Conceptual Design and Diagrams
Christ Christia ian n e M He Herr
Course Overview 0: Introduction Course 1: Introduction Diagrams and Conceptual Design 2: A Brief History of Diagrams 3: Explanatory Diagrams 4: Generative Diagrams 5+6: Digital Diagrams 7: Diagram Architecture 8: Architectural Design Without Diagra ms 9: Review & Summary 10: mapping and site analysis quick introduction 10-14:: diagram-based 10-14 diagram-based conceptual design project 15:: presentation of conceptual design projects 15
OMA: Museum Plaza
Diagram Diagram Architecture What is it?
Di ag r am
A r c h i t ec t u r e
diagrams diagrams for generating architect ural ideas ideas
OCEAN – Michael Michael Hens Hensel el
Diagram Diagram Architecture What is it?
Di ag r am
A r c h i t ec t u r e
diagram diagram s for explaining explaining arc hitectural ideas ideas
Diagram to Architecture Diagrams are abstract. To To become ar chitecture, they are tr anslated into into for m.
Concep Con ceptt ual Design Design Process: P rocess: Separation of Idea and Form
OMA: Seattle Public Library: Program Programme me driven driven design design
Diagrams Become Architecture Translating into ‘plain for m’
OMA: Seattle Public Library: Data driven design
Diagrams Become Architecture rational cause and and effect tr anslation: anslation: the diagram is the architecture
OMA: Seattle Public Library
Diagrams Become Architecture the diagram diagram is the arc arc hitecture, the diagram is a translation of the brief
OMA: Museum Plaza
Diagram Diagram Architecture What is it?
Di ag r am ? A r c h i t ec t u r e Diagram Ar A r c h i t ect ec t u r e Form or m m erge rg es w ith it h dia di agra gr am
Diagram to Architecture Need for for t ranslation pr ocess?
Is it a diagram? Is Is it architectur e? Suspending Suspending translatio n
? ?
? ?
Extending the Conceptual Design Process: No Separation of Idea and Form
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): 21 st century museum Kanazawa, Kanazawa, Japan
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): 21 st century museum Kanazawa, Kanazawa, Japan
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): New Museum of Contemporary Art New York
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): Glass Pavilion T oledo oledo Museum Museum of A rt
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): Rolex Learning Centre
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Shigeru Ban Curtain W all all House
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Toyo Ito Sen Se ndai Mediatheque Sendai, Japan
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Toyo Ito Sen Se ndai Mediatheque Sendai, Japan
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Toyo Ito Sen Se ndai Mediatheque Sendai, Japan
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Junya Ishigami shigami
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): Serp Se rpent entiine Pavilion Pavilion
Diagram Diagram Architecture Arc Ar c hit ec tur tu r e of Th in nes s
Sejima Sejima & Nishiz Nishizawa awa (SANAA): Barce Barce lona Pavilion: Pavilion: Instal Inst allat latiion
Diagram Architecture Arc Ar c hit ec t ur e of Th in nes s
Superflat Art Ar t and a nd Arc Ar c hit ec tur tu r e of T hi nnes nne s s
Ryue Nishizawa: shizawa: Historically, architects must relate to aspects of the surroundings, but that has always focused on real things such as material or shape. I think that today, almost half of our daily life is occupied by information society, and although information society is invisible, I think that architecture must have some sort of relationship with such a society. And I don't know what type of answer there might be, but I think that there must be some intersecting possibilities for change. I: Is there a relationship between the information society and the idea of thinness? Kazuyo Kazuyo Sejima Sejima:: Yes Yes there t here is, is, bu b ut I don't don't know know exact exact ly how. how. In order to think about about t he informat informatio ion n societ society y there seems to be a relation relationship ship to the idea of dimension dimension or the th e effect effect o f t he mass mass or the t he volume volume on us. But But it also also relates relates to the reflective quality of glass as well, as opposed to its transparent quality.
Takashi Murakami Rin Nadeshi Nadeshico co
Superflat Art Ar t and a nd Arc Ar c hit ec tur tu r e of T hi nnes nne s s
Superflat: art movement founded by Takashi Murakami Superf Su perflat lat is a fo fo rt hright embrace embrace of a no no n-ideolo n-ideological gical future fut ure o f small small t hings o f desire and fascination fascinat ion
Chi Chiho Aoshima Aoshima
Superflat Art Ar t and a nd Arc Ar c hit ec tur tu r e of T hi nnes nne s s
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Suspending tr anslation
It o and Sejima Sejima approach appro ach the discourse discourse of o f t he diagram diagram in in a way way tha th at goes beyond t he confines of it it s duali dualistic st ic const ructio uct ions. ns. With With no regret, Seji S ejima ma confr conf ronts ont s the fact fact tha th at her h er archit archit ectural ectural drawings drawings have become beco me diagrams. When the diagram is approached as the necessary product of an idea, it perpetrates a betrayal. For the moment the dia d iagram gram is materia materia lized, it is unable to keep t he promises promises of o f its ori o riginatin ginating g program. pro gram. Subject Subject s const ant ly see, do, and say t hings unpronounced unpronounced in t he program, program, using t he architec architectt urla urla instrument instruments s for for purposes contrary to its 'idea'. Hyungmin Pai, Pai, Discourse Discourse of the Diagram Diagram
MAD architects: Contemporary Chinatown
Diagram Diagram Architecture Reading for m as diagram
MAD architects: Contemporary Chinatown
Diagram Diagram Architecture Reading for m as diagram
Diagram Diagram Architecture Suspending Translation
Conce onc ept > Diagr Diagra am > Archit Arc hite ect ure
Diagram Ar A r c h i t ect ec t u r e Al A l l f o r m c an b e rea r ead d as d i ag r am! am !
Brief for design project:
Create a (conc Create (conceptual) eptual) design design proposal for The NCKU university campus as a garde ga rden n for c ultiva ultivating ting minds m inds 1. Sit Site e ana anall y si sis s 2. Con onc c ept propo pr oposal sal