Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of Master of Business Administration (Session: 2014 – 2016 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF:
Kawaljeet S!"# SUBMITTED BY:
S$!a Ra!a !oll no" 14110002#$
S%%& Ma!'al U!(e)*t+STUDENT
% Sonia rana & student Si''im Manipal Manipal uniersit) uniersit)&& of the bat*h 2014+ 2016 de*lare that % hae hae *om *omplet pleted ed m) thes thesis is on the the topi topi** ,-. ,-. S-/ S-/ . !3! !3!/% /%-M -M35 35- A5 S33-%.5 7!.3SS A- %%% BA589" -he information submitted is true and oriinal to the best of m) 'nowlede"
A-3: A-3: ;;;;;;;;;;; S%<5AS%<5A-/!3 . S-/35-;;;;;;;;;;;;; S-/35-;;;;;; ;;;;;;;
%& Sonia !ana& student of MBA (<353!A at Si''im Manipal /niersit) of the bat*h 2014+2 201 4+2016 016 de*lar de*laree that that m) uide uide Mr" Mr" 8awal= 8awal=eet eet Sinh has approed approed the thesis thesis&& as a *omplete and final wor' requirin no further alterations on the topi* ,-. S-/ . !3!/%-M35- A5 S33-%.5 7!.3SS A- %%% BA589" >hile underoin m) thesis % was in reular *onta*t with m) uide and met him 6 times for dis*ussin the proress of m) thesis"
A-3: A-3: ;;;;;;;;;;;;; S%<5AS%<5A-/!3 . %3: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;& ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;&
ACKNO,LEDGEMENT A trainin report is neer the sole produ*t of the person whose name appears on the *oer" -here is alwa)s help& uidan*e and suestion of man) in preparation of su*h a report" So it be*omes m) first dut) to e?press m) ratitude towards all of them" % woul would d also also li'e li'e to e?pre e?press ss m) ratit ratitude ude to M)M)- Kawaljeet Kawaljeet S!"# a*ult)& at Si''im Manipal /niersit) for her e?*ellent uidan*e and help throuhout the trainin period" % want to a*'nowlede the help proided b) uide and friends" -he pre*ious inputs proided b) them hae helped in *ompilin this report" As well as % want to than' m) friends and *olleaues who helped me in this wor'in" % e?press m) deep+hearted than's and ratitude to all of those who helped me in this 7ro=e*t"
E.e/0t(e S0&&a)+""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@ C#a'te) 1 %ntrodu*tion"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""6 C#a'te) 2 .b=e*tie and S*ope""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""26 C#a'te) 3 Methodolo)"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2$ C#a'te) 4 ata olle*tion""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#0 C#a'te) 5 ata Anal)sis """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""4@ C#a'te) 6 !e*ommendations"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@6 C#a'te) 7 on*lusion"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""@ A!!e.0)e* """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""61 B8l$")a'#+ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""6#
Ad=ustin the e?istin staff profile to the desired one is frequentl) a radual pro*ess" As the older staff retires& new stall has to be re*ruited not onl) for repla*ement hut also to proide for an) e?pansion in seri*e" -he re*ruitment and sele*tion effort should be a s)stemati* one and *ould inole the announ*ement of =ob a*an*ies" Su*h announ*ement should dearl) state the desired qualifi*ations of the new stall& su*h as a*ademi* ba*'round& preious wor' e?perien*e& and so forth& and should dearl) des*ribe the re*ruitment pro*ess" -ransparen*) in the re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess is important as this will set the standard far a new *areer at *ustoms and *urb the tenden*ies for faoritism and *lientelism that often plaue re*ruitment in the publi* se*tor 7ubli* adertisin of a*an*ies as well as parti*ipation in =ob fairs and isits to s*hools of hiher learnin are re*ommended to ensure that qualified people appl) for the adertised =ob" %n toda)Cs rapidl) *hanin business enironment& oraniDations hae to respond qui*'l) to requirements for people" Een*e& it is important to hae a well+defined re*ruitment poli*) in pla*e& whi*h *an be e?e*uted effe*tiel) to et the best fits for the a*ant positions" Sele*tin the wron *andidate or re=e*tin the riht *andidate *ould turn out to be *ostl) mista'es for the oraniDation" Sele*tion is one area where the interferen*e of e?ternal fa*tors is minimal" Een*e the E! department *an use its dis*retion in framin its sele*tion poli*) and usin arious sele*tion tools for the best results" -hese *aselets dis*uss the importan*e of hain an effe*tie re*ruitment and sele*tion poli*)"
CHAPTER ; 1 INTRODUCTION %5-!./-%.5 Euman resour*es are an in*reasinl) broadenin term that refers to manain Ghuman *apital&G the people of an oraniDation" -he field has moed from a traditionall) administratie fun*tion to a stratei* one that re*oniDes the lin' between talented and enaed people and oraniDational su**ess" -he field draws upon *on*epts deeloped in %ndustrialH.raniDational 7s)*holo) and S)stem -heor)" Euman resour*es has at least two related interpretations dependin on *onte?t" -he oriinal usae deries from politi*al e*onom) and e*onomi*s& where it was traditionall) *alled labor& one of four fa*tors of produ*tion althouh this perspe*tie is *hanin as a fun*tion of new and onoin resear*h into more stratei* approa*hes at national leels" -his first usae is used more in terms of Chuman resour*es deelopmentC& and *an o be)ond =ust oraniDations to the leel of nations" -he more traditional usae within *orporations and businesses refers to the indiiduals within a firm or aen*)& and to the portion of the oraniDation that deals with hirin& firin& trainin& and other personnel issues& t)pi*all) referred to as Chuman resour*es manaementC" C$)'$)ate Ma!a"e&e!t:
%n the er) narrow *onte?t of *orporate Ghuman resour*esG manaement& there is a *ontrastin pull to refle*t and require wor'pla*e diersit) that e*hoes the diersit) of a lobal *ustomer base" orein lanuae and *ulture s'ills& inenuit)& humor& and *areful listenin& are e?amples of traits that su*h prorams t)pi*all) require" %t would appear that these eiden*e a eneral shift throuh the human *apital point of iew to an a*'nowledment that human beins do *ontribute mu*h more to a produ*tie enterprise than Gwor'G: the) brin their *hara*ter& their ethi*s& their *reatiit)& their so*ial *onne*tions& and in some *ases een their pets and *hildren& and alter the *hara*ter of a wor'pla*e" -he term *orporate *ulture is used to *hara*teriDe su*h pro*esses at the oraniDational leel"
-he traditional but e?tremel) narrow *onte?t of hirin& firin& and =ob des*ription is *onsidered a 20th *entur) ana*hronism" Most *orporate oraniDations that *ompete in the modern lobal e*onom) hae adopted a iew of human *apital that mirrors the modern *onsensus as aboe" Some of these& in turn& depre*ate the term Ghuman resour*esG as useless" et the term suries& and if related to Iresour*efulnessC& has *ontinued and emerin relean*e to publi* poli*)" %n eneral the abstra*tions of ma*ro+e*onomi*s treat it this wa) + as it *hara*teriDes no me*hanisms to represent *hoi*e or inenuit)" So one interpretation is that Gfirm+spe*ifi* human *apitalG as defined in ma*ro+e*onomi*s is the modern and *orre*t definition of Ghuman resour*esG and that this is inadequate to represent the *ontributions of Ghuman resour*esG in an) modern theor) of politi*al e*onom)" I!<(<0al )e*'$!*e*:
%n reard to how indiiduals respond to the *hanes in a labour mar'et the followin should be understood: •
.**upational stru*ture – the norms and alues of the different *areers within an oraniDation" Mahone) 1$ deeloped # different t)pes of o**upational stru*ture namel) *raft (lo)alt) to the profession& oraniDation *areer (promotion throuh the firm and unstru*tured (lowerHuns'illed wor'ers who wor' when needed"
Euman !esour*es eelopment is a framewor' for the e?pansion of human *apital within an oraniDation or (in new approa*hes a muni*ipalit)& reion& or nation" Euman !esour*es is a *ombination of trainin and edu*ation& in a broad *onte?t of adequate health and emplo)ment poli*ies that ensures the *ontinual improement and rowth of the indiidual& the oraniDation& and the national human resour*efulness" Adam Smith states& ,-he *apa*ities of indiiduals depended on their a**ess to edu*ation9" Euman !esour*es eelopment is the medium that dries the pro*ess between trainin and learnin in a broadl) fosterin enironment" Euman !esour*es eelopment is not a defined ob=e*t& but a series of oraniDed pro*esses& ,with a spe*ifi* learnin ob=e*tie9 >ithin a national *onte?t& it be*omes a stratei* approa*h to interse*toral lin'aes between health& edu*ation and emplo)ment" St)0/t0)e:
!e*ruitment and sele*tion is the stru*ture that allows for indiidual deelopment& potentiall) satisf)in the oraniDations& or the nationCs oals" -he deelopment of the indiidual will benefit the indiidual& the oraniDation& or the nation and its *itiDens" %n the *orporate ision& the Euman !esour*es eelopment framewor' iews emplo)ees& as an asset to the enterprise whose alue will be enhan*ed b) deelopment& ,%ts primar) fo*us is on rowth and emplo)ee deelopmentKit emphasiDes deelopin indiidual potential and s'ills9 Euman !esour*es eelopment in this treatment *an be in+room roup trainin& tertiar) or o*ational *ourses or mentorin and *oa*hin b) senior emplo)ees with the aim for a desired out*ome that will deelop the indiidualLs performan*e" At the leel of a national strate)& it *an be a broad interse*toral approa*h to fosterin *reatie *ontributions to national produ*tiit)" T)a!!":
At the oraniDational leel& a su**essful Euman !esour*es proram will prepare the indiidual to underta'e a hiher leel of wor'& ,oraniDed learnin oer a ien period of time& to proide the possibilit) of performan*e *hane9" %n these settins& Euman !esour*es
