Water Level Indicator ppt on microcontroller basedFull description
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to improved the system using Matlab
water level indicatior
Water Level Controller Using 8051 Microcontroller
Project Report for electronics & communication engineering students,containing 8051 microcontroller unit. Thank you for reading.
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PROJECT REPORT Water Level Indicator
WATER LEVEL INDICATOR This project is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Project Guide ……………………….
Submitted b ………………..
Se!!ion …………………………
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the following student Has successfully completed the project titled
Acknowledgement It is with pleasure that I find myself penning down these lines to
express our
sincere thanks to various people to help us along the way in completing this project of Water level Indicator. I must express my deepest appreciation to ……………….as
our project guide who really provided me with the required
information for this project and without her help this project would not have een completed. We are also thankful to our parents who helped us in doing this project.
Introduction !ircuit "escription #arts "escription Working #arts list $eferences !ost %nd %pplication
&o understand the concept of computer hardware the knowledge of electronics is must. &he project that I have chosen for understanding the concept of electronics is a water level indicator. %part from egin exposed towards the working of the various parts of the electronics systems' the project has the significance that it can e used to detect the rain.
&he water level indicator works on the dc voltage. &he main part of the circuit is the I! (0)0*. Whenever the water level reaches at particular level the circuit of the I! (0)0* gets completed and the I! produces the pulses. &he output is displayed y glowing L+"
&he Water level Indicator circuit consists of three main sections, -upply section -ensor section "isplay section
Su,,l Section
&he supply section consists of a / attery voltage. Instead one can also use a step down transformer which converts 0 / ac to / ac. followed y a rectifier diode' which converts ac to rippled dc.
Sen!or !ection
&his section consists of a #!1 with two resistors of )203 ohm. &he #!1 plate act as a sensor.
DISPLA- !ection
$esistance, $esistance is the property of the material y which it opposes the flow of current .&he unit of resistance is ohms. &he circuit uses 4 caron composition resistances whose value can e found using the color coding.
Ca,acitor(. !apacitor has aility to store charge and release them at a later time. !apacitance is the measure of the amount of charge that a capacitor can store for a given applied voltage. &he unit of capacitance is the farad 567 or microfarad. &he capacitors used in the circuit is an electrolytic capacitor. &he value and voltage rating of the electrolytic capacitor can e directly read from the capacitor itself.
)000 µ f )0 /
!apacitance /oltage rating
&he electrolytic capacitor should e used with proper polarity. In the circuit the electrolytic capacitor is used as a ypass capacitor. %ny noise variation in the circuit is removed y the capacitor.
Printed circuit board:
&he printed circuit oard is a sheet of insulating material 5akelite7 on which a copper clad coating is done. &he circuit is eing printed on the #!1. &he circuit uses two #!18s. 9n one #!1 there is detector circuit. 9ther #!1 consists of the copper strips for sensing the level of the water.
CD 40106 &he level of the water is eing sensed y an Integrated circuit 5!" (0)0*7. &he I! (0)0* is a )( pin integrated circuit. When the water reaches a particular level the strip gets shorted with the ground strip. &he pins )' ' 4' :' ))' ) gets low signal corresponding to the six levels. &he I! gets a low signal and the gives output on the corresponding L+" y glowing it.
L.E.D.(Light emitting diode):
Light emitting components are the components which
produce light when they are sujected to the an electrical current or voltage.
Part! li!t
!apacitor ,! )
micro 6
$) to $*
-ensor I!
!" (0)0*
$; to $)
L) to L;
!9-& %<" %##LI!%&I9< &he project of mine is very useful. 9ne can use in daily life. 9ne can install it in his or her house as Water level Indicator or it can e used as a water level indicator. &his project of mine' eing compact' can e installed anywhere. &his is also very cheap at cost.