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Research Proposal
A Research Proposal On Domestic Violence on Married Woman (Age 20 to 35) of R!m District
Submitted to
Department of Conict, Peace and Development Studies
Submitted by Ra"an #mar #arn 20
%$ Table of o f Content Cont ent
'ntrodction of td
tatement of the Pro*lem
-onceptal .rame/or!
1iteratre Re+ie/
Research Methodolog
Introduction of the Study
Violence is a ni+ersal scorge that threatens the life health and happiness of all hman *eings& 4his 4his incldes threats threats coercion coercion and the the ar*itrar depri+ation depri+ation of resorces is +iolence against /omen sall performed * a male partner (World
Report 2002)
epal epal consists consists of di+erse di+erse ecologica ecological l ethnic ethnic cltral cltral and mlti6langa mlti6langage ge societies in general or contr is predominantl contr /here it has its o/n
cltral practice practice 7 +ale regarding regarding the states of /oman and men& the stats
men 7 /omen are ne8al& Women are considered as second6class citi9ens in this patriarchal societ (AA4:' $;;)& 4hs most of the families are men
headed are are
and treat /omen as commodities or child prodcing prodcing machines& Women
of po+e po+ert rt
and and
gend gender er disc discri rimi mina nati tion on resl eslts ts on man man
pro*lems in their o/n famil& famil&
.rom the state le+el also discrimination are done for /oman li!e their shold *e
50= particip participatio ation n *t *t onl 33= particip participator ator pro+is pro+ision ion in the -onstit -onstitent ent Asse As sem* m*l l of epa epal& l& :igh :igh -or -ortt has has made made the the pro+ pro+is isio ion n of ac8 ac8ir irin ing g
citi9enship on
the gender *ased in th Posh 20% *t its implication are not
done in or societ societ&& Accord According ing to the analsis analsis of the epalese epalese case case >0= female e?perien e?periencing cing domestic domestic +iolence among them most of married married /oman are fond& @nited ations as a hman rights a*se in the $;;0s (-DAW $;;2B Cei"in Cei"ing g Declar Declarati ation on 7 Platfo Platform rm of Ac Actio tion n $;;5) $;;5) has meant meant that that domest domestic ic +iol +iolen ence ce
has has achi achie+ e+ed ed a mch mch grea greate terr pro, pro,le le in ter terms of la/ 7 Polic olic
de+elopment& 4here
is no/ /ider recognition recognition that domestic +iolence is a*ot
perpetrators perpetrators po/er 7
control o+er /omen 7 in+ol+es not onl phsical 7 se?al
+iolence *t can isolat isolation ion 7
inclded a nm*er of *eha+ior sch as intimidation 7 threats threats
hmili hmiliati ation on *eha+ *eha+ior ior often often named named as psch pscholo ologic gical al coerc coercion ion or
+iolence& epal epal is a case in pointB lac! of edcatio edcation n nemploment nemploment lac! of health faci facili liti ties es and and amon among g the the poor poor con contr tr & Ceca Cecas se e of thes these e /ome /omen n are are e?perien e?periencing cing domestic domestic +iolence +iolence and afraid afraid of societ societ the are silent silent its the spporting factor for perpetrators perpetrators to repeat again and again& +en political mem*ers ahna Pradhan assred that she has faced man challenges as a form of domestic +iolence +iolence at the starting of of her political political career& career& Po/er strctre strctre constrc constrcted ted arond race 7 ethnicit ethnicit economic economics s 7 class class age disa*ilit disa*ilit 7
se?alit se?alit interact interact /ith those of patriar patriarch ch in constrct constrcting ing the pre"di pre"dice ce 7 discrimination in the /ider cltre& Once glar lares
