A p p e n d i x 5 : B a l l a s t W a t e r M a n a g e m e n t P l a n
A p p e n d i x 5 : B a l l a s t W a t e r M a n a g e m e n t P l a n
Fuel Oil Management Plan
General General Informati Information on 1 1 Gene Genera ral. l... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......1 ...1 2 Dee Deel! l!pm pmen entt !" !" t#e t#e $%el $%el &il &il Man Manag agem emen entt Pla Plan. n... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ....1 .1 2.1 2.2
General Contents of Plan 1 General Guidance for Using the Template
"#el Oil Mana$ement Mana$ement Plan Tem%lat Tem%late e 3 3 1 '!e '!err Page Page... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ......3 ...3 Review Record and Revision History .................................... 2 ....................................( ( 3 )a*le )a*le !" '!ntents.................................. '!ntents...............................................................................5 .............................................5 ( Intr!d%+ti!n.........................................................................................,
Vessel Particulars....................................................................... .........6 5.1 Machinery Particulars................. Particulars....................................... ......................7 7 SOx Eissions
e4nitions 1) Sa)lin" Methods
11.! 1) 11." Sampling and Sample 4ntegrity.......................................................1+ 11.) Sampling 5ocation.........................................................................1+ 11.+ Sealing of the &etained sample.....................................................1+ 11.7 &etained Sample Storage..............................................................17 11. 6andling and &etention of #un$er Samples..................................17
'uel Switchin" Procedure.............. ..................... ................ .................................. .........................11'uel (han"e!over -ro H'O Heavy 'uel 12.1 Oil to MO Marine as Oil 1 12.2 'uel (han"e!over Procedure -or ,uxiliary En"ines8 %oilers 1 'uel (han"e!over Procedure with i9erent 12.! :y)e :y)e 'uels 'uels 1 3MO Record 0ee)in" Re$uireents 12." 1 12.) U &ecord 8eeping &e'uirements.................................................1 12.+ California 0ir &esources #oard 9C0: &ecord 8eeping &e'uirements.................................................................................1
D%ties0esp!nsi*ilities......................................................................2/ D%ties0esp!nsi*ilities......................................................................2/
O)eration Mana"er o- the (o)any....................................2/
e+ti!n 1: General In"!rmati!n
1 General Information
[Please delete this Section 1 on completion of the Template]
1 General (essels complying with mission Control 0rea 9C0: fuel oil re'uirements y using fuel oil switching operations when entering or lea-ing an C0 are to include the following details in their fuel oil management plan; •
(essel particulars<
Schematic diagrams of the fuel oil system< including details of change=o-er for S/> control<
Step=y=step fuel oil changeo-er procedures for main engine< au>iliary engines< oiler< etc.<
Methods and means of recording -olume of low=sulfur fuel oils in tan$s<
,ate< time< and position of the -essel when any operation of fuel oil changeo-er is completed prior to entry into< or is commenced after e>it from< an C0< 0 statement that the un$er deli-ery note must e retained for a period of three years< ,escription of process for the sealing of a sample of the fuel oil deli-ered including signing y the supplier?s representati-e and retention onoard for 12 months< Course of action when purchase of compliant fuel oil is not a-ailale in accordance with the -essel?s -oyage plan.
A%%en(i) ' Se,tion 1
Balla*t +ater Mana$ement Plan General I nformation
Method of record $eeping of low sulfur fuel -olume< date< time and location of fuel switching.
A%%en(i) 3 Se,tion 1
Balla*t +ater Mana$ement Plan General I nformation
General Gui#an$e for U"ing the Template
%ields highlighted in yellowD are comments< suggestions or e>ample te>t that need to e deleted and may re'uire the user?s input< in which case they are to e filled out accordingly. Users are recommended to re-iew the contents for rele-ance and applicaility to the topics or suEect headings that are eing de-eloped for specific -essels.
C.a%ter Se,tion
1 !
