1. INTRODUCTION Man has needed and used energy at an increasing rate for his sustenance and well being ever since he came on the earth a few million years ago.
Primitive man required energy
primarily in the form of food. He derived this by eating plants or animals, which he hunted. Subsequently he discovered fire and his energy needs increased as he started to mae use of wood and other bio mass to supply the energy needs for cooing as well as for eeping himself warm. !ith the passage of time, man started to cultivate land for agriculture. He added a new dimension to the use of energy by domesticating and training animals to wor for him. !ith further demand for energy, man began to use the wind for sailing ships and for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to turn water for sailing ships and for driving windmills, and the force of falling water to turn water wheels. "ill this time, it would not be wrong to say that the sun was supplying all the energy needs of man either directly or indirectly and that man was using only renewable sources of energy. "his has become vibrant requirement that an alternate, economical, monopoly independent, handy and easy to install solution to overcome the crisis of electrical energy must be determined by scientists and engineers. "here is a strong need of electrical power that could become promising as an alternate source with robust technology which may be consumed to empower usability of mandatory needed routine appliances e.g. "o power street lights, lighting day time dar corridors usually at underpasses, charging cell phones, laptops, emergency light for underground shopping malls, in the absence o f main electric line supply as a handy substitute. !e have tried to e#plore the method that how scientists and engineers are striving hard to bring use of the effect to generate alternate electrical power v ia paddling on floor tiles. "he implementation discussed in this paper is all about developing mechanics with software control for producing electricity. "he method is based on the technique where people in their routine wal, passes over the power generating floor made up of tiles each containing an assembly that absorb force in the form of potential energy that is transformed into electrical energy with electro$mechanical setup with software based control and monitor towards power %
hungry loads. !aling is undoubtedly the most recurrent action of a person during a single day and in daily routine span. !henever a person of any age with certain weight wals, he e#erts potential force towards the floor by means of padding or &umping. "he human body mass is therefore accumulated with potential energy when he stand or wal. "he model relies on utili'ing this accumulated energy dropped on floor containing tiles, which comprises of an assembly beneath the tile which converts the potential energy to inetic energy. "he inetic energy is further converted into mechanical energy using motor$generator mg$set which produces electrical power, ready for storage or consumption. "his method of electricity production can be considered clean and pollution free for equally to health and environment friendly. Since, this development does not consume any fuel or adiabatic resource( hence its creation leads to null or 'ero pollution. "he apanese firms, who also are deeply dependent on imported fuel lie petroleum, oil, coal, gasoline, and firewood to power its industries, are at the vanguard of research into clean and re$useable energy sources. *oshiai tauya of sound power corporation stated that +an average person, weighing - g, can produce only -.1 watt per second triggering two steps across the tile. "remendously, when they are assumed to cover a large area of floor with thousands of pedestrians padding, stepping or &umping, they can produce large total. /n this pro&ect we are generating electrical power as non$conventional method by simply waling or running on the foot step. 0on$conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation. 0on$conventional energy using foot step is converting mechanical energy into the electrical energy. "his pro&ect using simple drive mechanism such as rac and pinion assemble and chain drive mechanism. or this pro&ect the conversion of the force energy in to electrical energy. "he control mechanism carries the rac 2 pinion, 3.4 generator, battery and inverter control. !e have discussed the various applications and further e#tension also. "he 3.4 generator used in this pro&ect is Permanente magnet 3.4 generator. "he generator is coupled to the ply wheel shaft with the help of spur gear mechanism. "he output of the generator is 1% volts. "his 1% volt is stored in a 5 amp$hour battery. "he battery type is lead$acid battery. "he battery is connected to the inverter which is used to convert the d.c 1% volt to the %6- volt 7.4. 8y increasing the capacity of battery and inverter circuit, the power rating is increased. 6
%. 9/":;7"<;: =/:! Joseph, A. & Tom, B.[1] have been generated electricity from footsteps which can be obtained
while waling or running on certain arrangements lie foot paths, stairs, platforms and this system can be installed anywhere. !hen a person wals, he losses energy to the ground in the form of impact, vibrations etc. "his energy can be tapped by pie'oelectric crystals and can be converted to a usable electrical form. "his electrical energy can be stored in a battery for later use. 7 prototype of the system is built along with rac and pinion arrangement for meeting the load requirement. Vasantharaj A & Dhi!a " . et# [$] have been generated the electric power through the
