Business Blueprint
Business Blueprint Project: GMC Created by: Created on: Selection Options: Scope Structure Elements: Structure Elements: Display Options Structure Elements:
MGAMAL 5/22/2011
Project Team Member: RFOUAD, MGAMAL Parts of Structure Selected All Selected Structure Elements Display Logical Components
Signed on
Signature: Customer
Signature: Consultant
Business Blueprint
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GMC-SAP Implementation 1 Business Scenarios 1.1 HCM Scenarios 1.1.1 Organizational Units 1.1.2 Master Data 1.1.3 Business Processes Managing Recruitment
INTRODUCTION The Business document is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements. RECRUITMENT OVERVIEW Managing enterprise recruitment is an important business module due to the number of processes involved in these operations along with the output expected from each one. Recruitment process is an integrated process of HCM if you look at it in relation to other modules like: Personnel Admin, Talent Management. To stay competitive, organizations must efficiently manage people during every phase of recruitment, from applicant entering, scheduling interviews, till the process of hiring. INTEGRATION Integration between SAP HR Performance Management and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. Integrated HCM component with SAP HR Performance Management as follows:
Personnel Administration
Once an applicant is to be hired, system automatically transfers all his/her details from recruitment module to Personnel Administration as an employee and take a number as per employee number range
Personnel Development
Part of the information to be kept of applicants is their qualifications with proficiency scales.
Enterprise Learning
An applicant can be attendee for a certain Business Event
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Organization Management
As the integration between Organizational Management and Recruitment is activated, you will not be able to create Vacancies manually from this screen. All Positions created from Organizational Management will be automatically added as an open Vacancy in Recruitment.
Recruitment process includes the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Maintain Vacancy Job Advertisement Create Instrument Create Applicant Applicant Activity Selection Procedure Hiring Applicant
When a position becomes free in a company, you must find a successor (either externally or internally). Vacant positions are published in job advertisements. A job advertisement involves the publishing of one or more vacancies with the aim of attracting suitable applicants. You check the applications that you receive in response to the advertisement. You can then rank the employees using a profile matchup of the job requirements and the applicants’ qualifications. These applicants then go through a selection procedure, and a suitable employee is hired. Vacancy Validity is the period of time defined by Start Date and End Date during which the Vacancy is valid and available to assign Applicants to. At GMC, Vacancy request will be initiated outside Recruitment by Department Head/Directors. In SAP, this will be once request has been approved and sent to HCM Director. HCM Director will enter this vacancy as a new position in Organization Hierarchy and automatically system will create a Vacancy for Recruitment module. MEDIUM
Medium is the mean by which GMC is advertising the vacancies. It will be used later to classify recruitment instruments. 5/22/2011 4
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GMC will be having the following Medium types: Mediu Applicant m type Job Fair Internal Referen ce
External applicant Internal applicant
External applicant
External applicant
RECRUITMENT INSTRUMENT Each advertisement is published in a recruitment instrument. Recruitment instruments are classified according to the medium used. You can store a contact name and address key for each recruitment instrument.
List of Instruments are as follows: Medium
Job Fair
Job Fair
Internal Reference
Current Employee
Internal Reference
Formal Employee
GMC Website
GMC Intranet
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Public Advertisement
This is the addresses (of the contacts) for the recruitment instruments used in your company. In addition to the postal address, you can also store a telephone and fax number and a department. APPLICANT GROUP
Used to classify applicants according to the type of employment contract for which they are applying, for example, employees with a permanent contract, employees with a temporary contract, freelancers and so on. An applicant group consists of either internal or external applicants. List of Applicant Groups to be used are: Applicant Group Active (external) Student employee Temporary worker Active (internal) APPLICANT RANGE
It is used to classify applicants according to either hierarchical or functional criteria. Hierarchical classification involves classifications such as executive employees, salaried employees, specialists, and so on. Functional groupings include corporate management, and administration, production. 5/22/2011 6
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List of Applicant Ranges to be used are: Range Name Trainee Salaried employees Managerial staff Skilled worker
Applicant Number Range 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 - 00000000
Personnel officers process the applications assigned to them according to their authorization from the Personnel Department. Personnel officers for Recruitment must be created as part of administrator group APPL. You can use an ID of your choice for the personnel officer. List of Personnel Officers to be used are: Cod Name e Mohamed El-Amir Mojahed Al Sofyani
Titl Telephon e e
320 120
Used to classify unsolicited applications according to whichever criteria you choose. You may, for example, group the applications according to the activity within the company for which they are applying (for example, salaried employee in Sales and Distribution, Research or HR Administration). We will not be using this in GMC APPLICANT STATUS
This is to indicate the current status of an applicant during the recruitment process. List of Applicant Statuses to be used are: Applicant Status In process To be hired On hold Rejected 5/22/2011 7
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Job offered Job Offer Declined Offer Expired Invite for Technical Interview Invite for HR Interview
It documents the administrative steps through which an applicant passes during the selection procedure. Activities are assigned to the candidate's job applications, regardless of whether these applications exist simultaneously or in a chronological sequence. An activity is assigned uniquely to one applicant and to one of his/her applications. List of Applicant Activities to be used are: Activity Name Received Application/CV Transfer file File returned Interview invitation Interview appointment Interviewee Evaluation Give Out Job Offer Job Offer Declined Travel expenses Approve hiring Starting Date Transfer data Interim reply Hire applicant Medical exam Reject application Contract On hold CREATE APPLICANT This business process is used when the Recruitment Specialist needs to enter applicant’s details into the SAP recruitment module. As there will not possibility for the Applicants themselves to search, view, and apply for posted Vacancies, then they will be able to send in their applications/resumes according to the advertisement details published through the Recruitment Instrument and then the Recruitment department will be responsible for entering these applications into the system. This step starts and will be exactly the same as Personnel Action previously defined in Personnel Administration course, but this time a new action will be listed in and the 5/22/2011 8
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type of details would vary from these when you are hiring an employee. For example: as the applicant is not yet hired in the organization, so currently we do not need to enter Planned Working time, Basic Pay, or even full Organizational Assignment for the applicant.
APPENDIX A GMC special Business requirements: 1. Action type of applications will be open to all employees. 2. Will add two new actions ( invite to MD/Final interview, invite for Technical interview and recommendation for different position to change vacancy assignment) 3. Create new Infotype have Earliest Joining Date, Previous Salaries, illness description, current iqama job, and visa status - will be (Citizen, No Visa, Residency Visa NON-Transferable Residency Visa Transferable, Visit, Trainee and transit Visa)-. 4. When recruiting an Applicant, it needs to book one of the available visa number as per applicant’s country. This is only for Local recruitment. 5. Medium Type will be in three types (Job fair, internal Reference, internet and others). 6. Different Medium instruments will be (LAU and AUB for Job fair medium type, Current Employee and Formal Employee for Internal References, BAYT and GMC Website or internet for Internet Medium type and Friends, Public Advertisement, Customer, Supplier, Competitor and Market for Others Medium Type. 7. Applicant initial hire will include also the following Infotypes: Military Service, Education, Previous employment, Qualification, Vacancy Assignment and description.
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Organization Managment
Recruitment Business Process Flow
Maintain Vacancy
Personnel Admin
Personnel Development
Recruitment Recruitment Management Management
Maintain Vacancy Advertisement
Maintain Vacancy Requirements
Applicant Offer Rejection
Reject Applicant
Maintain Applicants (Initial Entry)
Invite for (HR or Technical) Interview
Maintain Applicant Qualifications
Make Applicant Profile Matchup
Applicant Selection
Send Starting date
Send Applicant Offer
Accept Offer
Prepare to Hire
Transfer Applicant Data
Hire Applicant
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Managing Organizational Structures
ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT Organizational Management depicts the functional and positional hierarchy/ structure of the organization. It gives a snapshot of the entire organization. It is the basis for effective utilization of other SAP HR components and functions. Organizational Management comprises of Objects such as –Organizational Units, Positions, Persons, Tasks and Jobs The Company Codes will be the top level hierarchy, followed by the plants which will consists of the Organization units of its own and the positions defined.
Definition 5/22/2011 10
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Organizational Unit describes the various business units that exist in the enterprise. Multiple Organizational Units and their relationships form the organizational structure.
Organizational units can be classified generally (for example, by function or by region), or Specifically (for example, by project group). The way in which organizational units are classified depends on the company in question. You must relate organizational units with one another in an organizational plan. The hierarchical interrelationships that exist between the organizational units represent the organizational structure of your enterprise. Organizational units can be linked to cost centers from Accounting. Staff Assignments –Staff assignments list all persons (employees) for an organizational unit, who occupy a position as well as all those who do not occupy any position. All the persons (employees) and positions belonging to an organizational unit in the past, present and future are defined here. Organization structure will be structured as follows: Level 1: Naghi Group (GMC/NMC) Level 2: Legal Entities (Companies) GMC, NMC Level 3-n: Departments Level 4: Positions Full Organization Structure will be provided by GMC to upload into SAP.
POSITIONS Position describes the post in an enterprise (in the staff assignments of an Organizational Unit) which can be occupied by persons. This helps in representing the personnel capacity (headcount) of an organizational unit. The reporting structure between positions will be configured as per the current existing structure in the company. JOBS
Definition Jobs are classifications of tasks that are performed by employees. 5/22/2011 11
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Job is an essential resource for creating positions in an Organizational Unit. Jobs serve as job descriptions that apply to several positions with similar tasks or characteristics. While creating a new position we can relate it to a job already existing so that the position inherits the tasks and characteristics of the job. If there is no corresponding job then a new one can be created. The proposed structure for the Jobs is as follows: •
Managing Director
Senior Specialist
Section Head/Supervisor
Skilled Technician
Skilled Worker
Team leader
Jobs Descriptions will be prepared by Departments Heads and entered by GMC Team. Proposed Description details will be provided by CIC as a guide.
PERSONS Person is an individual who is defined as an employee in Personnel Administration. The person is assigned to a position which in term determines where a person (employee) is functionally assigned your enterprise and which tasks a person (employee) performs. TASKS Task is an optional Organizational Object which can be defined at Position, Organization Unit, Job, or Person Level. Task is used to identify the requirements a Person should do according to his/her assignment to a certain Organizational Unit and Position. This would be necessary when integrating with E-Recruiting –if applied-. Inheritance is applied here, or in other words, if the Tasks have been defined at 5/22/2011 12
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Organization Unit level, all subordinates will automatically be assigned these Tasks as well. No available Task Catalogue is ready. This will be entered later on by GMC authorized person directly to SAP. WHO MAINTAINS THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The HC & TD Director will be responsible for creating and maintaining organizational objects namely organizational units, positions, Jobs and relevant reporting hierarchy between the positions. ASSUMPTIONS Organizational units will be assigned to cost centers and all the employees in that organizational unit would inherit the same as their master cost centers in their master records. GMC is to provide details on cost centre assignment as well as the reporting structure. Cost Center Assignment will be through authorization to Finance to perform. APPENDIX A
GMC special Business requirements: 1. There are 3 different Job classifications: Internal which is the actual job of employee, another job for work office as per contract, and the last is the passport job for visa processing (Foreign Embassy) Proposed Solution: This can be done by creating a new Infotype for each employee when being hired to create the different 2 jobs used later on when performing contract printing or doing visa processing.
