Cheats Testing Cheats Skill Cheats Careers Emotions Traits & Rewards Relationships Get to Work Dine Out Other Cheat u!"e#
Building Pregnanc !mmortalit
HO$ TO CHEAT To u#e %heat# ! The S!m# 4' pre## Cotro( ) Sh!*t ) C to C to to++(e the %o#o(e, Pre## eter a*ter t-p!+ the %heat, For ma- %heat#' -ou mu#t a(#o u#e te#t!+%heat# o or o or the- .!(( ot .or, Mo#t %heat# are u#e" ! (!0e mo"e 1F23,
Cheat testingcheats on kaching motherlode resetsim iirst stn nam ame e la last stn nam ame e death,toggle true-alse headlineeects on-o reerealestate on-o househ hou sehold old,au ,autop topa0 a0"ill "ills s true- true-alse alse sims,remo%e0all0"us
$hat !t Doe# Ena"les testing cheats in The Sims # $one cheat that gi%es the amil '())) Gi%es the amil '*)+))) Simoleans Rese setts a stuck Si Sim "a "ack to to the the hom ome e lo lot, Disa"les death Ena"les or disa"les headline eects .good or screenshots/, $akes homes ree when tped while shopping or a house, Ena"le Ena "le or or disa"l disa"le e "ills "ills or or the the househ household old Remo%es al all mo moodlets r rom o our Si Sim, Po Positi%e on ones .s .such as as hi high
$hat !t Doe#
needs-en%ironment/ will come "ack, Displa the game1s rames per second+ useul when tuning graphics ps on-o settings, ho%ereects on-o Disa"le ho%er eect when ou mouse2o%er a Sim ullscreen Toggle ullscreen-windowed mode 4llows ou to mo%e o"3ects anwhere ou want+ good or "uilding, "",mo%eo"3ects 5se the 6 and ) kes ke s to ad3ust the item ou1re 1holding1, "",showhiddeno"3ects The ol old "u "ude"ug ch cheat 2 lets o ou "u "u ma man hi hidden o" o"3ects, "",ena"leree"uild Build anwhere+ e%en on locked lots, "",ignoregameplaunlocksentitlemen !gnore Gamepla 5nlocks Entitlement 2 lets ou "u items locked " t careers, Gi%es a Sim 7 amount o satisaction s atisaction points with which ou can "u sims,gi%e0satisaction0points 7 rewards, Sims,gi%e0satisaction0points *))) or e7ample, illmoti%e 7 use illmoti%e moti%e0energ or illmoti%e moti%e0hunger
u!(" Mo"e Cheat# $e50e +ot 6u!(" mo"e %heat# (!#te" a6o0e' 6ut -ou %a (ear a (ot more a6out u#!+ them 6- 0!#!t!+ the u!("!+ Cheat# pa+e, pa+e, Pre+a%- a" Mu(t!p(e !rth Cheat# 7ou 7o u %a u#e re(at!o#h!p %heat# %heat# to TrTr- *or a6- 8u!%(-' 8u!%(-' a" *o((o. up .!th a %heat o%e the S!m !# pre+at ! or"er to *or%e the S!m !to (a6or, 7ou %a a(#o %heat to +et t.!#' t. !#' tr!p(et#' 8ua"rup(et#' or more9 F!" th!# ear the e" o* the Pre+a%- u!"e, u!"e, Cheat# to Mae a S!m a ho#t Hea" to the ho#t# +u!"e *or Cheat# to tur a S!m !to a +ho#t o* +ho#t o* a- !"' 6a#e" o the "eath t-pe, 7ou %a a(#o #!p Am6ro#!a Am6ro#!a or or the oo o* L!*e a" L!*e a" mae a S!m .ho5# "!e" 6a% !to a orma( S!m 6- remo0!+ th!# +ho#t tra!t o%e the-50e 6ee a""e" 6a% to -our *am!(-,
TESTIN CHEAT CHEATS S To ea6(e ea6(e Te#t!+ Te#t!+ Cheat#' ope the %o#o(e .!th Le*t CTRL)Sh!*t)C 1pre##/ho(" ! that or"er3 a" t-pe te#t!+%heat# o, o, To "!#a6(e them' t-pe te#t!+%heat# o** , The %o#o(e .!(( #a-' Cheat# Ea6(e", I* !t "oe# ot' -ou %a tr- other opt!o#: te#t!+%heat# ;' ;' te#t!+%heat# true' true' a" te#t!+%heat# -e# a(( -e# a(( .or . or to ea6(e the %heat#, 7ou 7ou mu#t "o th!# e0ert!me -ou (oa" a area ut!( a 6u+ !# *!
