Zero Limits Retreat: Audio 2 Jan. 19 – 21, 2007
Hosted by Dr. Joe Vitale & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
Now, this is where I get a LITTLE bit wary, because I have said all of what I believe and all of what I think and I am going to bring HIM up. [Chuckling]
[A few chuckles]
First, I don’t even know if he’s been LISTENING! Then, second, I am real curious what he’s got to say. Are you ready for him?
Dr. Hew Len!
Dr. Hew Len:
So, I am going to draw on the boards three states of mind. Okay? They tell me I can erase this stuff.
Copyright 2007 – Joe Vitale Reproduction Forbidden
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I am going to draw three states of minds. Now, the thing that I want you to be CLEAR about is that you are always present. The present is YOU, called Zero or the Void. What you want to know is that everything is made from this Void. There is nothing that.... So the very essence of your Being, and not the Cosmos, is Void or Zero. So, you can only be in three states at any given time. So, I am just going to draw d raw this line. Okay?
So here you are when you are first created at the beginning of creation, zero. Then, the next thing that occurred almost instantly is inspiration. Now, if you look at all of science, one of the things that you’ll find out is that science STILL DOES NOT KNOW HOW life began. So, when you look at the genetics of life, you are looking at chemicals, but you are NOT looking at the ESSENCE of it all. So, now, science is saying, “Okay, here are the genetics of whatever is going on,” but in ESSENCE, if you ask the scientist, “What is life?” Everybody...and everybody is kind of like, “Um, I don’t know!”
The other state of being...this is called Inspiration. This is called INPIRE. Inspire means to have it DRAWN IN.
Then, the other one is MEMORY or DATA, Information. Now, I want you to know that this is Information. This is Info. This is the info. Okay? So, there
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Now, when you are inspired, this is coming from The Infinite...God or whoever or whatever you want to call it. So as soon as that comes out of this Nothingness, this can ONLY come out of Nothingness. So, when you are at Zero, INSTANTLY this Inspire or this breath co mes in. It’s the fusion of the minds. This is directly from the Information coming directly from The Source. Then, what happens is this plays and the mind mimics or echoes. So, now, inspiration comes down, the mind echoes this Inspiration and it follows it. It can’t do anything else but follow this.
So, the other state is the State of Memory. Memory is what Shakespeare called fore-be-moan moan. It’s a record of a past history of a past problem, a past occurrence. So, it’s fore-be-moan moan. So now, your mind...this hits your mind and your mind MIMICS M IMICS this memory, so it REPLAYS the memory.
So, mind follows only TWO LAWS. There are only two laws and if you go to The Bible, the laws are called Lords. But there are only two Laws, the Law of Inspiration and the Law of Memory; and THESE are the two states that dictate what you are about, what you experience. That’s all there is...just THESE two states. So, when you are zero, you are absolutely silent.
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At this thing over here, there are no problems, no desires, no nothing. Zilch! At this state, it’s an echo. The Inspiration comes in from Divinity. Now you are going to fulfill that which you are created to do, by this Inspiration. So, Divinity is actually coming in saying, “HERE is what you are all about,” and you’ll just FOLLOW it! You won’t even think ab out it [Chuckle]. You won’t even know...It’s a LAW that you follow. But, you CAN NOT SERVE two masters! You can’t! It’s either you are going to go with ONE or you are going to go with the other. You can’t serve s erve two at the same sa me time. It’s important for you to know that. But, you are always present. I want you to know. You are always present. You are NEVER not there! [Chuckle] This is SO PROFOUND!!
You won’t...all the training that I got when I was a Ph.D. The school I went to it was heavy into statistics, all of that. Now, I am NOT SAYING that it was bad, but that’s the training that I got. But, nobody said to me I was 100% responsible. So, you SEE this. Now, I am going to show you what happens here.
So now, Inspiration comes and you SEE with the eye of Inspiration. You see as God sees and you are only AWED!! You go, “WOW!!!”
