Credit Approval from Mobile-SAP CRM 27/11/2014 AGC Network !imited "ika #$mar/R$%&'$% #$mar/R$%&'$% Pa(al SAP )e*'%olo+( Mail to:
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Confdentiality Statement
,%*l$de t'e *o%de%tialit( tateme%t wit'i% t'e bo. provided )'i 'a to be le+all( approved Confdentiality and Non-Disclosure Notice )'e i%formatio% *o%tai%ed i% t'i do*$me%t i i *o%de%tial a%d proprietar( to )A)A Co%$lta%*( Servi*e )'i i%formatio% ma( %ot be di*loed d$pli*ated or $ed for a%( ot'er p$rpoe )'e i%formatio% *o%tai%ed i% t'i do*$me%t ma( %ot be releaed i% w'ole or i% part o$tide )CS for a%( p$rpoe wit'o$t t'e e.pre writte% permiio% of )A)A Co%$lta%*( Servi*e
ata Code o! Conduct
e i% o$r deali%+ are elf-re+$lated b( a Code of Co%d$*t a e%'ri%ed i% t'e )ata Code of Co%d$*t e re$et (o$r $pport i% 'elpi%+ $ ad'ere to t'e Code i% letter a%d pirit e re$et re$et t'at a%( violatio% or pote%tial violatio% of t'e Code b( a%( pero% be promptl( bro$+'t bro$+'t to t'e %oti*e of t'e !o*al 3t'i* Co$%ellor or t'e Pri%*ipal 3t'i* Co$%ellor or t'e C3 of of )CS )CS All *omm$%i*atio% *omm$%i*atio% re*eived i% t'i re+ard will be treated a%d kept a *o%de%tial
a"le o! Content
1 5e*riptio% 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666664 11C'alle%+e 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666664 12e%et 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666664 2 Sol$tio% Approa*' 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666668 9 Pro*e verview 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 666666667 91Road Map 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666667 925e%itio% of )erm 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666: 99orkfow Approval $i%+ $i%e orkpla*e 6666666666666666666666666666666666; 94ork
4 Adva%ta+e 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666614 8 !imitatio% 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 66666666666618 = S$mmar( 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 6666666666661=
#. Description )'e orld i *'a%+i%+ a%d we all k%ow *o%$mer e.perie%*e i t'e %ew ta%dard for e%terprie appli*atio% )'e *omple. a%d feat$re-ri*' e.perie%*e m$t be repla*ed b( a imple i%t$itive a%d mobile e.perie%*e #eepi%+ t'i i% mi%d we made a tep a'ead i% approval of *redit limit for New *$tomer ,% 2 *e%ario tra%a*tio% for mo%e( i %ot o fat a *ompared to 2C )o over*ome dela( i% pro*e we 'o$ld e%'a%*e t'e de*iio% maki%+ tep i% order to mi%imi>e time
#.# Challen$es 1 ,% a%( pro*e a de*iio% tep i i%volved w'ere a% a*tio% i re$ired to move it f$rt'er to t'e %e.t level ,% t'e pro*e of *lear order booki%+ *$tomer *redit approval i re$ired from 'i+'er ma%a+eme%t %*e it +et approved f$rt'er pro*ei%+ of order *a% be *arried forward 2 ?i+'er ma%a+eme%t i alo i%volved i% atte%di%+ meeti%+ *o%fere%*e w'i*' dela( t'e work item a t'e( are %ot $ppoed to work i% t'e meeti%+ 9 ,f a%( tep i pe%di%+ for approval t'e% t'e ot'er depe%de%t pro*ee will %ot be *ompleted o% time )'i ma( lead to a% e*alatio% w'i*' i %ot a poitive i+% for a%( or+a%i>atio% )o over*ome t'ee *'alle%+e we 'ave developed a% appli*atio% w'ere *redit of %ew *$tomer *a% be approved from mobile )'i will provide a poitive impa*t for %ew *$tomer a%d b$i%e for maki%+ t'e order +et delivered o% time C$tomer atifa*tio% i alwa( a *'alle%+e for $i%e a%d t'ee ki%d of te*'%olo+ie *a% over*ome t'i *'alle%+e
#.% &enefts )'e improved pro*e will erve t'e followi%+ be%et@ 1 3limi%ati%+ t'e %eed to !o+ i%to SAP to pro*e t'e work item from $i%e workpla*e 2 ,%*reae mobilit( a%d e*ie%*( a ot'er depe%de%t pro*ee will be e.e*$ted o% time 9 ?e%*e $i%+ t'i *o%*ept we *a% %ow pro*e work item approve/re&e*t t'em remotel( wit'o$t 'avi%+ to lo+ i%to SAP 4 New *$tomer will t$r% to re+$lar *$tomer o% 100B atifa*tio% At t'e e%d it all abo$t retai%i%+ a%d ma.imi>i%+ t'e *o$%t of %ew *$tomer
%. Solution 'pproach Actions: Actions are used in maintaining and improving business relationships. We can schedule and start predefined conditions with the Actions component by means of userdefinable conditions from transaction and mar!eting ob"ects. Actions use the #ost #rocessing $ramewor! %##$&' a (asis component' which can be automated with the initiation of outputs' followon documents or wor!flows. )sing the Actions tab page within a business document' you can display a list of actions that can be included in the business transaction.
