Introduction This desin note incldes the desin and anal.sis of minor !ride at chainae C1/2992 C1/2992 which is a !ox t.pe ha-in two cells/
Basic Data : *s : *s per client data '7C re@irements *ssmptions *ssmptions Side wall thickness, Thickness of partition walls Clear heiht of !ox
Dw = Dp = =
600 mm 300 mm "#35 mm
Thickness of deck sla!
Dd =
$00 mm
Thickness of !ase sla!
D! =
$00 mm
500 mm
%ase sla! pro&ection arth fill o-er !ase sla! )incidental+ Clear span of each !ox 'dealised span of each cell 'dealised heiht of !ox Can Ca nti tile le-er le len nth of !as ase e sl sla a!
= = = 1 = c =
2 x 9250 5 3 5 5
'dealised (rame )*lon the road+
0 mm inside the waterwa. waterwa./ #650 9250 mm "#35 $0 $00 2 $00 2 = 500 60 600 2 = #00 mm
5535 mm C4
4idth of the strctre , ! 4 idth of footpath )remo-a!le+ Thickness of crash !arrier *-erae thickness of fill o-er deck
= = = =
2000 mm 0 mm 500 mm 65 mm
5535 2000
Section across 7oad 3.0
Load Calculati Calculations ons 3/ Dead oads a/+ Sel elff wei ei ht of st str rct ct re
!/+ -er!rden o-er deck
= ) *t to oma mati tic c 'n 'np ptt !. de den nsi sit. t. co com mma man nd of ST ST** **D D 8r 8ro o+ )Densit. of 7CC is taken as 25 ;<m3+ : 22 ;<m3 x
c/+ oad de to crash !arrier Cs area of crash !arrier Ths weiht of crash !arrier
= =
4idth of contact of load, ffect ffe ctii-e e widt dth h of sl sla! a! lo = = "625 mm ! = 2000 2000 ; = 2/600 !ef =
0/065 m =
0/"0 x
!ef = ) !ef )2 2+; +;a a) )a al lo o+ +! ! > ! = 500mm mm !lo = (or continos sla!s> a =
2003 Ths load intensit. de to crash !arrier
0/395 m2 9/#$5 k< m
25/00 = 500 500 mm
!e !ein in ed de e loa oad d )'7C2 cl/no/ 305/6+ 2/595 233 233 mm
mm = =
Ths total o-er!rden load o-er deck sla! = c/+ -er!rden o-er !ase sla!? 'nside the cells = -er !ase sla! heel =
/"3 ;<m m width width
: 20 ;<m3 x : 20 ;<m3 x
0/000 m = 5/600 m =
9/## !ef "/93 ;<m m width "/93 =
;<m m
0/00 ;<m m width width 2/00 ;<m m width width
3/2 'A *D? ) lane of $07 lane of Class* 3 lane of Class* is considered+ 3/3/ i-e oads o-er Deck Strctre is modelled in ST**D87 and anal.sed for $07 B Class* loadin to find position of loadin for maximm !endin moment and shear force/ ST**D 'npt is attached in annexre* B %/ 3/3//a/ 'mpact (actors )'7C6, Cl/no/ 2+ Span = 9/25 m *s per '7C ? 6, %asic impact factors are as !elow / (or $07 tracked -ehicles = 0/00 2/ (or $07 wheeled -ehicles = 25/00 3/ (or class * -ehicle = 29/5 Thickness of fill o-er deck 600mm, hence impact fraction = Desin impact factors are? / (or $07 tracked -ehicles 2/ (or $07 wheeled -ehicles 3/ (or class * -ehicle
= = =
4idth of carriaewa. at location of strctre
0/00 25/00 29/5
000 mm This is 3 lane as per '7C ? 6 2000