fabrication of foot step arrangement. 0ow day>s power demand is increased, so this paper is used to generate the electrical power in order to compensate the electric power demand. "his paper is designed with foot step arrangement, 3ynamo, ;ectifier with filter and battery. oot step arrangement is the mechanical arrangement with wheels. "his arrangement is placed in the crowed area side. A%a', (. & )a%ee, *. [+] have been generated electricity when people wal on the floor. "hin
about the forces which are wasted when a person wals. "he idea is to convert the weight energy to electrical energy. "he power generating floor intends to trans$ late the inetic energy to the electrical power. :nergy crisis is the main issue of world these days. "he motto of this research wor is to face this crisis somehow. "hough it won>t meet the requirement of electricity but as a matter of fact if people able to design a power generating floor that can produce 1-- w on &ust 1% steps, then for 1%- steps they can produce 1--- watt and if they install such type of 1-- floors with this system then it can produce 1megawatt. !hich itself is an achievement to mae it significant. a-a, V.. & /mar, R.et# [0] have been presented the study of electricity generation through
the step mechanism. or obtaining the electricity through the step mechanism a prototype model is developed and studied. "he electrical power generation system is configured to generate electric power via movements of the humans. "he power source is used in the form of a generator to prime the variable capacitor that effectively multiplies the priming energy of the power source by e#tracting energy from the passing humans. indings from this research wor are discussed in this paper. "he generator used is permanent magnet 3.4. generator. ?
Vino, J.A. [] has been generated electrical power as non$conventional method by simply
running on the train in the foot step. 0on$conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation. 0on$conventional energy using foot step needs no fuel input power to generate the output of the electrical power. "his pro&ect using simple drive mechanism such as roc and pinion assemble and chain drive mechanism. or this pro&ect the conversion of the force energy in to electrical energy. "he control mechanism carries the ;ac 2 Pinion, 3.4. generator, and battery and inverter control. !e have discussed the various applications and further e#tension also. So this pro&ect is implemented to all foot step, the power generation is very high. "he initial cost of this arrangement is high. (a'eem, ). & han, ".(.A [2] have been wored on the technique to generate electricity i.e.
using paddling impact. "his is done by applying paddling force on floor which is converted to inetic energy and then to mechanical energy, there after mechanical energy is further transformed into electrical energy which is accumulated for genuine use towards power hungry load. "he phenomena wors on the 9aw of 4onservation of :nergy.
method by simply waling or running on the foot step. 0on$conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation.
0on$conventional energy using foot step is converting
mechanical energy into the electrical energy. "he main aim of this pro&ect is to develop much cleaner cost effective way of power generation method, which in turns helps to bring down the global warming as well as reduce the power shortages. /n this pro&ect the conversion of the force energy in to electrical energy by using electromagnetic induction. /n this pro&ect the force energy is converted into electrical energy. "he control mechanism carries the copper coil and bar
magnetic which is used to generate voltage, a rechargeable battery is used to store this generated voltage. a-a 5.., /mar R.et# [6] have been generated electrical energy by means of a non$
conventional method &ust by waling on the footsteps. 0on conventional system for energies are very much required at this time. :nergy generation using footsteps requires no any fuel input to generate electricity. /n this pro&ect we are generating electricity &ust with the help of rac and pinion arrangement along with alternator and chain drive mechanism. or its proper functioning such that it converts force into electrical energy, the mechanism consists of rac 2 pinion, chain drives, alternator and battery. "hey have discussed its various alternate applications with e#tension also. "he power generation is much worthy but it has little initial cost effective factors. Dha3a- 7., 5an8ar 5, [9] have been specified that in this current scenario, power is the primary
need for the survival of human life. ;esearches shows that large amount of power is generated from non$renewable energy resources compared to that of renewable energy resources. "he e#tensive usages of available resources in recent years created a demand for the future generation. "o overcome this problem we need to utili'e renewable energy sources for power generation and conservation. "herefore the focus now is shifting more and more towards the renewable source of energy, which are essential and non$polluting. /n this paper it is mainly focused to provide the detailed survey of power generation mechanism from renewable energy resources includes pie'oelectric mechanism, rac and pinion mechanism, piston mechanism and the roller mechanism. Jose V T. , Bo:an B. [1;] 7 slab of concrete harnesses inetic energy whenever it is stepped on.
