Work life balance IVRCL Whereas comin! to the !roth of infrastructure in India the !roth has rapidly in increasin! sta!e it as observed from the folloin! !raphical representation.
DC;I in infrastructure as percenta!e of D=' <. F durin! the tenth plan
If !roth in D=' to be sustained DC;I in infrastructure must keep pace.
"otal estimated investment of &= :63:7 billion in infrastructure up to 6 06
Roads K
Airports K G bn.?( < /etro$ :7 *on3metro airports
'orts K 06 bn.?( All ne berths throu!h 48"
Work life balance Railays K 06 billion?( Container trains$ =;C$ &tations
'8W+R Deneration K 0: bn.?( "ransmission$ =istribution 8",+R &+C"8R&
Das 'ipelines( Cross Country$ Intra3city pipelines
,ealth and +ducation Infrastructure
rban /ass "ransport
rban Water &upply$ &olid Waste /ana!ement
Dood projects
=emand 'otential
Revenue 'otential
&table 'olicy +nvironment>'olitical Commitment
8ptimal Risk Allocation ;rameork
$a+2 aou+ +he "!*ra2+ru+ure "!du2+r- Tre!d29/ •
"he "!*ra2+ru+ure industry contributes a hu!e chunk to the orld D=' amountin! to 0>0th of the same.
"his industry has immense potential in !eneratin! hu!e amount of employment. It has been found out that construction industry offers employment to around F of the total employed ork force around the !lobe.
It is the lar!est sector in respect of consumption of ener!y. It consumes around 6>7th of the total consumed ener!y throu!h out the orld.
Work life balance IVRCL Resource utili9ation in case of construction industry amounts to half of the • total resource used all over the orld.
"he most si!nificant aspect associated ith the "!*ra2+ru+ure i!du2+r- +re!d2 is increased use of the latest I" technolo!ies for pacin! up the ork. Cuttin! ed!e technolo!y is bein! adopted by orldHs one of the bi!!est industries for levera!in! purposes and is mainly bein! used in raisin! the efficiency level of en!ineerin! and desi!nin! of construction industry. It has been found out that the paper oriented format of operation in the construction industry is not at all a cost effective approach because it eats around sixteen billion & dollars in & real estate sector only. "!*ra2+ru+ure "!du2+rTre!d2 sho that the utili9ation of information technolo!y has helped the industry to
save a lot of fund hich could be channali9ed in more fruitful directions.
8ne of the latest technolo!ies used in construction industry is 4uildin! Information /odel K4I/?. "his technolo!y helps all the factors of a project to ork in a collaborative and concerted manner solely based on the platform of Information "echnolo!y. 4I/ helps the different members of a project to communicate information amon! themselves hich conse)uently levera!es the productivity and at the same time minimi9es the error alon! ith cost.
Ree!+ Gro4+h Tre!d2 i! "!dia! Eo!o-
India2s +conomy has !ron by more than GF for three years runnin!$ and has seen a decade of FN !roth. "his has reduced poverty by 0F$ but ith F of India2s 0.0 billion populations livin! off a!riculture and ith drou!hts and floods increasin!$ poverty alleviation is still a major challen!e.
"he structural transformation that has been adopted by the national !overnment in recent times has reduced !roth constraints and contributed !reatly to the overall !roth and
Work life balance IVRCL prosperity of the country. ,oever there are still major issues around federal vs. state bureaucracy$ corruption and tariffs that re)uire addressin!. India2s public debt is 7EF of D=' accordin! to the CIA World ;act book$ and this represents another challen!e.
=urin! this period of stable !roth$ the performance of the Indian service sector has been particularly si!nificant. "he !roth rate of the service sector as 00.0EF in 6 and no contributes 7:F of D='. "he industrial sector !re 0.:F in the same period and is no 6GF of D='. A!riculture is 0F of the Indian economy.
Droth in the manufacturin! sector has also complemented the country2s excellent !roth momentum. "he !roth rate of the manufacturin! sector rose steadily from E.GEF in 67$ to 06F in 6. "he stora!e and communication sector also re!istered a si!nificant !roth rate of 0.
Additional factors that have contributed to this robust environment are sustained in investment and hi!h savin!s rates. As far as the percenta!e of !ross capital formation in D=' is concerned$ there has been a si!nificant rise from 66.EF in the fiscal year 60$ to :7.GF in the fiscal year 6. ;urther$ the !ross rate of savin!s as a proportion to D=' re!istered solid !roth from 6:.7F to :<.EF for the same period.
Ke- P)a-er2 i! +he "!dia! Mar8e+ 9 "#RCL
,industan Construction Company K,CC?
*a!arjuna Construction Company K*CC?
Dammon India
Larsen and "oubro KL#"?
@aiprakash Industries
&implex Infrastructures Limited KIndia?
@/C 'rojects India
Work life balance
O#ER#"EW O$ "#RCL IVRCL Infrastructures and projects Ltd commenced operation in 0GG and established itself as a premier +'CC # L&"- service provider ith front end en!ineerin! capabilities. Commencin! operations ith buildin! construction as class3I construction firm in 0GE$ IVRCL forayed into various social infrastructure sectors like ater mana!ement$ roads and hi!h ay$ brid!es$ poer transmission lines ith attendant en!ineerin! capabilities and as !raded as one of the developer companies by state and central !overnment. %8ver a period of time IVRCL has developed core competencies. IVRCL no have a platform for any infrastructure to be built.1 What can stop any companyO 'eople$ competency level$ finance limit. IVRCL is not short of anythin!. It has tremendous credibility. With bankers ho are illin! to support projects. IVRCL is no lookin! to benchmark itself as an international company thanks to its involvement in projects in abroad. "he company is eyein! ater projects$ development of ports it is sourcin! a location in Andhra 'radesh ship buildin! and fabrication of components for oilri!s. 4y virtue of its presence in core sector activity$ IVRCL has redefined the Muality of life in its many facts. "his has come throu!h its commitments$ care and concern for societal issues and lar!ely by ay of experience$ havin! built upon brick by brick in its track record of a decade and a half.
IVRCL$ is today$ reckoned as a leader in Infrastructure buildin! and development providin! one3stop turnkey solutions on a cost3effective basis. IVRCL has been rated as %"he ;astest Droin! Construction Company1. ;irmly entrenched in the core sector activity of infrastructure leadin! to nation buildin!$ IVRCL stands out for its pioneerin! ork in providin! complete ater solutions includin! ater transmission$ treatment and aste mana!ement. "he company2s other infrastructure activity includes roads and hi!hays$ brid!es and transmission lines ith attendant en!ineerin! capabilities.
Work life balance IVRCL "his has come about throu!h its commitment$ care and concern for societal issues and lar!ely by the ay of experience$ havin! built upon brick in its track record of decade and a half. Little onder$ IVRCL is today$ reckoned as a leader in infrastructure buildin! and development providin! one3step turnkey solutions on a cost3 effective basis.
Head o**ie9 / ,yderabad. Adi!i2+ra+i(e o**ie2( 3 Chennai$ Cochin$ 4an!alore$ 'une$ -olkata$ @odhpur$
RaipurKChhattis!arh?$ Ahmadabad$ /ar!oKDoa?$ =elhi$ @aipur$ @harkhand$ 'unjab$ 4ihar$ 4ilaspurK/'?$ 4hopal$ @indK,aryana?$ @ammu # -ashmir$ -otdaraKttaranchal?.
"he company operatin! ith B=B employees in financial year =>>, in =>> it increased to B$ in =>> the employees are ?>= a!d =? in 3=>>F5 no the employees are approximately ?>>3=><>5 . IVRCL is the first company in the Indian infrastructure sector to offer +&8's to the employees. "he company aims to provide stimulatin! and safe professional opportunities for its people. ,ealth insurance covera!e$ /edical Reimbursement$ L"A Kleave travel?$ informal family !et3to!ethers and other tan!ible and intan!ible benefits$ all make IVRCLs people motivate a lot Dire+ a!d i!dire+ 2u2idiarie2 o* +he opa!"#RCL9/ <. "#RCL S+ra+egi re2oure2 & 2er(ie2 )ii+ed.
&alem toll ays limited
-umarpalayam toll ays limited
@alandhar Amristar "oll ays limited
IVRCL buildin!s products limited
=. Hi!du2+a! Dorr O)i(er )ii+ed
,=8 technolo!ies limited
. "#RCL prie ura! de(e)oper2 )ii+ed
IVRCL /e!a malls limited
IVR ,otels and resorts limited
Work life balance
IVR Vanaprastha private limited
Absorption air con en!ineers private limited
IVR '=L resorts and clubs private limited
<. "#RCL 4a+er i!*ra2+ru+ure2 )ii+ed
Chennai ater desalination limited
;irst &"' private limited
7. "#RCL PSC pipe2 pri(a+e )ii+ed . "#R e!(iro!e!+a) . Pro1e+2 pri(a+e )ii+ed . A)8or pe+ro )ii+ed F. "#RCL 2+ee) o!2+ru+io! a!d 2er(ie2 )ii+ed <>. GEO "#RCL e!gi!eeri!g )ii+ed <<. "#RCL 2+ee) o!2+ru+io! & 2er(ie2 )ii+ed
06. IVRCL ater infrastructure limited <. "#RCL road +o)) ho)di!g )ii+ed
It has to Si2+er opa!ie2, namely(
,industan =orr38liver ltd.
IVR 'rime rban =evelopers
Hindustan Dorr-Oliver ltd: -
,industan =orr38liver K,=8? is a leadin! Indian en!ineerin!$ procurement and construction company. ,=8 is the ideal ac)uisition of IVRCL for desi!nin!$ manufacturin!$ supplyin! # installin! e)uipment$ systems # processes for li)uid3solid separation and pollution control in the folloin! industries(
'ulp and paper
Chemicals$ ;ood and pharmaceuticals
4reeries and =istilleries
Work life balance Refineries and 'etrochemicals
8il and Das.
'hosphatic ;ertili9ers
Industrial and /unicipal Waste Water.
