Introduction 1. Brief Bri ef History of the Afghan Refugee Refugee Crisis Cris is 2. Theoretica Theoreticall Framework 2.1. Asylum and Refugees in Modern International Law 2.2. Asylum and Refugees in i n Islam Islam 3. Case Stu S tudy: dy: Pakistan’s Paki stan’s Response to to Afghan Refugees Refugees 3.1. First Fi rst Wave Wave of Afghan Refugees Refugees to Paki P akistan stan (1979) 3.2. Afghan Refugees: The Role of Women, Family and Honor 3.3. Religion and Politics in Pakistan 3.4 Islam and the the Acceptance Accep tance of Afghan Refugees Refugees in i n Pakistan Paki stan 3.5. Political Poli tical Factors Fac tors Contributing to the the Acceptance of Refugees 3.6. Second Se cond Wave Wave of Afghan Refugees Refugees to Paki P akistan stan (1989) 3.7 Third Wave Wave of Afghan Refugees Refugees to Paki P akistan stan (2001) 4. Islamic slami c Non-Governmental Non-Governmental Organizations Organizati ons 4.1. UNHCR UNHCR Operations in Paki stan 5. Summary: the Afghan Afg han Case Ca se 5.1. Remaining Chall C hallenges enges and Potential P otential Solutions Conclusions References
Introduction Since Si nce September Sep tember,, 11th, 11th, 2001, 2001 , an Islam Islam has started spreading sprea ding much faster and it is stereotypic considered as anti western, western, antide antidemocratic, mocratic, and anti-modern religi religions. ons. The The schol sc holars ars and a nd western politicians, politici ans, mass media medi a have emphasized, violent character character of o f Islamic Islamic extremists, extremists, and represent repre sent that that Muslim Muslim women are subjected to marginalized and repressi on, are
excluded from public religion and Islamic rituals, and the account of conservative forces of sexual ideology and Islamic patriarchy. Though such characterization borrows the certain true, they do not precisely represent principles of an Islam and to an expert the greatest majority of the believers. Some western scientists have started to understand, that if any concept of an Islam exists, and that Muslims have various and even controversial religious concepts and experts. These realizations have fundamental value for studying an Islam, and in this case, Islamic ideas of refugees and granting of a refuge. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the year 2008 considered more than 42 million violently displaced persons all over the world. The organization has established, that refugees as a rule, remains in the regions of their origin when to run from prosecutions. Today, the majorities of these refugees are Muslims who were or internally displaced persons or have found a refuge in other Muslim countries. Besides three Muslim countries (Pakistan, Syrian Arabian Republic, and Islamic Republic Iran) refugees are accepting the majority in the world. Though the Islam remains hot subject matter in a world policy, now debate concerning migration and moving substantially exclude discussions of religion. In refugee’s researches, the religion receives the greatest attention for its role in violent conflicts and politization of religious originality. Though scholars are described with religious beliefs and experts, the radical reasons for the compelled migration, they do not consider religion as the fundamental factor in business of protection of the rights of refugees. These blanks in scholastics researches reflect similar tendencies i n a state policy in relation to refugees and refuges which ignore religious influences on the compelled immigrants. Besides practicing of religious belief carries critical importance for refugees of well-being as soon as they have found refuge, providing feeling of a security in strange and often threatening conditions. It is important, that studying of the Islamic rights of refugees are not only because of wide range of Muslim refugees all over the world, but because of intensive reaction against an Islam saw the last decade and the subsequent consequences for Muslim refugees and asylum of a refuge. Besides Islamic principles can influence answers of the Muslim states for Muslim refugees to what research of the Afghani refugees in Pakistan testifies. In this thesis, interpretation of "Islam" is, as religion which provides normative base concerning social and economic validity, including refuges, and in regulatory sense which establishes rules for the help and protection of refugees. In it some details are concerned with attitudes between Muslim refugees, as it is certain in the Koran, and the Muslim states, self-proclaimed Islamic states and Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Consequently, Muslim refugees crises concerns to the compelled migration of Muslims, which are exposed to prosecutions in the countries of origin and to look for refuges in other Muslim states. A quarter of refugees in the world (2,8 million person) are Afghans, 96 percent from which live in Pakistan and Iran. In the given work analyses of history of the Afghani refugees in Pakistan is analyzed and importance of consideration of studying Islamic principles and reaction to crises of Muslim refugees. (Anderson, 1990)