Sh!*t=C(!% the Ma!(6o< to Ma!(6o< to a%%e## the a6!(!t- to #top ee" "e%a- *or -our %urret hou#eho(" or the et!re e!+h6orhoo" 1e**e%t!0e(- mae e0er-oe happ-3, D!#a6(e Nee" De%a- .!(( mae ee"# #top * a((!+> re=ea6(!+ them !# a# #!mp(e a# #e(e%t!+ Ea6(e Nee" De%a-, Mae Happ- .!(( the *!(( ee"# to the ma
Cu#tom!e the #!e o* Item# = E(ar+e or Shr! = Th!# o(- .or# .h!(e ! 6u!(" mo"e' a# %ha+!+ o6@e%t #!e re8u!re# -ou to 6e a6(e to *!t !t, Tae Tae the o6@e%t -ou .at to %ha+e #!e o* a" Pre## Sh!*t ) B to B to mae !t 6!++er, 7ou %a #hr! o6@e%t# "o. to oe t!(e 6- u#!+ Sh!*t ) or or u#!+ Cotro( ) to u"o -our %ha+e#, Pre## th!# too mu%h a" !t .!(( +ro. eormou#(-, The The %otro(# *or th!# are a (!tt(e .o-' #o e
SILL' CAREER' AND ASPIRATION CHEATS*u( H!""e Cheat# $!th the perm!##!o o* T.!#te"Me
$h!(e a(rea"- ! the %areer -ou .at . at 10!a orma( h!r!+ *rom the phoe or %omputer3 a" .!th te#t!+%heat# o' t-pe Career#,promo Career#,promote te = *or e
careers,promote astronaut 4stronaut astronaut 4stronaut Career
careers,promote athletic 4thlete athletic 4thlete Career
careers,promote "usiness Business Career
careers,promote criminal Criminal Career
careers,promote adult0critic Critic Career .Cit .Cit 8i%ing/ 8i%ing/
careers,promote culinar Culinar Career
careers,promote detecti%e Detecti%e Career .Get to Work/
careers,promote doctor Doctor Career .Get to Work/
careers,promote entertainer Entertainer Career
careers,promote painter Painter Career
careers,promote acti%ist Politics Career .Cit .Cit 8i%ing/
careers,promote scientist Scientist Career .Get to Work/
careers,promote secretagent Secret 4gent Career
careers,promote socialmedia Social $edia Career .Cit Career .Cit 8i%ing/
careers,promote techguru Tech Guru Career
careers,promote writer Writer Career
Ra!#e a S!m5# +ra"e# .!th %areer#,promo %areer#,promote te +ra"e#%ho +ra"e#%hoo( o( or or %areer#,promote h!+h#%hoo(,, 7ou h!+h#%hoo( 7ou %a ( them a# .e(( .!th %areer#,"emote +ra"e#%hoo(/h!+h#%hoo(,, +ra"e#%hoo(/h!+h#%hoo(
SILL CHEATS T-pe Stat#,#et#!(((e0e( ma@or .!th ma@or .!th 6e!+ the (e0e( o* #!(( -ou5" (!e the #e(e%te" S!m to 6e, Note the "!**eret #-ta< *or *!te## a" %h!("re5# #!((# ! the (!#t 6e(o., I* -ou %aot +et #!(( %heat# to .or tr- #tat#,#et#!(((e0e( a"u(tma@or<,, 7ou %a *!" ear the 6a%#pa%e e- o -our e-6oar", a"u(tma@or< $!th te#t!+%heat# o' t-pe Stat#,#et#!(((e0e( ma@orha"!e## ; = ; = mae ha"!e## ;, Note the Ma@or 6e*ore the #!(( ame, I* -ou "!" th!#' -ou5" #ee the (e0e( ; popup, I* -ou .at to #ee .hat u(o%# .!th ea%h (e0e(' rea" the (!e" +u!"e or a"@u#t !t 6- ; ea%h t!me #o that -ou %a #ee !*ormat!o o ea%h e. (e0e(, Here are a(( the #!((# ! S!m# 4' .h!%h -ou %a %heat to ma<, e#!"e ea%h' there5# a (! to the a##o%!ate" S!(( u!"e #o that -ou %a (ear ho. to u#e !t9 To ma< a(( %heat# 8u!%(-' %op- #tat#,#et#!(((e0e( ma@or a" a" pa#te !t !to -our %omma" %o#o(e !=+ame, F!!#h the %omma" .!th the #!((' the the (e0e(, Th!# "oe#5t .or *or *!te## #o -ou ee" to %op- that (!e, ( !e, Remem6er Photo+raph- %ap# at G, •
Skill09itness 2 stats,set0skill0le%el skill0itness 7 .9itness .9itness Guide/ Guide/ $a3or0Baking 2 stats,set0skill0le%el ma3or0"aking 7 Get to Work E7pansion . E7pansion .Baking Baking Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Bartending 2 that is+ the $i7olog Skill .$i7olog .$i7olog Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Charisma 2 .Charisma .Charisma Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Comed 2 .Comed .Comed Guide/ Guide/
$inor0Dancing 2 Get Together E7pansion .ma not work on Teenage Sims/
$a3or0D:$i7ing 2 Get Together .ma not work on Teenage Sims/
$a3or09ishing 2 .9ishing .9ishing Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Gardening 2 .Gardening .Gardening Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0GourmetCooking 2 .Gourmet .Gourmet Cooking Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Guitar 2 .Guitar .Guitar Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0;andiness .;andiness .;andiness Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0;er"alism 2 Outdoor Retreat E7pansion . E7pansion .;er"alism ;er"alism Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0;omestleCooking $a3or0;omestleCook ing 2 Regular Cooking .;omestle .;omestle Cooking Guide/ Guide/