is the framewor' that fo*uses on the oraniDations *ompeten*ies at the first stae& trainin& and then deelopin the emplo)ee& throuh edu*ation& to satisf) the oraniDations lon+term needs and the indiidualsL *areer oals and emplo)ee alue to their present and future emplo)ers" Euman !esour*es *an be defined simpl) as deelopin the most important se*tion of an) business its human resour*e b)& ,attainin or upradin the s'ills and attitudes of emplo)ees at all leels in order to ma?imiDe the effe*tieness of the enterprise9" -he people within an oraniDation are its human resour*e" Euman !esour*es from a business perspe*tie is not entirel) fo*used on the indiidualLs rowth and deelopment& ,deelopment o**urs to enhan*e the oraniDationCs alue& not solel) for indiidual improement" %ndiidual edu*ation and deelopment is a tool and a means to an end& not the end oal itself9" -he broader *on*ept of national and more stratei* attention to the deelopment of human resour*es is beinnin to emere as newl) independent *ountries fa*e stron *ompetition for their s'illed professionals and the a**ompan)in brain+drain the) e?perien*e" Re/)0t&e!t:
3mplo)ee re*ruitment forms a ma=or part of an %- *ompan)Cs oerall resour*in strateies whi*h see' to identif) and se*ure the people needed for the oraniDation to surie and su**eed in the short to medium+term" !e*ruitment a*tiities need to be responsie to the eer+in*reasinl) *ompetitie mar'et to se*ure suitabl) qualified and *apable re*ruits at all leels" -o be effe*tie these initiaties need to in*lude how and when to sour*e the best re*ruits internall) or e?ternall)" ommon to the su**ess of either are well+defined oraniDational stru*tures with sound =ob desin& robust tas' and person spe*ifi*ation and ersatile sele*tion pro*esses& reward& emplo)ment relations and human resour*e poli*ies& underpinned b) a *ommitment for stron emplo)er brandin and emplo)ee enaement strateies" %nternal re*ruitment *an proide the most *ost+effe*tie sour*e for re*ruits if the potential of the e?istin pool of emplo)ees has been enhan*ed throuh trainin& deelopment and other performan*e+enhan*in a*tiities su*h as performan*e appraisal& su**ession plannin and
deelopment *entres to reiew performan*e and assess emplo)ee deelopment needs and promotional potential" %n*reasinl)& se*urin the best qualit) *andidates for almost all small s*ale %- *ompanies will rel)& at least o**asionall) if not substantiall)& on e?ternal re*ruitment methods" !apid *hanin business models demand s'ills of e?perien*es whi*h *annot be sour*ed or rapidl) enouh deeloped from the e?istin emplo)ee base" %t would be unusual for an oraniDation toda) to underta'e all aspe*ts of the re*ruitment pro*ess without support from third+part) dedi*ated re*ruitment firms" -his ma) inole a rane of support seri*es& su*h as proision of Ns or resumes& identif)in re*ruitment media& adertisement desin and media pla*ement for =ob a*an*ies& *andidate response handlin& short listin& *ondu*tin aptitude testin& preliminar) interiews or referen*e and qualifi*ation erifi*ation" -)pi*all)& small %- *ompanies ma) not hae in+house resour*es or& in *ommon with %- *ompanies& ma) not possess the parti*ular s'ill+set required to underta'e a spe*ifi* re*ruitment assinment" >here requirements are arise these will be referred on an adho* basis to oernment =ob *entres or *ommer*iall) run emplo)ment aen*ies" 3?*ept in se*tors where hih+olume re*ruitment is the norm& an oraniDation fa*ed with an une?pe*ted requirement for an unusuall) lare number of new re*ruits at short noti*e will often hand oer the tas' to a spe*ialist e?ternal re*ruiter to manae the end+to+end resour*in proram" Sour*in e?e*utie+leel and senior manaement as well as the a*quisition of s*ar*e or Ohih+potentialL re*ruits has been a lon+established mar'et seri*ed b) a wide rane of Osear*h and sele*tionL or OheadhuntinL *onsultan*ies whi*h t)pi*all) form lon+standin relationships with their *lient oraniDations" inall)& *ertain oraniDations with sophisti*ated E! pra*ti*es hae identified there is a stratei* adantae in outsour*in *omplete responsibilit) for all wor'for*e pro*urement to one or more third+ part) re*ruitment aen*ies or *onsultan*ies" %n the most sophisti*ated of these arranements the e?ternal re*ruitment seri*es proider ma) not onl) ph)si*all) lo*ate& or OembedL& their resour*in team(s within the *lient oraniDationCs offi*es but will wor' in tandem with the senior human resour*e manaement team in deelopin the loner+term E! resour*in strate) and plan"
-houh human resour*es hae been part of business and oraniDations sin*e the first da)s of ari*ulture& the modern *on*ept of human resour*es bean in rea*tion to the effi*ien*) fo*us of -a)lorism in the earl) 100s" B) 120& ps)*holoists and emplo)ment e?perts in the /nited States started the human relations moement& whi*h iewed wor'ers in terms of their ps)*holo) and fit with *ompanies& rather than as inter*haneable parts" -his moement rew throuhout the middle of the 20th *entur)& pla*in emphasis on how leadership& *ohesion& and lo)alt) pla)ed important roles in oraniDational su**ess" Althouh this iew was in*reasinl) *hallened b) more quantitatiel) riorous and less GsoftG manaement te*hniques in the 160s and be)ond& human resour*es deelopment had ained a permanent role within oraniDations& aen*ies and nations& in*reasinl) as not onl) an a*ademi* dis*ipline& but as a *entral theme in deelopment poli*)" O8je/t(e* $= Re/)0t&e!t:
!e*ruitment is an important part of an oraniDationLs human resour*e plannin and their *ompetitie strenth" ompetent human resour*es at the riht positions in the oraniDation are a ital resour*e and *an be a *ore *ompeten*) or a stratei* adantae for it" -he ob=e*tie of the re*ruitment pro*ess is to obtain the number and qualit) of emplo)ees that *an be sele*ted in order to help the oraniDation to a*hiee its oals and ob=e*ties" >ith the same ob=e*tie& re*ruitment helps to *reate a pool of prospe*tie emplo)ees for the oraniDation so that the manaement *an sele*t the riht *andidate for the riht =ob from this pool" !e*ruitment a*ts as a lin' between the emplo)ers and the =ob see'ers and ensures the pla*ement of riht *andidate at the riht pla*e at the riht time" /sin and followin the riht recruitment processes *an fa*ilitate the sele*tion of the best *andidates for the oraniDation" %n this is *ompetitie lobal world and in*reasin fle?ibilit) in the labour mar'et& re*ruitment is be*omin more and more important in eer) business" -herefore& re*ruitment seres as the first step in fulfillin the needs of oraniDations for a *ompetitie& motiated
and fle?ible human resour*e that *an help a*hiee its ob=e*ties" Eere at 5au'rihub& the) attempt to proide a detailed insiht into the concept of recruitments& re*ruitment pro*ess and its sour*es& recent trends in recruitment, recruitment strategies and the s*enario in the industr) alon with the *areer options for re*ruiters" S$0)/e $= Re/)0t&e!t:
3er) oraniDation has the option of *hoosin the *andidates for its re*ruitment pro*esses from two 'inds of sour*es: internal and e?ternal sour*es" -he sour*es within the oraniDation itself (li'e transfer of emplo)ees from one department to other& promotions to fill a position are 'nown as the internal sources of recruitment " !e*ruitment *andidates from all the other sour*es (li'e outsour*in aen*ies et*" are 'nown as the e?ternal sour*es of the re*ruitment" S$0)/e* $= Re/)0t&e!t
A<(a!ta"e a!< <*a<(a!ta"e $= S$0)/e*
S$&e I!te)!al S$0)/e* $= Re/)0t&e!t* a)e "(e! 8el$w: T)a!*=e)*: -he emplo)ees are transferred from one department to another a**ordin
to their effi*ien*) and e?perien*e" P)$&$t$!*: -he emplo)ees are promoted from one department to another with
more benefits and reater responsibilit) based on effi*ien*) and e?perien*e" .thers are /pradin and emotion of present emplo)ees a**ordin to their performan*e" !etired and !etren*hed emplo)ees ma) also be re*ruited on*e aain in *ase of shortae of qualified personnel or in*rease in load of wor'" !e*ruitment su*h people sae time and *osts of the oraniDations as the people are alread) aware of the oraniDational *ulture and the poli*ies and pro*edures"
-he dependents and relaties of e*eased emplo)ees and isabled emplo)ees are also done b) man) *ompanies so that the members of the famil) do not be*ome dependent on the mer*) of others" E.te)!al *$0)/e* $= )e/)0t&e!t: •
P)e** A<(e)t*e&e!t* : Adertisements of the a*an*) in newspapers and =ournals
are a widel) used sour*e of re*ruitment" -he main adantae of this method is that it has a wide rea*h" •
E<0/at$!al I!*tt0te* : Narious manaement institutes& enineerin *ollees&
medi*al ollees et*" are a ood sour*e of re*ruitin well qualified e?e*uties& enineers& medi*al staff et*" -he) proide fa*ilities for *ampus interiews and pla*ements" -his sour*e is 'nown as ampus !e*ruitment" •
Pla/e&e!t A"e!/e* : Seeral priate *onsultan*) firms perform re*ruitment
fun*tions on behalf of *lient *ompanies b) *harin a fee" -hese aen*ies are parti*ularl) suitable for re*ruitment of e?e*uties and spe*ialists" %t is also 'nown as !7. (!e*ruitment 7ro*ess .utsour*in" •
E&'l$+&e!t E./#a!"e* :
throuhout the *ountr)" -hese e?*hanes proide =ob information to =ob see'ers and help emplo)ers in identif)in suitable *andidates" •
La8$) C$!t)a/t$)*: Manual wor'ers *an be re*ruited throuh *ontra*tors who
maintain *lose *onta*ts with the sour*es of su*h wor'ers" -his sour*e is used to re*ruit labor for *onstru*tion =obs" •
U!*$l/te< A''l/a!t* : Man) =ob see'ers isit the offi*e of well+'nown *ompanies
on their own" Su*h *allers are *onsidered nuisan*e to the dail) wor' routine of the enterprise" But *an help in *reatin the talent pool or the database of the probable *andidates for the oraniDation"
E&'l$+ee Re=e))al* > Re/$&&e!