1. Brief History of the Afghan Refugee Crisis
From the end 1970, three various "waves" of the Afghani refugees have found a refuge i n adjacent Pakistan. The first group fled from civil war when Soviet invaded in Afghanistan in 1979, the second group because of entrance of the Soviet armies and the subsequent civil conflict in 1989, and the third group escaped due to American war on terrorism. These three decades of bloody civil wars and foreign intervention caused violent moving almost of 8 million Afghans. (Anderson, 1990)
Though many found their way to Iran, mostly crossed Afghanistan border to North West Frontier Province (NWFP of Pakistan. According to UNHCR, 2150 thousand incorporated Afghani refugees’ remain today in the country. Important to note, that, in connection with history of a seasonal migration to Pakistan tribal areas, much of the Afghani refugees had friends and relatives with Pashtun nationality. Till 1970, almost 75000 Afghans have crossed border with Pakistan on an annual basis. Thus, migrations between these two areas were not anything new. However, in 1979 the majority of the Afghani migrants of vulnerable groups of women, children and older people ran on fear for the life. (Haqqani, 2005) This demographic dominate the Afghani movement of refugees over next thirty years. The government of Pakistan (GOP) was originally benefitted from refugees by increasing its international reputation and receipt of economic and military help. The international community is perceived Pakistan in positive light for the humanity to refugees. Besides Pakistan close communications with the United States have created USA funding Afghani fighters and Pakistan’s military during the Soviet occupation. However, the countries also suffered damage from creation of so-called, drugs and Kalashnikov culture; it was due to inflow of Afghans. Many Pakistanis became addicted to cocaine also participates fully in weapon trading between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Though the Soviet armies left Afghanistan in 1989, the civil conflict continued to drive refugees to Pakistan. Long character of this moving has affected on Pakistan people and the government, and originally generous reception became publicly hostile in the end 1990. During this time of the international help was reduced, partly as a result of donors weariness. With falling off Soviet Union and a changing international system foreign powers, earlier, connected with Afghanistan as communist threat has lost interest in the country internal strife. Consequently, because of decrease in financing and an assessment that food aid was not necessary any more, the World Food Program (WFP) cut off its help to ÐR in Pakistan in 1995. Moreover the same time, UNHCR had declared the plans on stage-by-stage refusal of rendering assi stance to refugees of 1998; however, cruelty of Taliban continued forcing Afghanis refugees to Pakistan. As a result of these factors the Pakistan government and the public starting looking Afghani refugees, destructive and undesirable. (Haqqani, 2005) In November, 2000 Pakistan had closed the borders for the Afghani refugees, and held closed since then. Pakistan changing attitudes provokes important issues to the Afghani refugees. First, what Islam should play a role in acceptance of the Afghani refugees by the Government and people of Pakistan during each of three stages of refugees? Secondly, why Pakistan generosity turned in animosities? Thirdly, what lessons can be taken from this scenario and to apply in other Muslim refugees crises? Thematic research of the Afghani refugees in Pakistan illustrates a potential role of an Islam as in a life of Muslim refugees, and in the Muslim state answers to Muslim refugees of crises. It begins with the reviewing the definition of a refuge and refugees in modern international law and follows from comparison of these concepts with concepts of a refuge and refugees according to an Islam.