Biofo#lin$ Mana$ement Plan Pream/le
2 Fuel Oil Management Plan Template 1
!over Page
Fuel Oil Management Plan
(essel ameD 4M/ umerD
To meet the re'uirements of the &egulation 1" B 1 of M0&P/5 0nne> (4 and 0#S Guide for the n-ironmental Protection otation for (essels
2 %evie& an# %evi"ion 'i"tor( /n a routine asis< the ownersAoperators and -essel?s crew are to re-iew the contents of the %/MP. This re-iew is to confirm that the information pro-ided within the Plan is current and contains the information necessary to conduct a fuel switching operation in order to comply with applicale sulfur regulations such as of !MO MARPOL Annex !" #+ ,i-ecti.es" $alifo-nia Ai- Resou-ces 3oa-d '$AR3* and 0#S uide fo- the #n.i-onmental P-otection 2otation fo- essels . 0 record of the periodic re-iews of the Plan y the crew and re-isions to the Plan are to e recorded in the tales elow.
This section documents a re-iew y the -essel?s crew and pro-ides a means to trac$ the re-ision history of the ship?s %/MP as a means to confirm that the %/MP remains current.
&e-iew 6istory ame
,ate of &e-iew
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
) Ta*le of !ontent" 0 Tale of Contents is an inde> of the information pro-ided< allowing users to 'uic$ly na-igate and reference -arious sections of the Plan. 0n e>ample is gi-en elow. &eplace as deemed appropriate.H
Table of Contents
Co-er Page............................................................................................................................! &e-iew &ecordA&e-ision 6istory.........................................................................................." Tale of Contents..................................................................................................................) 4ntroduction...........................................................................................................................+ (essel Particulars..................................................................................................................7 S/> mission I &egulationsA&e'uirements.......................................................................... #un$er Consumption Monitoring......................................................................................... 0ctions &e'uired Prior #un$ering......................................................................................11
+ Intro#u$tion 0t the eginning of each %/MP an JintroductoryK section should e included to reflect the intent of &egulations and the purpose of the plan.
ame of the shipping companyD has de-eloped a proacti-e approach for en-ironmental management that includes the identification and assessment of sources for marine and atmospheric pollution. This plan supports the reduction of harmful S/> and PM emissions through effecti-e fuel oil management including est practices for fuel oil change=o-er procedures. The purpose of the %/MP is to promote compliance with &egulations 1" and 1 of M0&P/5 0L (4. This includes procedures for fuel un$ering< un$er 'uantity measurement and storage management< sampling< record$eepingA#un$er ,eli-ery otes 9#,:s and change=o-er procedures in order to identify potential prolems efore they impact the ship?s operation< and to ensure that; 4nteraction of the shipoard acti-ities with the en-ironment is in accordance with the applicale •
mandatory rules and regulations and any additional re'uirements imposed for retaining the (4&/ or (4&/ notation from the 0#S. Shipoard emissionsAdischarges to the sea< air and land are controlled< monitored and in accordance with the companyNs policies and oEecti-es.
0ll -essels are re'uired to minimiOe pollution to the atmosphere. The purpose of these instructions is to descrie the procedures that must e followed for the control of S/> and PM emissions< therey limiting harmful air pollutants.
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
Gross tonnage 9grt: et tonnage 9nrt: Summer draft ngine Type &PM Power Class Class 4, #uilder and date of uild
Ma,.iner Parti,#lar* 5ist of main and au>iliary engines and au>iliary oilers; Make
Serial No.
Main ngine1 Main ngine 2 0u>iliary ngine 1 0u>. #oiler 1
Rated Power
...........6P R.....&PM Make
Serial No.