An action profile is determined from the corresponding transaction type or item category.
Actions are stored as action definitions within an action profile.
*ou can control action processing using different settings and parameters:
Action changeable or e+ecutable in dialog
Action displayed in toolbar %,A# -)&
#rocessing time %when saving the document or via selection report&
#artner dependence
/etermination techni0ue
Action merging
#rocessing types %with entry of the desired form name&
1.2 FEATURES OF ACTIONS *ou can define actions dependent on conditions so that the system automatically schedules and starts them when the conditions are fulfilled. With actions you can: •
reate followup transactions automatically +ecute changes in the transaction or mar!eting ob"ect currently being processed' for e+ample' create new items' or status inheritance by subordinate elements in mar!eting ob"ects utput in print' by fa+ing or email
Actions are displayed in transaction documents that support actions and to which an action profile is assigned. *ou can display a list of actions scheduled for the document on the Actions tab page of a transaction document. he following information is displayed in the list for each action: •
,tatus %action scheduled' action processed&
/escription %purpose of action&
onditions %settings for action definition and conditions are displayed&
reator' reation date
here are various processing types for actions: 6
7ethods %(usiness Addns&
7ethods are (usiness Addn %(A/& implementations. *ou can define your own (A/ implementation to adapt actions to your processes and needs. %897/A;;9##$ is the relevant (A/.& +amples for standard methods include the following:
#*9/)7< %create a followup document&
7#;9/)7< %set status completed within document&
=/977 %create credit memo item&
=#A=97 %create a repair item&
19><9=A %create a wor!flow event& ,A# (usiness Wor!flow
his is suitable for more comple+ processes' for e+ample' a followup transaction that includes an approval process. 6
,mart $orms ?
,A# ,mart $orms must be used to print' email or fa+ documents such as an order confirmation. *ou can use the graphics tool' SAP Smart Forms' to design the layout of output forms. ,A# delivers several ,mart $orms for outputs in ,A# =7: •
$orm =79=/=9<$=7A<9@1 %suitable for fa+es' letters' and email&
$orm =79=/=9;A,<-9@1 %suitable for fa+es' letters' and email&
$orm =79##=)<*9@1 %suitable for fa+es' letters' and email&
,A# ,mart $orms offer the advantage of adapting forms without re0uiring programming !nowledge' than!s to a completely graphical user interface. When you re0uest a printout of a form' the application program obtains the relevant data to be used and prints it on the form. /ata retrieval and form logic are separated from one another. ,A# ,mart $orms replace ,A#,cript forms %migration from ,A#,cript forms to ,mart $orms is supported&. 2.@ HOW TO CREATE AN ACTION 2.1 STEP-BY-STEP
2.1.1 nter into any ,A#=7 ,erver and move to ransaction ,#=.
2.1.2 #ress ,A# =eference 7- ustomer =elationship 7anagement (asic $unctions Actions Actions in ransactions.