2 Theoretical Frameworks 2.1. Asylum and Refugees in Modern International Law The first supreme Commissioner for Refugees was appointed in 1921 for 800,000 Europeans refugees after the First World War. From that time refugees remained a key topic of concern on the international agenda. However, the first international agreements on refugees only have appeared after millions Europeans were violently moved as a result of the Second World War. With a view of the decision of this of crisis of refugees, the General Assembly has accepted UNHCR charter in1950, and in 1951, accepted the Geneva Convention on the status of refugees. (Elmadad, 2008) The present Convention had not made, and did not gather business from mass violent moving of refugees, or the international agreements and cooperation in the field of the status of refugees. According to the Convention of the United Nations and the Report on refugees, refuge is the person who "by virtue of quite proved fears fall a victim to prosecutions for the reasons for race, religion, citizenship, an accessory to the certain social group or political convictions is outside of the country of the civil accessory is and cannot or, owing to such fears, does not wish to use protection of that country". (Elmadad, 2008) Mandate UBHCR of the United Nations from 1950 remains at its place today, however, number of conditions partici pation and area of its activity has increased. For example, the agency is engaged is more with internally-displaced persons (IDP). This "expansion" of UNHCR has created new problems for the organization. For example, in 1997 UNHCR had confirmed the role in assistance of stable decisions and elimination of the radical reasons for a refugee problem. However this application has appeared in a pressure with the nongovernmental organizations, political and humanitarian character of UNHCR. How the organization can define the reasons for crisis of refugees without bias or political implied sense? Because of it, it is almost impossible for the humanitarian organization, being not political; UNHCR faces some serious problems and has made some disputable decisions in the responding to refugees crises. 2.2 Asylum and Refugees in Islam As the universal religion, an Islam covers people of different races, nationalities and ethnic groups. Islamic ideas of granting of a refuge and refugees reflect comprehensive character of this religion. Its most important scripture, the Koran, is filled with links on justice, in particular importance of creation of a fair society. For example, the Koran gives a basis for justice in interpersonal attitudes, to poor and requiring, and communications between communities and the nations. It also speaks in particular to questions of validity concerning granting a refuge and protection of refugees. Really, these concepts were an integral part of creation of an Islam. In 662 year AD, Prophet Muhammad ran from prosecutions in Mecca and to look for a refuge in Medina. This migrations or hijrah, became a symbol of movement of Muslims from the ground in incorrectness or oppression that an Islam. Besides hospitable treatments of Muhammad, residents of Medina embodies Islamic model of protection of the refugees occurring the Koran. Islam obliges by accepting societies to give, generous reception for refuges, for which hosts will be honored. This responsibility is formalized in fourthsurah from the Koran which includes the following: “He who follows the path and believe in God, will find always refuge in abundance.” Migration is necessary if one’s life is threatened and the holy book says that the faithfulness follows agreements and treaties and rights of refugees. (Anderson, 1990)
Aman also support rights of refugees and protection has offered not-Muslims even if they are in the conflict with Muslims, and requires, that the population of host countries assistance to voluntary return of refugees in places of their origin when they are considered a safe refuge is an integral part of an Islam. However principles of the Islamic right concerning refugees help and protection remain substantially ignored in the academic and political debate. It looks like that Islamic concepts of refugees and persons spend two cores distinctive, though and not necessarily controversial, characteristics of these of the international mode of refugees of system of the state.
3. Case Study: Pakistan’s Response to Afghan Refugees 3.1 First Wave of Afghan Refugees to Pakistan (1979) As stated above, Pakistan has received three basic visible waves of the Afghani refugees for last thirty years in the answer: first, that Soviet occupation, secondly, that Soviet armies and the subsequent the civil conflict, and the third, that under direction of the USA war to end terrorism. However, this geo politic influence not in a condition to explain initial acceptance to the Afghani refugees in Pakistan which has been based basically on Islamic principles and belief of Pakistanis. In the end of 1970th years, the civil conflict has let out the first streams of refugees from Afghanistan to Pakistan. In 1977, Marxists had seized power in Afghanistan from Daoud government which replaced King Zahir Shah, for forty years, in 1973. Civil war has flashed between the Pashtun populations in both south and the east of Afghanistan, and ethnic minority in the north (Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen and Hazara). However this conflict soon had turned to war for deliverance concerning the former Soviet Union. Thus the Afghani crisis of refugees had arisen during cold war, over bipolar international systems is dominated by the United States and Soviet Union. Though super states relied on the guaranteed mutual destructions to prevent nuclear war, they also have created a number of proxy wars in which developing countries and their citizens became pawns in geopolitics games. One of