Within this ne arm$ IVRCL is ell ithin reach of positionin! itself as a full3fled!ed -noled!e 'rocess 8utsourcin! ,ub for en!ineerin! solutions. IVR Prime Urban Developers Ltd ( the aim of IVR prime is to create luxury3intensive
urban infrastructure. Implementation of ne technolo!ies$ environment soundness and superior combine make IVR 'rime2s most development. &tron!ly entrenched ith proven domain knoled!e$ experience and credentials. "he projects include( Residential
,ill Rid!e sprin!s
+lla Compass
Villas at ,ill Rid!e &prin!s
/all at ,ill Rid!e &prin!s
MISSION To eoe a )eader i! i!*ra2+ru+ure u2i!e22 - pro(idi!g +o+a) 2o)u+io!2 QULI!" POLI#"
Commitment to customer satisfaction$ Muality aareness$ desire for excellence and Continual improvement is our motto. !R$%!S b& '()(
0cr3"urn 8ver 0cr3 Assets 0cr3 /arket Capitali9ation 73 ,uman Capital
Work life balance IVRCL IVRCL ill be the national leader in constructin! projects$ hich make everybody like mere comfortable$ easy # safe. It provides projects$ services and infrastructures of such excellent value that customers ill actively choose to do business them. "o reach the !oals in providin! value to customers and shareholders$ they ill continue to develop at IVRCL culture$ built on the stren!th of the multicultural key value is( 0. Co3operation 6. 'eople development :. +nvironmental Concern <. 'rofessionalism 7. &peed Appreia+io! Cer+i*ia+e2
:ALI"P A&&R+= C8/'A*P "SO F>><9 =>>
E *VIR8*/+*"AL /A*AD+/+*" &P&"+/ "SO ><9 =>>B
SA;+"P A&&R+= C8/'A*P OHSAS <>><9 =>> "#RCL / Per*ora!e a+ a g)a!e
KRs. /illions?
'articulars "urnover 'rofit before "ax 'rofit after "ax +)uity Capital Reserves # &urplus *et Worth Dross 4lock *et 4lock 4ook Value KRs.? +'& KRs.? 4asic =ividend
63E :$GE0.0< 6$E7:.: 6$0<. 6.GE 07$G6.E 0$7G.E <$07.G :$0G0.G< 06.:0 0.E F
63 6:$<<.7 0$E7.G 0$<0<.: 67G.:6 06$G7.EE 0:$60.6 6$7G:.:7 0$G6G.0: 00.G< 06.:E 7F
Work life balance
Mahara2h+ra Kri2h!a #a))e- De(e)ope!+ Corpora+io!( Won 4est Contractor Aard for
/echani9ed Water Canal 'rojects. ♣
GEC A)2+ho 3"5 Lii+ed59 Received 4onus for early completion of the ,V=C 4ack3to3
4ack 'oer 'rojects. ♣
"!dia! "!2+i+u+e o* %ridge E!gi!eer2 3""%E59 Won 0st 'ri9e for Cable &tayed 4rid!e at
Chitrapu9ha for -ochi Refineries Limited . ♣
Gu1ara+ Wa+er "!*ra2+ru+ure2 Lii+ed9 Received Aard for Commissionin! of Water
'ipeline ahead of &chedule. ♣
Tirua)a Tirupa+hi De(a2+ha!a2, Tirupa+hi9 received Aard for completin! the Water
&upply 'roject at "irumala ,ills$ "irupathi$ in a record period of 7 days. ♣
Ce!+ra) Orga!i6a+io! *or Rai)4a- E)e+ri*ia+io!59 Received Aard from Indian Railays
for completin! the +lectric Loco3shed 'roject at Lala!uda$ &ecunderabad ahead of schedule. ♣
Go(er!e!+ o* Mahara2h+ra( Received Aard for completin! +arth)uake Rehabilitation
'rojects of :6 houses # 067 -ms. roads in Latur # -illari =istricts in /aharashtra. ♣
%hara+ Hea(- E)e+ria)2 Lii+ed9 Received Aard from 4,+L employees for the early
completion of ,ousin! Colony of 0G: dellin!s. ♣
Ra1a2+ha! Ura! "!*ra2+ru+ure De(e)ope!+ Pro1e+, 0odhpur9 Won 4est &afety
'erformance Aard conducted on *ational &afety =ay. ♣
Wi!!er o* +he Go)de! Peao8 A4ard *or Oupa+io!a) Hea)+h a!d Sa*e+- =>>.
Na+io!a) 2a*e+- Cou!i) o* "!dia9 Received &afety Aards for &ipat &uper "hermal &tation$
*"'C ltd$ &ipat$ Chhattis!arh.
Work life balance ♣
"!dia! Oi) Corpora+io!9 Received Appreciation letter for 6 /illion &afe /an ,ours ithout
any Accident at I8CL Refinery "onship 'roject of 'aradip$ 8rissa.
Ma1or C)ie!+ Nae29 In Public Sector
8il and *atural Das Corporation Limited 4harat ,eavy +lectrical Limited *uclear 'oer Corporation of India Limited 4harat 'etroleum Corporation Limited Indian 8il Corporation Limited *ational "hermal 'oer Corporation.
In Private Sector
4irla Institute of "echnolo!y and &cience K4I"&? 4randix India Apparel City 'rivate Limited =L; Akruti Info 'arks K'une? Limited "elco Construction +)uipment Company Limited "A"A 'rojects Limited @indal &teel and 'oer Limited.
$u+ure p)a!2 o* "#RCL9
,ydro 'oer 'rojects
8il # Das +xploration
Information "echnolo!y +nabled &ervices KI"+&?.
Supp)ier2 (3
;or the IVRCL Company the suppliers are
&teel Authority of India Limited Lumino Industries Limited @ain Irri!ation &ystems Limited Lanco Industries Limited 'ioneer "rans3+ner!y Limited +ssar &teel Limited
Work life balance
/edhaj +n!ineers 'rivate Limited
Welspun3Dujarat &tahl Rohren Limited D'" Industries Limited A44 Limited
"#RCL ha2 +a8e! i!2ura!e o(erage *or i+2 pro1e+2 *ro
4ajaj Allian9 Deneral Insurance Company Limited$ ;uture Denerali$ ICICI Lombard Deneral Insurance Company Limited$ Reliance Deneral Insurance Company Limited$ Royal &undaram Deneral Insurance Company Limited and nited India Insurance Company Limited.
;or IVRCL the competitors are many$ the competitors in the fields like Water &upply and +nvironmental 'rojects$ "ransportation$ 4uildin!s and Industrial &tructures$ 'oer and "ransmission 'rojects in construction sector are as follos(
L#" = L ; Ltd 'unj Lloyd L td @aiprakash Associates Ltd *a!arjuna Constructions Ltd
Competency /appin!
+nterprises Resource 'lannin!
4alanced &core Card
+ffective controls at all levels
"rainin! and =evelopment 'ro!ramme
Cultivate positive ork culture
Muality month
&tar of the month
+xecutive presentation
Muality circles
Work Work life balance ,ouse keepin!
&afety month
&tatutory maintenance
Common cafeteria
IVRCL ;amily =ay
Independence =ay
Republic =ay
Community =evelopment 'ro!rammes
'ublic Relations 'ro!rammes
IVRCL *es Letter K=,A=-A*?
"rainin! need analysis
"rainin! bud!et
"rainin! calendar
Identification of external trainin! a!encies
IVRCL Vision$ Vision$ /ission transmission$ "eambuildin!$ "eambuildin!$ 'ositive ' ositive Attitude$ =iscipline and safety
Revie Compensation 'lans
Relocation to place of choice
Involve in decision makin!
Abroad pro!rammes
Create professionalism
,ard furnishin! loan
Work Work life balance Vehicle loan
/arria!e loan
+ducation loan
Club membership
Reco!nition for !ood ork
+mployee stock option
,ousin! loan
,uman Capital 'lannin!
Recruitment > &election >Induction
"rainin! and =evelopment
'erformance Appraisal
&uccession 'lannin!
Career 'lannin!
@ob Rotation and /ulti &killin!
@ob +nrichment
,R /anual
Induction /anual
&afety /anual
+xit Intervies
=ay to =ay to Accountability
Individual Doals
&hort term > lon! term !oals
Individual development plans
"eam tar!ets
Work Work life balance HRISUR#E'S
8r!ani9ational culture
,R= Climate
"rainin! *eed Analysis
Compensation &urvey
+mployee &atisfaction
&afety survey
&afety 4ud!et
&afety 'olicy
&afety /anual
Aareness Aareness and "rainin! "rainin! on safety
&afety Revies and &afety /eetin!s
&afety systems
&afety audit
&afety 4anners
8n site emer!ency plan
Qero accident schemes for sites
+stablish Learnin! Centre
;resher "rainin!
Induction "rainin!
In3house "rainin! "rainin!
+xternal "rainin!
Work life balance
Theore+ia) $rae4or8 o* +he Pro1e+ Wor8 )i*e a)a!e
What is Work life balance When an individual maintains a balance beteen his personal and professional life$ the phenomenon is called Work3Life 4alance. "his expression holds orth a lot because it is very important to have a balance beteen personal and professional life. Work life balance is at the forefront of the orld of ork. -ai9en$ the @apanese philosophy for continuous improvement$ alon! ith the role of information technolo!y KI"? helps and !uides the mana!ement people$ to !et the maximum output ith the help of available resources. "he balance beteen personal and professional life vary from person to person and the or!ani9ation here he or she is orkin!. When an individual does not maintain a balance and orks too much in the or!ani9ational settin!$ this may cause him some medical$ psycholo!ical and behavioral conse)uences$ as a result his or her productivity ill also be lo. &tudies have shon that ork life stress is harmful to the employees. Late sittin! and orkin! too much can cause imbalance in an individualHs personal and professional lifeB hoever there are some techni)ues to mana!e the ork life stress e.!. time mana!ement$ task mana!ement$ relaxation$ flexible orkin! hours$ orkin! from home and exercise etc. Work life balance improves individualHs health$ job satisfaction$ commitment$ involvement and reduces absenteeism and presenteeism Kstate of physical presence but not productive?. =espite of the pro!ress in the betterment of maintainin! ork life balance$ there is still more to be done. 8ne important factor is the de!ree to hich ork life balance are !enerally applicable across the hole hierarchy of the or!ani9ation. "hose loer don the or!ani9ational
Work life balance IVRCL hierarchy are some times not entitled for some benefits or uninformed about relevant company policies. Work life balance can assist employers and employee to be healthy and productive in their personal and professional life. 4alance is not better time mana!ement$ but better boundary mana!ement. 4alance means makin! choices and enjoyin! those choices. 3 4etsy @acobson. ;or some people spendin! more time in the or!ani9ation is more important than the time they spend at home. ,oever$ there are people ho !ive priority to the personal and family life. In this technolo!ical era$ some or!ani9ations also offer flexible orkin! hours. 8ne can carry laptop$ '=A$ black berry and is connected ith suppliers$ venders throu!h internet 6< hours a day. "he moment he !ets any )uery$ he responds to it. "here are some ork3alcoholics ho take their laptops and '=As to the vacation and face the annoyance of their ives hile checkin! the emails. 'eople are more interested in lookin! for a job that !ives them flexibility at ork. *ecessary arran!ements for ork life balance are re)uired by all orkers at different times in their lives because balance is instrumental in )uality initiatives by preparin! an individual to deal ith the chan!e. An individual can !ive his best only in a conducive environment e.!. students ant to study and ork at the same timeB parents ant to have time ith their children and the older orker approachin! retirement to have the opportunity to stay in the orkforce on reduced hours. /ostly the employers and the employees a!ree that or!ani9ational objectives are more important$ so it is the obli!ation of the employer to help people in ork life balance.