"his energy, created by @ millimeters of fle# in the material, is then either stored by lithium polymer batteries contained within the slabs or transmitted immediately to streetlights or other electronics located close by. "he current model, made from stainless steel, recycled car tires and recycled aluminum, also includes a lamp embedded in the pavement that lights up every time a step is converted into energy Ausing only @ percent of the generated energy). (e3har A.C., ishore B.".[11] has been generating electrical power as non$ conventional
method by simply waling or running on the foot step. 0on$conventional energy system is very essential at this time to our nation.
0on$conventional energy using foot step is converting
mechanical energy into the electrical energy. "he main aim of this pro&ect is to develop much cleaner cost effective way of power generation method, which in turns helps to bring down the
global warming as well as reduce the power shortages. /n this pro&ect the conversion of the force energy in to electrical energy by using electromagnetic induction. /n this pro&ect the force energy is converted into electrical energy. "he control mechanism carries the copper coil and bar magnetic which is used to generate voltage, a rechargeable battery is used to store this generated voltage.
the footsteps. 0on$conventional energy system is very essential at this time to developing nations lie /ndia, 4hina etc. 0on$conventional energy using footsteps needs no fuel input power to generate the output. /n this pro&ect the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy is done by using simple drive mechanisms such as rac and pinion assembly and chain drive mechanism.
$. 3:S4;/P"/B0S A= *'oorin< s!stem > !hen the mechanical setup is used as it is, every single setup will
compress separately and give an awward feeling while waling over that. "o prevent this, a flooring system is installed over the mechanical setup. "he purpose of installing this flooring system is provide required compression and at the same time to prevent the people to feel uncomfortable when waling over it. 7s every bloc over the setup is connected to one another using hinge arrangement, the compression will not be felt as the weight of the person waling over that will be distributed. 8ut the pressure required to compress the setup will be conveyed as the person>s weight acts on the particular setup only depending upon the average weight over a locomotive area, the strength and number of hinges are used for the area where average weight is more, the numbers of the hinges are increased. B= "e#hani#a' (tress > here the mechanical stress is consider as the weight of the foot steps per
unit area. "he weight of the foot steps due to gravity is converted into mechanical rotation. Stress is a physical quantity that e#presses the internal forces that neighboring particles of a continuous material e#ert on each other. or e#ample, when a solid vertical bar is supporting a weight, each particle in the bar pulls on the particles immediately above and below it. !hen a liquid is under pressure, each particle gets pushed inwards by all the surrounding particles, and, in reaction, pushes them outwards. "hese macroscopic forces are actually the average of a very large number of intermolecular forces and collisions between the molecules in those particles. Stress inside a body may arise by various mechanisms, such as reaction to e#ternal forces applied to the bul material Alie gravity) or to its surface Alie contact forces, e#ternal pressure, or friction). 7ny strain Adeformation) of a solid material generates an internal elastic stress, analogous to the reaction force of a spring, that tends to restore the material to its original undeformed state C= Ra#3 An- 5inion> "he rac and pinion is used to convert between rotary and linear motion.
"he rac is the flat, toothed part, the pinion is the gear. ;ac and pinion can convert from rotary to linear of from linear to rotary. "he diameter of the gear determines the speed that the rac moves as the pinion turns. ;ac and pinions are commonly used in the C
steering system of cars to convert the rotary motion of the steering wheel to the side to side motion in the wheels. ;ac and pinion gears give a positive motion especially compared to the friction drive of a wheel in tarmac. /n the rac and pinion railway a central rac between the two rails engages with a pinion on the engine allowing the train to be pulled up very steep slopes. 7 rac is a toothed bar or rod that can be thought of as a sector gear with an infinitely large radius of curvature.
*i< 1 Ra#3 an- pinion [$] D= D!namo> 3ynamo is an electrical generator. "his dynamo produces direct current with the
use of a commutator. 3ynamo was the first generator capable of the power industries. "he dynamo uses rotating coils of wire and magnetic fields to convert mechanical rotation into a pulsing direct electric current.
*i< $ D!namo[$] ?= Re#ti%ier> ;ectifier is an electrical device .it is converting to the alternating current to direct
current this process nown as rectification. ;ectifier has many uses it can be found in many power supply components and also as a detector. "he term rectifier describes a diode that is being used to convert 74 to 34. 7lmost all rectifiers comprise a number of D
diodes in a specific arrangement for more efficiently converting 74 to 34 than is possible with only one diode.
