Agostinho Neto (September 17, 1922 – September 10, 1979) served as the frst President o Angoa (197!– 1979), eading the Pop"ar #ovement or the $iberation o Angoa (#P$A) in the %ar or independen&e and the &ivi %ar' is birthda is &eebrated as *ationa eroes +a, a p"bi& hoida in Angoa'
Léopold Sédar Senghor (9 &tober 190- – 20 +e&ember 2001) %as a Senegaese poet, poiti&ian, and &"t"ra theorist %ho or t%o de&ades served as the frst President o Senega (19-0 – 19.0) 'Senghor %as the frst Ari&an ee&ted as a member o A cadémie Française. /eore independen&e, he o"nded the poiti&a part &aed the Senegaese +emo&rati& /o&'
#AWN by Kalidasa
Leonard O%e&a ' A(holi Land*
Rise +p A,ri(a
*+A, a and overo%ing %ith reigion and the reigio"s spirit, has a %ritten iterat"re that started %ith edi& ho te3ts some time ater 1!00' 4hese homiies and hmns gave rise to the !panishads- a bod a reigio"s prose %ritings phiosophi&a in nat"re and deaing %ith basi& tenets o ind"ism, the dominant reigion o ndia'
$ater, ora histor, egend, and mora taes %ere "sed into t%o5 great boo6s 4he #ahabharata, &onsidered the nationa epi& o ndia, and the 8amaana'
ther maor additions to the iterat"re o ndia are the P+naras (:00 /';'51:00 A'+') and the Pan(hatantra (:!0 A'+'), %hi&h is a &oe&tion o fve boo6s o abes and short taes interspersed %ith poetr' Another orm o iterat"re %as the shastas- %hi&h so"ght to sstemati
4he seventh &ent"r A'+' sa% the pea6 o &assi&a poetr' +rama and ri& poetr abo"nded' +"ring this period, =aidasa emerged as a poet and %riter o note' e prod"&ed three masterpie&es %hi&h Sha%+ntala- a pla.- is the most &eebrated'
n the atter part o the #idde Ages, the &o"rts o the #og" emperors, %hi&h prod"&ed Perso5 Arabi& %riting inspired a iterat"re in >rd"' 4he maor artisti& orm %as the gha/al- a sti
短歌 短歌
?ar %or6s o 0apanese literat+re %ere heavi in"en&ed b &"t"ra &onta&t %ith ;hina and ;hinese iterat"re, oten %ritten in ;assi&a ;hinese' ndian iterat"re aso had an in"en&e thro"gh the di@"sion o /"ddhism in apan' ?vent"a, apanese iterat"re deveoped into a separate ste in its o%n right as apanese %riters began %riting their o%n %or6s abo"t apan, atho"gh the in"en&e o ;hinese iterat"re and ;assi&a ;hinese remained "nti the end o the ?do period' Sin&e apan reopened its ports to Bestern trading and dipoma& in the 19th&ent"r, Bestern and ?astern iterat"re have strong a@e&ted ea&h other and &ontin"e to do so'
"ai%+ •
is a ver short orm o apanese poetr tpi&a &hara&terised b three C"aities 4he essen&e o hai6" is D&"ttingD (kiru)' 4his is oten represented b the "3taposition o t%o images or ideas and a kireji (D&"tting %ordD) bet%een them, a 6ind o verba p"n&t"ation mar6 %hi&h signas the moment o separation and &oors the manner in %hi&h the "3taposed eements are reated' 4raditiona hai6" &onsist o 17 on (aso 6no%n as morae), in three phrases o !, 7 and ! on respe&tive'
A kigo (seasona reeren&e), "s"a dra%n rom a saijiki, an e3tensive b"t defned ist o s"&h %ords'
?3ampes ' at the age od pond a rog eaps into %ater a deep resonan&e ' the frst &od sho%er even the mon6e seems to %ant a itte &oat o stra%
Tan%a Tan%a ( 短歌 "short poem"?) is a genre o &assi&a apanese poetr and one o the maor genres o apanese iterat"re' n the %hite sand the bea&h o a sma ise n the ?astern Sea , m a&e strea6ed %ith tears, Am paing %ith a &rab – shi6a%a 4a6"bo6"
"istori(al Ba(%gro+nd o, A,ro1Asian Literat+re
