Trends, Tr ends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century TEACHER’S GUIDE
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2. Understanding Local Networks 2. Strategic anal!sis 2.2 Int"iti#e t$inking T$e learner "nderstands strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking. T$e learner draws a color%coded &a' o( t$e networks o( 'ower relations )'olitical* econo&ic* c"lt"ral* and kins$i' ties+ wit$in a 'artic"lar co&&"nit!. . De(ine strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%+ )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%+ 2. E'lain strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%2+ )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%2+ / da!s www.0"i''ersc$ $tt'1st"d!.co&acade&!lessonint"iti#e%decision%&aking%in%3"siness%and% &anage&ent.$t&l $tt'"&entsI&'ortedDoc"&entscid-tg-strategic-anal!sis-t ools-no#45.'d(.'d(
"hat is Network# Acti#it! 61 61 ,! Network Network Direction1 Direction1 Identify the groups/peoples that you are a part of and assign this on the drawing below according closeness. (A review on UCSP Process !uestions" . 7$o 7$o w$at w$at gro"')s+ gro"')s+ isar isare e t$e closest closest to to !o"8 !o"8 2. 7$o 7$o w$at w$at gro"' gro"')s+ )s+ isare isare (art$es (art$estt (ro& (ro& !o"8 !o"8 9. Are so&e so&e gro"')s+ gro"')s+ t$at t$at are conne connected cted wit$ wit$ eac$ eac$ ot$er8 ot$er8 7$at 7$at are t$e!8 /. 7$at 7$at are t$e (actor (actors s t$at !o" !o" conside considerr w$en identi( identi(!in !ing ga gro"'’s 'roi&it! to !o"8
Linking: . 7$a 7$at is netw networ ork8 k8 2. How does does &arriage &arriage etend etend one’ one’s s netwo networks8 rks8
$ey Concepts% A network is network is gro"' containing 'eo'le w$o co&e into occasional contact 3"t w$o lack a sense o( 3o"ndaries and 3elonging ) #acionis$ %&'% +. +. So&e sc$olars clai& t$at networks are non$ierarc$ical* #al"e%(ree* and str"ct"re%less organi:ations* and t$at t$e! are co&'osed o( 'eo'le working on si&ilar tasks wit$o"t necessaril! knowing eac$ ot$er. T$is is ill"strated 3! social networking sites s"c$ as ;ace3ook. A social network is network is a social str"ct"re co&'rised o( indi#id"als
&nrichment% Let t$e st"dents watc$ t$e Social Network Anal!sis #ideo )$tt's1www.!o"t"$8#>(gr-g02ikA+
'efining Strategic Analysis ( )ntuiti*e Thinking% Strateg!1 &+PL&% Acti*ity -1% Gi#e so&e words t$at !o" can relate to anal!sis and t$inking. ANALYSIS
Process .uestions% . ;ro& t$e words !o" $a#e listed* w$at is anal!sis8 T$inking8 Int"ition8 2. Gi#e a s'eci(ic sit"ation w$ere !o" a''l!"se anal!sis* t$inking and int"ition. $ey Concepts% Strategic Anal!sis is1 ) the process of conducting research on the business environ*ent within which an organi+ation operates and on the organi+ation itself$ in order to for*ulate strategy., - 01 usiness Dictionary ) a theoretically infor*ed understanding of the environ*ent in which an organisation is operating$ together with an understanding of the organi+ation,s interaction with its environ*ent in order to i*prove organi+ational efficiency and effectiveness by increasing the organi+ation,s capacity to deploy and redeploy its resources intelligently., - Professor 2es 3orrall$ 3olverha*pton usiness School De(initions o( strategic anal!sis o(ten di((er* 3"t t$e (ollowing attri3"tes are co&&onl! associated wit$ it1 . Identi(ication and e#al"ation o( data rele#ant to strateg! (or&"lation. 2. De(inition o( t$e eternal and internal en#iron&ent to 3e anal!:ed. 9. A range o( anal!tical &et$ods t$at can 3e e&'lo!ed in t$e anal!sis. Ea&'les o( anal!tical &et$ods "sed in strategic anal!sis incl"de1 S7?T anal!sis •
@EST anal!sis
S"T Analysis A S7?T anal!sis is a si&'le 3"t widel! "sed tool t$at $el's in "nderstanding t$e strengths* weaknesses* opportunities and threats in#ol#ed in a 'ro
P&ST analysis @EST anal!sis is a scan o( t$e eternal &acro%en#iron&ent in w$ic$ an organisation eists. It is a "se("l tool (or "nderstanding t$e 'olitical* econo&ic* socio%c"lt"ral and tec$nological en#iron&ent t$at an organisation o'erates in. It can 3e "sed (or e#al"ating &arket growt$ or decline* and as s"c$ t$e 'osition* 'otential and direction (or a 3"siness. Political factors. T$ese incl"de go#ern&ent reg"lations s"c$ as e&'lo!&ent laws* en#iron&ental reg"lations and ta 'olic!. ?t$er 'olitical (actors are trade restrictions and 'olitical sta3ilit!. Economic factors. T$ese a((ect t$e cost o( ca'ital and '"rc$asing 'ower o( an organisation. Econo&ic (actors incl"de econo&ic growt$* interest rates* in(lation and c"rrenc! ec$ange rates. Social factors. T$ese i&'act on t$e cons"&er’s need and t$e 'otential &arket si:e (or an organisation’s goods and ser#ices. Social (actors incl"de 'o'"lation growt$* age de&ogra'$ics and attit"des towards $ealt$. Technological factors. T$ese in(l"ence 3arriers to entr!* &ake or 3"! decisions and in#est&ent in inno#ation* s"c$ as a"to&ation* in#est&ent incenti#es and t$e rate o( tec$nological c$ange. •
@EST (actors can 3e classi(ied as o''ort"nities or t$reats in a S7?T anal!sis. It is o(ten "se("l to co&'lete a @EST anal!sis 3e(ore co&'leting a S7?T anal!sis. )ntuiti*e Thinking "ng de(ined int"ition as 4perception via the unconscious4 1 "sing sense%'erce'tion onl! as a starting 'oint* to 3ring (ort$ ideas* i&ages* 'ossi3ilities* wa!s o"t o( a 3locked sit"ation* 3! a 'rocess t$at is &ostl! "nconscio"s. Int"iti#e T$inking is t$e a3ilit! to take w$at !o" &a! sense or 'ercei#e to 3e tr"e and wit$o"t knowledge or e#idence* a''ro'riatel! (actor it in to (inal decision.
