The Longest Longest Ride is Nicholas Nicholas Sparks' Sparks' 17th romance romance novel, released released on September September 17, 2013
!"ter being trapped in an isolated car crash, the li"e o" elderl# $ido$er %ra Levinson becomes ent$ined $ith that o" #o&ng college st&dent, Sophia anko and the co$bo# $hom she loves, named L&ke The novel is told thro&gh the perspectives o" these three characters as the# go thro&gh their lives, both separatel# and together
%ra Levinson, ninet#(one #ears old and alread# in poor health, is )&st holding on* remaining alert onl# beca&se his $i"e R&th, $ho has died, appears as an image to help him remember their li"e together+ ho$ the# met, the paintings the# collected and the dark da#s o" 2-1.
/&st a "e$ miles miles a$a#, Sophia, Sophia, a ake ake orest orest college college st&dent's li"e li"e is abo&t to to change "orever as she meets an &nepected love, L&ke L&ke is a co$bo# and risk( taking b&ll(rider, &nlike an#one she has ever kno$n Together the# eperience the )o#s o" love as $ell as the dic<ies that that come $ith L&ke's L&ke's dangero&s dangero&s career career
T$o T$o co&ples $ho $ho have little in common, #et $hose $hose lives $ill converge converge $ith $ith &nepected poignanc#-2.
The inspiration inspiration "or the book book $as lack 4o&ntain 4o&ntain 5ollege, 5ollege, a liberal arts school $hose $hose "ac<# incl&ded some o" the most prominent names in the modern art movement St#les mentioned in the book incl&de !bstract 6pressionism, &t&rism, a&ha&s, 5&bism, and L#rical !bstractionism-3.
The backstor# backstor# o" characters %ra and R&th R&th Levinson Levinson is that the# visited visited lack 4o&ntain 5ollege d&ring their hone#moon and met $ith st&dents and artists at the school artists' ehibition %ra bo&ght si paintings "or R&th $hich $o&ld be the beginning o" more than a tho&sand paintings the# $o&ld collect "oc&sing on 20th( cent&r# !merican modern art !rtists in the book incl&de en Noland, Ra# /ohnson, Robert Ra&schenberg, 6laine de ooning, illem de ooning, S&san eil, 8at 8asslo", /ackson 8ollock, /asper /ohns, !nd# arhol, and 8ablo 8icasso-9.