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XBOX !0 09-27-18 Descri ti tion
007 Blood Stone 007 Legends 007 Quantum of Solace 007 Quantum of Solace C.E. 360 Acade !"sc 50 Cent# Blood on t$e Sand %&' Ace Com(at 6 Ace Com(at# Assault Assault )o"*on Ad"das &" Coac$ %,"nect' Adenal"n &"sf"ts %,"nect' Ad-entue "me "me E/loe t$e !un Ad-entue "me "me "nn and a4e Ad-entue "me "me Secet ot ame Ad-entues of "n "n "n Afo Samua" %&' A" Confl"cts# Secet as A" Confl"cts# "etnam A4a" ,atana Alan a4e Alan a4e L.E.
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
8 6 5 8 3 7 10 6 .50 .05 7 6 6 2 2 8 7 7 + 15
17 16 12 19 8 16 19 1+ + 2 15 1+ 1+ 7 7 19 16 15 12 29
8 7 10 6 12 2 2 1 .05 8 10 6 3 1 5 + 10 + + 6 + 10 7 8 3 5 5 .25 .25 50 1 5 35 8 1 20
17 16 2+ 1+ 29 6 6 5 3 17 22 1+ 9 5 12 9 22 9 12 1+ 12 22 16 17 8 12 12 + + 99 5 1+ 69 16 6 39
7 1 6 6 5 8 10 6 8 5 10 3 5 6 10 2 5 .05 55 15 3 3 8 10 10 35
16 6 1+ 1+ 12 19 19 1+ 16 1+ 19 9 12 1+ 19 7 12 .99 109 29 8 9 16 22 22 79
Battlef"eld +; %&' Battlef"eld# Bad Coman@ Battlef"eld# Ba Bad Co Coman@ o old Battlef"eld# Ba Bad Coman@ 2 %&'
%&ust "nclude oute (o/'
Batman A4$am As@lum
25 3 2 20
+9 8 7 39
+ 7
12 15
6 3 5 .05
16 9 12 2
2 3 8 1
7 9 17 5
5 + + 10 3 + 5 1 + 10 12 7 12 8 2 1 .05 .05 + 8 1 1 2 1 6 .25 20
12 12 12 22 9 12 12 6 11 22 26 15 26 22 7 5 .99 .99 12 16 16 5 5 7 5 1+ + 39
.25 7 8
3 16 19
7 8 12 .05 + 5 5 5 1 2 1 2 + + 5 10 12 2 .05 3 10 .05 .05 2 5 2 3 6 3 8 50 12 .05
16 16 26 .99 12 12 12 1+ 5 7 5 7 12 9 1+ 19 2+ 7 2 9 22 2 7 12 7 9 1+ 9 17 99 29 2
2 5
7 12
79.95 19.95
27.95 7.95
Battlef"eld# )adl"ne %&' Battles$" Battlestat"ons &"dDa@ Battlestat"ons#
B"os$oc4 nf"n"te %&' B"os$oc4 nf"n"te Comlete Ed. %&' B"os$oc4 n nf"n"te < <em"um Ed Ed. %& %&'
87.95 19.95
19.95 17.95
%Bodelands game eIu"ed'
Bo de delands# $ $e < <e>SeIuelJ %& %&' Bound B@ lame %&'
16 12 9 5 1+ 29 3 2 15 2
10 .25 3 6 + 6 5 6 + + 6 2 15 3 3 12 3 8 6 6 6 3 5 + 6 8 2 10 5 10 6 10
22 + 9 1+ 12 1+ 12 1+ 12 12 1+ 7 29 9 9 26 9 19 1+ 1+ 1+ 9 12 9 1+ 19 7 2+ 12 2+ 16 22
12 8 10 10
26 16 19 22
12 1 5 8 7 8
2+ 5 1+ 19 16 19
Call Call of !ut !ut@# @# &od &ode en n a a.. 2 <.E. .E. %&' %&' +0
Bull@# Sc$olas$" Ed"t"on Bueau# KC KCF& !e !eclas s" s"f"ed %& %&' Bunout
19. 95 95
%&ust nclude All E/tas E/cet !LC'
B"os$oc4F(l"-"on %&' B"ds of Steel Blac4 College oot(all Blac4 E@ed
Fn %&'
7 + 3 1 5 15 .05 .05 7 .05
%ma@ not "nclude ma ac4s'
%&ust nclude All E/tas E/cet !LC'
B"os B"os$o $oc4 c4 nf" nf"n" n"te te lt. lt. Song Song(" ("d d %&' %&'
Boune Cons"ac@ Ba-e %!"sne@' Ba-e# A a"o ?s ale B"n4 Bot Bot$e $es s "n Ams Ams )ell )ell??s )"g )"g$D $Da@ a@ %&' %&' Bot$es "n Ams L.E. %&' B un unsD"c4 <o BoDl"ng %,"nect ' Butal Legend %&' Bullet "tc$ %&' Bulletstom %&'
%ma@ not "nclude ma ac4s'
%&ust $a-e all e/tas'
Descri ti tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
%E.E. (oug$t as egula Bulletstom'
%sed lt. Ed. (oug$tsold as egula'
%must "nclude all e/tas'
Assass"n?s Ceed# E*"o "log@ "log@ %&' Assass"n?s Ceed# :e-elat"ons :e-elat"ons %&' Assass"n?s Ceed# :ogue :ogue %&' Asua?s at$ Attac4 of t$e &o-"es 3! Auto(a$n
,a*oo"e# uts = Bolts Bano ,a*oo"e"-a <"nata Ba("e and )e S"stes#
Batman A4$am As@lum C.E. Batman A4$am As@lum# F Batman# A4$am C"t@ Batman# A4$am C"t@ C.E. %&ust )a-e All E/tas' Batman# A4$am C"t@ F B at at ma man # A 4 4 $a $am F ""g "n s Batman# A4$am F"g"ns C.E. Batman# $e elltale Se"es Battle antas"a Battlef"eld 2# &oden Com(at Battlef"eld 3; %&' %LE
%&ust nclude All E/tas'
