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Q1. What is the outer layer of the earth known as? Q2. What is hydrosphere. Q3. What is atmosphere? Q4. Give the percentage of CO 2 on Venus? Q5. Atmosph Atmosphere ere plays plays an important important role in the climate control control.. ustify the statement. Q6.Why are root nodules useful for the plants? Q7. !efi !efine ne poll pollut utan ants ts? ? Give Give e"am e"ampl ples es of diff differ eren entt type types s of the the air air pollutants. Q8. Give one method to control air pollution? Q9. What is acid rain. Q10 #ow can we prevent the loss of top soil? Q11. Why does the percentage of gases like o"ygen$ nitrogen and car%on dio"ide remain almost the same in the atmosphere? Q12. &'oil is formed formed %y water. water.( )f you you agree to this this statement then then give reasons. Q13. !uring summer$ if you go near the lake$ youfeel relief from the heat. Why? Q14. *ist three ways to control soil pollution. Q15. 'oil formation is done %y %oth a%iotic and %iotic factors. *ist the names of these factors %y classifying them as a%iotic and %iotic?