s)stem where the *urrent emplo)ees of the oraniDation *an refer their friends and relaties for some position in their oraniDation" Also& the offi*e bearers of trade unions are often aware of the suitabilit) of *andidates" !e*ruitment Manaement *an inquire these leaders for suitable =obs" %n some oraniDations these are formal areements to ie priorit) in re*ruitment to the *andidates re*ommended b) the trade union" •
Re/)0t&e!t at Fa/t$)+ Gate: /ns'illed wor'ers ma) be re*ruited at the fa*tor)
ate these ma) be emplo)ed wheneer a permanent wor'er is absent" More effi*ient amon these ma) be re*ruited to fill permanent a*an*ies" !e*ruiters for s*hools a*ross the *ountr) are ma'in use of both histori*all) su**essful and newer sour*es to fill *urrent a*an*ies for S7s and to identif) potential emplo)ees for the future" -hese sour*es in*lude: •
/niersit) prorams
Ads in lo*al and national newspapers
5etwor'in with *urrent staff and student tea*hers !e*ruitment aen*ies 5ational& state& and lo*al spee*h+lanuae+hearin asso*iations
Pob fairs
.nline lin's amon all rural& urban& and suburban s*hools in ien distri*ts and ia spe*ial
%%% Ban' is a ma=or ban'in and finan*ial seri*es oraniDation in %ndia" %t is the se*ond+ larest ban' b) reenue& profit and assets (behind State Ban' of %ndia and the larest priate se*tor ban' in %ndia b) mar'et *apitaliDation" -he ban' also has a networ' of 1&F00Q bran*hes (as on #1 Mar*h& 2010 and about 4&F21 A-Ms in %ndia and presen*e in 1$ *ountries& as well
some 24 million *ustomers (at the end of Pul) 200F" %%% Ban' offers a wide rane of ban'in produ*ts and finan*ial seri*es to *orporate and retail *ustomers throuh a ariet) of delier) *hannels and spe*ialiDation subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of inestment ban'in& life and non+life insuran*e& enture *apital and asset manaement" (-hese data are d)nami*" %%% Ban' is also the larest issuer of *redit *ards in %ndia" %%% Ban' has ot its equit) shares listed on the sto*' e?*hanes at 8ol'ata and Nadodara& Mumbai and the 5ational Sto*' 3?*hane of %ndia imited& and its A!s on the 5ew or' Sto*' 3?*hane (5S3" -he Ban' is e?pandin in oerseas mar'ets and has the larest international balan*e sheet amon %ndian ban's" %%% Ban' now has wholl)+owned subsidiaries& bran*hes and representaties offi*es in 1$ *ountries& in*ludin an offshore unit in Mumbai" -his in*ludes wholl) owned subsidiaries in anada& !ussia and the /8 (the subsidiar) throuh whi*h the EiSAN3 sains brand is operated& offshore ban'in units in Bahrain and Sinapore& an adisor) bran*h in ubai& bran*hes in Belium& Eon 8on and Sri an'a& and representatie offi*es in Banladesh& hina& Mala)sia& %ndonesia& South Afri*a& -hailand& the /nited Arab 3mirates and /SA" .erseas& the Ban' is taretin the 5!% (5on+!esident %ndian population in parti*ular" %%% reported a 1"1@R rise in net profit to !s" 1&014"21 *rore on a 1"2R in*rease in total in*ome to !s" &F12"#1 *rore in 2 September 200$ oer 2 September 200F" -he ban'Cs *urrent and sains a**ount (ASA ratio in*reased to #0R in 200$ from 2@R in 200F" %%% Ban' is one of the Big Four Banks of %ndia& alon with State Ban' of %ndia& %%% Ban' and E Ban' T its main *ompetitors" H*t$)+ $= ICICI 8a!%:
1?55: -he %ndustrial redit and %nestment orporation of %ndia imited (%%%
was in*orporated at the initiatie of >orld Ban'& the
1??4: %%% established Ban'in orporation as a ban'in subsidiar) formerl)
%ndustrial redit and %nestment orporation of %ndia" ater& %%% Ban'in orporation was renamed as C%%% Ban' imitedC" %%% founded a separate leal entit)& %%% Ban'& to underta'e normal ban'in operations + ta'in deposits& *redit *ards& *ar loans et*" •
2@@1: %%% a*quired Ban' of Madura (est" 14#" Ban' of Madura was a
hettiar ban'& and had a*quired hettinad Mer*antile Ban' (est" 1## and %llan=i Ban' (established 104 in the 160s" •
2@@2: -he Boards of ire*tors of %%% and %%% Ban' approed the reerse
merer of %%%& %%% 7ersonal inan*ial Seri*es imited and %%% apital Seri*es imited& into %%% Ban'" After re*eiin all ne*essar) reulator) approals& %%% interated the roupCs finan*in and ban'in operations& both wholesale and retail& into a sinle entit)" At the same time& %%% started its international e?pansion b) openin representatie offi*es in 5ew or' and ondon" %n %ndia& %%% Ban' bouht the Shimla and ar=eelin bran*hes that Standard hartered Ban' had inherited when it a*quired
2@@3: %%% opened subsidiaries in anada and the /nited 8indom (/8& and
in the /8 it established an allian*e with lo)ds -SB" %t also opened an .ffshore Ban'in /nit (.B/ in Sinapore and representatie offi*es in ubai and Shanhai" •
2@@4: %%% opened a representatie offi*e in Banladesh to tap the e?tensie
trade between that *ountr)& %ndia and South Afri*a"
2@@5: %%% a*quired %nestitsionno+8reditn) Ban' (%8B& a !ussia ban' with
about /SU4mn in assets& head offi*e in Balabanoo in the 8alua reion& and with a bran*h in Mos*ow" %%% renamed the ban' %%% Ban' 3urasia" Also& %%% established a bran*h in ubai %nternational inan*ial entre and in Eon 8on" •
2@@6: %%% Ban' /8 opened a bran*h in Antwerp& in Belium" %%% opened
representatie offi*es in Ban'o'& Pa'arta& and 8uala umpur" •
2@@7: %%% amalamated Sanli Ban'& whi*h was headquartered in Sanli& in
Maharshtra State& and whi*h had 1@$ bran*hes in Maharshtra and another #1 in 8arnata'a State" Sanli Ban' had been founded in 116 and was parti*ularl) stron in rural areas" >ith respe*t to the international sphere& %%% also re*eied permission from the oernment of atar to open a bran*h in oha" Also& %%% Ban' 3urasia opened a se*ond bran*h& this time in St" 7etersbur" •
2@@: -he /S ederal !esere permitted %%% to *onert its representatie
offi*e in 5ew or' into a bran*h" %%% also established a bran*h in ran'furt" •
2@@?: %%% made hue *hanes in its oraniDation li'e elimination of loss
ma'in department and retren*hin outsour*ed staff or reneotiate their *hares in *onsequent to the re*ession" %n addition to this& %%% adopted a massie approa*h aims for *ost *ontrol and *ost *uttin" %n *onsequent of it& *ompensation to staff was not in*reased and no bonus de*lared for 200$+0"
B$a)< $= <)e/t$) •
Mr" 5" Naual ( *hairman
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mr" Sridar i)enar Mr" a'shami 5" mittal Mr" 5arendra mur'umbi Mr" Anupam puri Mr" Arun ramanathan Mr" M"'" Sharma Mr" 7"m" sinha 7ro" Marti <" subrahman)am Mr" -"S" Ni=a)am Mr" N"7rem wasta Mr" 8"N" 'amath (manain dire*tor V 3. Mr" handa 'o*hhar (=oint manain dire*tor M!" N"Naid)anathan (3?e*utie dire*tor Ms" Madhabi puri+ bu*h (3?e*utie dire*tor Mr" Son=o *hatter=ee (3?e*utie dire*tor
*$! a!< M**$!:
*$!: -o be the leadin proider of finan*ial seri*es in %ndia and a ma=or lobal ban'" M**$! we will leerae our people& speed& te*hnolo) and finan*ial *apital to: •
Be the ban'er of the first *hoi*e for our *ustomers b) delierin hih qualit)& world *lass produ*ts and seri*e"
3?pand the frontiers of our business loball)
7la) a proa*tie role in the full realiDation of %ndiaLs potential"
reate alue for our sta'eholders
Maintain hih standards of the oernan*e and ethi*s"
O)"a!at$!al *t)0/t0)e $= ICICI 8a!% %%% ban'Ls oraniDation stru*ture is desined to be fle?ible and *ustomer fo*used& while see'in to ensure effe*tie *ontrol and superision and *onsisten*) in standards a*ross the oraniDation and alin all areas of operation to oerall oraniDational ob=e*ties" -he oraniDational stru*ture is diided into si? prin*ipal roups+ • • • • • •
!etail ban'in >holesale ban'in %nternational ban'in !ural and ari*ulture ban'in
Retal 8a!%!"
!etail ban'in roup is responsible for produ*ts and seri*es for retail *ustomers and small enterprise in*ludin arious *redit produ*ts& liabilit) produ*t and insuran*e produ*t and transa*tion ban'in seri*e" ,#$le*ale 8a!%!"
-he wholesale ban'in roup is responsible for produ*ts and seri*es for lare and medium siDed *orporate *lients& in*ludin *redit and treasur) produ*t an d inestment ban'in" I!te)!at$!al 8a!%!"
%nternational ban'in roup is responsible for its international operation& in*ludin operations in arious oersea mar'ets as well as its produ*ts and seri*es for non+ resident %ndian and *orrespondent ban'in relationship"
R0)al a!< a")/0lt0)e 8a!%!"
-he rural& mi*ro ban'in V ari*ulture ban'in roup is responsible for enisionin and implementin rural ban'in strate) in*ludin ari*ulture ban'in and mi*ro finan*e" G$(e)!&e!tal 8a!%!"
-he oernment ban'in roup is responsible for oernment ban'in initiaties" C$)'$)ate /e!te) 8a!%!"
orporate *enter *omprise the internal *ontrol enironment fun*tion finan*e& human resits*es manaement& and fa*ilities manaement and administration et*"
P)$<0/t a!< *e)(/e*
Ba!%!" a//$0!t
%%% ban' offer a wide rane of ban'in a**ount su*h as *urrent& sain life plus senior& re*urrin deposit& )oun stars& salar) a**ount et*" tailor made for eer) *ustomer sements& from *hildren to senior *itiDens" Y$0!" *ta)* a//$0!t
A spe*ial portal for *hildren to learn ban'in basi*s& manae personal finan*e and hae a lot of fun" Ba!% /a&'0*
-his student ban'in seri*e ies students a**ess to their a**ount details at the *li*' of a mouse" 7lus the student ets a *he*' boo's& debit *ard and annual statement" Sa(!" a//$0!t
onenien*e is the name of the ame with %%% ban'Ls sain a**ount" >hether it is a A-M Hdebit *ard& eas) withdrawal& eas) loan options or internet ban'in" %%% ban'Ls sain a**ount alwa)s 'eeps )ou in tou*h of mone)" F.e<
%%% ban' offers a rane of deposit solutions to meet ar)in needs at eer) stae of life" I!*0)a!/e
-he %%% roup offers a rane of insuran*e produ*ts to *oer ar)in needs ranin from life& pensions and health& to home& motor and trael insuran*e" -he produ*ts are made a**essible to *ustomers throuh a wide networ' of adisors& ban'in partner& *orporate aents and bro'ers with the added *onenien*e of bein able to bu) online" L=e !*0)a!/e
-he %%% roup proides the man) life insuran*e produ*ts throuh %%% prudential life insuran*e *ompan) Ge!e)al !*0)a!/e
-he %%% roup proides the man) eneral insuran*e produ*ts li'e motor& trael and home& insuran*e throuh %%% ombard eneral insuran*e *ompan)" L$a!*
%%% ban' offers a rane of deposits solutions to meet ar)in needs at eer) stae of life" H$&e l$a!
-he number"1 home loan proider in the *ountr)" %%% ban' home loan offers some unbeatable benefits to its *ustomers+ doorstep seri*e& simplified do*umentation and uidan*e throuhout the pro*ess" Pe)*$!al l$a!
%%% ban' personal loans are eas) to et and absolutel) hassle free" >ith minimum do*umentation )ou *an se*ure a loan for a amount –upto !s 1@ la'hs" e#/le l$a!
