TYPES OF SOCIAL GROUPS Accord in ing to to so soci al al ti ti es es
a. Primar Primary y Group Group – intimate, personal, continuous face to face relationship. Characterize by strong ties of love & aection, personal identity. identity. Eg. amily, friendships, & relatives b. !econda !econdary ry Group Group – a group "hich the individual comes in contact later in life. #mpersonal, business – li$e, contractual, formal & casual relationships. %ea$ ties of aection & identity
Accordi ng ng to to se se lf lf – identication a. #ngroup #ngroup – a social social unit "hich individual feels at home & "ith "hich they identify 'embers have ("e) feeling for they are similar in certain "ays, such as being poor, being rich, being tagalog, and other social categories. b. *ut – grou group p – a socia sociall unit to "hich individuals do not belong due to dierences in certain social categories Eg. #f "e are la" abiders, the outgroup is the la" violators or vice versa.
Acco Accordi rding ng to prpo prpose se
a. !pecial !pecial intere interest st group group – groups "hich are organized to meet the special interest of the members. Eg. +obby groups b. as$ group group – groups groups assigned to accomplishing -obs "hich cannot be done alone by one person. Eg. %or$ing committee, construction "or$ers c. #nuen #nuence ce or press pressure ure group – groups designed to inuence social actions Eg. !ocial movements , political
Acco Accordi rding ng to geogr geograp ap!ic !ical al location " #alit$ of relations!ips a. Gemeins Gemeinscha chaft ft – a social system in "hich most relationships are personal & traditional. #t is a community of intimate, private, e/clusive living & familism. he activities, interests, & personalities of the members center around the large family and groups. Culture is homogenous & tradition bound. Eg. ribal groups, agricultural & 0shing villages, barrio. b. Gesselschaf Gesselschaftt – a social social
According to for% of organi&ation a. orma ormall groups groups – also also called social organizations. 1eliberately formed , their purpose and ob-ectives are e/plicitly de0ned. Goals are clearly stated and the division of labor is based on members ability or merit. #t has administrative machinery called the (bureaucracy). he best e/ample is the government.
'reacrac$ – hierarchical arrangement in a large –scale formal
Eg. #ndustrial "or$ers, business associates, faculty sta, company employees
c. 2eference group or psychological group – groups "e consciously or unconsciously refer "hen "e try to evaluate our life situations & behavior. hey provide standards against "hich "e evaluate ourselves.
parties, campaign groups
system in "hich most relationship are impersonal, formal, and contractual or bargain –li$e. 2elationship is individualistic, business li$e, secondary & institutionalized. Culture is more heterogeneous and more advanced. Eg. City or urban groups.
organization in "hich parts of the organization are ordered in the manner of a pyramid based on a division of function & authority 3%eber, 45678 ormally, rationally organized structure involving clearly de0ned patterns of activity in "hich every series of actions is fundamentally related to the purpose of the organization. 3'erton, 45678 b. #nformal groups – unplanned, it has no e/plicit rules for membership & does not have speci0c ob-ectives to be attained #t has characteristics of a primary group9 members are bound by emotions and
sentiments. Eg, bar$adas & gangs