1. Which of these advocates the anti-gold-plating mechanism of Agile? Ans: Simplicity-the art of maximizing the amount of wor not done-is essential !. Scrum master is responsi"le for? Ans: #he Scrum process "eing adopted and used properly $. Which scrum artifact helps in tracing progress? Ans: Sprint "urn down chart %. A team is em"aring on a release planning exercise. Which of the following is a re&uired output of a release planning exercise? Ans: All of the a"ove 'A release "aclog with estimates( Stories tentatively allocated to iterations( An initial list of riss and open issues) *. +n ,aily Standup( team reports status to Scrum master. Ans: alse . +t is mandatory that the product increment "e released to production at the end of each sprint Ans: alse /. Who owns &uality in a Scrum team? Ans: Scrum team 0. A sustaina"le pace means? Ans: #he team Should esta"lish a velocity which can "e sustained within normal woring hours . ,efinition of ,one is only a Story Ans: alse 12. A good scrum team should exhi"it the following desira"le &ualities? Ans: #he team is self-organizing 11. 3oer planning is a size estimation techni&ue Ans: #rue 1!. What would you expect to see on the "ac of a story card? Ans: Acceptance criteria 1$. Which of the following statements is correct regarding delivera"les from an Agile pro4ect? Ans: #he products are of good &uality( have a faster time to maret and meet customer5s exact needs 1%. Which of the following options is correct a"out the changing re&uirements in software development? Ans: +nevita"le 1*. #he $6s of an user story are Ans: 6ard. 6onversation( 6onfirmation 1. Who should attend Scrum retrospective? Ans: 7ntire scrum team 1/. 8elease 3lanning is a practice from Scrum? Ans: alse 10. Agile methods mostly focus on which of the following options?
Ans: 3roducing value( "oth current and future 1. What are the three levels of planning that 9S# agile teams are concerned with? Ans: 8elease( +teration( ,ay !2. As product owner( which of the listed guidelines should you follow while creating the 3roduct ;aclog? Ans: 'a) Split high priority customer re&uirements that are too "ig into multiple smaller stories '")
ow many iterations will "e needed to finish a theme? Ans: 0 iterations !*. Agile 9anifesto has % values and ..... principles? Ans: 1!.2 !. 3roduct owner and Scrum master can "e the same person Ans: alse !/. 3air 3rogramming is a 3 3ractice? Ans: #rue !0. #he time "ox for a daily scrum is? Ans: 1* min !. =ou are hired to paint an unfamiliar house. @et5s suppose you estimate the effort on painting each of the smaller "edrooms to "e worth * points. What would "e your estimate for the master "edroom if it is a"out twice the size of the smaller "edrooms? Ans: 12 points $2. +f there is a significant defect open on last day of sprint( from definition of ,one 3erspective( is the sprint end increment ,7? Ans: o its not ,7 $1. =our pro4ect has a very aggressive timeline and has adopted the Agile'S68<9) way of woring. What techni&ues can help in "etter learning and sharing? Ans: All of these 'rganize fre&uent nowledge sharing sessions( 3aired
responsi"ilities( 6onduct retrospectives at the end of each sprint) $!. #he 3roduct owner in an Agile pro4ect... Ans: 6olla"orates with the developers over prioritization of features( "ut heBshe has the final decision $$. Which of the following "est descri"es the approach for determining the iteration length? Ans: #he team should agree on the length of the iteration taing the size and complexity of the pro4ect into consideration $%. >ow many roles are defined in a scrum? Ans: $.2 $*. Which of the following are attri"utes of an Agile team? Ans: All of these '6ourage to change and adapt( #rust to fellow team mem"ers to do the wor( 8esponsiveness to change)
$. #he recommended approach to design in an Agile pro4ect is: Ans: Cust enough design upfront $/. ,uring a sprint the developers should "e? Ans: A"le to contact to the 3roduct wner to clarify different aspects of the wor $0. What is Dan"an? Ans: A visi"le chart of wor to do( wor in progress and wor done $. #he Agile way is... Ans: #o produce woring product of the right &uality( early and incrementally %2. What does # match with Agile manifesto? Ans: 3rocesses and tools over individuals and interactions %1. +n the popularization techni&ue called E9oS6oWE( the E9E stands for? Ans: 9ust >ave %!. #he reason for holding regular 8etrospectives is: Ans: +t allows learning which can "e used to improve team performance %$. A development team determines that it has over-committed itself for a sprint. +n such a situation( who should "e present when reviewing and ad4usting the wor selected? Ans: #he 3roduct wner and the ,evelopment team %%. What do all Agile approaches have in common? Ans: +terative and incremental development %*. ,uring an estimation meeting $ team mem"ers are maing an estimation for a story. +ndividually they estimate the story at 1( $ and 0 story points. Which estimate should they use? Ans: #hey should continue discussing the story until their estimates gets closer %. #he Agile process... Ans: 7ncourages the team to meet regularly %/. #eam A finished %$ story points in its last two-wee iteration. #eam ; is woring on a separate pro4ect and has twice as many developers. +t also completed %$ story points in its last two-wee iteration. What does it imply?
Ans: =ou cannot say anything for sure %0. #he Agile approach to documentation is: Ans: ,o the necessary documentation to support the development and use of the product %. Scrum master is introducing scrum to new development team. #he development team feels a retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the scrum master tae? Ans: ;egin facilitating productive( useful retrospectives *2. An Agile approach advocates which of the following approaches? Ans: Fet something "usiness-valua"le delivered as &uicly as possi"le( consistent with the right level of &uality *1. Why is the ,aily Scrum held at the same time and same place? Ans: #he consistency reduces complexity and overhead *!. What is the purpose of sprint "urn down chart? Ans: +t is used to measure how much wor is left to "e done *$. ,aily standup meetings are not recommended for small items Ans: alse *%. Who is responsi"le for 3roduct "aclog? Ans: 3roduct wner **. #he person who addressed ill defined or tricy pro"lems as wiced pro"lems? Ans: >orst 8ittel