Answer key Grammar and vocabulary Grammar and vocabulary Starter unit 1 1 2 3 4 5
Is isn’t Has … got ’ve got are
6 7 8 9
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
big, biggest noisier, noisiest far, further moern, most moern !hea"er, !hea"est #orse, #orst
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Have … got has got hasn’t got are
3 1 2 3
’m )istening isn’t #at!hing 0re the& having
4 ’re stu&ing 5 are the& going
4 1 2 3
are ")a&ing !om")ain are !hatting
4 is su)*ing 5 )aughs
5 1 2 3
into)erant a!tive mean
4 !onfient 5 se s erious 6 !h !heerfu)
6 1 2 3
!om")ain su)* tease
4 o*e 5 )augh 6 stare
Grammar and vocabulary unit 2
house isn’t ver& moern'( moern'(
#a)*s to s!hoo) #ith him'( $Ho))& !an’t f in her bag'( $+o &ou )i*e vieo games(
4 1 2 3
!arries oes #at!hes
4 o 5 o on’t 6 !arr&
7 oesn’t 8 ha have
5 1 2 3
!)ean, g angerous, a e.!iting, !
4 heav&, b 5 -uiet, e 6 rare, f
6 1 2 3 4
gets to #a*es gets
5 6 7 8
o #at!h !oo* ti&
1 1 2
#ere #asn’t
3 #ere 4 #eren’t
2 1 2 3
+i … eno& in’t *no# i … have
4 #ent 5 met 6 in’t #in
3 1 2 3
#as she !hatting ere &ou reaing #ere the& sa&ing
4 as it raining 5 as he )istening
4 1 $e #ere #at!hing #hen the "hone rang'( 2 $hi)e I #as oing m& home#or*, I )istene to some musi!'( 3 4 5 $+an #as s)ee"ing #hen the fi)m finishe'(
Grammar and vocabulary unit 1
5 1 2 3
remote !ontro) e"isoe averts
1 1 2 3 4 5
6 1 2 3 4 5
rama soa" series rea)it& fi)m sho# fi)m soa" o"era ta)ent sho# ne#s -ui o"era sho#
2 1 2 3
is ver& ambitious'(
isn’t ver& intereste in s!hoo)'(
usua))& never on’t often
5 #as
4 vie#er … auien!e 5 s!reen
4 sometimes 5 o!!asiona))&
Grammar and vocabulary unit 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 eat 6 7
here isn’t much many a lot of !offee' here’s much many a lot of !o)a' 0re there much many a lot of hristmas "resents here aren’t much many a lot of "eo")e' Ho# much many a lot of !ho!o)ate o &ou ea!h #ee* ou use much many a lot of e)e!tri!it&' e on’t #at!h much many a lot of rea)it& sho#s in our house'
2 1 2 3
#here #ho #ho
4 #here 5 #hi!h 6 #hi!h
7 #hi!h 8 #here 9 #ho
3 1 2
enough too man&
3 enough 4 too mu!h
5 enough 6 enough
4 Across 4 bar 5 bott)e
5 1
o#n)oa … o#n)oas
Down 1 !arton 2 tube 3 ar 5 bag 2
Grammar and vocabulary unit 4 1 1 $he gir)s haven’t ")a&e an& games on)ine'( 2 3 4 $I haven’t share m& fi)es'( 5 6 $%aria has b)ogge a )ot toa&'( 2 1 2 3
has !reate hasn’t visite haven’t emai)e
3 1 2 3 4
begun oine met run*
4 1 2 3 4
hat have &ou eaten toa& Ho# )ong has she s)e"t ho have &ou !hatte to toa& Has she sent an emai)
5 1 2 3
!hat … !hat room sear!h … sear!h engine message … message boar
5 6 7 8
4 has o#n)oae 5 haven’t share 6 has ")a&e turne s"ent s"o*en re!ognie
9 fe)t 1 so)
6 1 2 3 4
!e)ebrities fashion horos!o"es re)ationshi"s
Grammar and vocabulary unit 5 1 1 2 3 4 5
I’ve ust one m& first intervie#: he& have just shot the vieo' Ho))& has ust sacked her manager' he ban members have ust bro*en u"' e have just signe a ne# !ontra!t'
2 1 2
&et a)rea&
3 &et 4 sti))
5 a)rea& 6 sti))
3 1 2 3
sin!e sin!e for
4 for 5 sin!e
6 for 7 sin!e
4 1 2
3 4
5 1 2 3
bro*e sa!*e Have … met
4 haven’t shot 5 i
6 1 2 3
re)ease a""ear an intervie#
4 hit 5 get 6 auition
1 7
; ;
2 ; 8 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 ;
Grammar and vocabulary unit 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 1 2 3
on’t have to have to oesn’t have to
4 have to 5 on’t have to 6 has to
3 1 2 3
+oes … have to +o … have to +o … have to
4 +oes … have to 5 +oes … have to 6 +o … have to
4 1 2 3
have to shou) have
4 shou)n’t 5 mustn’t
shou)n’t sta& out )ate at night'( $+an shou) revise for his'( $
mustn’t ")a& truant'(
5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6
get goo ma*es mar*s "ass e.ams friens "ass ")a& truant revise !heat for an fai) an e."e) !o"& "ass a frien’s home#or* bu))& frien someone
4 5 $If &ou #ere an a!tor, #ou) &ou ma*e thri))ers(
school !