...........6P R.....&PM Rated Output ...........6P R.....&PM
The first two mission Control 0reas appro-ed y the 4M/ addressed S/> emissions< and are $nown as SC0s. They are; the #altic Sea and the orth Sea 9including the nglish Channel:. The 4M/ has also appro-ed two more C0s< setting limits for S/>< /> and PM. These areas are the orth 0merican and US Cariean Sea. The U 9uropean Union: ,irecti-e 2**)A!!AC went into effect 1 Qanuary 2*1* and re'uires -essels erthed in an U port to use ma>imum *.1 mAm sulfur content fuel. 1! CC& 9Code of California &egulation:< Section 22.2 restricts marine fuels used when entering any waters within 2" nautical miles of the California aseline to use distillates with ma>imum *.1 sulfur content and went into effect 1 Qanuary 2*1". This California &egulation is implemented through the J% uel Sulfur and /ther /peration &e'uirements for /cean=Going (essels within California aters and 2" autical Miles of the California #aselineK 9or< the /cean Going (essel 9/G(: %uel &egulation:. The C0 /G( %uel &egulation does not currently recogniOe or permit the use of non=distillate low sulfur fuels or alternati-e emission control technologies 9i.e.< GCS: for compliance with the sulfur reduction limits. /perators entering waters of the State of California should e aware they must comply with oth the California /G( %uel &egulation and the orth 0merican C0 re'uirements. 0ll engines and oilers< e>cept main propulsion oilers< are affected y the regulations and it is mandatory to operate engines and au>iliary oilers on low sulfur marine fuel with the sulfur content as indicated in the respecti-e regulations. SOx compliance dates for Regulation ! of M"RPO# "nnex $%& C"R' and () %MO *lobal
C"R' ,-!nm of C" 'aseline
, t
S lf
, t
A%%en(i) 3
"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
his -essel has sufficient fuel to safely carry out the proposed -oyage. (oyage planning must ta$e into account the following; 5ength of the -oyage@ • >pected pre-ailing weather conditions@ • >pected consumptions during the proposed -oyage@ • Speed< condition of the -essel 9laden or allast condition:@ • /perations re'uired underway 9tan$ cleaning< heating< etc.:@ • 0-ailaility or not of recei-ing additional un$ers as needed during the -oyage@ • uality of the fuel< as specified in the M0&P/5 0nne> (4 re'uirements@ and •
B#n4er "#el Re6#ire( for 7oa$e reise as appli+a*le; hen -oyage orders are recei-ed< the Chief ngineer 9CA: must ad-ise the Master on the amount of fuel currently on oard and the anticipated daily consumption for the forthcoming -oyage. The CA must also ad-ise the Master of the amount of fuel estimated to e consumed for non=propulsion purposes during the intended -oyage. %rom this information the Master and CA must determine the ship?s fuel re'uirements. The -oyage orders will indicate whether one way or round=trip un$ers are to e ta$en and whether any limitations as to fuel re'uirements e>ist. Prior to sailing< the Master is to ensure that ade'uate fuel is onoard for the planned -oyage< plus a safe margin of reser-e.
6ea-y %uel /il Unless instructed to the contrary y the Company< a minimum safe reser-e of 6ea-y %uel /il 96%/: should e a se-en 97: days open sea sailing at normal speed consumption 'uantity. 4n any case< the
• • • • • •
,ate of commencement of un$ering@ ame< address and telephone numer of the marine fuel supplier@ Product name9s:@ uantity of un$ers deli-eredArecei-ed in metric tonnes@ ,ensity at 1)* C 9$gAm!: y hydrometer method 94S/ !+7):@ Sulfur content 9mAm: y >=ray fluorescence spectrometry 94S/ 7)":.
4n addition to the ao-e information< the #,< or a separate declaration signed and certified y the fuel oil supplier3s representati-e< is to state that the fuel as supplied to the ship is in conformance with &egulation 1".1 or 1"." and &egulation 1.! of M0&P/5 0nne> (4. 0s the #, may e inspected y Port State Control officers< particularly within C0s< the accuracy of the information contained in these records are paramount as they pro-ide clear e-idence of the 'uantity of the low sulfur fuel 9less than *.1 sulfur: recei-ed y a -essel. The #, must ne-er e signed efore the completion of the un$ering operation and shall e $ept on oard the ship in such a place as to e readily a-ailale for inspection at all reasonale times. #,s are to e retained for a period of three years after the fuel oil has een deli-ered on oard. The #, shall e accompanied y a representati-e sample of the fuel oil deli-ered< ta$ing into account &esolution MPC.129): I 2** Guidelines for the Sampling of %uel /il for ,etermination of Compliance with the &e-ised M0&P/5 0nne> (4 I 90dopted on 17 Quly 2**:. The sample must e sealed and signed y supplier?s representati-e and the Master or /fficer in charge of the un$er operation< and must e retained onoard ship for at least 1 year from the date of deli-ery. See a
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
#altic and orth Sea areas needs to pro-ide e-idence that it attempted to purchase compliant fuel oil in accordance with its -oyage plan and that< despite est efforts< no such fuel oil was made a-ailale for purchase.
