TREE PLANTING PLANTING Chapter, Maputi, Banaybanay, Davao Oriental July !, "#$ "#$ RATIONALE The One billion tree% &a'pai(n o) Pinoy ha% been very %u&&e%%)ul in ter'% ter'% o) pro'o pro'otin tin( ( tree tree planti plantin( n( a&tiv a&tiviti itie% e% in ho'e% ho'e% )or orna' orna'ent ental al an* environ environ'ent 'ental al prote&ti prote&tion on in &itie%, &itie%, to+n%, to+n%, villa(e% villa(e% an* other %ettle'ent% %ettle'ent% Tree% Tree% are plante* )or a nu'ber o) rea%on% in ho'e% an* the%e in&lu*e plantin( tree% to provi*e %ha*e, )ruit%, 'e*i&ine%, +oo* )or &ra)t%, )o**er, )uel )uel-+ -+oo oo*, *, pole pole% % )or &on%t &on%tru ru&t &tio ion n et& et& Tree% ee% are are al%o al%o plan plante te* * to a&t a&t a% +in*brea., to %tabili/e %oil% an* )or ae%theti& rea%on% The tree plantin( ha% &han(e* the lan*%&ape in 'any %ettle'ent% in&lu*in( %o'e &attle-po%t% National Tree Plantin( Day Pro(ra' ha% in%tille* %o'e &on%ervation pra& pra&ti ti&e &e% % in %o'e %o'e &o'' &o''un unit itie ie% % in the the &oun &ountr try y Con% Con%er erva vati tion on o) )or )ore%t e%t re%our re%our&e% &e% i% &on%i* &on%i*er ere* e* a% part part o) envir environ' on'ent ental al prote prote&ti &tion on There There are are &o''unity pro0e&t% +hi&h +ere e%tabli%he* throu(h thi% pro(ra' an* the%e in&lu*e %oil &on%ervation an* a(ro-)ore%try pro0e&t% Environ'ental &lub% in %&hool% have un*erta.en tree plantin( a&tivitie% in %&hool% an* *e(ra*e* %ite% There i% nee* to inten%i)y publi& e*u&ation on &on%ervation o) natural )ore%t re%our&e e%pe&ially +here the%e re%our&e% are e1ploite* heavily )or &o''er&ial &o''er&ial purpo%e% De)ore%tation i% o&&urrin( in the %urroun*in(% %urroun*in(% o) 'any %ettle'ent% a% a re%ult o) un%u%tainable harve%tin( pra&ti&e%
OBJECTIVES # To enhan&e enhan&e %tu*ent% a+arene%% a+arene%% in environ'ental environ'ental &on%ervation an* %tability To in&rea%e in&rea%e a+arene%% a+arene%% on the prote&tion prote&tion an* &on%ervation &on%ervation o) o) )auna an* 2ora )or the pre%ent an* )uture (eneration% o) the youth
PARTICIPANTS 3#45 6E7-O O8&er% 3#95 77G o8&er% 3#$5 6EC7 O8&er%
3#95 Tea&her% 3:"5 4th 6ear 7tu*ent% 3#5 ; IB Charlie
METHODOLOGY # Con)eren&e Con)eren&e to all all the parti&ipant% parti&ipant% o) tree plantin( plantin( +a% &on*u&te* &on*u&te* Gatherin( Gatherin( an* prepara preparation tion o) %ee*lin( %ee*lin(% % $ Prepara Preparation tion o) the the %ite %ite to be be plante* plante* a
ue%te* re>ue%te* an* to en%ure their th %a)ety the Charlie &o'pany o) ; IB 0oine* the a&tivity 9 At e1a&tly e1a&tly ;?"" o@&lo&. o@&lo&. in the the 'ornin( +e hea*e* our +ay to the plantin( plantin( %ite : Pi&ture% Pi&ture% +ere +ere ta.en ta.en *urin( *urin( the a&tivity )or *o&u'entation purpo%e%
SOURCE OF FUNDS Donation, 7oli&itation
BUDGET Total Nu'ber o) Parti&ipant%?
129 Heads
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Brea* Coee 7o)t *rin. I&e
P&"$e 4"" ea&h !"" ea&h #949" &a%e #"" T(!a)
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