The Dagger Behind the Cloak: Aristha Yogas in the Vedic Horoscope Robert A. Koch Koch
Aristha Yogas can sabotage the strongest-appearing charts. Robert Koch explains how to identify these troublesome configurations. Were life such a simplistic journey that we could find only positive, or only negative indications in a horoscope, then the task of chart interpretation would needless to say be a very easy one. In reality, however, the complexities complexities of destiny possible for the soul in the human incarnation, make the astrologer's job of weighing the positive indications against the negative ones, a deep and sometimes problematic problematic study. The brilliance of Raja Yogas and Dhana Yogas, which respectively respectively bestow status and wealth upon the native, is sometimes found to be dim, or in some cases even non-existent, if eclipsed by the presence of fortune-defying Arishta Yogas. How to identify the Arishta Yogas, or misfortune in a horoscope, and to what extent these combinations combinations of planets can interfere with the life path and fortune of the native, is an important area of study with which the Vedic astrologer should become well familiar. familiar. The Sanskrit word arishta implies arishta implies a misfortune, misfortune, obstacle or obstruction to success or happiness. There are several different different kinds of Arishta Yogas, or combinations combinations causing misfortune, misfortune, and these can manifest manifest in a variety variety of ways. By definition, the lords of trik houses, houses, that is rulers of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses (lord of the 3rd may be included also), when in exchange, conjunction, or mutual aspect with the lords of auspicious houses, houses, will cause Arishta Yogas. The effects will be magnified magnified when such planets come under the association or aspect of maraka planets maraka planets (rulers of the 2nd and 7th houses) or of natural malefics. malefics. The obstructions will manifest manifest in accordance with with the nature and significations significations of the houses so affected. affected. The "auspicious" houses can be grouped into three categories as follows: 1. The trikona houses, trikona houses, or 1st, 5th, and 9th: Since these have to do with the residual residual effects of positive karmas karmas performed in prior lifetimes, lifetimes, their combinations with with trik lords lords can create serious impediments impediments to the full enjoyment of fortune. Since the lagna, or 1st house, has to do with the health and longevity of the native, it is clearly the most important among among the three, and should not come under affliction if the native is to enjoy the full benefits of a prosperous life. 2. The kendra houses: kendra houses: 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th: These have much relevance to the success of one's goals and endeavors, as well as the happiness of one's personal life. Obstructions to the accomplishment accomplishment of one's life mission, mission, as well as to the happiness of marital and family life, can thus result if the rulers of these houses are involved in Arishta Yogas. 3. The 2nd and 11th houses: Personal income, and financial gains from multiple sources, are respectively respectively among the chief significations of these houses, and thus are auspicious for for the mundane prosperity of the native. The lords of these, when when combined with the lords of the 1st, 5th and 9th houses, cause Dhana Yogas, which will generally be found in the charts of persons who have received exceptional wealth wealth in their lifetimes. lifetimes. If the trik lords lords are influencing these by mutual exchange, conjunction, or aspect, however, the resulting Arishta Yogas can turn wealth into poverty, or the results of Dhana Yogas may never fructify fully at any point in life. Since health, longevity, and basic physical and mental well-being come under the category of the lagna lagna (Ascendant or 1st house), it is most important for an astrologer to identify the Arishta Yogas involving the lagna lagna and its lord before offering predictions on the results of Raja or Dhana yogas. What would be the advantage, for example, of extolling the virtues of great achievements or prosperity, if it were were determined that the native would not live past the age of 25? Or, if the native were to suffer suffer chronic health problems, to what extent could he or she enjoy the quality of life promised by wealth, education, or birth in a good family? With this in mind, let’s examine examine the nature of Arishta Yogas influencing health and longevity in in particular, later making making use of the chart of the late Ennis Cosby to illustrate our principles.
Health and Longevity • The Rasi The Rasi Lagna (natal Ascendant) and Chandra Lagna (Moon Ascendant), and their lords • The 8th house, and its lord • Karakas, the Sun and Atma and Atma Karaka planet Karaka planet (the planet attaining the highest degree in its sign) When any or all of these factors are found to be interacting with the lords of trik houses, houses, or if they are located in trik houses houses in association or aspect of natural malefics or maraka planets, maraka planets, then the health and longevity longevity of the native is curtailed. curtailed. The following are examples of such Arishta Yogas: • Lord of the lagna in lagna in the 12th house in association with the lords of the 6th and 8th, while the 12th and 8th lords are in mutual exchange, and both under malefic influences. influences. This yoga cannot only cause illness and hospitalization hospitalization for extended periods of time, but imprisonment as well. I have the chart of a convicted serial killer on file, who has this yoga in his horoscope, and who is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes. • Lagna lord Lagna lord in mutual exchange with the lords of the 8th or 12th, and aspected by maraka planets. maraka planets. This is not only a yoga that threatens health and longevity, but it is a combination for poverty as well (Daridra-Yoga).