7 A$tion" %e3uire# Prior 5un6ering 01
General Re6#irement* hene-er a -essel ta$es un$ers< the operation must e carefully planned and e>ecuted in accordance with all applicale international and national regulations and standards 9e.g. SS +**;2**:. The CA is directly responsile for all un$ering operations< earing in mind that the Master carries ultimate responsiility. 4n cases where more than one type of fuel 9e.g. 6%/ B MG/: is to e un$ered< then each type of fuel shall e separately< and not simultaneously< transferred on oard. The se'uence of these operations shall e determined with this purpose 9one type of fuel to start eing un$ered after the other type has een fully transferred onoard: and as a result any simultaneous un$ering is to e a-oided. 4n cases where simultaneous un$ering cannot e a-oided< an appro-al from the Company?s appropriate department shall e otained in writing. See un$ering pre=deli-ery safety chec$list< i ncluded here as %/MP 0L C.
B#n4erin$ Plan reise as appli+a*le; #un$ering operations shall always e carried out in accordance with a written plan. The CA shall
The distriution of un$ers which should ensure the -essel?s safe condition earing in mind the trim of the -essel prior and after the un$ering@
The segregation of un$er< in order to a-oid the potential conse'uence of incompatiility from the mi>ing of different fuels< whene-er this is possile. This also pro-ides the opportunity to confirm the e>tent of fuel 'uality y drawing separate tan$ samples should the need arise@
0 sufficient 'uantity of pre-ious un$ers should e ensured< to allow for a reasonale cross o-er period from old to new un$ers< thus pro-iding time for an independent assessment of the new un$er 'uality efore it is put into use@ 0 diagram of the fuel oil transfer piping is recommended to e attached to the plan.
C.ief En$ineer;* B#n4erin$ Or(er* reise as appli+a*le; 4t is essential that the Chief ngineer?s written standing orders for un$ering operations are posted at the fueling station or control room in a language understood y the crew. These orders should include; Schematic fuel oil piping diagrams including location of all -al-es< pumps< controls< -ents and • o-erflow systems@ •
Person in charge of the un$ering operation@
Persons re'uired to e on duty during un$ering operations and details of respecti-e duties@
Procedures for emergency shutdown@
Topping=off procedures@
(al-e closing procedures@
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
Pipeline and -al-e settings shall e -erified y Chief ngineer and ngine &oom /fficer of the atch. >cept for the dec$ watch $eeper< personnel assigned un$ering responsiilities may perform only those duties assigned while the -essel is un$ering. 0ll personnel assigned to un$ering shall comply with their duties identified in the -essel3s un$ering procedure and shall remain at their wor$ stations during topping off.
Comm#ni,ation reise as appli+a*le; ach in-ol-ed person should e e'uipped with two=way communication in order to ensure effecti-e communication. The CA shall ensure that communication etween the -essel and deli-ering -essel or facility is accomplished -isually or y -oice< sound=powered phones< radio< air horn. The CA shall notify the deli-ering -essel3s or facility3s Person in Charge efore any topping off egins. The CA shall ensure that un$ering personnel $now and use nglish phrases and hand signals to communicate the following instructions during un$ering; Wstop
Trainin$ of 7e**el>* Cre? In5ol5e( in B#n4erin$ reise as appli+a*le; 0 trainingAfamiliariOation session is to e conducted " hours prior to any scheduled un$ering for all -essel personnel in-ol-ed in un$ering duties. one of the crew memers should assume any un$ering responsiilities without appropriate training. The CA is responsile for such training. The training session shall include< ut is not limited to; &e-iew of un$ering plan 9see section .2:@ • &e-iew of any penalties and liailities for not complying with any national andAor •
That ample warnings are gi-en to the terminalAarge during the final stages of un$ering and efore the final notification for the interruption of the flow. The signal to finish the fuel oil flow must e gi-en y the ship@ 0mple ullages are pro-ided in each tan$ to allow for temperature -ariations of the un$ers 0mple ullage is to e left in the last tan$ loaded< to allow for draining of the hoses and for relief of the air loc$s in the system@ There is always a crew memer on watch at the un$er manifold to chec$ the proper operation of the drip line sample -al-e and ensure there will e no ta mpering with the sample@ The ullage of the fuel tan$ eing loaded is monitored regularly 9at inter-als not e>ceeding !* minutes:@ The ullages of other tan$s connected to the same line are regularly chec$ed to ensure no accidental lea$age is occurring@ The un$ering operation ceases in the e-ent of hea-y rain and an electrically charged atmosphere@ The ne>t tan$ -al-e is opened efore the pre-ious tan$ -al-e is closed during loading tan$ change=o-er@ The person who is ta$ing tan$ ullages is gi-en regular rea$s y a ac$up person if un$ering operation is anticipated to e carried out for longer than >H hour9s:.