Work life balance in today’s world A lot of people face the problem of balancin! ork and family life. /any multinational companies remain open for 6
Work life balance IVRCL "here is no stress of visitin! office on time. ,ere an employee can adjust time to devote for ork and family. Divin! an employee option to ork from home helps the employer in adjustin! ork from a small office and mana!in! a bi! orkforce. Companies !ive trainin! sessions to employees so that they are more productive. Various seminars are or!ani9ed. "hey call the family members of employee so that they too cooperate ith the employee in balancin! ork and home. When a company !ives an employee an option of balancin! his ork and personal life it increases retention and loers the turnover rate. "here are fe ne!ative side effects of alloin! an employee to ork from home or practice flexi timin!s 3 0. 6. :. <.
A productive employee turns unproductive. "akes ork for !ranted. =oes not completes ork on time. Dives more stress to personal life and personal demands.
A company needs to keep an eye on each and every employee so that the productivity is not reduced. An +mployer takes measures to retain his employees and increase performance. Work life balance is a !ood measure taken by companies. An employee should fit in it and try to !et maximum benefits.
Ma!agi!g Wor8 )i*e a)a!e A valuable )uality of leadership is the ability to balance ork and life. "hey make it clear that this is an aspect they value in others$ too. Individuals establish a pattern for their personal life 3 hether itHs bein! home for dinner four ni!hts a eek$ attendin! choir practice$ or bein! a part of their kidsH school activities. Whether throu!h unpaid leave or flexible schedulin!$ they provide people ith the opportunity to lead productive personal lives. Conse)uently$ elevated trust levels are inspired throu!hout the members of the or!ani9ation. /ichele$ mana!in! partner of a &an ;rancisco la firm$ clearly values and appreciates her )uality family time. &he is honest about her desire to attend her childrenHs soccer and softball !ames and her need for personal time as ell. "hese are just too important for me to miss$ she says. /ichele doesnHt set a double standard. What rules apply for her also apply to the other layers and employees in her firm. Conse)uently$ the value of family increases as people are encoura!ed to participate in family functions and enabled to lend assistance to family in need. 4ased on /icheleHs stron! personal values$ it is part of the culture. And she ould have it no other ay.
Work life balance IVRCL "he executive director of a non3profit a!ency$ =avid$ possesses a true love for travel and eco3tourism. When vacationin!$ he often takes his family to places of isolation and relaxation here his ork life cannot interfere. 8ften$ he stays aay for several days at a time. ,e understands the si!nificance and importance of this time in his life. ,e reco!ni9es the need to hone his focus and rene his ambitions. ,is team of mana!ers supports =avidHs travels off the !rid because they are aare that they possess the same freedoms As a oman in leadership$ balancin! your career$ finances$ family life and extracurricular activities can be challen!in!. Pour responsibilities can pose various demands on your life that can make you feel overhelmed and out of balance. In this a!e of mobile communications$ technolo!y can play an important role in helpin! you achieve a more balanced life. ,ere are : areas of your life here technolo!y can help you achieve balance( Pour time( /ost '=As come ith really !reat features to help you mana!e your time. "ake the time to read the manual that comes ith your '=A and maximi9e its functionality. ;or example$ in addition to the basic calendar functions the 'alm "reo has a pro!rammable voice that ill speak to you and alert you of your appointments. "he i'hone allos you to donload some !reat applications to help you mana!e different aspects of your life. Pou can mana!e everythin! from your to do lists to travel mana!ement pro!rams that keep track of your fre)uent traveler pro!rams to !oal settin! pro!rams that help you develop ne habits. Pour finances( 'ro!rams like Muicken or Muickbooks provide !reat tools to help you mana!e your finances. "hese pro!rams allo you to link to your online bankin! accounts and provide you ith a comprehensive and up3to3date vie of your finances. "hese pro!rams also provide !reat features like bill pay as ell as spreadsheets$ charts and !raphs. "he pro!rams are user friendly and you have the option to link them to your '=A if you ant to monitor your accounts hen youHre on the !o. Pour social life( &ocial media have become poerful and effect tools to stren!then already existin! relationships and to form ne ones. 'ro!rams such as ;acebook$ "itter and LinkedIn have revolutioni9ed the ay e connect ith each other and ho e share information. Pou can share photos$ videos$ audio files and nes articles. If you havenHt already$ consider joinin! a social media netork to stay in touch ith family and friends. &hort and re!ular updates throu!hout the eek ill !ive you a !limpse into the lives of those in your netork and help you feel connected even hen youHre on the !o. Pour career( "echnolo!y can help you to streamline your ork day so that you ork more efficiently. ;or example$ there are various Doo!le applications such as Doo!le docs that can help you to promote collaboration and to share information ith collea!ues. Pou can save time and cut back on travel expenses by hostin! video calls via &kype rather than face3to3face meetin!s. &kype is free and all you need is a computer ith a ebcam. "echnolo!y can also help you to expand your professional netork throu!h social
Work life balance IVRCL netorks like LinkedIn. ;inally$ you can expand your knoled!e and learn ne thin!s throu!h ebinars and online courses from the comfort of your office or home. "echnolo!y should never replace personal connections$ but hen approached in a thou!htful ay$ it can be useful in helpin! you maintain the ri!ht balance in your personal and professional life. Le+2 +a8e a )oo8 a+ a *e4 +ip2 +ha+ -ou a- *i!d u2e*u)9 •
• •
• •
Visuali9e your ideal life 3 dare to dream and rite don the top ten thin!s you ant to accomplish on your life list. Write don your personal vision statement and mission statement 3 it ill help you see here you are !oin! in life. "urn off the television 3 studies sho that it creates depression. It is a passive activity that onHt !ive you ener!y. Limit Internet time 3 set better boundaries so that technolo!y does not rule your life. 'ursue your passion persistently 3 on it and be disciplined in achievin! hat you truly desire out of life. -eep a journal 3 it ill help you on a re!ular basis to stay focused on hat is important to you. +very eekend set a !oal of doin! one fun activity. =efine your daily exercise time 3 hat orks best for you$ : minutes in the mornin!$ afternoon or evenin!O Do to bed a half hour early and !et up a half hour early 3 this allos you to carve out additional personal time. When confronted ith a choice$ ask yourself( WhatHs the costO Will this add to my life or create more stressO Let !o of people and thin!s that are holdin! you back Kie. clutter$ ne!ativity$ clothin!$ luxury items$ toys$ etc.? 'rune any activities that are not productive or non3priorities. &ay three !ratitudes each ni!ht 3 hen you do this you ill reali9e that you are too blessed to stress. Reprioriti9e( What are your top 0 priorities for this yearO Rank them in terms of hi!hest$ hi!h and lo. +very eekend make it a !oal to call to friends 3 you onHt have any re!rets about buildin! up these relationships. "urn every occasion in your life into a positive 3 even ne!ative experiences are seen as What can I learn from thisO Live simply$ expect less and !ive more.
A*+er readi!g +hi2 ar+i)e, a!24er +he2e ;ue2+io!2. " !eed +o9
&tart doin!S &top doin!S
• •
Work life balance Continue doin!S • =o moreS • =o lessS • =o differentlyS •
/any people today are too busy makin! a livin! that they donHt have time to make a life. Pou can not expect to continue don the same path and !et the authentic chan!es you really ant in your life. Where you !o in life is up to youO Where you !o ith your ork>life balance should be by choice not chance. I ill leave you ith this one partin! thou!ht that I ant you to anser for yourself( ,o ill I kno if this year is a total success for meO
"o achieve the above objectives and to facilitate ,R= the folloin! process mechanisms or sub systems are used( 0. 6. :. <. 7. . . E.
'erformance appraisal 'otential appraisal and development ;eedback and performance coachin! Career plannin! and development Induction trainin! "rainin! @ob rotation 8r!ani9ational development
G. Reards 0. Muality circles 00. +mployee elfare and )uality of ork life KMWL? All these process mechanisms are linked ith the corporate plans$ particularly ith human resource plannin! K/an poer plannin!? THE CONTR"%UT"ON O$ THESE SU%S'STEMS TO HRD GOALS
Work life balance IVRCL +ach of these sub3systems or mechanisms or instruments contributes to the achievement of overall ,R= !oals. 'erformance appraisal focuses primarily on helpin! the individual to develop his>her present role capabilities and to assume more responsibility for that role. 'otential appraisal focuses primarily on identifyin! the employee2s future likely roles ithin the or!ani9ation. "he trainin! is the means of developin! the individual2s personal effectiveness or developin! the individual2s ability to perform his>her job role or future job roles. "rainin! also can stren!then interpersonal relationships Kthrou!h trainin! in communications$ conflict resolution$ problem solvin!$ transactional analysis$ etc.? and increases team ork and collaboration.
0. "o maintain existin! systems and 0.
6. Isolated function
6. 8r!ani9ation ide function.
:. "hrust areas(
:. "hrust areas(
• • • • •
&alary # a!es 'romotion # transfers =isciplinary action Industrial relations Leave$ L"C$ etc.
• • • • •
'erformance appraisal Induction and trainin! @ob rotation # Career plannin! =irect contact meetin!s &urvey of or!ani9ational climate
Compensation is the remuneration received by an employee in return for his>her contribution to the or!ani9ation. It is an or!ani9ed practice that involves balancin! the ork3employee relation by providin! monetary and non3monetary benefits to employees.
Work life balance IVRCL Compensation is an inte!ral part of human resource mana!ement hich helps in motivatin! the employees and improvin! or!ani9ational effectiveness. "MPORTANCE O$ COMPENSAT"ON9/
Compensation and Reard system plays vital role in a business or!ani9ation. &ince$ amon! four /s$ i.e. /en$ /aterial$ /achine and /oney$ /en has been most important factor$ it is impossible to ima!ine a business process ithout /en. +very factor contributes to the process of production>business. It expects return from the business process such as rent is the return expected by the landlord$ capitalist expects interest and or!ani9er i.e. entrepreneur expects profits. &imilarly the labour expects a!es from the process. Labour plays vital role in brin!in! about the process of production>business in motion. "he other factors bein! human$ has expectations$ emotions$ ambitions and e!os. Labour therefore expects to have fair share in the business>production process. "herefore a fair compensation system is a must for every business or!ani9ation. "he fair compensation system ill help in the folloin!( An ideal compensation system ill have positive impact on the efficiency and
results produced by employees. It ill encoura!e the employees to perform better •
and achieve the standards fixed. It ill enhance the process of job evaluation. It ill also help in settin! up an
ideal job evaluation and the set standards ould be more realistic and achievable. &uch a system should be ell defined and uniform. It ill be apply to all the levels of the or!ani9ation as a !eneral system.
"he system should be simple and flexible so that every employee ould be able to
compute his on compensation receivable. It should be easy to implement$ should not result in exploitation of orkers. It ill raise the morale$ efficiency and cooperation amon! the orkers. It$ bein!