-he 5."1 finan*ial for *ar loans in the *ountr)" 5etwor' of more than 2@00 *hannel partners in oer 1000 lo*ations" -ie+ ups with all leadin automobile manufa*tures to ensure the best deals" C$!t)$(e)*+:
%%% Ban' has been in fo*us in re*ent )ears be*ause of alleed harassment of *ustomers b) its re*oer) aents" isted below are some of the related news lin's: •
%%% Ban' was fined !s" @@ la'h for hirin oons ('nown *olloquiall) as GoodnessG to re*oer a loan" !e*oer) aents had& alleedl)& for*ibl) draed out a
)outh (who was not een the borrower from the *ar& beaten him up with iron rods and left him bleedin as the) droe awa) with the ehi*le" G>e hold %%% Ban' uilt) of the rossest 'ind of defi*ien*) in seri*e and unfair trade pra*ti*e for brea*h of terms of *ontra*t of hire+pur*haseHloan areement b) seiDin the ehi*le illeall)&9 5o *iiliDed so*iet) oerned b) the rule of law *an broo' su*h 'ind of *ondu*tG said Pusti*e P 8apoor& president of the *onsumer *ommission" •
our %%% loan emplo)ees arrested on theft *hares in 7un=ab
%%% Ban' told to pa) !s" 1 la'h as *ompensation for usin unlawful re*oer) methods"
!B% warns %%% Ban' for *oer*ie methods to re*oer loans
%%% Ban' dries *ustomer to sui*ide + our men in*ludin an emplo)ee of %%% Ban' boo'ed under se*tions 4@2& #06& @06 (%% and #4 of %7 for abettin sui*ide" A**ordin to the sui*ide note the) adised him& G%f )ou *annot repa) the ban' loan& sell off )our wife& )our 'ids& )ourself& sell eer)thin at )our home" 3en then if )ou *annot not pa) ba*' the due amount& then itCs better if )ou *ommit sui*ide"G %ndia biest priate ban' has *ompensated the life b) mone)
%%% Ban' on hue *ar re*oer) s*am in
amil) of " adaiah alleed that he was beaten to death b) %%% Ban'Ls re*oer) aents& for failin to pa) the dues" our persons were arrested in this *ase"
A father while tal'in to -imes of %ndia& alleed that G%%% Ban' re*oer) aents isited his house and threatened his famil)" And his son 5i'hil *onsumed poison be*ause of the tensionG"
.ppressed b) %%% Ban'Cs loan re*oer) aents& Sha'untala Poshi (#$& *ommitted sui*ide b) hanin" -he sui*ide note stated that she was upset with the ill+treatment meted out b) %%% Ban'Cs re*oer) aents and had thus de*ided to end her life"
%n another *ase of a sui*ide it is alleed that OoondasL sent b) %%% Ban' abused Eimanshu and his wife in front of the entire residential *olon) before ta'in awa) his ehi*le" eelin frustrated and insulted& he reportedl) *o mmitted sui*ide"
""5 Murth)& a s*ientist with the E)derabad+based %ndian %nstitute of hemi*al -e*hnolo)& was alleedl) tortured b) re*oer) aents of %%% Ban' after he defaulted on his loan",-he) humiliated me no end" -he) ripped m) shirt& shaed m) mousta*he& *ut m) hair and ae ele*tri* sho*'s on m) *hest and een spat on m) fa*eG adds Murth)"
A doDen re*oer) aents of %%% Ban'& ridin on bi'es& alleedl) for*ed a prominent law)er& Someshwari 7rasad& to stop his *ar" -he) held 7rasad at unpoint and also slapped him to for*e him" A manaer of the %%% Ban' bran*h& !a'esh Mehta& alon with four other emplo)ees were arrested"
%n a landmar' *ase& Allahabad Eih ourt had ordered reistration of an %! aainst %%% Ban'Cs bran*h manaer& 7resident& hairman and Manain ire*tor on a *omplaint of F@+)ear+old widow 7ra'ash 8aur" She had *omplained that ,oondas9 were sent b) the ban' to harass her and for*ibl) too' awa) her tru*'" >hen the Supreme ourt wanted to 'now about the pro*edure adopted b) the Ban'& %%% Ban' *ounsel said noti*e would be sent to a defaulter as'in him either to pa) the instalments or hand oer the ehi*le pur*hased on loan& failin whi*h the aents would be as'ed to seiDe it" >hen the Ben*h pointed out that re*oer) or seiDure *ould be done onl) leall)& %%% Ban' *ounsel said& G%f we hae to o throuh the leal pro*ess it would be diffi*ult to re*oer the instalments as there are millions of defaultersG"
-a'in stron e?*eption to %%% Ban'Cs use of CoondasC aainst a defaulter& the president of onsumer isputes !edressal orum said& G-he fa*t leaes us ahast at
the manner of fun*tionin and oondaism in whi*h the ban' is inoled for a pett) amount of !s 1&$$""" su*h attitude is deplorable and sends *hills down the spine""""-he ban' had the option to re*oer dues throuh leal means" -he) hae no leal riht to snat*h the ehi*le in su*h a manner whi*h amounts to robber)&G" %n this *ase re*oer) aents pointed a pistol at a defaulter when he tried to resist" %%% ban' arued that the) had ta'en pea*eful possession of the ehi*le Gafter due intimation to the *omplainant as he was irreular in remittin the monthl) instalmentsG" But the *ourt found out that the re*ords proed otherwise" •
-wo senior %%% Ban' offi*ials were boo'ed for abdu*tin one Ni'as 7orwal from his house and 'eepin him hostae in the Ban'Cs premises"
-he *redit *ard diision of the %%% Ban' alleedl) threatened a senior *itiDen in handiarh with a fi*titious arrest warrant on a**ount of a default that neer was"
A onsumer ommission has as'ed %%% Ban' M 8 N 8amath to appear before it in respe*t a *omplaint" A borrower on protestin aainst the for*eful dispossession of his *ar& as seen in the post+in*ident photoraphs& was rouhed up and sustained in=uries"
An 1$+)ear+old bo) was alleedl) 'idnapped and detained at the 7une bran*h of %%% Ban'"
-here hae been seeral other minor leal *ases a**usin harassment b) %%% Ban'
A *onsumer *ourt imposed a =oint penalt) of !s" 2@ la'h on %%% Ban' and Ameri*an 3?press Ban' for ma'in unsoli*ited *alls"
C$)'$)ate ')$=le:
%%% Ban' is %ndiaCs se*ond+larest ban' with total assets of !s" #&6#4"00 billion (/SU $1 billion at Mar*h #1& 2010 and profit after ta? !s" 40"2@ billion (/SU $6 million for the )ear ended Mar*h #1& 2010" -he Ban' has a networ' of 2&00 bran*hes and about @&21
A-Ms in %ndia and presen*e in 1$ *ountries" %%% Ban' offers a wide rane of ban'in produ*ts and finan*ial seri*es to *orporate and retail *ustomers throuh a ariet) of delier) *hannels and throuh its spe*ialised subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of inestment ban'in& life and non+life insuran*e& enture *apital and asset manaement" -he Ban' *urrentl) has subsidiaries in the /nited 8indom& !ussia and anada& bran*hes in /nited States& Sinapore& Bahrain& Eon 8on& Sri an'a& atar and ubai %nternational inan*e entre and representatie offi*es in /nited Arab 3mirates& hina& South Afri*a& Banladesh& -hailand& Mala)sia and %ndonesia" .ur /8 subsidiar) has established bran*hes in Belium and
%%% Ban' wins the Asian Ban'er Award for Best Ban'in Se*urit) S)stem
%%% Ban' is the first and the onl) %ndian brand to be ran'ed as the 4@th most aluable lobal brand b) BrandW -op 100
%%% Ban' has been ran'ed 1st in the term mone) *ateor)& from a list of #$ leadin Ban's b) the
orbesC 2000 most powerful listed *ompaniesC sure) ran'ed %%% Ban' 4th amon the %ndian *ompanies and 2$2nd loball)"
%%% Ban' was awarded -he Asian Ban'er A*hieement Award 200 for ash Manaement in %ndia"
-he 3*onomi* -imes+orporate ossier Annual Sure) of %ndia %n*Cs Most 7owerful 3.s featured Ms handa 8o*hhar& M and 3.& as the most powerful women 3. in %ndia" She was ran'ed 1#th in the oerall power list"
i?ed %n*ome 7ortfolio Manaement
endinHinan*in Solutions
7re*ious Metals %nestment
7riate 3quit) %nestment
Spe*ialiDed Seri*es + 3ntrepreneurs
XH!ates eriaties Supplier
%%% Ban' wins the Asian Ban'er Award for 3?*ellen*e in SM3 Ban'in 200
%%% Ban' won the se*ond priDe in the Si? Sima 3?*ellen*e Awards& *ondu*ted b) %ndian Statisti*al institute& Banalore for G%mproin Sales for -N Ban'in businessG
Mr"5" Nahul& ormer hairman& %%% Ban' was awarded the G7adma BhushanG
A lea
%%% Ban' see's to be at the forefront of te*hnolo) usae in the finan*ial seri*es se*tor" %nformation te*hnolo) is a stratei* tool for business operations& proidin the ban' with a *ompetitie adantae and improed produ*tiit) and effi*ien*ies" All the ban'Ls %initiaties are aimed at enhan*in alue& offerin *ustomer *onenien*e& and improin seri*e leels" %%% Ban' (5S3:%B5 is %ndiaCs se*ond larest ban' and larest priate se*tor ban'& with assets of /S 4# billion as of September #0&200@" %%% Ban' offers a wide rane of ban'in produ*ts and finan*ial seri*es to *orporate and retail *ustomers
throuh a ariet) of delier) *hannels and throuh its spe*ialiDed subsidiaries and affiliates" Areas in*lude inestment ban'in& life and non+life insuran*e& enture *apital& and asset manaement" Spe*ifi*all)& %%% Ban' is a leadin pla)er in the retail ban'in mar'et and has oer 14 million retail *ustomer a**ounts" -he ban' has a networ' of 600 bran*hes and e?tension *ounters and 2&060 A-Ms" %%% Ban' is rowin rapidl)& in part throuh its online seri*e offerins& and is *onsidered a te*hnolo) trendsetter in the Asian ban'in industr)" A l$+al S+&a!te/ /0*t$&e) =$) *. +ea)* a!< /$0!t!":
-he ban' set the stae for its te*hnolo) as*endan*) in 1 when it *onsolidated its %operations to a new data *enter in Mumbai" 7rair Nohra& Senior e too' a hard loo' at the ban'Ls requirements well into the future&9 he sa)s" ,Eih aailabilit) for our *ustomer+fa*in appli*ations was on the top of the list" %f m) *ustomers *annot transa*t& nothin else matters" An outae *an be hihl) detrimental to the ban'Ls reputation"9 As a result& the ban'Ls internal appli*ations needed to meet hih aailabilit) requirements" And all ban'in data had to be prote*ted and re*oered in *ase of disaster" %n buildin the ban'Ls Mumbai data*enter& Nohra loo'ed first to establish relationships with suppliers that *ould sole a whole *lass of problems& not =ust those suppliers who offered point solutions" ,-o build a world+ *lass infrastru*ture& we needed world+*lass software to manae our appli*ations and storae&9 e?plains Nohra" ,>e standardiDed on S)mante* produ*ts for our data *enter be*ause the) hae a well+desered reputation as bein best in *lass" Also& S)mante* supports all ma=or platforms& so we *an deplo) a sinle set of tools a*ross the entire infrastru*ture& simplif)in administration and redu*in trainin *osts"9 An additional de*ision fa*tor was S)mante*Ls broad rane of seri*es& from *onsultin to onsite edu*ation" Ta)"et!" #"# a(ala8lt+ =$) t#e e!< 0*e):