Acti*ity -2% T$ink o( a s'eci(ic co&&"nit! 'ro
Acti*ity -/% )ntuiti*e 'ecision 0aking ;or&"late an Int"iti#e decisionconcl"sion (ro& t$e (ollowing sit"ation1 Case1 Biolet ones is a &anager at t$e Intestinal Distress Tacos (ast (ood resta"rant. S$e $as noticed t$at t$e taco s$ells are disa''earing at a (aster rate t$an t$e sales. T$ere are so&e wa!s t$at Biolet can in#estigate t$e &issing taco s$ells. Biolet does not $a#e t$e ti&e in $er 3"siness &anagerial sc$ed"le to s'end a long ti&e in#estigating t$e taco s$ell &!ster!. S$e is losing &one! dail! and &"st (ire t$e indi#id"al res'onsi3le. S$e $as relied on $er int"ition in t$e 'ast* and it $as s"ccess("ll! rewarded $er into &anage&ent 'ositions. S$e "ses 'atterns o( 3e$a#ior* c"es* and 3od! lang"age. Possible Answer: (Answer may vary 5iolet has noticed that her newest e*ployee$ 0rnie$ has been avoiding her and not *a6ing eye contact. She has a gut feeling that he *ay be her taco shell thief. In addition$ she has noticed that he disappears for a very long bathroo* brea6$ and she sur*ises that he is eating the shells in the stalls.
Content Content Standard Performance Standard Learning Competencies Time Allotment eferences!Sources
2. Understanding Local Networks 2. Strategic anal!sis 2.2 Int"iti#e t$inking T$e learner "nderstands strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking. T$e learner draws a color%coded &a' o( t$e networks o( 'ower relations )'olitical* econo&ic* c"lt"ral* and kins$i' ties+ wit$in a 'artic"lar co&&"nit!. 9. Attain (acilit! in strategic anal!sis. )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%9+ /. Use int"iti#e t$inking in dealing wit$ #aried acti#ities. )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic% e%/+ / da!s
Assessment Acti*ity -1% Gi#e 4 t$ings or ideas t$at t$e ;ili'inos $a#e 3elie(s related to s"'ernat"ral creat"res. E'lain !o"r answer "sing strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking.
Acti*ity -2% A&a:ing Race Acti*ity -/% ;a&il! ;e"d
Content Content Standard Performance Standard
Learning Competencies
Time Allotment
2. Understanding Local Networks 2. Strategic anal!sis 2.2 Int"iti#e t$inking T$e learner "nderstands strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking. T$e learner draws a color%coded &a' o( t$e networks o( 'ower relations )'olitical* econo&ic* c"lt"ral* and kins$i' ties+ wit$in a 'artic"lar co&&"nit!. . Di((erentiate ke! co&'onents in strategic anal!sis and int"iti#e t$inking. )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%+ . Ea&ine $ow t$e &a' o( social networks can 3e "sed to introd"ce creati#e sol"tions to a 'artic"lar 'ro3le& in t$e co&&"nit! "sing int"iti#e t$inking. )HU,SS-,CT2%Ic%e%+ / da!s
. Introd"ction&oti#ation1 )9 &in"tes+ )re#iew o( t$e 're#io"s lesson+
2. ,oti#ation 14 &in"tes )@ict"re 'resentation+
• • •
7$at is t$e 'ict"re is all a3o"t8 Do !o" know w$at and w$! t$e! are t$inking8 7$! t$ere is a need (or "s to t$ink8
9. Instr"ction deli#er!1 )4 &in"tes+ T$e teac$er will gi#e in'"t a3o"t t$e di((erent co&'onents o( strategic anal!sis* and int"iti#e t$inking "sing Benn diagra&. Let t$e st"dents draw t$eir social &a' and ea&ine t$e "se("lness o( int"iti#e and anal!tical t$inking in creating sol"tions to a 'artic"lar 'ro3le& in t$eir societ! or co&&"nit!. •
/. Enric$&ent 4 &in"tes )'rocessing o( t$e teac$er in t$e said acti#it!+ . E#al"ation1 ) 5 &in"tes+ )written 0"i:* FA +