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SA P N e t We a v e r Pr o c e s s I n t e g r at a t i o n 7 .1 . 1 – O v e rv rvie w SAP NetWeaver Product Management, SAP AG October 2007 This presentation is a preliminary version and not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. This docu ment contains only intended strategies, strategies, developments, and functionalities functionalities of the SAP® product and is not intended to be binding upon SAP to any particular course of business, product product strategy, and/or development. development. Please note that this document is subject subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time without notice. SAP assumes no responsibility responsibility for errors or omissions omissions in this document.
SAP NW PI 7.1: Major Enhancements Summary and Further Information
SAP NW PI 7.1: Major Enhancements Summary and Further Information
SAP NW PI 7.1: Major Enhancements Summary and Further Information
N e w Ca p a b i l i t i e s o f SA P N W PI 7 .1 – Pa r t 1 User Interaction (for example, Business Task Management)
Enterprise Services Repository
Process Automation
Service Bus Dynamic Routing
Reliable Messaging and Queuing
Additional WS Standards
Infrastructure Services Software Lifecycle Security User Management
Java EE5 / ABAP
Scalability High Availability Archiving
Configuration Monitoring Administration
Process Integration
B2B Partner
3rd Party Application
3rd Party Middleware
Enhanced Design Capabilities Service Enabling Services Registry – UDDI V3.0
WS Reliable Messaging WS Policy WS Security and SAML
High Volume Support
Local processing in Adapter Engine Message packaging Improved performance for ccBPM Reduced sizing
N e w Ca p a b i l i t i e s o f SA P N W PI 7 .1 – Pa r t 2 User Interaction (for example, Business Task Management)
Event provisioning and consumption for BAM Process Automation
Service Bus Dynamic Routing
Reliable Messaging and Queuing
Infrastructure Services Software Lifecycle Security User Management
Java EE5 / ABAP
Scalability High Availability Archiving
Configuration Monitoring Administration
Process Integration
B2B Partner
3rd Party Application
3rd Party Middleware
Local container Subscription and handling of business process events Milestone Monitoring
Next steps towards central configuration and administration Functional Enhancements
XML payload validation BPEL modeling enhancements
Enterprise Services Repository Additional WS Standards & High Volume Support Business Process Management Further Enhancements
Enterprise Services Repository Additional WS Standards & High Volume Support Business Process Management Further Enhancements
Ev o l u t i o n o f t h e En t e r p r i s e Se r v i c e s Re p o s i t o r y
Enterprise SOA
The ES Repository is based on the Integration Repository
The ES Repository stores objects, such as GDTs and message interfaces
Re-use existing data and leverage existing investment
New and enhanced objects in the ES Repository include
SAP’s Enterprise Services
Partner Services
Business Objects, Components, and Engines Bus. Partner
– Process – Service
Component Models
ES Re po si t o r y – Ob je c t s The ES Repository provides a comprehensive metadata repository that can be used for SOA provisioning
ES Repository
Objects in the ES Repository include: Integration Scenarios Process Component Models Service Interfaces (Enterprise
Pr o c e s s Co m p o n e n t M o d e l s i n t h e ES Re p o s i t o r y Based on SAP’s process component architecture methodology References to Integration Scenario Models Process Components Business Objects Service Interfaces Global Data Types
Functionality of Process Components exposed through enterprise services The Process Components in the SAP Business Suite are described in SDN
En t e r p r i s e Se r v i c e s b u i l t i n t h e ES Re p o s i t o r y Enterprise Services: Are mapped to the Service
Interface object in the ES Repository Are built using a consistent
enterprise model based on
Process Components
Business Objects
Ensure quality and stability Are based on open standards Are well documented
Gl o b a l Da t a T y pe s – B u i l d i ng b l oc k s f o r Se r v i c e I n t e r f a c e s
Global Data Types are: Defined company-wide based
on open standards (ISO 150005, UN/CEFACT CCTS) Defined in the ES Repository Approved SAP-wide using the
Governance process Reusable semantic building
blocks for service interfaces and message types
Pr o c e s s Co m p o n e n t M o d e l s Process component architecture models enable SOA governance Drill down from high-level models to service interfaces and operations
Service Interface Service Interface
Service Operation
Service Operation
T h e Se r vi c e s Re g is t r y – B en e f it s Services Registry – Key Benefits Based on UDDI 3.0 Naming standards and
classifications Service evolution and
versioning Classification system search Keyword search services Service management and
governance Procedures for backend
publications Procedures for client
development Service configuration Documentation
En t e r p r i s e Se r v i c e s Re p o s i t o r y a n d Re g i s t r y S A P N e t We a v e r ES Reposit ory Tools
CONSUMER TOOLS (Composition Environment)
Enterprise Services Repository Additional WS Standards & High Volume Support Business Process Management Further Enhancements
We b Se r v i c e s Re l i a b l e M e s s a g i n g We b S e r v i c e s R e l i a b l e M e s s a g i n g ( WS-RM )
Asynchronous messaging (EO, EOIO) based on open WS standard
Native support through Integration Engine (w/o adapter)
I n t e g r a t i o n S e r v er Business BusinessProcess Process Engine Engine
Integration Integration Engine Engine
Central Central Adapter Adapter Engine Engine
XI Protocoll
Pr i n c i p l e P r o p a ga t i o n b a s e d o n SA M L Pr i n c i p l e P r o pa g a t i o n b a s e d o n SA M L
Forward user context from sender to receiver
Authorization check in receiving system based on original user
Integration Server
Request status of order xyz??