such conflicts has begun, when the Soviet army has intruded in Afghanistan on December, 24th, 1979. In the answer, the American government expanded support by that who wishes to struggle with Advice, including Pakistan dictator Zia Ul-Haq, and the Afghani elements (many of which later to the form "Taliban"). (Kirmani, 2008) As a result of the subsequent conflict of war and civil, thousand Afghans had left the houses and has crossed border to Pakistan. In 1979 the majority of these refugees were rural farmers who have been compelled to leave the houses and the fields which had been occupied or destroyed from bombing and bulldozers. The government of Pakistan immediately gave shelter to Afghanistan refugees, and has left their administrations of the provincial government of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Baluchistan. Exchange of experience on refugees has led to development of the general political to objective and consolidation of authority the Afghani sides of resistance in Pakistan. As scholar M. Nazif Shahrani had played key role in [tent village of refugees]. Almost all refugeesmen spent time struggle against one of sides of resistance in Afghanistan. Now men make only 24 % of the population of camps of refugees which has consisted of 48 % of children and 28 % of women. As in 1987, UNHCR an assessment has noted, the majority of refugees have received rather high standard of living in comparison with earlier operated standards
and that of similar local groups. During many years, it is a "high" standard of living for refugees has led to a competition and intensity in attitudes between refugees and local population. The refugee’s camps in Pakistan became haven for militants. The role of women in a Muslim society especially emphasizes an indispensability of religion should be taken into consideration at the decision of a refugee problem. (Elmadad, 2008)
3.2 Afghan Refugees: The Role of Women, Family and Honor Instead of the portrayal of the western mass-media as women from among refugees as helpless victims, Anderson and Hatch approve, that the majority of the Afghani women alive individualists with sufficient possibilities for achievement of personal satisfaction and self-respect. In the majority of the Afghani families which is characteristic as patriarchal and patrilocal, to symbolize honor of family. Women also symbolize and supported jihad, with many to believe, that they could assist fight of bearings more children. However, during their all travel from Afghanistan to Pakistan, the Afghani women collide with dangerous and stressful conditions. Many had given birth, sometimes under fire of the Soviet helicopters, and had lost property, children and spouses. Besides the life in exile, for such women means loss of control, with daily problems, as reception of water and fuel and living in the another environment under fear. Many women were unable get access to all services of healthcare in Pakistan in connection with remoteness of locations of camp and conservatism in some families. The big percent of men Afghani refugees considered Pakistan camps as hostile for the Afghani women. They considered that strange environments in camps of refugees and strengthening protection of women-refugees are required. The subsequent solitary life of women in veil limited physical freedom of movement of women. Besides many women became even more isolated than they were in Afghanistan. For example, the general laws of refugees in orthodox Islam are included a uncooperative altitude to secular education of the women, offered by UNHCR, and a solitude of women from such education. Not only women, but also all of Pashtun refugees suffer psychologically as a result of their position in refugee’s camp. Severe conditions of a life of refugees had taken toll on Pastuns, whose moral values rotate around honor and independence. Violent corruption in camps, especially concerning distribution of the rations, the compelled immigrants to hide about quantity of members of their families to receive the help suffices. Besides distribution of the help from the foreign organizations created dependence, as the Afghani men and women disgust. Such situation threatens values of pashtun to self-identification, about their unique decision to return to Afghanistan as soon as it is possible. Besides dependence on the foreign organizations on rendering assi stance it is created a mental consequence which threatens honor of pashtuns, based on independence, independence and capacity to protect the family.
3.3 Religion and Politics in Pakistan After 1970th years, the Pakistan government displaced from "secular", with an Islam as the state religion to accept Islamism, ideologies which assist an Islam not only as religious systems, but a political foundation. Pakistan religious-political groups promoting Islamism look to establish rules and laws of the Koran and Sheriyat in political area. They approved, that the GoP should include an Islam in each aspect of the activity. Though formation of such groups is not new, their political activity (and in some cases of eagerness
to fight) became more and more obvious. Shafqat approves, that this growth of Islamism a religious-political activity. External factors, especially Iranian revolution and the Soviet invasion into Afghanistan also plays a major part, with raised communications between the USA, Pakistan and increases of unity between various Afghani groupings and religious groups in Pakistan. Finally, in 1973 of the Constitution, stated the Islam as a way of life, with mandatory teaching the Koran, Islamiat (bases of the Islam) and Arabian languages at the Pakistan school. As a result, the Islam plays a key role in the Pakistan policy and political decisions, including are directed on the Afghani refugees. But how many has made the Islam to affect acceptance Afghani refugees in Pakistan?