• Lagna lord in the 12th, in association with a natural malefic as the 6th lord, and aspected by a retrograde benefic from the 6th house, who is also a maraka planet. This combination is found in the chart of a terminal cancer patient, who died at the age of 35. Note that benefic planets, especially if they are located in kendras, or if they occupy the lagna or aspect its lord, help to protect and preserve the health and longevity of the native. This is not so, however, if they are retrograde. Worse still, are retrograde natural malefics operating in such situations. • The Moon located in trik houses, and aspected by natural malefics or maraka planets. Also, the Moon in an angular house, in the RKA (Rahu-Ketu axis), and aspected by maraka planets or natural malefics. Both of these situations cause Balarishta, health problems or untimely death in childhood.
Factors Compounding Maleficence The planets ruling the 22nd Drekkana and 64th Navamsa, as well as planets located in them, are factors that can have damaging effects on the health and longevity of the native, particularly when they are involved in Arishta Yogas as discussed above. The 22nd Drekkana is the one falling exactly 8 houses away from the rising Drekkana. Similarly, the 64th Navamsa lies exactly eight houses away from the Navamsa of the natal Moon. The 64th Navamsa from the natal Ascendant is also used in this regard by some astrologers. It is easier to find them in the following ways: • 22nd Drekkana: it is the 8th house of the Drekkana chart • 64th Navamsa: it is the 4th house from the Moon in the Navamsa chart, or the 4th house from the Navamsa lagna Mrtyu Bhagas are "death degrees", and as the name implies, are strong factors to terminate life if occupied by important longevity planets, such as the lord of the lagna, lord of the 8th, the Sun or Moon, or the Atma Karaka planet. Mrtyu Bhaga degrees are different for the seven planets, the lagna, and Rahu and Ketu in the twelve signs. These are found in the Jataka Parijata 1:57 among classical works on Jyotish, yet are described in more lucid detail in Subtleties of Medical Astrology by Dr. K.S. Charak. I have found in my researches on this subject, that when the dasas of planets in Mrtyu Bhaga operate, and are otherwise under the influence of marakas or natural malefics, serious illness or death takes place. This is especially so when transiting Saturn or Rahu simultaneously aspect the planet in Mrtyu Bhaga.
Possible Alleviating Factors The following may be considered to see if Arishta Yogas found in a horoscope may be canceled: • If planets involved in Arishta Yogas in the natal chart are found to be well-placed and aspected in the Navamsa or Drekkana charts, or if they are involved with benefics or auspicious yogas in the Navamsa chart, then much of the virulence of the Arishtas can be alleviated. On the contrary, if natal planets involved in Arishta Yogas are under similar or worse situations in the Navamsa or other divisional charts, then the expected negative results become all the more certain. • If the lagna or the Moon comes under the aspect of a strong and benefic Jupiter, or other natural benefics, the cancellation of Arishta Yogas can result. • Birth during the Abhijit muhurta, which occurs within 24 minutes before or after local mid-day or midnight, can help to cancel scores of Arishta Yogas found in the horoscope. Any of the current Jyotish software programs gives the exact time of local noon or midnight on the day of the native's birth. Simply count 24 minutes before, or after such times, to see if the native' birth occurred during the Abhijit muhurta. Dr. Charak, in the above-mentioned book by him, has also suggested the following as a potent Arishta Bhanga, or alleviation of the effects of Arishta Yogas: • Even if the Moon is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, and aspected by malefics (Balarishta), the ill effects are canceled if it is a night birth in the sukla paksha (waxing lunar cycle), or a day birth in the krishna paksha (waning lunar cycle). In practice, this has been shown to even contribute to a long life, in a chart which would otherwise suggest Balarishta, ill-health or death in childhood. As with all yogas and their cancellations, however, this should not be taken literally without taking other factors into consideration.
