ren renin in cor corre resp spon onds ds to? to? a6 #ow #ow sodi sodium um and and low low plas plasma ma *olume b6 Hig Hig pot potass assium ium and low low plasm plasma a *olume c6 #ow #ow aldo aldosstero erone .6 #ow #ow !P: !P: due toD a6 9enal enal dise diseas ase e b6 'ar 'ardiom diomeg egal aly y E6 >iluen >iluentt %or %or W"' '+ 'oun 'ountD tD $cec $cec $cid $cid 6 >ilut >ilute e urine urine eFec eFectt on 9"'D 9"'D +well +wellLL appears li5e a alo 106 'ursman 'ursman spirals spirals a6 !long !longat ated ed crys crystal talss wit wit 'ar 'arcot cot #eyden b6 +pira +pirall micro microorg organi anisms sms stai stainin ning g gram nega*e 116 How muc can can te glomerulu glomeruluss flter? #ess tan a6 <05>a b6 <405>a c6 <.05>a d6 .000 1/6 ;emperature %or %or ;otal ;otal W"' '+ countD countD 9e%rigeraon 9e%rigeraon temp6 1B6 PospateD $luminum molybdate molybdate %or %or determinaon 16 ructose in seminalysis i% delayed delayed %or %or / oursD store at ree&ing temp ll a*ailable %or analysis 16 'a:( Monoydr Monoydrate ate sapeD sapeD !longated !longated ourglass sape 146 ;rue about about sputum sputum a6 Sorm Sormal al body body ui uid b6 2sua 2suall lly y gree green n colo colorr c6 $ll $ll o% te te items ems d6 rom rom tra trac ceo eo-b -bro ronc nci ial al 1.6 irst irst stage in spermatoge spermatogenesis nesisDD +permatogonia 1E6 or newborn newborn screening screening specimen specimen
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b6 'on 'onRugated c6 >irect d6 Sone /06 "ilirubin "ilirubin measurem measurement ent in amnioc uidD uidD +pectropotometry /16 ;rue ;rue o% "iosa%ety cabinet ))D #aminar ow //6 "ioa&ard symbolD ;ree circles circles arrange arrange in a triangle connected by a circle in te middle /B6 +arps +arps sympolD sympolD +yringe +yringe enclosed enclosed in a circle to ma5e it loo5 li5e an XYZ /6 :ligoclon :ligoclonal al bandD Seurosypi Seurosypilis lis not Mulple MC!#:M$ 7common mista5e8 mista5e8 /6 :ccult blood blood in stoolD Pseudopero(idase Pseudopero(idase ac*ity o% aemoglobin /46 "londeimD ;o ;o diFerenate diFerenate myoglobin and aemoglobin /.6 Principle Principle o% protein protein reagent reagent stripD $lbumin accepts ydrogen ions wic canges te pH /E6 Uetone Uetone reagent reagent strip colorD colorD Purple /6 Uetone Uetone reagen reagentt stripD stripD a6 $cet $cetoa oace cec c aci acid d and and nitroprusside b6 $cetone $cetone and peno penosup supt tale alein in c6 $ll items d6 "eta "etayd ydro ro(yb (ybuty utyric ric acid acid and --B06 Wat tell tell paent paent in collecon collecon %or %or seminalysisD 7M::9+! ;CP!8 a6 $bst $bstai ain n %or %or /-B wee5 wee5ss J 7/-. 7/-. days8 b6 So alco alcoo oll dri dri5i 5ing ng c6 Plac Place e in in pen penic icil illi lin n bo[ bo[le le d6 So sm smo5ing B16 +tool W"' W"' diFerena diFerenall countD countD a6 Polym Polymorp orpon onucl uclear ear cells cells and Monocyte b6 Pagoc Pagocyc yc and non-p non-pago agocy cycc c6 +egme +egment nter ers, s, Mono Monocy cyte tes, s, !osinopils B/6 Most Most abundant abundant W"' in in urineD urineD Seutropil 7?8 BB6 "est indicat indicator or %or urinary urinary bladder bladder in%econD Seutropil B6 )ndicato )ndicatorr %or $cute tubular tubular necrosisD necrosisD a6 "rown ca cast b6 =1000W"' c6 9ena 9enall cell cell-- ren renal al tub tubul ular ar epitelial cells d6 Hemo Hemogl glob obin inur uria ia