3.4 Islam and the Acceptance of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan The Islam is of critical importance for understanding acceptance to the Afghani refugees in Pakistan. As both spiritual and moral systems, the Islam provides Muslims with a set of rules for an everyday life. From the end 1970 prior to the beginning 1990 as the government and people of Pakistan has answered inflow of refugees from Afghanistan in spirit of hijrah. As President Zia had emphasized, bases of protection of refugees has been connected from "an Islamic brotherhood" between all Muslims. In 1984, Zia had declared unconditional support of Pakistan in the Afghani refugees. (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Pakistan, 2011) The Afghani refugees who surpassed the some people of local population, the temporary habitation, the foodstuffs, potable water, kerosene, the basic medical services, and base formation has been given. Only restriction on reception of this help was mandatory registration of refugees in refugee’s camps. it has been helped from the government, as well as the nongovernmental organizations and UNHCR. Besides many religious schools, or Madrasas, with free education and a diet for the Afghani refugees was also given. Though Afghans have been registered as foreigners by the government, they basically are perceived as brothers and sisters of faith in Pakistan. In such countries such as Pakistan where Islamic political parties have appeared, a religious element in value of refugees especially is important for a susceptibility of community. Though shift of Pakistan Islamism in 1970th year’s expansion for hijrah gathered the state support, it was necessary to receive for the government to receive support from local Muslim communities which have received the Afghani refugees. The Republican Party aspired internal recognition its refugee policy of settlement for ÐR with ethnic cousins. Refugees from Afghanistan core has consisted of Afghani Pasthuns which have shared language, culture and values as a Pashtun life in tribal areas of Pakistan. This group makes the majority of ethnic groups in Pakistan. On pashtun code pashtunwali, migrants had been received as visitors and have received traditional hospitality instead of protection as victims. Thus, constantly refugee’s villages instead of camp had been developed for the house of refugees. (The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Pakistan, 2011) Edwards’s research of the Afghani refugees, and their ideas of the status of the refugee, testifies to importance of religious beliefs for migrant’s capacity to settle in Pakistan. It shows that as Islamic principles and pashtun cultures perceive looking for refuges, as in appropriate way to run a condition of prosecution.
3.5 Political Factors Contributing to the Acceptance of Refugees Pakistan has accepted the Afghani refugees per 1979 substantially because of Islamic values; however, internal, regional and global political factors also have served its purpose in the government decision. The Afghani refugees were politically valuable to general Zia as they have voted internal elections and support of Islamic parties. (Anderson, 1990) However, refugee’s right has been provided to vote purely for the political reasons. For prevention of growth of Pashtun nationalism, the Government provided only religious parties to work in areas of residing of tribes. Political authority was divided on seven Afghani Sides Peshawar ,and the Republican party have declared, that all refugees were to be registered in one of these of resistance of sides to receive the help. Other political factor assisting acceptance the Afghani refugees was its attempt to increase the military and economic power concerning India. During all existence, Pakistan aspired to support friendly Islamic government in Afghanistan. As a result, the situation with refugees had been used for reception of the international support against the pro-Soviet communist mode in Afghanistan. The Republican Party has specified its treatment of refugees by way of illustration to the commitment of humanism and human rights. Government officials had publicly declared, that participation of UNHCR in Pakistan was proofs, that Afghans were refugees, instead of militants, to face that proof, that the Republican party has allowed a stream of humanitarian aid to insurgents of operations in Sacred jihad. With support of Pakistan and the United States, mujahedeen (resistance fighters) used help of UNHCR in strengthening their resistance. (Kirmani, 2008) Finally, the Afghani refugees improved condition of Pakistan by creation of financial and military support for its government. Accepting refugees, authoritative dictatorship of general Zia had received a source of the income and improvement of the international political reputation. Pakistan Government used refugees crisis to strengthen the political communications with the western states, and in so that to modernize the armed forces. Owing to support of the USA, Pakistan had received significant volumes of the financial and military help. This stream of money and the weapon, as well as with indifference of Washington under the nuclear program of Pakistan, Zia had called up to continue to manipulate refugees, for example, by assistance for growth of the refugee’s armed community. Unlike the first wave, geo-politic influence waves of refugees were substantially responsible for shift of Pakistan from hospitable hostile accepting after the second wave arrived in Pakistan.
