Rizal Course Hand Out 2 Rizal Family Father Side
Lam-co – migrated in the Philippines in 1!!"s #aptized at San $a%riel Church a Chinese community in #inondo in o 1&' at age ()* o +dopted the surname ,omingo arried .nes de la Rosa – a Chinese Christian /rom anila o Hal/ the age o/ her hus%and o .n0ited %y to Spanish /riars to settle in San .sidro La%rador in #an3 Laguna3 a ,ominican estate* o +dopted the surname ercado – meaning 4mar5et6 in 1'(1 Francisco ercado – 1'(1 o Son o/ ,omingo and .nes ercado o 7amed a/ter a /riar /amous /or his %otanical studies arried Cirila #ernacha o o Settled ith his /amily in Hacienda o/ San 8uan #autista in Calam%a o 9as /orced to return to #ian %ecause o/ the hostility o/ the Spaniards to the Chinese immigrants %ecause o/ their support to $reat #ritain* o +cti0e in local politics o #ecame a go%ernadorcillo - capitan del pue%lo or municipal municip al mayor o Had to sons: 8uan and Clemente ercado 8uan ercado ercado – arried arried Cirila Cirila +le;andro +le;andro
other Side
Lorenzo +l%erto +lonzo – >eodora"s /ather o His /ather Cipriano as a municipal captain o/ #ian in 1'&'* His grand/ather $regorio as the head o/ the mestizos in Sta* Cruz3 o anila in 1'( and 1'=* o 9as married to Paula Florentino /rom ?igan %e/ore marrying #rigida @uintos #rigida @uintos – >eodora"s mother o anuel de @uintos – #rigida"s /ather as a prominent layer in Pangasinan ho graduated /rom the Ani0erity o/ Santo >omas o Regina Ochoa – %elonged to a rich clan in Ca0ite o >heir /amily changed their surname /rom @uintos @uintos to Realonda Realonda Children: 7arcisa o o >eodora >eodora o $regorio
anuel o 8ose +l%erto ,on Francisco and ,oa >eodora et in anila here the to o/ them ere studying* o o >hey ere married on 8une 2=3 1=B= o Chose to settle in Calam%a here they engaged in /arming and %usiness o Had 11 children ,on Francisco +le;andro ercado o 1=1=-1=&=D #orn in #ian3 Laguna* o o Studied Latin and Philosophy at the College o/ San 8ose in anila* o His parents died at a young age He %ecame a tenant-/armer o/ the ,ominican-oned hacienda in o Calam%a* ,oa >eodora orales +lonso Realonda o 1=2-1&11D #orn on 7o0em%er =3 1=2 o o Studied at the College o/ Santa Rosa- an eEclusi0e school /or girls in anila* o
>he Rizal Children 1* Saturnina a* 1=)!-1&1(D %* +lso 5non as 7eneng c* arried to anuel Hidalgo /rom >anaan3 #atangas 2* Paciano a* 1=)1-1&(!D %* 8ose"s only %rother ho also acts as his second /ather c* Fa0orite student o/ Father 8ose #urgos d* Studied in the Colegio de San 8ose e* 8oined the re0olution a/ter his %rother"s eEecution /* Li0ed in Los3 #aos3 here he had a /arm g* 9as %elie0ed to %e a %achelor %ut had to children to Se0erina ,ecena (* 7arcisa a* 1=)2-1&(&D %* +lso 5non as Sisa c* arried +ntonio Lopez3 a nephe o/ Father Leoncio Lopez /riend o/ the Rizal"sD B* Olimpia a* 1=))-1=='D %* non as Gpia c* arried Sil0estre A%aldo3 a telegraph operator /rom anila* )* Lucia a* 1=)'-1&1&D %* arried ariano Her%osa3 a nephe o/ Father Casaas 8ose"s god/atherD c* Her hus%and died o/ cholera %ut as denied o/ Christian %urial %ecause he as 8ose"s %rother-in-la
* aria a* %* c* '* 8ose a* %* c* d* e* /*
1=)&-1&B)D Her pet name as #iang arried ,aniel Faustino Cruz /rom #ian3 Laguna
1=1-1=&D #orn on 8une 1&3 1=1D a 9ednesday %eteen 11 and 12 midnight $reatest Filipino e0er li0ed >he Philippines" 7ational Hero 9as %elie0ed to %e married to 8osephine #rac5en >hey ere %elie0ed to ha0e a son ho they named as Francisco3 a/ter his /ather* =* Concepcion a* 1=2-1=)D %* +lso 5non as Concha c* ,ied %ecause o/ sic5ness at the age o/ ( d* Her death as considered %y 8ose as his rst sorro in li/e* &* 8ose/a a* 1=)-1&B)D %* +lso 5non as Panggoy c*
rinidad a* 1==-1&)1D %* non as >rining c* >he last in the Rizal /amily to die 11*Soledad a* 1='!-1&2&D %* Goungest o/ the Rizal children c* non as Choleng d* arried Pantaleon @uintero /rom Calam%a Rizal"s
#elie0ed to %e an enchanting ton Said to %e %eteen t* a5iling and Laguna de #ay +n agricultural ton oned %y the ,ominican Friars Sugar – main product emories o/ a Student in anila – Rizal"s auto%iography ritten hen he as 1' years old P* 8acinto – pseudonym used %y Rizal to 5eep the details o/ his li/e pri0ate*
