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Company : RISA Technologies Designer : Job Number : AISC A SD 9th Bas e Plat e Exampl Exam pl e 12, pg 3 - 108
March 10, 2013 Checked By:_____
X Bolt
X (in)
Z (in)
n i
7 1
19 i n
Geometry Geometry and Materials Length 19. i n Width 17. i n Thickness 2. i n Base Plate Fy 36. k s i Base Plate E 29000. k s i Bearing Fp 1.636 k s i Bearing Fc' 3. k s i Pedestal Length 28 i n Pedestal Width 28 i n An aly ze Base Bas e Plat e as Ri gi d Fp B as ed o n A ISC J 9 Cr i t er i a AISC A SD 9th
Column Shape W10X100 Column eX 0. i n Column eZ 0. i n Column to Edge Min (X) 1. i n Column to Edge Min (Z) 1. i n WF Fl an g es w el d ed WF Web w el d ed Pl ai n B as e Pl at e Co n n ec t i o n Vx Sh ear L u g NOT p r es en t Vz Shear Lu g NOT pres p res ent
Anchor Bolt Diameter 1 . i n Anchor Bolt Material A 307 Anchor Bolt Fu 58. k s i Anchor Bolt E 29000. k s i AB Projected Length 6 i n AB to AB Min Spacing 3 in AB to Stiffner Min Spacing 1.5 i n AB to Column Min Spacing 1.5 i n AB to Edge Min Spacing 1.5 i n AB Row Min Spacing 3 in Pr i o r i t y i s A B t o Ed g e Sp ac i n g Inc lu de Th read s f or AB Desi gn AB Fv, Ft are Us er Def in ed
Loads DL
P (k) 525.
Vx (k)
Vz (k)
Mx (k-ft)
Mz (k-ft)
Reverse No
Base Plate Plate Stress and Bearing Result Result Description Column Reaction
Load Sets 1DL
Base Plate Stress (ksi) Allowable ASIF U.C. 27. 1. .989
Bearing Pressure (ksi) Allowable ABIF U.C. 1.636 1. .994
Bearing Bearing Contou rs 1.626 (ksi) 1.625
1DL Allowable : 1.636 ksi U.C. : .994
RISABase Version 1.02
[E:\software\software 4 tgs kuliah\New folder\Civil & Marine Structural\RISA BASE Page PLATE\RISA 1 B
Company : RISA Technologies Designer : Job Number : AISC A SD 9th Bas e Plat e Exampl e 12, pg 3 - 108
March 10, 2013 Checked By:_____
Base Plate Stress Contou r 26.698 (ksi) .981
1DL Allowable : 27. ksi U.C. : .989
An ch or Bo lt Resu lt s Description
RISABase Version 1.02
Load Sets
Bolt Tens.(k)
Vx (k)
Vz (k)
Ft (ksi)
Fv (ksi)
[E:\software\software 4 tgs kuliah\New folder\Civil & Marine Structural\RISA BASE Page PLATE\RISA 2 B