$a3or08ogic 2 .8ogic .8ogic Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0$ischie 2 .$ischie .$ischie Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Painting 2 .Painting .Painting Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Photograph 2 $a7 *+ Get to Work .Photograph .Photograph Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Piano 2 .Piano .Piano Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Programming 2 .Programming .Programming Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Reaping 2 not reall a thing+ "ut it1s there,
$a3or0RocketScience $a3or0RocketScienc e 2 .Rocket Science Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Singing 2 .Singing .Singing// .Cit .Cit 8i%ing E7pansion/ E7pansion/
$a3or0Wellness 2 Spa da Game Pack . Pack .Wellness Wellness Guide/ Guide/
$a3or0Writing 2 .Writing .Writing Guide/ Guide/
CHILDREN5S SILL CHEA CHEATS TS u!"e to Ch!("re5# S!((# •
Skill0Child0Creati%it 2 so stats,set0skill0le%el skill0child0creati%it ()
EMOTION CHEA CHEATS TS 7ou 7o u %a !*(ue%e Emot!o# Emot!o# #(!+ht( #(!+ht(- 6- a""!+ 6u**# to S!m#' thou+h -ou maee" happ- or other 6oo#t# to put them at 5er- I#p!re"5 or a"" more e+at!0e 6u**# to mae a S!m #uper=em6arra##e" 1Mort!*!e"3, Here are #ome I too *rom T.!#te"Me
Energi=ed> Energi=ed8ow or Energi=ed;igh .do not stack+ high gi%es ?@ Energi=ed Energi=ed//
9lirt> 9lirt8ow or 9lirt;igh .do not stack+ high gi%es ?@ 9lirt 9lirt//
!nspired> !nspired8ow or !nspired;igh .do not stack+ high gi%es ?@ !nspired !nspired//
9ocused> 9ocused8ow or 9ocused;igh 9ocused;igh .do not stack+ high gi%es ?@ 9ocused 9ocused//
Plaul> Plaul8ow or Plaul;igh .do not stack+ high gi%es ?@ Plaul Plaul//
Sad> Sad8ow or Sad;igh .do not stack+ high gi%es ?@/
4ngr> Social04ngr+ Social04ngr+ e0Bu04ngr e0Bu04ngr++ eelingangr+ eelingangr+ unaithul .these all all stack/
;app> Social0;app or e0Bu0;app .these two stack+ adding ;appiness ;appiness//
5ncomorta"le> e0"u0unc e0"u0uncomorta"le omorta"le
Em"arrassed> e0"u0em"arrassed+ e0"u0em"arrassed+ peedsel .these two stack/
TRAIT' RE$ARD & ASPIRATION RE$ARD CHEATS Tra!t# %a Tra!t# %a 6e e8u!ppe" to S!m#' a# .e(( a# Sat!#*a%t!o Po!t"# a""# a" tho#e -ou ear *or %omp(et!+ A#p!rat!o# A#p!rat!o#,, The %heat to a""/remo0e them !# Tr Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t a!t#,e8u!ptra!t or Tra!t#,Remo0etra!t , , Mo#t Tra!t# 6o!( "o. to TheName$!thNoSpa%e# TheName$!thNoSp a%e# or U"er#%ore U"er#%orea##pa%e a##pa%e ! tho#e .!th mu(t!p(e ame#, $he e. %otet %ome# out' -ou %a tr- the e."#/tra!t# to %heat them o to -our S!m 6- tr-!+ the e. ame ! th!# *ormat, For e
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t 4cti%e 2 the regular trait+ acti%e
; giene decas at hal rate .Reward/ Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t 4ntiseptic 2 ;giene
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t EpicPoet 2 ! ou1re looking or Poet!% to make the Book o
8ie++ this is one that is named oddl 8ie •
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t ;ardlhungr 2 ;unger decas at hal rate
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t !ndependent 2 Social decas at hal rate
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t Ae%erwear 2 Ae%er Wear+ which makes Energ deplete
at hal the usual rate, •
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t SteelBladder 2 Bladder won1t deca
Tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t We"0master 2 We"master Reward trait or completion o
the Computer Whi= 4spiration •
li st o traits here on here on I* -ou %a5t *!" oe 2 it ma ha%e a weird name, See a list Twisted$e7i1s Tw isted$e7i1s wiki+ and i ou can aord it+ Bu him a coee
RELATIONSHIP CHEATS 7ou 7o u %a mo"!*- S!m#5 re(at!o#h!p# re(at!o#h!p# 6- u#!+ the #ome.hat #ome.hat (o+ mo"!*-re(at!o#h!p -our#!m*!r#t -our#!m(a#t tar+et#!m*!r#t tar+et#!m(a#t < re(at!o#h!pt-pe,, Re(at!o#h!pt-pe !# e!ther Fr!e"#h!pma! or re(at!o#h!pt-pe Roma%eMa!,, !# the per%eta+e o* the 6ar' e!ther *u((' ha(*' or ha(* !to the Roma%eMa!
