Fitrana Amalia Hafizhah 14211141023
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DRAMA ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Name of Play: Romeo & Juliet Author: William Shakespeare
Charaters a. Pro Protagonist i. Juliet: Juliet: aughter aughter to !a"ulet# !a"ulet# ta$es ta$es the the lea in the romance romance## l%rical l%rical use of
language# has "remonitions &ut oes not act on them# isolate# onl% one in the "la% to guess the outcome. ii. 'omeo: son son of (ontague# (ontague# isolate isolate# # "assionate# "assionate# iealis iealistic# tic# nai)e# nai)e# has "remonitions &ut oes not act on them# hel"less &. Antagonist i. *%&alt: *%&alt: Juliet+ Juliet+ss cousin# cousin# foil to to 'omeo# "assionat "assionate# e# "rieful# "rieful# easil% easil% "ro)o$e# high,s"irite# hot,&looe# fier% nature# infle-i&le# single set of a&solutes c. the therr ma/o ma/orr cha chara ract cter erss i. urse: urse: Juliet+s Juliet+s nurse# nurse# stereot% stereot%"ical# "ical# arrogant# arrogant# garrulous# garrulous# ignorant ignorant## &a%# unculti)ate# ol an infirm# fic$le# ants the &est for Juliet translate: ants Juliet marrie to an%one5# loo$s at lo)e as animal lust# comic ii. !a"ulet: !a"ulet: Juliet+ Juliet+ss father# father# im"atient im"atient## lo)es Juliet Juliet &ut is misguie misguie in his lo)e# 6uerulous# infle-i&le# ol# loo$s at lo)e as a goo match iii. Friar 7aurence: 7aurence: 'omeo+ 'omeo+ss counselor counselor## lo)e an res"ect res"ecte# e# attem"ts attem"ts to o hat is right# marre reasoning# mis"lace )irtue i). i). (ercutio: (ercutio: $insman $insman to to Prince an an frien frien of 'omeo# itt% itt%## honora&le# honora&le# intelligent# lo)es or "la%# amia&le# coul &e )oice of reason &ut unerestimates 'omeo+s "assion# foil to 'omeo# his eath ma$es the trage% ine)ita&le ). 8en)olio: 8en)olio: (ontague (ontague ne"he# ne"he# frien frien of 'omeo# 'omeo# "eacema$er "eacema$er . 9econar 9econar% % or minor minor charac character terss
i. Paris: a count# &etrothe to Juliet# foil to 'omeo II.
!"positio# a. *ime: 7ate 1th centur% &. Place: ;erona# Ital% c. Preliminar% situation: 'omeo# son of the House of (ontague# is mal% in lo)e
ith 'osaline. III.
Plot a. Inciting (oment , Ho oes the "light of the main characters &egin< At the o"ening of the "la%# there is a scene hich introuce the feu
&eteen House of !a"ulet an House of (ontague. *hen# there comes 'omeo# son of the House of (ontague# ho is sa &ecause of unre6uite lo)e. 'omeo &elie)es he is es"eratel% in lo)e ith 'osaline# a %oung &eaut% ho s"urns his attentions. *o ri him of his infatuation# his frien 8en)olio suggest he turn to other omen I#i.5. 'omeo learns through an announcement carrie &% an illiterate ser)ant of the House of !a"ulet# a famil% engage in a feu ith the (ontagues# that a &all ill &e gi)en that night &% the !a"ulets at hich 'osaline ill &e a guest I# ii.5. 'omeo# ho"ing to see her# an 8en)olio# ho"ing 'omeo ill fin another# ecie to atten the &all e)en though the% ha)en+t &een in)ite. &. (ain conflict At the &all# 'omeo# ho ears a mas$# sees an falls ee"l% in lo)e ith Juliet# ho he later isco)ers is the aughter of the !a"ulets. *%&alt# Juliet+s hot, tem"ere cousin# recognizes 'omeo# &ut is eterre from oing an% harm &% the eler !a"ulet# ho ill not ha)e his "art% ruine &% a fight. e)ertheless# *%&alt &ies his time an )os re)enge I#).5. c. 'ising Action 7ater that night# hile Juliet+s "arents are arranging her marriage to the aristocratic !ount Paris# a lo)e,struc$ 'omeo steals into the !a"ulet+s garen ho"ing to glim"se Juliet. He o)erhears Juliet+s secret eclaration of lo)e for him an ma$es himself $non to her. *he% e-change "leges of lo)e an etermine to marr% secretl% the ne-t a% II#ii.5. =ith the hel" of Friar 7aurence# a hol% man ho ho"es to heal the &reach &eteen the !a"ulets an (ontagues# an Juliet+s )ulgar &ut ell,meaning nurse# ho ants nothing more than to see Juliet marrie# the to are ee in the Friar+s cell# un$non to the "arents of either house II#iii.5. . !lima-
9oon after his marriage# 'omeo isco)ers his friens 8en)olio an (ercutio in a fight ith *%&alt# ho has &een loo$ing for 'omeo to call him to account for his intrusion on the !a"ulet &ell. 8ecause he has marrie Juliet an loo$s u"on *%&alt as a relati)e# 'omeo resists his a)ances. (ercutio# angere &% *%&alt+s insults an attac$s on 'omeo# ras his sor. In an attem"t to "re)ent the fight 'omeo hols (ercutio &ac$ as *%&alt ras his sor an sla%s (ercutio. 'omeo has no choice &ut to a)enge the eath of his frien. *he% fight# an *%&alt is slain III#i.5. 'omeo flees to Friar 7aurence+s cell. 'omeo+s fate is seale hen the Prince of ;erona &anishes him from the cit% for his ee. *he es"airing 'omeo s"ens his first an final night ith Juliet &efore he flees to (antua at an. ot $noing that Juliet grie)es for 'omeo an assuming her tears are for her slain cousin *%&alt# the eler !a"ulet "re"ares for Juliet to marr% the !ountr% Paris later that same ee$ III#).5. Juliet "leas ith her "arents to "ost"one the eing# an# hen the% refuse# see$s the Friar+s a)ice. He tells her to agree to the marriage# &ut to ta$e a slee"ing "otion mae from her&s he has gathere. *he "otion ill mimic the a""earance of eath an she can &e &rought to the !a"ulet &urial )ault# hile the Friar has 'omeo &rought &ac$ from (antua ;#i.5. e. Falling Action 9he ta$es the "otion an is foun# a""arentl% ea# the morning of her "lanne eing. 9he is &urie in the same tom& as *%&alt I;#iii.,I;#).5. Fate an accient "re)ent Friar 7aurence+s letter form reaching 'omeo ho hears of Juliet+s eath from his ser)ant. 'omeo ecies to $ill himself an see$s "oison from an a"othecar% ;#i.5. He sli"s &ac$ into ;erona# fins Paris mourning Juliet at the tom $ills him# enters the tom an fining the ea Juliet# ta$es the "oison ;#iii.5. *he Friar arri)es /ust as Juliet aa$ens# &ut he is una&le to "ersuae her to lea)e 'omeo. An# after the Friar lea)es# Juliet ta$es her on life f.