1; A$tion" %e3uire# Upon !ompletion of 5un6ering 9revi"e a" appli$a*le:
A%%en(i) 3
11 111
"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
Intro(#,tion 4n accordance with &egulation 1..1 of M0&P/5 0nne> (4 and &esolution MPC.129):< the #, shall e accompanied y a representati-e sample of the fuel oil deli-ered. This sample is to e used solely for determination of compliance with M0&P/5 0nne> (4.
Definition* %or the purpose of these Guidelines;
Supplier?s representati-e is the indi-idual from the un$er tan$er who is responsile for the deli-ery and documentation or< in the case of deli-eries direct from the shore to the ship< the person who is responsile for the deli-ery and documentation@
Ship3s representati-e is the ship3s Master or officer in charge who is responsile for recei-ing un$ers and documentation@
&epresentati-e sample is a product specimen ha-ing its physical and chemical characteristics identical to the a-erage characteristics of the total -olume eing sampled@
Primary sample is the representati-e sample of the fuel deli-ered to the ship collected throughout the un$ering period< otained y the sampling e'uipment positioned at the un$er manifold of the recei-ing ship@
&etained sample is the representati-e sample in accordance with &egulation 1.+ of M0&P/5 0nne> (4< of the fuel deli-ered to the ship deri-ed from the primary sample.
The amount of primary sample collected during un$ering should e chec$ed at the end of the un$ering operation to ensure it is aout ) liters. This sample should e uniformly mi>ed and di-ided into su=samples< i.e. sample retained to meet M0&P/5 re'uirement and commercial samples 9%uel /il 0nalysis 5aoratory sample< %uel /il 0nalysis 5aoratory ship retained sample and sample for the supplier:. The collected sample is to e di-ided into su=samples in the presence of the supplier?s representati-e and sealed as per paragraph 11.+. The primary sample must e representati-e of the whole period of un$ering from the uni'ue source 9i.e. if there are more than one un$er arge with more than one #,< then one sample must e ta$en for the deli-ery of fuel associated with each #,:.
Sam%lin$ an( Sam%le Inte$rit 0 means should e pro-ided to seal the sampling e'uipment throughout the period of supply. 0ttention should e gi-en to;
The form of set up of the sampler@
The form of the primary sample container@
The cleanliness and dryness of the sampler and the primary sample container prior to use@
The setting of the means used to control the flow t o the primary sample container@ The method to e used to secure the sample from tampering or contamination during the un$er operation. The sample recei-ing container should e attached to the sampling e'uipment and sealed so as to pre-ent tampering or contamination of the sample throughout the un$er deli-ery period. The container intended to hold the retained sample should e thoroughly inspected for cleanliness and
A%%en(i) 3
"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
,etails of seal identification@
#un$er grade. To facilitate cross=reference details of the seal< identification may also e recorded on the #,. See an e>ample of retained sample lael in %/MP 0L ,.
Retaine( Sam%le Stora$e The retained sample should e $ept in a safe storage location< outside the ship?s accommodation< where personnel would not e e>posed to -apors which may e released from the sample. Care should e e>ercised when entering a sample storage location. The retained sample should e stored in a sheltered location where it will not e suEect to ele-ated temperatures< preferaly at a coolAamient temperature< and where it will not e e>posed to direct sunlight. Pursuant to &egulation 1..1 of M0&P/5 0nne> (4< the retained sample should e retained under the ship?s control until the fuel oil is sustantially consumed< ut in any case for a period of not less than 12 months from the time of deli-ery. The ship?s Master should de-elop and maintain a system to $eep trac$ of the retained sample. 0fter the retention period of 12 months e>pires< the CA is responsile to collect the e>pired samples from their storage location and to dispose them into the sludge tan$ through the sounding pipe. See an e>ample format of fuel sample trac$ingAcontrol in %/MP 0L .
Han(lin$ an( Retention of B#n4er Sam%le* reise as appli+a*le
Fuel /&it$hing Pro$e#ure
The fuel change=o-er procedure shall e completed efore the -essel enters into any C0 or e>haust emission control area 9i.e.< 2" nautical mile shore area of the California aseline:. 4n U ports the crew is to complete any necessary fuel change=o-er operation as soon as possile after arri-al at erth and as late as possile efore departure from the erth.