2.1.3 o create an Action #rofile C lic! on
. $irst read the documentation.
to start creating an Action #rofile.
or ea*' of t'e approval tep i% t'e work
Create a *la w'i*' will be *alled i% pro+ram tab of work
% *li*k of $bmit b$tto% *orrepo%di%+ work item wo$ld be *ompleted $i%+ ISAPJAP,J53C,S,NJCMP!3)3I or ISAPJAP,JR#,)3MJCMP!3)3I depe%di%+ o% t'e *ae w'et'er t'e approval tep i a de*iio% tep or a*tivit( tep )'e remark e%tered b( t'e $er will be aved i%to (tem $i%+ ISA"3J)3K)D % *li*k of *a%*el b$tto% %o a*tio% will take pla*e Eer *a% pro*e t'e work item later w'e% re$ired ,% *ae t'e work item 'a alread( bee% pro*eed b( t'e $er t'e% *orrepo%di%+ mea+e will be dipla(ed a 'ow% below
All mai% bod( *o%te%t re$ired for approval pro*e i fet*'ed d$ri%+ ba*k+ro$%d &ob w'e% mail i tri++ered 5ata i dipla(ed i% tab$lar format w'i*' *a% be *'a%+ed d(%ami*all( t'ro$+' table LR#!JPARAM
(. )rocess *vervie+ (.# ,oad Map )'e followi%+ pro*e 'ow a tet *e%ario of t'e approval pro*e for %ew *$tomer 1 ,%itiate for Credit Releae
,et status Enitiate for redit ApprovalE
s there any error..FF
rror should be removed. t will not allow to save with the status.
N Action got triggered for credit Approval
2 C$tomi>i%+ Sta%dard Step@
(.% Defnition o! erms $otatio%@ A $otatio% i a le+all( bi%di%+ oOer to deliver pe*i* prod$*t or a ele*tio% of a *ertai% amo$%t of prod$*t i% a pe*ied time frame at a prede%ed pri*e 5i*o$%t@ ,t i a val$e w'i*' i red$*ed from t'e Selli%+ pri*e of material5Q Cot@ )'i i t'e a*t$al pri*e of material at w'i*' t'e eller *ompa%( p$r*'ae from t'e ve%dorCQ Selli%+ Pri*e @ )'i pri*e i oOered to *$tomer!Q Mar+i%@ !-5Q-C/!-5QQ100 ,f t'e mar+i% i more Approval level will red$*e ,f t'e mar+i% i le 'i+'er level approver i re$ired 5i*o$%t Pa(me%t Matri.@ 5epe%di%+ o% t'i matri. mai%tai%ed i% CRM work item will move to Approver a me%tio%ed below@ 1t Approver
,f mar+i% i le t'a% 29B
2%d Approver
,f mar+i% i le t'a% 20B
9rd Approver
,f mar+i% i le t'a% 1;B
After ever( approval (tem *'e*k mar+i% if t'e *o%ditio% meet it will releae or move forward t'e $otatio% Note@ )'i matri. %eed to be mai%tai%ed a pre-re$iite i% order to pro*e t'e work item tri++ered from work
will approve $otatio% $i%+ $i%e orkpla*e a%d from Mail A%al(i@ After *ompletio% of *e%ario we will a%al(e bot' pro*ee a%d +$re o$t t'e adva%ta+e of $i%+ Sale $otatio% Approval work
(.( orko+ 'pproval usin$ &usiness orkplace
Step for approval made b( Approver $i%+ $i%e workpla*e@ 1 %*e t'e tat$ i et to U,%itiate for 5i* ApprovalV work
2 ork
9 ,% work
4 ,% SAP $i%e workpla*e/,%bo. t'e( $ed to approve or re&e*t t'e work
8 Approve b( *li*ki%+ t'e re$ired work item
= A pop $p will ope% a%d from t'ere approver *a% take t'e de*iio%
A per *$rre%t *e%ario Approver 'ave to $e t'ee tep to *omplete t'e Approval pro*e ?e%*e a% ,mproveme%t i% t'e pro*e wa re$ired to e%'a%*e t'e e*ie%*( a%d i%*reae mobilit(
