Symena Software & Consulting GmbH
Quick Guide for UMTS Site Selection Demo with Mentum Planet 4.4 (or higher)
Symena Software & Consulting GmbH Wiedner Hauptstrasse 24/15 A-1040 Vienna, Austria © 2009, All rights reserved!
Quick Demo – Setup and Run – Step by Step This demo project is prepared for Mentum Planet or higher. In case that an older version of Planet is used, please contact Symena. The demo project is delivered within a .zip file, called “Capesso Demo”. The .zip file includes all required data to run Capesso™ with Mentum Planet. Step 1
Extract the files within the .zip file to a folder of choice. Please make sure that the subfolder structure is maintained.
Step 2
Start Mentum Planet version or higher. Load the project file: Planet File Open Project browse “GSM_UMTS.dBP” press “Open” to load the file. Go to the Project Explorer, to the submenu “Sites”. Right-click on “Sites [77/456]” and press “Generate Predictions…” “All sectors” press Continue press Generate to generate the predictions. This will take several minutes.
Step 3
To start the optimization of the network plan with Capesso™ please go to Tools and press “Capesso”. Capesso™ will then start automatically the project export.
Step 4
Creating a Capesso™ optimization environment: •
Optimization region: browse for the target area polygon Areas DemoArea.TAB
Channels to optimize: these are the UMTS carriers. Select WCDMA_811
Network grouping flag: this is to separate multiple GSM networks. In the demo GSM900 is available only. Hence select “Grouping in one network”.
Sites to include in simulation: These are the sites that will be simulated during the optimization process. Select: “all sites”
Sites to optimize + candidates for activation: Select the GROUP CONSTRAINT “InDemoArea”. Only parameters of the sites within the target area should be changed during the optimization process.
Perform site activation: Enable this checkbox to enable site activation and selection. For the “Initially active sites” select the Group “InDemoArea” Flags: true Add ok, as these sites are already active. Select and set To activate a candidate site, change flag “Active” to “true”.
Traffic map: browse for the traffic map that may be used TrafficMaps TM_DemoTrafficMap.grd
Press Create environment. This may take a few minutes. The optimization environment is created and Capesso™ will be started automatically. Step 5
Define the Capesso™ project settings. In Capesso™ load the traffic map from the Capesso™ Optimization Environment browse for “TM_DemoTrafficMap.cbil” within the optimization environment, folder “trafficdata”. For the Source file parameter synchronization: •
Multi system synchronization: Enable the checkbox “Automatically create multiband parameter synchronizations for aligned antennas”.
Press Load network data in Capesso™. Step 6
Load the template demo settings. In Capesso™ File Import Settings browse for the “Capesso UMTS Site Selection – active GSM.cpf” file in the Capesso Symena Software & Consulting GmbH, 2009
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subfolder of the Mentum Planet project. Select all checkboxes within the Import dialog to apply the template settings and press ok. All template settings are loaded from the Capesso™ project file (cpf). Step 7
Optimization ranges. All parameters settings are done by using the Capesso™ template file. Alternatively, or in addition, all parameters can be edited manually. The GSM sites are active, the UMTS sites are inactive. Each UMTS site can be selected with tilt and azimuth changes being considered. The GSM sites can change tilts and azimuths, as well as electrical tilts.
Step 8
Optimization targets. The template settings are applied. The optimization demo considers sufficient BCCH coverage (at the -84dBm level) for GSM. For UMTS an Ec/Io level of -12dB is considered. This Ec/Io level is conditioned on a sufficient pilot coverage reception of at least –92dBm. All targets are weighted with the traffic density map. This ensures that the sites that cover the most potential traffic are selected first by Capesso™, as these are the most “population coverage” effective sites. The same principle applies to GSM coverage.
Step 9
Optimization options. The template settings are applied. The Capesso™ algorithms will maximize the performance until the entire optimization area (polygon) satisfies the performance requirements. No limitations apply. An implementation plan and efficiency analysis will be computed that prioritises the modifications with the highest positive impact on the network performance.
Step 10 Optimization run. The template settings are applied. Press the “Start optimization” button to launch the optimization process. The optimization starts. Step 11 Once the optimization process is completed, Capesso™ Inspector allows a detailed analysis of the results, by means of plots, statistics, parameter analysis as well as a comprehensive efficiency analysis. To start Capesso™ Inspector press “Visualize results”. Every single step can be analysed and re-imported into Planet! Step 12 Besides the enhanced result visualization, Capesso™ also provides an optimization report. It can be viewed by pressing “View report” button in Capesso™. Excel will be started and the report can be analysed. Step 13 Verification of the results in Mentum Planet. In order to load the optimization results back into Planet, please first decide which implementation plan step should be used (efficiency analysis). Press “Export impl. Steps” to generate a site table that includes all data for a specific implementation plan step (for example, Step 17). Then, a configuration file with the naming convention “_step17” will be generated, ready for import to Planet. In the Project explorer in Planet go to: Project Data Site Tables. There you need to generate a copy of the initial site table, where the modifications are loaded into. Right click, Copy –> and the site table is copied. Then activate (and rename) the copy of the site table, and load the optimization results Planet Data Import Project data and browse for the Capesso XLS result file and import the settings. Now, all analysis can be repeated in Mentum Planet. Step 14 Consideration of what-if analysis. Based on the analysis in Capesso™ and Mentum Planet, you may repeat the entire optimization procedure in order to test multiple solutions, business cases, limitations and so on. Confidential
Symena Software & Consulting GmbH, 2009
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