-o meet its data*enter aailabilit) oals& %%% Ban' runs its *ustomer+ fa*in seri*es and 'e) enterprise appli*ations su*h as ina*le ore Ban'in (%nfos)s& !etail oans S)stem (5u*leus -e*hnoloies& - 7rime redit ards 7ro*essin S)stem (ard -e*h
imited& and SA7 on hihl) aailable serers" -he data *enter has seeral Sun ire 1@8& 3600& 3200& and 36@00 enterprise+ *lass serers and arious Sun ire mid+rane serers T2@ in allT runnin the Solaris .peratin S)stem" %%% Ban' deplo)ed .ra*le i database and .ra*le !eal Appli*ation lusters (!A to proide a robust database *omponent for its enterprise appli*ations& while other appli*ations su*h as %nternet Ban'in and ustomer !elationship Manaement use Mi*rosoft S Serer 2000 3nterprise 3dition" -he lashSnap feature of Neritas Storae oundation allows %%% Ban' to lower its total *ost of ownership throuh more effi*ient use of its storae infrastru*ture" ,-he data for the ina*le appli*ation is stored on a new E7 Storae >or's X7 12000 dis' arra)&9 Nohra relates" ,>e ma'e periodi* point+in+time *opies of the data so that we *an restore the database in *ase there is a *orruption" >hile the E7 Storae >or's X7 12000 dis' arra) permits su*h internall) ia its natie as)n*hronous data repli*ation software& the lashSnap option allows us to write *opies of the data onto less e?pensie dis' arra)s from Eita*hi or Sun" >e aoid bu)in more storae hardware and et the most from our e?istin assets"9 I!(e*t$) Relat$!*:
%%% Ban' disseminates information on its operations and initiaties on a reular basis" -he %%% Ban' website seres as a 'e) inestor awareness fa*ilit)& allowin sta'eholders to a**ess information on %%% Ban' at their *onenien*e" %%% Ban'Cs dedi*ated inestor relations personnel pla) a proa*tie role in disseminatin information to both anal)sts and inestors and respond to spe*ifi* queries"
OBJECTIE OF THE STUDY: -he main ob=e*ties of the stud) are as follows:+ 1"
,-o stud) the re*ruitment and Sele*tion pro*ess in %%% Ban'"9 and suest the remedial measures"
-o find out the awareness about the !e*ruitment pro*ess and their wor'in methodolo)"
-o understand *andidates per*eptions about behaior reardin the interiew of an) ban' or an) post& and also of Ban'Ls e?pe*tations& methodolo) for re*ruitin and sele*tin a *andidate"
-o find and anal)De the arious fa*tors *ontributin to *hanin the =ob"
-o ealuate the re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess& methodolo) used at %%% Ban'"
SCOPE OF THE STUDY : M) stud) will be *onfined to: 1"
All the emplo)ees of %%% Ban'& 5ew elhi"
-he stud) *an be used for the further anal)sis and re*ommendations"
-he Ban' e?e*uties *an utiliDe the report for the purpose of finan*ial manaement" E! poli*ies and other stratei* de*isions"
-he *ompan) *an use the report to undero in the arious deals related with the re*ruitment ban'"
-houh eer) *ase has been ta'en to proide latest information& )et more information and improement *an be made in future"
%f the ban' wants to establish new bran*h& then this report will ie suffi*ient information to start E! 7ro*esses in oraniDation"
!esear*h methodolo) is the oraniDed stud) of spe*ifi* area of interest" %t is a s*ientifi* pro*edure to stud) the spe*ifi* issue start from the root *ause of the aim of the stud)"
-he basi* aim of this pro=e*t to stud) !e*ruitment and Sele*tion pro*ess and method used to motiate them at %%% Ban'"
Data C$lle/t$!
ata *onstitute the sub=e*t matter of anal)sis" .ne *annot draw inferen*e without anal)sis data" -he relean*)& adequa*) and reliabilit) of data determine the qualit) of stud)" -he entire s*ientifi* pro*ess of measurement& anal)sis& testin and inferen*e epends upon the aailabilit) of releant and a**urate data"
T+'e* $= Data
1" 7rimar) ata 2" Se*ondar) ata a)$0* Met#$<* $= C$lle/t!" P)&a)+ Data I*
or obtainin the primar) data for m) pro=e*t& % propose to use two resear*h instruments" (a%nteriew Method (b-hrouh uestionnaire (*-hrouh Stru*tured %nteriews& et*
Sample SiDe:
Sample omposition
3ntr) leel emplo)ees&
Middle leel emplo)ee
Stru*tured %nteriews (i
Sample SiDe:
Sample omposition
3ntr) leel emplo)ees&
Middle leel emplo)ee
a)$0* Met#$<* $= C$lle/t!" Se/$!
% propose to et se*ondar) data from: (a
ata from *ompan) %ntranet"
7reious data of re*ruitment pro*ess
.ther websites aailable"
Re/)0t&e!t a!< Sele/t$!:
,-he art of *hoosin men is not nearl) as diffi*ult as the art of enablin those one has *hosen to attain their full worth9" !e*ruitment is the pro*ess b) whi*h oraniDations lo*ate and attra*t indiiduals to fill =ob a*an*ies" Most oraniDations hae a *ontinuin need to re*ruit new emplo)ees to repla*e those who leae or are promoted in order to a*quire new s'ills and promote oraniDational rowth" !e*ruitment follows E! plannin and oes hand in hand with sele*tion pro*ess b) whi*h oraniDations ealuate the suitabilit) of *andidates" >ith su**essful re*ruitin to *reate a siDeable pool of *andidates& een the most a**urate sele*tion s)stem is of little use" !e*ruitin beins when a a*an*) o**urs and the re*ruiter re*eies authoriDation to fill it" -he ne?t step is *areful e?amination of the =ob and enumeration of s'ills& abilities and e?perien*e needed to perform the =ob su**essfull)" .ther steps follow: •
reatin an appli*ant pool usin internal or e?ternal methods
3aluate *andidates ia sele*tion
onin*e the *andidate
And finall) ma'e an offer
S*ope: -o define the pro*ess and flow of a*tiities while re*ruitin& sele*tin and ap pointin personnel on the permanent rolls of an oraniDation"
AuthoriDed Sinator)
Eead+ Euman resour*e
Manain dire*tor
A&e!<&e!t* a!<
An) amendments to and deiations from this poli*) *an onl) be authoriDed b) the Eead+ human !esour*es and the Manain ire*tor" E./l0*$!*:
-he poli*) does not *oer the detailed formalities inoled after the *andidate =oins the oraniDation" A/t(t+ Fl$w:
-he oraniDation philosoph) should be 'ept in mind while formulatin the re*ruitment pro*edure" -he E! department would set the re*ruitment norms for the oraniDation" Eoweer& the onus of effe*tie implementation and *omplian*e with the pro*ess rests with the heads of the respe*tie fun*tions and departments who are inoled in the re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess" -he pro*ess is aimed at definin the series of a*tiities that needs to be performed b) different persons inoled in the pro*ess of re*ruitment& the *he*'s and *ontrol measures to be adopted and information that has to be *aptured" !e*ruitment and Sele*tion is *ondu*ted b): •
E! V Bran*h Manaer
un*tional Eead
Re/)0t&e!t Pla!!!": Re/)0t&e!t 'la!!!" $! t#e 8a** $= 80<"et
A" -he manpower plannin pro*ess for the )ear would *ommen*e with the *ompan)Ls budetin a*tiit)" -he respe*tie un*tional heads would submit the manpower requirements of their respe*tie fun*tionsH departments to the board of ire*tors as part of the annual business plan after detailed dis*ussion with the head of human !esour*e un*tion alon with detailed notes in support of the pro=e*ted numbers assumptions reardin the dire*t and indire*t salar) *osts for ea*h position" B" A *op) of the dul) approed manpower plan would be forwarded b) the E! department for their further a*tions durin the *ourse of the )ear" -he annual budet would spe*if) the manpower requirement of the entire oraniDation& at different leels& in arious fun*tionsHdepartments& at different eoraphi*al lo*ations and the timin of the indiidual requirements" %t would also spe*if) the requirement budet& whi*h is the *ost allotted towards the re*ruitment of the budeted staff and the repla*ement of the e?istin emplo)ees" -he manpower plan would also *learl) indi*ate the e?a*t time at whi*h the in*umbent should be on board in su*h a wa) that the !eional E! has adequate noti*e for the time lapses inoled in sour*in an) other a*tiities" " -he !eional E!Ls would underta'e the plannin a*tiit) and ne*essar) preparations in adan*e of the anti*ipated requirements& as monthl) and quarterl) a*tiities on the basis of the approed budet& estimated separations and repla*ements therefore" " -he a*an*ies souht to be filled or bein filled shall alwa)s be within the approed annual manpower budet and no re*ruitment pro*ess shall be initiated without the formal *on*urren*e of the Eead of the !eional E! under an) *ir*umstan*e" Eead of the !eional E! shall also hae the responsibilit) to monitor the appointments bein *onsidered at an) point of time with spe*ifi* respe*t to the dul) approed manpower budets"
Re(ew $= Ma!'$we) Pla!* a!< A<<t$!al Ma!'$we)
A" !eiew of manpower budets shall ta'e pla*e on a quarterl) basis" %n the eent of an) new position or an) deiations to the oriinal plans& details of the positions ma)be forwarded to the N7+E! alon with the adequate supportin information" -he re*ommendations would normall) require a formal approal of the Manain ire*tor" Alternatel)& N7+E! ma) re*ord the summar) of his dis*ussion with the Manain ire*tor and the MLs approal on the re*ommendations& to sinif) the final de*ision ta'en reardin the re*ommendations" S$0)/!" O= S0ta8le Ca!<
!eional E! would tap arious sour*esH*hannels for ettin the riht *andidate" ependin on the nature of the positionHrade& olumes of re*ruitment and an) other releant fa*tors& the !eional E! would use an) one multiple sour*es su*h as: •
3?istin database (a*tie appli*ation data ban'
3mplo)ee referral as per an) *ompan) s*heme that ma) be approed from time to time
Adertisement in the internetHnewspapersHmaaDinesH*ompan)Ls sitesH=ob sites or an) other media
7la*ement Aen*ies (parti*ularl) for positions of Manaers and aboe