"#el C.an$eo5er from H"O 9Hea5 "#el Oil to MGO 9Marine Ga* Oil reise as appli+a*le 4n order to use MG/ 9*.1 Sulfur %/: as fuel< e-ery -essel is to e fitted with dedicated low sulfur fuel oil storage tan$< fuel oil piping system arranged to operate low=sulfur fuel for main engine< au>iliary engines< and oiler etc. 0dditionally< operational procedures for fuel change=o-er are to e pro-ided on oard the -essel. 0n e>ample of %uel /il Change=o-er procedures are pro-ided elow for a typical -essel where a dedicated MG/ tan$ is pro-ided@ howe-er< fuel oil change=o-er procedures are -ery specific for each -essel ased on the fuel piping design< type of main engine< au>iliary engines< oilers etc. The -essel ownerAoperator is re'uired to de-elop -essel specific change=o-er procedures y consulting with the designer of the fuel piping system and manufacturers of the engines and oilers.
Main ngine 9MA: %uel /il 9%/: Change=o-er procedure from 6%/ to MG/; ! (erify MG/ ser-ice tan$ le-el< ! &educe MA load to 2)Y"* of normal load< ! Stop all steam tracing for MA %/ ser-ice system< auto filter etc. and switch temperature
A%%en(i) 3
"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
! !
(iscosity and pressure of supply and circulating line is to e chec$ed< ,ate and time< ship position and low sulfur fuel oil in each tan$ onoard< is to e recorded in suitale log oo$ as prescried y the 0dministration upon eginning of change=o-er.
"#el C.an$eo5er Pro,e(#re for A#)iliar En$ine* Boiler* reise as appli+a*le Similar types of change=o-er procedure li$e ao-e e>ample are re'uired to e de-eloped for au>iliary engines and oilers.
"#el C.an$eo5er Pro,e(#re ?it. Different T%e "#el* reise as appli+a*le; 4f the -essel is using different types of fuels e.g. 6%/< MG/< M,/ or recently offered C0 compliant premium fuel< a separate change=o-er procedure is to e de-eloped for each type of fuel in consultation with the designer of the fuel piping system and manufacturers of the engines and oilers.
IMO Re,or( it from such an area. This information shall e recorded in such logoo$ as prescried y the 0dministration. 0 sample form to record a fuel oil change=o-er is included as %/MP 0L %.
EU Re,or(
1) 131
O%eration* Mana$er of t.e Com%an Monitor the un$er status of the Company?s fleet. Schedule and arrange for un$er supply as and when necessary< ta$ing into consideration emissions restrictions and the location of ports of con-enience. Maintain an updated appro-ed un$er suppliers list. Promptly arrange for the supply of re'uired fuel grade and 'uantity in order to comply with enforced regulations in the trading area. 0lways schedule un$ering y selecting ports ased on ship?s routing and fuel oil price and 'uality< considering economic enefits of the Co mpany other than emergency condition.
Marine S#%erinten(ent of t.e Com%an: 4nform the Master of the -essel of any intended operation within areas of enforced special regulations with respect to fuel grade and 'uality. Co=ordinate with the Master of the -essel to carry out all necessary preparations in ad-ance to ensure safe entry into the emission control area.
Ma*ter of t.e 7e**el: 0d-ise Chief ngineer of any intended -oyage areas which ha-e enforced regulations on fuel grade
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
Ta$e necessary tan$ ullages< soundings or -arious readings of all -essel compartments that are designed and designated for storage of fuel and luricating oil. &eadings of ao-e mentioned fluids are ta$en; •
,aily< at noon time<
Prior to port arri-al<
Prior to sailing<
0fter port departure<
hene-er deemed necessary y Chief ngineer.
1+ Li"t of Dra&ing" %e3uire# to Atta$h &ith the FO Management Plan 0t a minimum< the following drawings are to e attached with this Manual; •
Main ngine< 0u>iliary ngines and #oilers fuel oil ser-ice system.
%uel oil filling< transfer and purifying system.
%uel oil tan$ locations.