The Tragedy of Ennis Cosby It was a dark day on January 17, 1997, when national news media reported the shooting death of 27 year-old Ennis Cosby, son of Bill Cosby, one of America's greatest legends of the entertainment industry. The incident was tragic, yet, with due respects to him and his surviving family, some important principles of Jyotish can be learned through his horoscope. The fact of alpayu or short term of life granted in his horoscope may be missed, had the astrologer been unaware of the Arishta yogas and other factors threatening longevity.
[Linda Khristal: Please insert Ennis Cosby’s chart here] Positive Attributes
At the onset of any chart interpretation, the astrologer should always be suspicious of the birth time, and thus verify it through certain known facts about the individual's life. Using Lahiri ayanamsa, Sagittarius rises in this chart at 21 degrees, with the Venusian ruled star of Purvashadha. The Sun, as the vargottama 9th lord, is not only exalted, but exalted and connected to the 9th house in at least 7 of the divisional charts, thus showing the fame and greatness enjoyed by this individual's father. When various indications through the birth chart are consistently found in the divisional charts also, then you can be confident that the time of birth you are using is correct. The following yogas contribute to the destiny of birth in a wealthy and famous family, as well as his being a person of exceptional character, integrity, and compassion for the sufferings of others. He had considerable magnetism and charm, and was loved among his family, friends, and peers. Venus in exaltation, as lord of the rising star in the 4th kendra, causes a Malavya Yoga, one of five Maha Purusha yogas which contribute to the birth of a great person with the above qualities. Ruchaka yoga, another Maha Purusha yoga, forms with Mars in its own sign in the 9th from the Moon. This made him strong-willed, resourceful, and able to assume the roles of leadership. He saw his life work as a cause or mission, rather than just as a means of livelihood. There is a powerful Dhana Yoga in this chart, with lagna lord Jupiter in the 10th, being aspected by exalted 11th lord Venus from the 4th. This is capable of conferring great wealth on this individual, which he needless to say inherited from birth due to his father being one of the highest paid entertainers of the 20th century. A powerful Raja Yoga exists also with 9th lord Sun in exaltation, joining 7th and 10th lord Mercury in the 5th. Dharma Karmadipati Yoga is also thus formed through the 10th lord, the most vital planet issuing forth the execution of karmas in the present lifetime, joining with the lord of the 9th in exaltation. Had he lived to experience the fructification of these yogas, he could have contributed greatly in this lifetime to the education, uplifting, and enlightenment of others, a path which he is also likely to have initiated and followed in prior lifetimes. Further, the following three yogas found in his chart contribute to magnanimity, virtuosity, learning, and compassion toward others: Srikantha Yoga: when the lord of the lagna, Sun, and Moon, all occupy kendras or trikonas, equal to exalted, own, or friendly signs; Saraswati Yoga: when Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury occupy kendras, trikonas, or the 2nd house, and all, especially Jupiter, are strong; and Gaja Kesari Yoga: Jupiter and Moon in mutual kendras. Although the latter one is strong, with Jupiter and the Moon in kendras from the Ascendant also, the former two are middling in strength due to the respective neutral and inimical signs occupied by Mercury and Jupiter. So this gave him learning to the extent that his longevity allowed, namely university education, with aspirations to do post-graduate studies in special education later on. If Jupiter is involved in a Saraswati Yoga, and is exalted in the 10th house, then the individual may become a scholar of extraordinary qualification who is known for his erudition and accomplishments in the field of education. In Ennis' case, however, the yoga indicates his working in the field of special education, while the Gaja Kesari Yoga shows that he was more famous and remembered for his compassion as a teacher, than for his personal erudition.