Eeadhuntin firms parti*ularl) for senior positions& spe*ialist positions and *riti*al positions
ire*t re*ruitment from *ampusesHa*ademi* institutes
Pob websites and
An) other appropriate sour*es"
-he norms for usin an) of the sour*es are not water tiht" 5umber of positions& *riti*alit) of positions and the uren*) of the positions& *onfidentialit) requirements& relatie effi*a*) and *ost *onsiderations would pla) a role in the *hoi*e of the appropriate sour*in me*hanism" A<(e)t*e&e!t*: •
All re*ruitment adertisements (in an) form and an) medium shall alwa)s *onform to the 8% *omplian*e norms and would not be released b) an) department or bran*h without the approal of the N7+E!" dependin on the spe*ifi*s of ea*h position for whi*h re*ruitment adertisements are to be released& !eional E! ma) obtain assistan*e from the *ompan)Ls mar'etin department andHor an) e?ternal adertisin aen*ies for the preparation of the *ontents" 8e) features of the positions as notified b) the un*tional Eeads would normall) form a part of the adertisement te?t"
-he media for releasin adertisement would depend on the leel of the position bein *onsidered and the uren*) of the requirements"
-he adertisement mode that *ould be broadl) spe*ified as newspapers (lo*al or mainline dependin on requirements& internet sites and business maaDines"
Pla/e&e!t A"e!/e*>Hea<#0!t!" A"e!/e* •
ependin upon the a*an*ies& fresher fittin different des*ription listed aboe ma) be re*ruited from time to time& from a*ademi* institutes of appropriate standardsHreputationHrade&
*ompensationHstipend amounts to be formall) approed of the N7+E!" 7lans for su*h re*ruitment need spe*ifi* spe*ial approal of N7+E!" norms reardin the identifi*ation of the appropriate institutes& *onstitution of the sele*tion panels& timins of the re*ruitment& number of *andidates to be re*ruited into different positions& *hoi*e of the appropriate sele*tion pro*ess and the tools thereof shall 4@
be de*ided b) the Eead of the !eional E! in *onsultation with the N7+E!& dependin on the spe*ifi* features of the position" S/)ee!!" t#e /a!<
-he andidates would be s*reened b) the E! ManaerHBran*h Manaer for the respe*tie lo*ations" S*reenin would be on the basis of the profile of the *andidate and the departmental requirements" -his assessment will be with respe*t to: a" -he eneral profile of the *andidate& b" 7ersonalit) fit of the *andidate into the profile& *" AptitudeHattitude of the *andidate& d" Moties of the person to =oin the *ompan) and whether fo*us is in the short term or is a lon term pla)er& e" Basi* s'ill leel on our set of requirements& sa) numeri*all) abilit)& networ'in abilit)& et* f" 3stablish the annual uaranteed *ash *ompensation of the indiidual and *he*' whether the person would fit into the s)stem" " 3?plain the role of Sales manaer to the appli*ant and *he*' the a**eptan*e of the *andidate for the same" %n *ase of need& the !eional E! ma) ta'e a -ele interiew of the *andidate for further assessment pro*ess" Se/$!< Le(el S/)ee!!" A'tt0
%f the first assessment is positie& the *andidates will ie the aptitude test& on*e su*h test is sele*ted approed b) the *ompan)" -he s*orin& interpretation and the eneration of interiew probes from that test will also be done at this time" 7eople who qualif) the minimum *riteria on this test will be put up on to the un*tional Eead (N7Ls in *ase of E. for fun*tional assessment and suitabilit) into the role" -ied Aen*) Sales Manaer *andidates short listed b) the BM hae will then ta'e sales Aptitude test& on*e su*h a test is finaliDed" or the final sele*tion& the reional Manaer (Business Eeads for E. will meet the *andidates short listed b) the bran*h manaerHN7" -he *hart spe*if)in the Minimum approal leel for ea*h leel of re*ruitment is spe*ified below:
Ge!e)al N$)&* )e"a)<!" !te)(ew P)$/e**:
A" %nteriews should *onsider the entire data proided b) the *andidate either throuh the formal N or otherwise before *omin to a *on*lusion about the *andidate" -he) ma) insist on seein the proof of the *laims made b) the *andidate reardin qualifi*ations& e?perien*e and other a*hieements" -he) ma)& at their dis*retion&
de*ide to meet the *andidate on more than one o**asion or to refer the *andidate to another panel" B" !atins on arious attributes of the *andidates shall be re*orded in the interiew ealuation sheet& soon after the interiew is oer" Alon with these numeri*al ratins& qualitatie obserations about the *andidate and oerall de*ision reardin sele*tion or otherwise (in*ludin a de*ision to defer the indu*tion& referral to another panel& *onsiderin for another position shall be forwarded to the asso*iated !e*ruitment ManaerH Eead of !eional E!" %ndiidual panel members hae the option of appendin their additional remar'sHobserations" 5o sele*tion will be treated as final unless the %3S form is filled *omprehensiel)" Suitabl) appropriate %3S formats ma) be *reated for spe*ifi* positions" " An) dis*repan*ies noti*ed b) the panel members reardin the authenti*it) of the data proided b) the *andidate should be spe*ifi*all) and formall) re*orded on the %3S form and suitabl) hih lihtened" " Spe*ifi* points to be probed durin the referen*e *he*' pro*ess& if an)& must also be *learl) re*orded and hih lihtened on the %3S forms" A<&!*t)at(e A/t$!* Re"a)<!" I!te)(ew*
A" S*hedulin and the enue of the interiews would be handled b) the re*ruitment team in *onsultation with the short listed *andidate and the sele*tion panel members& after ta'in mutual *onenien*e into a**ount" or field positions& respe*tie bran*hHreional heads would underta'e this *o+ordination" B" After the final round& if the *andidate is sele*ted& the *omplete set of papers 7ersonal ata orm& N& =ob requisition no"& %nteriew ealuation sheet &referen*e *he*' details& edu*ational details& alon with the interiewerLs re*ommendations and !eferen*e *he*' form should be forwarded b) the re*ruitment manaers to re*ruitment head" itment of the *andidate into a rade and *ompensation fitment shall be on the assumption of authenti*it) of the information proided in the NHappli*ation form" 4$
" An appropriate formal *ommuni*ation shall be sent to the *andidate whose *andidature is not bein ta'en forward& or details of the erbalHtelephoni* *ommuni*ations proided to the *andidate shall be re*orded on the *andidates papers& b) the re*ruitment teamHasso*iated line manaers" %n the *ase of interiews ta'in pla*e at the bran*hHreional leels& similar notin should be re*orded on the indiidual *andidateLs papers" Ne"$tat$!* $= t#e te)&* a!< /$!<t$!* a!< $t#e) ')ea''$!t&e!t =$)&alte*:
A" %n the *ase of sales+-ied Aen*) fun*tions& the bran*h manaers will be allowed to fi? the salar) and rade of the in*omin sales manaer& proided the *ompensation does not e?*eed 20R of the *andidates *urrent *ash salar)" An) fitment be)ond this norms will need the approal of Eead+E!" E! will forward a wor'sheet to support the BMLs to ealuate the appropriate *ash - of the in*umbent" or all other fun*tions& the *ompensation and rade would be fi?ed post a dis*ussion between the Eead of the !eional E! and the asso*iated AN7HN7" An) *andidate bein offered a - of more than 4la*s will need the sin off from E3A+E!" %n appropriate *ases& at the dis*retion of the N7+E!& a deiation ma) be referred to the Manain ire*tor& for the MLs formal approal" B" !esponsibilit) for neotiations and finaliDation of the terms shall rest with the best Bran*h ManaerHAsso*iated Manaer" -he) ma) see' the assistan*e of the re*ruitment manaers& wheneer required" !eferen*e *he*'s pro*ess should not normall) be initiated unless the *andidate has indi*ated his firm a**eptan*e of the offer bein made b) us" Re=e)e!/e /#e/%*
5ormal& referen*e *he*'s should be underta'en with at least one referen*e" A se*ond referen*e *he*' will be done if *onsidered ne*essar)" !esponsible offi*ials from the former emplo)ers& a*ademi* institutes andHor an) other eminent personalities *an be *onsidered as appropriate referen*es" lose relaties and friends *annot be *onsidered as referen*es" >hereer feasible and *onsidered appropriate& a
referen*e should be made with a senior offi*ial of the *andidateLs *urrent emplo)er" %n *ase the *andidate is *urrentl) un+emplo)ed& referen*e should be made with the latest emplo)er" -he format of referen*e *he*' is to be used as a framewor' for *ondu*tin the pro*ess" B"
>here the minimum two referen*e *he*'s are not possible (parti*ularl) with the *urrent emplo)er or where there is a mi?ed response from different sour*es& the matter ma) be to the N7+E! for a final de*ision" ependin on the seniorit) and an) other *onsiderations about the positions& N7+E! would normall) *onsult the fun*tional head *on*erned& before *omin to *on*lusions" An) *andidate whose *redentials are doubtful shall not be re*ruited"
%n *ase of re*ruitment of Manaement trainees& fresher and life adisors as sales Manaers no referen*e *he*'s will be required"
E&'l$+&e!t $==e) lette)
A" >hen a re*ruitment Manaer is full) satisfied about the sele*tion of the riht *andidate and about *ompletion of all the formalities *onne*ted with the appointment of *andidate in*ludin requisite do*umentation& satisfa*tor) referen*e *he*' reports and medi*al fitness& heHshe would forward the releant papers listed below to the head of re*ruitment" •
7ersonal ata form
3mplo)ee requisition form dul) filled b) the reional EeadHBran*h Manaer
manaerHinteriewer with hisHher *omments" •
atest and updated resume of the *andidate
7hoto*op) of the appointment letter of the last emplo)er or latest salar) slip"
3mplo)ment details"
-wo 7rofessional referen*es"
anuae 7rofi*ien*)"
o*ument *he*' list for eer) rade is as follows:
AuthoriDation !elease orm"
Ba*'round *he*' orm"
Eihest 3du*ation *ertifi*ate"
Eihest 3du*ation mar'sheet"
1 Month Salar) Slip of urrent 3mplo)er"
1 Month Salar) Slip of ast 3mplo)er"