• •
just and fair ould provide satisfaction to the orkers. &uch system ould help mana!ement in complyin! ith the various labor acts. &uch system should also solve disputes beteen the employee union and
mana!ement. "he system should follo the mana!ement principle of e)ual pay.
Work life balance IVRCL It should motivate and encoura!ement those ho perform better and should • •
provide opportunities for those ho ish to excel. &ound Compensation>Reard &ystem brin!s peace in the relationship of
employer and employees. It aims at creatin! a healthy competition amon! them and encoura!es employees
to ork hard and efficiently. "he system provides !roth and advancement opportunities to the deservin!
employees. "he perfect compensation system provides platform for happy and satisfied orkforce. "his minimi9es the labour turnover. "he or!ani9ation enjoys the
stability. "he or!ani9ation is able to retain the best talent by providin! them ade)uate
compensation thereby stoppin! them from sitchin! over to another job. "he business or!ani9ation can think of expansion and !roth if it has the support
of skillful$ talented and happy orkforce. "he sound compensation system is hallmark of or!ani9ation2s success and prosperity. "he success and stability of or!ani9ation is measured ith pay3 packa!e it provides to its employees.
Copo!e!+2 o* ope!2a+io! 2-2+e
Compensation systems are desi!ned keepin! in minds the strate!ic !oals and business objectives. Compensation system is desi!ned on the basis of certain factors after analy9in! the job ork and responsibilities. Components of a compensation system are as follos(
Work life balance
IVRCL T-pe2 o* Cope!2a+io!
=irect Compensation Indirect Compensation
• •
D"RECT COMPENSAT"ON9/ =irect compensation refers to monetary benefits offered and provided to employees in
return of the services they provide to the or!ani9ation. "he monetary benefits include basic salary$ house rent alloance$ conveyance$ leave travel alloance$ medical reimbursements$ special alloances$ bonus$ 'f>Dratuity$ etc. "hey are !iven at a re!ular interval at a definite time. Compensation provided to employees can direct in the form of monetary benefits and>or indirect in the form of non3monetary benefits knon as perks$ time off$ etc. Compensation does not include only salary but it is the sum total of all reards and alloances provided to the employees in return for their services. If the compensation offered is effectively mana!ed$ it contributes to hi!h or!ani9ational productivity. Hou2e Re!+ A))o4a!e 8r!ani9ations either provide accommodations to its employees ho are from different
state or country or they provide house rent alloances to its employees. "his is done to provide them social security and motivate them to ork.
%a2i Sa)ar-
&alary is the amount received by the employee in lieu of the ork done by him>her for a certain period say a day$ a eek$ a month$ etc. It is the money an employee receives from his>her employer by renderin! his>her services. Co!(e-a!e
8r!ani9ations provide for cab facilities to their employees. ;e or!ani9ations also provide vehicles and petrol alloances to their employees to motivate them.
Work life balance
Lea(e Tra(e) A))o4a!e
"hese alloances are provided to retain the best talent in the or!ani9ation. "he employees are !iven alloances to visit any place they ish ith their families. "he alloances are scaled as per the position of employee in the or!ani9ation.
Media) reiur2ee!+
8r!ani9ations also look after the health conditions of their employees. "he employees are provided ith medi3claims for them and their family members. "hese medi3claims include health3insurances and treatment bills
%o!u2 4onus is paid to the employees durin! festive seasons to motivate them and provide
them the social security. "he bonus amount usually amounts to one month2s salary of the employee. Speia) A))o4a!e &pecial alloance such as overtime$ mobile alloances$ meals$ commissions$ travel
expenses$ reduced interest loansB insurance$ club memberships$ etc are provided to employees to provide them social security and motivate them hich improve the or!ani9ational productivity. "ND"RECT COMPENSAT"ON9/
Work life balance IVRCL Indirect compensation refers to non3monetary benefits offered and provided to employees in lieu of the services provided by them to the or!ani9ation. "hey include Leave 'olicy$ 8vertime 'olicy$ Car policy$ ,ospitali9ation$ Insurance$ Leave travel Assistance Limits$ Retirement 4enefits$ ,oliday
Lea(e Po)i-
It is the ri!ht of employee to !et ade)uate number of leave hile orkin! ith the or!ani9ation. "he or!ani9ations provide for paid leaves such as$ casual leaves$ medical leaves Ksick leave?$ and maternity leaves$ statutory pay$ etc.
O(er+ie Po)i-
+mployees should be provided ith the ade)uate alloances and facilities durin! their overtime$ if they happened to do so$ such as transport facilities$ overtime pay$ etc. Ho2pi+a)i6a+io!
"he employees should be provided alloances to !et their re!ular check3ups$ say at an interval of one year. +ven their dependents should be eli!ible for the medi3claims that provide them emotional and social security.
Work life balance
8r!ani9ations also provide for accidental insurance and life insurance for employees. "his !ives them the emotional security and they feel themselves valued in the or!ani9ation. Lea(e Tra(e)
"he employees are provided ith leaves and travel alloances to !o for holiday ith their families. &ome or!ani9ations arran!e for a tour for the e mployees of the or!ani9ation. "his is usually done to make the employees stress free. Re+iree!+ %e!e*i+2
8r!ani9ations provide for pension plans and other benefits for their employees hich benefits them after they retire from the or!ani9ation at the prescribed a!e. Ho)ida- Hoe2
8r!ani9ations provide for holiday homes and !uest house for their employees at different locations. "hese holiday homes are usually located in hill station and other most anted holiday spots. "he or!ani9ations make sure that the employees do not face any kind of difficulties durin! their stay in the !uest house.
Work life balance Need o* Cope!2a+io! Ma!agee!+ (/
A !ood compensation packa!e is important to motivate the employees to
increase the or!ani9ational productivity. nless compensation is provided no one ill come and ork for the or!ani9ation. "hus$ compensation helps in runnin! an or!ani9ation effectively and accomplishin! its !oals. &alary is just a part of the compensation system$ the employees have other psycholo!ical and self3actuali9ation needs to fulfill. "hus$ compensation serves the purpose. "he most competitive compensation ill help the or!ani9ation to attract and sustain the best talent. "he compensation packa!e should be as per industry standards.
&trate!ic compensation is determinin! and providin! the compensation packa!es to the employees that are ali!ned ith the business !oals and objectives. In today2s competitive scenario or!ani9ations have to take special measures re!ardin! compensation of the employees so that the or!ani9ations retain the valuable employees. "he compensation systems have chan!ed from traditional ones to
Work life balance strate!ic compensation systems.
Cope!2a+io! Ma!agee!+ i! +he Copa!-9
As there are nine !rades in the company i.e.$ D0 to DG$ the mana!ement is providin! three different types of pay packa!es and they are as follos(
*a+e and salar& ,omponents: G< +o G? ep)o-ee2 reei(e
4asic salary ,ouse rent alloances "ransportation ;ood expenses Children education Washin! expenses Conveyance reimbursement G +o G ep)o-ee2 reei(e
4asic salary ,ouse rent alloances "ransportation GF ep)o-ee2 reei(e
4asic salary ,ouse rent alloances Dedu+io!29
"here are to types of deductions that is &tatutory deductions *on3 &tatutory deductions
S+a+u+or- Dedu+io!29
nder statutory deduction +mployee 'rovident ;und +mployee &tate Insurance
Work life balance 'rofessional "ax &alary in Advance
4ank Loan 8ther =eductions like =ama!es etc. Sa)ar- i! Ad(a!e9
In some cases salary is paid in advance to the employee2s henever there is a need or in some emer!ency like$ for medical or any other re)uirements of the employee. "his amount is been deducted in installments from the employee2s monthly salary. %a!8 Loa!29
If the employee have any bank loans the amount of monthly payment to the bank is been deducted from the employee2s salary. Daage29
If any dama!e of the Company property is done in the hands of the employee the amount for the dama!e done is been deducted from the employee2s salary. If the dama!e amount is hi!h then the deductions is done in installment process.
It is covered for D03D: +.!.( D0 !ets 067 liters $OOD COUPONS
+mployees from D03D7 are issued food coupons. EMPLO'EE STOCK OPT"ON PLAN
/ana!ement !uides the employees re!ardin! proceedin!s and offers at a discount. &hares are bein! allotted upon the desi!nation and !rade. TOUR AUTHOR"SAT"ON
All the employees are reimbursed hen they !o out for office purpose. +.!. D0 is eli!ible for Air D6 is eli!ible for Air and first class A>C. ;or all remainin! employees ill !et accordin! to their !rade eli!ibility. GROUP PERSONAL ACC"DENT POL"C'
In case of death of an employee it is !iven to the dependents.
Work Work life balance D03 67lakhs
D63 07lakhs D:3 06akhs D<3 0lakhs D73 Elakhs D3 lakhs D3 lakhs DE3 7lakhs DG3 :lakhs
+very employee after completion of probation period is eli!ible for L"A. 4ut$ they can avail after completion completion of 0year of service$ service$ they are eli!ible eli!ible for one current basic pay. L" L"A can avail only for to calendar years. TRANS$ER %ENE$"TS %ENE$" TS & ALLOWANCES9/ ALLOWANCES9/
All All the the empl employ oyees ees trans transfe ferr rred ed from from one loca locati tion on to othe otherr shal shalll be eli! eli!ib ible le for for follo folloin! in! benefi benefits ts and alloa alloance nce.. Allo Alloanc ancee for packin packin! ! and transp transport ortati ation on of household !oods$ vehicle etc. "he concerned employees shall be reimbursed expenses incurred toards packin!$ insurance$ loadin! > unloadin!$ transportation of house hold !oods$ vehicles etc. a!ainst the production of actual bills. Media) %e!e*i+29
All All exec execut utiv ives es$$ ho ho are are not not cove covere red d unde underr the the +&I +&I sche scheme me$$ are are enti entitl tled ed to reimbursement of medical expenses incurred for self$ spouse$ children and dependent parents up to one month2s basic basic salary every financial year. /ana!ers and above ill be alloed a lloed to club their entitlement for L"A L"A and reimbursement of o f medical expenses and utili9e the same flexibly for both the purposes. &taf &tafff in &0 !rad !radee ho ho are are not not cove covere red d unde underr +&I +&I sche scheme me$$ are are enti entitl tled ed to reimbursement of medical expenses incurred for self$ spouse$ children and dependent parents up to Rs. 67>3 per anum. Claim for reimbursement of medical expenses can be made tice in a financial year i.e. in 8ctober and April 5 not n ot later than 07th of the month. month. ,oever$ ,oever$ the total total amount that can be claimed claimed in a financial financial year on both
Work Work life balance IVRCL occasions ill not exceed the entitlement at Ka? and Kb? above. Claims must be made in the prescribed form$ supported by medical bills and cash memos and submitted to Accounts =ept. "he un3availed portion of entitlement of any year can be carried forarded forarded to the folloin! folloin! financial financial year. year. "he entitlement entitlement for reimbursement reimbursement of medica medicall expens expenses es ill ill be prorat proratin! in! to the employ employment ment durin! durin! the financi financial al year year.. "herefore$ if any employee leaves the employment durin! the financial year the amount reimbursed in excess of the prorate entitlement ill be recovered from the full and final &ettlement dues of the employee.