3.6 Second Wave of Afghan Refugees to Pakistan (1989) During, second waves, geopolitics had negatively affected Pakistan, attitudes towards Afghani refugees in its territory. Absence the international value and financings had led to growth of animosities from local population to refugees. Though Soviet Union moved from Afghanistan in 1989, the civil conflicts by Taliban in 1996 continued to drive refugees to Pakistan. Taliban had appeared in 1994 as Islamic movement fundamentalist the Afghani refugees, which were Taliban (students) at madrasahs (theological seminaries) in Pakistan. During war, hundreds of Madrasas had been constructed in Pakistan’s tribal areas adjoining on Afghanistan. These schools offered the Afghani refugees and Pakistanis free education, habitation, foodstuffs and military preparation. Extensive poverty and unemployment had resulted many young militants to become an easy target for recruitment.
Long character of this movement had affected to Pakistan and that was initially generous reception become publicly hostile in the end 1990. During 1990th years, coalitions between Party Pakistan people and Muslim league dominate to the Pakistan policy. (Kirmani, 2008) During this time of the international help had started to be reduced partially as a result of weariness of donors, but substantially in connection with variations in geopolitics. With falling Soviet Union and variation of the international system, the state earlier, connected with Afghanistan as communist threat have lost interest to the country’s internal disorders. The international food aid and help by UNHCR also was sharply reduced. As a result of these factors, the Afghani refugees were to be considered more negative by the Pakistan government and people. In 1999 general Pervez Musharraf had come to power by a military coup. Next year, Pakistan had closed the border for the Afghani refugees, approving, that it any more does not presume to herself cost of such wide range of refugees unassisted from the international community. Though Islamic and not Islamic the nongovernmental organizations continued to assist to Pakistan, it was insufficiently for satisfaction of demands of the Afghani refugees. This set of events shows that Islamic laws of refugees support from the international community, as stable decisions in crises of Muslim refugees were not necessary for protection of the rights of refugees. After more than 65000 Afghans had crossed border of Pakistan without an agreement in October, 2001 president Musharraf created the president fund for fund raising, resettlement and rehabilitation of the Afghani refugees. However Musharraf did not close boundary policy of Pakistan in relation to the Afghans, looking for refuges. (Rivzi, 2010) More likely, Islamabad approves, that it continued millions refugees (who has not returned to Afghanistan), has already exceeded the possibilities for rendering assistance.
3.7 Third Wave of Afghan Refugees to Pakistan (2001) After 9 / 11, Pakistan had stirred up the Pakistan militaries, to get rid of the link with "Taliban" and Islamic parties. It is anti-extremism of campaign also the increase of animosities in relation to the Afghani refugees has been reflected to Pakistan relations. Though originally generous the accepting state, Pakistan becomes more and more hostile to the Afghani refugees and plays a major role in securitization of this group. After UNHCR help had been stopped in 1998, GoP had accused the Afghani refugees of revelry of criminality, a addiction, and economic recession in Pakistan. Closing of Pakistan borders in 2000 has coincided with ÐR is perceived as threat of a national security. Refugees have been compelled to return home to Afghanistan or to move in others of camp further from border, that ignoring a principle of repatriations. In recent years Pakistan has justified its politicians concerning refugees on the basis of security concerned, especially concerning an increase force and popularity Taliban. (Haqqani, 2005)
4. Islamic Non-Governmental Organizations Pakistan is a member of Executive committee of UNHCR which is a group of 56 states in United Nations and annually meet for discussion of global operations of UNHCR, however it does not have
not enough protection of refugees mode, and has not signed the United Nations of 1951 Convention on the status of refugees and 1967. Unlike current acceptance of Pakistan refugees it is carried out on a single basis on which refugees are considered as foreigners, and it can be considered differently at various times. Therefore, having paid attention to both crises and the response from all subjects participating in the refugee of the help and policy it is necessary for protection of the rights of refugees i n Pakistan. These actors include not only the separate states and the international organizations, but nongovernmental the organizations which render considerable aid to refugees. NGO’s plays a major part in rendering assistance to refugees. More than 200 have took part in various roles during validity of the Afghani conflict, by granting the help of the Afghani refugees in Pakistan, rendering assistance in zones of military actions, and lobbying of the governments and the public to an increase of support Afghani reasons. These organizations often carry out a policy of the governments and the intergovernmental organizations. Western NGO’s in Pakistan have included the Christian organizations and more secular establishments. (Rivzi, 2010) Originally, Pakistan was not prepared, that the international organizations (IO) or representatives of NGO to for work the camps