!eliein etter of last 3mplo)ment"
7roof of !esiden*e"
2 7assport SiDe 7hotoraph"
!eional E! manaer will ta'e the sinature of Eead+E! on the emplo)ee requisition form and forward the papers to the emplo)ee seri*e team for issuan*e of the offer letter" " 3mplo)ee seri*es team will issue offer letter& to be sined b) the 5ational !e*ruitment Manaer or hief Manaer+E!& and send the same to the *on*erned Bran*h ManaerH E! Manaer" 3" %t would be the responsibilit) of the Bran*h ManaerHE! Manaer to ensure that the a**epted *op) of the offer letter is forwarded to the emplo)ee seri*e team within a wee' of re*eipt of the offer letter" -ill this letter is issued& the OofferL has not ta'en pla*e in formal sense" A *op) of the offer letter shall be dul) sined and returned to
the *andidate" andidate would be e?pe*ted to fulfill arious =oinin formalities& whi*h are also formall) *ommuni*ated to himHher in the form of a *he*'list that is atta*hed to the letter of offer" -he !eional E! head shall hae the oerall responsibilit) and a**ountabilit) to maintain the templates of the offer letters and also for draftin of suitable non+standard terms to an) spe*ifi* *andidate" " -he emplo)ee seri*e team will follow up Bran*h ManaerH!eional E! Manaer for the =oinin of the *andidate and will *olle*t all releant do*uments from the *andidate in*ludin the =oinin report& before issuin the appointment letter" The employee service team may enlist the help of the Branch Manager to ensure that all necessary documents within ten days o the person joining. After all ne*essar)
do*uments& the emplo)ee seri*e team will send the appointment letter to the new =oinee" <" .n*e the do*umentation is *omplete for the new =oinee (in*ludin the a**epted appointment letter& people who ma) hae =oined before 20th of the month but hae not been in*luded in the pa)roll for the month be*ause of dela) in re*eipt of papers will be ien ad+ho* salar) adan*e (up to ma?imum of 6@R of the pro rated salar)" -his adan*e will be ad=usted on*e the person ets in*luded in the subsequent monthLs pa)roll" E" %f the person does not submit the reliein letter from the preious oraniDation& where required to be submitted as per the table ien aboe& within three months of =oinin& the emplo)ee seri*e manaer *an put their salar) on hold till su*h time as the said do*uments are re*eied" Ke+ ta*%* $= Re"$!al HR Hea<
!eional E! Eead will hae the authorit) and responsibilit) to administerHimplement the re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess as outlined" An illustratie list of the 'e) delierables of these in*umbents is listed below" •
3nsurin indu*tions as per qualit)& numbers& time and *ost *onsideration of the *ompan) in a**ordan*e with the approed manpower budet" @2
reation of appropriate sour*in me*hanism alon with tra*'in the performan*e of these me*hanisms"
reation of quarterl) and monthl) re*ruitment plans
3ffe*tie *oordination with e?ternal parties su*h as *andidates& pla*ement aen*ies& *onsultants& a*ademi*Hprofessional institutes and an) other in*ludin the *ustod) of the formal areements & tra*'in timel) pa)ments and ad=usted thereto
reation of *omprehensie and appropriate tools& lin'aes& do*uments& templates and an) other me*hanisms to ensure smooth e?e*ution of the pro*ess requirement& alon with timel) improements thereto
interiewinHsele*tion support& s*hedulin et*" •
3ffe*tie internal *ommuni*ation with user departments and line manaers in*ludin ma'in the standard re*ruitment formats and other templates easil) aailable to su*h users and notif)in the modifi*ations to su*h formats and templates"
reation and maintenan*e of qualitatie information base reardin *andidates& pla*ement aen*ies& *ampuses& institutes& and an) other emplo)ment+mar'et information"
reation and maintenan*e of appropriate and hih+qualit) M%S for *urrent and future needs of the oraniDation& in*ludin publi*ationH*ir*ulation of appropriate reports there from to the releant users within the *ompan)"
Monitorin re*ruitment *osts
omplete do*umentation for the entire re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess for eas) and qui*' retrieal in a readil) auditable format
-imel) and effe*tie *ommuni*ation with all internal and e?ternal parties in*ludin the *andidates
-ra*'in the proress of the sele*ted *andidates in*ludin resination& e?tensions of probation periodsHtrainin period& et* for the purpose of improement to re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess"
3ffe*tie *oordination with the post re*ruitment arm of the Euman !esour*e fun*tion
o*umentation and *reatin M%S reardin waier& deiation& et* and identif)in the 'e) areas for improement in the formal re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess do*ument"
S,OT A!al+** $= ICICI Ba!%* Re/)0t&e!t P)$/e**
>ea'nesses 7re assessment tests are *ostl)"
!iorous 7re+Eirin assessment tests to
understand aptitude and personalit) of onersion of footfalls is low" *andidates"
enth) pre+offer formalities"
7roper referen*e *he*'s to ensure that onl) Eue emplo)ee turnoer" bonafide *andidates are appointed" Adequate number of *hannel partners to enerate footfalls for ea*h lo*ation" ootfall M%S bein maintained at ea*h bran*h lo*all) b) Admin"
ampus re*ruitments hae hue potential
%n*reasin number of priate pla)ers in
for fulfillin manpower requirements *ost
insuran*e se*tor *reates ample *hoi*es&
frequent and eas) mobilit) for emplo)ees"
-ie up with re*ruitment aen*ies on
Same *hannel partners are handlin all
suppl)in fi?ed number of footfalls wee' insuran*e *ompanies" -his leads to same on wee'"
pool of *andidates bein *ir*ulated to all partners"
eelop e?*lusie *ontra*t with *hannel partners
manpower %n*reasin spill oer as a *andidate has
more than one offer at the time of ma'in a =ob shift"
Ma'e blue form brief and to the point"
As the insuran*e industr) is small& senior
!edu*e turn around time of ma'in an offer"
leel *andidates hesitate to meet E! of other *ompanies for the fear of rapeine"
CHAPTER ; 5 DATA ANALYSIS 1- ,$)%!" 'e)$< ! t#e $)"a!at$!
ess than 2 )ears
2 to less than 4 )ears
4 to less than 6 )ears
More than 6 )ears
-he aboe mentioned raph shows that 4@R respondents are wor'in in the oraniDation from 2 )ears to less than 4 )ears and @R respondents wor'in in the oraniDation more than 6 )ears" 2- T)e!< A!al+**:
.n -he basis of their Sour*e of re*ruitment AdsHPobs Sites
3mplo)ee !eferrals
-he Sour*e of re*ruitments that had ma?imum number of ba*' outs is ire*t with 41 R followed b) *onsultants whi*h is ## R" Adertisements and 3mplo)ee !eferrals are 1# R ea*h"
3- T+'e* $= /a!<
.utstation andidates
o*al andidates
4- A!al+** 8a*e< $! t#e )ea*$!* "(e! 8+ t#e /a!<
-his anal)sis is based on the responses re*eied after spea'in to people who ba*'ed out durin the last finan*ial ear" -he followin !easons were identified after anal)Din the responses *olle*ted from respondents" Rea*$! =$) Ba/%$0t:
-he per*entaes hae been *al*ulated from the total number of people *onta*ted" enth) interiew
ela) in feedba*'
Better offer
Brand issues
-his pie *hart depi*ts that the ma?imum number of people are ba*'in out as the) hae better offers in hand& followed b) 2# R who ba*'ed out due to dela) in iin feedba*'" 1# R of them ba*'ed out as the) were not happ) to et asso*iated with a
Naried reasons *an be attributed as to wh) a *andidate ba*' out& below are some of the *ommon ones – •
Eae in hand seeral offers and will de*ide on the one best offer
eelopin *old feet at the last moment before submittin hisHher resination letter
E!Hine Manaer *onin*ed himHher to sta) ba*'
>as ien a er) ood *ounter offer b) emplo)er so de*ided to sta) ba*'
5ot serious about leain *urrent =ob& and attendin interiews =ust be*ause the opportunit) was presented to himHher"
earnt of the pro=e*t whi*h was not to his li'inHpreferen*eHe?pe*tation and is not 'een on =oinin
-he final offer not up to hisHher e?pe*tation
id not aree with some of the *lause(s in the offer letterHappointment letter
EisHher friendsH*onta*ts ae neatie feedba*' about the oraniDation so de*ided not to =oin
!equired =oinin time not reasonable
See what offer heHshe *an et from the mar'et to neotiate a better salar) with e?istin emplo)er Sele*tion pro*ess too' too lon and has alread) a**epted another offer
b .n the basis of their area of Sta): -his anal)sis would help in 'nowin that from whi*h reion ma?imum number of people is ba*'in out as there *ould be a possibilit) that outstation *andidates are more prone to ba*'in out" Re'e)/0**$!* a==e/t* $= 8a/%!" $0t: •
!e*ruitment is an e?pensie a*tiit)" 3er) time a *andidate ba*'s out the re*ruitment pro*ess has to be initiated all oer aain"
But most important of all is the lost of *lientLs trust" -his is non tanible and will hae lon term aderse affe*t is+Y+is *lient endor relationship"
5- T#e *at*=a/t$! $= t#e /a!<
@ (3?tremel) Satisfied
1 (3?tremel) issatisfied
-he 1@R respondents are e?tremel) satisfied with e?planation of =ob profile but FR respondents are e?tremel) dissatisfied with e?planation of =ob profile"
6- T#e ')e=e)e!/e $= *ele/t!" /a!<
3du*ational ualifi*ation
7rofessional ualifi*ation
-he aboe mentioned raph show that #1R respondents sele*tin the *andidates on the basis of e?perien*e and 2@R respondents sele*tin the *andidates on the basis of edu*ation qualifi*ation"
7- M$t(ate a!< att)a/t t#e /a!<
ompan) 7rofile
Pob 7rofile
A**ordin to 2FR respondents the) motiate and attra*t the *andidates b) salar)"
- Pe)/e!ta"e $= Ba/%$0t
More than 20R
?- T#e &$*t &'$)ta!t a)ea =$) t#e &')$(e&e!t t$ &!&e t#e 8a/%$0t $= t#e /a!<
%nitial ounselin
ompan) 7rofile es*ription
Brea'up of Salar)
Pob 7rofile es*ription
A**ordin to the #0R respondentLs initial *ounselin is the most important area for improement to minimiDe the ba*'+out of the *andidates"
Compress the "white space" in your hiring process.