Pa- Ro)) Se+io!9 STEPS9 <. Collectin! Attendance. =. pdatin! of records. . Calculation of payroll. B. =istribution of salary.
After employee placement>joinin! the recruitment section handovers the details of the employees enclosed in a file to the payroll department. In IVRCL 'ay Roll process starts from 67th of every month. ;irst part is attendance$ hich ill be comin! from last 6th to 67th of the month. &alary &alary is paid for 0st to :0st but attendance is calculated from 67th to 6th of the month. "he 'ay Roll department then looks after the folloin! aspect of the employees. Tie o**ie a!agee!+ 3a++e!da!e ? ATTENDANCE9
0. 6. :. <. 7.
Leaves Advances "ransf ansfer er orde order r *e @oin oinin! Left.
Work Work life balance "here are three three Lea(e2( "here
IVRCL types types of leaves leaves.0.C .0.Casu asual al leave 6.&ick 6.&ick leave :.+arned :.+arned
leave .Casual leaves30 &ick leaves30 +arned leaves36
All "rainees "rainees$$ 'robationers 'robationers and 'ermanent 'ermanent employees employees of IVRCL Kirrespect Kirrespective ive of !rades? are entitled to CL of <> 4orkin! days in a calendar year. "he employees ho join the or!ani9ation durin! the year ill be entitled to CL on prorate basis to their service in that year. GENERAL COND"T"ONS
"he CL ill be credited in the be!innin! of the calendar year. "he un3availed CL ill lapse at the end of the calendar year Casual Leave is not encashable. ,olidays and Weekly offs fallin! durin! the C.L shall not be counted as part of C.L. +mployees are expected to apply for CL prior to availin! the leave unless in the case of unforeseen circumstances. CL cannot be availed for less than half day or more than : days at a time or in a month. "he availin! of CL should be distributed over the year i.e. one should not exhaust the complete leave in the be!innin! of the year itself. Leave cannot be combined combined ith any other type type of leave. If employee employee Casual Leave takes Casual Leave and there after continued &ick Leave the entire leave shall be converted as &ick Leave only. +mployees must obtain prior sanction from the sanctionin! authority before availin! Casual Leave. 4ut due to sudden and unforeseen circumstances$ if it is not possible for the employee to obtain prior approval$ then intimation may be sent to the leave sanctionin! authority about his inability to attend duty !ivin! the the reas reasons ons ther thereo eoff and shoul should d obta obtain in appr approva ovall on the the firs firstt ork orkin in! ! day immediately on resumin! duty.
Work life balance IVRCL Drantin! of Casual Leave shall be subject to exi!encies of ork and at the discretion of the leave sanctionin! authority.
=.S"CK LEA#E9 EL"G"%"L"T'9
All "rainees$ 'robationers and 'ermanent employees of IVRCL Kirrespective of !rades? are entitled to &L of 0 orkin! days in a calendar year. +&I coverable employees are also entitled to <> days &L. 4ut henever they availed +&I &L benefits$ they should not availed company &L and this period ill be shon in our payroll as L8'. "he employees ho join the or!ani9ation durin! the year ill be entitled to only the &L on prorata basis to their service in the year. ACCUM"LAT"ON O$ SL9
&L can be accumulated up to days and the leave in excess of the same ill be lapsed. GENERAL COND"T"ONS9
"he &L ill be credited in the be!innin! of the calendar year. &ick Leave is not encashable. "he un3availed &.L ill be carried forarded to the folloin! year. &L can be combined ith +L if the employee does not have sufficient &L to meet the re)uirement. &ick Leave is a contin!ency leave to be availed only hen an employee is disabled to ork on account of sickness. &ick Leave should not be treated as a substitute for Casual Leave. ,olidays and Weekly offs fallin! durin! the &ick Leave shall be counted as part of &ick Leave only. .ENCASHMENT O$ EL9
Work life balance IVRCL "here is No provision of +ncasement of +L durin! the service. 4ut employees at the time of separation are entitled to total encashment of +L up to 06 days only in the folloin! cases at his full # final settlement.
8n termination of service by the company
8n the death of an employee$ in hich case payment ill be made to the dependents of the deceased employee .
When an employee resi!ns from service after !ivin! due notice
8n retirement from Company2s service.
;or calculation of +L encashment$ only current 4asic salary ill be taken into account. PROCEDURE O$ A#A"L"NG EL9
Applications for +L must be made in the prescribed Leave Card at least 07 days in advance and sanctioned by the ,ead of the =epartment and should be submitted to the ,R =ept. prior to proceedin! on leave. GENERAL COND"T"ONS9
"he +L ill be credited at the end of the calendar year. "he un3availed +L ill be carried forarded to the folloin! year. +arned Leave ill be !ranted at the discretion of the /ana!ement and nothin! shall limit the ri!ht of the /ana!ement to refuse$ revoke or curtail leave as the exi!encies of the Company2s ork may re)uire.
+ither eekly offs or paid holidays$ fall in beteen the +L 'eriod or prefixin! >suffixin! shall not be counted as part of the +L.
In case the duration of +arned leave has to be extended for compellin! reasons$ the information should reach the leave sanctionin! authority at least : days before the expiry of the sanctioned leave. "he extended period of leave must be re!ulari9ed ithin
+L can be combined ith &L$ if the employee falls sick hile availin! +L and if he does not have sufficient +L to meet the re)uirement.
Work life balance Leave on loss of pay shall not be permitted.
,oever$ the advance leave from the folloin! year may be sanctioned as a
special case to the extent of accrued leave as on date ith the prior sanction of Deneral /ana!er and above only.
=. Ad(a!e9 If the employee takes any advance salary it is shon in the remarks
column. . Tra!2*er Order ( After joinin! if a re)uirement is seen in any other particular area
he is posted there or if the employees needs transfer due to some problems and the particular vacancy is available then he is transferred there. B. Ne4 0oi!i!g( If any ne employee joins his particulars are entered in the
recorded. ?. Le*+9 "erminated$ Absconded$ Resi!ned type of employees comes under this
cate!ory. •
Ep)o-ee %e!e*i+ Kmedical reimbursement$ Leave travel alloance?
$ULL & $i!a) 2e++)ee!+ . +mployees are of < types they are(
0. "emporary +mployees 6. "rainees30yr :. 'ermanent <. 'robation3 months DG3D7 K'robation$ "emporary$ "rainees? +mployees henever submits the resi!nation letter can resi!n from the company. D<3D K'robation? +mployees have to !ive 0 month notice letter. DG3D7 K'ermanent? +mployees have to !ive 0month notice letter. D<3D K'ermanent? +mployees have to !ive : months notice letter. STEPS9
Resi!nation Acceptance. *o dues certificate.
Work life balance
;ull # ;inal settlement.
;ull # ;inal settlement copies send to account department for verification.
*ext it ill be passed to cash department for preparation of che)ue. Cash department dispatches the che)ue$ ;inal copy$ +xperience letterKif he is permanent employees? ;orm30G$ ;orm 0c to employee address.
"he employee fills up the forms and sends it back$ then '.; section members sends the form to Dovernment 8ffice accordin! to the norms they make payment to the employees via bank. S+a+uar- op)ia!e Ep)o-ee2 Pro(ide!+ $u!d2 a!d Mi2. Pro(i2io!2 A+,
"he Act extends to the hole of India except the &tate of @#-. It is applicable to( 3
+very factory en!a!ed in any industry specified in &chedule I in hich 6 or more persons are employed.
Contract labour is included but casual labour is excluded for countin! the stren!th of employees.
An apprentice is only a learner and not an employee. "rainees cannot be taken as employees. &eepers and Chokidars drain! paltry sums per month and not borne on the re!ular staff sheet are to be excluded from the employment stren!th.
A nely set3up establishment for an initial period of : years from the date on hich such establishment is$ or has been set up.
Sa)ar- Lii+ ( Rs.7>3 KInclusive of all alloances !ettin! throu!h salary slip? Da+e o* E)igii)i+- ( ;rom the =ate of joinin! onards irrespective of hether he>she
is already member or not.
Work life balance Co!+riu+io!9 "he employer is re)uired to contribute(
a? In case of establishment$ +mployin! less than 6 persons 5 0F of the basic a!es$ dearness alloance and retainin! alloance$ if any b? In case of all other establishments employin! 6 or more persons 506F of the a!es$ =A$ etc.
8nce +'; Act is applicable$ automatically$ +mployees 'ension &cheme$ 0GG7 and =eposit3Linked Insurance ;und are also applicable. +mployees( 06F of their basic salary +mployers(
E.::F 'ension &cheme
06 F sub divided
into :.F +';
+'; # 'ension &cheme
"he maximum contribution to an employee2s pension scheme is Rs.7<0 irrespective of employee2s salary more than Rs.7.
O)iga+io! o* Ep)o-er2 (
3 "o pay the employer2s and employees2 contributions and administration Char!es as re)uired under the Act. 3 Return of onership in ;orm *o.7A ithin 07 days of the applicability of the &cheme. 3 Return of /embership of employees ;irst in ;orm no.G and then in ;orm *o.7 to!ether ith =eclaration in ;orm *o.6? ithin 07 days of close of every month. 3 A return in the prescribed form in respect of employees leavin! the service durin! the month$ ithin 07 days of close of every month. Where there is no employee becomin! a member of the fund or leavin! service durin! the month$ the employer shall send a J*il1 Return. 3 Return of Contributions ith copies of challans ithin 67 days of close of each month. 3 Annual Return of Contribution in ;orm *o.3A.3ithin one month of the close of each year.
Work life balance IVRCL Reord2 +o e ai!+ai!ed ( Contribution Cards$ +li!ibility Re!ister$ '; Re!ister$ '; Led!er$ Inspection 4ook.
O)iga+io! o* Ep)o-ee29
"o furnish =eclaration and *omination form at the time of employment or joinin! the fund.
Allo the employer to deduct the employee2s contribution every month and deposit the same ith the '; Commissioner.
Mo!+h)- & A!!ua) Re+ur!29
Do,uments reuired .or mont/l& .ilin+:
3 3 3 3 3
&4I bank challans K ;orm 7 ;orm 0 ;orm 06 A 8fficial Coverin! letter
"he employer has to submit the above said documents at the nearest authori9ed &4I 4ank alon! ith the challans by 07th of every month. 4ank keeps 6 challans for their reference in hich 0 challan is sent to the Re!ional '; 8ffice and returns the other 6 challans to the employer. "he employer ith to challans files 0 each to the copy of the submitted documents and forards 0 set of file to the Re!ional '; 8ffice by 67 th of every month and maintains a set for acknoled!ement purpose.
