Sample Business Blueprint Document - SAP SD. It includes As-Is vs. To-Be, Scope, Enterprise Structure, Master Data, Basic Functions, Important Concepts Sales Cycle and Business Scenarios. Extremely...
Descripción: Sample Business Blueprint Document - SAP SD. It includes As-Is vs. To-Be, Scope, Enterprise Structure, Master Data, Basic Functions, Important Concepts Sales Cycle and Business Scenarios. Extremely...
Sample Business Blueprint Document - SAP SD. It includes As-Is vs. To-Be, Scope, Enterprise Structure, Master Data, Basic Functions, Important Concepts Sales Cycle and Business Scenarios. Ex…Full description
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Descripción: sap
Business Blueprint
Rso"r# he utilities re&uired or a business e+ent. esources are reser+ed by business e+ents.
BUSINESS E5ENT CATALOGUE he business e+ent catalo% is presented in a hierarchical orm. =t is made up o business e+ent %roups and e+ent types.
GMC #"rrnt training 4istor& 9ill * "s) as a Training Catalog".
Description Te bus&ness e>ent )rou' allo6s (ou to class s&m&lar bus&ness e>ent t('es to)eter4 t &s also 'oss&ble to set u' bus&ness e>ent )rou's &n a &erarc&cal structure4
# %roupin% to%ether o business e+ent types that share the same characteristics or deal (ith related subect matter. )usiness e+ent %roups can, in turn, be combined to orm o+erlyin% business e+ent %roups resultin% in a hierarchically structured curriculum or catalo%.
Description A bus&ness e>ent t('e &s a )rou'&n) to)eter o$ bus&ness e>ents tat sare te same attr&butes4
# prototype e+ent includin% all o the %eneral attributes that apply to e+ents o this type. # business e+ent type is not scheduled to ta$e place on a speci'c date. )usiness e+ent types are assi%ned to e+ent %roups. *+ent %roups and types orm the basic rame(or$ o the business e+ent catalo%.