Romanticism in tintern abbey Set in the tranquil welsh countryside, the opening of the poem is dense in naturalistic imagery impelling the reader to be transported into the magnicent "wild, secluded scenes" and thus forcing the reader to appreciate the power and beauty of nature just as Wordsworth himself does, an approach typical of Romanticism. Samuel Taylor Taylor oleridge saw poetry as "the mediatress between, and reconciler of nature and man". This quote lends signicance to the fact that the opening stan!a immediately connects nature with man, focusing on the emotions that nature enforces and man feels, forming the connection between the two and thus dening the poem as undoubtedly Romantic. Wordsworth nds solace in the memory of the landscape it pro#ides him with "tranquil restoration". This was particularly important for Wordsworth seeing as he su$ered from what we now call bipolar disorder and thus, emotionally, he would ha#e been #ery unstable. %ature acts as "the anchor of my purest thoughts". &t is Wordsworth's constant unli(e the world around him that is radically changing in an industrial re#olution. %ature is )ed and imper#ious to changes in the physical world, much li(e li (e how Wordsworth Wordsworth would li(e to be himself. The beauty of Tintern Tintern pro#ides Wordsworth Wordsworth with access to a more spiritual state because the place itself is "of aspect more sublime". This suggests there is an air ai r of mystery about the place, something humans themsel#es cannot physically grab hold of or clutch something beyond our material nature. %ature leads the path to the soul it instigates i nstigates e)ploration of the self because, li(e nature, the self is not something we can dene or grab hold of, but it is the self where these emotions come from. The beauty pro#ides ephemeral access a ccess to a more spiritual e)istence, brief moments of enlightenment. *ecause Wordsworth wants to understand these incredible emotions, he wants to (now how to transform these brief moments of "ecstasy" " ecstasy" into permanent bliss, he is lead to where w here they are rooted his inner self. The understanding of the self is not only one of the main themes of this poem but also one of the (ey features of romantic poetry. poetry. +erhaps the bbey itself acts as a symbol of the soul because although the poem is about the bbey it is not described. &n the rst stan!a, Wordsworth Wordsworth describes an idyllic natural setting and nds comfort and serenity there. -e writes,
"The day is come when & again repose -ere, under this dar( sycamore, and #iew These plots of cottage/ground, these orchard/tufts orchard/tufts . . ." 01/223.
Romantic authors use precise detail when describing nature and associate countryside or natural landscapes with happiness, purity, and peace.
&n the second stan!a, Wordsworth describes the city and his lonely room in a negati#e light. Romantic authors belie#ed that the city was a place of moral depra#ity and corruption so notice the di$erence in the poet's wording about the city #ersus his worshipful attitude toward the natural setting.
4inally, Wordsworth see(s to nd moral enlightment in nature and uses words with religious connotations to describe elements of nature//"holier lo#e," "Worshipper of nature," "guardian of my heart," "anchor of my purest thoughts Wordsworth was the pioneer poet in the eld of literary philosophy which is now called romanticism. This poem re5ects a romantic theme in two main ways. 4irst is that throughout the passage of the entirety of the poem, there is a stressed #iew point upon imagination and remembrance, and most notably lots of emotion in#ol#ed in the poem. The second way this poem has a romantic theme is that the poet, Wordsworth, describese)hibits his lo#e of nature through his many re#elations and remembering of memories. ontinued, this poem shows lots of imagination and therefore romanticism by the way Wordsworth stresses memories. &n the beginning of the poem he remembers the abbey from #e years ago and he is reli#ing the memories. Then he describes how he percei#es and longs for the same degree of nature in those #e years since he has returned. 6ater in the poem, the author rejoices in the fact that he can fuel his imagination with new memories of this trip. &n terms of the application of emotion, and therefore romanticism, Wordsworth uses many personal adjecti#es to describe nature around him. Rather than dote upon the si!e of the mountains and the age rings and the disrepair of the abbey, he ta(es an alternati#e #iewpoint and uses emotions to show his joy for these things. The author is happy and it shows in the poem, this shows the romantic theme. The romantic theme of the poem also applies in a more simplistic manner in the way that the author longs for and enjoys e#erything about nature around him. s was noted in the pre#ious sentence, the surrounding area ma(es him happy. &n the poem Wordsworth says, he still lo#es nature, still lo#es mountains and pastures and woods, for they anchor his purest thoughts and guard the heart and soul of his "moral being.