Do,uments reuired .or annual returns:
3 3 3 3
;orm A ;orm :A 8fficial Coverin! letter Reconciliation &tatement
"he employer has to submit the above said documents at the Re!ional ';
Work life balance Commissioner 8ffice by :th April of every year.
ES" A+,
"he Act is applicable to hole of India here 3
the industries carry manufacturin! process by en!a!in! 0 or more orkmen by usin! electric poer or
6 or more persons ithout usin! electric poer.
Wage Lii+( Rs.0>3 Kinclusive of all alloances? p.m.
;or becomin! +&I /ember$ no 8vertime amount is taken into account$ but for contribution purpose$ it is taken into account. %mplo&ee #ontribution ( 0.7F %mplo&er0s #ontribution ( <.7F
/aternity 4enefit Act and Workmen Compensation Act are not applicable here +&I Act is applicable. Re+ur! o* Co!+riu+io!2
"he employer should prepare a JReturn of Contributions2 in ;orm 7$ in )uadruplicate K< copies?$ by enterin! details in the ascendin! order on insurance numbers and dra the totals. "his return of contributions alon! ith the receipted copies of challans of monthly payments should be submitted to the Re!ional 8ffice$ ith : days of the end of contribution period$ or closure of the factory or the establishment.
No+e9 In the remarks column of the return the date of appointment and the date of
leavin! service should be duly filled3in.
Co!+riu+io! Period a!d %e!e*i+ Period
"he period$ durin! hich an employee is entitled to$ or avails of a benefit$ is called the Jbenefit period2. "he amount of benefit is calculated ith respect to the
Work life balance IVRCL contributions paid durin! the correspondin! Jcontribution period2$ hich are as follos(
Co!+riu+io! Period
%e!e*i+ Period
Ki? 0st April to :th &eptember
0st @anuary of the folloin! year to :th @une.
Kii? 0st 8ctober to :0st /arch of
0st @uly to:0st =ecember.
the folloin! year
"de!+i+- Card2
+very member employee shall be provided a 'ermanent Identity Card. "he employer shall hand over the Identify Cards to those employees ho have been in employment for atleast : months and obtain his si!nature>thumb impression on the Identify Card and in a re!ister in token of receipt of the card. If any employee leaves service before : months$ his Identify Card
and "emporary Identification Certificate should be
returned to the Re!ional 8ffice. Dedu+io! *or Ep)o-ee2 Co!+riu+io! *ro Wage2
"he employer may deduct the employees contribution from his a!es in respect of the period for hich the contribution is payable. Ep)o-er2 Co!+riu+io! !o+ +o e Dedu+ed
*o deduction shall be made from the a!es of any employee$ for the employer2s contribution paid or payable in respect of him. Ep)o-er No+ +o Redue Wage2, %e!e*i+2, e+.
"he employer shall not reduce a!es or discontinue or reduce any benefits conferred under the conditions of services payable to an employee$ on account of his liability for contributions payable under the Act. The Pa-e!+ o* Gra+ui+- A+,
Applicability( All Industries>Commercial +stablishments ho are re!istered under &hops # +stablishment Act or ;actories Act.
Work life balance Gra+ui+- $oru)a9
La2+ Wage Dra4!
No. o* -ear2 i! 2er(ie
/aximum Dratuity should not exceed Rs. :$ 7$ Wa!e means hatever you are calculatin! for +'; purpose. E)igii)i+-9 After completion of 7 years total service Kfor this purpose months and
above can be rounded off to full years services and less than months need not be.?. ;or eli!ibility$ it is after 7 year service$ but for payment$ from the date of joinin!$ the period ill be taken into calculation. In death case$ this 7 year services is aived off that means$ if an employee dies after completion of : year total service$ his nominee is eli!ible to !et : years Dratuity amount from the or!ani9ation. +mployer is to take *omination ;orm as per rules from the employee concerned once he completes one year service from the date of joinin!. ;orfeiture or =eductions are alloable from the Dratuity amount as per provisions stipulated in the Act. The Ma+er!i+- %e!e*i+ A+,
"he /aternity 4enefit Act$ 0G0$ aims at re!ulation of employment of omen employees in certain establishments for certain periods before and after child birth and provision of maternity and certain other benefits. &ome &tate Acts also provide for additional benefits such as free medical aid$ maternity bonus$ provisions of crTches$ additional rest intervals$ etc. Sope a!d Co(erage
"he Act extends to the hole of India and is applicable to every factory$ mine or plantation Kincludin! those belon!in! to Dovernment? and an establishment en!a!ed in the exhibition of e)uestrian$ acrobatic and other performances$ irrespective of the number of employees$ and to every shop or establishment herein 0 or more persons are employed or ere employed on any day of the precedin! 06 months. "he &tate Dovernment may extend the Act to any other establishment or
Work life balance class of establishmentsB industrial$ commercial a!ricultural or otherise.
,oever$ the Act does not apply to any such factory>other establishment to hich the provisions of the +mployees2 &tate Insurance Act are applicable for the time bein!. 4ut here the factory> establishment is !overned under the +.&.I Act$ and the oman employee is not )ualified to claim maternity benefit under section 7 of that Act$ because her a!es exceed Rs. :$ p.m. Kor the amount so specified u>s 6KG? of the +&I Act?$ or for any other reason$ then such oman employee is entitled to claim maternity benefit under this Act till she becomes )ualified to claim maternity benefit under this Act till she becomes )ualified to claim maternity benefit under the +.&.I Act. Ep)o-ee2 E!+i+)ed
+very oman employee$ hether employed directly or throu!h a contractor$ ho has actually orked in the establishment for a period of at least E days durin! the 06 months immediately precedin! the date of her expected delivery$ is entitled to receive maternity benefit. "he )ualifyin! period of E days shall not apply to a oman ho has immi!rated into the &tate of Assam and as pre!nant at the time of immi!ration. ;or calculatin! the number of days on hich a oman has actually orked durin! the precedin! 06 months$ the days on hich she has been laid off or as on holidays ith a!es$ shall also be counted. "here is neither a a!e ceilin! for covera!e under the Act not there is nay restriction as re!ards the type of ork a oman is en!a!ed in. ;emale orkers en!a!ed on casual basis or on muster roll on daily a!es are also entitled to benefit under the Act since there is nothin! in the Act hich confers the benefit only on re!ular oman employees. Aou!+ o* %e!e*i+
"he maternity benefit is payable to a oman orker at the rate of avera!e daily a!es for the period of her actual absence$ durin! the benefit period. Wa!es for his purpose includes basic a!es$ dearness and house rent alloance$ incentive bonus and money value of concessional supply of food !rains and other articles. If a oman dies durin! the benefit period$ the benefit is payable3 Ki?
up to and includin! the day of her death$ in case she dies ithout
Work life balance deliverin! a childB
for the entire period$ in case she dies after deliverin! the childB or
up to and includin! the day of child2s death$ in case the child also dies durin! that period.
"he benefit is payable for a maximum period of 06 eeks of hich not more than six eeks shall precede the date of her expected delivery. Pa-e!+ o* Ma+er!i+- %e!e*i+
"he employer is liable to pay the amount of maternity benefit for the period precedin! the date of expected delivery$ in advance to the oman employee on production of the proof of pre!nancy Kin the prescribed form?. "he balance of amount due for the subse)uent period should be paid ithin
The Wor8e!2 Cope!2a+io! A+,
"he Workmen2s Compensation Act$ 0G6:$ aims to provide orkmen and >or their dependents some relief in case of accidents arisin! out of and in the course of employment and causin! either death or disablement of orkmen. Sope a!d Co(erage
"he Act extends to the hole of India and tie applied to railays and other transport establishments$ factories$ establishments en!a!ed in makin!$ alterin!$ repairin!$ adaptin!$ transport or sale of any article$ mines$ docks$ establishments en!a!e in constructions$ fire3bri!ade$ plantations$ oilfields and other employments listed in &chedule II of the Act. "he orkmen2s Compensation KAmendment? Act$ 6 .e.f. E.06.6 has brou!ht all the orkers ithin its ambit irrespective of their nature of employment i.e. hether employed on casual basis or otherise than for the purposes of the employer2s trade or business. ;or the first time$ casual labourers ill be provided compensation for death or disability. +arlier the Workmen2s
Work life balance
Compensation KAmendment? Act$ 0GG7 extended the scope of the Act to cover orkers of nespaper establishments$ drivers cleaners$ etc. orkin! in connection ith a motor vehicle$ orkers employed by Indian companies abroad$ persons en!a!ed in sprayin! or dustin! of insecticides or pesticides in a!ricultural operations$ mechani9ed harvestin! and thrashin!$ horticultural operations$ and doin! other mechanical jobs.
+ven the cooks employed in hotels$ restaurants usin! poer$
li)uefied petroleum !as or any other mechanical device$ in the process of cookin! are covered. +stablishments hich are covered by the +mployees &tate Insurance Act$ outside the purvie of this Act.
Ep)o-ee2 E!+i+)ed
+very employee Kincludin! those employed throu!h a contractor and also casual employees?$ ho suffers an injury in any accident arisin! out of and in the course of his employment$ shall be entitled for compensation under the Act. "he interpretation of the definition of Jorkman2 should be on Jpurposive approach$ and not on the Jorthodox approach2. A person employed in a factory hich is yet to commence production ould not be deprived of the benefit of the provisions of the Act. "he orkman employed in a premises here manufacturin! process is intended to be carried on is not necessarily re)uired to be actually connected ith manufacturin! process. Any person en!a!ed in such premises ho is contributin! for the intended manufacturin! process ould be deemed to be orkman for the purpose of the Act. Aou!+ o* Cope!2a+io!
"he amounts of compensation payable by the employer shall be calculated as follosB Ka? In case of death.
7F of the monthly a!es x
Relevant ;actor
Work life balance
IVRCL hichever is more. And Rs. K6$7? for funeral expenses.
Kb? In case of total permanent disablement
F of the monthly a!es x
relevant factor specified under &chedule I.
Relevant ;actor or Rs. KG$?$
hichever is more.
Kc ? In case of partial permanent disablement &uch percenta!e or the compensation specified under &chedule I.
payable in case Kb? above as is
the percenta!e of the loss in earnin! capacity Kspecified in &chedule I? Kd? In case of partial permanent
compensation payable in case Kb? above$ as is proportionate to the
loss of
earnin! capacity No+e29
Ki? JRelevant ;actor2 for calculation of the amount of compensation have been specified in &chedule IV of the Act. Kii? Where the monthly a!es of an employee exceed Rs. <B his monthly a!es for the purposes of case Ka? and Gb? above$ shall be deemed to be Rs. < only.
Work life balance Kiii?J/onthly a!esB for this purpose means
Ka? Where the orkman has been in continuous service of the employer for a period of atleast 06 months precedin! the accident.
