Descripción: El presente documento es el formato para elaborar el business case de acuerdo a los estandares de gestion de proyectos del PMI.
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1. Anal Analy ysis sis of of Ma Market Data Market Size The total formula cars cars market size size is around $ 16 billion globally.
Target Customers Customer s Average age of our customer is 23-40 years. . !ur main main "riority "riority is to sell our cars to global global formula formula cars cars giants like like Audi, Audi, Volkswa olkswagen gen,, enaul enault, t, ed !ull !ull and "errari errari.. #e ill ill also also target them to o%er our services and earn "ro&ts against it. 'f our hole car "ackage is not acce"ted then e can sell to them individual car "arts. 2. !ur !ur seco second nd mark market et is is the student in t#e uni$ersities w#o want to learn about t#e formula %ar ra%ing to #a$e #ands&on e'(erien%e wit# ra%e engineering. #e ill sell the car through internet as it is available globally. #e also o%er any service re(uired as demanded by our customers. 3. !ur !ur thir third d mark market is is the global elite %lass w#o lo$e formula ra%ing and ant to get a car manufactured as re(uired by them.
). Com(any Strategy *#at we o+er #e o%er to things) e%ortless "erformance and e%ortless onershi".
a Sus(en Sus(ensio sion n system system #e em"loy non-"arallel une(ual double ish bone con&guration and 4 heel inde"endent double A-arm sus"ension. *o e "ackage efortless handling and response.
b -'%ellen -'%ellentt gri( and Contro Controll #e o%er good traction and launch control to ma+imize gri" and "oer.
% Safe Safe and and eli eliabl able e #e also o%er high (uality %arbon aramid im(a%t attenuator on demand. ,y default e use aluminum im(a%t attenuator w#i%# ts (erfe%tly as t#e minimum $iable solution for safety.
T#rottle Auto /(s#ifts /(s#ifts,, %ruise %ruise !n !n dem demand and e may also also o%er o%er "ull T#rottle %ontrol to ensure (addle s#ifters for e+ortless s#ifting.
0ur Ser$i%es #e have the ca"acity to meet the demand of car) as asked by the customer) in 6ust 47 hours. #e o%er 241 customer su""ort to our users and have the ca"ability to solve any given task as soon as "ossible.
!ne sto" service solution *'5 * k s e d " l e h 1 0 4 2 ree Tuning /uides
r a e y r o f e c n a n e t n i a m e e r .
#e also o%er guiding booklets and video instructions to our customers.
0ur !usiness Model !ur manufacturing cost of single unit is 12,333 and e ill sell the car at the "ro&t of 2333. *o the selling cost of single unit for our cost comes out to be )3,333. #e are kee"ing the selling "rice high to ensure the best (uality and good services of our "roduct. #e have the ca"acity to manufacture 1333 %ars a year. "ollowing is our business model4
"or 1333 %ars a year, Total e$enues (er year5 1,333 7 )3,333 5 )3,333,333 5 )3 million Total 8rots (er year 5 1333 7 2,333 5 2,333,333 5 2 million
9. Ve#i%le strategy and 8erforman%e: ;ey Design "eatures and ;ey 8erforman%e Targets a Ve#i%le (erforman%e 8erforman%e 8arameters
;on-"arallel) une(ual double ish bone con&guration and ?A@ arm sus"ension
Tires 73 ,ody shell can also be made of carbon &ber Bon demandC
bVe#i%le Strategy #e are designing the car for o"timal s"eed and "erformance. The design is modern) lighteight) highly streamlined and aerodynamic. Thus our "roduct is safe to drive) a%ordable to buy and very sustainable solution for the current market of formula cars.
>. 8lans for e?%ient design and manufa%turing a @uality Assuran%e !ur &rst and foremost strategy ill be to manufacture a balanced car that &ts "erfectly as the "rice"erformance o"timized model. #e ant to serve our target customers as better as e can by kee"ing u" the standards and ensuring (uality manufacturing.
b 8ri%e<(erforman%e 0(timization #e have "re"ared a design that is o"timized ith res"ect to "erformance as ell as "rice "arameters. !ur business model ensures the most o"timized "oint for "ro&tability and at the same time kee"s its "erformance "arameters on the to".
% isk Assessment and Management !ur sales engineers ill do the risk analyses and our venture "artners ill also kno them. The best ay to manage risk is to do "ublic surveys to kno
about the "roduct demand and thus regulate its su""ly. The second ay is to em"loy Dmarket-"roduct &t techni(ues before getting into the real business as this com"letely ensures the minimum viable go to market "roduct and hence risk can be minimized ithout even com"romising our future "ro&ts.
d C#ea(er abor and s#i((ing 5hina is the best "lace in the orld here labor is chea"est. *o it is the best "lace to manufacture and assemble cars. or chea"er shi""ing) e ill sign contracts ith them and ill o%er them a negotiable shares in "ro&t.
e 0utsour%ing 7Signing %ontra%ts wit# ot#er %om(anies to get work done for us ,y outsourcing) e ill ac(uire the investment for our "roduct@s "roduction and divide the share "ercentage as negotiated. #e ill "refer if the investor brings hisher on management) manufacturing and "roduction team and e ill only sell the design and do all the research and develo"ment of the car.