B.6 #east signifcant signifcant to most signifcant signifcant castD castD yaline yalin e = wbc = granular =rbc =Wa(y = broad yaline yali ne - rbc N granular granular-- wbc-Wa(y BE6 'ast in atlet atleteD eD 'ylinduria 'ylinduria B6 Gran Granular ular cast deri*ed deri*ed %romD %romD 'ells 7$pollon8 06 $ssoc $ssociat iated ed wit MelanuriaD MelanuriaD $lbinism $lbinism 16 Wic is not a PP!D sarpQ sarpQss container container Hematology 16 +e( cromo cromosom someD eD "arr "arr body body,, /6 Gray Gray , brown, brown, blui bluis s dots dots cont contain aining ing ribosomesD "asopilic spplings B6 $ssoci $ssociat ated ed wit wit lead lead poison poisoning ingDD "asopilic spplings 6 Wintro Wintrobe be tubeD tubeD 11 mm long long B mm mm internal bore 6 ;ilt ;ilt tube tube test test si&e si&e o% o% test test tubesD tubesD .(10mm 46 $*er $*erage age li%e li%e span span o% plat platele eletsD tsD 10 days days .6 Sot true true cell cell wi wic c %ragm %ragment entss only only %rom %rom te moter cell in te bone marrow? a6 !rytrocyt cyte b6 #eu5 eu5ocyt cyte c6 ;om ;omb bocy ocyte ans ans d6 $ll E6 'omput 'omputao aons ns %or %or corr correct ected ed W"' coun countt 7/ Vuesons8 6 Wen Wen is n9"' n9"' cons conside idered red signif signifcan cant? t? n9"' present 106 Kitamin Kitamin U dependent dependent 7as5ed twice8D twice8D /,.,,10 116 =B0 ( 10\ 10\ W"'D >ilute >ilute at 1D/00 1D/00 1/6 061 to B0(10\D B0(10\D >ilute >ilute at 1L/0 1L/0 ]]]] 1B6 Paent Paent is bleeding bleeding wile being treated treated wit trombolyc in%usion someting6 "lood results o% blood ta5en >29)SG in%usion 7eparin8 P;;D Kery Prolong6 ibrinogenD ibrinog enD Kery Kery #ow6 Wat is te most li5ely disease? a6 Hypo Hypofb fbri rino noge gene nemi mia a b6 Hype Hyperp rpla lasm smin inem emia ia c6 #i*e #i*err and and 5idn 5idney ey dise diseas ase e d6 >)' ans 16 +tem cell to to blastD B- B- days6 days6 #i%e span in circulaonD 1/1 days6 Wat cell? a6 Monocyte b6 !ryt !rytr r yt
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a6 Monocyte an b6 !ryt !rytr roc ocyt yte e c6 #ympocyt cyte d6 "asopil 146 Pa Paent ent is bleeding bleeding wile being being treated treated wit trombolyc in%usion someting6"lood results o% blood ta5en "!:9! eparin P;;D Prolong6 ibrinogenD Kery low a6 Hypo Hypofb fbri rino noge gene nemi mia a b6 Hype Hyperp rpla lasm smin inem emia ia c6 #i*e #i*err and and Uidn Uidney ey dise diseas ase e d6 >)' 1.6 "one marrow marrow smear smear is prepared prepared byD a6 'rus b6 'on 'oncen centra trate c6 Parculate d6 $ll ans 1E6 How to to ma5e ma5e good smear? a6 +moo +moot t and and rapid apid b6 +moot an ans c6 +low d6 9apid 16 Wat can can be made wit autom automated ated smear ma5er? a6 Wedge an ans b6 'o*er sl slip c6 $ll /06 ailure ailure to create create secondary secondary en&ymesD en&ymesD Pelger uet /16 Hyposegmen Hyposegmentao taonD nD Pelger uet uet //6 $" classifcaon o% acute acute myeloblasc myeloblasc leu5emia W);H:2; maturaon J M1 /B6 >iFeren >iFerenate ate $## %rom %rom $M# in tat tat $## isD Sega*e to bot esterase and /6
