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Second Newsletter of the British Horseback Archery Association. Details the Parthians, the Parthian Shot, a review of horse-bows, and a detailed review of two horseback archery courses and the Cent...
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How to use this shot tracker: 1. In the menu bar above, click "File," then "Make a copy..." 2. Rename the sheet so it has your name on it, and click OK. . !heck out the tabs at the bottom o the sheet. #. $rack your improvement over time% . $o add add sh shee eets ts,, cli click ck the the tin tiny y ar arro( on the the tab tab you you (an (antt to to cop copy, y, and and s click the arro( a+ain and type "Rename." &. 'ou can also do(nload this as an )*cel spreadsheet by clickin+ "File,"
elect "uplicate." $hen then "o(nload -s."
Shooting Practice Phas Form Shoot rt close to basket and progress away from basket to four total spots taking shots