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have to say love this way. You have to....” There is NONE of that. That’s all MADE-UP stuff. When you are yourself, you are blind. So, this is why Shakespeare writing the tragedies, the comedies, the sonnets are SO BEAUTIFUL, because this is what ALL of Shakespeare is about -- either you are yourself or you are not. So you read, Lyre, Hamlet...yeah.
So, here you are, but you are still there. You are BLIND. That means that your mind is absolutely STILL. It means they have no barriers. You are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Then, out of this Void this Nothingness comes the Breathe of The Divinity, what the Hawaiians call “The ‘Ha.’” This is the first word in Hawaii. So, Hawaii, is really the breath...what it stands for is, “The breath and the water of The Divinity.” That’s what the word ‘Hawaii’ means.
But, there you are. So, here is the FIRST state of mind, Zero. Here is the second state of mind. Then, here is the third state of mind. There are ONLY three states. The Intellect can argue all at once, but there are only three states of mind. So, now you are seeing out of memory, so you’ve got your shades on, which means, you DO NOT SEE DIVINITY would see that person or that situation and you are STUCK. Here you are.
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your enemy or your opponent and YOU put it there. So, it creates BLOCKS. So, it creates a WALL between you and yourself and The Divinity.
Now, I want to tell you a little bit about this, so you can appreciate who you are. It’s called the “Z State.” That means everything that is PERFECT FOR YOU is ALREADY IN YOU!! You don’t have to t o be more smart! You don’t do n’t need more education. You don’t need ANYTHING!! What you need to do is to get your OPPONENT out of the way.
That’s all you are here to do! To be yourself, so that THEN you can be inspired! There is nothing else that you are here to do.
But to take this opponent which you have put there...this what you call, “Love your enemies.” So, a way to DEAL with this is, “I LOVE YOU!” BE GRATEFUL to your enemies, “THANK YOU!” But, your enemies are just the memories between you and God. So, here is YOU and here is The Infinite. So, this memory...these memories are against you and The Divinity in you.
So, I want to pause to see if you have any plans, because we are getting ready for lunch in a few minutes. Okay.
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Dr. Hew Len:
I have a hard time remembering things.
Dr. Hew Len:
Is that because I am clearing...I am cleaning?
Dr. Hew Len:
Could BE AND if you are saying to yourself, “I have a hard time remembering things.” It’s just a memory. Alzheimer’s and all of that...I am going to show you the relationship between the mind and the body, but I want to make sure that you are CLEAR on this, because as long as you know who you are, you are ‘Z’: perfect, whole, complete. You don’t NEED more education. You don’t NEED...and if you get more education, it’s because you are going to be Inspired. You are not going to get it because you NEED it!! We always come from NEED...we NEED THAT!!
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SILENT. Your COULDN’T BELIEVE what it feels...and YOU CAN’T GRASP THIS, by the way!!
You can’t understand Zero. You can’t say, “Well, HERE’S what it is!” Because why can you not grasp Zero? Why can’t you grasp Zero?
Ah! Because Zero is...when you drill down to it, there is nothing there.
Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, but why can’t you grasp nothing?
Because it’s not there!
Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah! Because if you try to grasp nothing you you are going to try to grasp it with memory. But you can’t...
Once you bring memory in, it’s not your....
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That’s what’s available to YOU! How WONDERFUL and it doesn’t matter WHO you ARE!! It doesn’t matter because who you are is Zero! No religion. No sex. No color. No nothing! Those things are not important! Did you know that? Color, sex, religion...none of that is important to The Divinity. What is important is LOVE and that’s WHO YOU ARE!
So, I am going to pause...because I can see some bubbles come up....and we are going to try to clear the air. If you would be willing to say, “Thank you. I love you,” because the questions come up. Yes, Ma’am?