/6 /46
pero(idise >iFeren >iFerenate ate 'M# %rom leu5emoid leu5emoid a6 "aso "asop pil ilss pr presen esentt b6 #$P #$P scor score e o% more more ta tan n 100 100 Grading Grading o% codocytes codocytes /0-03oi /0-03oi%D %D OB M'K
/6 )% tree tree pas pases es o% $b $b screen screen is is nega* nega*e, e, wat to doD $dd )gG coated cells 7cec5 cells8 B6 Wic Wic is is a clas classif sifca caon on o% o% cell cell 7?8 7?8 according to %uncon? a6 SU cell b6 " cell c6 ;cell d6 $ll 6 '> mar5 mar5er er %or %or ; cellsD cellsD '> and '>E 6 'B as as ig ig aTn aTnit ity y %or %orDD a6 ) g M b6 )gG 46 Mycet Mycetoma oma @ X"lac X"lac5 5 lung?ZD lung?ZD $spe $spergi rgill llus us %umigatus .6 MH' lymp lympot oto( o(ici icity ty micro microsco scope pe usedD usedD Pase contrast microscope E6 >efcie >efciency ncy in in 'BD >ise >isease ase o% o% te 5id 5idney ney 7presumed to be $GS8 6 !n&yme !n&yme presen presentt in neut neutro ropi pill but but absent in monocyte? a6 Pero ero(idise b6 $#P c6 $'P 106 $ll as end end stage stage e(cept? e(cept? a6 Monocyte b6 Seutropil c6 !osinopil 116 Penicillin 7$n-penicillin8D 7$n-penicillin8D ;ype ;ype )) ypersensi*ity 1/6 $ssociat $ssociated ed wit airy cell leu5emia? leu5emia? a6 !"K b6 'MK c6 H;#K-/ 1B6 $nbody $nbody is to $ngenL $ngenL )mmunogen )mmunogen is to )mmunoglobulin 16 9agocytesD 9agocytesD 9eumat 9eumatoid oid $rtris $rtris 16 'irculan 'irculang g in 9eumatoid 9eumatoid artrisD artrisD 9eumatoid %actor 146 Pat Paternity ernity tesngD tesngD dna tesng tesng 1.6 ;o diFerenate diFerenate $": @ 9 H>SD H>SD $mnioc uid :6> 1E6 $mnioc $mnioc uid, uid, bilirubin bilirubinDD +pectropotometry 16 W" to P9"' wat wat to doD 'ange 'ange label to to P9"' and adRust e(piraon date 7raonaleD becomes open system8 system8 /06 $n $ $n " OO O Possible cause?
$n $" O
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/16 !mergency !mergency and and no : nega* nega*e e or : posi*e cells a*ailable6 Wat sould be gi*en? a6 $" neg nega* a*e pla plasm sma a b6 : "omb "omba ay blo blood od c6 'ry 'rystalloid //6 Sot indicat indicated ed %or 'ryoppt 'ryopptDD a6 Hypo Hypofb fbri rino noge gene nemi mia a b6 *W dse c6 Y))) ))) de defcie ciency d6 );P /B6 Mr6 Mr6 Palanca is a resident in Palawan %or %or 10 years6 How many years de%erral be%ore blood donaonD B years 7 1 year i% tra*eller8 /6 Point Point o% care care tesng %or %or H"+$g a6 Kiral lo load b6 P'9 c6 +andwi +andwic c metod metod 7inisi 7inisip p 5o 5o na na lang po yung 5it na readily a*ailable at yung principle niya8 /6 Most Most number o% o% subgroups subgroupsDD a6 $ b6 " c6 $ " d6 :
Histopat-M; laws 16 9e*oca 9e*ocaon on o% o% licen licenseD seD B3B B3B or unan unanimo imous us /6 +uspen +uspensio sion n o% lice license nseDD /3B or maRor maRority ity B6 1 legal legal counse counsell and and / member memberss o% o% board- 'omposion o% tribunal wo will conduct administra*e administra*e in*esgaon in*esgaon 6 Member Memberss o% boar board d are are appoin appointed ted byD byD President o% Pilippines 6 Most Most common commonly ly used used f(a* f(a*eD eD $lde $ldeyd yde e 46 i(a* i(a*e e %or )mmu )mmuno nois isto tocem cemis istry tryDD :smium tetro(ide and Glutaradleyde