! school
ho)ia&s )eaving age ru)es sube!ts uniforms
boaring "rivate se!onar& sing)e=se. state
Grammar and vocabulary unit 7 3 #on’t 4 might not
a !ome& a musi!a) a roman!e a #estern
5 a m&ster& 6 a fantas& 7 a thri))er
5 1 2 3
a $b)o!*buster( f $s"e!ia) effe!ts( g $nove)ist(
4 b $s!ene( 5 e $best=se))er( 6 ! $!hara!ter(
Grammar and vocabulary unit 9 1 1 2
is so)
3 mae 4 aren’t
5 #asn’t 6 sto)en
2 1 "assive> #as "ainte b& 2 "assive> is o#ne b& a!tive> o#ns
1 1 2
#i)) might
2 1 2 3
#i)), s"onsor #on’t, on’t nee, #i))
4 i)), bo&!ott 5 organie, #i))
3 1 2 3
is are !hosen
4 #as 5 bought 6 #ere
3 1 2 3
is … to aren’t … to Is … going
4 0re … going 5 isn’t … to
#on’t )i*e #i)) he)" ’s going to !)ean aren’t going to go 0re &ou going to #at!h
master"ie!e au!tion !riti! s!u)"ture
5 )ans!a"e 6 !o))e!tor 7 ga))er&
4 1 2 3 4 5
4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4
sho!*ing traitiona) strange amusing
5 6 7 8
5 1 2 3
"etition s"onsor vo)unteers
6 1 6
e !
2 h 7 g
5 #on’t 6 #i))
4 1 2 3 4
!o)ourfu) rii!u)ous "rovo!ative origina)
4 ban 5 "rotest
3 a
4 f
5 b
Grammar and vocabulary unit 8 1 1 2 3 4
#at!hing to #at!h )ive rea going to go
5 ta)*ing to ta)* 6 #riting to #rite 7 to be
2 1 2 3
#i)) be ab)e !an’t see !ou)n’t rea
4 #on’t be ab)e 5 !an see
3 1 2 $If I !hose the fi)m, it #ou)n’t be a !ome&'( 3 $ou) &ou see a fi)m if &ou ha the boo* too(
Grammar and vocabulary
Grammar unit 1
Grammar Starter unit
1 1
a in!reib)& b -uite
2 a a bit b ver&
2 1 2 3
har)& ever, 6 not often, 5 usua))&, 2
4 o!!asiona))&, 4 5 a)#a&s, 1 6 sometimes, 3
3 1 2 3 4 5
Beo")e are sometimes unfrien)&' I never o m& home#or* on the bus' Isabe) is a)#a&s nervous before an' /ames har)& ever goes s#imming' onfient "eo")e are not often nervous'
4 1 2 3 4
aren’t ")a&ing, ’re stu&ing are … oing, 0re … #aiting aren’t !oo*ing, ’re eating is ta)*ing, isn’t )istening, ’s te.ting
5 1 2 3 4 5 6
here are 3 !hi)ren in his !)ass' I on’t !ome from Ang)an' Aver&one is #aiting for &ou' Is she !r&ing hat oes &our mum o He isn’t ")a&ing footba)) toa&'
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0re &ou tire He hasn’t got a !ar' It’s sunn& toa&' ho is &our favourite singer he&’ve got t#o horses' I’m not from ;e# or*' Have &ou got an m"3 ")a&er hat are their names
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
S"ain is hotter than ?ritain' @ruit is hea)thier than !ho!o)ate' ?oo*s are more interesting than vieo games' Ang)ish is the easiest s!hoo) sube!t'
3 1 2 3 4 5
I m& Her She me
4 1 2 3
tiies misses )i*es
5 1 2 3 4
stu& finishes o … go on’t #at!h
6 7 8 9 1
her e our our it
11 12 13 14 15
4 5 "uts 6 tea!hes 5 6 7 8
e them their the& us
7 !arries 8 re) 9 goes gets u" oes … ")a& oesn’t see #ashes u"
Down 1 safe 3 !ommon 4 -uiet
2 1 2 3
usefu) !)ean hea)th&
4 far 5 "o#erfu)
3 1 2 3
hea)th& nois& safe
4 heav& 5 -uiet
4 1
5 1 2 3 4 5
He gets u" at 7'' He goes to #or* at 8'' He finishes #or* at 5'' He !oo*s inner at 7'' He goes to be at 1'3'
2 e
1 1
4 sensib)e
5 sensitive 6 ambitious
8 frien)&
2 1 sh& 4 "ra!ti!a) 2 inno!ent 5 !onfient 3 mean %&ster& #or> !heerfu)
6 serious 7 to)erant
2 3
"ocabulary Starter unit 1 Across 2 eas& 3 !hea" 5 boring
"ocabulary unit 1 !urious +etermine inte))igent Cenerous
3 1 2
tease hug
3 su)* 4 )augh
4 1 2
boast shout
3 !om")ain 4 !hat
5 o*e 6 smi)e
Grammar unit 2
3 f
5 a
6 !