If I am in the presence of another person or I have another person in my mind and either that person is experiencing a problem that I am resonating with OR I am having a conflict with that person, I just have a question about the four phrases. Am I saying, “I love you,” to The Divine in BOTH of us? “I forgive you.” Is it...I am just working on myself in the presence of this other person.
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I’m going, “Oh, geesh...Oh, sorry.” Yeah, go ahead.
Tell me the question again.
Dr. Hew Len:
I’m sorry, but I want to be CLEAR on that.
Dr. Hew Len:
I mean, is she saying it for BOTH?
Dr. Hew Len:
No, what she is saying to YOU is, “Ah, I get to clean this.” [Pause] Did you hear what I said?
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You guessed it, you go, “Oh, I love you. Thank you.” Clean it up! Because if you engage it, it will get worse! [Grumbling] The y call this “Marriage Counseling.”
Dr. Hew Len:
Blah! [Grumbling]
Dr. Hew Len:
We ALL get rich except the people who need the help. But, now, I am going to come back and answer a question, but the rest of us should be cleaning. That’s how we are going to get out of this stuff. If we don’t don ’t clean, we are going to be stuck with this. This is a memory that is playing and it’s ANCIENT!! Memory is saying, “Who’s God?” [Chuckling] She may not be THINKING that, but that’s what’s up. I mean, which? Where?
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Dr. Hew Len:
This is called an eraser. So, now I am going to erase it. [Erasing sounds] This is zillions and zillions of memories. I am not just erasing the board! board ! I am erasing things from memory banks! So, I want you to know that. It isn’t like I am just up here erasing things. Okay.
I want you to feel the vibration on this table. Are you feeling that?
Dr. Hew Len:
I have NO IDEA. We can clean with that. Yeah. [Chuckling]
Dr. Hew Len:
It’s going to be OLD STUFF. You are going to go, “OH! I’ve heard that
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Dr. Hew Len:
It’s not REAL! So I am going to let you STAY WITH THIS, let it sort of borrow into you and then you’ll reject it, but I am going to leave it there. Then I am going to show you what I am driving at. You’ve already seen this. Okay. So, what happens is when you are at Zero, the body does not exist, no cell! Even if it’s a moment, because you are what? You are Zero! Zero! But this is a HARD one to buy now, because it feels real. Something is real. But it’s NOT real.
Then, Inspiration comes and you say, “WOW!”
Joe is saying, “Wow! I can FEEL IT!”
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Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah. Anybody else?
Out of harmony.
Dr. Hew Len:
I am sorry?
It’s made when you are out of harmony.
Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah. It’s a cell that is not itself. It’s auto tuned and it’s just going to go crazy. It’s as simple as that. So, it comes back to your mind! When you are at Zero...GREAT! Then comes this PERFECT Inspiration, but when you are in Memory, your cells go crazy. They are out of tune. They are out of rhythm.
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Then, what happens...I am talking about YOU now...then what happens is that I am talking about the MIND. Then, over here, by drawing this line, I am going to call this the Conscious Mind. Now, the WONDERFUL thing about the Conscious Mind is it has CHOICE. It can be free. It can decide to be free, that is to LET GO of memory memo ry and return to freedom...that’s the choice of the Conscious Mind. It can be free or it can engage and most of the time it engages. It comes from right, wrong, up, down, all that sort of stuff, yeah.
But, let’s assume now that the Conscious Mind has let go, it’s “Let Go and Let God,” so everything at the the Inspire State. So now, up here, up here is the Super Conscious, The Super Guy, The Super Woman and OUT HERE in NOWHERE is The Divine. This is called...I am going to call it The
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So, let me pause to see whether you have any questions. You’ll get it. We have a couple of more days to do this. So, let’s see whether you have any questions, please? Yes, Ma’am.
I notice that I have some PAIN on my right thigh and my mind was asking, “Okay, why is my thigh hurting. I am rubbing it and then immediately I went to, ‘Thank you. Please forgive me. I am sorry. I love you.’”