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Maintain Organizational Structure
Identify / Review Current Jobs
Review Positions & Grant Approval
Request Change to Org. Unit Attributes
4.2 Create Jobs
4.3 Create Positions
4.4 Maintain Organizational Unit
Request Change to Job Attributes
Request Change to Position Attributes
Review / Approve Org. Units
4.1 Create Organizational Units
Personnel Personnel Administrator Administrator
HRAdministrator Administrator HR
Manager Manager
Develop Dept. / Staffing Plan
New Hire / Rehire Administration
Organizational Change Administration
Employee Separation Administration
4.5 Maintain Job
4.6 Maintain Position
Change Organization and Staffing SAP ERP Reporting for HCM
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Managing Employee Information
PROPOSE This document provides the processes and functions covered by the SAP HCM Implementation for GMC. It describes the functions and explains their business purposes. In the section Functional Scope – Supported Business Processes or Scenarios, you will find a scenario-based view of the functions. In the section Functional Scope – Functions, you will find a view arranged according to groups of functions and based on the relevant SAP Solution Map. ENTERPRISE AND PERSONNEL STRUCTURES OVERVIEW A Human Resources Management System enables you to set up organizational hierarchies and employee relationships and then store and administer employee data in the system. 5/22/2011 14
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You must be able to evaluate and report employee data flexibly and from all enterprise-specific organizational aspects. Every employee is included in the structure of his or her enterprise. Data entry is restricted as the validity of all employee data is checked. The structures of an enterprise are subdivided into organizational structures that are based on an organizational plan, and administrative structures that are based on the enterprise and personnel structures. An organizational plan provides you with a complete model of the structural and personnel environment of your enterprise. Hierarchies and report structures are clearly laid out. The organizational plan is the foundation of Organizational Management. The organizational plan uses elements called objects. The most important objects are organizational units, jobs, and positions. The enterprise and personnel structures subdivide organizations and employees according to factors relevant to time management and payroll. These structures are stored in Customizing. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Personnel Administration Module enables HR to enter and process employee-related data within a company. Personnel Administration automatically checks all data as it is entered to ensure that it is plausible. All employee-related data is logged with the exact date. Data remains transparent in time progression at all times, and creates the basis for sound decisions.
PERSONNEL AREAS Definition Personnel Area is an organizational unit in Personnel Administration. It represents a subdivision of the company code. The individual personnel areas in a company code have four-digit alphanumeric identifiers. GMC will be having the following Personnel Areas: PA Company Personnel Area Name Code Code 0001
PERSONNEL SUBAREAS Definition Personnel subareas represent a further subdivision of the personnel area. The principal organizational aspects of human resources are controlled at this level, namely the pay scale and wage type structures, and the planning of work schedules. 5/22/2011 15
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The personnel subarea is assigned a four-character alphanumeric identifier. Payscale Groups, Levels, and Working hours and shifts in GMC vary according to area of expertise. Based on this, sub-areas suggested are as follows: PSA – Personnel Code Subarea 0001
According to the Personnel Administration Business Rules, Personnel Subarea will be assigned to Personnel Area.
EMPLOYEE GROUPS Definition Employee group is a general division of employees. The employee group defines the relationship between an employee and the contribution the employee makes to the company in terms of work. The following essential organizational functions can be carried out using the employee group: • •
When entering data, you can define default values using the employee subgroup, for example, for the Payroll Area. generating a selection criterion for evaluations
generating a unit for the authorization check
The Employee Group in GMC is defined based on the types of employment in the Organization into: •
EMPLOYEE SUB-GROUPS Definition 5/22/2011 16
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Employee Subgroup is a fine division of employee groups according to the position of employees. The following essential organizational functions can be carried out using the employee group: • controls the validity of wage types on an employee subgroup level • Employee subgroups will differentiate employees based on the work agreement elements. Sub-groups therefore will be as follows: Employee Group Permanent
Temporary/Seas onal
Employee Sub Group Staff Supplier Representative Virtual Employee Staff Supplier Representative Virtual Employee Temporary/S easonal Trainee Consultant Outsourcing Free Lance Intern Saudi Student Trainee
EMPLOYEE MASTER DATA SAP Human Capital Management stores data in Infotypes. Infotypes can be considered as application screen contains a group of fields related to same area of interest regarding to the Employee. One must change and completes these Infotypes in order to keep the employee data up to date and to take into account changes and developments that have taken place since the employee has joined the organization. The Personnel Management component of SAP HR consists of maintenance of Employee’s master records and also processes that effect an employee’s status changes within company due to various circumstances Duplicate Employees There is no automatic check when hiring to validate if the record entered is a duplicate or not. This will be validated by system when entering Saudi 5/22/2011 17
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National ID/IQAMA ID in infotype 0185 and fire a notification if an employee exists. LIST OF INFOTYPES USED IN MAINTENANCE OF MASTER DATA Infoty pe 0000 0001 0002 0006
0007 0008 0009
Infotype Text Actions Organizational Assignment البيانات الوظيفية Personal Data البيانات الشخصية Addresses العنوان
0015 0016
Working Time Basic pay المرتب Bank Details البنك Recurring Payments & Deductions المدفوعات والخصومات المتكررة Additional Payments المدفوعات والخصومات حسب الشهر Contract Elements نوع العقد
Monitoring of Tasks
Family Members/Dependants
0022 0023
Education التعليم Previous Employment الخبرة السابقة Internal Medical Service الكشف الطبي
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مراقبة المهام
Permanent Temporary Home Residence Work Address
Open Contract Seasonal Temp By Project Trainee End of Probation Expiry of IQAMA Expiry of Driving License – Periodic Medical Checkup Expiry of Passports Expiry of Exit/Re-entry Visa Spouse Daughter Son Father Mother Emergency Contact
Fit for the Job Unfit for the job Sickness not affecting performance
Business Blueprint
Objects on Loan
0077 0105
Additional Personal Data Communications التصالت
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Sickness affecting Renewal Books Calculator CDs & Discs Company Car Company ID Computer Documents Equipment Health Card Keys Lap Top Mobile Line Mobile Set Motorcycle Software License Tools Uniform Blackberry iPhone Demos/Samples USB Modem Others 1 Others 2 Others 3 Security Card PDA RF Reader Car Loan Computer Loan Personal Loan Training Loan Software Loan
External Email Internal Email Personal Email Corporate Mobile Personal Mobile Home Telephone Corporate Phone Fax Number
Business Blueprint
Personal ID’s
Approval Hierarchy
Extension LinkedIn Facebook Skype Saudi National ID Passport Number (Employee, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Father, Mother) Driving License (Employee, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Father, Mother) Insurance Number (Employee, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Father, Mother) GOSI Work Permit Iqama ID (Employee, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Father, Mother) Exit/Re-entry Visa
PERSONNEL ACTIONS In the standard system, different types of employee data are stored in individual Infotype. Rather than accessing each Infotype individually and entering data into them, the system can group together the most important Infotype into personnel actions and lead you through processing the employee data maintenance activity & actions like Hiring, Change in Pay, Change in Position, Rehiring, Employee Transfer, Separation / Terminated. Purpose of this process is to capture all the different types of records that are to be maintained against an employee. Personnel actions in the system initiate some of these scenarios which are defined in the section below. The personnel administration in SAP HR has comprehensive list of infotype and reporting facilities which can be used to report on field level information maintained in the system. As per GMC the primary actions that would be used are defined as follows: •
Change in Status
Change in Pay
Business Blueprint
The process will be initiated once there is a successful recruitment process, and/or there is a direct hire. When hiring an employee through the recruitment, a different transaction will be used not the normal Hiring action. When hiring an applicant, the data entered though the recruitment process will be transferred directly to Personnel Administration. WHO INITIATES THE PROCESS HR Personnel or Recruitment Specialist would be responsible for initiating the process of joining for all the employees existing in the system. INFOTYPES WILL BE MAINTAINED DURING THE HIRING ACTION The following Infotype(s) will be maintained (created) through the hiring action: •
Organizational Assignment
Personnel Data
Planned Working Time
Basic Pay
Recurring Payments and Deductions
Contract Elements
Monitoring of tasks
Previous Employment
Objects on Loan
Internal Medical Service
Personal ID’s
Additional Personal Data
• Absence Quota These Infotypes will be displayed by the sequence presented and user can cancel entering any of these Infotypes based on the availability of data to be entered. RESULT The Joining process is completed and a system generated personnel number is allocated to an employee, with all his master records being updated in the SAP system. The Joining order can be generated in the system by running a report giving reference to the employee id. When hiring an employee, a notification should be sent to IT Support, Time Admin, and Resources Manager each to prepare the items required for this new employee. 5/22/2011 21
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Templates should be handed during the realization phase. HIRING ACTION REASONS: •
New Openings
CHANGE IN PAY, CHANGE IN STATUS INITIATION Relevant Manager’s of the respective organizational units would initiate the action of Organizational reassignment. PROCESS Organizational Reassignment for promoting or changing a position for an employee is carried out by running one of the mentioned actions. Change in Pay action will be executed only by Finance Department.
ACTIONS REASONS Change in Status reasons: •
Change in Pay reasons: •
Merit Increase
Salary Restructuring
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An HR Personnel with necessary authorization will perform the last mentioned actions. RESULT Employee’s organizational assignment changes in SAP records and his/her change in pay, promotion or change in position is affected. INFOTYPES WILL BE MAINTAINED DURING THESE ACTIONS The following Infotypes will be maintained (created or changed) through the ‘Change in Status’ action: •
Organizational Assignment
Working Time
Basic Pay
Recurring Payments/Deductions
Communications – Extension subtype
Objects on Loan
The following Infotypes will be maintained (created or changed) through the ‘Change in Pay’ action: •
Organizational Assignment
Working Time
Basic Pay
Recurring Payments/Deductions
SEPARATION INITIATION When an employee declares his/her intention to resign from the organization or when the organization decides to terminate the employment of an employee the process of separation gets initiated. PROCESS On the date of employee’s relieving, subject to his/her getting clearance from all concerns the HR Administrator would: Issue the resigned employee relieving and experience certificates (outside SAP/Hard Copies). 5/22/2011 23
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Run Separation Action in SAP. Run End of service calculation Program for calculating EOSA for the terminated / resigned employee System will generate an email when running the separation action informing the Personnel Administrator that an employee is being separated. This is to be sent to HC & Resources Manager, COO, and CEOs SEPARATION ACTION REASONS: •
Medical Reasons
During Probation Period
Expiry of the Contract
Performance Issues
Total Disability
Continuous no-show
Ethical Issues
INFOTYPES WILL BE MAINTAINED DURING THE SEPARATION ACTION The following Infotypes will be maintained (end dated) through the Separation action: •
Organizational Assignment
Bank Details
Contract Elements
Monitoring of Tasks
Internal Medical Service
Objects on Loan
Personal ID’s
Change in Pay action will be executed only by Finance Department.
EMPLOYEE NUMBERING Based on the requirement session The proposed employee number ranges are as follows:
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APPENDIX A GMC special Business requirements: 1. When completing Probation Period of 3 months (need to be confirmed by HC Director/Admin Manager), evaluation needs to be sent directly to Finance to issue (Insurance, Labor Office, GOSI – Social Insurance). Entering all these details back into system. Then Admin Manager to print Contract needs to make sure all the previous details are entered. Proposed Solution: This can be done by maintaining Infotype Monitoring of Tasks, to keep expiry of End of Probation. Based on this date, report will be scheduled in background that sends the output related to Probation Periods to head of Admin, and Head of HCM. 2. For Local, and Saudi, contract needs to be printed after Probation Period + all documents (Labor, GOSI, SI) is created and entered into SAP. Proposed Solution: New custom program will be designed to print the contract for any employee. Report will validate against if Work Permit, GOSI, and Social insurance is created and entered into system before printing the contract. 3. Need to keep Permitted Visa Types for GMC based on Country of origin. This will be maintained by new program containing: Visa Type, Country, Total, Used, Booked and Remaining. 4. During the hiring process, for international employees, system will need to book from list of available visas per employee country, and job. 5.
Need to keep all possible permitted Jobs as per Work Office.
6. 20%
Need a report to reflect ‘al sa3wada’ government requires certain percentage
Proposed Solution: New custom program will be designed to calculate the Saudi Employment Percentage within GMC. This is: total number of employees with ‘Saudi nationality’ / total number of employees. Taking into account if a Saudi employee is disabling, this will equal 2 employees. Disability will be taken from Infotype ‘Additional Personal Data’. Saudi Trainee Student is included as part of the calculations. 7. Alert to be generated when hiring a new employee but not stopping the hiring process. Proposed Solution: 5/22/2011 25
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This will be using the above program to calculate the percentage and let the employee making the hire process know about it or a new Infotype can be created and be part of the hiring process which will perform the same calculation as the above program. 8. Employee photo for employee and dependants are saved in the current application and need to be uploaded to SAP 9. Employee numbering will be the same for current employees and for new hires this will be sequential internal number adding 1 to the last number 10. Program to send notifications to managers of next appraisal to be performed on Jan, April, July, and October.
