Descripción: Definition of rubric and criteria to create it.
rubrics for making slogan in tagalog
John Kenrick
Descripción: "Really, we do't want people twiddling their goatees over our stuff" Sorry Philip Selway, here's a song by song analysis of Radiohead's catalog. Any suggestions made about this work will be taken ...
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mind rubrics
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Rubrics for a Stage Play Fully Developed Excellent S!illful Performance Performance (10 (" # $ Blocking is rarely Blocking is committed. committed a few times.
Developed Pleasing Performance (% # & Blocking is committed more often than not.
Developing 'deuate ,nadeuate Performance Performance () * + (- * . Blocking is Blocking is committed more committed more than 10 times. than 15 times.
Voice has e!cellent enunciation and dynamics" differentiation differentiation in pace and inflection# resonance# resonance# $uality and consistent.
Voice show e!cellent e!pression# differentiation differentiation in pace and inflection# resonance# $uality and consistent.
Voice shows e!pression# differentiation differentiation in pace and inflection# somewhat consistent.
Voice shows some e!pressive moments" inconsistent inconsistent in $uality and pace.
Voice is not e!pressive" too $uick/ too slow several times" too" lacks consistency.
&ha &haract racter eri' i'aatio tion
(erf (erfo ormers ers had a definite distinct character and showed depth of character throughout the performance. performance. Brilli lliant* +e +ell developed characters# with great variety of emotion and very realistic.
(erformers had a distinct character and stayed in character throughout the performance. performance.
(erformers had a distinct character and stayed in character through almost all of the performance. performance.
(erformers had a fairly distinct character" tried to stay in character through most of the performance.
(erformers did not have a distinct character and %roke character character several times.
(erformers were not a%le to portray their their characters completely.
+ell developed characters with a variety of emotional levels and good realism.
,ood characters with emotional levels. Very few spots that were lacking focus.
,ood characters with some emotional levels. a couple spots that were lacking focus.
+eak characters# characters# onedimensional# very little focus# emotional levels and variety.
o emotional emotional commitment or energy. &haracters were totally un%elieva%le.
S!illful Performance (" # $ ialogue is
Pleasing Performance (% # & ines appear to %e
'deuate Performance () * + ines seem to %e
,nadeuate Performance (- * . ines were
/nsatisfactory Performance (1 * 0 (erformers have
Blocking/ Stage Movement
Mastery of ines
Excellent Performance (10 he student has
Not Developed /nsatisfactory Performance (1 * 0 Blocking is committed almost all throughout the play. Voice is not e!pressive at all" too $uick/ too slow" completely indistinct and a%sence of vocal consistency.
SR 'SS,2
SR 'SS,2
Stage esign
&horeography/Body anguage
achieved an ownership of the piece and outstanding use of %ody language and facial e!pression which makes it more realistic. Music used is outstandingly %lended and fit for each scene. nnovative
while maintaining the integrity and the flavor of the play %y including several details which accurately reflect the period# culture or theme. Stage is e!cellently setup" everything needed is on stage. Excellent Performance (10 Body anguage is very innovative# style of movement is always reflective
memori'ed and accurate. he student has achieved an ownership of the piece as if their lines seem to %e their own.
memori'ed# accurate# and flow easily. 2 few hesitations in character were present.
memori'ed# %ut not accurately. 3low is a %it dis4ointed and there are some inconsistencies in dialogues.
present# %ut performers do not appear to have complete memori'ation.
little or no evidence of memori'ation of lines and dialogues.
Music used is satisfactorily %lended# with occasional incompati%ilities. esign captures he design the flavor of somewhat captures the play %y the flavor of the including several play %y including a details which few details which accurately reflect reflect the period# the period# culture or theme. culture or theme.
Music used seems to %e compati%le to the scenes and characters.
Music used is incompati%le to the scenes and characters.
here was very minimal or no use of music at all.
he design captures the flavor of the play %ut it includes very few details which reflect the period# culture or theme.
he design is %ased on the logical principles of design# %ut has little or no 6flavor.
7istorical and cultural details are missing from the design.
Stage set-up is very %asal and lacking" ma4or improvements could %e made.
Stage set-up is inconsistent with the story line" needs to %e redesigned.
'deuate Performance () * + here is movement# and it minimally accents the lyrics/dialogues.
,nadeuate Performance (- * . Movement is awkward and not well-thought out. 2ttempts to use %ody
Stage had little or no design at all" no visual cue for audience a%out the setting of the story. /nsatisfactory Performance (1 * 0 o movement or use of physical space. n appropriate or negative %ody
Music used is very well %lended and fit for each scene.
Stage is very well set-up" minimal improvements could %e made.
Stage is satisfactorily setup" a few minor improvements could %e made.
S!illful Pleasing Performance Performance (" # $ (% # & Body anguage Body anguage appears and movement is effortless# accents present# and accent the the lyrics/dialogues# lyrics/dialogues.
SR 'SS,2
2udience mpact
of character# accentuates the lyrics/dialogues# adds greatly to the depth of the character# and is interesting to the audience. 2udience is fully attentive# engaged and interested all throughout the play.
and is representative of the character" interesting to the audience.
Still a %it awkward# %ut good use of %ody language most of the time.
Movement is inconsistent with character" Sometimes uses %ody language well.
language# %ut often misses the mark.
2udience is highly attentive# engaged and interested all throughout the play.
2udience is attentive and interested" distracted at some parts of the play.
2udience is attentive %ut distracted at many occasions during the play.
2udience pays very little attention or interest throughout the play.
2udience is passive all throughout the play.
33'4 SRE5 100 Name and Signature 8 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 Date5 omments6Suggestions 8999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999