ith 'omeo+s agger ;#iii.5. >enouement *he !a"ulets an the eler (ontague# hose ife has ie that night of a &ro$en heart o)er 'omeo+s &anishment# arri)e at the tom& to isco)er the entire %ounger generation ea. After this tragic ening of the lo)e action an the feu
action# the Friar e-"lains the marriage an intrigue. His ors are su""lemente &% the letter that 'omeo lea)es ith 8althasar. At last the famil% feu is ene & % the eath of the star,crosse lo)ers. ;#iii.5. g. Ho o the characters+ li)es change throughout the stor%< =hat is the "light at the en of the "la%< *he change of the character+s li)es is )er% o&)ious# from ha""% into sa an ens ith regretful %et "eaceful en. At first# &oth "arties ha)e their on life an issues# then hen 'omeo an Juliet fall in lo)e e)er%thing seems more enticing an hatre &eteen House of !a"ulet an House of (ontague is more a""arent. After (ercutio+s eath &oth houses grauall% feel the trage% an the conition is grauall% &ecome orsen an com"licate. At the en of the "la%# &oth "arties# House of !a"ulet an House of (ontague are in mourning &ecause of their chilren+s eath thus the% en the feu# an there comes "eace &eteen I;.
them. $heme of Play a. =hat as the main iea?theme of the "la% an hat oes it sa% a&out the time in hich it as set< &. (eaning of the *itle , hat is the core meaning# or hat is the "la% sa%ing< ften an iea is e-"resse through a feeling hat lies su&liminall% &eneath the feeling< *he title 'omeo an Juliet means ientit% an relationshi". c. Philoso"hical statements in the "la% cite actual 6uotations foun in the scri"t. Pin"oint the lines5that ma$e irect reference to %our inter"retation of its meaning . Im"lications of the action hat "ersonal an societal changes o the characters eal ith an ho oes this affect the main iea of the "la%< e. !onsier each scene etermine the "ur"ose of each scene in the "la%. =hat iea
is tr%ing to con)e%< Ho oes it hel" the o)erall iea< Perso#al Reatio# a. >i %ou li$e the "la%< =h% or h% not< =oul %ou recommen it to others< I actuall% o not reall% li$e the "la% in its romance sie &ecause e)en though it shos us a&out ho true lo)e is an ho sacrifice can mean# it still shos us that lo)e can turn into miser% too an cause &etra%al. Hoe)er# I o li$e the ening of the "la% in hich the &oth "arties# House of !a"ulet an House of (ontague# are unite thus there oul &e no more conflict an feu. es# I oul
li$e to recommen this "la% for 14thB reaers &ecause it contains lo)e or romance as"ect hich is can go ar% an ina""ro"riate if it is rea &% chilren. &. =hat actors in Holl%oo might &e suita&le to "la% the characters from this "la% on the &ig screen< Juliet: oung5 Cate =inslet 'omeo: 7iam Hemsorth ;I.
Moo% a. =hat is the moo of the "la%< *he moo of e "la% is &oth cheerful,funn%,romantic an sorroful. &. =hat is the moo of the &eginning com"are to the en< *he moo &eteen the &eginning an the en are "ett% contrasti)e. *he
earl% acts are fille ith "la%s on ors# the &a% tal$ of Juliet+s nurse# the re)elr% of a &all# mooning lo)ers# unli$el% lo)e scenes# an# in s"ite of the feu# a general air of humor an ha""iness. At the &eginning of Act III the come% turns to trage%. D)en the eather has &ecome hot an the ma &loo stirring III#i#45. First# (ercutio is slain &% *%&alt# an# then *%&alt &% 'omeo. Ironicall%# (ercutio# ho seeme to &e a "i)otal "la%er in the come%# &ecomes not onl% the first to ie# &ut his eath ma$es all those that follo ine)ita&le. Ine)ita&ilit% is the force hich go)erns the orl of trage%. From the time of (ercutio+s eath the characters seem to ha)e no control o)er the e)ents as the% s"ee &%. A sense of oom is ominantE e)ents occur &efore the% can &e sto""eE "erce"tions are marreE errors in /ugment are ram"antE e)er%one is infle-i&leE e)er%thing is a&solute# ine)ita&le.