3/2//! '7C Class E*E -ehicle alon span /# F cc
Traffic Direction
2/$ *xle oads *xle spacin
3 3 "/3 Dispersed 4heel enth
wtd T.re contact width alon traffic direction, wtt T.re contact lenth after dispersion throh sla! B fill, T.re contact width across traffic direction, 4idth of load o-er wheels, 4 4idth after dispersion throh fill, ! The -arios -ales are ta!lated !elow/ *xle oad )T+ %)mm+ 4 w)mm+ /" 250 500 6/# 200 3#0 2/$ 50 200 8art GD intensit. correspondin to each wheel load
= % wtd = wtt2)Tf t+ = %2)Tf t+ = 4w = 4 w#00 mm 42Tf = mm 4 td)mm+ $#0 $30 6#0 =
4)mm+ !)mm+ 2300 2"30 2#0 230 2000 230 4heel oad wtd
The load -ales for different axles are ta!lated !elow/ *xle oad 8art GD intensit. withot )T+ impact );<m+ /" 6"/0"5 6/# 39/3 2/$ 6/0$ ffecti-e width of sla! !ef = ;a)alo+! 4here ; = 2/600 Same as that o!tained a!o-e Fin clearance from sla! ede to wheel otside, C = 650 mm
3/2//!/i/ oad position for maximm moment at spport
'mpact factor =
st 6/#T 2nd 6/#T 3rd 6/#T st /"T 2nd /"T st 2/$T 2nd 2/$T
a )mm+
$50 "500 500 2#00 "000 2050 950
!ef for one !ef for 3 train at trains at ede ede of for sinle for 3 trains !ef c2 carriaewa. train !ef c !ef2 42 5999 "333 "#00 3933 #3# 506 5959 "320 55$# "93 "5#9 3#63 $506 "#35 5553 "#" #333 5 5966 "322 62$9 ""26 "939 39#0 "3"6 3$#2 39$3 365#
!ef for load at centre of carriaewa. )mm+
!ef for desin
oad in ;<m2 withot impact
3933 4320 3863 4184 4322 3980 3658
9/993 9/099 0/$5 5/306 "/## "/03# "/39"
oad in );<m2+ wiith impact
12.942 11.784 13.178 19.822 19.190 5.230 5.690
3/2//!/ii/ oad position for maximm mid span moment
The effecti-e width -ales and load intensities are ta!lated !elow/ 'mpact factor = 29/5
st 6/#T 2nd 6/#T 3rd 6/#T "th 6/#T st /"T 2nd /"T st 2/$T
a )mm+
250 3250 3000 0 "300 3$50 550
!ef for load at centre of carriaewa. )mm+
!ef for load at ede
for sinle for 3 trains !ef 2 train !ef c
!ef c2 42
!ef for 3 trains at ede of carriae wa.
333 5$56 5500 2#65 5#56 5$6" 353$
3""" "252 "6$ 32## "2#5 "255 352
3062 $9 $"00 230 #3 $92$ 3"$5
335" "9$0 "#00 30"3 503# "9$6 3"92
!ef for desin
oad in ;< F2 withot impact
3354 4252 4167 3043 4285 4255 3492
/$9 9/2"" 9/"33 2/95 "/9"5 5/053 "/603
!ef for desin
oad in ;< F2 withot impact
4018 4334 3146
9/$#3 9/0$0 20/355
oad in );<F2+ wiith impact
15.177 11.972 12.217 16.727 19.355 19.495 5.961
3/2//!/iii/ oad position for maximm shear f orce The eff/ width -ales and load intensities are ta!lated !elow/ 'mpact factor = 29/5
st 6/#T 2nd 6/#T st /"T
a )mm+
2000 "250 50
!ef for load at centre of carriaewa. )mm+
!ef for load at ede
for sinle for 3 trains !ef 2 train !ef c
!ef c2 42
!ef for 3 trains at ede of carriae wa.