Dr. Hew Len:
Because what it is describing here is the memory.
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Dr. Hew Len:
Or, it could be THIS way [Chuckling] and then it just goes CRAZY and this CELL just gets WORSE! [Pause]
You want to CLEAN NOW, before you ask any questions. That means it’s important, because if you have a question, that means that we are ALL going
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Getting back to the process of cleaning, I do it on a conscious level, but what about asking the Unconscious to help throughout the day, throughout the night? Joe kind of alluded to it.
Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah, well, I am going to take you through that tomorrow or either that or this afternoon.
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Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah! Worn out! Yes?
Do you say that the urge to know why and to ask why is to satisfy the memory instead of waiting for inspiration?
Dr. Hew Len:
That could be, but what HAPPENS is that the reason the “How come? Why?”
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Then he comes back the next day and IT HIT! He had one of those emails. You know, you go, “EEAhh!!!”
Dr. Hew Len:
Well, you can not believe what’s going to come next, UNCONSCIOUSLY!!!
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[Loud Laughing]
Dr. Hew Len:
I didn’t REALIZE that I HAD ALL of THAT STUFF! I thought I was a GOOD GUY! I’m just going to come to Texas GENTLY and then go HOME, but BOY!!!
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Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah, that’s what I am saying. But what I am saying to YOU, whereas the cell is in an effect, you have to go into the computer bank. THAT’S where we have shared memory and THAT memory produces a molecular outcome. It’s
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For example, in this GREAT country countr y of ours, we have the HIGHEST birth problems of any nation in the world. Why is that? I don’t know!! I am just cleaning up the databank, because that’s where it’s happening. You are
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Dr. Hew Len:
Yes! Yeah!
...just cleaning out all of those memories...
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You know, for example, I’ve got to come back...this was twenty something years ago. It’s got to come back to Hawaii State Hospital. So, I walk the building. Don’t talk to anybody unless somebody comes up to me. But you could...we only pay attention to the HUMAN SIDE. We don’t see what the buildings suffer. I mean SUFFER!! You can hear the plumbing suffer. No trees, I mean, no plants could grow in this unit. No plant, nothing at all. The paint was peeling. The repair people would not want to come in because ever y time they come and do a painting, in a month or two it’d be peeling. Well, nobody looks at how traumatized the environment is!!! I don’t know anybody that has got a Ph.D. in how to make a building feel wonderful!!! Anybody got a Ph.D. in how we can make buildings feel wonderful? Yeah. Thank you VERY much!
So, Doctor....?
Dr. Hew Len:
So, all you have to do is take care of yourself, really!! Yes?
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The same thing is if you were like in hospitals and you wanted to clear the energy in the hospital it’s the same thing. You are in are seeing that hospital so it’s part of you, down to the subconscious.
Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, yeah.
Or Manna, the same thing.
Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, yeah!
You don’t LOVE the building. You go back to the same process.
Dr. Hew Len:
No, you are coming back to yourself, because it is IN YOU the problem lies, NOT anywhere else!!! So, if you are going to be working...if you are a nurse or anything else, you are working on YOUR THOUGHTS OF, your experiences of. You are not working on the building. The building is perfect. Sorry.
So, when you cleared this room before you came, you worked on yourself about this room?
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example, “If the owner, if he had h ad problems with building of his building.” Shall we ask him?
Did you ever have any concerns about the building of this building? Did anything happen LISTEN, because he’s going to TELL US. Like, what for example?
You can have a sense about a building when you build it whether it’s [pause].... Yeah, it’s a vibration I guess. It’s something…but the concrete comes and if it’s not mixed correctly, co rrectly, I know it.
Dr. Hew Len:
You see that? I mean that’s unusual that HE would KNOW that when a concrete is mixed before it comes, he KNOWS it’s not correct! How many of YOU would know that? He has this SENSE for that. Now, what I am saying to him, he can CLEAN it before b efore they MIX IT! When he cleans it, they will mix it perfectly!!! But, this building, as I watch this building, this building is a wonderful building, but it has had some rocky beginnings. I think it’s WONDERFUL! You talk to the building.