H ig h Vo lu m e Su pp or t (1 ) M e s s a g e Pa c k a g i n g
Process bulk of messages in one service call (mapping, routing, ..)
Reduce context switches
Enable mass operations on database
For async scenarios SA SAPP
P e A IInntteeggrraatti ioonn EEnnggin i ne B & c c B PM En gi ne & c c B PM En gi ne A
a A Addaapptteerr En Enggiinnee v a J ED I ... File ED I
3rd Party Application
3rd Party Application
H ig h Vo lu m e Su pp or t (2 ) L o c a l Pr o c e s s i n g i n A d a p t e r En g i n e
Natural evolution of adapter engine
Provides mapping, routing to by-pass Integration Server
Adapter to adapter communication
For sync and async scenarios SA SAPP
P n ggiine A I Innt teeggrraatti o i onn EEn ne B & c c B P M En gi ne A & c c B P M En gi ne
a A Addaapptteerr En E nggiinnee v a J SOAP RF C ... SOAP
3rd Party Application
Enterprise Services Repository Additional WS Standards & High Volume Support Business Process Management Further Enhancements
M a j o r En h a n c e m e nt s f or Pr o c e s s A u t o m a t i o n Human interaction Generic user decision Language dependent texts for
end-user display, enriched with variables Integration paradigm
(design/ configuration)
Step groups (modeling enhancements) Configurable parameters BPEL adoption BPEL4WS 1.1 WS-BPEL 2.0 Preview and
implementation BPEL4People planned
Ev en t Pr o vi si on in g a n d Co ns um p t i o n f or B A M Event Correlation Subscription and handling of
business process events Milestone Monitoring Process
Embedded Event Infrastructure Collecting, pre-filtering and
publication of events across SAP and non-SAP systems
Ex a m p l e : M u l t i -b a c k b o n e Or d e r H a n d l i n g Monitoring Process Instance (tracks Orders > 10.000 €) Timeout After 24 h
Raise Alert No
Order Confirmation
Get customer KPIs: A-customer Complaints statistics
A-Customer and Complaints?
Raise Alert
Monitoring Event Provider
Application Org.Mgmt.
User Mgmt. XI Runtime
Application System 1 Application System 2 Integration Server
B AM M il es t o n e M od el in g (B PEL )
Rule and Alert Trigger
Modelled Event Correlation
Enterprise Services Repository Additional WS Standards & High Volume Support Business Process Management Further Enhancements
M a j o r En h a n c e m e n t s f o r M a p p in g Function libraries Re-usable user defined
Synchronous DB/RFC look-ups Use graphical function to
model look-ups
Parameterizable mappings Specify mapping parameters at
configuration time
Functions with multiple results Look-up function reads
multiple fields
X M L Pa y l o a d V a l i d a t i o n X M L Pa y l o a d V a l i d a t i o n
Validate incoming/outgoing messages against XML schema
Forward/Backward error handling
Pr o c e s s I n t e g r a t i o n a n d En t e r p r is e SOA – Ru n t i m e On e s er v ic e r un t i m e f o r p o in t -t o -p o in t a n d ‘b ro k e r e d’ c o m m u ni c a t i o n
Service Runtime
Integration Server Routing Mapping
Service Runtime
Service Runtime
Ce n t r a l i ze d Co n f i g u r a t i o n o f Se r v i c e s Ce n t r a l i ze d Co n f i g u r a t i o n o f Po i n t -t o -Po i n t Co n n e c t i o n s
Optimize message processing through de-centralized runtime
… but keep control through centralized configuration
Service Runtime
Service Runtime
Fi r s t St e p s T o w a r d s Ce n t r a l i ze d M o n i t o r i n g U n i fi e d A d m i n i st r a t i o n
Key monitoring functionalities integrated in SAP NW Administrator
One place to monitor and administrate SAP NetWeaver
U p g r a d e p a t h s t o SA P N W Pr o c e s s I n t e g r a t i o n 7 .1 Upgrade paths will be offered for SAP NW ’04 and SAP NW 7.0 (2004s) to go to SAP NW Process Integration 7.1.
SAP NW ‘04
SAP NW 7.0 (2004s) d e a r g p U
U p g r a d e
SAP NW PI 7.1: Major Enhancements Summary and Further Information
Wh y u se SA P N et We av er Pr oc e ss I nt e gr at i on 7.1 ? 5 Re a s o ns f o r u s i n g SA P N e t We a v e r Pr o c e s s I n t e g r a t i o n 7 .1
Use Process Integration as an SOA backbone
Establish ES Repository as the central SOA repository in customer landscapes
Leverage support of additional WS standards such as UDDI, WS-BPEL and tasks, WS-RM
Enable high-volume and mission-critical integration scenarios
Benefit from new functionality such as principal propagation, XML validation and BAM capabilities