5053 600 3020
"0# "33" 33"0
6506 #"03 2"39
"502 53" 3"6
oad in );<F2+ wiith impact
12.670 11.746 26.361
2nd /"T st 2/$T 2nd 2/$T
250 ""50 3$00
52 #3" #0#2
"0"0 505 502$
"360 595$ 5#"
3$#$ "39 "2#0
3787 4319 4280
6/93 3/$2 3/$55
21.903 4.819 4.863
3/2//c/ $07 wheel load alon span T.re contact lenth = )50005/2$3+)"5+ = Traffic Direction
2/$9 #
T.re contact lenth after dispersion throh sla! B fill alon span wtd = wtt2)Tf t+ = 4idth of load o-er wheels, 4 = 4idth after dispersion throh fill, ! = 42T f =
26/3" cm = 263mm = 4tt
*xle oads )Ton+
*xle Spacins )F+
$93 mm 2$90 mm 2920 mm
Dispersed 4heel enth $93
8art GD intensit. withot impact correspondin to each wheel load = 4heel oad wtd The load -ales for different axles are ta!lated !elow/ *xle oad )T+ $/0 2/0 #/0
= oad $93 mm
8art GD intensit. 4ithot impact );<m+ 9"/$92 66/92 ""/60#
!ef = ;a)alo+! ffecti-e width of sla! 4here ; = 2/600 Same as that for Class* Fin/ clearance from sla! ede to wheel otside, C = $00 mm
i/ oad position for maximm shear force The effecti-e width -ales and load intensities are ta!lated !elow/ 'mpact factor = 25/00
st $T nd
2 $T 3rd $T "th $T st 2T 2nd 2T st #T
a )mm+
!ef for desin
oad in ;<m2 withot impact
oad in );<m2+ wiith impact
7350 7558 6063
2/#96 2/5" 5/63"
16.120 15.677 19.542
3075 6644 7411 6359
30/#2$ 0/0$ 9/029 $/05
38.533 12.589 11.286 8.769
!ef for load at centre !ef for load at ede of of carriaewa. )mm+ carriaewa. !ef c !ef e = )!ef c2 42 C+
"$$0 "30 60 20$0 3590 $00
#92$ 6063 30$5 $09# #63 652#
$55# 62$ "632 66"" $" 6359
ii/ oad position for maximm mid span moment
The effecti-e width -ales and load intensities withot impact are ta!lated !elow/ 'mpact factor = 25/00 !ef for load at centre !ef for load at ede of of carriaewa. )mm+ carriaewa. !ef c !ef e = )!ef c2 42 C+
a )mm+
st $ T 2nd $ T 3rd $ T "th $ T
950 2320 3##0 250
536 $"39 #$$6 $6$5
5663 6#5 $"#3 6933
2 T
!ef for desin
5136 6815 7483
6933 3867
oad in ;< oad in m2 );<F2+ wiith withot impact impact #/"55 3/90 2/66$ 3/6$3 $/30
23.069 17.388 15.834
17.092 21.627
iii/ oad position for maximm spport moment The effecti-e width -ales and load intensities withot impact are ta!lated !elow/ 'mpact factor = 25/00 !ef for load at centre !ef for load at ede of of carriaewa. )mm+ carriaewa. !ef c !ef e = )!ef c2 42 C+
a )mm+
st $ T
2nd $ T 3rd $ T "th $ T st 2 T 2nd 2 T
##0 $0 25"0 "5#0 3060
6#5 55$$ $$ #932 #2""
6502 5##" 6950 $56 $2$
!ef for desin
7296 6502 5577 6950
7561 7217
oad in ;< oad in m2 );<F2+ wiith withot impact impact 2/993 "/5$# 6/996 3/639 #/#50 9/2$
16.241 18.223 21.245 17.048
11.062 11.589
3/2//f/ i-e oad !rakin effect i-e load !rakin effect = 20 of on first two lanes 5 of on remainin lanes/ The strctre will !e maximm loaded when $07 wheel loads and a Class * wheel load are placed o-er the strctre/
Ths total load o-er deck
= 00 T load from $07 wheel = 55/" T load from Class * wheel Total !rakin effect force on strctre = 22/$$ T = 22/$$x0 2/000 3/000 = i-e oad Calclations for $0 7 Track load and %oie load is i-en in Anneure I!/