the /ill
fear of frther attac!s is esta*lished esta*lished threats gestres gestres 7 *e
eno enogh gh
main mainta tain in
cons nsta tan nt
atmo tmospher phere e
fear &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& An
*eha+ior that engenders fear can *e sed sch as
shoting shoting hitting hitting /alls /alls
dri+ing dri+ing
stal!ing prolonged prolonged
rec!less rec!lessl l
destrction destrction
of of
displai displaing ng o*"ects ma!ing
/eapons /eapons in"ries
children children or pets (inEicting the do*le
tortre tortre
/atch /ith
the clear implication that she /ill *e
ne?t)& Women li+e in constant terror terror
and fear for their +er li+es& (Mllender $;;F236%)
Statement of the problem Dome Domest stic ic +iol +iolen ence ce has has cont contin ine ed d thr throgh ogh ot ot hist histor or nrep nrepor orte ted d 7 nchallenged& nchallenged& 't has profond profond e
-ltrall there is a norms /hich accepts fate G4o *e *orn as a /omen is the reslt of or *ad deeds in the pre+ios lifeG there is saing a*ot /omen GOne needs to forget forget oneself 7 ser+e ser+e to othersG& o it is cltrall cltrall accepted in the the form of /omens fate& Victims of domestic +iolence are often married /omen& 'ncidence o< home *ase +iolence +iolence against /omen is high thogh thogh it is nrepor nreported& ted& Violence Violence in naccepta*le 7 no /omen deser+e to *e *eaten se?all a*sed or made to s
'n general this research aims to assess the impact of domestic +iolence& 'n order to address address the +ictims +ictims or e?perienced e?perienced domestic domestic +iolence& +iolence& Domestic +iolence +iolence is a pro*lem /hich is sall hidden from the p*lic +ie/& +ie/& 't is therefore an isse /hich is largel nrecogni9ed 7 nac!no/ledged in or contr& contr& 4he most import important ant thing thing is that that the the prote protect ct their their *elo+e *elo+ed d hs*an hs*and d from from ha+in ha+ing g criminal records /hich cold "eopardi9e his career 7 ftre li+elihood& 6
Which Which tpes tpes of domest domestic ic +iolen +iolence ce are are fondH fondH
@ned @nedcat cated ed rral rral areas areas /omen /omen are are more e?peri e?perienc encing ing domes domestic tic +iolen +iolence ce than @r*an and dcated WhH
What What are are the the root oot ca case se of itH itH
Wh Wh don dont t /ome /omen n ""s stt lea lea+e +eH H
Wh Wh are are the the sile silent nt to to empo/ empo/er er the the dome domest stic ic +iol +iolenc enceH eH
4his std at ,rst /ill ,ll p gaps of !no/ledge a*ot +arios legal 7 social acts pro+ision are made *t domestic +iolence still hits& Domestic +iolence cold *e eliminated 7 pre+ent if research research is condcted to address address sch isses& Polic Polic ma!er social /or!ers hman right acti+ists polic as /ell as all people /ho are concerned a*ot +iolence +iolence against against /omen /omen can tili9e ,nding ,nding of of this std& std& o ,nding of the std not onl help to pre+ent 7 control the domestic +iolence *t also sefl sefl to lift lift p the social social stats stats of of /omen at large& large&
Conceptual (r (rame)or* -onceptal frame/or! deals /ith concepts /hich are assem*led together * +irte of their rele+ance to a common then & 4he ecological model on the top sho/ing the factors associated /ith the domestic +iolence /hich leads to the domestic +iolence& .igre .igre $ is presented as the conceptal frame/or! of this std&
.igre $
-ommnit Relationship
Domestic iolence
Phsical :ealth
Mental :ealth Pro*lem
Reprodcti+e :ealth
-hronic -ondition
egati+e :ealth Ceha+ior