HRAdministrator Administrator/ /Manager Manager HR
TriggeringEvent Event Triggering
Maintain Employee Information
New Hire / Rehire Administration (563)
Relevant Employee Data Changes
4.2 Display Master Data
4.1 Display Personnel File
4.3 Maintain Master Data
4.4 Maintain Actions
4.5 Maintain Organization Assignment
4.6 Maintain Objects on Loan
4.7 Maintain Grievances
4.12 Maintain Additional Payments
4.11 Maintain Recurring Deductions / Payments
4.10 Maintain Planned Working Time
4.9 Maintain Bank Information
4.8 Maintain Monitoring of Tasks
4.13 Maintain Date Specifications
4.14 Maintain Education
4.15 Maintain Communications
4.16 Maintain Additional Personal Data
4.17 Maintain Personal IDs
4.19 Maintain Previous Employment
4.18 Maintain Approval Hierarchy
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Recording Time and Labor Data
Time Management’s main components consist of time entry and time evaluation.
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Time is entered into the system in a variety of ways. The time is then evaluated to determine how the hours relate to the employees work schedule and how the hours should be treated during the payroll process. The system allows us to represent the time structures in accordance with actual conditions and using the calendar as a basis. These include: • Working time models (Work Schedule Rules) such as normal working time • Recording of Attendances and Absences. • Leave rules that constitutes leave. • Entitlements • Exceptions such as Business Trips, Training
PLANNED WORKING TIME An employee's working time is stored as a work schedule rule in the Planned Working Time infotype (0007). In this infotype you also find the average working hours valid for the employee. These hours come from the definition of the work schedule rule. In a business sense, planned working time is defined as the time between the start and end of work, excluding breaks. Planned working time specifies the time an employee has to work each day at the enterprise. Time Management Statuses The Time Management status specifies whether the employee's times are processed using time evaluation or payroll. Statuses to be used are: 0 = No time evaluation (processed in payroll) 1 = Evaluation of actual times 7 = Time evaluation without payroll integration GMC have one daily work schedule from 8 AM to 5 PM and on Thursday will be 10 AM to 4 PM. In Ramadan daily work schedule will start at 10 AM to 2 PM on Thursday will be 10 AM to 2PM.
ABSENCE TYPES Absences are times when employees are not at work. Employees are absent if their planned working time, as stipulated in their work schedules, is not fully worked.
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Types of absences include all Leave types prevalent in GMC. These leave types are defined as leaves with absence quotas. Infotype 2001 will be used to create absence record. Absence Quotas Absence quotas represent employee’s absence entitlements like employees annual leave. Infotype 2006 will store the Annual leave quotas. Absence quotas will be generated automatically. List of Absence Types and quotas is as follows: Absence Type 1 2
No. days 30
Regular Sick
Rule Fridays and public holidays not to be counted if included in the begging or at the end of a leave period 15 continues or 30 intermittent during a year
3 Unpaid 4 Birth 5 Death Encashm 6 ent 7 Wedding
1 3
Including death event day
When an employee is not at his or her normal workplace, but nonetheless is still working for the enterprise for example business trip, attendance is created. Attendances recorded in the Attendances infotype (2002) describe the employee's work schedule or provide additional information. Using this infotype, you can store an employee's working hours, attendance at training courses, and overtime List of Attendance Types is as follows: Attendance Quota Type Business Training
TIME EVALUATION In Time Management, certain master data infotype records must be available for each employee. Time management data is stored in the same master data 5/22/2011 28
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records used in other human resources areas such as Payroll and Personnel Administration. The following infotypes are required for the integration of time management master data records: Organizational Assignment (0001) Personal Data (0002) Planned Working Time (0007): The appropriate Time Management status must be stored in this infotype. It determines whether and how employee time data is to be processed in Time Evaluation or Payroll. Time Recording Information (0050): This infotype is used only if time evaluation is used. It can contain interface data for the subsystem and additional employee information for the purposes of time evaluation. Absence Quotas (2006): to manage leave Positive time management will be implemented Positive time management means that based on employees’ clock in – out, early leave, late arrivals, and absences without permission will be not evaluated and integrated with payroll.
Time Processing
Time Entry
Time Management Pool
(New) Create Time Transfer Type
Process Time Evaluation
Payroll and Post Payroll Processing
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Managing Global and Localized Payroll 5/22/2011 29
Time Statement Form
View Time Results
Triggered Triggered Events Events
TimeProcessor Processor Time
Manager/Time Manager/Time Administrator Administrator
Triggering Triggering Event Event
Time Evaluation Processing
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INTEGRATION Integration between SAP HR Payroll Management and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. Integrated HCM component with SAP HR Payroll as follows:
In SAP R/3 system posting payroll results ensures that the personnel expenses that arise within the company are posted in Financial Accounting & Cost Accounting. The payroll results contain information that is relevant for Accounting.
Personnel Administration
As you run payroll to different employees entered through the Personnel Administration module
The SAP HR Payroll International component integrates with other SAP HR components such as Personnel Administration and Personnel Time Management. There are interfaces to Financial Accounting and Controlling. The component uses data from other areas of SAP HR for calculating all statutory and non-statutory additions and deductions for the employees. SAP HR Payroll offers a number of standard reports used in payroll. Payroll is also integrated with Financial Accounting and Controlling to which the payroll results flow as expenses and payables. Payroll component also includes reporting for statutory purposes.
The payroll period is the exact period for which payroll is run, for example, January, 2008. Payroll Periods such as Monthly periods, Semi-monthly Payroll Periods should be generated for one or more years before one can start running payrolls in the system. While generating payroll periods, one can also define the Pay day rule, i.e. the payment date such as 3 days after payroll period or the last day of the payroll period. Payroll period used in GMC is Monthly Payment
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Represents a group of employees for whom payroll should be run together and at the same time. It refers to the payroll period parameter to determine the exact period for which payroll is to be run. For example: monthly payroll for salaried. It will have one payroll area. 01-KSA Monthly payment will be in SAR 02-UAE Monthly payment will be in UAD WAGE TYPES
Wage types are objects used to store amounts and time units such as number of hours. Chiefly, they are used to calculate salaries and deductions. They represent the salary and deduction components and also the bases for calculation. PAY SCALE STRUCTURE PAY SCALE TYPE
Pay scale type represents the type of collective agreement provisions that is applicable for the company. The collective agreement provisions may be at Enterprise level or applicable to a whole Industry. PAY SCALE AREA
Represents the area in which a pay scale type is applicable. PAY SCALE GROUP
Represent the grading of employees in the organization for salary/wage purposes. It is designated with wage types. PAY SCALE LEVEL
Denote the lower and upper limits or ranges of Total Salary of an employee for each grade. When Total Monthly Salary Infotype (0008) is created for an employee, his fitment to pay scale is made based on the pay scale structure. SAP Payroll provides facility of defaulting of the wage types for a pay scale when the Total Monthly Salary record is created. The values of the wage types can also be defaulted by system (indirect valuation). 5/22/2011 31
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An Infotype is a logical grouping of data such as Address, Total Monthly Salary, etc. Data of an employee are entered and stored in these Infotypes. Some important Payroll relevant Infotypes are: 0003- PAYROLL STATUS
This Infotype is created by System when employee is hired. It stores information on payroll and time management status such as period up to which payroll is run for the employee, date of master data change for retroactive accounting, and date from which time evaluation to be run. All these information is stored by system and normally we do not change this information. However, we can use this Infotype to set dates for payroll for separated employee, locking employee for non-inclusion in payroll. 0008-TOTAL MONTHLY SALARY
In the Infotype Total Monthly Salary (0008) we will store the employee’s Total Monthly Salary which is paid on a regular basis every month. GMC Wage types: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay) Cod Business Rule for Frequen Wage type e Entry valuation cy Monthly Salary
990 0
Direct Entry
In the Infotype Bank Details (0009) we enter the payee of the net pay from the payroll and the bank details. When we create a new record, the Employee’s name will be taken from the Infotype Personal Data (0002) for the payee’s name. The postal code and/or the city will be taken from the Infotype Addresses (0006). List of banks will be available from Finance. 0014 - RECURRING PAYMENTS AND DEDUCTIONS
Recurring Payments and Deductions represent additional wage/salary elements that are paid or deducted in every payroll period, but are paid and deducted at specified intervals unlike those of Additional Payments.
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The Infotype Recurring Payments and Deductions (0014) is subdivided into different subtypes. Each subtype represents a wage type. In conjunction with the Wage type we must either maintain the field Amount or the fields Number and Unit. The system checks the combination that we have entered. GMC Wage types: Infotype 0014 (Recurring Payment & Deduction) Cod Eligible Direct/Syst Deduction Wage Type e Grades em Addition Housing- Annual Housing- Monthly Housing -Bi Annually Mobile Allowance GOSI Saudi -ER Loan
900 0 900 1 900 2 900 3 900 4 900 6
In the Infotype Additional Payments (0015), we will enter an amount and/or a value and a unit of measurement for a wage type that are paid or deducted in a specific period during payroll accounting. The Infotype Additional Payments (0015) is subdivided into different subtypes. Each subtype represents a wage type. GMC Wage types: Infotype 0015 (Additional Data) Cod Eligible Direct/Syst Wage Type e Grades em Others Payments Other Deductions Penalties Overtime
900 7 900 8 900 9 901 0
Deduction Addition
SAP Payroll performs automatic retroactive accounting for changes made to employee time data or salary data with retrospective effect. For example, an employee’s Total Monthly Salary is increased with 5/22/2011 33
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effect from an earlier date. In the current payroll, system recalculates his salary for the intervening period since change is effective and adjusts his salary in the current period. Retroactive payments will appear in pay slip as arrears and will be configured to be displayed as individual arrears wage elements. FACTORING
Wage elements will be adjusted for mid month joining, mid month leaving or employee’s absence without pay. Different processing logic will be set up for different components to determine whether the payment is to be adjusted for the employee’s absence during the month or not or whether the wage element is to depend on the employee’s attendance at all. Factoring will be activated for GMC Payroll. PERFORMING A PAYROLL RUN
Payroll administrator will perform the following activities to complete a Payroll Run: • Simulate payroll for the month (Trial run prior to running payroll) It enables you to perform complete payroll runs on a period- byperiod basis and to then save the results. The HR payroll program carries out the tasks performed by conventional payroll programs and includes general flow control as well as a number of programmed modules which are directly relevant to payroll. The payroll driver carries out the basic technical functions of payroll by processing the statements in the schema sequentially and interpreting the control tables. All these are done in Test mode. •
Release Payroll for the month In which system will prepare the payroll area to be run in Payroll process. This will put lock on employees’ records not to be updated if relates to payment.
Start Payroll It enables you to perform complete payroll runs on a period- byperiod basis and to then save the results. The HR payroll program carries out the tasks performed by conventional payroll programs and includes general flow control as well as a number of programmed modules which are directly relevant to payroll.
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The payroll driver carries out the basic technical functions of payroll by processing the statements in the schema sequentially and interpreting the control tables. •
• • • •
Correction Run- to set the correction mode if payroll run shows errors for employees It removes the lock on employees’ records for maintenance preparing it for correction. Correct the master data In which master data of employees which caused the payroll error should be corrected. Release Payroll (after correction) Start Payroll (after correction) Exit Payroll Close the payroll process and removes the lock on employees’ records for maintenance.
The following diagram depicts the flow of payroll run:
5/22/2011 35
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Payroll Run Personnel Administra tion PY01
Transfer Payroll Transaction To FI/CO
Payroll Simulation
Payroll Data
Exit Payroll
Release Payroll
Payroll Control Record PY03 HR
Start Payroll Updated Record PY04
Check Payroll Result
Cumulated Data
Generate Payroll Journal
HR Statutory Report
PY06 Owner
Check Payroll Journal
PY07 Update corrections of payroll data
HR Yes
Error ?