re" 1e+at!0e um6er#3, $h!(e there are ma- "!**eret re(at!o#h!p ame#' the#e are #!mp(- %om6!at!o# o* 0ar-!+ amout# o* *r!e"#h!p/roma%e 1e!ther po#!t!0e or e+at!0e3, For e
modirelationship Bella Goth $ortimer Goth ()) 9riendship0main 2 Bella and $ortimer are now "est riends modirelationship Bella Goth $ortimer Goth 2()) 9riendship0main 2 this will make Bella and $ortier go all the wa to enemies modirelationship Bella Goth $ortimer Goth ()) Romance0main 2 The1re now soulmates i the ha%e a high riendship le%el as well modirelationship Bella Goth $ortimer Goth 2()) Romance0main 2 Drain their romance "ar all the wa to red
ET TO $OR $ OR CHEATS The *o((o.!+ are' a+a!' pro0!"e" 6- T.!#te"Me
UNLOC RETAIL PERS Reta!( Per Register o Tomorro row w Stunning Sign Pro%ocati%e Pe Pedestal E7tra Worker Slot ( E7tra Worker Slot @ Serious Sh Shopper $ega$anager Slick Salesman Superluous Sur Surpl plus us Cheaper Restocki kin ng $ 9irst Simoleon 9o""s *)) Sna== Shirt 9ast 9a ster er Ch Chec ecko kout uts s Sm Smal alll 9ast 9a ster er Ch Chec ecko kout uts s 8a 8arg rge e 9aster Restock Small 9aster Re Restock 8a 8arge
Comma" "ucks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Register$imic tru rue e "ucks,unlock0perk Signage$imic true "ucks,unlock0perk Pe Pedestal$imic tr true "ucks,unlock0perk 4dditionalWo Worrker0( true "ucks,unlock0perk 4dditionalWo Worrker0@ true "ucks,unlock0perk Cu CustomerPurchase!ntent tr true "ucks,unlock0perk !mpro%e$anagementSocials true "ucks,unlock0perk !mpro%eRetailSocials true "ucks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Dec Decre rea aseR eRe estocking0Tempora rar r tr true "ucks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Descr cre ease seR Rest sto ockingCost true "ucks,unlock0perk StorePlacard0( true "ucks,unlock0perk StorePlacard0@ true "ucks,unlock0perk RetailOutit true "uck "u cks, s,un unlo lock ck0p 0per erk k Ch Chec ecko kout utSp Spee eed0 d0Sm Smal alll tr true ue "uck "u cks, s,un unlo lock ck0p 0per erk k Ch Chec ecko kout utSp Spee eed0 d08a 8arg rge e tr true ue "ucks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Re Restock ckS Speed0Small true "ucks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Re Restock ckS Speed08ar arg ge tru true e
Reta!( Per Curious Shopper Sure Sale !nstant Restock
Comma" "ucks,unlock0perk CustomerBrowseTime true "ucks,unlock0perk SureSaleSocial true "ucks,unlock0perk !nstantRestock true
DINE OUT CHEATS The *o((o.!+ re#taurat per %heat# *or D!e Out . ere +athere" 6a#e" o T.!#te"me
RESTAURANT RESTA URANT PERS Per Curious Cu Customers 4dditional Waiter ( !ngredient ualit Option ons s $eal Rush Surplus ;ar%est Patient Patrons 4dditional Che Curiouser Cu Customers 4dditional Waiter @ !nspirational Speech 9ast Eaters 8owe 8o werr Em Empl plo oee ee Tr Train ainin ing g Co Cost sts s !ngredient Disc sco ount .small/ Well 9unded 9oodies Tid Tippers !ngredient Disc sco ount .large/ Well $anaged The Che1s ;at
Co"e to U(o% "ucks,unlock0perk Re RecommendDishSocial tr true "ucks,unlock0perk 4dditionalWaiter0( 4dditionalWaiter0( true "uck cks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk !ngred ediientualitOptions true "ucks,unlock0perk $oreCustomers true "ucks,unlock0perk !ngredientCostDiscount true "ucks,unlock0perk 8engthen!mpatienceTimeout true "ucks,unlock0perk 4dditionalChe true "ucks,unlock0perk Re RecommendDish9reuenc tr true "ucks,unlock0perk 4dditionalWaiter0@ 4dditionalWaiter0@ true "ucks,unlock0perk !nspirationalSpeechSocial true "ucks,unlock0perk Eat9aster true "uck "u cks, s,unl unloc ock0p k0per erk k 8ow 8ower erEm Empl plo oee eeTr Trai aini ning ngCo Cost st tr true ue "uck cks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Cheaper! r!n ngr gre edients0( true "ucks,unlock0perk E7pensi%eOrders true "ucks,unlock0perk Risk9ree$arkup true "uck cks, s,un unllock0 k0p perk Cheaper! r!n ngr gre edients0@ true "ucks,unlock0perk 8owerChanceBadE%ents0Small true "ucks,unlock0perk Ches;at true
Cre"!t $here It5# Due Ha(* o* a(( %heat #!te# o the .e6 ha0e r!ppe" o** the e**ort# o* a per#o .ho #pet t!me tra%!+ "o. the#e %omma"# *or u# a" #tarte" a .!! o re""!t to ho#t them here here,, I* -ou5" (!e to tha h!m *or h!# t!me' 6u- T.!#te"Me
Ma- %heat# require te#t!+ %heat# to .or, E#ure -ou50e "oe te#t!+%heat# o*!r#t, o *!r#t, Th!# ma!(- .or# . or# *rom the (!0e/6u!("/6u- mo"e# o* the +ame a# ma"o ot .or o the map, 7ou 7ou #hou(" pau#e !t 6- pre##!+ t!("e 1K3 or %(!%!+ the pau#e !%o' a" .he the t!me %ome# .!(( ee" to *!r#t pre## a" ho(" the (e*t CTRL e-' the Sh!*t' the C ! that or"er' .!thout .!thout (ett!+ +o o* a- o* the e-#' to ope the %o#o(e ! the *!r#t p(a%e, Th!# #hou(" 6e a *(u!" mot!o a" ot too #(o., Se%o"(-' %heat# mu#t 6e t-pe" e
The S!m# 4 %heat# (oo a (ot (!e the oe# u#e" ! The S!m# ?, ut t here are #ome e. %heat# ! The S!m# 4 *or PC a" Ma%, 1I%(u"!+ The S!m# 4 C!tL!0!+ %heat#' The S!m# 4 et To To+ether +ether %heat#' The S!m# 4 et to $or %heat#' The S!m# 4 D!e Out %heat#' The S!m# 4 Out"oor Retreat %heat# a" The S!m# 4 Spa Da- %heat#3 Here !# a (!#t .!th a(( o* t hem, U#e them .!#e(-,
These cheats are all tested and sae to use,
The Sims # Cheats 2 uick Cheat Sheet 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat codes into the te7t input ield that appears at the top o the screen, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Cheat Code
Get 50,000 Simoleo
Max Motives (Fix e
Combine objects by
bb.ignoregameplayunlock bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement sentitlement
!nloc" all career re
$ll C$S abilities #il