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I keep saying, they brought these things and I go, “Oh, my God, they are going to put that on me?”
So, you have this conversation...and beautiful!
But there he is, see? So, he has this sense and now you are in this building. If your building is unhappy, you are going to have problems!! So, we want to THANK HIM, see, for having this kind of AWARENESS. Can you imagine now, if he is paying attention and the building knows that he LOVES it, this building will go to the max for him, which MEANS this building can stay up twenty years beyond however he lived. This building will FEEL this LOVE once and for all and it’d have to TEAR it down, no termite is going to get it, no earthquake. Really!! R eally!! If it FEELS LOVE...even cars.
Dr. Hew Len:
Even cars! I had somebody moan and groan, but they always had repair problems. I am watching. I am cleaning.
Then the car, you could hear the car say, “Well, he is not taking care of me, why should I take care of him?”
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Can you imagine? Well, that’s what happens. We get what we deserve. Too bad!
Wouldn’t we know when to STOP about a particular issue?
Dr. Hew Len:
Why do you even want to PAY ATTENTION to that?
Well, a lot of time, I am just CONTINUING it.
Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah, but if you DO it and the cleaning, it’s a shift. It’ll It’ll shift on its own. You don’t have to pay attention to it.
But, like your example, you cleaned and cleared before you came here.
Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, yeah and I STILL AM!
Well, yeah, and you will CONTINUE.
Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, yeah.
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Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, yeah, I’ll continue for YEARS.
Thank you.
Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah, years after I leave. It’s not done! I’m not just passing through.
So, we should have an arm/mind phrase...a frame of mind, “Just to CONSTANTLY be doing it.”
Dr. Hew Len:
Oh, yeah! Because this building has family...up in the air! So you are cleaning with this building, this building will say to thos e guys up there, “WOW! If you were here, you should see the good time I am having!” But if you are not doing the cleaning, this building will not support you. The electrical system will do crazy stuff. Yes?
You shared at lunch time that you have been doing this since the 1980’s?
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Dr. Hew Len:
I would say that much of the cleaning goes on in my child. Yeah. Yeah.
So, it’s just working on it consciously.
Dr. Hew Len:
Yeah, but what happens...what happens is...and then I would like to take a break, because otherwise your...the subconscious i s all going to leave and go on a break themselves, you know? [Marker / Drawing sounds].
So, let’s look at you. I am talking about you as a Mind. So, this is cell. This is you as a cell or your mind; so all of the problems start here. Then, the problem has exacerbated because the Intellect hooks into that. So, this is the Intellect and this is physical aspects of mind. It is not the biology, but the physical aspect.
So, as soon as the memory comes up, the Intellect hooks into it. So, “I know what is going on,” or, “This is what I am going to do.”
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So, are you doing this when your mind...I mean, are you focused on your life, you are going about doing whatever it is that you do, are you doing it whenever your mind begins to wander?
Dr. Hew Len:
I would say that would be a theme. Yeah. If I FEEL something up at THIS level, if something POPS up, I start to do cleaning, yeah. But, there are THOUSANDS and MILLIONS of cleaning that is going goin g on down here, because it’s already been programmed to say, “Hey, when a problem come s up, let’s get to it!”
Dr. Hew Len:
Because it’s the one that suffers, it’s willing to do it. The SUFFERING is HERE, not up here. This is a person that is going like that, big deal, but here is the suffering is enormous.
So, then for you, it’s become like a reflex.
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But you...when you make the choice to begin your chants, do you actually THINK about it or does it just actually begin?
Dr. Hew Len:
It just begins! Yeah. Anybody else before we take a break? Going once! Going twice! Oh, let’s take a break.
[Talking amongst themselves]
[This is the end of CD two. Now, please insert the next CD.]