3/3 Seismic (orces The d.namic pressre increments are calclated as per 'S? #93 H 9#"/ αh = αβχ = 0/0"x/0x /2 = 0/0"# (or seismic Ione ''' α- = 0/0"#2 = 0/02"
6/33 ;<mwall
*cti-e pressre coeficient> Ca =
) α-+cos2)φ − λ H α+ Cosλ cos2α cos)δ α λ+ K) (0/5+2
( =
λ = tan)αh) α-++ φ =
Sin )φ δ + Sin )φ H τ H λ + Cos )α τ + Cos )δ + α + λ + =
0/0"6# 7ad
2#J =
α = 0 Ths, (0/5 = ) (0/5+2 = Ca = D.namic increment
0/0"9 7ad
0/"##692 7ad
τ 0/""# 2/09# 0/"00 0/03
δ = 0
= 0
*nd *nd *nd *nd
0/""$ 2/09" 0/3#3 CaE =
The earth pressres are calclated !elow/ The static component is same as alread. calclated/ Satrated %ackfill /8/ at sla! top le-el = /8/ at fondin le-el = D.namic increment =
;aρ1s000 ;aρ)1s1+ 000 CaEρ)1s12+ 000
= = =
$/3 ;<F F width 95/96 ; <F F width #/6 ;<F F width
Ths the seismic effect is -er. small as the d.namic earth pressre, which is onl. a!ot 5/# of the static component whereas the permissi!le stresses can !e increased !. 50 / Ths not considered in frther anal.sis/
"odulus o# $u%&rade 'eaction Loseph / %owles in !ook named M(ondation anal.sis and desinM recommends a -ale rane of 9,600 to #0,000 ;<F 3 for medim dense sand stratas/ *dopt a -ale of sa. #,000 ;<m3 on a conser-ati-e side/ 8ro-idin sprins at e-er. 0/"50 m spacin, Aale of sprin constant = #000 x /000 x 0/"50 = 3600 ;<F Aale of sprin constant = #000 x /000 x 0/525 = "200 ;<F )(or spports !elow wall+ Aale of sprin constant = #000 x /000 x 0/350 = 2#00 ;<F )(or spports next to spport !elow wall+ Aale of sprin constant = #000 x /000 x 0/"000 = 3200 ;<F )(or extreme spport+
Bearin& ca(acit) re*uire+ent. "/ De to Dead oads 4eiht of !ase sla! = 4eiht of top sla! = 4eiht of side walls = 4eiht of partition wall = 4eiht of ke. = 4eiht of hanch = 4t/ of soil fill inside !ox = Soil fill on !ase sla! pro&n = 4t of fill on deck sla! =
20/0m x 0/$0 m x 9/0m x 0/$0 m x 2x"/#" x 0/60 m x "/#" x 0/30 m x /00 m2 x /"" m2 x 6x0/00 x 0/00 m x 2x0/50 x 5/5" m x 9/0m x 0/0$ m x
25 = 25 = 25 = 25 = 25 = 25 = 0= 22 = 22 =
35/$5 ;<m width 33"/25 ;<m width "5/05 ;<m width 36/26 ;<m width 25/00 ;<m width 36/00 ;<m width 0/00 ;<m width 2/$$ ;<m width 2$/3 ;<m width 0$$/"0 ;<m width
Total Ths !earin pressre de to D = "/2 De to crash !arrier/ 4t of crash !arrier = et = 0/00 m , Ths, 8max =
0$$/"0 20/0m =
9/## = 20/0 m , t = /56 ;<m2 8min =
"/3 De to i-e oads Considerin 3 lanes of Class* near crash !arrier, et = 8 = 252/"262 ;<,
3$$/23 ;<
2/00 m /56 ;<m2
0/33 m
e =
0/5 m
2/00 m
20/0 m
Considerin one $07 Class* wheel load near crash !arrier, et = 8 = 96$/"$"3 ;<, /3# m t = 2/00 m
e =
2/#5 m
20/0 m
t = Ths, 8max =
Ths, 8max =
0/$# ;<m2
20/$" ;<m
Ths maximm !earin pressre de to i-e load = Ths !earin capacit. re@irement = = Sa. # Tm2 6.0
53/60 ;<m2
20/$" ;<m2
53/60 /56 $5/90 ;<m2 0 Tm2 1ence ;
Temperatre (orces Temperatre -ariation = $o Coeficient of thermal expansion , α = /$05 oC 8ermissi!le stresses can !e increased !. 5 nder temperatre effects/