The Sims # 4ll $one Cheats
5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat codes into the te7t input ield that appears at the top o the screen, Cheat Code
Get %,000 Simoleons
Get %,000 Simoleons
Get 50,000 Simoleo
Money {number}
C&ange 'unds 'rom
Sims.modify_funds Sims.modify_funds {number}
$dd Simoleons to &
Sims.modify_funds Sims.modify_funds !{number}
Subtract Simoleons
$utomatically ay
"reeReal#state {on$off}
$ll lots are 'ree #&e
The Sims # Build-Bu $ode Cheats 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Cheat Code
Combine objects by
bb.ignoregameplayunlock bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement sentitlement
!nloc" all career re
Shift %
+ncrease t&e sie o' o
Shift &
-ecrease t&e sie o'
uy -ebug mode (a
.dit t&e /ospital, o
The Sims # $a7 Skill Cheats 5se these cheats to ma7 out our skill le%el, ! ou don1t want to ma7 our skill le%el ou can change the num"er () with the preerred skill le%el rom ( to 6, 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Search> Cheat Code
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_(aking )*
Max out a"ing s"il (1&e Sims 2 Get to
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma Major_Charisma )*
Max out C&arisma s
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy Major_Comedy )*
Max out Comedy s"i
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_+omestyleCooking Major_+omestyleCooking )*
Max out Coo"ing s"
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Minor_,ancing -
Max out -ancing s"i
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_, )*
Max out -4 s"ill (1
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_"ishing )*
Max out Fis&ing s"il
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Skill_"itness )*
Max out Fitness s"ill
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_/ardening Major_/ardening )*
Max out Gardening
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_/ourmetCooking Major_/ourmetCooking )*
Max out Gourmet C
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_/uitar Major_/uitar )*
Max out Guitar s"ill
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_+andiness Major_+andiness )*
Max out /andiness s
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_+erbalism )*
Max out /erbalism s (1&e Sims 2 utdoo
Cheat Code
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_0ogic )*
Max out ogic s"ill
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief Major_Mischief )*
Max out Misc&ie' s"
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_(artending Major_(artending )*
Max out Mixology s
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_1ainting Major_1ainting )*
Max out ainting s"i
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_1hotography Major_1hotography )*
Max out &otograp& (1&e Sims 2 Get to
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_1iano )*
Max out iano s"ill
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_1rogramming Major_1rogramming )*
Max out rogrammi
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping Major_Reaping )*
Max out eaping s"i
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience Major_RocketScience )*
Max out oc"et Scie
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing )*
Max out Singing s"il
stats.set_skill_level Major_2ideo/aming )*
Max out 6ideo Gam
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_2iolin Major_2iolin )*
Max out 6iolin s"ill
stats.set_skill_level Major_3ellness )*
Max out 3ellness s" (1&e Sims 2 Spa -a
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Major_3riting Major_3riting )*
Max out 3riting s"il
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level retail_'orkethic retail_'orkethic stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance retail_maintenance stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level retail_sales -
Max out etail S"ill (1&e Sims 2 Get to ead tutorial on &o
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social )*
Max out Social s"ill
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor )*
Max out Motor s"ill
Cheat Code
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity Skill_Child_Creativity )*
Max out Creativity s
stats.set_skill_level stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental )*
Max out Mental s"ill
Speed up cra'ting
The Sims # Career-Teen :o"s Promotion Cheats ! ou want to promote our Sims in their careers+ use these cheats Do ou want to demote our Sims in their career+ 3ust replace promote or demote, 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, Cheat Code
careers.add_career {careername}
$dd Career
careers.promote 4stronaut
Get promoted in t&e (space ranger & inte
careers.promote 4thletic
Get promoted in t&e (professional athlete
careers.promote (usiness
Get promoted in t&e (management & inve
careers.promote Criminal
Get promoted in t&e (boss & oracle)
careers.promote Culinary
Get promoted in t&e (chef & mixologist)
careers.promote #ntertainer
Get promoted in t&e (musician & comedi
Cheat Code
careers.promote 1ainter
Get promoted in t&e (master of the real
careers.promote Secret4gent
Get promoted in t&e (diamond agent & vi
careers.promote 5e 5ech/uru ch/uru
Get promoted in t&e (esport gamer & sta
careers.promote 3riter
Get promoted in t&e (author & journalist
careers.promote ,etective
Get promoted in t&e (1&e Sims 2 Get to
careers.promote ,octor
Get promoted in t&e (1&e Sims 2 Get to
careers.promote Scientist
Get promoted in t&e (1&e Sims 2 Get to
careers.promote SocialMedia
Get promoted in t&e (1&e Sims 2 City i