1 1 2 3 4
ere there #eren’t #ere #ere
5 #as 6 #asn’t 7 here #as
2 1 2 3 4 5
ou in’t #at!h the rea)it& sho#' +i &ou #at!h the rea)it& sho# He sa# the fi)m' He in’t see the fi)m' +i he see the fi)m
3 1 2 3 4
hat i &ou have for inner here i the& go for their ho)ia& h& #ere &ou angr& hat i he #at!h $on (
4 1 2 3 4 5 6
I #asn’t reaing a boo*' ere &ou #at!hing he& #eren’t s"ea*ing @ren!h' He #as s)ee"ing' ho #ere &ou ta)*ing to I #as !hatting to a frien'
5 1 2 3 4 5 6
#as !oo*ing, i sa#, #as having ere … )iving, #as in’t sen, #ere #at!hing #ere … )aughing, #a)*e #asn’t raining, )eft
5 h
6 !
1 1 g
2 b
2 1 2 3 4
"rogramme !hara!ter !amera broa!ast
5 6 7 8
3 1 2 3
o!umentar& game sho#s !artoon
4 rama series 5 fi)ms 6 sit!om
4 1 2 3
rea)it& sho# -ui sho# s"orts "rogramme
4 soa" o"era 5 ta)ent sho# 6 the ne#s
7 f
s!reen auien!e vie#er e"isoe
Grammar unit 3 1 1 2
2 1 2 3 4 &our
3 mu!h 4
mu!h mone& o #e nee(
8 too mu!h
"ocabulary unit 3
"ocabulary unit 2 3 a
there man& a )ot of !om"uters in
s!hoo)( 3 1 2 3
#ho #ho #hi!h
4 #hi!h 5 #ho
6 #here 7 #here
4 1 2
#here, g #hi!h, f
3 #ho, b 4 #ho, a
5 #here, ! 6 #hi!h, e
5 1 2 3
aren’t … enough too man& too
5 isn’t enough 6 too mu!h 7 enough
1 1 2 3
a ro)) of toi)et "a"er a "a!*et of !ris"s a !an of fi& rin*
2 1 2 3 4 5
a bag of a"")es a !arton of ui!e a bar of !ho!o)ate a bo. of #ashing "o#er a bott)e of sham"oo
3 1 2 3 4
buries, "o))utes burn, "oison thro# a#a&, re!&!)e save, reuse
4 1 2 3
reuse re!&!)e bur&
4 thro# a#a& 5 burn
6 #aste 7 "oison
Grammar unit 4 1 1 2 3 4
has "oste ’ve !reate hasn’t use haven’t emai)e
5 6 7 8
have ")a&e hasn’t visite ’ve o#n)oae has !hange
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
I haven’t !hange m& emai) aress' Bab)o hasn’t "oste a message' e’ve use a sear!h engine for the ans#ers' /o an om have )oo*e at the #ebsite' He hasn’t )ogge onto a !hat room' She hasn’t share her musi! fi)es'
3 1 2 3
bought, bu& thought, thin* s)e"t, s)ee"
4 1 2 3 4 5 6
ou’ve s"ent, f She hasn’t )ogge, a e’ve ha, I’ve !he!*e, ! He’s bought, g I haven’t !reate, b
5 1 2 3
Has he emai)e So"hie Has she bought the + Have the& run* a)) the mi)*
4 s"o*en, s"ea* 5 run*, rin* 6 #ritten, #rite
"ocabulary unit 4 1 1 2 3
sear!h #eb"age !hat room
6 message 7 o#n)oa 8 fi)e sharing
4 5
message boar b)og
9 on)ine game
2 1 2 3
sear!h engine b)og "ersona) #eb"age
4 on)ine game 5 !hat room
3 1 6
! b
4 h
4 1 2 3
!e)ebrities … gossi" avi!e re)ationshi"s
2 e 7 g
3 f
5 a
4 home#or* 5 fashion 6 sho""ing
Grammar unit 5 1 1 2 3 4 5
he ban has ust bro*en u"' ar) has ust auitione for the "art' he gir)s have ust seen their ne# vieo' e’ve ust s"o*en to our fans' ou’ve ust ha &our first hit'
2 1 2 3 4 5
haven’t ha, &et sti)) haven’t shot ’ve a)rea& as*e sti)) hasn’t one haven’t sai, &et
3 Stuents’ o#n ans#ers'
3 1 2 3 4 5
+oes om have to #ear a uniform +o #e have to stu& this evening +oes &our mum have to #or* toa& +o I have to get u" no# +o &ou have to he)" &our "arents
4 1 She must te)) a tea!her' 2 He shou) )isten to the tea!her' 3 Ho))& oesn’t have to go to s!hoo) $on a Suna&(' 4 ou shou)n’t go to a "art& tonight' 5 0nna must has to ti& her room'
"ocabulary unit 6 1 1 7
h f
2 a 8
3 e
2 1 2 3
!o"& … #or* )eft s!hoo) ")a& truant
3 1 2 3
ru)es uniform "rimar&
