4.17 Download This command orders the downloading of a bulk CM XML configuration file for SIU configuration. When the comlete file has been downloaded! the re"uested attribute #alues are stored in $%M. %ll new attribute #alues that ha#e not been stored in flash with the command activate or endSession are lost at ower off! sontaneous restart! ush button reset! or an& command causing a reset. 4.17.1Input 4.17.1 Input Parameters
Syntax: download 'sessionId( ')ile$ef( *'rogressInter#(+ Table 28
Input Parameters
Parameter Name
Unique session identifier. alid !alue: a strin" of up to #$ c%aracters.
&ile'e e'ef
Specifies a "lobally unique file refe eference from (%i (%ic% t%e data data is retr retrie ie!e !ed d and and do( do(nl nloa oade ded. d. T%e T%e add addre ress ssin in" " of of t%e t%e file source must follo( t%e syntax: )sftp:**username:pass(ord+a.b.c.d*filepat%) (%ere )a.b.c.d) specifies t%e IP address of t%e file source %ost and )filepat%) specifies t%e directory structure and filename.
pro"ressInter! ,optional-
Defines a time ,in seconds- after (%ic% t%e SIU sends soft(are do(nload pro"ress messa"es to t%e SNP mana"er. alid !alues: $ and #/01$$. %en %en set set to to )$) )$) or no nott set3 set3 no no noti tifi fica cati tion ons s (il (illl be sent sent..
4.17.2 4utput Parameters
Table ble 21
4utpu utputt Paramete meters rs
Parameter Name
Indicates eit%er of t%e follo(in": ,a- 4peration successful. SIU
,b- 4pera perati tion on faile ailed d bec becau ause se of spec pecifie ified d or or un unspec speciified fied 5ommand Descriptions
file,--C,Userse/oktriDocumentsMI0I1LI02 T0 3TSI%L3X4TM56778ale97:6;.htm <-8-:76:
SIU Command Descritions
5age :6 of =8
reasons. 4.17.3Example OSmon>
bcm1 s
[email protected]=:-ST0C)A-stn;:4s&nch.9ml
6= BerationSucceeded The sessionId is bcm6. T%e FileRef is )sft,--smith,6:>abc?68:.6@;
[email protected]=:-ST0C)A-stn;:4s&nch.9ml) T%e optional parameter progressInterv is )#/) ,seconds-.
4.18 DownloadSW This command orders the downloading of new software for the SIU. The downloaded software is stored in the SIU $%M until it is acti#ated with the activateSW command or until the session is ended with the endSWSession command. %n& restart of the SIU or abortion with the abortSWSessionOperation command during software downloading! erases the downloaded software. 4.18.1Input Parameters
Syntax: downloadSW 'sessionIdSW( ')ile$ef( *'rogressInter#(+ Table 6$
Input Parameters
Parameter Name
Unique session identifier. alid !alue: a strin" of up to #$ c%aracters.
Specifies a "lobally unique file reference from (%ic% t%e data is retrie!ed and do(nloaded. T%e addressin" of t%e file source must follo( t%e syntax: sftp:**username:pass(ord+a.b.c.d*filepat% (%ere )a.b.c.d) specifies t%e IP address of t%e file source %ost and )filepat%) specifies t%e directory structure and filename.
pro"ressInter! ,optional-
Defines a time ,in seconds- after (%ic% t%e SIU s%all send soft(are do(nload pro"ress messa"es to t%e SNP mana"er. alid !alues: $ and #/01$$
%en set to )$) or not set3 no notifications (ill be sent. 4.18.2 4utput Parameters
Table 6#
4utput Parameters
Parameter Name
Indicates eit%er of t%e follo(in": ,a- 4peration successful. SIU 5ommand Descriptions
file,--C,Userse/oktriDocumentsMI0I1LI02 T0 3TSI%L3X4TM56778ale97:6;.htm <-8-:76:
SIU Command Descritions
5age :: of =8
bE Beration failed because of secified or unsecified reasons. 4.18.3Example OSmon>
[email protected]=:-ST0SW-ST04sw.tar.gF
s1 s
BerationSucceeded The sessionIdSW is s6.
T%e FileRef is )sft,--smith,6:>abc?68:.6@;
[email protected]=:-ST0SW-stn4sw.tar.gF ) T%e optional parameter progressInterv is )6$) ,seconds-. Note: Downloading the software takes aro9imatel& 6 minute and writing it to the flash takes about =
minutes deending on the C5U load and a#ailable bandwidthE.