Al"ce# &adness :etuns; %&' Al"en# solat"on%&' Al"en -s <edato %&' Al"ens# Colon"al &a"nes &a"nes %&' Al"ens# Colon"al &a"nes &a"nes CE %&' All <o oot(all 2,8 Alone "n t$e !a4 %&' Al$a <otocol %&' Al-"n = C$"mun4s# C$". %,"nect' %,"nect' Ama*"ng S"de>&an Ama*"ng S"de>&an 2; Ame"ca?s Am@# ue Sold"es Sold"es Amed 3 Anac$@ :e"gns %&' Ang@ B"ds "log@ "log@ Ang@ B"ds# Sta as; Aac$e A" Assault Acade nlugged Acan"a ot$"c Ae ou ou Smate# ame "me "me Amoed Coe + Amoed Coe# o AnsDe Amoed Coe Amoed Coe ed"ct ed"ct !a@ Am@ of Do %&' %&' Am@ of Do# +0t$ !a ! a@ %&' Am@ of Do# !e-"l?s !e-"l?s Catel; %&' Assass"n?s Ceed %&' Assass"n?s Ceed %&' Assass"n?s Ceed &aste Ed. %&' Assass"n?s Ceed %&'; Assass"n?s Ceed # # Blac4 lag %&' Assass"n?s Ceed # # Blac4LE%&' Assass"n?s Ceed# Ame"cas Coll.%&' Assass"n?s Ceed# Bot$e$ood Bot$e$ood %&' Assass"n?s Ceed# Bot$eCE %&'
Descri ti tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Us Used New
Call of !ut@# Blac4 Fd Coll. Call of !ut@# Blac4 Fs %&' Ca l o f ! ut ut @# @# Bl Bl ac ac 4 F s s ). ). E % &' &' Call of !ut@# Blac4 Fs %& %&' %Fnl"ne Fnl@'
Call of !ut@# Bl Blac4 Fs = %& %&' Call of !ut@# $osts; %&' Call of !ut@# $osts ).E. %&' Call of !ut@# $osts <.E %&' Ca l of of !u !u t@ t@ # &o de de n a f f a a e 2 %& %& ' Call Call of !ut@ !ut@## &od &ode en n a a.. 2 ).E ).E.. %&' %&'
%must "nclude all e/tas' %must "nclude all e/tas'
Call of of !u !ut@# &o &oden a afae 3 %&' Call of !ut@# & "log@ %&' Ca l o f ! ut ut @ a Co l ec ec t"t"on % > > &' &'
2 10 15
7 22 29
+ 12 + 3 5 10 10 17
12 29 9 9 12 19 22 3+
%Call of !ut@ 2G 3 = old At a'
Call of !ut@# old at a %&' Ca l o f ! ut ut @# @# o lld a t a LE % &' &' Call of uae* %&' Call of of u uae*# Bo Bound "n "n Bl Blood %& %&' Call of uae*# Catel %&' Cacom !"g"tal Collect"on Cacom Essent"als %E>&' Cacom
2+.95 27.95
%ncludes# !ead :"s"ngG Lost
*(+e Dude 19.95 37.95
1210+ S$eman a@ ot$ )oll@DoodG CA 91605
Call o Cuent <"cesJ %818' 76+>2++2 Fen 7 !a@s A ee4 11 am M 7 m e
*(+e Dude ,s Not esponsi#le or %ypo)r(p'ic(l /rrors. (il(#ility (ries Wit' Stoc3 On 4(nd
09-27-18 Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
Cata"n Ame"ca# Sue Sold"e Can"-al ames# &on4e@ %,"nect' Ca"e Command# aea &"ss. %&' Cas Cas 2 Cas 3# !"-en o "n Cas# &ate>at"onal C$am. Cas# :ace>F>:ama Catoon et Do4#
10 1 .50 10 8 8 10 10 10 6 10 7 10 6 +0
2+ 5 + 19 19 17 19 22 22 1+ 26 16 22 1+ 79
19.95 19 .9 5
%must "nclude all e/tas'
Stas %,"nect' Cac4doDn %&' Cac4doDn 2 %&' Cas$ &"nd F-e &utant Cas$ of t$e "tans Cas$ "me# Auto(a$n
2 2 .05 2 2 3 8 + 8 .05 + 6 8 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 15 17 6 2 2 8 3 5 6 + 6 15 3 .05 15 2 .05 .25 1 15 1 15 2 17 3 17 .25 .50 6 3 6 .05 7 10 5 8 7 5 2 7 .05 2 10 5 + .05 2
7 7 .99 7 7 9 17 12 19 2 12 1+ 22 1+ 1+ 1+ 8 8 8 9 5 5 7 29 3+ 1+ 7 7 16 9 12 1+ 12 1+ 29 9 + 29 7 .99 3 5 29 5 29 7 3+ 8 3+ + + 1+ 8 1+ .99 15 22 1+ 19 16 12 7 15 3 7 22 12 12 2 7
Descri tion
!ead sland F %&' !ead sland# :"t"de %&' !ead sland# :"t"de :"goE! %&' !ead o Al"-e + %&' !ead o Al"-e 5 %&' !ead o Al"-e 5 lt"mate; %&' !ead o Al"-e Kteme 2 %&' !ead :"s"ng %&' !ead :"s"ng 2 %&' !ead :"s"ng 2# Fff t$e :ecod %&' !ead :"s"ng 2# Hom(e/ E!. %&' !ead Sace %&' !ead Sace 2 %&' !ead Sace 2 C.E. %&' %&ust )a-e All E/tas' !ead Sace 3L.E.; %&' !ead to :"g$ts# :et"(ut"on %&' !eadfall Ad-entues %&' !eadl"est Catc$ !eadl"est Catc$ Alas4an Stom !eadl"est a"o %&' !eadl@ <emon"t"on %&' !eadool %&' !eat$ Sm"les !eat$ Sm"les LE
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
3 + 17 3 5 7 7 2 3 5 12 3 2 12
9 12 3+ 8 12 15 16 7 8 12 29 8 7 26
2 5 + 5 6 + + + 10 17
7 12 12 12 16 12 12 12 19 3+
.05 .05 7 3 5
2 2 16 8 17
19.95 19.95 19.95
.05 6
3 16
1+.95 17 3 7 9 9 12 1+ 16 16 2+ 22 1+ 16 19 2+
10 .25 3 .50 3 + 2 2 2 + 12 2 .05 8 6 .05 6 15
22 + 9 + 9 12 9 9 7 1+ 2+ 7 2 19 16 2 1+ 3+
.05 8 15
2 17 39
3 6 .25 8 3 8
9 1+ + 16 8 19
5 5 3
12 12 8
%ncludes e/ta tac4s and cas on d"sc'
!"t# S$oDdoDn !"s$onoed %&' !"s$onoed F %&' !"sne@ antas"a# &us"c E-o;%,"nect' !"sne@ nf"n"t@ State
17.95 19.95
%ncludes 2 tunta(les and m"co$one'
