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Sample IJASEIT Paper for A4 Page Size First Author #, Second Author *, Third Author # #
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Abstract — This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. Technology. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. ou can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own te!t. "#EASE #EA$E T%E S"A&E S"A&E A'($E T%E TIT#E E)"T. T%E S"A&E IS I*TE*TI(*A ## ## S"A+E S"A+E -(+ T%E J(+*A# J( +*A# TIT#E. Keywords — "ut your /eywords here, /eywords are separated by semi colon.
I I !T"$%&TI! Autho Authors rs are are sugges suggested ted to presen presentt their their articl articles es in the section structure' I*T+(&TI(* 0 T%E )ATE+IA# A* )ET%( 0 + ES#TS ES#TS A* IS&SSI(* 1 &(*SI(*. Please (e sure that the manuscript is up to date "eference minim inimal al its its ) refe refere renc nce e It is e+pe e+pect cted ed that that -. -. of references references are to recent papers /-)0-)12 The minimum number of pages is as much as 2 pages, outside the references. references. II PA3E A5%T An eas6 eas6 7a6 7a6 to comp compl6 l6 7ith 7ith the the conf confer eren ence ce pape paper r form format attin ting g re8u re8uir irem emen ents ts is to use use this this docu docume ment nt as a template and simpl6 t6pe 6our te+t into it A. Pa$e %ayout
5our paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 7hich is )-mm /91:2 7ide and ;1mm /))<;:2 long The margins must (e set as follo7s' Top = );mm /-1:2 >ottom = 9mm /)):2 eft = "ight = )4?mm /-<:2 5our paper must (e in t7o column format 7ith a space of 9mm /-?4:2 (et7een columns III III PA3E ST5E All paragraphs paragraphs must (e indented All paragraphs must must (e @ustified, ie (oth left0@ustified left0@ustified and right0@ustified right0@ustified
A. &ext 'ont o( Entire Doument Doument
The entire document should (e in Times !e7 "oman or Times Times font T6pe ? fonts must not (e used used ther font t6pes t6pes ma6 (e used if needed for special special purposes "ecommended font sizes are sho7n in Ta(le ) ). &itle and Aut*or Details
Title must must (e in )9 pt "egular font Author name must must (e in )) pt "egular font font Author Author affiliatio affiliation n must (e in )- pt Italic Email address must must (e in ; pt &ourier "egular "egular font All All title title and author author detail detailss must must (e in single single0co 0colum lumn n format and must (e centered Eer6 7ord in a title must (e capitalized e+cept for short minor minor 7ords 7ords such as BaC, BaC, BanC, BanC, BandC, BandC, BasC, BasC, BatC, BatC, B(6C, B(6C, BforC, BfromC, BifC, BinC, BintoC, BonC, BorC, BofC, BtheC, BtoC, B7ithC Author details must not sho7 an6 professional title /eg Danaging Danaging $irector2, $irector2, an6 academic academic title /eg /eg $r2 $r2 or an6 mem(ership of an6 professional organization To aoid confusion, the famil6 name must (e 7ritten as the last part of each author name /eg John A Smith2 Each affiliation must include, at the er6 least, the name of the compan6 and the name of the countr6 7here the author is (ased /eg &ausal Productions Pt6 td, Australia2 Email address is compulsory for all authors
-ont Si3e 9
) )9
Appearance 4in Time *ew +oman or Times5 +egular 'old Italic ta(le caption /in reference item Small &aps2, /partial2 figure caption, reference item author email address a(stract a(stract heading /in &ourier2, (od6 /also in >old2 cell in a ta(le author affiliation leel0) heading /in leel0 heading, Small &aps2, leel0? heading, paragraph author name title
C. "etion +eadin$s
!o more than ? leels of headings should (e used All headings must (e in )-pt font Eer6 7ord in a heading must (e capitalized e+cept for short minor 7ords as listed in Section III0> %evel- +eadin$ ' A leel0) heading must (e in Small &aps, centered and num(ered using uppercase "oman numerals For e+ample, see heading BIII Page St6leC of this document The t7o leel0) headings 7hich must not (e num(ered are BAcno7ledgmentC and B"eferencesC
3raphics ma6 (e full color All colors 7ill (e retained on the &$"D 3raphics must not use stipple fill patterns (ecause the6 ma6 not (e reproduced properl6 Please use onl6 "1%ID 'I%% colors 7hich contrast 7ell (oth on screen and on a (lac0and07hite hardcop6, as sho7n in Fig ) Fig sho7s an e+ample of a lo70resolution image 7hich 7ould not (e accepta(le, 7hereas Fig ? sho7s an e+ample of an image 7ith ade8uate resolution &hec that the resolution is ade8uate to reeal the important detail in the figure Please chec all figures in 6our paper (oth on screen and on a (lac0and07hite hardcop6 hen 6ou chec 6our paper on a (lac0and07hite hardcop6, please ensure that' the colors used in each figure contrast 7ell, the image used in each figure i s clear, all te+t la(els in each figure are legi(le E. 'i$ure Captions