Generate Various Report
Process Statutory Report
Business Blueprint
The payroll results as contained in the wage types are posted to various accounts in the Financial Accounting. Further, posting can be made to various cost objects in Cost Accounting (CO) like Cost Center, Order, Activity, Sales Order, WBS element etc. The process flow is as follows:
• • • •
Simulate a posting run – A posting run creates posting documents containing all the expense and liability accounts and vendor accounts of all the employees arising out of payroll result. The cost objects to which the expenses to be posted will also be contained in the run Create a posting run Check the posting documents and release Post the document Check Accounting documents
As an addition to regular payroll [Ext.], which carries out payroll at fixed regular intervals, this function enables you to carry out specific off-cycle payroll activities for individual employees on any day. OFF-CYCLE WORKBENCH User interface enabling you to carry out off-cycle payroll. You access the Off-Cycle Workbench from the Payroll menu. Use the Off-Cycle-Workbench to carry out the following for a specific employee: • Display payroll results • Run various types of off-cycle payroll • Reverse an incorrect payroll result After running the Off-cycle payment to an employee, a record of this payment is stored in a special infotype called Additional Off-Cycle Payment (0267).
OFF-CYCLE REASON Off-cycle payroll reasons that are to be available to the administrator for running off-cycle payroll. 5/22/2011 37
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You assign a category for off-cycle reason to each off-cycle reason. The system uses the category to assign both a type of off-cycle reason and a payroll type to the off-cycle reason. Category, type of off-cycle reason and payroll type are technical distinctions that determine whether the procedure in question is regular payroll, a bonus payment, an absence payment, or a payment in advance. List of available off-cycle reason is as follows: Off-Cycle Reason Off-Cycle Category Ramadan bonus Additional payment Year End Bonus Vacation compensation
Bonus Bonus Bonus Bonus
List of available off-cycle wage types is as follows:
Wage Type Ramadan bonus Additional payment Year End Bonus Vacation compensation
• • • •
901 1 901 2 901 3 901 4
+ + + APPENDIX A +
Housing Allowance will be entered in payroll details as 3 different Allowances, but not added to payrolls run but handled by Finance. Staff Loan will be entered as deductions in payroll. Proposed to Mr. Magdy to facilitate later on-reporting, to differentiate between different types of additional deductions, and Mr. Magdy greed. This list to be provided by Mr. Sherif. Loans will be handled within payroll and deducted during payroll run Report to make a comparison between the current payroll run and the pervious payroll and display the different. New a custom report ‘Payment Voucher’ after payroll runs. Custom Report ‘Payroll Journal’ displaying all employee related payment details in tabular format
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Cod Deduction e Addition
Business Blueprint
Triggering Triggering Events Events
Payroll and Post Payroll Processing
Workforce Management
Workforce Time Management
Is PY in Error?
PayrollAdministration Administration Payroll
Maintain Payroll Control Record (PA03)
Execute Payroll Simulation
Set Payroll Area
Exit Payroll
Preliminary Program Data Medium Exchange (PME)
Create DME
Payroll Journal
Release Payroll
Process FI Posting Run as Simulatoin
Wage Type Reporter
Start Payroll
Display Remuneration Statement
Execute FI Posting Run as Simulation
Delete Payroll Results
Payroll Corrections
Execute Fl Posting Run
Process Fl Posting Run
Reconcile Postings
Accounts Accounts Payable Payable Accountant22 Accountant
Print Payslips
Post Payments Using Payment Program
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Managing Employee Development and Succession Planning
INTRODUCTION The Business document is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements. CAREER - SUCCESSION MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW The Personnel Development function can help in maximizing GMC employees' value relative to enterprise. You can plan and implement specific personnel and training measures to promote the professional development of your employees. Management can determine the personnel development needs in an enterprise by comparing current and future working requirements with existing qualifications and the development preferences of the employees. These development measures might be geared toward an employee being transferred to a specific post (using career and succession planning scenarios). They might also be more general measures geared toward retaining or enhancing existing employee skills and abilities, or ensuring that employees keep pace with technological developments.
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With Career – Succession Management you can at anytime select possible positions and employees respectively from a list of matched objects from which a manager can automatically transfer or plan transfer an employee to a selected position –once the HR process is completed-. INTEGRATION Integration between SAP HR Career - Succession Management and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. Integrated HCM component with SAP HR Career - Succession Management as follows: Component
Personnel Administration
Retrieving all the employees’ details with all possible changes may occur in organizational assignment, and use HR master data for qualifications profiles and appraisal.
Enterprise Learning
System can generate training proposals and that you can make direct bookings onto business events and create prebookings for business event types.
Organization Management
Accessing objects within the organizational structure. Maintaining Requirement Profile for Jobs, and Positions.
Performance Management
Competency Catalogue can be used when designing performance evaluation and been updated automatically when appraisal is completed
BUSINESS PROCESS FLOW 1. Starting from maintaining the Qualification catalogue adding all the types of qualifications to be used in evaluating employees and positions level of skills possessed or required respectively. HR Personnel can then starts working on maintain employees and positions profiles. From employee perspective, this will be a Qualifications, Potentials, Preferences, and Dislikes profiles. Qualification will be measured by available list of scales when designing the Qualification catalogue. From Position perspective, this will be a Requirements Profiles necessary for any person to hold these positions. 2. Next step will be running Profile Matchup, by which HR Personnel will be analyzing the current talent skills for employees once they are entitled to hold a certain vacant position. This process will give the chance to generate any proposed training courses based on the gaps exists between the requirements and qualifications. 3. Career and Succession Management will then use all the previous elements to propose certain careers and successors to employees and positions respectively.
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HR Administrator
Recruiting / Applicant Tracking
Talent Specialist
K87 – 2.1 Maintain Qualifications Catalog
K80 Change in Pay
K87 – 2.2 / 2.4 Maintain Profile
Determine Successor / Career Planning
K87 – 2.3 Planning for Org. Unit
K87 – 2.8 Profile Matchup
Is there a Deficiency?
Training Manager
Training & Events
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________
GMC CAREER - SUCCESSION MANAGEMENT This section aims to identify all processes relevant to Career - Succession Management along with activities, roles involved necessary to complete the process. Career - Succession Management comprises four main processes: • Maintaining GMC’s qualification catalogue which will include all the qualifications, and requirements to be used while profiling positions and employees. • Based on Job or Position level, responsible user will be maintain the requirement profiles for all GMC’s Jobs and/or Positions. • Third process would be determining all employees’ skills and level of proficiency from the predefined qualification catalogue and proficiency scales. • Performing the Career and/or Succession Management process based on the input maintained in previous steps. Each of the processes is supplemented by appropriate reports. REQUIREMENT/QUALIFICATION CATALOGUE
Transaction Code
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S_AHR_61003929 - Edit Qualifications Catalog
In the qualifications catalog, you can group together qualifications into qualification groups. By specifying a generic term for each qualification group, you can classify qualifications so that those which are similar are assigned to the same group. You can also organize qualification groups hierarchically.
The qualifications catalog contains all the qualifications (object type Q) that are of interest to GMC. The qualifications catalog contains qualification groups and qualifications. Sample Qualification Catalogue will be uploaded to GMC HCM which can be later on updated with the actual business requirements. QUALIFICATION GROUP Qualification groups are used to structure the qualifications catalog. Qualification groups can contain qualifications, and also further qualification groups.
QUALIFICATION Qualifications are the skills which will be attached later on to positions, jobs, or persons. This will be evaluated using a certain Proficiency Scale which is attached to the Qualification Group containing these Qualifications. Sample Qualification Catalogue as follows:
Qualification Group
Qualification Group
Competencies & Management Practices
Core Behavior
Energizing people Leading Strategically Builds Alignments Communicate directly Collaborates Drive Performance Developing people
Management Competencie s Coaching and developing associates Continuous Improvement 5/22/2011 42
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Communication style Interpersonal Relation Approachability Networking and Resourcefulness Setting objectives and prioritization Encouraging Teamwork Accountability Creativity Vision Decision making and Problem Solving Analysis & Pattern Recognition Results Oriented Profit maximization Commitment to Quality Impact and influence Currently there is no ready Qualification Catalogue but a set of talents. This will be used along with a proposed Qualification Catalogue. For a complete list of Proposed Qualifications, please refer to GMC-Proposed Qualification Catalogue.
PROFICIENCY SCALES Quality scales are assigned to qualification groups (not qualifications). A quality scale must be assigned to each qualification group. This scale is then assigned automatically to all the qualifications belonging to this group. If qualification groups with different quality scales are arranged hierarchically, the qualifications of the various groups are always assigned the scale of the directly superior qualification group. The scales proficiency can be given individual descriptions for every qualification/qualification group in the qualifications catalog. These proficiency descriptions are then available when you edit qualifications profiles and requirements profiles. Sample of greed on Proficiency Scales are as follows:
Scale Name
Standard Quality Scale (0-9)
Very Limited Limited Elementary Adequate Average
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Yes/No Scale Points Scale (1-5)
High Potential High Very High Excellent No Yes Poor Adequate Average Good Very Good
GMC will use the standard Proficiency scales which will be used to measure the competencies.
For a complete list of Proficiency Scales, please refer to GMC-Personnel DevelopmentBusiness Rule PROFILE
Transaction Code
PPPD - Display
PPPM - Change
Description You use profiles to maintain special attributes and information on an object. Each profile is made up of a number subprofiles (for example, qualifications, potentials, and so on for persons) and a whole range of standard information about the object (for example, name, date of birth, and so on for persons). This screen enables you to only display already created profiles of different objects This screen enables you to change profiles of different objects
Use profiles to store special information on objects. Each profile consists of a header and a number of subprofiles. The header contains standard information on the object in question. For employees, this information might include the person's name, date of birth, and the position the person holds. The subprofiles contain more specific information on a particular aspect of the header. For example, a person's Qualifications subprofiles contain details of the person's skills and knowledge.
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Profiles can be maintained for Persons, Jobs, or Position among other types of objects. According to the object selected, qualification can have a different perspective for example: for a position it is a requirement, but for a person it is a qualification skill. Different subprofiles can be maintained like: • The Requirements subprofile which is used to specify the knowledge and skills (and the level of proficiency at these skills) required for a specific job, position • The Qualifications subprofile which is used to store information on an employee's skills and knowledge. You can assign an unlimited number of qualifications from the qualifications catalog to the Qualifications subprofile • The Potentials subprofile is used to store information regarding a person's future suitability and professional development. These forecasts might apply to a person's ability to obtain qualifications, perform tasks, or to the person's future suitability for specific jobs, positions, and so on. • The Preferences subprofile is used store what an employee prefers regarding performing a certain job, holding one or more positions or obtaining a certain qualification(s). Each of these subprofiles can be one of the criteria based on which the Career – Succession Planning will work. Employee/Position profiles is date tracked which means that it is possible to keep the history of any changes occurs to an employee’s qualifications/proficiencies and same for positions’ requirements. Position Requirements and Employee Qualifications are not ready and will be entered by GMC team when ready. PROFILE MATCHUP
Transaction Code
PEPM - Profile Matchup
Description This function enables you to compare the qualifications and requirements of objects (persons, applicants, jobs, positions, and so on) against each other. The required and existing proficiency of each qualification is also taken into account. This means, for example, that you can compare an employee’s qualifications with the requirements of the position this employee holds to see how suited the employee is to this position. You can include an unlimited number of objects in a profile matchup.
The profile matchup function lets you compare the qualifications and requirements of persons, jobs, and positions. You can perform profile matchups for an unlimited number of objects of different object types. When you compare a qualification with a requirement, one of the following scenarios can result: • The qualification fulfills the requirement exactly 5/22/2011 45
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• •
The qualification does not fulfill the requirement (that is, the proficiency of the qualification is lower than is required, or does not exist at all) Over qualification (that is, the proficiency of the employee’s qualifications is higher than required)
Profile Matchup is used while planning for Career and/or Succession. Based on Profile Match-up process, proposing training for an employee to attend can be the result when there is a defined gap between the position’s requirements and the employee’s qualification profile.
Transaction Code
S_AHR_61007168 - Edit Development Plan Catalog
Description You use the development plan catalog to define and manage development plans. You use these general development plans as templates and points of reference for personnel development measures within individual development plans.
A Development plan contains a sequence of items - such as attendance of a business event (for example, a communications course), staffing of a position (for example, sales assistant), practical experience in an organizational unit (for example, the sales department), and so on. A development plan comprises a sequence of development measures (which can also run parallel to each other). Examples of development measures include attendance of a business event or practical experience in an organizational unit. Development Plan Statuses to be used are: Status Planned Current Attended Completed Unsuccessfully Completed Successfully Not performed
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Career Planning is the process in which GMC managers can determine what the available career paths through which an employee can move through his life within the organization. Just draw the Career Templates and then plan for an employee what is the best job/position he/she can be assigned to in his next career change. This planning is based on an employee's personality and abilities, and specifies the sequence of positions this employee can hold as part of his or her professional development. It also lists the measures that are required to qualify the employee for specific positions. Career planning sets out to encourage the professional development of employees. Career planning can also help reduce a high employee turnover rate by showing employees the career opportunities that are open to them. Career planning is also used to ensure that qualified successors are always available for positions.