Negative Indications It is very interesting to see how the same horoscopic factors that, on the one hand, suggest prosperity, education, and social status can, on the other hand, wreak havoc so far as health and longevity are concerned. The complexities of karma, as stated in the Bhagavad Gita and other Upanishads, are fully understood only by the Creator, and not even by great sages or enlightened persons. Yet, through the symbolism of Jyotish, the astrologer can begin to perceive the fine line between the auspicious factors in the horoscope, and the "dagger behind the cloak,” which are the Arishta yogas operating simultaneously. Three benefics located in kendras in Ennis Cosby's chart, especially the lord of the Ascendant being placed in the 10th, and the Moon and Venus in the 4th (both getting Dig Bala or directional strength in this position), would ordinarily guarantee protection from untimely disease or death. Note, however, that in this chart Venus and Jupiter are both retrograde, a fact which does not protect him against disease or untimely death, and which most probably promoted them instead. While Venus mutually aspecting Jupiter caused the Dhana Yoga giving great wealth, it simultaneously is the exalted ruler of the 6th house, in combination with 8th lord Moon, and further both joining the Rahu/Ketu axis. The Moon, although neutral when ruling the 8th house, still acquires much maleficence when in proximity with Rahu, and especially when in the last quarter of its waning phase. This is thus a formidable Arishta Yoga, as the Ascendant lord Jupiter is under multiple malefic influences. As a matter of fact, note that the 6th lord from the Moon is also exalted. The 6th lord from the Pada Lagna (Mars) is strong in its own sign as well, facts that not only suggest life-threatening illness or accident, but also that the native additionally has some powerful enemies as well. Mars in Scorpio, as the 6th lord from Pada Lagna, and 12th lord from the natural lagna, indicate both secret, as well as overt enemies, some of whom he may have been aware of, and others about whom he was not. By now, upon examining this chart, the astrologer should start to sense that something is awry. On the one hand, the powerful yogas existing give the opportunity for great achievements and advantages, yet behind the cloak, the dagger lurks. Now note that Jupiter, at 4%4’ Virgo, occupies the Mrtyu Bhag a degree for Jupiter in that sign. Looking further, Jupiter also rules the 22nd Drekkana, and is located in the 64th Navamsa from the Moon. By itself, the Moon with Rahu in a kendra, is a combination for short life, as long as there are no other relieving factors. He was born at night, during the waning lunar phase, a fact which does not protect him. Further, Jupiter's status in the Navamsa and other divisional charts does not improve much either. He was also not born during the Abhijit muhurta. The Sun, as a karaka for health and longevity, is exalted, yet conjoined with a malefic and inimical Saturn, who is also a maraka for this horoscope.
Considering these and other related points, an astrologer would have to look very carefully at the dasas of planets operating in his life which have any kind of malefic effect on the lagna and its lord, as well as on Chandra Lagna, the Sun, and the Atma Karaka planet. These should be considered along with any malefic transits operating simultaneously. Keep in mind, that if a chart indicates either short, medium, or long terms of longevity, death will take place during the appointed term, as soon as a strong maraka dasa begins to operate. Saturn transiting in malefic positions, and especially if in transit he aspects planets connected to longevity which are in Mrtyu Bhaga, the native's longevity is greatly threatened. The Vimsottari dasa of exalted Venus, sub-period of Venus, and sub-sub-period of Rahu, were in operation at the time of this individual's death. Retrograde Venus not only rules the 6th house from the lagna and the 8th from the Moon, but also rules the Ascendant in the Navamsa chart. This is significant, as in the Navamsa, exalted Mars, as a strong maraka planet, is conjoined with Venus, and the latter having no relief from any benefic planets. Now, remember our principle: that if a maraka or ill-natured planet aspects the lord of the Ascendant, who is also otherwise afflicted, then it can bring about death if at the same time the term of longevity has expired. This will especially be true if the lagna lord is in Mrtyu Bhaga, which it is in this case. Note that the transits of planets on January 17, 1997, when Ennis Cosby was murdered, were extremely dangerous, and thus they issued the death warrant, as the dasa operating was life-threatening also. Transits of Saturn and Ketu, both at 8% of Pisces, with Mars and Rahu, at 9% and 8% respectively of Virgo, ominously aspect the retrograde lagna lord Jupiter, who is perilously located in the fateful position of Mrtyu Bhaga. The lords of the 8th, viz. Venus from the Chandra Lagna, and the Moon from the natural lagna, are both adversely affected by these combined malefic transiting influences. This is even more significant, as Venus was the dasa lord at the time of his murder. With an awareness of what Arishta yogas are, and how they operate in a horoscope, we can begin to see how destiny is never a straightforward matter for anybody, regardless of how auspicious their karma may be. An astrologer may never really spell out adversity, especially death, to a client in such graphic terms as they are portrayed in this article. Yet, at least he or she should be well aware of the Arishta yogas in the chart before making any glowing predictions about the outcome of the auspicious indications that may be simultaneously present. Robert Koch has been practicing Vedic Astrology for over 16 years, drawing upon wisdom gained from living 20 years as a monk of a Hindu-based Vaishnava order. He has traveled throughout Asia and the Far East, studying astrology in North India in the late 1970s. He can be reached at 317 N. 188th St., Seattle, WA 98133, 206/542-6688. Birth Data Source Ennis Cosby’s birth data is from his birth certificate, per Data News #64.