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Adj usti ng Tabl e C ontr ol s ( SAP Libr ar y - Chang i ng the SAP Standar d ( BC) )
Adjusting Table Controls Functions:: Functions
De scr ip tio n :
Re str ictio n s:
Transaction variants
You can :
You cannot change
Change the column sequence
and screen variants
column headings.
Change the column wid th Hide columns Revoke the the read y for input s tatus of indi vidual columns Preassign values to table control control fields Completely hide the table control
The following commands are availabl available: e:
ColumnH Co lumnHeade eaderr [Old] "New " ColumnWidth [Heading] Number ColumnOrder [Heading] Number NoInput [Table, Column name]
ColumnWidth Colum nWidth [Heading] 0 hides an entire column. You can also reposition or hide the table control. Admin is trator Function for
Adju A dju s ting tables tab les at clien t level. You You can :
You can not revoke revoke the rea dy
Table Control Settings
Change the column sequence
for input status of individual
(see below)
Change the column wid th
Hide columns
You cannot change
Configure the number of fixed columns
column headings.
Hide or sho w gridlines in the table control control
You can a djus t the layout layout of a table con trol at two levels levels : User level, and Clien t level level
User Level
The Table controls function controls function in the upper right corner of the table tab le control allows allows you to personaliz p ersonalize e the basic table settings delivered with the system. For more information, see
Table Controls in Controls in the
Getting Started documentation. Table control adjustm adjustments ents made at user level take priority over adjustm adjustments ents made at client level. Note Note the following exceptions: Hidden columns remain invisible Columns not ready for input remain locked Screen variant variant default value value s are a dopted The first first two points are i mportant, otherwise columns could be s een or changed by user groups that they should not be available to.
Client Level There are two ways of how you you can ad jus t the the layout of a table table con trol on a client-wide bas is: Using the admini strat strator or function function for table control settings, or Using a transaction or screen variant variant You us e the adm inistrator funct functions ions for table table control settings if you you want to make the following changes in one client only: p_nw04/Helpdata/en/fb/ac5f4261ae11d295b10000e82de14a/content.htm
Adjusting Table Controls (SAP Library - Changing the SAP Standard (BC))
Change the column s equence Change the column width Hide columns If you wan t to revoke the ready for input s tatus of individual colu mn s or prea ss ign values to table control fields , you mus t create a s creen variant since the adm inistrator function for table controls does not support this. You s hould als o use a scree n variant for adjus ting table controls if you wan t to copy the table control s ettings to other clien ts. Since screen variants can be transported, their corresponding table control layouts can be transported as well. Administrator Function for Table Control Settings Use rs wi th authorization ‘ TCTR’ in authorization object ‘S_ADMI_FCD' can de fine a la yout variant of a table control as a s tandard setting. This setting (variant) then becom es the table control’s global s etting for all users whenever they start the trans action. If you do n ot define a s ystem -wide variant, the s ystem interprets the s creen definition a s the global se tting. In order to define a table control for the entire system, proceed as follows: 1. Start the trans action in question and na vigate to the appropriate table control. 2. Use the Table controls icon to activate the Global settings variant (if this is not already the case). 3. Adjust the table control to your specifications (column width and column position can be a djusted; all columns you do n ot need can be h idden by se tting their width to zero).
One column of the table control must rem ain visible. 4. Choose Adm inistrator from the di alog b ox that appears when you activate theTable settings icon.
Adjusting Table Controls (SAP Library - Changing the SAP Standard (BC))
The table control attributes are displayed in the table Current settings. No value appea rs in the field Length for those columns whose width has been set to zero; you can deactivate them by selecting the setting Invisible. You can als o change o ther attributes of the current table con trol configuration. You can: Hide additional columns usi ng theInvisible checkbox Configure the numbe r of fixed colum ns Hide or dis play the gridlines in the table control 5. Choose Activate to trans fer your s ettings to the res t of the system. The se ttings activated are the bas ic settings for each user.
If you close the dialog box without choosing Activate, the se ttings remain unchanged. 6. Call the transaction a second time and check your new settings. Repea t the s teps l isted a bove if you wan t to alter the table control s ettings yet agai n. Each time you activate new settings , this variant overwrites the e xisting one. Adjusting a Table Control Using a Sc ree n Variant
For information on adjusting table controls using screen variants, see Table Control Layout in Variants. If administrator settings are available for a table control and a layout is set using a
Adjusting Table Controls (SAP Library - Changing the SAP Standard (BC))
screen variant, then the layout of the screen variant takes effect.