Transaction Code
S_AHR_61007208 - Edit Careers
Description This function enables you to create and change careers. A career is a collection of jobs or positions, and describes a generally applicable career path within the organizational structure. By defining careers, you can portray the principal personnel development paths within your company.
No Career Paths will be entered initially into SAP. This later on will be entered by GMC team when exist.
Transaction Code
PPCP - Career
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Description This function enables you to prepare and work your way through career planning scenarios. A career planning scenario takes an employee’s personality, skills and abilities and determines the positions this employee should occupy in the course of his or her future career, and the training measures required to obtain the additional qualifications needed for this. A career planning scenario anticipates how an employee’s career will develop.
Business Blueprint
Depending on the pre-defined qualification/requirement profiles, you can plan a career for an employee to see the best job in his/her career path can be transferred to. Select an employee, and then determine the search criteria to include when searching for the suitable positions. These criteria would be the subprofiles we have just referred to: qualifications, dislikes, potentials, careers, and preferences. You can then transfer the selected employee to your position immediately or in the future. This to be disabled by default for all employees except for authorized people based on authorization.
RANKING LIST Not only getting the best positions an employee can fit, but this list is ranked according which best meet the employee qualification profile. System gives the ability to choose whether you want the suitability percentage or the suitability range displayed. SUITABILITY PERCENTAGE The suitability percentage is calculated by comparing the proficiency specified for each requirement with the proficiency of the corresponding qualification. If these are different, this is taken into account when the suitability percentage is calculated. If the suitability percentage is 100%, this means that requirements were fulfilled precisely (that is, the person is 100% suitable). If the suitability percentage is less than 100%, the person is less suitable. Ranges will be: 1. Red 0-70 2. Yellow 70-85 3. Green 85-100 SUCCESSION MANAGEMENT As opposite to Career Planning; Succession Planning starts with Positions when a manager is looking for the best employees to fit a vacant position now or in the future. Succession planning involves selecting potential successors for these posts, and preparing them for the posts. This means that suitable persons can be identified immediately should one of the posts become vacant. SUCCESSION PLANING PROCESS
Transaction Code
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PPSP - Succession
This function enables you to prepare and work your way through succession planning scenarios. Succession planning sets out to ensure that there is a continuous supply of qualified personnel. Succession planning scenarios focus on the posts in a company that need to be filled (or will need to be filled in the future) because existing positions have become vacant or new positions have been created. In Succession Planning, you select suitable potential successors for these posts. You also prepare these successors specifically for these posts so that they can be transferred immediately if a vacancy arises.
Depending on the pre-defined qualification/requirement profiles, you can plan a succession for a position to see the best employee can be transferred to. Select a position, and then determine the search criteria to include when searching for the suitable positions. These criteria would be the subprofiles we have just referred to: qualifications, dislikes, potentials, careers, and preferences. You can then transfer the selected employee to your position immediately or in the future. This to be disabled by default for all employees except for authorized people based on authorization. RANKING LIST Not only getting the best successors can fit a certain position, but this list is ranked according which best meet the position’s requirements. System gives the ability to choose whether you want the suitability percentage or the suitability range displayed.
SUITABILITY PERCENTAGE The suitability percentage is calculated by comparing the proficiency specified for each requirement with the proficiency of the corresponding qualification. If these are different, this is taken into account when the suitability percentage is calculated. If the suitability percentage is 100%, this means that requirements were fulfilled precisely (that is, the person is 100% suitable). If the suitability percentage is less than 100%, the person is less suitable.
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APPENDIX A Following are standard reports to be used in Career-Succession Management module: 1. Profile Matchup 2. Profiles 3. Search For Qualifications 4. Search For Development Plan 5. Search For Development Plan Item 6. Qualifications 7. Development Plans 8. Careers 9. Profile Matchup: Positions/Holders 10. Profiles 11. Succession Overview 12. Expired Qualifications 13. Qualifications Overview 14. Maintained Qualifications 15. Objects Without Qualifications or Requirements 16. Objects With Unevaluated Qualifications or Requirements 17. List of Alternative Qualifications APPENDIX B List of GMC Talent is as follows: • SMART • Helpful • Artistic • Music Player • Communication Skills • Photography • Excel Formula • General IT • Hyper Active • Hyper active • Fast Learner • Hard Worker • Resilient • Proactive • Optimistic • Planner • Far-sighted • Negotiator • English language expressional capabilities • Could Not Find Any 5/22/2011 50
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• • • • • •
Good Learner Honest Organized Determined Punctual Technical Knowledge Managing Employee Performance
INTRODUCTION The Business document is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW The Appraisal Systems component can be used as a personnel development instrument to evaluate members of your organization in a planned, formalized and standardized manner. These evaluations are performed by trained persons commissioned especially for this purpose by your organization. Personnel appraisals are used to obtain information on the characteristics, behavioral traits and performance of members of your organization, and form the basis for planning and making decisions that apply both to individuals, and to organizational members in general. Performance Management can also be used to monitor the success of human resource measures that have already been implemented. As a personnel development instrument, therefore, they can be used both to evaluate the past, and plan for the future. Along with evaluating employees in Gulf Medical, this component will also give the ability to adjust remunerations based on overall rating set in the appraisal document, and also will be affecting the qualification proficiencies based on evaluation.
INTEGRATION Integration between SAP HR Performance Management and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. Integrated HCM component with SAP HR Performance Management as follows:
Personnel Administration
Get all persons and users from personnel administration with all the assignment details
Personnel Development
To change profiles by transfer all qualification within appraisal template. This will allow automatic update of Qualifications profiles of employees once evaluation is
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completed Organization Management
As pet the reporting structure within the Organization Hierarchy, Manager will be able to automatically populate all his subordinates
Enterprise Learning
To create business event appraisal and to attendee appraisals
BUSINESS PROCESS FLOW 1. When preparing for employees’ evaluation, a manager will need to create the required appraisal document for all the employees who will be evaluated. To do this, manager will be selecting an employee from the subordinates list which system will generate. 2. Once appraisal document is created, the status of the documents will be ‘In Preparation/In Process’. 3. Next step will be holding the appraisal actually, during which ranking will be given to each criteria based on which the overall rating will be calculated. Once appraisal is saved, the status will be changed to ‘Completed’. 4. Appraisals will be forwarded for Appraisee to approve or reject. 5. System will allow creating a multi-source appraisal in the cases where feedback needs to be available from more than one part.
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Business Blueprint
New Hire & Employee Maintenance
Create / Maintain Appraisal
Change in Pay
Submit for Approval No
Talent Specialist
HR Administrator
Performance Management
Comp. Administrator HR Manager
View Appraisal Against Employee
Confirm Appraisal Rating
Training Manager
Training & Events
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________
GMC PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT This section aims to identify all processes relevant to Performance Management along with activities, roles involved necessary to complete the process. Performance Management comprises five main processes: Preparation for Performance Evaluation process, which include creating all the required Appraisal Templates. Creating Appraisal Documents for employees to be appraised. Holding the appraisal for employees, by determining the rate for each appraisal criteria. Completing the appraisal Follow-Up appraisal APPRAISAL CATALOGUE
Transaction Code
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S_AHR_61003969 - Edit Appraisals Catalog
The appraisals catalog allows you to manage all the appraisal elements that are of interest to your company. You can then use these appraisal elements to map all kinds of appraisal systems in your system
Appraisal Catalogue is the template which GMC’s managers will be using when evaluating their subordinates. Appraisal Catalogue is based on structure format, which include the Appraisal Template Name, Criteria Group, and Criterion and/or Qualification. Each criteria group is evaluated using a pre-defined scale which is used to set a certain scale for each point. Both qualifications and evaluation scales will be used from the Career-Succession Management module. Overall appraisal rating can be calculated based on different calculation techniques: Total, Average, and Percentage. User defined calculation can be incorporated. At GMC, overall appraisal rate will be calculated as ‘Average’.
APPRAISAL TEMPLATES Appraisal Templates to be used are as follows: Attendee Appraisal which to be used in SAP Enterprise Learning component to evaluate an attendee who successfully attended a certain business event. Business Event Appraisal which will be used in SAP Enterprise Learning component to evaluate a business event based on certain criterion. Performance Appraisal which will be used to evaluate the performance of GMC employees. Each of these templates, different types of appraisal will be used as follows: Individual Appraisal where one or more appraisers appraise one or more persons or objects at once. In this case, only one appraisal is created. Anonymous Appraisal same as previous except the information for the appraiser will not be stored. Multi-Source Individual Appraisal involving several appraisers, where each appraiser appraises one or more persons or objects. Each appraiser creates separate sub appraisals. An overall appraisal is then created on the basis of these sub appraisals. Anonymous Multi-Source Individual Appraisal same as previous except the information for the appraiser will not be stored. The initial appraisal template which will be entered into SAP will be the current appraisal template of GMC. 360 appraisals will not be used and appraisal process will not involve approval. APPRAISAL CRITERIA GROUP
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Criteria Group is used to structure appraisal. They must be assigned directly to the appraisal model, and cannot be nested. It is possible to rate criteria groups. Different Criteria Groups can be used later on with different Appraisal Catalogues. APPRAISAL CRITERIA Criteria is the individual factor that are to be rated in an appraisal. A criterion can be assigned to an appraisal model, or criteria group, but not to another criterion. CREATING APPRAISAL DOCUMENT
Transaction Code
Description Persons are appraised because guidelines to this effect have been issued by the personnel development or personnel administration department (selecting personnel for promotion, annual performance review, or salary review, for example). An appraisal might only be held once or, as is the case with annual performance reviews, at regular intervals. This screen enables you to start the Appraisal Process by creating appraisals, and set the status either to in preparation, or complete the appraisal completely
Starting evaluating employees, managers will be creating the appraisal document for their employees. By doing this, a manager will be entering the employees’ numbers to be evaluated, appraisal evaluation period of time. Once ending preparation, the status will be changed to ‘In Process’. It is possible when create appraisal document, to perform the evaluation itself, in this case status will be set to ‘Completed’. WORKING WITH APPRAISALS
Transaction Code APPCHANGE - Edit
Description In case of appraisal that are created and in status 'in preparation', you can use this report to query for any type of appraisal, in any status, and complete the tasks required
Once Appraisal documents are created, managers can go directly to the Edit appraisal screen and process the appraisals. By doing this, a manager will need to enter an evaluation for each criteria induced in the appraisal document –if mandatory-. Manager will be able to enter a note for each criteria and an overall note for the Appraisal as a whole. 5/22/2011 55
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Once completed, appraisal document will be having a status of ’Completed’. FOLLOWING-UP APPRAISAL Following-up an appraisal this means that if any qualification has been included as an item in the appraisal document, the new proficiency level will be automatically changed in the appraisee qualification profile. Another type of following-up is to adjust remuneration for the employee being appraised. The follow-up function will be used is updating qualification. Regarding Compensation Management, adjust remuneration which affects employee’s payment through Compensation Management module will be activated as a reference in its simple process, which is based on overall appraisal, will propose a % increase out of a certain Wage Type ‘Compensation Target’ which will be part of the Recurring Payments for each employee. No further processing will be performed on this. This configuration for Compensation will be done but not activated.
APPENDIX A CUSTOM PROGRAM/REPORTS 1. New report to print mangers’ feedback of an appraisal as per GMC template. This print will be through a maintenance screen displaying appraisal feedback and accept entering a final comment by MD. This will display only employees with evaluation of ‘1:1 Meeting’ at least 1. 2. Copy standard transaction ‘Change Appraisal’ to custom one to give access to employees to enter their evaluation. This will be set by default to employee’s number with no ability to view others appraisals or templates.