s!hoo)=)eaving age sing)e=se. s!hoo)s
4 !
5 b
6 g
4 ma*e friens 5 ba mar*
4 ho)ia&s 5 boaring 6 mi.e
7 state 8 sube!t
4 1 2 3 4
he&’ve been in a ban sin!e 21' e haven’t re)ease a sing)e for eight &ears' he ban hasn’t ha a manager sin!e 26' I haven’t s"o*en to +iego for four &ears'
4 1 2
5 1 2 3
+i … #at!h #as Have … seen
1 1 2 3 4 5
e might go to the mar!h' he government #on’t he)" us' he "rotests might not !hange an&thing' our su""ort #i)) ma*e a ifferen!e' e might start a "etition'
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
If #e on’t su""ort the )ibrar& I’)) ma*e some "osters for &ou if it oesn’t rain things #on’t !hange im #on’t go to it If &ou go to the meeting
3 1 2 3 4
e’re going to !am"aign for BA0' hat fi)m are the gir)s going to see
4 1 2 3
’re going to see ’)) be ’m going to go
4 #i)) !ome 5 ’s going to tea!h
5 1 2
’m going are … mar!hing
3 ’re "rotesting 4 are !oming
4 ’ve been 5 bought 6 haven’t finishe
"ocabulary unit 5 1 1 2 3
o an intervie# auitioning sa!*
2 1 2 3 4
ta)ente ego !reative strength
5 6 7 8
4 sign a !ontra!t 5 shoot a vieo
)u!*& 9 inte))igent Coo )oo*s 1 s*i)) famous st&)e
Grammar unit 6 1 1 2 3
mustn’t shou)n’t must
4 shou) 5 mustn’t
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
oesn’t have to #ear has to revise on’t have to o have to ti& on’t have to !oo* on’t have to #ash
6 shou)n’t 7 must
3 "rivate s!hoo)s
Grammar unit 7
I’m not going to s"onsor &ou'
"ocabulary unit 7 1 1 2
s"onsor "rotest
3 !am"aign 4 ban
2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
bo&!ott "ub)i!ie, !am"aign !o))e!t, "etition vo)unteer, !o))e!tion ban, su""orters "rotest, "ub)i!it& meeting, s"onsor organiation, vo)unteers
3 1 2 3
#i"e out sign u" for oin in
4 !arr& on 5 )oo* after 6 set u"
7 en u" 8 fin out
4 1 2
!arr& on sign u" for
3 #i"e out 4 set u"
5 en u"
s!ene, !hara!ters theme, setting s"e!ia) effe!ts, b)o!*buster beginning, ")ot, ening fi)m ire!tor, !hara!ter
4 1 2 3
best=se))er s"e!ia) effe!ts s!ene
So"hie )oves being #ith her friens' +o &ou )i*e reaing in the bath om "refers to o his home#or* a)one' e on’t )i*e #at!hing #ar fi)ms' he bo&s )ove to ")a& footba))'
2 1 2 3 4 5
#ou) )i*e to see a fi)m tonight' on’t )i*e #at!hing horror fi)ms' #ou)n’t )i*e to be famous' being a teenager' "refers to go to the s"orts !entre after s!hoo)'
3 1 2 3
!ou)n’t !ou) !an’t
4 !an 5 #on’t be ab)e to 6 ’)) be ab)e to
4 1 If /essi!a #rote a boo*, it #ou) have a histori!a) theme' 2
"ocabulary unit 8
2 1 2
#ar stor& s!ien!e fi!tion fi)m
4 beginning 5 setting
Grammar unit 9
1 1 2 3 4 5
musi!a) fantas& thri))er
6 aventure fi)m
3 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 3 4
#as sto)en are visite #as mae is so)
2 1 2
he "aintings aren’t "rote!te ver& #e))' he
Grammar unit 8
1 1 2 3
horror fi)m
4 #estern 5 !ome& 6 m&ster&
7 rama 8 roman!e
4 s"& stor& 5 ete!tive stor&
3 4
5 6 7 8
aren’t "ermitte isn’t )o!ate #ere bought #asn’t "ainte
3 1 2 3 4 5
His first "i!tures #ere "ainte he vie#er is sho#n His hearing #as estro&e b& S"ain #as invae b& Co&a’s "aintings #ere !hange b&
4 1 2 3 4 5
0re the s!u)"tures o#ne b& the ga))er& hen #as the museum bui)t hat is the s!u)"ture mae from as the ga))er& o"ene )ast &ear Is the museum use for !onferen!es