!on ,"ng <esents# <"*ef"g$te !oom 3# B Ed"t"on %&' !agon Age %&' !agon Age C.E. %&' !agon Age %&' !agon Age F"g"ns lt"mate %&'
*(+e Dude ,s Not esponsi#le or %ypo)r(p'ic(l /rrors
8 8 2 8 .05 + 3 5 6 7 10 8 10 15 6 2
19 19 7 17 3 9 9 12 16 16 22 17 22 29 1+ 7
5 2 3 2 5 + 5 + 3 6 + 1 3 5 + 3 + 10 15 17 3 6 .50 5 .05 6
1+ 7 8 7 12 9 12 9 8 1+ 12 5 9 1+ 11 9 12 2+ 29 3+ 9 1+ + 1+ 2 16
.05 1 5 1 2 30
2 5 12 5 7 59
1 5 5 3 5 10 + 3 .50 8 8 3 3 8 +0 6 10 10 3 2 2 + 3
5 12 12 9 12 2+ 12 8 + 19 19 9 9 16 79 16 22 22 9 7 7 9 9
29.95 27.95 29.95 29.95 19.95
!eamDo4s Sue Sta ,at* !"-e# San anc"sco !uc4 !@nast@ !uc4tales :emasteed !u4e u4em# oe-e %&' !ungeon S"ege !@nast@ a"os 5# Em"es !@nast@ a"os 6 !@nast@ a"os 6# Em"es !@nast@ a"os 7 !@nast@ a"os 8 !@nast@ a"os# undam !@nast@ a"os# undam 2 !@nast@ a"os# undam 3 !@nast@ a"os# St"4e oce EA Sots Act"-e 2 Bundle
EA Sots Act"-e 2 Bund. DDe"g$ts Eat$ !ef ense oce Eat$ !efense oce 2025; %&' Eat$ !efense oce# nsect; Eat Lead# :etun of &att )a*ad El S$adda" Enc$anted Ams End a Enem@ ont %&' Ensla-ed# Fd@sse@ to t$e est E"c &"c4e@ 2# $e
1 2010 >1 2011 >1 2012 >1 2013 >1 201+ 1 :ace Stas a(le Ann"-esa@ %&' a(le %&' a(le L"m"ted Ed"t"on %&' a(le %&' a(le L"m"ted Ed"t"on %&'
12.95 12.95
a(le# t$e oune@ %,"nect'; %&' ace(ea4e a"@tale "g$ts %&' all"ng S4"es# $e ame allout 3 %&' allout 3 C.E. %&'
7.95 9.95
%&ust "nclude all e/tas'
%"ncludes !agon AgeG and ADa4en"ng'
!agon Age# ADa4en"ng %&' !agon Age# nIu"s"t"on; %&' !agon?s !ogma %&'
1+ 2+ 2+ 1+ 22 22 26 22 16 17
%&ust nclude CadsG &etal Co"nG Bo/'
%&ust "nclude all e/tas'
! )eo 2 ! )eo 2 D un a(le ! )eo 2
5 12 12 6 10 10 12 10 8 8
%&ust "nclude all e/tas'
8 .05 2 3 3 + 6 7 6 12 10 6 7 8 12
! ag on ?s !o gm a# !a 4 A "s en; %&' !agon(all :ag"ng Blast !agon(all :ag"ng Blast 2 !agon(all H fo ,"nect %,"nect' !agon(all H# Battle of H !agon(all H# Budo4a" )! col. !agon(all H# Bust L"m"t !agon(all H# lt. en4a"c$" !agon(all# Keno-ese; !eamcast Collect"on %Ca*@ a/"G Sega Bass "s$"ngG Sace C$annel 5 t 2G and Son"c Ad-entue'
%must "nclude all e/tas'
!eca Sots eedom %,"nect' !eea4 C$oa?s Leela %,"nect ' !ef am con %&' !ef am :asta !ef am :asta Dm"co$one !ef"ance %&' %e !o ot Bu@' !est"n@; %Fnl"ne Fnl@' !est"n@ L.E. %Fnl"ne Fnl@' %&ust "nclude all e/tas' !est"n@# a4en ,"ng %Fnl"ne Fnl@' %e (u@ used as egula' !esto@ All )umans#
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
allout 3# Add>Fn Anc$oage %&' a l o ut 3# Ad d> Fn B o4 en St ee l % &' allout 3# ame of t$e ea %&' allout eD# egas %&' allo ut eD# egas lt"mate Ed. %&' am"l@ eud 2012 Ed. a m" l@ u@ # B ac4 to t$e &ul t" %& ' antast "c +# :"s e ot S"l-e Suf e antast"c
19.95 27.95
"rices Su#$ect %o &'(n)e Wit'out Notice (il(#ility (ries Wit' Stoc3 On 4(nd
09-27-18 Descri tion
"eld = Steam otal Futdoos A 1+ A 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 Legac@ Ed"t"on A 2 01 0 o ld Cu # Sou t$ Af "c a A Socce 06 :oad A Socce 07 A Socce 08 A Socce 09 A Socce 10 A Socce 11 A Socce 12 A Socce 13 A Steet A Steet 3 A old Cu Ba*"l 201+ A old Cu eman@ 2006 "g$t "g$t :ound 3 "g$t "g$t :ound + "g$t "g$t# C$am"on %&' "g$tes ncaged %,"nect' "nal antas@ K %e !o ot Bu@' %e !o ot Bu@ K E/ans"ons' "nal antas@ K# See4es %Fnl"ne' "nal antas@ K "nal antas@ K>2 "nal antas@ K>2 Dno-ella "nal antas@ K>2 C.E "n al a nt as @ K L"g $t n" ng :e tu ns "n al a nt as @ K # L" g$ tn "ng C. E. "st emla "st of t$e ot$ Sta %&' "st of t$e ot$ Sta 2 %&' latout# lt"mate Canage o*a )o"*onLE; o*a )o"*on 2; o*a &otosot 2
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
8 + + 6 15 25 + 3 3 3 3 3 3 + + 6 6 + 3 3 8 15 .05
19 12 12 16 29 +9 12 9 9 9 9 9 9 12 12 16 1+ 12 9 9 16 29 .99
3 + 5 6 6 30 6 + 8 10 10 17 2
9 9 12 16 1+ 59 1+ 12 17 22 22 3+ 7
6 + 6 8 1 3 5 3 7 3 2 5 5 5 2 .05 .05 2 2 .25 .25 2
1+ 12 1+ 17 5 8 12 8 15 9 7 12 12 1+ 7 . 99 3 7 6 + + 7
.25 25
+ 59
.05 2 3 . 25 8 6 .25 + 7 6 1 2 10 + +