3. New report will be designed to query on appraisals of status ‘Rejected’ to manager’s superior as FYI. Notifications will include: Appraiser Name, Appraisee Name, Appraisal Date, and Status. 4. New transaction ‘Create Appraisal’ needs to be creating for dotted managers using the custom infotype ‘Approval Hierarchy’ to create the employees’ evaluations. 5. Report to be designed to display employees who did not been evaluated. This includes Employee Name, Number, and Manager and send automatic email to Managers. STANDARD REPORTS Following are the standard report to be used in Performance Management module: 1. Appraisals Search 2. Appraisals Catalogue
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APPENDIX C APPRAISAL CATALOGUE GMC appraisal questions are: • Employee demonstrates the ability to manage several responsibilities simultaneously; perform work in a productive and timely manner. • Employee displays a positive, cooperative attitude towards work assignments and requirements. • Employee exhibits the required level to job knowledge and skills to perform his job. • Employee completes assignments meeting quality standards i.e.: accuracy, neatness, thoroughness and adherence to GMC standards • Employee expresses ideas clearly both orally and in writing, listens well, and responds appropriately. • Employee monitors projects; adheres to time frames; is on time for meetings and appointments; and responds appropriately to instructions and procedures • Employee cooperates with co-workers and supervisors • Employee seeks and assumes greater responsibility • Employee monitors projects independently, and follows through appropriately. • Employee adjusts to any change in duties, procedures, supervisors or work environment. • Employee analytical Skills i.e. effectively analyzes problems, determines appropriate action for solutions • Employee shows a high level of punctuality; work arrival and departure in accordance with GMC Policy • Employee is well accepted by the majority of customers • Employee's professional and friendly attitude with customers • Employee's Shyness during field visits • Employee is alert and attentive during field visits • Employee has a professional and hygienic appearance Managing Training and Event
INTRODUCTION The Business Document is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements. SAP HR TRAINING AND EVENT MANAGEMENTOVERVIEW SAP Training and Event Management provides GMC with a full business processes to facilitate the automation of the Training Department including large number of user interactions specially when dealing with Attendees. Not only employee training courses, but also all possible business events arranged by or organized and held by GMC can be part of this module. Structural catalogue of trainings and events enables the training specialists to be able to maintain this in an easy way and being able anytime to generate full detailed reports including various information regarding the event, attendees, or even resources used by. 5/22/2011 57
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Correspondences are integrated in Training and Event Management to facilitate notifying attendees during the event or training process keeping them updated with the changes occurred to the schedule, completion, re-scheduling or even cancelation. INTEGRATION Integration between SAP HR Training and Event Management and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. Integrated HCM component with SAP HR Training and Event Management as follows: Component
Personnel Administration
Retrieving all the attendee details – employees – with all possible changes may occur in organizational assignment
Personnel Development
Updating employee/applicant qualification profile, checking for training’s pre-requisites, and appraisal document for event feedback and attendee’s evaluation
Performance Management
Used to evaluate either Business events, or Attendees of any event
Cost Accounting
Transfer the training/event cost to finance based on the selected sender and receiver cost centers
Attendee type in Training and Event Management is customer and contact person which can be selected from sales module
BUSINESS PROCESS FLOW 1. Starting from maintaining the Training and Event Catalogue which will be divided based on business area covered by training. 2. Determining which resources are needed by each training/event. 3. Scheduling actual training/event dates along with reserving the required recourses for the whole period of the training/event. 4. Selecting and booking attendees with a variety of attendee types. 5. Following-up business event through appraisal creation and business event feedback. 6. Posting event cost to finance. All are explained simply by the following diagram:
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Enterprise Learning
HR Administrator
Enterprise Learning
Maintain Employee Details
Maintain Business Event Catalogue
Maintain Business Event Schedules
Cost Transfer
Determine Attendees
Maintain Appraisal
Firmly Book Business Event
Follow-up Business Event
Is there a Qual. Change?
Personnel Development
Appraisal Catalogue
Qualification Profile
Cost Allocation
Model Designer: _________________ Business Owner: _________________
GMC TRAINING AND EVENT MANAGEMENT This section aims to identify all processes relevant to Training and Event Management along with activities, roles involved necessary to complete the process. Training and Event Management comprises four main processes: • The Business Event Preparation phase comprises the creation and maintenance of all of the master data you access when you create your business event catalog: time schedules, event locations, resources, and so on. You also create the business event groups and event types that form the basic framework of your event catalog. • You then create your business event catalog: You can create individual event dates with or without resources, and you can plan multiple event dates at one time based on the existing demand. • After you have created your business event catalog, you can carry out day-to-day activities for the events. You can make bookings for both internal and external attendees, prebook attendance, replace bookings, rebook, and cancel attendance. The correspondence function provides a suitable notification that you can output for each of these activities. • The Recurring Activities phase involves performing the associated activities that are required periodically. These are firmly booking events, locking and unlocking events, canceling and following up events. Each of the processes is supplemented by appropriate reports. 5/22/2011 59
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BUSINESS EVENT PREPARATION The business event environment contains the basic data required for business events such as time schedules, building addresses, cost items, event locations, organizers, resources, and resource types. You create this master data during the business event preparation phase. You access it later when you create the business event catalog. For master data we do not have a list for: Organizers, Locations, Cost Items, Training Schedules Resources details, and external instructors. For list of Buildings will be the current GMC buildings.
Transaction Code - Name
S_AHR_61011844 - Time Schedule
A schedule defines a time schedule for business events. It consists of a sequence of day schedules. Each day has a number (001, 002 etc.) and a time block ID (consisting of a maximum of three time blocks, each with a start and end time).
The time schedule or timetable of a business event consists of the day schedules for the individual days of the event. Each day schedule is assigned a day segment consisting of up to three separate time blocks. You can use the time schedule you define as a schedule model and assign it to a business event type. When you create business event dates, the schedule model is proposed as the actual schedule of the event. You can adopt the schedule model or define a new one as required. There is no fixed Time Schedule for GMC events. BUILDING ADDRESS
Transaction Code - Name S_AHR_61011843 - Building Address
Description Unique designation of building for which an address is stored in SAP. Later on you can relate the created Rooms along with this Building Address
Building addresses provide information on the physical location of rooms. When you create the resource ‘Room’, you can maintain the Address Infotype for it. You can reference a building address when you do so. Country KSA
Offices Jeddah Riyadh Dhahran
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Business Blueprint
Madinah Abha Qassim UAE
Dubai Abu Dhabi
Transaction Code - Name
S_AHR_61011845 - Cost Items
Where you can maintain the details of the Cost Items entered into SAP. You can specify whether this Cost Item is per Attendee, Business Event, or per time Unit. You also can determine whether this Cost Item is relevant or not for finance transfer
Training and Event Management uses cost items to determine and represent the costs incurred by business events. Cost items are also required when you want to transfer event costs to Cost Accounting, for internal activity allocation for instructors, and for determining a price proposal. Depending on business needs, each cost item can be defined as Relevant for transfer or not which will determine the actual posting cost to Finance which is open for user for updating. Posting training cost will not be included. Only activity allocation of employees’ training fees will be transferred to Finance. LOCATION
Transaction Code - Name
S_AHR_61011841 - Location
A business event location is the physical venue of business events and seminars. You store an address for it.
You can assign locations to business events when you create the events. You can also relate a location with location-dependent resources such as rooms. You create these relationships in the steps Create Room and Create Other Resources. Site-dependent additional data (currency, language, and calendar with information on public holidays in the business event location) It is not mandatory to set up locations, especially if your business events are all held at the same location. ORGANIZER
Transaction Code - Name
PSVQ - Create...
A company can be an organizer, an attendee, or an employer of external persons.
PSVO - Change/Display... Change of Display an Organizer External organizers are objects of Type Company, customer, or interested party. Internal organizers are objects of the type organizational unit. Organizers can be assigned to business event types. You create this relationship in the step Create business event type. 5/22/2011 61
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Transaction Code - Name
S_AHR_61011886 - Resource Type
Resource type is the abstract description of a group of resources that have typical features in common e.g. PC, Unix terminal or room.
By assigning resource types to a business event type, you create utilities that could be required for a business event. You assign the actual utilities (resources) required to the individual business events. Rooms where seminars or courses take place can be combined to form the resource type 'Room'. The advantage of this is that you can designate several rooms that have the same equipment as a resource type. You record data for resource types under the following headings: Capacity, under capacity, you can specify the maximum, optimum and minimum number of places available. The system uses this data for checks against the business event or event type capacity during booking transactions. • Costs, you can assign costs (sub-divided into cost items) to resource types. These can be transferred to Controlling and can be used to calculate a price proposal for a business event. • Availability indicators, under availability indicators, you can specify the conditions attached to resource types relevant for business event planning. • You specify whether a resource type is flagged as 'required', which means that it must be available for the event. You also specify the quantity required per event or per attendee. List of Resource Types would be as follows:
Resource Type Name Projector/Data show Training Materials Room Flipcharts Laptop Pointer Camera Digital Camera RESOURCE
Transaction Code - Name
S_AHR_61011885 - Room
A Room is a special resource which, unlike other resources, can contain information about buildings (including addresses). Where you can maintain External Instructor details. You can relate this External Instructor with the Business event when maintain
S_AHR_61011893 - External Instructor S_AHR_61011901 - Other Resource 5/22/2011 62
Where you can maintain Other Resource details
Business Blueprint
The utilities required for a business event. Resources are reserved by business events.
BUSINESS EVENT CATALOGUE The business event catalog is presented in a hierarchical form. It is made up of business event groups and event types. GMC current training history will be used as a Training Catalogue.
Transaction Code - Name S_AHR_61011889 - Business Event Group
Description The business event group allows you to class similar business event types together. It is also possible to set up business event groups in a hierarchical structure.
A grouping together of business event types that share the same characteristics or deal with related subject matter. Business event groups can, in turn, be combined to form overlying business event groups resulting in a hierarchically structured curriculum or catalog.
Transaction Code - Name
S_AHR_61011888 - Business Event Type
A business event type is a grouping together of business events that share the same attributes.
A prototype event including all of the general attributes that apply to events of this type. A business event type is not scheduled to take place on a specific date. Business event types are assigned to event groups. Event groups and types form the basic framework of the business event catalog.
Transaction Code - Name PSV2 - Business Event Menu
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Description In the business event menu you can create and edit business event dates in a structured environment. The following functions are available for event dates: create, change, display, firmly book/cancel, lock - unlock,
Business Blueprint
follow-up a business event
A specific occurrence of a business event type, scheduled to take place on a specific date. A business event (also referred to as a business event date) inherits all of the attributes stored for the event type, and is scheduled to take place on a specific date. Business Event dates can be created either with or without resources (location, instructor, and so on). DELIVERY METHOD The method by which the Business Event will be delivered. List of Delivery Methods are as follows:
Cod e
Delivery Method
000 1 Classroom Training 000 2Transaction Virtual Classroom Training Code - Name 000 PSV2 - Business Event Menu 3 Web-Based Training 000 4 Public Event
PV10 - Create with Resources
PV11 - Create Without Resources
PV1A - Change
PV1B - Display
PSVP - Planning Menu
5/22/2011 64
Description In the business event menu you can create and edit business event dates in a structured environment. The following functions are available for event dates: create, change, display, firmly book/cancel, lock - unlock, follow-up a business event This function lets you create a business event date and reserve the resources that are required for it. This function lets you create a business event date and without reserving the resources that are required for it. This function lets you change a business event date and reserve the resources that are required for it. This function lets you display a business event date and reserve the resources that are required for it. When setting up your business event catalog, you can plan multiple business event dates at one go in the dynamic planning menu based on the demand that exists for them. The special feature of the planning function is that it includes an automatic demand determination function. The number of dates you plan depends on
Business Blueprint
the demand that there is for them. This can be determined before you start the planning procedure. In this business process, GMC Training specialist can create business event dates along with selecting the required resources for each event. Not only creating current/future dates, but also ability to plan the dates based on multiple criteria: • Previous year booking • Pre-booking till a certain date • Previous year planning
Transaction Code - Name PSV1 - Attendance Menu PV00 - Book: Attendee for Business Event PV07 - Book: Attendee List for Business Event PV08 - Book: Attendee for Business Event List PV02 - Prebook: Attendee for Business Event Type PV06 - Prebook: Attendee List for Business Event Type PV16 - Prebook: Attendee for Business Event Type List PV03 - Replace PV01 - Rebook Attendance PV04 - Cancel Attendance PV34 - Appraisals
Description Single screen from which you can perform different Attendance actions on Attendees. You can book, prebook, cancel an Attendee or a list of Where you can register an Attendee for a certain Business event Where you can register list of Attendee for a certain Business event Where you can register an Attendee for a list Business event Where you can prebook an Attendee for a certain Business event Where you can prebook list of Attendee for a certain Business event Where you can prebook an Attendee for a list Business event Where you can replace an Attendee's booking with another Attendee Where you can re-register an Attendee for a certain Business event Where you can cancel an Attendee for a certain Business event Where you can create appraisals for Attendees
GMC Training Specialist can execute all of the functions relating to booking activities. You can execute all of the functions for attendance bookings contained in day-to-day activities. In the dynamic attendance menu, available functions are: • Book attendance • Prebook attendance (for business event types) 5/22/2011 65
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• • • •
Replace attendance Rebook attendance Cancel attendance Book attendee lists
BOOKING PRIORITY When you book attendance, you can assign the booking a priority or let the system assign it automatically. The following restrictions apply: • You can assign normal booking priority up to optimum capacity only. Bookings with this priority are assured a place on the event as a rule but they may be moved down to the waiting list when the event is put in firmly booked status. • You can assign essential booking priority up to maximum capacity. A booking with this priority is assured a place on the business event. Essential bookings cannot be displaced when the event is firmly booked. • You assign a waiting list booking when a business event is fully booked. You can assign waiting list candidates places on the event if they become available as a result of cancellations. Booking priorities are indicated by a numeric value.