/onthly Wa!es U
"otal a!es due for the last 06 months 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 06
Kb? Where the orkman has been in continuous service of the employer for a period of less than 06 months$ precedin! the accident(
"otal a!es due for the period of 06 /onths precedin! the accident bein! +arned by a similar orkman Ki.e.on &ame ork?
/onthly Wa!es U
33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 06
Kc? In any other case( "otal a!es earned in the last Continuous period of service /onthly Wa!es
333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 *umber of =ays in such period
Continuous service shall be a period of service not interrupted by absence from ork for a period exceedin! 0< days.
Work life balance
JWa!es2 for the purposes of this Act$ includes any benefit or per)uisite expressible in terms of money but excludes travelin! alloance>concession$ employer2s contribution to a pension or provident fund or a sum paid to cover any special expenses incidental to his employment. "he definition of a!es is very comprehensive. It includes bonus$ ni!ht out alloance$ dearness alloance$ !ratuity$ free )uarter$ food alloance$ overtime.
Where an accident occurs outside India$ the amount of compensation payable under the Act shall be reduced by the amount of compensation$ if any$ aarded to such orkman in the forei!n country.
Media) E7ai!a+io!
"he employer may !et the concerned orkman examined by a )ualified medical practitioner$ ithin : days from receivin! the notice of accident. "he employer must present himself for such examination otherise he shall loose his ri!ht to the compensation. ;ailure of employer to have the orkman medically examined$ does not debar him from challen!in! the medical certificate produced by the orkman.
+very job involves certain risks. In order to provide a safer and healthy atmosphere at ork place ,&+M is stren!thened at all levels in IVRCL.
Work life balance IVRCL "here is a possibility of occurrence of risk either from external and internal sources. +xternal sources hear referred to infrastructure and internal sources referred to 4ehavior of employees. ,&+M is involved in re!ulation and controllin! the risks involved in jobs. Ho4 +o o!+ro)@
/ana!ement of IVRCL is very much concerned about safety measures of its employees. ,ence it posses ,&+M department here all the matters are taken care by them. Ho4 i+ doe2@
;ormally and structured site induction trainin! pro!ram are conducted by them and make aare of3
,ealth re)uirements to be maintained.
Aareness about the ha9ards and safety measures
+nvironmental friendly methods
Assures )uality based products>services
I&83 G0(6E I&830<0(6< 8,&A&30E0(6
3 3
Muality based products> services. Customer &atisfaction
Muality Aareness
=esire for +xcellence
Continual Improvement
Qero accidents
Sa*e+- i2 a! e+hia) re2po!2ii)i+-. At their core$ ethics hold up a positive vision of
Work life balance IVRCL hat is ri!ht and hat is !ood. "hey define hat is orth pursuin! as !uidance for our decisions and actions. Workplace injuries and deaths are too often seen as statistics. 4ut hen they happen to someone e love$ e suddenly see the reality of the horrible pain and sufferin! and its idespread effect. It is our ethical responsibility to do hat is necessary to protect employees from death$ injury and illness in the orkplace. "his is the only foundation upon hich a true safety culture can be established in any
Sa*e+- i2 a u)+ure, !o+ a progra. "he combined commitment and participation of
the entire or!ani9ation is necessary to create and maintain an effective safety culture. +very person in the or!ani9ation$ from the top mana!ement of the corporation to the neest employee$ is responsible
and accountable for preventin!
Ma!agee!+ i2 re2po!2i)e. /ana!ement2s responsibilities are to lead the safety
effort in a sustained and consistent ay$ establish safety !oals$ demand accountability for safety performance and provide the resources necessary for a safe orkplace. /ana!in! safety is the responsibility of every supervisor$ from the first line supervisor
Ep)o-ee2 u2+ e +rai!ed +o 4or8 2a*e)-. Aareness of safety does not come
naturally. We all need to be trained to ork safely. +ffective trainin! pro!rams both teach and motivate employees to be aproductive part of the safety culture. Sa*e+- i2 a o!di+io! o* ep)o-e!+. "he employer must exhaust every reasonable
means to lead$ motivate$ train and encoura!e employees to maintain a safe orkplace. 4ut$ in the event the employee refuses to take the actions re)uired to ork safely$ the employer must utili9e a system of pro!ressive discipline to enforce safety re)uirements and ensure the cooperation of the employee$ or remove the employee from the orkplace to protect the employee and his>her
A)) i!1urie2 are pre(e!+a)e. &ometimes accidents occur ithout the apparent
indication of fault or blame. 4ut there is alays some chain of events that occurred
Work life balance IVRCL leadin! up to the accident that$ had e reco!ni9ed the eventual outcome$ chan!es could have been made. "he fundamental belief that injuries are$ by their nature$ preventable is a catalyst that encoura!es us to prevent
Sa*e+- progra2 u2+ e 2i+e/2pei*i 4i+h reurri!g audi+2 o* +he 4or8p)ae a!d prop+ orre+i(e a+io!. "he purpose of the orkplace audit is to discover and
remedy the actual ha9ards of the site before they can injure orkers. Recurrin! ha9ard analyses$ comprehensive inspections and a!!ressive investi!ation of accidents or near3misses discover potential orkplace ha9ards and identify eaknesses in safety plans$ pro!rams$ policies and procedures. &afety re!ulations and !eneric safety pro!rams are not sufficient means to discover ha9ards because they are not specific to the individual orkplace. A safety audit pro!ram is site3specific. Whenever a safety deficiency is found$ prompt action is re)uired both to overcome the ha9ard and to reinforce
Sa*e+- i2 good u2i!e22. Reducin! orkplace injuries and illnesses reduces the costs
of orkers2 compensation$ medical expenses$ potential !overnment fines and liti!ation expenses. +ffective orkplace safety is not an expense. It is an asset. A properly mana!ed safety culture based on these ei!ht principles of orkplace safety ill produce employees ho participate actively in trainin!$ identify and alert one another and mana!ement to potential ha9ards and feel a responsibility for their safety and the safety of others. Acceptin! safety as an ethical responsibility demonstrates a sincere concern for each employee$ hich establishes the foundation for an effective safety culture "!+egra+ed Ma!agee!+ S-2+e 3"MS5 Po)i-
IVRCL infrastructures # projects Ltd. Is implementin! I/& ith the folloin! philosophy( &ervice )uality • Customer satisfaction • Leadership objectives •
Work life balance &ystem and process • Continual improvement • "rainin! # development • &ensitivity to environment • 8ccupational health and safety • Le!al compliances •
I&8 U International 8r!ani9ation for &tandardi9ation. IVRCL is I&8 certified company hich has three separate divisions until it has been implemented I/& policy. "he three divisions ere Muality$ +nvironment and safety. As a result of I/& policy IVRCL is forbidden by the rules and re!ulations of I&8 by maintain! safety$ health$ )uality and environmental factors at the sites>projects. Auditin! is done both internally and externally at the sites>projects by the authori9ed persons appointed by the I&8 and or!ani9ation. Internal audit is done once in six months hile the external audit is done once in nine months. "he company has ac)uired I/& certificate hich is valid for : years and can be reneed after the expiry by filin! the necessary documents. IVRCL makes sure that protective and safety measures are taken at the sites in preventin! the labour from the fatal accidents. Muality checks are done very often to overcome the later dama!es that could occur after the completion of the site>project. "he folloin! are the safety measures that are folloed at the site by the labours( 0. 6. :. <. 7. . . E.
&afety ,elmet +ye # ;ace 'rotection =ust mask +ar /uffs>+arplu! &afety 4elt # ,arness ;oot and Le! 'rotection &afety *ets +ye ash ;ountains
IVRCL !ives prime importance to protection of environment and a safe operation of activities. IVRCL follos a systematic approach to pollution prevention to achieve continual performance improvement. 'romotes aareness amon! the contractors$ suppliers and customers for shared responsibility toards environmental protection.
Work life balance
DATA ANAL'S"S& "NTERPRETAT"ON 1. How many days in a week do you normally work.
S.NO 1 " # '
PERSENTA GE ! ! &! 1! 1!!
Work life balance
Interpretation( GF of the employees are orkin! day in a eek. 0F of employees are orkin! days in a eek. ;rom the above analysis e can kno that the employees are orkin! days in a eek and 0F of employees are days a eek. And they need some rest$ at least 6 &aturdays in a month to spend ith their families.
6. ho many hours in a day do you normally ork.
S.NO 1 " # '
PERSENTA GE 15 '5 "5 15
! "!
! 1!!
Work life balance
Interpretation( 07F of employees are orkin! 3E hours per day. <7F of employees are orkin! E3G hours per day. 67F of employees are G30 hours. 07F of employees are 0306 hours. ;rom the above analysis e can kno that the maximum no of employees are orkin! more than E hours to reach their tar!ets in time by settin! !oals and also orkin! more effectively and efficiently to increase the company standards in )uality. K for this at least they should have the flexible starin! time?.
:. =o you !enerally feel you are able to balance your ork life.
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE 15 #( 5 1# "! 5!
Work life balance
Interpretation( :F of employees are sayin! yes. 0:F of employees are sayin! no. ;rom the above analysis e can kno that maximum no of employees are havin! the !ood ork life balance$ and 0: percent of employees are sayin! no.
<. ,o do you feel about the amount of the time you spend at ork.
S.NO 1 " #
PERSENTA GE 1 5 1 5 5 "5
Work life balance ' HAPP 5 ,ER HAPP TOTAL
11 " "!
55 1! 1!!
Interpretation( 7F employees feel very unhappy. 7F employees feel unhappy. 67F employees feel indifferent 77F employees feel happy 0F employees feel very happy ;rom the above analysis e kno that half of the employees are happy ith the time they are spendin! in office and 67F of employees are indifferent and rest of them are unhappy.
7. ,o do mana!e if stress arisin! from your ork.
PERSENTA GE " 1! " 1!
Work life balance # ENTERTA-N+ENT TOTAL
1$ "!
%! 1!!
Interpretation( EF of employees are in to entertainment 0F are doin! Po!a 0F are Readin! books ;rom the above analysis e can kno that E 'ercent of employees are in to different entertainment pro!rams to take out there stress and rest of them are doin! Po!a and readin! books.
. =oes your company have a separate policy for ork3life balance.
Work life balance " NO # NOT A0ARE TOTAL
( 11 "!
#5 55 1!!
Interpretation( 77F of employees are not aare the separate policy for ork life balance :7F of employees have said no 0F of employees have said yes ;rom the above analysis e can kno that half of the employees are not aare of ork life balance policy in company$ :7 percent have said J*82 and 0F have said JP+&2.
. =oes your or!ani9ation provides you ith folloin! additional ork provision. Ki?. "elephone for personal use.
Work life balance
GE " $ 15 1(
'' 1!!
Interpretation( ;rom the sample si9e 6$ 0 members have !ave the response for this )uestion 8nly F have !ot cells for personal use <
Kii?. Counselin! service for employees.