2 7 9 + 16 16 + 1+ 16 1+ 5 7 22 9 11
1+.95 39.95 57.95
1+.95 1+.95
17 .9 5
%must $a-e all e/tas'
e a s o f a 3 L"m "t ed Ed "t "on %&' %must $a-e all e/tas'
eas of a "le
eneato :e/# Agent $ost :econ# Ad-. af"g$te $ost :econ# Ad-. af"g$te 2 $ os t : ec on # ut u e S ol d" e % &' $ost :econ# "log@ %&' $ost(ustes# $e "deo ame lee ,aao4e :e-olut"on 3 lee ,aao4 e :e-olut "on 3 Dm"c odfat$e %&' odfat$e %&' olden A/e# Beast :"de %&' olden Comass oldene@e 007 :eloaded and Slam enn"s 2; an d $ ef t Au to Co ml et e E d. %&'
7 39
and $eft Auto %&' and $e ft Au to# E "s ode s % &' and $eft Auto# San Andeas %&' ease !ance %,"nect' een Lanten# :"se of eg )ast"ngs#
8 . 25 8 2 3 6 5 5 8 2 .50 27 + 2 27 + 30 .05 26 8 6 3 3 60 3+ 3 3+ 60 15 5 .50 1 3 .25
17 + 16 7 9 1+ 12 1+ 16 7 5 5+ 9 7 5+ 9 59 .99 +9 17 1+ 9 9 119 68 9 68 119 29 12 + 5 9 +
%ncludes Cama"gn and &ult"la@e !"s4s'
)alo 3 Legenda@ Ed. D$elmet %&' +0
%&ust $a-e oute (lac4 (o/'
)alo 3 L"m"ted Ed"t"on %&' )alo 3a(le !ou(le
8 10 1 3
22 22 7 9
+ 3 6
9 9 16
%must "nclude all e/tasG ma@ not nclude doDnload content'
)alo# Ann"-esa@ %&' )alo# :eac$ %&' )alo# :eac$ L"m"ted Ed"t"on %&' %&ust )a-e all E/tas'
)alo# :eac$ Legenda@ Ed"t"on %&' +0
%&ust )a-e All E/tas'
)alo as %' )alo as L"m"ted Ed"t"on %'
3 8
9 19
1 1 1 7 8 + 7 8 12 15 12 15 5 6 2 + 6 .05 5 3 7 7 7 6 3 .25 6 + 8 3 .05 7
5 5 5 15 16 12 16 19 2+ 29 2+ 39 12 1+ 7 12 1+ 2 12 9 16 16 16 1+ 9 3 1+ 9 16 9 3 19
%&ust )a-e E/tas'
%&ust )a-e E/tas'
eas of a 3 %&' eas of a 3 E"c Ed"t"on %&'
and $eft Auto %&' 2 and $eft Auto Sec"al Ed. %&' 20 %&ust $a-e all e/tasJ'
%Also See &a-el lt. All"anceo*a 2'
o*a &otosot 2 Comlete o*a &otosot 3lt o*a 3)alo 3 F!S %&' o*a &otosot + o*a &otosot + Essent"als; actue ont &"ss"on E-ol-ed ontl"nes# uel of a uel ull Auto use; %&' u*"on en*@ 2 >oce .. oe# :"se of Co(a ame of $ones %&' ame
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
)anna$ &ontana $e &o-"e )a@ eet Do )ale@?s )oll@Dood o4out )a@
Blood <"nce )a@
*(+e Dude ,s Not esponsi#le or %ypo)r(p'ic(l /rrors
19.95 19. 95
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
)ot $eels# old?s Best !"-e 6 )ou of "cto@ 3 )oD to a"n ou !agon 6 )oD to a"n ou !agon 2 6 )ul4 )ogan?s &a"n E-ent %,"nect' .25 )unted# !emon?s oge %&' .50 c e Age# Cont"nental !"ft %,"nect' 2 ce Age# !aDn of t$e !"nosaus 7 l>2 Stumo-"4 5 mot une C$allenge 15 nced"(le )ul4 10 nd"anaol"s 500 E-olut"on + nfenal )ell?s engance %&' 5 nf"n"te nd"sco-e@ + nust"ce# Battle Ed"t"on +0 nust"ce# ods Among s 5 nust"ce# ods Among s B.E. +0 nust"ce# ods Among s .E. 8 n-es"on %&' .25 on &an 6 on &an 2 6 ac4(o/
1+ 9 16 16 + + 7 16 1+ 29 2+ 12 1+ 12 89 12 89 16 3 1+ 1+ 16 12 12 + 12 3 12 12 16 5 2+ 2+ 12 16 9 12 12 1+ 17 2+ 29 16 16 19 1+ 12 .99 12 7 19 29 7 17 6 16 1+ 9 12 . 99 3 12 3 + 12 3 5 7 7 16 26 9
*(+e Dude 1210+ S$eman a@ ot$ )oll@DoodG CA 91605
Call o Cuent <"cesJ %818' 76+>2++2 Fen 7 !a@s A ee4 11 am M 7 m e
09-27-18 Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
,"ngdoms of Amalu; %&' ,n"g$ts Contact %&' ,onam" Class"cs ,onam" Class"cs ol. 2 ,ung u
3 7 17 17 2
9 15 3+ 3+ 6
.25 6 8 .25 8 5 6
+ 1+ 17 3 19 1+ 1+
6 .50 3 2 3 5 3 5 6
1+ + 9 7 9 1+ 9 1+ 16
6 + 2 3 3 8 2 7 5 + + .05 + 5 + 5 2 + + 20 12 10 + + 10 10 6 10 5 12 6 .50 1
1+ 12 7 9 9 16 6 16 1+ 12 9 2 9 12 12 1+ 7 12 12 +9 29 22 12 12 22 22 16 22 1+ 29 16 + 5
%also see Lego nd"ana,ung u
,ung u
%e (u@ F used as egula'
Left + !ead 2 %&' Legend ot uad"ans# FDl Legenda@ %&' Lego Batman Lego Batman 2# !C Sue )e oes Lego Batman 3# Be@ond ot$am Lego Batman
%&ust "nclude all e/tas'
Lego )a@
7 Lego )o(("t Lego nd"ana ones Lego nd"ana ones 2 Lego nd"ana,ung u
19.95 19.95 17.95
%sed &a@ ot nclude Add"t"onal &a Access'
1 8 2 2 5 + 6 6 .05 .05 . 50 .05 .05 .25 . 05 .05 .05 .05 + 5 8 20 + 5 12 3 1 2
