A document that talks about the return on investment with SAP Successfactors LMS.
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LMS Power Cable Handbook basic
CSS Script
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Descripción: Al igual que Foundation o Bootstrap, Materialize CSS es un framework para el desarrollo frontend responsivo que nos proporciona una serie de componentes CSS y ficheros JavaScript para trabajar. Me...
1*AQS&b* indicators of production performance in accordance it" or!place procedure '&*& +ocument and report cases of deviations #L$%&A'SS from specific quality standards in accordance 1*AQS&b* it" t"e or!places procedures
+iscussion +emonstration +iscussion Lecture+emo
Systematic Approac"
Oral Questioning
reventive #ec"nique
L0 'omputer 3nit L0 'omputer 3nit L0
LO;. $ngage in quality improvement (&%& articipate process improvement
procedures in relative to or!place assignment
#L$%&A'SS1* AQS&c;
(&'& 'arry out or! in accordance it" process #L$%&A'SS1* AQS&c; improvement procedures
+iscussion 'ooperative Learning
,eard -ositive ,einforcement/
Systematic Approac"
'onferencing Observation
erformance #as!s
erformance #as!s
(&(& 0onitor performance of operation or quality #L$%&A'SS1* AQS&c; of product of service to ensure customer
+iscussion 'ooperative Learning
2rouping Systematic Approac"
erformance Analysis of Learners Output 'onferencing
,ole lay '"art Analysis
ersonal Safety 0aterials 0odules
0anual 0odules 777 0odules '"arts(rogress '"arts< erformance '"arts
Lesson *:erforming 'omputer Operations -'O/ LO1. $ngage in quality improvement %&%& +etermine requirements of tas! in
accordance it" t"e required output
#L$%&A'SS 1*'O&cd=
>erbal Linguistic >alues Level 'ooperative Learning
LO;. Access information using computer (&%& Select correct program4application based
on ?ob requirements
#L$%&A'SS 1*'O&efC
'oncept levels &nterpersonal 'ollaborative or cooperative
learning 'oncept levels (&'& Access program4application containing t"e #L$%&A'SS 5 1*'O 5 &e 5 f 5 C &nterpersonal information required according to company 'ollaborative or cooperative
2ood #eac"er 5 Student relations"ips Observation Systematic approac"es #al!ing to learners or
reventive #ec"niques Systematic approac"
Observation #al!ing to learners or conferencing
learning Logical 5 mat"ematical
'oncept mapping ro?ects $periments
$periment Oral resentation
0odules4"ard copies 6oo!s 'omputer programs or applications 0odules4"ard copies 6oo!s 'omputer programs or applications
(&(& Select< open< and close des!top for
navigation purposes
#L$%&A'SS 5 'oncept Levels 1*'O 5 &e 5 f C 6odily 8inest"etic Logical0at"ematical 'ollaborative or 'ooperative
0anaging Students Academic or! ositive 'lassrooms
(&)& 'arry out !eyboard tec"niques in line it" #L$%&A'SS 1*'O&efC O@S requirements
Learning Lecture +iscussion
ositive classrooms
Observation Analysis of learners
products #ests
Observation #est
Oral resentation erformance tas!
Oral resentation S!ill +emo.
0odules4"ard copies 6oo!s 'omputer 3nit
#etboo! &nternet 0anila paper Laptop
LO=. roduce output4data using computer )&%& rocess entered data using appropriate
information *&+& 6oo!mar! useful pages and print as
#L$%&A'SS 1*'O&g"E #L$%&A'SS 1*'O&g"E
0astery $erciseractice
Systematic approac"es
erformance #as!s
Lecture +iscussion
2ood #eac"erStudent ,elations"ip
S!ill +emonstration
'omputer 3nit &nternet 'onnection Laptop #etboo!
LOC. 0aintain computer equipment and systems +&%& &mplement procedures for ensuring
security of data< including regular bac!ups and 1*'O&g"E virus c"ec!s in accordance it" standard operating procedures #L$%&A'SS +&'& &mplement basic file maintenance procedures in line it" t"e standards operating 1*'O&g"E procedures