Work life balance
GE $ 1! 1$
1& #1 51
Interpretation( ;rom the sample si9e 6$ 0 members have !ave response for this )uestion 0GF of employees have the counselin! service :0F are sayin! *8 they don2t have counselin! service ;rom the above analysis e can kno that maximum no of employees are not takin! part in counselin!$ very less percent of employees are !oin! for counselin!.
Kiii?. ,ealth pro!rams.
Work life balance
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE 11 #" $ 1% 1( 5!
Interpretation( ;rom the sample si9e of 6$ 0 members have !ave the response :6F are sayin! P+& they have the re!ular health checkup in office 0EF are sayin! *8. ;rom the above analysis e can kno that there is a re!ular health checkup is !oin! on in office and some of the employees are not takin! part in.
Kiv?. 'arentin! or family support pro!rams.
Work life balance
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE 5 1( 1! ## 15 5!
Interpretation( ;rom the sample si9e 6$ 07 members have responded for this )uestion 0F of employees have a!reed there are family support pro!rams ::F of employees have disa!reed for this ;rom the above analysis e can kno that very less no of employees are takin! part in family day and other pro!rams.
Work life balance Kv?.+xercise facilities.
S.NO 1 " #
PERSENTA GE "5 #1."5 '#.(5 1!!
Interpretation( 67F of employees are sayin! JP+&2 <
Work life balance
Kvi?. Relocation facilities and choices.
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE ' 1' 1! #$ 1' 5!
Interpretation( ;rom the sample si9e 6$ 0< have responded for this )uestion 0
Work life balance
Kvii?. "ransportation
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE # & 1' '1 1( 5!
Interpretation( GF of employees have said P+& <0F of +mployees have said there is no transportation facility in company ;rom the above analysis e can kno that maximum no of employees are sayin! there is no transportation facility in company.
Work life balance
E Ki?. hat is your preference for food.
" ! "!
1! ! 1!!
Interpretation( GF of employees are carryin! home made food 0F of employees takin! food from or!ani9ation cafeteria ;rom the above analysis e can kno that G percent of employees are carryin! the home made food and not preferrin! for cafeteria.
Work life balance
E .Kii?. Are you satisfied ith )uality of food$ In hich the company is con tributin! 6.Rs and employee contribution is 07. Rs.O
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE ( "1 1! "& 1( 5!
Interpretation( ;rom the sample si9e 6$ 0 members have responded for this )uestion 60F of employees have said yes 6GF of employees have said no ;rom the above analysis e can kno that more then half employees are sayin! no And there should be some improvement in )uality.
Work life balance
G. =o you feel ork life balance policy in the or!ani9ation should be customi9ed to individual needs.
S.NO 1 " # '
PERSENTA GE "! 5! 15 1!
1 "!
5 1!!
Interpretation( 6F of employees have stron!ly a!reed for this 7F of employees are a!reed for this Rest of them are indifferent and disa!reed ;rom the above analysis e can kno that maximum no of employees are a!reein! that the ork life balance policy should be customi9ed for individual needs.
Work life balance
0. =o you felt that its a!ain /ondayKstartin! day of eek?.
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE 1# #" ( 1% "! 5!
Interpretation( :6F of employees are sayin! yes 0EF of employees are sayin! no ;rom the above analysis e can kno that maximum no of employees are feelin! that its a!ain /onday And less no employees are not feelin!.
Work life balance
00. Are you aare of elfare pro!ram and committee members and procedures.
PERSENTA GE % '! ' "! % "!
'! 1!!
Interpretation( <F of employees are aare of elfare pro!rams and committee members. <F are sayin! there but not aare 6F are sayin! no ;rom the above analysis e can kno that half of the employees are sayin! elfare pro!rams there but not aare of it and 6 percent are sayin! no.
Work life balance
06. ,o )uickly you !et the response from ,R department.K re)uirements$ complaints and other problems?.O K+xclude ,R department?.
S.NO 1 " # '
PERSENTA GE %(.5 1".5 ! ! 1!!
Interpretation( EF of employees are sayin! they !et )uick response from ,R department 0:F of employees are sayin! e !et very )uick response. ;rom the above analysis e can kno that ,ome department is !ivin! the !ood # )uick response to other departments in or!ani9ation.
Work life balance
0:. =o you think that if employees have !ood ork3life balance the or!ani9ation ill be more effective and successful.
S.NO 1 "
PERSENTA GE 1% '5 " 5 "! 5!
Interpretation( <7F of employees are sayin! yes 7F are sayin! no ;rom the above analysis e can kno that if employees have !ood ork life balance. "he or!ani9ation ill also run effectively.
Work life balance
0<. Work and personal life both depends on time factor$ ho you balance both.O &ome of the employees have !ave the response for the above )uestion like this %4!! am o %4!!6m 7ink a8ou 6ro9essional:work li9e; %4!!6m o %4!!am 7ink a8ou 6ersonal li9e; don< ake work o 7ome and don< 8rin= 7ome > work. alan?e 8o7 8y mana=in= my ime; s?7edulin= 7e work. S7ould 8e 8alan?e wi7 6ro6er 6lannin=. -9 7e em6loyee is 7eal7y; 7en de@niely 7e or=aniaion will 8e 7eal7y. +ore owards work less owards 6ersonal li9e. - is diB?ul o 8alan?e 8o7; 8u 9or winnin= 7e ?om6eiion we 7aCe o 8alan?e 8o7. om6lee work in ime S7ould no ake 6ressure on mind i9 we ake 6ressure we ?an< 8alan?e 8o7 07. ,o to standardi9e the employee ork3life balance.O y or=aniin= s6e?i@? 6ro=rams like ei8le imin=; o8 roaion. om6any mus 6ro6ose some srae=ies 9or 7e 8ene@ o9 7e em6loyees w7i?7 will ena8le 7e 6eo6le o sandardie 7e em6loyee work li9e. Num8er o9 workin= 7ours 9rom +onday o Friday ?an 8e in?reased; a leas alernaiCe Saurday ?an 8e a 7oliday. y 6roCidin= =ood 9a?iliies i.e mana=emen 6ro=rams; rans6oraion e?.
Work life balance
;rom the table 0#6$ it is inferred that eekly most of the employees are orkin!
more then re!ular timin!s. ;rom the table :$ it shos that employee ork life balance in IVRCL is !ood$ ith the policies and procedures. ;rom the table <$ the orkin! environment is very !ood and the employees are not feelin! stress in office ith that they are not feelin! its a!ain /onday. ;rom table 7$ most of the employees are !oin! for entertainment pro!rams ;rom table $ can kno that there ill be no separate ork life balance in any company but have to balance the employees ork life ith company policies and procedures. ;rom table $ company is providin! ,ealth pro!rams$ family support pro!rams$ exercise facilities$ relocation facilities # choices but no transportation. ;rom table E$ 8r!ani9ation is providin! the food in cafeteria by contributin! 6 Rs per plate ;rom table G$ the policies for ork life balance should be customi9ed to individual needs. ;rom table 00$ most of the employees are not aare of elfare pro!rams. from table 06$ the response !oes from ,R department is very )uick.
Work life balance
As a result of the data analysis and interpretation$ here are some su!!estions to improve the +mployee ork life balance at IVRCL.
"he effective employee ork life have better or!ani9ational commitment hich
leads to better production output and minimum employee turnover. Continue ith the environment and sanitation hy!iene facilities as the employees are very much satisfied ith them. Muality of food in the canteen must be improved so that it ill satisfy the employee tastes.
Work life balance
CONCLUS"ON ;rom the study its clear that employee ork life balance in IVRCL is !ood$ 4ut there is a small !ap from employee satisfaction to company.
"o in the competition and !ettin! success in present market$ and the success !ets
only from hard ork$ for the success kno more than others$ ork more than others # expect less than othersKWilliams &hakespeare?. "here may be several reasons for not providin! the transportation$ employees are illin! that at least they should have flexible startin! time in mornin! ithin one hour. "he companies contribution in employees meals is 6.Rs and employee contributin! 07.Rs $ there should be some improvement in )uality ise &ince employees are the backbones of the company so company should satisfy them in order to improve the business in hi!her competitive orld.
Work life balance
WE%S"TES .hrvilla!
*,R= /I,IR
Work life balance
ANNEJTURE M+&"I8**AIR+ 8* W8R- LI;+ 4ALA*C+ I am '.*AR+&, -/AR student of K'D=/? =hruva colle!e of mana!ement .kindly re)uestin! you to fill the folloin! )uestionnaire ith the suitable options provided and your opinion. "his is only for my survey purpose but not for any other use$ and the information collected shall be put in confidential. *A/+( DRA=+( =+'AR"/+*"( 0. ,o many days in a eek do you normally orkO a? Less than 7 days
b? 7 days
c? days
d? days
6. ,o many hours in a day do you normally orkO a? 3E hours hours
b? E3G hours
c? G30 hours
d? 0306 hours
e? /ore than 06
:. =o you !enerally feel you are able to balance your ork lifeO a? Pes
b? *o
<. ,o do you feel about the amount of time you spend at orkO a? Very unhappy
b? nhappy
c? Indifferent
d? ,appy
e? Very happy
7. ,o do you mana!e if stress arisin! from your orkO a? Po!a
b? /editation
c? +ntertainment
d? 8thers$ specify.
Work life balance .Ki? =oes your company have a separate policy for ork3life balanceO a? Pes
b? *o
c? *ot aare
Kii?. If$ yes hat are the provisions under the policyO a? ;lexible startin! time b? ;lexible endin! time c? ;lexible hours in !eneral d? ,olidays>paid time3off e? @ob sharin! f? Career break>sabbaticals !? 8thers$ specify . =oes your or!ani9ation provide you ith folloin! additional ork provisionsO i? "elephone for personal use j? Counselin! services for employees k? ,ealth pro!rams l? 'arentin! or family support pro!rams m? +xercise facilities n?Relocation facilities and choices o? "ransportation p? 8thers$ specify.
a?Pes a?Pes a?Pes a?Pes a?Pes a?Pes a?Pes
b?*o b?*o b?*o b?*o b?*o b?*o b?*o
c?Pes$ but no time
E. Ki? What is your preference for foodO a? Carryin! home made food c? 8thers$ specify.
b? ;ood from the or!ani9ations cafeteria
Kii? If$ b? Are you satisfied ith Muality of food$ In hich the company is contributin! 6.Rs and employee contribution is 07.Rs.O a?Pes b?*o G. =o you feel ork life balance policy in the or!ani9ation should be customi9ed to individual needsO a? &tron!ly a!ree
b? A!ree c? Indifferent d? =isa!ree
e? &tron!ly disa!ree
0. =o you ever felt that its a!ain /onday Kstartin! day of eek?.O a? Pes
b? *o
00.Are you aare of elfare pro!rams and committee members and proceduresO a?Pes
c? there but not aare
06.,o )uickly you !et the response from ,R department.KRe)uirements$ complaints and other problems?.O K+xclude ,R department? a? Muickly
b? Very Muickly
c? Late
d? Very late