of refugees, however, the government had understood that its capacity to support refugee’s is limited with resources and help from international community is much necessary. In this concern in occasion of absence of the international help will cause intensity in attitudes between local residents and refugees, and, thus an increase of probability that Pakistan can refuse the opposition of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. The Islamic help has been concentrated on long-term demands in the field of progress of refugees, including support through Islamic principles of financing. As Islamic organization, the Islamic help has that advantage, to receive confidence in Muslim communities, on the basis of the general culture and religion, for NGO operations. The Islamic organizations working in Pakistan in a greater degree are informed and sensitive to religious requirements of refugees. As empirical data testify, the Islamic religious organizations have a high degree of confidence and approval among Muslim communities. However, it is important to remember, that, despite of Key role played by Islamic NGO, a key role in it remains crisis of refugees in Pakistan which carries out the policy through these organizations. The international organizations, such as UNHCR, are channels for a state policy and those powerful western countries in particular.
4.1 UNHCR Operations in Pakistan During the participation in Pakistan, UNHCR faces numerous problems, including: search of the long-term decision of the Afghani crisis of the refugees, camps for refugees engaged militarization on mujahedeen, and maintenance of authority of UNHCR as it is not political, humanitarian organization. From the beginning, restrictions on operations of the organization have been widely widespread. For example, though UNHCR insist on moving of camps of refugees further from border with Afghanistan, resistance as Pakistan Government and ÐR have prevented to it. Though refugees wished to remain near the house in Afghanistan and ethnic attitudes in Pakistan, the state inspire political benefits, holding them near border. On the other hand, UNHCR wanted demilitarization of camps, separating from them border.
5. Summary: the Afghan Case It is represented, that the Pakistan government had addressed for help from UNHCR in April, 1979 on two principal causes. First, during the history, Pakistan aspired to improve the position of authority, the military and economic attitude, in Southern Asia. For achievement of this objective, Pakistan used the Afghani refugees as hostages with reduction the international interest and support of war in Afghanistan. Refugees also have allowed Pakistan to display it supposed the obligation of humanism and human rights. In particular, the Afghani refugees served political propagation to get the international support i n the attitude of the pro-Soviet communist mode. Secondly for improvement of the status of refugees of Pakistan on international scene by mobilizing financial and military support of the Republican Party. Arrival of refugees from Afghanistan has resulted general Zia authoritative government a source of incomes and improvement of reputation. However, on closer examination, primary reception of P akistan refugees because the core to the general Islamic values of a refuge and refugees, and feeling of a brotherhood of Muslims. Though to cleanly Islamic basis of action of the government remains in doubt, Islamic beliefs local Pushtons have played key role in acceptance of the Afghani refugees. Thus, there is a potential for the future decisions on the compelled immigrants should be based on Islamic principles, instead of extremely on principles of international law of refugees, or political interests of the accepting state
5.1 Remaining Challenges and Potential Solutions Researches in Afghani case open some of lacks in UNHCR operations in Pakistan which can lead consequences for other crisis situations with refugees Muslims. First, definition of UNHCR for "refugee" cannot adequately define those persons who are considered as refugees in the field of the Islamic right. (Rivzi, 2010) For example, number of intersections of border, active eagerness to fight, and degrees of prosecution of refugees do not bear the same weight in Islamic against international law. Secondly, influence of the strong states on UNHCR, the mandate acted as the humanitarian and not political organization, represents the basic obstacle for protection of refugees of the right as Afghani the case illustrates. After a conclusion of the Soviet armies from Afghanistan, the international attention also has removed, having left the Afghani refugees and to the adjacent states in struggle against crisis independently. In the present international system filled anti Islamic mood from the West, refugees even more often are considered as threat of a national and international security. Exaggerated refugees of the states, the UNO have grave consequences for well-being of refugees, and on their capacity to receive refuges in the accepting states. Besides hasty return are badly informed the Afghani refugees from Pakistan to Afghanistan reflects these present priorities of UNHCR. As a result of these lacks, variations should be directed on improvement as UNHCR answers the Muslim state to Muslim refugee’s crises. (Haqqani, 2005) Though the situation in Afghanistan remains the largest and complex crisis of refugees in last histories, it offers valuable comparisons with other Muslim refugees of crises. Can Islamic provide structures well-beings validity for more, than local population?