5 16 6 7 1+ 12 1+ 1+ 2 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 2 3 1+ 1+ 22 +9 12 1+ 26 8 6 7
29.95 57.95
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
&ao League Base(all 2,8 3 &ao League Base(all 2,9 3 &ao League Base(all 2,10 + &ao League Base(all 2,11 6 &ao League Base(all 2,12 %e !o ot Bu@' &ao League Base(all 2,13 15 &ao League 2,13BA 2,13 20 &an -s "ld 10 &a-el A- enges Battle %,"nect' 3 &a-el Sue )eo SIuad# Com"c .05 %!aD' &a-el Sue )eo SIuad# nf"n"t@ 3 &a-el lt"mate All"ance 1 &a-el lt"mate All"ance 2 6 &a-el lt"mate All"ance old 20 &a-el lt"mate All"anceo*a 2 1 &a-el -s. Cacom 3 7 &a-el -s. Cacom 3 S.E. 10 %&ust nclude All E/tas' &ass Effect %&' 1 &ass Effect C.E. %&' 6 &ass Effect 2 %&' .05 &ass Effect 2 C.E. %&' 2 &ass Effect 3; %&' 2 &ass Effect 3 C.E.; %&' + &ass Effect "log@ Collec t"on %&' 12 &a/
&' 6 &etal ea Sol" d )! Coll. LE %>&' 10 &etal ea Sol"d # ound; %&' 3 &etal ea Sol"d # <$antom%&' 7 &eto 2033 %&' 6 &eto# Last L"g$t %&' 6 &B# Al"en C"s"s 1 &"c $ael ac4s on E/e. %,"nect ' .05 &"c$ael <$els %,"nect' .05 &"ddle Eat$# S$adoD of &odo %&' 5 &"dn"g$t Clu(# Los Angeles 5 &"dn"g$t Clu(# Los Angeles Com. 6 &"dDa@ Acade F"g"ns 10 &"nd ac4 %&' .50 &"necaft 8 &"necaft Sto@ &ode 2 &"necaft Sto@ &ode Comlete 7 &"n" "nas 5 &"nute to "n t %,"nect' .25 &"o?s Edge 3 &LB ont Fff"ce &anage + &&A 3 &&A# Suemac@ + &onool@ 12 &onool@ Steets 10 & ons te )" g$ # e D $ ou l " n S c$ oo l 6 &onste am 15 & ons te a m#
*(+e Dude ,s Not esponsi#le or %ypo)r(p'ic(l /rrors
9 9 12 16 39 ++ 19 9 3
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
&oto < 1+ &!# "m &otocoss old C$am; &udeed# Soul Susect; %&' &K < &K -s. A# Al"-e &K -s. A# :efle/ &K -s. A# Suecoss &K -s. A# ntamed &@ S"ms# S4@ )eoes a"l?d amco &useum "tual Acade
15 12 2 15 8 8 8 8 1 6 10
29 26 7 29 16 16 16 16 5 1+ 2+
auto# Bo4en Bond 6 auto# :"se of a "na 6 auto S$"uden# lt. en 7 auto S$"uden# lt. :e-; 8 auto S$".# lt. "na Stom 3 5 auto S$".# lt. "n a Stom 3 ull .;10 auto# lt"mate "na Stom 2 7 asca 08 + asca 09 5 asca 1+ 10 asca 15 15 asca 2011 7 asca t$e ame# ns"de L"ne 6 asca nleas$ed 6 at eo# Ame"ca %,"nect'; .25 at eo# C$allenge 2 aug$t@ BeaE 3 a-al Assault 8 BA 2,6 %S$aI' 1 BA 2,7 %S$aI' 1 BA 2,8 %
16 1+ 16 19 1+ 22 16 12 1+ 22 3+ 16 16 16 + 9 9 22 5 6 6 6 5 7 7 9 12 16 19 29 +9 + 16 15 16 5 5 5 6 9 1+ 16 39 .99 .99 .99 6 9 12 16 ++ 2 12 1+ 15 26 1+ 29 1+ 1+
19.95 19.95
%ntenet Connect"on :eIu"ed'
9 6 16 ++ 7 16 2+ 5 16 2 7 7 1+ 2+ + 29 22 5 15 5 9 9 1+ 7 16 2+ 9 16 1+ 1+ 5 2 3 1+ 1+ 16 22 + 16 9 16 12 + 9 12 9 12 26 2+ 16 29 39 7 8 + 12 29
12.95 19.95
.9 19.95 19.95 19.95
15 79
1+ 2+ 19 7 + .99 7 8 12 1+
27.95 39.95 57.95
*(+e Dude 1210+ S$eman a@ ot$ )oll@DoodG CA 91605
Call o Cuent <"cesJ %818' 76+>2++2 Fen 7 !a@s A ee4 11 am M 7 m e
XBOX !0 &ontinued 09-27-18 Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
e ed f o S ee d : "- als Co ml et e; eed o Seed# S$"ft eed o Seed# S$"ft 2LE eed fo Seed# $e :un eed o Seed ndeco-e e-e !ead %&' L )ead Coac$ 09 L ou )L 07 )L 08 )L 09 )L 10 )L 11 )L 12; )L 13 )L 1+ )L 15; )L 16 Legac@ Ed"t"on )L 2,6 )L 2,7 )L 2,8 )L 2,9 )L 2,10 "c4elodeon !ance %,"nect' "c4elodeon !ance 2 %,"nect' "c4toons &LB "e %&' "g$t at t$e &useum# Battle of "4e N ,"nect a"ne %,"nect' "net@ "ne "g$ts %&' "net@ "ne "g$ts %&' "na Blade %&' "na a"den %&' "na a"den C.E. %&' "na a"den 3 %&' "na a"den 3# :a*o ?s Edge %&' F(l"-"on %&' F(l"-"on 5t$ Ann"-esa@ E!. %&'
6 5 8 5 5 1 2 2 .05 .50 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 1 6 12 .05 .05 .25 .50 1 3 3 3 12 5 .05 + 6 2 .25 10 2 8 2 10
1+ 1+ 16 1+ 1+ 5 7 7 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 6 16 26 2 2 + + 5 9 9 9 2+ 1+ 3 12 1+ 7 3 2+ 7 19 7 22
+ 5 8 1 6 2 + 6 5 12
12 1+ 16 5 16 7 12 1+ 12 26
Futf"t %&' F-e "g$tes F-elod F-elod
&an and t$e $ostl@ Ad-.