iterature Revie) 'n the societ more than >0= conEict are done against /omen& 4hose are *ecase of do/r se?al a*se hitting a*ortion nemploment etc& (Dahal 2050)
-en *illed his )ife
#rishna *ahadr 4amang residence of Dhai*ng63 Ras/a !illed her 3% ears /ife eti Maa& :e *lamed her not to gi+e him son& he /as mother of for daghters& (#antipr 20%)
0ride returned her home Casnta -hapagain residence of an!h/a a*ha retrned her *ride after 2 das of marriage *laming her not to *ring do/r& do/r& (aa Patri!a 205)
(ather raped her dau%hter .ort ears father named #ahe raped her o/n $2 ears daghter in home at Chadgan Ilmi& .rther added he /as raping his daghter since last one ear& (:imalan 4imes 200) 4hese are the fe/ domestic +iolence case are emerged in the societ /hich /ere /ere p*lish p*lished& ed& Ct there there are are man more in practiced practiced /hich are hidden hidden nreported *eing practice&
Research -e -ethodolo%y
.1 .1
Res Re searc arch Des Desii%n
4his std /ill *e e?plorati+e e?plorati+e and descripti+e in design& 4he researcher researcher follo/ed 8alitati+e research research methodolog to condct this research& research& GResearch GResearch design design is the plan and strct strctre re of in+est in+estiga igatio tion n so concei+ concei+ed ed as to o*tain o*tain ans/er ans/ers s to resea researc rch h 8esti 8estions ons&& 4he plan plan is o+eral o+eralll schem scheme e or progr program am of the resea researc rch& h& 't incl incldes des an otlin otline e of /hat /hat the the in+est in+estiga igator tor /ill /ill do from from /riti /riting ng hpoth hpothese eses s and their their operat operation ional al implic implicati ations ons to the ,nal ,nal anals analsis is of data data (-oo (-oope per r 20 20$3 $3)& )& 't is main mainl l e?pl e?plor orat ati+ i+e e *eca *ecas se e it sog soght ht to gene genera rate te information&
. .
Rese Re sear arch ch Site Site Sele Select ctio ion n
the of
Most of the data collection /or!s /ill *e condcted in R!m& Cesides that researcher researcher is planning to +isit certain remote remote place to e?plore e?plore the root root cases the Domestic +iolence isses as /ell as its conse8ences& conse8ences&
.! .!
Stud Study y Popu Popula lati tion on and and Sam Sampl plin in% %
prima primar r and second secondar ar sorc sorces es /ill /ill *e sed& sed& 4he second secondar ar data data for std /ill *e collected * re+ie/ing re+ie/ing the a+aila*le related literatre literatre "ornals "ornals reports reports articles articles ne/s and so on& 4he primar primar data /ill *e sing research methods&
-eth -ethod ods s of of Dat Data a Col Colle lect ctio ion n
'nter+ie/ 'nter+ie/ and Jestion Jestionnair naireF eF #e #e informa informant nt inter+ie/ inter+ie/ /ill *e condcted condcted to iden identi tiff and and cate catego gori ri9e 9e the the !e perso ersons ns at the the resea esearrch site& ite& After ter identi,cation of +ictims e?perienced e?perienced domestic +iolence data /ill *e collected * 8estion 8estionnair naire e and inter inter+ie/i +ie/ing ng at least least 50 /omen /omen throgh throgh !e informa informant nt inter+ie/&
(ocus 2roup Discussion3 .or .or focs focs gro grop p disc discss ssion ions s /ill /ill *e cond condcte cted d to gather gather infor informat mation ion at commnit and district le+el& People /ho are close relation /ith the research research commnit are ta!en to condct discss&
Participant observation3 O*ser+ation is the *asic tool of ,eld std& 4he researcher /ill o*ser+e the process and acti+ities of the commnit people sing participant o*ser+ation method in the ,eld&
