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ingGuidelines Programm Greatinga WantList for the Technique Programming Relaxation/ 1. BESPECIFIC. 2. BE DETAILED. 3. BE POSITIVE. 4. CLAIMGOOD TOALL CONCERNED 5. ALLOW IT TO FIAPPEN.
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Relaxation/Prog ramming Technique Manifesting It is very important to do Relaxation Sessionstwice a day. Do one prior to breakfast and one within an hour before going to sleep. This technique involves two steps: * *
Relaxing your body and mind R"programming your brain
Follow the proceduresbelow to completeyour relaxation/programming session. 1.
Allow L5 minutes for your relaxationsession.
2. Sit in a comfortable position. Uncross arms and legs, and loosen clothing. Relax your lower jaw. Don't allow phones,people or pets to disfurb you. 3. Gently close your eyes. Take two deep breaths (slowly inhale through your nostrils for four count+ hold for four counts, and exhale through your mouth for four counts). 4. Set your inner clock for 15 minutes. Tell yourself you will be back to a consciouslevel in 15 minutes. 5. Breathe smoothly and evenly. Tune in to your breathing. Concentrate on your breathing, ':. and become very aware of your breathing. Notice how it slows down and levels out as you relax. Then you know you are.in the state of Alpha. Now begin counting backwards, from Sb to 1.,saying the number as you exhale. Be sure to get to 1. 6. "VVh"., you reach 1.,give yourself the informationlon \ fHAT YOU WANT TO MANIFEST INTO YOUR LIFE. (from your Want List) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Be specific. Be detailed Be positive. ALWAYS, claim good to all concerned. And, ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.
7After completing your suggestions or Programming, start counting forward from 1 to 5. Upon reaching 5, you will open your eyes, feeling completely aler! refreshed and relaxed. Remain sitting for 1-2 minutes, staring into space. Slowly become physigally active again by moving hands and feet and stretching. Then get up and quietly go,aboutyour activities. ,,,,', . ,,,1" NoTE: You can use this technique to enhance all areas of yorrrtlif".'Si*ply or"utg;,ri o*n statements and repeat them during step 6. You can manifest whatever you want Prografiuning to manifest.
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