&an and t$e $os tl@ Ad-. 2
.50 .50 2 3 8 10 5 7 3 .05
+ + 7 9 19 22 12 16 9 2
. 05 5 10 + 3 .05 3 15 .25 3 5 5
2 12 22 12 9 3 9 29 + 8 12 12
8 10 5 3
19 19 1+ 9 2
17 .9 5 17.95
%&ust )a-e All E/tas'
F(l"-"on Collectos Ed"t"on %&' %&ust )a-e All E/tas'
F( l"- "o n am e o t ea E d" t" on %& ' Fmeta# C"t@ of angstes Fnec$an(aa# B"4 "n" Samu a" %&' Fen Season Feat"on !a4ness %&' Feat"on las$o"nt %&' Feat "on las$o"nt# :ed :"-e %&' Fange Bo/ %>&' Ft om ed" us E /c ell en t Ftomed"us E/cellent S.E.
< oD e "g D 6 s t "n g g u" ta %B FK J' 5 < oD e : an g. # Su e S am. % ,"ne ct ' 5
!"scs' %&' 3 Q ua4 e a s# Ene m@ e "t o @ % &' . 50 Quantum $eo@ %&' + Qu(ed 3 :a(("ds Al"-e = ,"c4"ng %,"nect' .25 :a(("ds n-as"on %,"nect' 3 :ace <o 6 :age %&' .25 :a"den 12 :a"den L.E. 20 :a"den "g$te Aces 15 :a"n(oD S"/# egas %&' 3 :a"n(oD S"/# egas L.E. %&' 6 :a"n(oD S"/# egas 2 %&' 5 :a"n(oD S"/# egas 2 L.E. %&' 8
19 1+ 7 8 16 12 11 + 9 26 12 12 12 12 12 1+ 1+ 16 16 2+ 29 2 7 5 3 + 16 3 7 2 9 + 12 9 + 9 1+ + 26 39 29 9 1+ 12 16
:ango 6 :aala# "s$"ng en*@ 2009 6 :aala fo ,"nect 3 :aala <o Bass "s$"ng 8 :aala <o Bass "s$. Dod %BFKJ' 20 :aala ounament "s$"ng 8 :atatou"lle 5 :a-en SIuad .25 :a@man Legends 6 :a@man F"g"ns 6 :a@man# :a-"ng :a(("ds 6 :ecod of Agaest a 7 :ecod of Agaest a LE 25
16 1+ 8 19 +9 19 12 + 1+ 1+ 16 16 +9
27.95 7. 95
5 10
1+ 22
5 8 3 + + .50 3 20
12 16 9 12 12 + 9 39
+ 6 7 7 + + 5 7
12 16 16 16 11 12 1+ 16
%&ust nclude All EK:AS'
:es"dent E-"l 6 %&' :es"dent E-"l 6 Ac$"-es %&' 17.95
%e Bu@ sed as :egula :E6'
: es "d en t E -"l # F e at "on SE % &' :es"dent E-"l# :e-elat"ons %&' :es"dent E-"l# :e-elat"ons 2 %&' :esonance of ate :"de to )ell# :et"(ut"on1O %&' :"dge :ace 6 :"dge :ace# n(ounded :"o
*(+e Dude ,s Not esponsi#le or %ypo)r(p'ic(l /rrors
:"se of "g$tmaes %,"nec t' % &' :"se of t$e Agonauts %&' :"se of t$e uad"ans :"se of t$e om( :a"de %&' :"sen %&'; :"sen 2# !a4 atesS.E %&' :"sen 3# "tan Lods %&' :oc4 Band :oc4 Band Sec"al Ed"t"on :oc4 Band 2 :oc4 Band 2 Sec"al Ed"t"on :oc4 Band 3 :oc4 Band# AC!C an
.25 2 5 10 + 2 5 1 55 2 65 6 1 .05 .05 65 50 8 + 7 3 5 3 .50 .05 5 50 20 2 15
+ 7 1+ 22 12 7 1+ 5 99 6 119 1+ 7 2 2 129 99 17 12 16 9 12 8 + .99 17 129 39 9 3+
+ + 12 8 1 2 3 3 3 6 5
12 12 2+ 19 5 7 9 9 9 16 12
.25 8 2 + + 5 5 7 10 5 5 2 .05 2 .05 6 + + 5 .50 3 3 7 2 2
+ 19 7 12 12 12 1+ 16 22 1+ 1+ 7 2 7 2 1+ 12 9 12 + 9 9 16 6 6
:oc4sm"t$ u"ta = Bass
%eIu"es eal gu"ta'
19.95 19.95
%&ust nclude All E/tas'
:ecod of Agaest a# Heo : ec o d o f A ga e st a # He o L. E. &ust "nclude ALL e/tas :ed !ead :edemt"on %&' :ed !ead :edemt"on# F %&' :ed !ead :edem.# ndead %&' :ed act"on# Amageddon %&' :ed act"on# ue"lla %&' :emem(e &e; %&' :es"dent E-"l 5 %&' : es "d en t E -"l 5 C ol le ct o s E d. %& '
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
%eIu"es eal gu"ta'
%&ust nclude All E/tas'
%ncludes At Boo4 and Soundtac4'
%K(o/ L"-e "s eIu"ed'%Fnl"ne onl@'
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
:ogue a"o %&' :ug(@ 2011 :um(le :oses KK %&' :SE Sa(oteu %&'; Saced 2# allen Angel %&' Saced 3 %&' Sa"nts :oD %&' Sa"nts :oD 2 %&' Sa"nts :oD# !ou(le
%"ncludes# !e-"l?s o4s$o
Sa"nts :oD t$e $"d %&' Sa"nts :oD t$e $"d# ull %&' Sa"nts :oD Commande; %&' Sa"nts :oD # at"onal %&' Samua" S$odoDn SE %&' Samua" a"os 2 Samua" a"os 2# Em"es SaD %&' SaD %&' SB, Sue("4e C$am"ons$" SB, K# old C$am"ons$" Scene tP D+ contolles Scene t#Bo/ Fff"ce Smas$ Sc ene t#Bo/ Fff"ce D + c ontols Scene tJ B"g$t L"g$ts Sceam :"de Secet Se-"ce %&' Sect"on 8 Sega :all@ :e-o Sega Suesta enn"s Sega Suesta360 Acade Self>!efense a"n"ng Cam %,"nect' Se"ous Sam Collect"on; %&' Sesame Steet# Fnce%,"nect' Sesame Steet# E/e%,"nect';
*(+e Dude 1210+ S$eman a@ ot$ )oll@DoodG CA 91605
Call o Cuent <"cesJ %818' 76+>2++2 Fen 7 !a@s A ee4 11 am M 7 m e
09-27-18 Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
S$adoDun %&' S$adoDs of t$e !amned %&' S$aun $"te S4ate(oad"ng S$aun $"te SnoD(oad"ng S$ells$oc4 2 %&' S$ e lo c4 )ol mes -s . ac4 t$ e : " S$"-e"ng sles %&'
.50 3 1 .50 + 6 3
+ 9 5 + 11 16 9
+ 2 5 8 3 12 8 12 .05 5 7 7 6 5
9 7 1+ 17 9 26 16 26 2 1+ 15 16 16 1+
Steet "g$te K e44en Steet "g$te K e44en S.E.