1. 4M/ &
lation I 0
> (4 of M0&P/5
FOMP "NN(0 " (xample of a bunker deli1er2 note
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
FOMP "NN(0 '
E)am%le* of .an( *i$nal* for /#n4erin$ ,omm#ni,ation
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
FOMP "NN(0 C #un$ering pre=deli-ery safety chec$list
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
FOMP "NN(0 3 >ample of a sample lael B#n4er Sam%le @a/el 4essel
IM& n!.
ampling date
Name !" *%n=er tan=er:
ampling p!int: > 4essel mani"!ld ampling met#!d: > '!ntin%!%s drip Grade:
%antit M):
'arg! &""i+er Name ?in *l!+= letters@
'#ie" Engineer Name ?in *l!+= letters@
B%n=er %re!r Name ?in *l!+= letters@
> B%n=er tan=er mani"!ld > &t#ers ?please spe+i"@:
FOMP "NN(0 ( >ample format of fuel sample trac$ingAcontrol
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"#el Oil Mana$ement Plan
FOMP "NN(0 F 5ow Sulfur %uel /il Change=o-er &ecord for &egulated areas
FOMP "NN(0 */ %orm /G(=!0
Re,or(4ee%in$ "orm"#el S?it,.in$ S#mmar "orm OG73A 7e**el Name F IMO : 7oa$e: Port=* 7i*ite(: Port Call Date=*:
"#el S?it,.in$ S#mmar for Re$#late( California +ater* Main En$ine=* S.i% O%eration
Date 9mo=(a=r
@o,al Time 9Pa,ifi,
@o,ation 9@on$ F @at
Main En$ine N#m/er=*!: "#el 1 "#el 1 T%e S#lf#r
"#el ! T%e
"#el ! S#lf#r
Be$in "#el S?it,. 9S.o#l( /e %rior to Entr to RC+1 Com%lete "#el S?it,. 9S.o#l( /e %rior to Entr to RC+1 Entr to RC+1 @ea5e RC+1
N!tes: 1. 'W means eg%lated 'ali"!rnia Waters as de"ined in t#e &+ean9G!ing 4essel $%el eg%lati!n. )#is is 2( na%ti+al miles ?nm@ "r!m t#e 'ali"!rnia s#!reline in+l%ding 2( nm "r!m t#e s#!reline !" t#e '#annel Islands. 2. $!r t#e main engine0s list t#e tpe !" marine "%el ?e.g. I$& 3-/ I$& 1-/ MD&?DMB@ MG&?DMA@ and per+ent * 7eig#t s%l"%r. $%el C1 is t#e "%el t#at is *eing s7it+#ed "r!m 7#ile "%el C2 is t#e "%el s7it+#ed t!. Add +!l%mns i" di""erent "%els appl t! di""erent main engines.
Re,or(4ee%in$ "orm"#el S?it,.in$ S#mmar "orm OG73A 7e**el Name F IMO : 7oa$e: Port=* 7i*ite(: Port Call Date=*:
"#el S?it,.in$ S#mmar for Re$#late( California +ater* A#)iliar En$ine=* S.i% O%eration
Date 9mo=(a=r
@o,al Time 9Pa,ifi,
@o,ation 9@on$ F @at
A#)iliar En$ine N#m/er=*!: "#el 1 "#el 1 T%e S#lf#r
"#el ! T%e
"#el ! S#lf#r
Be$in "#el S?it,. 9S.o#l( /e %rior to Entr to RC+1 Com%lete "#el S?it,. 9S.o#l( /e %rior to Entr to RC+1 Entr to RC+1 @ea5e RC+1
N!tes: 1. 'W means eg%lated 'ali"!rnia Waters as de"ined in t#e &+ean9G!ing 4essel $%el eg%lati!n. )#is is 2( na%ti+al miles ?nm@ "r!m t#e 'ali"!rnia s#!reline in+l%ding 2( nm "r!m t#e s#!reline !" t#e '#annel Islands. 2. $!r t#e a%xiliar engine0s list t#e tpe !" marine "%el ?e.g. I$& 3-/ I$& 1-/ MD&?DMB@ MG&?DMA@ and per+ent * 7eig#t s%l"%r. $%el C1 is t#e "%el t#at is *eing s7it+#ed "r!m 7#ile "%el C2 is t#e "%el s7it+#ed t!. Add +!l%mns i" di""erent "%els appl t! di""erent a%xiliar engines.