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In re: Vs KNOW ALL to whom these present shall come that I/We. The above named advocate/s$ to be Sanjeev Kamboj do hereby appont: !"eren a#ter called the advocate/s$ my/o%r Advocate n the above noted case a%thorse hm: &. To act' appear and plead n the above-noted case n ths (o%rt or n any other (o%rt n whch the same may be tred or or heard and and also n the appellate appellate (o%rt ncl%dn) ncl%dn) ")h (o%rt s%b*ect to payment o# #ees separately #or each (o%rt by me/%s. +. To s)n' #le' ver#y and present present pleadn)s' pleadn)s' appeals' appeals' cross-ob*ectons cross-ob*ectons or pettons pettons #or #or e,ec%tons revew revson' wthdrawal' compromse or other pettons or a##davts or other doc%ments as may be deemed necessary or proper #or the prosec%ton prosec%ton o# the sad case n all ts sta)es s%b*ect to payment o# #ees #or each sta)e. . To #le and and tae bac doc%ments' doc%ments' to admt and/or deny deny the doc%ments doc%ments o# opposte opposte party. . To wthdraw or compromse compromse the sad case or s%bmt to arbtraton arbtraton any d##erences d##erences or dsp%tes that may arse to%chn) or n any manner relatn) to the sad case. 0. To tae e,ec%ton proceedn)s. 1. To depost' draw and and receve monthly che2%es' che2%es' cash and )rant )rant recepts thereo# thereo# and to do all other acts and thn)s whch may be necessary to be done #or the pro)ress and n the co%rse o# the prosec%ton o# the sad case. 3. To appont and nstr%ct nstr%ct any other other Le)al 4racttoner 4racttoner a%thorsn) a%thorsn) hm to e,ercse the power and a%thorty hereby con#erred %pon the Advocate whenever he may thn #t to do so and to s)n the power o# attorney on o%r behal#. 5. And I/We the %nders)ned do hereby a)ree to rect#y and con#rm all acts done by the Advocate or hs s%bstt%te n the matter as my/o%r own acts' as # done by me/%s to all ntents and proposes. 6. And I/We %ndertae %ndertae that I/We or my/o%r d%ly a%thorsed a%thorsed a)ent wo%ld appear appear n (o%rt on all hearn)s and wll n#orm the Advocate #or appearance when the case s called. &7. And I/We the %nders)ned do hereby a)ree not to hold the advocate or hs s%bstt%te responsble #or the res%lt o# the sad case. &&. The ad*o%rnment ad*o%rnment costs whenever whenever ordered by the (o%rt shall be o# the Advocate' Advocate' whch he shall receve and retan #or hmsel#. &+. And I/We the %nders)ned to hereby a)ree that n the event o# the whole or part o# the #ee a)reed by me/%s to be pad to the advocate remann) %npad he shall be enttled to wthdraw wthdraw #rom the prosec%t prosec%ton on o# the sad case %ntl %ntl the same s pad %p. The #ee settled s only #or the above above case and above above (o%rt. I//we hereby a)ree a)ree that once #ee s pad' I/We wll not be enttled #or the re#%nd o# the same n any case whatsoever and # the case prolon)s #or more than years the or)nal #ee shall be pad a)an by me/%s. IN WITN899 W"88O; I/We do here%nto set my/o%r hand to these presents the contents o# whch have been %nderstood by me/%s on ths<<<<.day o# <<<<+77 Accepted s%b*ect to the terms o# the #ees.