Transaction Code - Name PVK0 - History
PP40 - Manual Output
Description This transaction enables you to view the history of correspondences sent to Attendees each with its status enables you to send manual correspondence in different situations to different Attendees
You can output a variety of notifications to attendees for the activities in Training and Event Management, such as confirmation of attendance, event cancellation, and so on. Notifications can be output to a variety of media including printer, Internet mail, onscreen, and so on. With manual output, you also have the option of using Microsoft Word standard letter function and downloading the notification into Microsoft Word. Notification output is documented in Correspondence History. This function lets you request a report for documents output to a given attendee during a specific time period, such as if and when an attendee received a confirmation of registration notification. 5/22/2011 66
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Sample Notifications have been sent to GMC for review.
Transaction Code - Name PV12 - Firmly Book / Cancel
PV14 - Lock / Unlock
PV15 - Follow Up
PV33 - Appraisals
PV1D - Price Proposal
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Description Once you have decided that a business event is to take place definitely, you can firmly book it. The function firmly book automatically triggers other activities: Attendees receive definite confirmation of registration, candidates with waiting-list bookings are either rebooked for other events, converted into pre-bookings for the event type, or remain on the waiting list. Locking a business event temporarily closes the attendee list. You can lock both internal and external business events in both planned and firmly booked status. Once a business event has begun or is given the status firmly booked, you can perform follow-up activities for it. The business event objectives can be awarded as qualifications to the attendees. If the objectives are to be transferred as qualifications to the attendees during followup processing, you must assign a value to the qualifications. This value is stored in the additional data of the relationship that is created between the attendee and the qualification. The Appraisal function in Training and Event Management enables you to perform appraisals of business events and attendees. This provides you with an important method of quality assurance and keeps you informed of the level of knowledge and qualification of your employees. This function (report RHCPRI00) lets you instruct the system to calculate a price proposal for a business event based on the cost items stored for it, the reference units
Business Blueprint
and reservation times. Once creating business event and booking attendees, list of recurring activities can be performed on any business event as follows: • •
• • • • •
Firmly book business events, in other words, put them in active status. Once an event has been firmly booked, notifications will be sent to attendees with a predefined template. Cancel business events. Cancellation can be due to many reasons as illustrated later in this document. Once a business event is cancelled, notifications will be sent to attendees, and possibility to create pre-bookings for all attendees is given to the Training Specialist. Lock (and unlock) business events. This temporarily closes the attendee list for bookings. Follow up business events, which is the process of updating the qualification profile for internal employees. Create appraisals for business events. Appraisals will cover, Attendee Appraisal and Business event Appraisal. Templates will be provided by GMC Team if exists. Carry out billing and internal activity allocation for business events. Automatically calculate a price proposal for an event.
Below is the business rules agreed on covering the process of Training and Event Management module: ATTENDEE CHECKING
Applicant External person Prospect Customer Organizational unit Person Contact person Company User
5/22/2011 68
bookings for same business event type
Prebookings for same business event type
prerequisite business event
Attendee's Qualification
Error Error Error Error Error
Error Information Information Information Error
Error Error Error Error Error
Warning Warning Warning Warning Warning
Error Error Error Error
Error Error Error Error
Error Error Error Error
Warning Warning Warning Warning
Business Blueprint
Message type for changes to historical attendances Maximum waiting list capacity Message Type When Waiting List Capacity Exceeded
Warning 15 Warning
Action Mess. Type for attendance/instructor func. Error conflict Message type for attendance/attendance Error Value conflict Default value for cancellation fees 1000 Mode for move-ups from waiting Interactive list – User Selection
Reason for Cancelation Organizer cancels attendance booking Prerequisites not fulfilled Supervisor rejects booking request Force Major Employee cancels 1 week before start Employee cancels 1 day before start Employee cancels 1 month before start Employee cancels after start
% Fees
Free of Charge Yes Yes Yes Yes
20 50 Yes 100
Action Conversion of Unplaced Candidates to Prebookings
Reason For Cancellation Minimum bookings not reached Required resources not available Training room not available 5/22/2011 Instructor not available Re-schedule to another time 69 Force Major
Business Blueprint
GMC special business requirements: 1. Create a custom report to check on business events already completed and follow-up, and bring a list of attendees and check if the event is finished by 3 days and attendee did not fill in Event Report evaluation, to send an email notification. APPENDIX B GMC MASTER TRAINING CATALOGUE List of training courses at GMC is as follows: • Use of office equipment • Manufacturer Training • Advanced Leadership Dynamics • Time Management • Principles of Hospital Planning and Design • Project Management • Communication Skills • Basic Selling Skills • Presentation Skills • GMC System Training • Lead • Advanced Managerial Skills- Jeddah • Advanced Managerial Skills Riyadh • Senior's Lead • Typing • Leadership and managing a team • Systems Analysis • English Language course • Employee Engagement for Managers' • Manufacturer Service Training • Negotiation Skills • Advanced Selling Skills
APPENDIX C STANDARD REPORTS Following are the list of standard reports to be used in Training and Event Management module: 1. Attendee List 5/22/2011 70
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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Attendance List Employee List Bookings per Attendee Attendee's Training History Attendance Prerequisites Attendee's Qualifications Prerequisites Matchup Attendee Appraisals Prebookings per Business Event Type Prebookings per Attendee Attendees for Rebooking Attendance Statistics Attendance and Sales Statistics Cancellations per Business Event Cancellations per Attendee Budget Comparison Business Event Demand Business Event Schedule Business Event Appraisals Business Event Hierarchy Attendance Statistics Business Event Brochure Business Event Information Business Event Dates Resource List per Business Event Resources Not Yet Assigned per Business Event Business Event Prices Resource Equipment Resource Reservation Instructor Information Graphical Resource Reservation Available/Reserved Resources Resource Reservation Statistics Resources Not Yet Assigned per Resource Type Managing Employee Request
Different request types are being created by employees for many reasons. Each request has a different approval levels which cannot be set as a rule applied on all employees. Proposed Solution: New Infotype to be created saving the different approval levels required for each employee. Once an employee creates a service request, the program will get the approval hierarchy needed for this service request and compare against the values saved for this employee and proceed with the process. 5/22/2011 71
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New maintenance screen needs to be created listing number of approval and approval type needed for each service request.
Proposed solution for Administration Employees’ request is as follows: 1. New screen – Request Type Approval - will be designed to save all request types along with number of approval levels it requires and the approver title. Details will be as follows: Request Type Request ID Approval Level (n) Approver Title
2. For each employee a new Infotype – Approval Hierarchy -will be created to save the different approval hierarchy an employee can use. Details includes:
Approver Title – select from the available Approver title as per available in the system Approver Number – select from the employee list within GMC Approver Name – automatic populated after selecting Approver Number
3. When an employee creates Request of any type, system will validate against
the approval it requires. Based on the records exists in Request Type Approval table, it will reads the different approval levels with types, and check against the employee’s Approval Hierarchy Infotype, and send the notification to the responsible manager 4. Central screen of approval will be created with access given to all Managers to be able to select employee’s request, and approve or reject.
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Vacation Request Submit for Approval
Create Vacation Request
Division Manager Direct Manager
Direct Manager Approval
Yes NO
Division Manager
Area Manager
Area Manager Approval
Finance Approval
MD Approval
End Workflow
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Travel Management
1. The cycle of travel management covered within GMC is as follows: •
Before SAP GMC Operator was responsible of entering the ticket request delivered by employees into system.
Employee creates a ticket Request using a pre-defined hard copy template.
Request is being approved by direct manager and division manger (or Area manager as replacement for the Division Manager)
Finance Director needs to approve the ticket LPO or the Travel Order. (Form supported from the agent)
At this point GMC Operator will be having Original Travel order (approved from Finance Director) & Original Ticket Request (signed from the passenger and approved from the Direct Manager & Division or Area Manager.
Operator will send the Travel Order (Original & Copy) to the agent to issue the ticket, and he should send the Ticket request to Finance.
Travel Agent send in ticket invoices twice a month, from 1-15 sent on 15th and tickets from 16th to 30th are sent on 30th each month attaching to it the copy of the Travel Order.
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Finance should attach the invoice along with its travel order as it is received from the Agent, to the Ticket request received from the Operator.
These invoices will be entered by finance as invoices from supplier.
2. Each employee is entitled to a certain number of tickets. After this number, tickets are charged from his payroll. When requesting a vacation of type Training, need to select an approved ticket request to attach to. These all will be part of the Vacation Request screen. 3. Request type ‘Air Ticket’ to be issued by employee and pass through the pre-defined level of approvals. 4. Request type ‘Cancel Ticket’ to be issued by employee to cancel an already created ticket request. 5. ‘Petty Cash Payment’ Request to be issued by an employee and pass through a predefined levels of approval. 6. “Refunds Report” to display all Cancel ticket requests.
Travel Request
Direct Manager
Entering Ticket Request Delivered by employee
Submit for Approval
Direct Manager Approval
Division Manager or Area Manager Finance Director
Approved Division Manager or Area Manager Approval
Finance LPO or Travel Order Approval
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________ Using Employee Self-Service and Manager Self Service
INTRODUCTION 5/22/2011 74
Send To Agent
Business Blueprint
The Business Document is a detailed description of your business processes and system requirements. ESS – MSS OVERVIEW Employee Self-Service (ESS) enables employees to create, display, and change their own data in the intranet used at their enterprise. By enabling employees to access their own data, HR processes are standardized and simplified. As a result, employees in the Human Resources Department can concentrate on other tasks of greater strategic importance. Manager Self-Service (MSS) enables Managers to create, display, and change their own data and the employee’s actions in the intranet used at their enterprise. MSS enables all managers to take overview about all employees are assigning to them. EMPLOYEE SELF-SERVICE ESS Employee Self-Service gives GMC employees the ability to perform certain processes by themselves. This will save time and effort put on HR Personnel when processing these types of requests for large number of employees. Starting from a valid username and password, an employee can logon to GMC Portal, and start using ESS. ESS is based on iView concept which is each process an employee can use is incorporated as an iView within SAP Portal. Just selecting the required iView, ESS will start working and getting data from and to the backend ERP.
INTEGRATION Integration between SAP HR Employee Self Service and multiple other application components enables you to streamline internal processes. Integrated HCM component with SAP HR Employee Self Service as follows:
Using Payroll Statement, all payroll data can be displayed or printed for employees
Personnel Administration
Using Personnel Information, an employee can change or display Personnel Information, Address, Family Members, and Bank Details information. Also, looking for employees through searching for people
Personnel Development
Displaying and changing qualification profile directly from ESS
MASTER DATA All data to be used when working with ESS will be based on the master data entered in standard HCM, the Graphical User Interface. This means that any data entered from the backend ERP will be reflected and accessed in ESS.