careers.promote 4ctivist
Get promoted in t&e (1&e Sims 2 City i
careers.promote careers_adult_critic
Get promoted in t&e (1&e Sims 2 City i
careers.remove_career {careername}
7uit Career
careers.retire {careername}
etire 'rom your job
careers.promote 5een_(abysitter
Get promoted as a
careers.promote 5een_(arista
Get promoted as ar
careers.promote 5een_"ast"ood
Get promoted as Fas
Cheat Code
careers.promote 5een_Manual
Get promoted as Ma
careers.promote 5een_Retail
Get promoted as et
careers.promote /radeschool
aise a C&ild9s Grad
careers.promote +ighschool
aise a C&ild9s Grad
The Sims # $oodlet-Emotion Cheats Change our Sims emotions with moodlet cheats, E%er moodlet cheat gi%es ?@, ! ou want a ?( moodlet ou can replace ;igh or 8ow, E7ample> Sims,add0"u Energi=ed8ow,, The moodlet that lasts (@ hours is the special Cowplant "u-de"u , Energi=ed8ow Some "us onl work i ou remo%e other moodlets, 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Search> Cheat Code
emoves all emotio
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff #nergi6ed+igh
Get .nergied Mood
sims.add_buff e_buff_energi6ed
Get .nergied Mood
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff Confident+igh
Get Con'ident Mood
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff e_buff_confident e_buff_confident
Get Con'ident Mood
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff "lirty+igh
Get Flirty Moodlet
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff e_buff_flirty e_buff_flirty
Get Flirty Moodlet (l
Sims.add_buff 7nspired+igh
Get +nspired Moodle
sims.add_buff e_buff_inspired
Get +nspired Moodle
Cheat Code
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff "ocused+igh
Get Focused Moodle
sims.add_buff e_buff_focused
Get Focused Moodle
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff 1layful+igh
Get lay'ul Moodlet
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff e_buff_playful e_buff_playful
Get lay'ul Moodlet
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff Sad+igh
Get Sad Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_sad
Get Sad Moodlet (la
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff feelingangry feelingangry
Get $ngry Moodlet
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff Social_4ngry
Get $ngry Moodlet
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff unfaithful
Get $ngry Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_angry
Get $ngry Moodlet
Sims.add_buff Sims.add_buff Social_+appy
Get /appy Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_happy
Get /appy Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_uncomfortable
Get !ncom'ortable
sims.add_buff e_buff_embarrassed
Get .mbarrassed M
sims.add_buff social_bored
Get ored Moodlet
sims.add_buff e_buff_bored
Get ored Moodlet (
sims.add_buff (uff_Motives_"un_desperate
Get 1ense Moodlet
sims.add_buff buff_5ense
Get 1ense 1ense Moodlet (
Cheat Code
Get -aed Moodlet
sims.add_buff buff_,a6ed
The Sims # Death Cheats 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, 9asted wa to kill a Sim is with these cheats,
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff (uff_Mortified (uff_Mortified
-eat& by .mbarrass
sims.add_buff (uff_Motives_+unger_Starving
-eat& by /unger (ca
sims.add_buff buff_,eath_#lectrocution_3arning
-eat& by epair (t&e
sims.add_buff buff_+ysterical
-eat& by aug&ing (
sims.add_buff buff_#nraged
-eat& by $nger (cau
sims.add_buff buff_,eath_#lder#8haustion_3arning
-eat& by verexerti
-isables -eat&
sims.add_buff /hostly
Ma"es Sims a g&ost
The Sims # Pregnanc Cheats 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Cheat Co"e #!m#,+et#!m!"6-ame P(a-e"S!mF!r#tNa #!m#,+et#!m!"6-ame P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName me P(a-e"S!mLa#tName
Get the pregnant Sim1s !D
Cheat Co"e
pre+a%-,*or%eo**#p pre+a%,*or%eo**#pr!+%out r!+%out #!mID amout
9orce the amount o "a"ies o o%er F "ecause the limit is Si
#!m#,a""6u** 6u**Pre+a%- 6u**Pre+a%-ILa6or ILa6or
$ake 4n Sim or Ghost 4ppea
#!m#,a""6u** 6u**Pre+a%-T 6u**Pre+a%-Tr!me#ter; r!me#ter;
$ake 4n Sim or Ghost 4ppea
#!m#,a""6u** 6u**Pre+a%-T 6u**Pre+a%-Tr!me#ter2 r!me#ter2
$ake 4n Sim or Ghost 4ppea
#!m#,a""6u** 6u**Pre+a%-T 6u**Pre+a%-Tr!me#ter? r!me#ter?
$ake 4n Sim or Ghost 4ppea
The Sims # Technical Cheats 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Cheat Code
1oggle 1oggle 'ull screen s creen
ists all available co
esets t&e Sim i' it9s
headlineeffects headlineeffects {on$off}
/ide all &eadline e''
$ll C$S abilities #il
casclockspeed casclockspeed {*!)*}
o#er t&e Create a S
fps {on$off}
See t&e 'ps ('rames p
The Sims # Relationship Cheats
5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, To make mutual changes to the relationship within one household ou need to enter the cheat code or "oth Sims and switch the names, Cheat Co"e mo"!*-re(at!o#h!p P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mLa#tNa P(a-e"S!mLa#tName me Ta Tar+etS!mF!r#tName r+etS!mF!r#tName Tar+etS!mLa#tName ; Fr!e"#h!pMa!
mo"!*-re(at!o#h!p P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mLa#tNa P(a-e"S!mLa#tName me Ta Tar+etS!mF!r#tName r+etS!mF!r#tName Tar+etS!mLa#tName ; Roma%eMa!
mo"!*-re(at!o#h!p P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mLa#tNa P(a-e"S!mLa#tName me Ta Tar+etS!mF!r#tName r+etS!mF!r#tName Tar+etS!mLa#tName =; Fr!e"#h!pMa!
mo"!*-re(at!o#h!p P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mF!r#tName P(a-e"S!mLa#tNa P(a-e"S!mLa#tName me Ta Tar+etS!mF!r#tName r+etS!mF!r#tName Tar+etS!mLa#tName =; Roma%eMa!
