notes on human rights beneficial for b.a. llb students.Full description
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Components of Culture
Humans Humans are are lmte lmted d n ther ther capa capact ct! ! to stor store e nfor nformat maton on Informa Informaton ton s rece rece"ed "ed and and respo responses nses are are #"en #"en "a a num$er num$er of of nput nput and and output channels% a% &sual &sual channe channell ' relatn relatn# # to seen# seen# or or s#ht s#ht $% Audtor! Audtor! channe channell ' relatn# relatn# to the the sense sense of hearn# hearn# c% Haptc Haptc channel channel ' relat relatn# n# to the sense sense of touch touch d% Mo"eme ements nts Info Inform rmat ato on n are are stor stored ed n n the the for form of ( a% Sens Sensor or! ! memo memor! r! $% Shor Shortt-te term rm mem memor or! ! c% )on# )on#-t -ter erm m memo memor! r!
Communc Comm uncat aton on $et*e $et*een en the User User and S!stem S!stem Ph!sc Ph!scal al nter nteract acton on ' Inte Intera ract cton on de"ce de"ces s Conce Co nceptu ptual al ntera nteract cton on ' Inte Interac racto ton n st!l st!les es Interacton +rame*or
There There s s not much much de dere rence nce $et* $et*een een Huma Human n and a Com Comput puter er Compute puterr con conss sst of ( a% Inpu Inputt de" de"ces ces $% Outp Output ut de" de"c ces es c% Memor! d% Proc Proces ess sn# n# Computer can $e( a% Mo$le $% Mcr Mcro* o*a" a"e e O"en O"en c% &CR .HCI .HCI s a$out a$out ho* ho* to allo* allo* humans humans and and comput computers ers to to ntera nteract ct to*ar to*ards ds some common #oal/ Humans Humans and comput computer ers s are are sml smlar ar n that that the! the!(( a% Rece ece"e "e npu nputt $% Prod Produc uce e outp output ut
c% Proce Process ss nfor nforma mato ton n n $et*een $et*een Reference ( http(00sldepla!er%com0slde0123345160
HUMANS7The User8
TheUse r Whenwet al kaboutHCI ,wedon ’ tnec es s ar i l yi magi neas i ngl eus erwi t hades k t op c ompu t e r .By" us er " ,wema yme ana ni n di v i d ua lus er ,agr o upo fus er swor k i n g t oget her ,ormay beev enas er i esofus er si nanor gani s at i on,eac hi nv ol v edwi t h s omepar toft hej obordev el opment .Theus eri swhoev eri st r y i ngt ogett hej ob doneus i ngt het ec hnol ogy . Anappr ec i at i onoft hewa ypeopl e ’ ss ens or ys y s t ems ( s i ght ,hear i ng,t ouc h)r el ayi nf or mat i oni sv i t al t odes i gni ngafir s t c l as spr oduc t .For e x ampl e,di s pl a yl a y out ss houl dac c ommodat et hef ac tt hatpeopl ecanbe s i det r ac kedbyt hes mal ma l es tmov ementi nt heout er( per i pher al )par toft hei rv i s ual fi el ds ,s oonl yi mpor t antar eass houl dbes pec i fi edbymo mov i ngorbl i nk i ngv i s ual s .And ofc our s e,peopl el i k edes i gnst hatgr abt hei rat t ent i on.Des i gner smu mus tdec i dehow t omak epr oduc t sat t r ac t i v ewi t houtdi s t r ac t i ngus er sf r om t hei rt as ks . COMPUTER
TheComp mput er Whenwet al kaboutt hec omput er ,we’ r er ef er r i ngt oan yt ec hnol ogyr angi ngf r om de sk t o pc omp ut e r s ,t ol ar g es c al ec omput ers y s t ems— e v enapr o ce ssc o nt r o l s y s t e mo ra ne mb mb ed de ds y s t e mc o ul db ec l a s s eda st h ec o mp mp ut e r .Fo re x a mp mp l e ,i f wewer edi s c us s i ngt hedes i gnofaWebs i t e,t hent heWebs i t ei t s el fwoul dbe r ef er r edt oas" t hec omput er " . INTERACTION
TheI nt er act i on Th er ea r eo bv i o usd i ff er e nc e sbe t we enh uma nsa ndma ma c hi n es .I ns p i t eoft h es e ,HCI at t empt st oens ur et hatt heybot hgetonwi t heac hot herandi nt er ac ts uc ces sf ul l y .I n o r d ert oac h i e v eau s ab l eWe We bs i t e ,y o une edt oap pl ywh aty o uk no wa bo uth uma ns andc omput er s ,andc ons ul twi t hl i k el yus er st hr oughoutt hedes i gnpr oc es s .You n ee dt ofi ndar e as o na bl eb al a nc ebe t we enwh atc a nb ed on ewi t h i nt h es c h ed ul e an db ud ge t ,an dwhatwo ul dbei d ea lf ory o uru s er s .
Humans are limited in their capacity to process information. This has important implications for design. Information is received and responses given via a number of input and output channels: o
visual channel
auditory channel
haptic channel
Information is stored in memory: o
sensory memory
short-term (working) memory
long-term memory
Information is processed and applied: o
problem solving
skill acuisition
!motion influences human capabilities. "sers share common capabilities but are individuals with differences# which should not be ignored.
The computer $ computer system comprises various elements# each of which affects the user of the system. •
Input devices for interactive use# allowing te%t entry# drawing and selection from the screen: o
te%t entry: traditional keyboard# phone te%t entry# speech and handwriting
pointing: principally the mouse# but also touchpad# stylus# and others
&' interaction devices
utput display devices for interactive use: o
different types of screen mostly using some for m of bitmap display
large displays and situated displays for shared and public use
digital paper may be usable in the near future
irtual reality systems and &' & ' visuali*ation have special interaction and display devices. arious devices in the physical world: o
physical controls and dedicated displays
sound# smell and haptic feedback
sensors for nearly everything including movement# temperature# bio-signs
+aper output and input: the paperless office and the less-paper office: o
different types of printers and their characteristics# character character styles and fonts scanners and optical character recognition
,emory: o
short-term memory: $,
long-term memory: magnetic and optical disks
capacity limitations related to document and video storage
access methods as they limit or help the user
+rocessing: o
the effects when systems run too slow or too fast# the myth of the infinitely fast machine
limitations on processing speed
networks and their impact on system performance.
The interaction
Interaction models help us to understand what is going on in the interaction between user and system. They address the translations between what the user wants and what the system does. !rgonomics looks at the physical characteristics of the interaction and how these influence its effectiveness. The dialog between user and system is influenced by the style of the interface. The interaction takes place within a social and organi*ational conte%t that affects both user and system.