"ocabulary unit 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
ga))er& au!tion "ortrait "ainting master"ie!e )ans!a"e "ainting master"ie!e s!u)"ture museum e.hibition
2 1 2 3 4
master"ie!e "ortrait !o))e!tor !riti!
3 1
4 1 2 3 4
hese s!u)"tures are amusing' +amien Hirst’s art is !ontroversia)' Some art is esigne to be sho!*ing' omma 0bts is imaginative'
5 6 7 8 3 a
e.hibition s!u)"ture art movement au!tion
4 e
5 f
6 !
Danne’s "aintings are beautifu)'
Grammar and vocabulary
7 8
Grammar Starter unit 1 1 2
/a!*’s got a bigger bag than
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
hat is the heaviest anima) 0re &ou ta))er than here is the hottest ")a!e esert 0re the stuents ni!er hat is the )ongest a& 0re #e humans the most inte))igent anima)s
3 1 2 3 4
%& m& me She
4 1 2 3 4
oesn’t #a)* goes stuies on’t #ant
5 6 7 8
me I it m&
9 our 1 heir 11 the&
5 on’t agree 6 get 7 finishes
5 1 hat time o &ou get u" 2 ho o &ou have brea*fast #ith 3 h& o &our "arents )eave ear)& 4 +oes &our brother #a)* to s!hoo) #ith &ou $other -uestions "ossib)e( 5 +o &ou #ant to go to universit& 6 +o &our "arents agree
"ocabulary Starter unit 1 1
2 f
3 a
5 !
2 1 2 3
!om")i!ate sim")e tran-ui) -uiet
4 e."ensive 5 nois& )ou 6 -uiet
3 1 2 3
tran-ui) safe !)ean
4 u)) 5 )ou 6 e.!iting
4 1 2 3 4 5 6
!he!* &our home#or* iar& iron &our uniform ma*e a sna!* !hat about &our a& hang u" &our !oat !he!* &our emai)s
6 b
"a!* &our s!hoo) bag !hi)) out
Grammar unit 1 1 1 2
in!reib)& rea))&
3 ver& 4 -uite
5 not ver& 6 a bit
2 1 his "rogramme is sometimes rea))& ver& funn&' 2 /essi!a a)#a&s )oo*s in!reib)& beautifu)' 3 I on’t usua))& eat ver& rea))& )ate' 4 /ames usua))& eats -uite a )ot' 5 i!*& !an o!!asiona))& fee) a bit sa' 6 he& are har)& ever ver& rea))& ta)*ative' 3 1 hat are &ou oing reaing 2 Is he oing his home#or* 3 ho are the& ta)*ing to hat are the& oing 4 h& is she !r&ing 4 Stuents’ o#n ans#ers' 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
e on’t get u" ear)& ever& a&' I never )isten to her #hen she !om")ains' hat o &ou thin* about /en’s "ersona)it&
he bo&s are teasing ?en be!ause he’s got a b)a!* e&e'
I eat in a restaurant about three times a &ear'
"ocabulary unit 1 1 1 stuious 2 "essimisti! 3 etermine 4 "aranoi %&ster& #or> inno!ent, a
5 6 7 8
2 1 2 3
"aranoi isru"tive stuious
4 )o&a) 5 !reative
3 1
4 1 2 3
grin gigg)ing su)*ing
4 bragging 5 #ee" 6 moaning
7 !u)es 8 staring
5 1 2
grinning !u)e
3 bragging 4 gigg)e
5 moane 6 #ee"ing
3 b
isru"tive )o&a) !reative sensitive
4 f
5 a
6 e
Grammar unit 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
invite here #as #ante arrive #as there #asn’t #a)*e #as ha #ere
2 1 2 3 4 5
hat i the friens #ant to #at!h $on ( here #ere ath&’s brother an sister as there an& *et!hu" hat i ath&’s sister rin* hat i the friens o
3 1
hat #ere &ou oing at 7 "'m' I #as #a)*ing to the !afD' h& #ere &ou an on& sitting together e #ere having a rin* together' hat #ere &our other friens oing he& #ere orering rin*s' hat #as on& oing at 1'3 "'m' He #as s"ea*ing to the #aitress'
2 3 4
11 there #as 12 in’t )eave 13 there #ere 14 #eren’t 15 ran* 16 sai 17 agree 18 #ere 19 turne 2 #ent
"rogrammes 3 s*et!h sho#
4 1 %& a turne off the #hi)e #e #ere #at!hing E?ig ?rother’: 2 he& in’t s"ea* an& Ang)ish #hi)e the& #ere