>hite Spa*es are dela)s in hirin pro*ess that are unprodu*tie& waste time& and irtuall) assure )ouCll lose talented *andidates" .ften the lonest dela)s o**ur between *riti*al sele*tion eents" or e?ample& a re*ruiter ma) need seeral wee's to s*reen a few hundred resumes from the >eb =ob boards& or *andidates who ma'e it throuh s*reenin ma) wait wee's to interiew with a hirin manaer" Eere at %%% Ban'& the dela)s o**ur when the outstation *andidates are *alled for interiews at !eional bran*hes li'e elhi and Mumbai" Sometimes& be*ause of bus) s*hedule of senior manaers and sometimes be*ause of tiht s*hedule of *andidate& the interiew has to be postponed" -his dela) *ould be minimiDed b) s*hedulin interiews in the reional lo*ations" %t is re*ommended to redu*e the turnaround time for the re*ruitment and sele*tion pro*ess" %t must be made mandator) for the *andidates to ta'e the test& fillin up forms et* within the stipulated time& this will ma'e sure that the *andidates do not hold *asual attitude and ta'e the re*ruitment pro*ess more seriousl)" Additionall) it *an send a*ross a positie imae about the *ompan)" >hite spa*e in re*ruitment *an be *ompressed b) the use of %- also" -e*hnolo) (su*h as automated or >eb+based tra*'in is ideal for eliminatin unne*essar) steps and redu*in dela)s" Tie up with more & more consultants from multiple segments
Sin*e the limited pla*ement aen*ies are sour*in *andidates to all insuran*e *ompanies& there often *omes the problem of dupli*ation of data" -herefore it is re*ommended that more F0
and more *onsultants should be tied up from multiple sements to attra*t lare pool of new and fresh talent"
Know what you're looking for in candidates
%t is obsered that the *andidates sour*ed b) pla*ement aen*ies and send for further rounds of interiews are rarel) found suitable b) the hirin manaers" -herefore& in *ase there is need to utiliDe the seri*e of a pla*ement aen*)& then it is re*ommended that these pla*ement aen*ies be ien a well drafted =ob des*ription and =ob spe*ifi*ation" -his *an also be *ir*ulated to internal emplo)ees under the emplo)ee referral s*heme" -his will help people to et a *learer pi*ture and proide for most suitable *andidates" Reduce the pre offer formalities:
7re+offer do*umentation in*ludes fillin of a lenth) Blue form whi*h in*ludes all personal& edu*ational and professional details of *andidate" -his is er) time *onsumin and een after ta'in these details from *andidate its not sure that offer will be made or not" -his also be*omes frustratin for the *andidate sometimes" So& it is re*ommended that unne*essar) details should not be as'ed before we ma'e the final offer to the *andidate" Blue form should be made *onsise" One sie doesn!t fits all
An effort must be made to stud) lo*al *ondition& edu*ation leels" Sin*e appl)in *ommon test for all *andidates a*ross entire *ountr) *an oershadow a *andidates *apabilities" -his fa*tor must be ien importan*e sin*e %ndian so*iet) is diided on arious parameters su*h as edu*ation& lanuae& infrastru*ture et*" A test with hih leel of 3nlish and *ompli*ated senten*e stru*ture *an be a hurdle in areas where lanuae itself is barrier" An option is to hae different tests for different reions" lend technology into e#ery aspect of your recruiting and hiring process.
>eb+based te*hnolo) lets )ou in*rease hirin speed and qualit) while redu*in *osts" urrentl)& =ob boards *onstitute the biest use of the >eb& offerin a**ess to thousands of resumes within hours" But the >eb *an also be a powerful tool for s*reenin and qualif)in that flood of resumes" ompanies hae beun to use the >eb to *olle*t and instantl) mat*h data on *andidate s'ills& motiations& and e?perien*es aainst =ob *riteria" .ther uses of >eb+base b+based d te*hno te*hnolo) lo) in*lud in*ludee online online inter interiew iewin in&& *andida *andidate te assess assessmen mentt and testin testin& & appli* appli*ant ant self+s self+s*hed *heduli ulin& n& and tra*'i tra*'in" n" >or' or' the >eb wisel) wisel) and )ou sae sae time time for re*ruiters and hirin manaers and nab top *andidates before )our *ompetitors *an" %t is re*ommended that apart from the person+=ob fit& method must be deised to *he*' for person+oraniDation fit" A person+oraniDation helps to assess how well a *andidate is suited the oraniDation" >hether the attitude heHshe *arries will promote both oraniDational as well personal oals" -his ta'es a reat importan*e espe*iall) when attrition is hih" %t will help the oraniDation to retain its emplo)ees for a loner period of time and less burden on re*ruitment staff" uild and and manage your your candidate candidate pool as as a precious precious resource resource
A G*andidate poolG is a roup of indiiduals who hae shown interest in wor'in for )our *ompan) and are qualified for and read) to fill *ertain positions" !ather than underta'in the time+*onsumin pro*ess of fillin one =ob at a time& )ou draw on the *andidate pool and fill =obs as the) be*ome aailable" Eow do )ou 'eep a pool a*tieJ Some *ompanies send their newsletters to pool *andidates& ie them produ*t *oupons& and 'eep in tou*h throuh e+mail" 7ool manaement is not eas) in a tiht labor mar'et ++ood *andidates often o elsewhere" But man) oraniDations& espe*iall) those with a reputation as a reat pla*e to wor'& are able to fill positions qui*'l) usin the pool *on*ept" Create winning impression e#en on those who are not selected
%ts er) important to *reate a faorable impression of )our oraniDation on all those who *ome for interiew" -hose who are not sele*ted in the first round of personal interiew should also *arr) this impression that the) hae missed the opportunit) to wor' in a reat *ompan)" *ompan)" or this& there must a proper *oordination *oordination of the interiew of the *andidate and reate reaterr deree deree of profes professio sional nalism ism"" A *andidat *andidatee when when inite inited d for a inter interiew iew mus mustt be F2
attended as soon as possible and should be made to wait for hours toether" %nteriews *ondu*ted on a s*heduled time leae a ood impression on the *andidate" 3en if he is not sele*ted& a ood impression about the will ma'e him re*ommend the name to his people"
CHAPTER7 CONCLUSION IMPLICATIONS %nsuran*e is *onfronted with hih attrition rate" -herefore it ma'es re*ruitment a *riti*al fun*tion in the oraniDation" %n order to row and sustain in the *ompetitie enironment it is important for an oraniDation to *ontinuousl) deelop and brin out innoations in all it a*tiities" %t is onl) when oraniDation is re*oniDed for its qualit) that it *an build a stabilit) with its *ustomers" -hus an oraniDation must be able to stand out in the *rowd" -he first step in this dire*tion is to ensure *ompetitie people *ome in the oraniDation" -herefore re*ruitment in this reard be*omes an important fun*tion" -he oraniDation must *onstantl) improise in its re*ruitment pro*ess so that it is able to attra*t best in the industr) in order to sere the best" -hus the oraniDation must loo' out for methods that *an enable it to adopt best re*ruitment pra*ti*es" 3er) endeaor underta'en underta'en to a**omplish *hallenin *hallenin oals& *an onl) be su**essful su**essful under the e?perien*ed and en*ourain uidan*e" % am priileed to hae underone trainin at %%% Ban'" As learnin neer stops& m) learnin at 8ota' has *ome from a lot of e?posure& on the =ob trainin and *lose intera*tion with the *orporate" %n brief m) learnin and a*hieements *an be summariDed as under: •
/nderstandin of person and profile fit"
onin*e people about the =ob profile and to sell the =ob to the prospe*tie *andidate
ollowin up with the *andidates durin the entire sele*tion pro*ess
earned to *onin*e *andidates about the offer rolled out and ma'in them a**ept the offer throuh effe*tie *ommuni*ation
earnin about salar) fitments"
ommuni*atin with the *orporate
7erforman*e appraisals& its arious t)pes& impli*ations and sinifi*an*e
Eandlin queries re*eied from arious quarters
Manain E! department in the absen*e of E! manaer
!epl) to offi*ial mails
7rioritiDe issues a**ordin to their importan*e
ield wor' e?posure to tap *andidates that further strenthened the learnin"
1" Al+irim& 5" (200Fa" A resear*h trilo) into e+*ommer*e adoption in small businesses in 5ew Wealand" 3le*troni* Mar'ets& 1F(4& 26#+2$@" 2" Balabanoi*&
" 200$"
ab: ontent+based&
re*ommendation" ommuni*ations of the AM& 40(#: pp" 66+F2" #" appeli 7" (200F" OMa'in the Most of .nline !e*ruitinL& Earard Business !eiew& Nol" F0(#" 4" aid& 7aul A" 200$" G-he )namo and the omputer: An Eistori*al 7erspe*tie on the Modern 7rodu*tiit) 7arado?&G Ameri*an 3*onomi* !eiew (7apers and 7ro*eedins& $0:2& pp" #@@+61" @" aniel& 3" V >ilson& E" (200$" Adoption intention and benefits realised: a stud) of e+ *ommer*e in /8 SM3s" Pournal of Small Business and 3nterprise eelopment& (4& ##1+#4$" 6" 3ri'sen& eif& 200$& ,.nline Nerti*al Mar'ets: 5ot a .ne+SiDe+its+All >orld&9 -he !eport on Manufa*turin& Mar*h& Boston: AM! !esear*h" F"
11" M*Manus M"A"& eruson M">" (200F" OBiodata& 7ersonalit) and emoraphi* ifferen*es of !e*ruits from -hree Sour*es& %nternational Pournal of Sele*tion and Assessment& Nolume 11& numbers 2H#& PuneHSeptember" 12" 7ine& B" P"& B" Ni*tor& and A" " Bo)nton" 200F" Ma'in mass *ustomiDation wor'" Earard Business !eiew F1 (@:10$+11" 1#" 7ine& B" P"& %%%& and P" E" el*ome to the e?perien*e e*onom)" Earard Business !eiew F6 (4:F+10@" 14" S*ulle)& Arthur B" and >" >illiam >oods& 200$& B2B 3?*hanes: -he 8iller Appli*ation in the Business+to+Business %nternet !eolution& %S% 7ubli*ations" 1@" Sherr)& P" " 2006" A so*io*ultural anal)sis of a midwestern Ameri*an flea mar'et" Pournal of onsumer !esear*h 1F (1:1#+#0"
COPY OF THE UESTIONNAIRE 5ame;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; esination;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; onta*t 5o";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Should )ou wish to *ontinueJ o
es (ontinue
5o (-erminate
1" 7lease tell me for how man) )ears )ou hae been wor'in in this oraniDationJ o
ess than 2 )ears
2 to less than 4 )ears
4 to less than 6 )ears
More than 6 )ears
2" 7lease tell me the sour*e of re*ruitment in )our oraniDation" AdsHPobs Sites 3mplo)ee !eferrals onsultants ire*t #" 7lease tell me about the t)pes of *andidates for re*ruitment and sele*tion" .utstation andidates o*al andidates 4" 7lease tell about the reason for Ba*'out in )our oraniDation" enth) interiew ela) in feedba*' Better offer Brand issues .thers
@" 7lease rate the satisfa*tion of the *andidates with the e?planation of =ob profile proided b) )ou on the s*ale of 1 to @ where 1 means e?tremel) dissatisfied and @ mean e?tremel) satisfied"
3?tremel) issatisfied
1 3?tremel) Satisfied
6" 7lease tell me the preferen*e of sele*tin *andidates for the followin fa*tors" 3?perien*e Ae
F" 7lease tell me how do )ou motiate and attra*t the *andidate for the =obs" Sele*t from the followin ompan) 7rofile Pob 7rofile Salar) a*ilities esination o*ation
$" 7lease tell me the per*entae of ba*'+out in the t)pi*al sele*tion pro*ess for a =ob as per best of )our 'nowledeJ 0+@R 6+10R 11+20R More than 20R