G.68 Dump This command reads the most recent restart dum. $estart dums are created whene#er
4.4 %cti#ateSW This command closes an& established traffic connections and restarts the SIU with the latest downloaded software. The restart also clears 5M data and terminates BHM traffic and Telnet-SS sessions in rogress. % restart can take u to 6 minute and CLI sessions are terminated. % new login is re"uired when the restart is comleted. 4.4.1Input Parameters
Syntax: activateSW 'sessionIdSW( *use0ewConfiguration+ *auto$ollback
'auto$ollbackTimer(+ Table 7
Input Parameters
Parameter Name
Unique session identifier. alid !alue: a strin" of up to #$ c%aracters.
useNe(5onfi"uration ,optional-
If set3 t%e SIU (ill acti!ate bot% t%e latest do(nloaded soft(are and ul9 5 file. T%e requirement is t%at a ul9 5 session exists in 5TITI4N;IN;P'4<'=SS state and t%at it %as been entered t%rou"% t%e activate or restore command and (it% t%e parameter delayed set. If t%e requirement is not fulfilled3 t%e activateSW command is re>ected. If not set3 t%e SIU (ill only acti!ate t%e latest do(nloaded soft(are after a restart.
auto'ollbac9 ?auto'ollbac9Timer@ ,optional-
4.4.2 4utput Parameters
If set3 t%e SIU (ill restart on t%e old soft(are if not endSession or endSWSession %a!e been recei!ed (it%in t%e specified time ,autoRollbackTimer - in minutes.
Table 8
4utput Parameters
Parameter Name
Indicates eit%er of t%e follo(in": ,a- 4peration successful. ,b- 4peration failed because of specified or unspecified
4.4.3Example 1
acti#ateSW s1 SIU Command Descritions file,--C,Userse/oktriDocumentsMI0I1LI02 T0 3TSI%L3X4TM56778ale97:6;.htm <-8-:76: OSmon>
SIU Command Descritions
BerationSucceeded The sessionIdSW is s6. 4.4.4Example 2 OSmon>
s6 use0ewConfiguration
5age 66 of =8
The sessionIdSW is s6. The otional arameter useNewConfiguration is included to ensure the SIU should acti#ate both the latest software and Julk CM )ile. 4.4.5Example 3 OSmon>
s6 auto$ollback 67
BerationSucceeded The sessionIdSW is s6. The otional arameter autoRollback is included to restart the SIU on the old software! if not endSession or endSWSession ha#e been recei#ed before the autoRollbackTimer ! with the #alue 67 minutesE! has e9ired.
4.5 Jacku This command is used to backu a SIU configuration file. During backu the configuration is encr&ted with the ro#ided assword and uloaded to the secified S)T5 ath. Bnl& MIM configuration is included into the backu no 5JBBT arameters or softwareE. The configuration includes secure data like asswordsE. 4.5.1Input Parameters
Syntax: backup 'sessionId( ')ile$ef( 'asswd( *'rogressInter#(+ Table 1 Input Parameters Parameter Name
Unique session identifier. alid !alue: a strin" of up to #$ c%aracters.
Specifies a "lobally unique destination for t%e upload. T%e addressin" of t%e file source must follo( t%e syntax:
)sftp:**username:pass(ord+a.b.c.d*filepat%) (%ere )a.b.c.d) specifies t%e IP address of t%e destination %ost3 and )filepat%) specifies t%e directory structure and filename.
T%e pass(ord to be used for encryption of t%e confi"uration file. T%e same pass(ord is used (%en performin" a restore of t%e confi"uration.
pro"ressInter! ,optional-
Defines a time in seconds after (%ic% t%e SIU s%all send soft(are do(nload pro"ress messa"es to t%e SNP mana"er.
SIU 5ommand Descriptions
file,--C,Userse/oktriDocumentsMI0I1LI02 T0 3TSI%L3X4TM56778ale97:6;.htm <-8-:76:
SIU Command Descritions
5age 6: of =8 alid !alues: $ and #/01$$. %en set to )$) or not set3 no notifications (ill be sent.
A./.24utput Parameters Table #$ 4utput Parameters Parameter Name
Indicates eit%er of t%e follo(in": ,a- 4peration successful. ,b- 4peration failed because of specified or unspecified
reasons. A./.6=xample
OSmon> backup
bcm1 s
[email protected]=:-ST0C)A-stn;:4CM.9ml
>7 BerationSucceeded The sessionId is bcm6. T%e FileRef is )sft,--smith,6:>abc?68:.6@;
[email protected]=:-ST0C)A-stn;:4CM.9ml) T%e passwd is )admin).
The otional arameter progressInterv is >7.
4.6 Caldate This command disla&s or sets the calibration date. 4.6.1Input Parameters
Syntax: caldate *'KKKKMMDDE(+ A.B.24utput Parameters Table ## 4utput Parameters Parameter Name
Indicates eit%er of t%e follo(in": ,a- 4peration successful. ,b- 4peration failed because of specified or unspecified
reasons. A.B.6=xample
BSmon( caldate :76778:G BerationSucceeded
4.7 Cale9date SIU Command Descritions file,--C,Userse/oktriDocumentsMI0I1LI02 T0 3TSI%L3X4TM56778ale97:6;.htm <-8-:76:
SIU Command Descritions
5age 6> of =8
This command disla&s or sets the calibration e9ire date. 4.7.1Input Parameters
Syntax: calexpdate *'KKKKMMDDE(+ A.7.24utput Parameters Table #2 4utput Parameters Parameter Name
Indicates eit%er of t%e follo(in": ,a- 4peration successful. ,b- 4peration failed because of specified or unspecified
reasons. A.7.6=xample
cale9date :76678:G BerationSucceeded OSmon>