Ari&an and Asian &"t"res are some o the odest in the %ord' t is tho"ght that man started in Ari&a migrating to pop"ate the rest o the %ord' As geneti& &hanges o&&"rred there %ere aso ne%er ethni&ities spreading aro"nd the %ord' ;ombinations o these ethni&ities o&&"rred giving rise to mi3ed ra&es'
A o this &"t"re and tho"ght o %hat happened in the past has been reveaed thro"gh %ritten and anthropoogi&a st"dies' 4he itera start o Aro5Asian iterat"re is hard to depi&t &onsidering iterat"re and %ritings have been aro"nd or miennia, even prior to the DmodernD %ordE ho%ever, the term Aro5Asian iterat"re is ne%er to the s&ene'
Aro5Asian iterat"re is a s"bset o %ord iterat"re st"dies' t has be&ome a separate segment in ?ngish in %hi&h stories are based on e3perien&es in Ari&a, Asia or other &"t"res in the same area that hep one "nderstand the di@eren&es in &"t"re' #an o the te3ts dis&"ss %ord pea&e that the %riters %o"d i6e to see in order to fnd improved ives'
Aro5Asian histor are part o the &"t"reFs ora histor 5 these poems or songs %ere passed do%n rom generation to generation, and the tod o the "niC"e str"gges and s"&&esses o Aro5Asian peope' $ater, %hen more peope %ere abe to read and %rite, histor be&ame re&orded in prose, pas, and te3tboo6s'
n a itera sense, the ba&6gro"nd o Aro5Asian iterat"re dates to the ver beginnings o %hen the frst mi3ed ra&e individ"a began %riting' An e3a&t date is harder to &ome b given the %ide topi& this C"estion as6s to be ans%ered' $i6e most iterat"re o" &an be ass"red that earier %ritten do&"ments %ere based on stories passed b %ord o mo"th'
A,ro1Asian Short Stories
Chara(teristi(s o, an A,ro1 Asian Short Stor.
A short stor is a pie&e o prose f&tion %hi&h &an be read at a singe sitting' t o"ght to &ombine matter5o5a&t des&ription %ith poeti& atmosphere' t o"ght to present a "nifed impression o temper, tone, &oo"r, and e@e&t'
t most sho%s a de&isive moment o ie'
4here is oten itte a&tion, hard an &hara&ter deveopment, b"t %e get a snapshot o ie' ts pot is not ver &ompe3 (in &ontrast to the nove), b"t it &reates a "nifed impression and eaves "s %ith a vivid sensation rather than a n"mber o remembered a&ts' 4here is a &ose &onne&tion bet%een the short stor and the poem as there is both a "niC"e "nion o idea and str"&t"re'
E2a&ples o, A,ro1Asian Short Stor.
A,ro1 Asian No3els
Aro Asian iterat"re is a orm o %riting that is %ritten b Ari&an Asians' 4his is in terms o poems and noves' 4his is regarded as di@erent orm o %riting' Aro5Asian iterat"re is a term or noves or %riting s"&h as poems %ritten b peope rom mi3ed Ari&an5 arab ethni&it, or ari&an5asian ethni&it'
n modern times, a part o %ord iterat"re, Aro5Asian iterat"re is a separate segment o %riting Gin ?ngishH o e3perien&es in Ari&a and Asia to "rther &"t"ra "nderstanding and %ord pea&e'
?3ampe o Aro5Asian *ove *g"gi %a 4hiongFo 5 the disting"ished Ari&an %riter and Amnest nternationa Prisoner o ;ons&ien&e (=ena 1977), has been at the oreront o dis&"ssions on the roe o indigeno"s ang"ages in de&ooni
n 1977 =enan a"thorities detained *g"gi %itho"t &harge ater the prod"&tion o his pa, *gaahi6a *deenda ( Bi #arr Bhen Bant)' 4he drama, staged in the Ii6"" ang"age %ith a &ast o peasants and %or6ers rom the viage o =amiriith", %as sharp &riti&a o the ineC"aities and deprivation a&ed b ordinar =enans' Amnest nternationa designated *g"gi a Prisoner o ;ons&ien&e, and he %as reeased in 197.'