)iving in @ran!e' he "resenter #as as*ing a -uestion #hen the "rogramme ene'
"ocabulary unit 2 1 1 2 3 4
an!horman re"ort !ommer!ia) brea* e"isoe
5 6 7 8
2 1 2 3 4 5
an!horman !amera re"ort vie#ers sho#
3 1 2 3
!oo*er& "rogramme nature "rogramme s*et!h sho#
4 #eather fore!ast 5 musi! "rogramme 6 !hat sho#
4 1 2
!hat sho# #eather fore!ast
4 s"orts "rogramme 5 nature
6 7 8 9 1
ratings !ontestant !overage vie#ers !ontestants ratings !hanne) !overage !ommer!ia) brea*
Grammar unit 3 1 1 2 3 4 5
man& a )ot of, a, #here man&, f, #ho a )ot of man&, !, #hi!h mu!h a )ot of, e, #here a )ot of man&, b, #hi!h
2 1
Ho# man& "eo")e o &ou *no# #ho on’t re!&!)e 2 here aren’t enough bins #here &ou !an "ut &our rubbish' 3 here are a )ot of "eo")e #ho are too )a& to re!&!)e' 4 Beo")e use a )ot of !)oth bags but the& on’t re!&!)e enough' 5 e’ve got a )ot of bins but the& aren’t big enough'
3 1 2 3
bought too man& in’t bu& enough in’t bu& enough
4 1 2 3 4
mu!h )ot #here too
5 6 7 8
4 bought too man& 5 bought enough 6 bought too mu!h
enough #ho mu!h #hi!h
9 1 11 12
man& #ho too on’t
"ocabulary unit 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a "a!*et of ri!e a !an of beans a sa!het of sau!e a ar of am a tub of i!e !ream a bo. of tissues a "unnet of stra#berries a bar of !ho!o)ate
2 1 2 3 4 5 6
sa!het of sau!e bar of !ho!o)ate bo. of tissues "unnet of stra#berries tub of i!e !ream ar of am
3 1 6
! e
2 g 3 a 7 f
4 Across 1 reu!e 4 !om"ost 5 reuse 6 thro# a#a& 7 e")ete
4 b
Down 2 um" 3 !onserve
Grammar unit 4
Grammar unit 5
1 1 !, /a!* hasn’t emai)e his friens about the "art&' 2 f, A))a has ")a&e games on)ine #ith me' 3 e, I haven’t !reate m& o#n "ersona) #eb"age' 4 b, e’ve message ea!h other a )ot this #ee*' 5 a, ou haven’t share &our fi)es #ith an&one' 6 , he&’ve o#n)oae musi! for their m"3 ")a&ers'
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
So"hie has ust signe her first !ontra!t' im has a)rea& one his home#or*' ou sti)) haven’t eaten a)) &our brea*fast' It hasn’t sto""e raining &et' I’ve ust sa!*e m& manager' e sti)) haven’t shot the vieo' he bo&s haven’t re)ease a sing)e &et' %ia has a)rea& a""eare on '
2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
’ve been, sin!e sti)) haven’t auitione haven’t auitione &et has a)rea& intervie#e ’ve a)rea& "ra!tise ’ve ust "ra!tise haven’t )earnt, &et hasn’t finishe &et sti)) hasn’t finishe ’s been, for sti)) hasn’t sto""e
2 1 2 3 4 5
have bought ’ve been ’ve one ’ve ")a&e ’ve o#n)oae
6 7 8 9
has visite haven’t one haven’t seen ’ve "oste
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
has so) his !om"uter has #ritten a boo* has mae a !a*e haven’t s"o*en to +an haven’t s)e"t for t#o nights ’ve run* a)) the mi)* hasn’t eaten an&thing
4 1 2 3 4 5
Have &ou seen m& sung)asses, ! Has Amma ever visite Ita)&, e hat has he eaten toa&, here have the& gone, a Have #e met before, b
"ocabulary unit 4
3 1a b 2a b 3a b 4a b
?en met Sara in 2' ?en has *no#n Sara sin!e 2' he& forme a ban in 21' he&’ve been in a ban for e)even &ears' e )ost our !ontra!t in 25' e haven’t ha a !ontra!t sin!e 25' e ha an argument in 28' I haven’t s"o*en to Sara for four &ears'
"ocabulary unit 5 1 1 6
2 e 7 !