ESS WORKSET/IVIEWS Below are the iView which will be part of ESS implementation in GMC: 5/22/2011 75
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EMPLOYEE SEARCH This workset enables employee to search for any employee within the organization. 2 iView will be used in this workset, Who-is-Who which lists down all the employees within GMC with general basic details of like: Name, Position, Department, and Change Own Data which enables the employee logged on to change his own Internal Information IT0032. Change Own Data will be assigned to 2 different roles one for changing and one for only displaying.
Advanced Search will be as follows:
PERSONAL INFORMATION In this page, ESS gives list of iView (services) can be used to maintain certain employee details. 5/22/2011 76
Business Blueprint
ADDRESS SERVICE The Address service enables the employees at your enterprise to display and edit their own addresses. In this way, employees can keep their own data up-to-date, while simultaneously reducing the number of time-consuming and expensive activities performed by the Human Resources Department. BANK DETAILS The Bank Details service enables the employees in your enterprise to display and edit their own bank details. FAMILY/RELATED PERSON The Family/Related Person service enables the employees at GMC to display and edit data about their own family members and related persons. PERSONAL DATA The Personal Data service enables the employees at GMC to display and edit their own personal data. Need to add Communication Infotype available to enter/update nickname if possible. WORKING TIME
This Workset will be working with all employee time data which can be displayed worked with through ESS.
LEAVE REQUEST Employees can Create Leave Request for any absence or to notify their superior. The leave request is submitted to the employee’s superior for approval. Employees can check the status of their request. 5/22/2011 77
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For each of the steps of the workflow approval, notification will be sent to employee. i The Leave Request notifications will be sent to managers’ workplace and/or MSS universal work list.
LEAVE REQUEST WORKFLOW As the creation process of Leave Request is different at GMC and include more details related to visa, tickets, and other information, a new ABAP screen will be developed for this and replace the original one.
TIME ACCOUNTS Employees can display all absence quotas and all absence deductions. It enables employees to check their time credits, such as leave and time-off entitlements. It provides them with information to help them plan their leave and information about the deduction periods of their time accounts.
PAYMENT REMUNERATION STATEMENT DISPLAY Employee can display his own remuneration statements. The user first defines the period for which he or she wants to display the remuneration statements. The system then displays a list of payroll results for this period. The remuneration statement for the first result on the list is automatically displayed. The user can select a different payroll result and display the accompanying remuneration statement. TOTAL COMPENSATION STATEMENT This list down all the compensation items the employee was entitled to like personnel development training items. CAREER AND JOB SKILLS ESS gives your employees the option of displaying their own qualifications profile. In the qualifications catalog, the employee in question can select the qualifications that he or she possesses, along with proficiencies. Employees can display their own qualifications profile at any time.
DISPLAY QUALIFICATIONS ESS gives your employees the options of viewing the qualifications (skills, talents, knowledge) that have been recorded in the system for them. The proficiency and 5/22/2011 78
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validity of each qualification can be displayed, thus enabling employees to see, for example, where they require further training. CORPORATE INFORMATION GMC will store documents and services that comprise general information about it. Documents that can be stored in this area include security regulations and the general code of conduct in place at your enterprise. This needs to be changed later based on GMC requirement, based on this training will be needed to GMC person on how to change this. List of GMC policies will include: Promotion Criteria, Car Loan Policy, Car Travel Policy, New-Hire Handbook, Job Descriptions and Vacation Policy. Add another iView for GMC Portal.
ASSETS This iView gives employees information on the devices that are assigned to them. The devices can be assets from the Asset Accounting component, equipment from the Plant Maintenance component -only if activation of this will not result in error, will be activated -, and objects on loan from the Human Resources component based on modules implemented. MANAGER SELF-SERVICE Manager Self-Service gives GMC managers the way to perform many transactions without need to interrupt the daily work of Personnel Administration especially in the area of generating important reports. A manager will logon with a valid username and password specific to him/her and then can perform many processes like Attendance Report, Headcount Report, and Monitoring of Tasks. Not only running updated reports, but a manager can initiate personnel change request for one or more of his/her employees performing a certain action like promotion, transfer. This PCR will be transferred for approval based on the approval workflow activated.
INTEGRATION All data to be used when working with MSS will be based on the master data entered in standard HCM, the Graphical User Interface. This means that any data entered from the backend ERP will be reflected and accessed in MSS.
Personnel Administration
Get all employee’s assigned to the manager and initiating a list of Personnel Change Requests (PCR) to start a certain Personnel Administration process
All actions manager can perform on a certain employee
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is based on the hierarchy structure as system will only display subordinates of a manager along the Organization Hierarchy
Personnel Development
Being able to run at any time Profile Matchup to get is there are any gaps between qualifications and requirements. Being able to work through the appraisal process for subordinates
Working with myBudget
MASTER DATA All data to be used when working with MSS will be based on the master data entered in standard HCM, the Graphical User Interface. This means that any data entered from the backend ERP will be reflected and accessed in MSS.
MANAGER SELF-SERVICE WORKSET/IVIEWS Below are the iView which will be part of MSS implementation in GMC: TEAM This workset gives managers an overview of employee information and enables managers to perform all tasks related to employees. OVERVIEW FOR PERSONNEL CHANGE REQUESTS Managers can use this iView to display all employee processes (PCRs) in which he or she is involved, along with the status for those processes. The data is displayed in table format with information including process type, process initiator, and process status shown in columns.
Business Blueprint
This iView enables manager to view information related to their employees that include: General information like Organization Unit, Position, employee Group/Subgroup, and Personnel Area/Subarea. It also displays Personnel Information of the employee selected from IT0002, all the absences taken by the employees. If there any monitoring of tasks related to any of the manager’s employees, will be displayed in tabular format including the name of the task, and expiration date. It also lets the manager display the company property that has been made available to employees assigned to his or her area of responsibility. The system reads the data from the Objects on Loan Infotype.
QUALIFICATIONS GMC’s managers to display qualifications, and the respective proficiency, for employees in their area of responsibility. This will be the same as Personal Information, 2 roles will be created one display and the other to maintain.
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PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT With this iView, manager can display list of appraisal documents created for his/her employees with all the document details like status, overall rating. The manager uses the Performance Management Document iView to process the appraisal form defined from the SAP Appraisal Management Module.
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COMPETENCY MANAGEMENT The Competency Management area comprises an iView that enables managers to display an overview list of all positions in their area of responsibility and allows them to branch from this list to maintain position requirements. This also will be for display and maintain in 2 separate roles. PERSONNEL CHANGE REQUEST Personnel Change Request is a way by which GMC Manager can initiate a certain Personnel Administration request for one of his/her employees. Manager can select from a list of PCRs available in MSS, select an employee for whom the request is to be initiated, Adobe Acrobat form will be displayed contain the request details the manager needs to fill, once filled, manager can review and send for approval. Available PCRs in MSS are as follows:
All PCRs will be activated except Working Time. Personnel Administrator will be notified with the approved Personnel Change Request through a Transaction in SAP ERP HCM. He/she will be accessing this transaction and run to see the approved PCRs, using the standard Personnel Administration actions; he/she can perform the action and set the status back to Completed.
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PCR process workflow will be based on standard workflow as follows:
Manager of Employee
Personnel Change Request ESS /MSS
Create Personnel Change Request
Submit for Approval
Direct Manager Approval Direct Manager 2nd Approval 1ST
1st Approver View PCR Against Y Employee
No 2nd Approver View PCR Against Employee
End Workflow
Model Designer : _________________ Business Owner : _________________
Later on Hr Personnel will be accessing a standard HR transaction which will display the approved PCRs to process the change request by normal Personnel Administration actions.
REPORTS This workset enables the managers to run some important reports related to their daily business and involving their employee. These reports require the integration between MSS and Business Warehouse BI. Budget iView will be activated to show the differences of cost centers to managers. Reports and Forms 1. Performance Management •
New report to print mangers’ feedback of an appraisal as per GMC template. This print will be through a maintenance screen displaying appraisal feedback and accept entering a final comment.
Report to query on appraisals of status ‘Rejected’ and send notification to manager. Notifications will include: Appraiser Name, Appraisee Name, Appraisal Date, and Status.
Report to display employees who did not been evaluated. This includes Employee Name, Number, and Manager and sends automatic email to Managers
Program to send notifications to managers of next appraisal to be performed on Jan, April, July, and October.
Smart form and print program for Appraisal Evaluation template
2. Training Management •
Create a custom report to check on business events already completed and followed-up, and bring a list of attendees and check if the event is finished since 3 days and attendee did not fill in Event Report evaluation, to send an email notification to the attendee. 5/22/2011 84
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3. Personnel Administration •
Program to send notifications to managers of next appraisal to be performed on Jan, April, July, and October.
New custom program will be designed to calculate the Saudi Employment Percentage within GMC. This is: total number of employees with ‘Saudi nationality’ / total number of employees. Taking into account if a Saudi employee is disabling, this will equal 2 employees. Disability will be taken from Infotype ‘Additional Personal Data’.
4. Legal Administration •
"Print 6 Contracts, 5 Arabic, and 1 mixed. Contract print screen, will include some varialbes to be used when printing the contract and these will be saved into a custom table for historical reasons. Only for the Normal employment contract, system will make sure that the employee selected has record for GOSI, Work Permit"
Travel Management
Refunds Report
6. Payroll •
Payslip Print and send to employee's email. This will need to be saved back to databse with signature
Payment Voucher
Payroll Journal Enhancements 1.
Communication Maintainance
2. Performance Management •
Copy standard transaction ‘Change Appraisal’ to custom one to give access to employees to enter their evaluation. This will be set by default to employee’s number with no ability to view others appraisals or templates
Copy standard transaction ‘Search Appraisal’ to custom one to give access to managers to view evaluations performed only for their subordinates based on the hierarchy structure
New validation when selecting Demotion, not to select any other further action
Activate Workflow to send appraisals to employees for approval
New transaction ‘Create Appraisal’ needs to be creating for dotted managers using the custom infotype ‘Approval Hierarchy’ to create the employees’
Create Appraisal Function based on overall appraisal to propose bonus calculated as overall appraisal rate * Wage Type Compensation Target
3. Personnel Administration •
New Infotype to be available for Recruitment and PA storing Job as per Passoprot, Job as per Iqama
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Alert to be generated when hiring a new employee but not stopping the hiring process displaying Saudization Percentage
Screen to keep Permitted Visa Types for GMC based on Country of origin. This will contain: Visa Type, Country, Total, Used, Booked, and Remaining
Enhancement to be done in IT 0002. System will need to deduct from list of available visas per employee country, and job in case of Employee. When recruiting an Applicant, it needs to book one of the available visa number as per applicant’s country. This is only for Local recruitment.
New infotype for family dependants including dependant number and photo of dependent.
4. Recruitment Management •
Create new Infotype have Earliest Joining Date, Previous Salaries, illness description, current Iqama job, and visa status - will be (Citizen, No Visa, Residency Visa NON-Transferable Residency Visa Transferable, Visit, Trainee and transit Visa)-.
Legal Administration
New screen to maintain Pelanty Groups, Penalty Types, Penalty
Custom Infotype 'Penalty' to be created save Penalties an employee can have. Includes Subtypes as Penalty Category, Penalty Type, Date, Penalty
New Request Type for employee Penalty. Includes Employee Name, Number, Date of Penalty, and Description. This is sent to Admin for approval, and then to Finance to ammend to Payroll
New Request Type for employee PenaltyVacancy Request. It includes Vacancy Name, Reason for Request, and Request Date. This is sent to supervisor for approval, and then to HC & TD Department for ammend
New Infotype 'Approval Hierarchy'. It includes Approver Type, Employee Number, Name
Maintainance screen to save Request Type. Approval Levels with sequence, Approver Type
Maintainance screen to save Request Type. Approval Levels with sequence, Approver Type
Maintainance screen 'Approval Workbench. Used by managers to approve requests. It includes, categorization by Request Type, Date, employee number, Name, Status, Comments
Travel Management
Air Ticket Request Form
Cancel Ticket Request
Petty Cash Payment Interface N/A Conversion N/A
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