Complete transcript of Dr Thum Ping Tjin's hearing before the Select Committee on Online Falsehoods, 29 March 2018.
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Those who deny the reality of the ecstasies and other spiritual experiences of the Sufis merely betray their own narrow-mindedness and shallow insight.-from "Concerning Music and Dancing"One…Full description
Transcript of Minnesota Micromotors Simulation Results Final Score - 65 pts Market Share - 6% Cumulative Revenue - $57 m Cumulative Profit - $5.2 m Segment A - very satisfied Segment B - satisfied Segment C - very satisfied Segment D - dissatisfied Small - very satisfied First Attempt Segment Focus: A Provided large portion of revenue Valued Power-To-Size Needed customization C Least price sensitive Valued Power-To-Size & Thermal Heat Resistance Results FIRED 2014 Q1 Final Score - 44 pts