3 g
2 1 2 3
o a "hoto shoot got a "art to" the !harts
4 b
5 f
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
message, frien sho" on)ine !a)) "eo")e, internet u")oa, "hotos sear!h, "eo")e "ost a message
2 1 2 3
instant messaging on)ine sho""ing internet !a))
4 u")oa 5 "eo")e sear!h 6 message boar
3 Bossib)e ans#er> 0n& 0nerson signe his first !ontra!t #hen he #as on)& seventeen' He i a )ot of "hoto shoots for magaines an his first sing)e to""e the !harts' He signe a )ot of autogra"hs for his fans' He #on an a#ar too an be!ame ver& famous'
3 1 2 3 4
hea)th !oo*er& trave) ne#s
5 6 7 8
4 1 2 3 4
!reativit& arrogan!e beaut& fame
5 ambition 6 fortune 7 thi!* s*in
4 1 2 3
!oo*er& ne#s fashion
4 s"ort 5 trave)
5 1 2 3
thi!* s*in fortunate arrogan!e
4 @ame 5 ambition 6 beaut&
natura) histor& fi)m revie#s fashion sho""ing
4 #on an a#ar 5 signe autogra"hs
Grammar unit 6
Grammar unit 7
1 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 2 3 4
#i)) be #i)) be #on’t go #i)) #ant
2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11
"eo")e #i)) !ome "eo")e see the meeting #i)) be #i)) &ou o nobo& !omes I’)) !arr& on i)) the meeting !hange he&’)) )earn #i)) &ou fee) the !ir!us returns It #on’t be
3 1 2 3 4 5
I’m not going to use it' It #i)) ma*e a ifferen!e' he&’re going to !)ose it' he& #on’t su""ort us' He isn’t going to oin in'
4 1
0re &ou going to s"onsor /ane on her #a)* tomorro# I’m not going to sign u" for the ne#s)etter' here #i)) #e go if the !oun!i) !)oses our
shou) go to be must #ear the uniform mustn’t ")a& truant shou) ta)* to a tea!her must be seventeen shou)n’t eat so mu!h
2 1 /a!* shou)n’t o his home#or* on the bus' 2 he& must )isten to their tea!her' 3 ou mustn’t go out tonight' 4 e on’t have to #ear a s!hoo) uniform' 5 Fa!he) shou) te)) her tea!her about the bu))ies' Fobbie has to revise for an tomorro#' 3 1 2 3 4
have to #ear mustn’t #ear have to must eat on’t have to sta&
5 mustn’t eat 6 have to must o 7 has to must stu&
4 Suggeste ans#ers> 1 Ga! shou) te)) a tea!her about his "rob)em' 2 He mustn’t ")a& truant' 3 He oesn’t have to go to universit&'
"ocabulary unit 6 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ob& has got a etention again' I must sit an tomorro#' She )eft s!hoo) )ast &ear' I never ta)* to the !)ass bu))&' A))a #as absent for t#o a&s' He fai)e an )ast #ee*' ou must atten )essons'
2 1 2 3
fai) an are absent sit e.ams
3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1 2 3 4
4 get a etention 5 atten )essons
d#nner s!hoo) d#nner , b s#n$le%se& s!hoo) s#n$le%se&, g fees s!hoo) fees, a 're%s!hoo) 're%, ! un#form s!hoo) un#form, f ba$ s!hoo) ba$, onl#ne s!hoo) onl#ne, h home s!hoo) home, e "re=s!hoo) "rimar& s!hoo) s!hoo) uniform s!hoo) bag
5 s!hoo) inners 6 sing)e=se. s!hoo) 7 s!hoo) fees
2 3 &outh 4 5 6
5 might bo&!ott 6 might not ma*e 7 #on’t !hange