The Sims # Trait Cheats 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code testingcheats true, Cheat Co"e
tra!t#,e8u!ptra!t Tr Tra!tNameNoSpa%e# a!tNameNoSpa%e#
Euips a partic Complete Trait l
tra!t#,remo0etra!t Tr Tra!tNameNoSpa%e# a!tNameNoSpa%e#
Remo%es a part
Cheat Co"e
Complete Trait l Remo%es all tra
The Sims # Perk Points Cheats .Dine Out/ 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat codes into the te7t input ield that appears at the top o the screen, !nput the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true, Cheat Co"e
6u%#,u(o%per Re%omme"D!#hSo 6u%#,u(o%per Re%omme"D!#hSo%!a( %!a( true
Cur!ou# Cu#tomer#
6u% 6u %#, #,u u(o (o% %p per er A""! A""!t!o t!oa a($ ($a! a!te ter r; ; true true
A""! A" "!t!o t!oa a(( $a!te $a!terr ;
$ake customers occasionall wish or a reco unlocks the a"ilit to gi%e recommendations t
5nlocks the a"ilit to hire one additional waite 6u%#,u(o%per I+re"!etua(!t-Opt!o# I+re"!etua(!t-Opt!o # true
I+re"!et ua(!t- Opt!o#
6u%#,u(o%per MoreCu#tomer# true
Mea( Ru#h
5nlocks the a"ilit to choose the ualit o me
9or @# hours+ more customers will stop in to e 6u%#,u(o%per I+re"!etCo#tD!#%ou 6u%#,u(o%per I+re"!etCo#tD!#%out t true
Surp(u# Har0e#t
6u%#,u(o%per Le+theImpat!e%eT!meout Le+theImpat!e% eT!meout true
Pat!et Patro#
6u%#,u(o%per A""!t!oa(Che* true
A""!t!oa( Che*
Take ad%antage o a surplus har%est, The cos
$ake customers easier to impress with uick at slow ser%ice,
5nlocks the a"ilit to hire one additional che place a second che station, 6u%#,u(o%per Re%omme"D!#hFre8ue%Re%omme"D!#hF re8ue%- true
Cur!ou#er Cu#tomer#
!ncrease how oten customers reuest dish re
Cheat Co"e
Customer Perk/ 6u% 6u %#, #,u u(o (o% %p per er A""! A""!t!o t!oa a($ ($a! a!te ter r2 2 true true
A""! A" "!t!o t!oa a(( $a!te $a!terr 2
5nlocks the a"ilit to hire one additional waite unlocked " the 4dditional Waiter ( Perk/ 6u%#,u(o%per I#p!rat!oa(Spee%hSo%!a( I#p!rat!oa(Spee% hSo%!a( true
I#p!rat!oa( Spee%h
6u%#,u(o%per EatFa#ter true
Fa#t Eater#
5nlock the H!nspirational SpeachH social inter
Customers will eat their meals aster, 6u%#,u(o%per Lo.erEmp(o-eeTra!!+Co#t true Emp(o-ee Tra!!+ Co#t#
6u%#,u(o%per CheaperI+re" 6u%#,u(o%per CheaperI+re"!et#; !et#; true
I+re"!et D!#%out 1#ma((3
6u% 6u %#, #,u u(o (o% %p per er E< E
$e(( $e (( Fu Fu" "e" e" Fo Foo" o"!e !e# #
8owers the cost o training or emploees,
Permanentl lowers the cost o ingredients "
Customers will more oten choose the more e 6u%#,u(o%per R!#FreeMa Marrup tr tru ue
T!"- T!pper#
Customers will tip a "it e7tra on top o e%er (ar+er t!p#9 6u%#,u(o%per CheaperI+re" 6u%#,u(o%per CheaperI+re"!et#2 !et#2 true
I+re"!et D!#%out 1(ar+e3
6u%#,u(o%per Lo.erCha%ea"E0et#Sma(( Lo.erCha%e a"E0et#Sma(( true
$e(( Maa+e"
6u%#,u(o%per Che*#Hat true
The Che*5# Hat
Permanentl lowers the cost o ingredients " .small/ to "e unlocked/
8owers the chance op "ad e%ents happening
5nlocks an additional Che ;at or our Sims,
The Sims # Perk Points Cheats .Get to Work/
Reuires The Sims # Get to Work, Work, 5nlock new options and items or our Retail Business with Perk Points cheats, Perks that are o"tained will "e applied to e%er mem"er o our household, This is a complete list l ist with cheats o Perks in The Sims # Get to Work, Cheat Co"e
"ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk StorePlacard0( true
Re#u(t P(a%ar": M- F!r#t S!mo(eo
5nlocks a decorati%e wall o"3ect that cele"rates t section o Build $ode, "ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk Pedestal$imic true
Pro0o%at!0e Pe"e#ta(
5nlocks a new Pedestal o"3ect to displa %arious Build $ode, "ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk Signage$imic true
Stu!+ S!+
5nlocks a new sign which can "e placed in our !temsH section o Build $ode, "ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk RetailOutit true
Sa- Sh!rt
5nlocks an additional shirt or men and women t "ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk Register$imic true
Re+!#ter o* Tomorro.