%must "nclude all e/tas'
%&ust )a-e F(l"-"on to use t$"s game'
S$e4 oe-e Afte S$e4 $e $"d S"lent )"ll# !oDnou %&' S"lent )"ll )! Collect"on %&' S"lent )"ll )omecom"ng %&' S"msons ame S"ms 3; S"ms 3#
!oo SnoDmo("le C$allenge S4@landes S@o State
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4@landes SDa oce State
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4@landes a eam State
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4@"m %&' S4@"m C.E. %&'
+ +5
12 99
10 2 2 + 3 + 6 10 5 1 1 6 7 1 5 6 5 5 + 10 8 12 3 1 + 10 10 8 10 10 12 12 .50 8 + 1 +
22 7 6 12 9 12 1+ 22 12 5 5 1+ 15 5 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 12 22 16 29 9 5 12 22 19 17 19 19 2+ 26 + 19 12 5 12
.50 .50 8 + 1 +
+ + 19 12 5 12
.50 2 5 8 5
+ 7 12 19 12
%ncludes CE Bo/G At Boo4G &a4"ng of &us"c C! and Statue'
S4@"m Legenda@ Ed"t"on %&' Slee"ng !ogs %&' Smas$ Cout enn"s 3 Smuf?s 2 Sn"e El"te 2 %&' Sn"e El"te 2 S"l-e Sta E!. %&' Sn"e El"te %&' Sn"e El"te lt"mate E!. %&' Sn"e 2# $ost a"o %&' Sn"e# $ost a"o %&' Sold"e of otune %&' Son"c = All>Stas :ac"ng ans Son"c = Sega All>Stas :ac"ng Son"c ee :"des Son"c t$e )edge$og Son"c eneat"ons Son"c nleas$ed Son"c?s lt"mate enes"s Coll. Soul Cal"(u Soul Cal"(u <em"um Ed. Soul Cal"(u Soul Cal"(u C.E. Sout$
Sl"nte Cell# !ou(le Agent %&' S"deD"c4 Slatte$ouse %&' Sl"nte Cell# Blac4l"st; %&' Sl"nte Cell# Con-"ct"on %&' Sl"nte Cell# Con-"c t"on C.E. %&' %SB las$ !"-e &a@ ot o4' %must $a-e all e/tas'
Sl"nte Cell# !ou(le Agent %&' Sl"nte Cell# !ou(le Agent L.E. %&' Sl"t Second Songe(o( )eoants S ong e( o( ?s Su f = S 4a te %, "ne ct '
+ 10
12 22
.25 .25 1 .05 .25 2 3 10
+ 3 5 3 3 7 9 19
6 8
1+ 19
.25 1 5 8 3 + 5 3 1 1 6 6 +0
3 5 12 17 9 12 1+ 9 5 5 16 1+ 99
6 7 30
16 15 59
19.95 19.95
7 6 3 6 20
15 1+ 9 1+ +9
6 8 5 2 6 3 6 8 .50 .50 .50 1 2 3 + + 5 12 17 .50 .05
16 19 1+ 7 1+ 9 16 19 + + + 5 7 9 12 12 1+ 29 39 + 2
8 6 5 + 2 15 7 6 6 8 10 7 5 6 .05
19 1+ 1+ 12 7 3+ 16 1+ 1+ 19 22 15 1+ 16 .99
15 1
29 5
Steel Battal"on# )ea-@ %,"nect'%&' Sto4ed Sto4ed# B"g A" Ed"t"on Stom"se %&' Stangle$old %&' Stangle$old C.E %&' Steet "g$te Steet "g$te CFL. %must "nclude cad(oad (o/ and all e/tas'
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4@landes Suec$ages State 6
16 2+ 39 12 1+ 9 16 16 12 3+
%&ust "nclude all e/tas'
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4 @l an de s mag "na to s S ta t e
8 12 20 + 6 + 6 6 + 15
Sta a s $e oce nleas$ed Sta as $e oce nl. CE
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4@landes "ants State
Songe(o(?s SIuaeants#
%must "nclude all e/tas'
S4@landes "ants FDne ?s
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
Stuntman# gn"t"on Summe At$let"cs Sue Steet "g$te Sue Steet "g$te Acade; Sueman :etuns Sueme Commande Sueme Commande 2 Sufs S@nd"cate %&'; a(le enn"s ales om $e Bodelands ales of ese"a ales of ese"a SE %&ust "nclude all e/tas'
eenage &utant "na utles e44en 6 e44en 6# L.E. 1+.95 17.95
17.95 19.95 17.95 17.95
%"ncludes f"g$t"ng st"c4G and at (oo4'
e44en ag ounament 2 enc$u H %&' em"nato Sal-at"on ea"a ea"a C.E.