Rizal Family • • • •
non to %e mem%ers o/ the Principalia Has one o/ the stone houses in Calam%a 9ith +ya yayasD and careta5ers >enants to the ,ominican estate
Rizal"s Childhood
Calam%a Catholic Church – here Rizal as %aptized %y Father Runo Collantes o Father Pedro Casaas – god/ather o St* 8ohn the #aptist Church at present ,on Francisco – i5oy odel o/ /athers o o .nIuilino – leading tenant Hired tenants to culti0ate lands o Second to %uild a stone house in Calam%a* ,oa >eodora - Lolay o Cultured oman o/ anila nos literature and spo5e Spanish %etter than Rizal o o + mathematician and has read many %oo5s* Had more than 13!!! %oo5s Rice3 sugar and corn – products in the Rizal /arm
Rizal"s eodora +lonzo – as Rizal"s rst teacher Story o/ the oth- Rizal"s /a0orite story told %y his mother* o >he story had le/t a deep impression in Rizal"s li/e* 2 years old- Rizal as /amiliar o/ the alpha%et ( years old – he mastered the alpha%et and 5ne ho to read %oo5s B years old – 5ne ho to rite in >agalog and Spanish ) years old – he %egan to read haltingly the Spanish /amily %i%le o He made s5etches ith his pencil mold clay and aE o%;ects • •
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Father Leoncio Lopez – 0isited %y Rizal to listen to his stimulating opinions on current e0ents and sound philosophy o/ li/e* #rothers o/ ,oa >eodora >io $regorio – taught 8ose ho to read o >aught him to or5 hard3 to thin5 /or himsel/ and o%ser0e li/e 5eenly >io 8ose +l%erto – Rizal"s rst teacher in arts >aught him ho to s5etch3 paint and sculpt o >io anuel – taught 8ose the importance o/ martial arts and eEercise* Simming3 /encing3 restling and other sports o
Rizal"s Companions o Asman – his dog +lipato – his pony o o #ought %y ,on Francisco
4Sa +5ing ga a%ata6>o y Fello ChildrenD – rst poem ritten %y Rizal in Filipino
Pepe ercado o 9ritten hen he as eight years old >agalog ,rama – staged in the esta o/ Calam%a >he $o%ernadorcillo o/ Paete paid 2 pesos in eEchange o/ the o manuscript o
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>utors aestro Celestino – rst pri0ate tutor aestro Lucas Padua aestro Leon onroy – /ormer classmate o/ ,on Francisco ho li0ed ith the Rizal /amily /or siE months and taught Latin to 8ose
2* #ian •
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He as sent %y his /ather ,on Francisco in this near%y ton to ha0e a /ormal education* Paciano – accompanied the young 8ose herein they rode a carromata* 8ose li0ed in his aunt"s house during his stay in #ian Leandro – Rizal"s cousin %ecame his %est /riend and tourist guide >omasa ercado – Rizal"s aunt here he stayed hile he as in the ton* Champorado – /a0ourite %rea5/ast o/ Rizal aestro 8ustiniano +Iuino-Cruz – oner o/ the school here Rizal rst studied* o Ser0ed also as his teacher Rizal epitomized him in one o/ the chapters in 7oli e >angere Latin and Spanish – main su%;ects in #ian Pedro – Rizal"s rst opponent in %raling o He as the son o/ aestro 8ustiniano +ndres Salandanan – 8ose"s rst arm-restling opponent & years old – hen Rizal studied in #ian 8uancho – Rizal"s teacher in painting o aestro 8ustiniano"s /ather in la Saturnina – rote a letter to 8ose as5ing him to come home in 1='! >alim – the steamship that he rode on his ay home
>aste o/ .n;ustice 1* ,ona >eodora – as accused as an accomplice to her %rother 8ose +l%erto in trying to poison her sister in la hose name as >eodora Formosa* a* 9al5ed )! 5ilometers /rom Calam%a to Santa Cruz and as imprisoned /or 2 J years* %* >he ,ominicans helped the /amily %y sending the %est layers ho ere also pro/essors /rom AS>* 2* he three secular priests ere implicated in the Ca0ite utiny o/ 8anuary 2!3 1='2* c* Francisco Kaldua – /alse itness ho pointed the three priests* d* Father ariano $omez e* Father 8ose #urgos
/* Father 8acinto Kamora g* +rch%ishop eliton artinez – ordered the tolling o/ %ells o/ the anila Cathedral a/ter the eEecution* h* Paciano – Iuit college a/ter the eEecution i*