5nlocks the Suros Pecuniar Cash RegisterI per o tomorrow,,, toda, Check the HRetail !temsH se "ucks,unlock0perk DecreaseRestocking0Temporar true
Super*(uou# Surp(u#
"ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk 4dditionalW 4dditionalWorker0( orker0( true
A""!t!oa( Emp(o-ee ;
The store1s supplier ordered too much in%entor+ The cost o restocking items will "e reduced or ( uture,
5nlocks the a"ilit to hire one additional emplo "ucks,unlock0perk RestockSpeed "ucks,unlock0perk RestockSpeed0Small 0Small true
Fa#ter Re#to%!+ 1#ma((3
"ucks,unlock0perk CheckoutSpeed "ucks,unlock0perk CheckoutSpeed0Small 0Small true
Fa#ter Che%out# 1#ma((3
"ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk StorePlacard0@ true
P(a%ar": Fo66# G
Slightl reduces the time it takes mem"ers o the
;ousehold mem"ers will ring up customers that
5nlocks a decorati%e wall o"3ect that cele"rates t Check the HRetail !temsH section o Build $ode,
Cheat Co"e
"ucks,unlock0perk CustomerBrowseT "ucks,unlock0perk CustomerBrowseTime ime true
Cur!ou# Shopper
"ucks,unlock0perk !mpro%e$anagementSocials !mpro%e$anageme ntSocials true
Me+a Maa+er
"ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk 4dditionalW 4dditionalWorker0@ orker0@ true
A""!t!oa( Emp(o-ee 2
Customers will spend more time "rowsing the ite
$anagement social interactions perormed on st succeeding,
5nlocks the a"ilit to hire one additional emplo "ucks,unlock0perk CustomerPurchase!ntent CustomerPurchase!nte nt true
Ser!ou# Shopper
"ucks,unlock0perk CheckoutSpeed "ucks,unlock0perk CheckoutSpeed08arge 08arge true
Fa#ter Che%out# 1(ar+e3
"ucks,unlock0perk RestockSpeed "ucks,unlock0perk RestockSpeed08arge 08arge true
Fa#ter Re#to%!+ 1(ar+e3
"ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk SureSaleSocial true
Sure Sa(e
Customers will ha%e a greater desire to purchas
;ousehold mem"ers will ring up customers that
Greatl reduces the time it takes mem"ers o the
5nlocks the HSure SaleH social interaction+ which used on them, "ucks,unlock0perk !mpro%eRetailSocials "ucks,unlock0perk true
S(!% Sa(e#ma
"ucks,unlock0perk "ucks,unlock0p erk !nstantRestock true
I#tat Re#to%!+
Retail socials used on customers will ha%e a gre
$em"ers o the household will "e a"le to instantl "ucks,unlock0perk DescreaseRestockingCost DescreaseRes tockingCost true
Cheaper Re#to%!+
Reduces the price o restocking items,
$ore Cheats or The Sims # 5se the Cheat Console " pressing CTR8?S;!9T?C, !nput the cheat code testingcheats true,
Cheat Code
4spirations.complete_cur 4spirations.complete_current_milest rent_milestone one
Completes current aspiration c&all
sims.add_buff sims.add_buff Satisfaction_1oints Satisfaction_1oints
$dds %00 aspiration*satis'action p sims8remove;all;bu''s be'ore reap
Spa#ns a Sim and adds t&em to yo'nsimple{number}
Spa#ns a Sim to your lot as a visit
Max Motives (Fix one Sims needs
Max Motives (Fix everyones need
sims.give_satisfaction_point sims.give_satisfaction_pointss {number}
$dd Satis'action oint to your Si
Sims can9t die
resetSim resetSim {"irstname} {0astname}
eset your Sim
testingcheats {true$false}
.nables use o' 'urt&er c&eats
When ou used the cheat code te#t!+%heat# true/*a(#e ou will get more options when ou Shit ? click on a Sim or o"3ect, Sh!*t ) %(!% o S!m# •
Reset O"3ect J Resets Sim
4dd to 9amil J 4dd the Sim to the current amil
Cheat $oti%e K $ake ;app J Sets all moti%es to ull and sets $ood to ;app
Cheat $oti%e K Ena"le $oti%e Deca J 4llows moti%es to change dnamicall
Cheat $oti%e K Disa"le $oti%e Deca J 4llows moti%es to remain static
Sh!*t ) %(!% o O6@e%t# •
Reset O"3ect J Resets O"3ect
Sh!*t ) %(!% D!rt-=a6(e O6@e%t#
$ake Dirt J $akes o"3ect dirt
Sh!*t ) %(!% o D!rt- O6@e%t# •
$ake Clean J makes o"3ect clean
Sh!*t ) %(!% Ma!(6o< •
Reset O"3ect J resets $ail"o7
Sh!*t ) %(!% the rou" •
Teleport $e ;ere J Teleports selected Sim as close to the clicked spot as possi"le
Sh!*t ) %(!% S!m# •
$odi in C4S J 4llows editing o e%erthing "ut name change and inherited traits