Figures must (e num(ered using Ara(ic numerals Figure captions must (e in 9 pt "egular font &aptions of a single line /eg Fig 2 must (e centered 7hereas multi0line captions must (e @ustified /eg Fig )2 &aptions 7ith figure num(ers must (e placed after their associated figures, as sho7n in Fig )
%evel- +eadin$: A leel0 heading must (e in Italic, left0@ustified and num(ered using an uppercase alpha(etic letter follo7ed (6 a period For e+ample, see heading B& Section eadingsC a(oe / %evel-/ +eadin$: A leel0? heading must (e indented, in Italic and num(ered 7ith an Ara(ic numeral follo7ed (6 a right parenthesis The leel0? heading must end 7ith a colon The (od6 of the leel0? section immediatel6 follo7s the leel0? heading in the same paragraph For e+ample, this paragraph (egins 7ith a leel0? heading Fig E+ample of an unaccepta(le lo70resolution image
Fig ) A sample line graph using colors 7hich contrast 7ell (oth on screen and on a (lac0and07hite hardcop6 Fig ? E+ample of an image 7ith accepta(le resolution
D. 'i$ures and &a0les
Figures and ta(les must (e centered in the column arge figures and ta(les ma6 span across (oth columns An6 ta(le or figure that taes up more than ) column 7idth must (e positioned either at the top or at the (ottom of the page
'. &a0le Captions
Ta(les must (e num(ered using uppercase "oman numerals Ta(le captions must (e centred and in 9 pt "egular font 7ith Small &aps Eer6 7ord in a ta(le caption
must (e capitalized e+cept for short minor 7ords as listed in Section III0> &aptions 7ith ta(le num(ers must (e placed (efore their associated ta(les, as sho7n in Ta(le ) 2. Pa$e 3um0ers, +eaders and 'ooters
Page num(ers, headers and footers must not (e used +. %in4s and )oo4mar4s
All h6perte+t lins and section (oomars 7ill (e remoed from papers during the processing of papers for pu(lication If 6ou need to refer to an Internet email address or %" in 6our paper, 6ou must t6pe out the address or %" full6 in "egular font I. E5uations
E8uations should (e placed flush0left 7ith the te+t margin E8uations are centered and num(ered consecutiel6 starting from ) as follo7s
/ ' 2 /-2
/ ' 2 ' i ' i -
6. 7e(erenes
The heading of the "eferences section must not (e num(ered All reference items must (e in 9 pt font Please use "egular and Italic st6les to distinguish different fields as sho7n in the "eferences section !um(er the reference items consecutiel6 in s8uare (racets /eg K)L2 hen referring to a reference item, please simpl6 use the reference num(er, as in KL $o not use B"ef K?LC or B"eference K?LC e+cept at the (eginning of a sentence, eg B"eference K?L sho7s MC Dultiple references are each num(ered 7ith separate (racets /eg KL, K?L, K4LNK
I &!&%SI!S The paper 7ill not (e reformatted, so please strictl6 eep the instructions gien a(oe, other7ise it 7ill (e returned for improement Please upload 6our paper in $& file through the IJASEIT 7e(site /http'GGi@aseitinsightsociet6org2 under nline Su(missions menu Papers sent (6 e0mail 7ill not (e processed !DE!&AT%"E a +
specific surface area length co0ordinate
3ree letters heat transfer coefficient residence time
mm0? m
m0 0) s
Su(scripts i inlet e e8uili(rium A&!E$3DE!T e 7ould lie to than &ausal Productions for permits to use and reise the template proided (6 &ausal Productions riginal ersion of this template 7as proided (6 courtes6 of &ausal Productions /777causalproductionscom2 " EFE"E!&ES K)L
S D Dete and P eio, %aser Assisted 8irote*nolo$y, nd ed, " D sgood, Jr, Ed >erlin, 3erman6' Springer0erlag, );;9 KL J >recling, Ed, &*e Analysis o( Diretional &ime "eries: Appliations to 9ind "peed and Diretion, ser ecture !otes in Statistics >erlin, 3erman6' Springer, );9;, ol <) K?L S Hhang, & Hhu, J Sin, and P T Do, BA noel ultrathin eleated channel lo70temperature pol60Si TFT,C IEEE Eletron Devie %ett., ol -, pp <;N1), !o );;; K4L D egmuller, J P on der eid, P (erson, and ! 3isin, Bigh resolution fi(er distri(uted measurements 7ith coherent F$",C in Pro. EC1C;;, ---, paper ))?4, p )-; KL " E Sorace, S "einhardt, and S A aughn, Bigh0speed digital0 to0"F conerter,C %S Patent <<9 94, Sept )<, );;1 K?BD, Dotorola, );;< K;L BP$&A)01- data sheet,C pto Speed SA, Dezzoico, S7itzerland K)-L A arni, BPerformance of T&P congestion control 7ith rate feed(ac' T&PGA>" and rate adaptie T&PGIP,C D Eng thesis, Indian Institute of Science, >angalore, India, Jan );;; K))L J Padh6e, Firoiu, and $ To7sle6, BA stochastic model of T&P "eno congestion aoidance and control,C %ni of Dassachusetts, Amherst, DA, &DPS&I Tech "ep ;;0-, );;; K)L 9ireless %A3 8edium Aess Control =8AC and P*ysial %ayer =P+ "pei(iation, IEEE Std 9-)), );;1