%must "nclude all e/tas'
est !"-e nl"m"ted est !"-e 2 nl"m"ted es t ! "- e# e a " :ac "ng Le gen ds es tam ent of S$ e loc 4 ) ol me s % &' et"s E-olut"on $"ef %&'; $o $"ll-"lle# off t$e :a"ls "ge oods <A ou 06 "ge oods <A ou 07 "ge oods <A ou 08 "ge oods <A ou 09 "ge oods <A ou 10 "ge oods <A ou 11 "ge oods <A ou 12#&astes; "ge oods <A ou 13; "ge oods <A ou 13 C.E. "ge oods <A ou 1+ "ge oods <A ou 1+ &astes "mes$"ft %&' "tanfall; %&'
%Fnl"ne Fnl@'
& &# !ange Ff $e Fo*e &# &ut ants n &an$at tan A mact om( :a"deF %&' om( :a"de C.E. %&' om( :a"de Ann"-esa@ om( :a"de Legend om( :a"de ndeDold on@ )aD4s Ame"c an asteland on@ )aD4?s <o S4ate 5 on@ )aD4s <oect 8 on@ )aD4?s <o-"ng ound on@ )aD4# :"de D(oad on@ )aD4# S$ed %eIu"es (oad accesso@'
on@ )aD4# S$ed Bundle oo )uman
*(+e Dude ,s Not esponsi#le or %ypo)r(p'ic(l /rrors
19. 95
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
o un# )ad Loc4 o )and :odeo ou %,"nect' o S"n 2 o S"n 3 o S"n + onado Fut(ea4 o@ Sto@ 3 o@ Sto@ &an"aJ ansfomes !e-astat"on ansfomes $e ame ansfomes $e ame C@(e. Ed. ansfomes# !a4 of t$e &oon ansfomes# all of C@(eton ansf o mes# :e-enge o t allen ansf o mes# :"se o t !a4 Sa4 ansf o mes# a o C@(eton "als )!L"m(oSlos"on &an; "-"al
E anted %&' a$amme +0000# Sace %&' a$amme# Battle &ac$ %&' a"os Foc$" %&' a"os Foc$" 2 %&' a"os Foc$" 3 %&' atec$ atc$ !ogs %&' atc$men# End "s "g$ %&'
6 + 1 2 7 + 8 8 5 3 7 5 5 + 6 2 6 5 1 25 3 + 6 6 .50 5 3 + 2 1 6 1 6 2 .50 .25 12 2 5 10 8 8 10 + 3 3 1 + 10 3 3 .05 3 1 .25 .25 + 2 2 3 8 1 6 5 1 3 3 .25 6 5 6 5 + 5 2
16 12 5 7 16 12 17 16 1+ 9 19 1+ 1+ 12 1+ 7 16 1+ 5 59 9 12 16 16 + 12 8 12 7 5 16 5 16 7 + + 26 7 12 22 22 22 22 12 9 9 5 12 19 9 9 3 9 5 3 3 12 7 7 9 19 + 16 1+ 5 8 9 3 1+ 1+ 16 1+ 11 12 7
5.95 5.95
*(+e Dude 1210+ S$eman a@ ot$ )oll@DoodG CA 91605 .9
Call o Cuent <"cesJ %818' 76+>2++2 Fen 7 !a@s A ee4 11 am M 7 m e
gamedudeoc4s "rices Su#$ect %o &'(n)e Wit'out Notice (il(#ility (ries Wit' Stoc3 On 4(nd
09-27-18 Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
a@ of t$e Samua" 3 %&' et %&' $eel of otune# B"g &one@ $eelman %&' $ee t$e "ld $"ngs Ae $o ants to (e a &"ll"ona"e
6 6 8 + 1 1
1+ 1+ 17 12 5 5
6 .50 6 3 .05 3 2 2 +
KBFK 360 <em"um s@stem %60B' +0
ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 60B )ad !"-eG A ca(les and AC adate.
KBFK El"te s@stem %120B'
ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 120B )ad !"-eG A ca(lesG AC adate and Et$enet ca(le.
KBFK 360 s@stem D250 B )ad !"-e %o ame'
ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 250B )ad !"-eG A ca(les and AC adate.
16 + 16 9 3 9 7 7 12
ncludes 1 "eless contolleG 20B )ad !"-eG A ca(les and AC adate.
KBFK 360 Sl"m s@stem %+B' ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG +B )ad !"-eG A ca(les and AC adate.
KBFK 360 Sl"m s@stem %+B' D,"nect. ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG +B )ad !"-eG ,"nect SensoG AC adateG A ca(les and ,"nect Ad-entues.
KBFK 360 Sl"m s@st em %250B' ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 250B )ad !"-eG AC adate and A ca(les.
KBFK 360Sl"m s@stem %250B' D,"nect. ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 250B )ad !"-eG ,"nect SensoG AC adate And A ca(les.
KBFK 360 Sl"m s@st em %320B' ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 320B )ad !"-eG AC adate and A ca(les.
12.95 7.95
KBFK 360 Sl"m s@st em %500B' ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG 500B )ad !"-eG AC adate and A ca(les.
ll used XBOX !0 syste+s '(e ( 7 d(y w(rr(nty ()(inst de
Ho"ds Assault Hone of t $e Endes )! Coll. %&' Hoo @coon Huma?s :e-enge Hum(a "tness %,"nect' Hum(a "tness Coe %,"nect' Hum(a "tness ,"ds %,"nect' Hum(a "tness# :us$ %,"nect' Hum(a "tness# old
KBFK 360 s@stem D20B )!!
5 7 3 7 7 9 + + 9 7 12 1+ 17 39 12 17 19 16 9 12 12 1+ 16 29 1+ 1+ 15 15 15 15 15 5 1+ 12 12 2 16 7 + 7 + 1+ 7 .99 2
KBFK 360 s@stem Coe ncludes 1 D"eless contolleG A ca(les and AC adate.
%,"nect :eIu"ed'
"n n" ng El e- en < o E -o . S oc ce 0 7 1 "nte Sots 2 2 "nte Stas %,"nect' .05 "eout 2 %,"nect' 2 "eout 3 %,"nect' 2 "eout# Ceate = Cas$ 3 "eout# n t$e Hone%,"nect' .50 "t c$e 2 # A ss as s" ns of ,"n gs %& ' . 25 "tc$e 2# Assass"nsS"l-e Bo/%&' 3 olf Among s %&' 2 olfenste"n %&' + olfenste"n# eD Fde %&' 6 old C$am"ons$"
&en 6 K>&en !est"n@ + K>&en F"g"ns# ol-e"ne %&' + Kcom# Enem@ n4noDn %&' .05 Kcom# Enem@ "t $"n Comm. %&' 6 a"(a "na a"den H %&' 2 ooSta 2# n t$e &o-"es .50 ooSta on & %,"nect' 2 ou !on?t ,noD ac4 .25 o un g us t"c e L ega c@ 5 ou?e "n t$e &o-"es DCamea 2 ou S$ae "tness E-ol-ed %,"nect' .05 ou S$ae "t ness E-ol- ed 2012 .05
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
12.9 12.9
%&'>&atue :ated ame $en Sell"ng ames to ame !ude# L"m"t one un"t e t"tle %e gam"ng latfom'
Deductions will r(n)e
10.00 to >20.00 dependin) on seerity o< scr(tc'es. We do not #uy syste+s wit' 'e(y scr(tc'es.
Descri tion
We We We Buy Sell Sell Used Used New
360 L"-e 6 mont$ cad %&"cosoft' 360 L"-e 12 mont$ cad %&"cosoft' 360 L"-e R25.00 cad 360 L"-e R50.00 cad AC Adato %3d
"deoA Ca(le %&"cosoft' 2 Sl"m AC Adato %3d
39.95 5+.95 25.00 50.00 19.95 +.95 + 6
9.9 19.95 2.9
26 39 59 29 +9 59 12 19 19 39 10 1+.95 1+ 19.95 9 17.95 9.95 .9 .9 5 19 9.95 5 6 1+ + 5 7 6 1+.95 3+ +9 39 +9 +9 +9 69 19 59 7 1.9 29.95 +9 59 69 79 89.95 1+ 7 9.9 35 ++.95 39 +9. 95
Deductions will #e +(de
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