!)ub Fi!har is going to a meeting this evening' )imate !hange is going to #i"e out a )ot of s"e!ies' ur #or) #i)) en u" #ithout rainforests'
"ocabulary unit 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
organiation, organier su""ort, su""ort !am"aign, !am"aigner "etition, "etitioner "ub)i!ie, "ub)i!it& "rotest, "rotestor
2 1 2 3
!am"aigners "ub)i!ie "rotestor
4 "etition 5 organiation 6 su""orters
3 1 2 3
"rotestors organier "rotest
4 s"onsors 5 !am"aigners 6 "ub)i!it&
4 Across 1 !are for 4 "ut off 5 o#n u"
Down 1 !arr& on 2 en u" 3 "ut u" #ith
set off
5 1 2 3
!are for !arr& on "ut u" #ith
4 set off 5 o#n u" 6 "ut off
e, he +aa artists #eren’t a!!e"te b& their !riti!s at first'
Grammar unit 8 1 1 2 3 4
ou) &ou )i*e to !an’t ’)) be ab)e to o &ou "refer
5 6 7 8
#ou)n’t )i*e to )ove +o &ou )i*e on’t )i*e
2 1 2 3
, #on’t be ab)e to a, !an’t f, !ou)n’t
4 !, ’)) be ab)e to 5 e, !an’t 6 b, !an
3 1 If I #as an a!tor, I’ )ive in Ho))oo' If I )ive in Ho))oo, I’ be an a!tor' 2 ob& #ou) )i*e to be a fi)m ire!tor' 3 e’)) be ab)e to see the ne# fi)m soon' 4 If &ou #ere a su"erhero, #hat "o#ers #ou) &ou have 5 ou) &ou )i*e to see an aventure fi)m #ith me 6 e #ou) trave) to the future if #e ha a time ma!hine' 7 I !ou)n’t s#im #hen I #as &oung' 4 Stuents’ o#n ans#ers'
"ocabulary unit 8 1 1
3 f
4 a
5 e
6 !
2 1 2 3
a!tion musi!a)s autobiogra"h&
4 roman!e 5 #esterns 6 ghost stor&
3 1 2
s!ener& tit)e "age
3 "rou!er 4 !ha"ter
4 1 2 3
!ha"ter eitor "rou!er
4 "ening !reits 5 0n i))ustration
5 1 2 3 4
nove)ist eitor i))ustrations tit)e "age
5 6 7 8
fi)m ire!tor "rou!er s!ener& o"ening !reits
Grammar unit 9 1 1 2 2' 3 4
b, he Mona Lisa #asn’t "ainte b& Bi!asso' , he ate %oern ga))er& #as o"ene in a, me)ettes are a)#a&s mae from eggs' !, 0 )ot of boo*s are "ub)ishe ever& &ear'
2 1 2 3 4
Ho# often are &our #ino#s #ashe h& #as the "ainting ree!te as the s!u)"ture so) for a )ot of mone& 0re ifferent )anguages s"o*en in &our house
3 1 2
0 s!u)"ture #as sto)en here are the s!u)"tures e.hibite $in the museum( he&’re e.hibite in the main ga))er&' hen #ere the "o)i!e to) he& #ere to) this morning' 0 man #as intervie#e as he arreste he #as a))o#e to )eave
3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1 2 3
S!u)"tures are sometimes mae from marb)e' %oern art isn’t a)#a&s a!!e"te b& its !riti!s' %i!he)ange)o’s s!u)"tures #eren’t finishe in a a&'
"ocabulary unit 9 1 1 2
stuio s!u)"tor
3 ra#ing 4 !urator
5 "rints 6 !o))age
2 1 2
stuio ra#ing
3 !urator 4 Brints
5 s!u)"tor 6 !o))age
3 Bossib)e senten!es> 1 he !urator organie the e.hibition' 2 I #ent to see the e.hibition of ra#ings' 3 I "referre the "rints to the !o))age' 4 he art movement #asn’t a!!e"te b& the !riti!s' 5 he museum e.hibite the s!u)"ture' 4 1 6 5 1 2 3
b e g o gorgeous une.!iting
2 f 5 a 7 !
4 )aughab)e 5 offensive 6 vibrant