*i< + Re#ti%ier [$] *= *i'ter> :lectronic filters are electronic circuits which perform signal processing functions,
specifically intended to remove unwanted signal components andEor enhance wanted ones. @= Batter!> /n our pro&ect we are using secondary type battery. /t is rechargeable type. 7 battery
is one or more electrochemical cells, which store chemical energy and mae it available as electric current. "here are two types of batteries, primary Adisposable) and secondary Arechargeable), both of which convert chemical energy to electrical energy. Primary batteries can only be used once because they use up their chemicals in an irreversible reaction. Secondary batteries can be recharged because the chemical reactions they use are reversible( they are recharged by running a charging current through the battery, but in the opposite direction of the discharge current. )= (prin<> 7 spring is defined as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when loaded and
to recover its original shape when the 9oad is removed. "he springs used here are open coil helical springs which are used where there is compression load. "hese springs are made from oil tempered carbon steel wires.
*i< 0 (prin< [$] I= @ear> "he slipping belt of a belt is a common phenomenon, in the transmission of motion or
power between two shafts. "he effect of slipping is to reduce the velocity ratio of the system precision machines, in which a definite velocity ratio is of importance, the only positive drive is by gears or toothed wheels. 7 gear drive is also provided, when the distance between the driver and the follower is very small.
+. OBJ?CTIV? 7fter performing a detailed literature review the following ob&ectives are formulated for this optimi'ation. • • • •
"o obtain minimum weight. "o obtain ma#imum strength to resist variable load. "o obtain ma#imum transformation of reciprocating motion into rotary motion. "o obtain good resistance to distortion under heavy force. 11
• • • • • •
"o obtain less area for establishment. "o obtain good resistance to erosion under variable atmosphere. "o obtain a good ability to resist friction between component. "o obtain a good ability to generate more electricity. "o prevent all electric component from system vibrations. "o prepare an efficient system under lower cost.
0. *?A(IB7? (TUD "he various aspects are there which shows that this pro&ect APower development using footstep) is feasible.
1. "echnical easibilityF /n term of technical aspects, the concept of rac and pinion and gear$chain can be easily specified. /mplementation of new system or any another term for improving the efficiency of the system is technically feasible.
%.:conomic easibilityF :conomic is generally referred to as +4H:7P, and is calculated in terms of monetary value of the parts used in its installation and maintenance. /t will be economically feasible due to the use of easily available materials.
6. ;esources easibilityF "he parts of the pro&ect and rac and pinion are easily available in the maret in the reasonable cost. "he resources of the parts are easily available in the maret, and the main point is, that are cheap. So we can say that the pro&ect to be made will feasible according to the availability of resources.
?. Maret easibilityF /n the present time everyone wants more non$conventional energy. So the final product will spread out in the maret very easily due to its efficiency. So in this way it is feasible according to the maret condition.
@. :nvironmental easibilityF "his pro&ect is mainly source of the non$conventional energy so it does not harm the environment. So the pro&ect to be made will be feasible according to the environment condition.
@. 73=70"7G:S
Power generation is simply waling on the step
Power also generated by running or e#ercising on the step.
0o need fuel input
"his is a 0on$conventional system
8attery is used to store the generated power
. 3/S73=70"7G:S
Bnly applicable for the particular place.
Mechanical moving parts is high
/nitial cost of this arrangement is high.
4are should be taen for batteries
5. 7PP9/47"/B0S Power generation using foot step can be used in most of the places such as
4inema theatres,
Shopping comple# and
Many other buildings.
C. ;::;:04: 1I oseph, 7. 2 "om, 8. +:lectrical, :lectronics and /nstrumentation /nternational ournal of 7dvanced ;esearch in :ngineering =ol. @, Special /ssue 6, /SB 6%D5F %--5, March %-1. %I =asanthara& 7 2 3hivya M. etc. +:lectrical power generation using foot steps /nternational ournal of 7dvanced ;esearch in 8iology :ngineering Science and "echnology A/7;8:S") =ol. %, Special /ssue 1-, /SS0 %6D@$D@J, March %-1 6I 7f'al, S. 2 Hafee', . +Power Generation ootstep /nternational ournal of 7dvancements in ;esearch 2 "echnology, =ol 6, /ssue ?, /SS0 %%5C$556, 7pril %-1? ?I *adav, =.K. 2 Kumar, ; .etc. +Power Generation "hrough Step /nternational ournal of Scientific 2 :ngineering ;esearch, =ol @, /ssue @, /SS0 %%%D$@@1C, May %-1? @I =ino, .7. +Power Generation