BIOLOGY Plantae Assignment Class 9 CBSEFull description
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Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important co…Full description
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CBSE Class 11 Biology, Chapter 04 - Aanimal Kingdom.pdf
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CBSE CLASS IX PHYSICS MOTION: It contains completes notes with solved numericals, objective type of questions and much more.
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Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important concepts ...
Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important concepts ...
Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important co…Full description
Mind maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important concepts in the chapter l...
Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important co…Full description
Mind maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important concepts in the chapter l...
Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important concepts ...
Mind maps or Concept Maps are acknowledged as scientific & effective learning tool worldwide. They give a snapshot of each chapter, presented in a flow chart that highlights the important concepts ...
CLASS: IX (2014-15)
Q. 1. A!"#$ % '"*+ ,#!%*!:
1. What are stomata? 2. Why are skeletal muscles known as striated muscles? 3. Name the meristem which is responsible for the increase in girth of root. 4. Name the tissue which allows the aquatic plants to float. . !We can find this tissue in leaf stalks below the epidermis. "he cells of this tissue are li#ing$ elongated and irregularly thickened at the corners. "here is #ery little intercellular space.% &dentify the tissue in the abo#e discussion. '. Write any four points of difference between (ylem and )hloem. *. +ifferentiate between sclerenchyma and collenchyma. ,. Write any four distincti#e features of cardiac muscles. -. Name the chemical substance which acts as cement and hardens the cell walls of sclerenchyma. 1. Why is blood considered to be a connecti#e tissue? 11. Write Write the ma/or functions of parenchyma. 12. What is the function of a bone$ cartilage$ ligament and tendon? 13. Name the kinds of muscles found in your limbs and lungs. 0ow do they differ from each other structurally and functionally? 14. a. +ifferentiate between meristematic and permanent tissues in plants. b. +efine the process of differentiation. c. Name any two simple and two comple permanent tissues in plants. 1. a. +iagrammatically show the difference between the three types of muscle fibres. b. +iagrammatically show the difference between the different types of epithelial tissues. c. +raw labelled diagrams representing the three ma/or types of simple permanent tissues found in plants. d. +raw a labelled diagram of a stomata. e. +raw a labelled diagram of a neuron.