In general, the Islam encourages solidarity, community of validity and the general responsibility. In an Islam, poor have the right to abundance rich to satisfy the basic needs. Besides one of interpretation of the Koran declare that people have the right to seek asylum in connection with their dignity and spiritual equality. Though this thesis does not go so far to approve, versatility of application of Islamic principles of all refugees crises, it approves, that these values can the champion of protection Muslim refugees of the rights of the Muslim states.
Conclusions Important for Islam that it should take into consideration while interpretation and respond on Muslim refugee problems and experience. However, existing appendices of modern international law basically do not suffice for this purpose. For example, UNHCR do not accept various definitions of refugees itself and often represents refugees as passive persons Independence of religious beliefs. Muslim scholars approved that the humanitarian organizations, the governments, mass media as a whole support the assumption, that compelled migration of refugees as are powerless to be with not consciousness of history, traditions, culture or a nationality. (Kirmani, 2008) There are a number of consequences for the future scientific researches, a state policy, and existing theories of surrounding Islamic concepts of refugees and granting of a refuge. First, additional qualitative researches should be made on various cases of refugees in an Islam, as well as more universal comparison of the last and present crises of Muslim refugees. In particular, the future researches are necessary for definition or not Afghani case is unique and have no place of a consequence for current refugees Muslim crises. By studying of other refugees crises of Muslim states, such as Palestine and Sudan, can shed more light on possibilities of the coordination of the Islamic concept of refugees and persons, with modern international law. Afghani case specifies the potential importance of Islamic concept of refugees and persons, for protection of the rights of refugees-Muslims. Moreover, a role of refugees and persons, in the Koran is a place upon the Islamic states to comply with additional pressure these of principles. Secondly, from the point of view of policy, this example shows, that it is better answers on Muslim than refugees crises maybe reached by application of Islamic concepts of refugees and granting of a refuge. Islamic financial mechanisms of maintenance and regional agreements have such two mechanisms. Financial well-being of such principles as also can provide an actual basis for increase of sources of the help to refugees in the Muslim states. These mechanisms are deep roots in an island, and thus wide recognition from Muslims. Though various interpretations of an Islam exist, the countries have signed the charter of statement for many general Islamic values, and can aspire to include the agreement on the status of refugees. Regional agreements between the Muslim states concerning representing violent move maybe more successful, than the international agreements. By means of these agreements, the separate states can agree about the general national laws it should be carried out with a view of deal with refugees and the persons who are looking for refuges. Though the some people have been concluded agreements between the Muslim states on a question on refugees, additional researches it is necessary to advance for creation the past and potential of the future success of such agreements.
Thirdly, Afghani case shows importance of cooperation between the international community (through UNHCR) and the Muslim states. Both financings and political support from other states is necessary for realization of successful rendering assistance to refugees. Besides has paid attention to similarity between international and Islamic laws of refugees, as well as a possibility to reconcile two, can reduce some of anti-Islamic moods and intensity now felt in the West. Finally, in connection with theoretical consequences of this research, Afghani case emphasizes complex attitudes between NGO’s and the states in the politician concerning refugees. It shows, that various definitions and understandings of refugees exist in an Islam and international law, and that Islamic aspects of a refuge help to explain behavior and demands of Muslim refugees. Besides this thesis shows, that Islamic understanding of refugees and persons, can assist the Muslim states on protection of the rights of Muslim refugees which make the majority of refugees worldwide.
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