(./ orko+ 'pproval throu$h Mail
Step for Approval of $otatio% from 3mail Same till 1t Step after t'at a mail will be tri++ered to Approver a%d t'e( *a% a**e t'e ame from a%( devi*e )'e( o%l( %eed ,%ter%et i% t'eir devi*e No SAP !o+o% re$iredW
% Cli*ki%+ to Approve or Re&e*t !i%k after eei%+ t'e detail i% mail a pop $p bo. will be ope% for *apt$ri%+ t'e *omme%t a%d a*tio% 1 %e time lo+i% re$ired
2 A pop $p bo. will ope% to take *omme%t
9 After t'i *ree% will be *loed a%d a*tio% will be re*orded ork item will be Approved/ Re&e*ted a%d t'e *omme%t will be re*orded
/. 'dvanta$es )'e vario$ worki%+ tep feat$re a%d adva%ta+e of t'i demo are me%tio%ed below@ 1 )'e work
able a%d ea( to impleme%t Y No t'ird part( tool re$ired
5. 0imitations 1 )'e o%l( pre-re$iite i to 'ave t'e ,%ter%et *o%%e*tio%T t'i *a%%ot work i% oi%e mode 2 ,f a% emplo(ee rei+% t'e% t'e work item %eed to be forwarded to a*tive emplo(ee $t before t'at emplo(ee email id a%d detail %eed to be ai+%ed i% t'e matri. 9 %*e t'e work item 'a bee% approved from SAP $i%e workpla*e or via mail t'i *a%%ot be pro*eed twi*e
1. Summary 1 Ei%+ t'i pro*e we *a% make t'e pro*e imple a%d mobile 2 orked o% ot'er oi%e a*tivitie 9 )'ere are ot'er tra%a*tio% baed prod$*t i% SAP w'i*' %eed %ot be *o%+$red Same a*tio% *a% be pro*eed from t'i *o%+$ratio% 4 )'i pro*e make t'e e%tire *e%ario imple a%d ea( )'i *a% be a**eed t'ro$+' a%( devi*e wit' a re$ireme%t of ,%ter%et 8 ,% *ae i% f$t$re %ew approver level are added or removed t'ere i %o ma&or impa*t o% t'e pro*e a%d re$ire mi%imal eOort to i%*orporate *'a%+e for %ew level
hank 2ou
'"out ata Consultancy Services 3CS4
)ata Co%$lta%*( Servi*e i a% ,) ervi*e *o%$lti%+ a%d b$i%e ol$tio% or+a%i>atio% t'at deliver real re$lt to +lobal b$i%e e%$ri%+ a level of *ertai%t( %o ot'er rm *a% mat*' )CS oOer a *o%$lti%+-led i%te+rated portfolio of ,) a%d ,)-e%abled i%fratr$*t$re e%+i%eeri%+ a%d a$ra%*e ervi*e )'i i delivered t'ro$+' it $%i$e Global Network 5eliver( Model )M re*o+%i>ed a t'e be%*'mark of e.*elle%*e i% oftware developme%t A part of t'e )ata Gro$p ,%diaD lar+et i%d$trial *o%+lomerate )CS 'a a +lobal footpri%t a%d i lited o% t'e Natio%al Sto*k 3.*'a%+e a%d omba( Sto*k 3.*'a%+e i% ,%dia or more i%formatio% viit $ at wwwt**om
Services &usiness Solutions Consultin$ All *o%te%t / i%formatio% pree%t 'ere i t'e e.*l$ive propert( of )ata Co%$lta%*( Servi*e !imited )CSQ )'e *o%te%t / i%formatio% *o%tai%ed 'ere i *orre*t at t'e time of p$bli'i%+ No material from 'ere ma( be *opied modied reprod$*ed rep$bli'ed $ploaded tra%mitted poted or ditrib$ted i% a%( form wit'o$t prior writte% permiio% from )CS E%a$t'ori>ed $e of t'e *o%te%t / i%formatio% appeari%+ 'ere ma( violate *op(ri+'t trademark a%d ot'er appli*able law a%d *o$ld re$lt i% *rimi%al or *ivil pe%altie Copyri$ht 6 %7## ata Consultancy Services 0imited