Content 4nalysis3 4he researcher researcher /ill anal9e ne/spapers ne/spapers "ornals "ornals maga9ines and reports relat related ed to rese resear arch ch topic topic p*lis p*lish h /ithi /ithin n or ots otside ide the dist distric rictt to coll collect ect re8ired information&
.+ .+
Data Data 4na 4naly lysi sis s Pro Proc cess ess
4he o*tained data /ill *e anal9ed 8alitati+el& 8alitati+el& A ,rst step is to tr and come p /ith open codes codes from from the record recordings ings ,eld notes notes or docments docments collec collected ted from from ,eld site& site& 4hose 4hose codes codes /ill /ill *e simpl simple e descrip descriptio tions ns of tal! or e+ents e+ents&& 4hen 4hen the resear research cher er /ill /ill *eing *eing to loo! loo! for patter patterns ns of simil similari arit t and di
.W1D (205;) Domestic Violence against /omen conference -DAW Ior! Ior!ha hapat patra ra Dail Dail (20 (205) 5) Women omen poli politi tica call mem* mem*er ers s also also ha+e ha+e e?perience e?perience of domestic +iolence Asadh $% Ior!hapatra P*lication Ior!hapatra Dail (20%) >0= /omen are *eated .algn 5 #athmand aa Patri!a Dail (205) e/l Cride Retrned her home Caisa!h 2$ #athmand Mall Malla a apn apna a (205 (205>) >) e? e?al al Ceha+ Ceha+io ior r Repor eport t Iend Iender er e8al e8alit it program #athmand Regmi Regmi onali (2000) Annal r+e of epalese la/ tats of Woman nder the present legal sstem& 'n #mar Regmi (des) #athmand epal Car -oncil& :imalan 4imes Dail (200) .ather raped his daghter hra/an $% #athmand
Radfor adford d 1nne nne :ar :arne Kill Kill (20$ (20$0) 0)&& Tackling ackling domestic domestic violence violence 4ata McIra/6:ill P*lication De*a De*a Ar" Ar" Rana Rana ($;; ($;;)& )& A Situational Analysis of Violence Against Women Women and Girl Girl in Nepal. Nepal. SAA SAATHI THI-- Instit Institute ute for Social Social and Gender Gender !uity. "at#mandu. Nepal
5uestionnaire Demo%raphic Characteristics of the respondents Section I What is or ethnicitH What is or hs*ands ethnicitH What is or hs*ands religionH Age of respondents completed ear Age of respondents hs*and dcational dcational tats What tpe of marriage did o ha+eH
:o/ long o ha+e *een marriedH :a+e o got a childH Les Les ( )
Lor Lor OccpationF OccpationF What is or hs*ands occpationH 's the income enogh to meet all *asic necessities (for all the famil mem*ers all o+er the ear)
Chec* list for in6depth intervie) Section II 'n depth inter+ie/ 6
Iend Iender er *as *ased ed soc socio io cl clt tra rall prac practi tice ce
Male Male .em .emal ale e rol role e in in soc socie iet t
Patria triarrchal sst stem
Pro+is +ision ion of of la/ la/ polic ic
Section III 6
Domest Domestic ic +iolen +iolence ce cases cases seen seen in distr district ict
4pes of of +i +iolence
Root oot ca case ses s of of dom domes esti tic c +io +iole lenc nce e
Section I 6
Perso ersona nall *ac! *ac!gr gro ond nd of of resp respon onde dent nts s
:eal :ealth th s sta tat ts s of fami famil l mem mem*e *ers rs
Room Acco ccommo mmodati dation on
tats of hs*and
Perfo erforrmanc mance e of of ho hose seho hold ld /or! /or!
Relat elatio ion n /it /ith h in6 in6la la/ / mem* mem*er ers s
ati ating ng time timeta ta*l *le e patt patter ern n
Section 6
pose poses s ha* ha*its its and and the the onset onset of mis misnd nders erstan tandin ding g
Section I 6
4pes of of +i +iolence
Root case
-oping mechanism
Respon esponden dents ts percep perceptio tion n on this this tpe tpe of of +iole +iolenc nce e
Section I -onse8ences of +iolence *earded * respondents 6
respond respondents ents sggesti sggestion on to redce redce domestic domestic +iole +iolence nce again against st marri married ed /oman in epal