In previous years, machines and devices were developed and modernized to promote comfort and simplicity for the humankind. Engineers and Scientists develop and innovate in order to improve stuffs from heavy and bulky machines to light and more sophisticated devices. One good example is the improvement in terms of control systems. ately, control systems depend on mechanical levers and knobs. It had improved somehow by using push buttons and switches.
In our prese present nt gene genera ratio tion, n, we utili utilize ze the the bene benefit fits s of using using wirel wireles ess s technologies such as infrared !I"# and radio fre$uency !"%# waves and other advance technologies like &luetooth and 'ireless %idelity !'i(%i# to link and control control differe different nt devices devices and even use these these advanc advancemen ements ts to connect connect and communicate from distant places. Such technologies play an important role in the modern control systems. "emote controllers exhibit the significance of I" waves to transmit commands in a form of light waves to control different devices such as stereos, televisions, televisions, )*)s and other remote(controlled remote(controlled devices wirelessly. wirelessly. "emote controllers also limit the use of mechanical parts of a device such a button buttons s and switch switches es to avoid avoid wear wear and tear of e$uip e$uipmen mentt and and to provid provide e comfortable access to the device.
+he +he rese resear arch cher ers s were were cons consid ider erin ing g of usin using g one one of thos those e wirel ireles ess s tech techno nolo logi gies es to deve develo lop p and and also also inno innova vate te curr curren entt appl applic icat atio ions ns of such such techn technolo ologie gies s that that can can opera operate te within within a smalle smallerr area area and exhib exhibits its seamle seamless ss communication between devices with the least re$uirement possible.
&lue &lueto toot oth h were ere comm common on feat featur ures es on mob mobile ile and and pock pocket et dev devices ices nowadays, the researchers consider this technology in the design of the study on providing seamless control and innovative method of wireless control.
+he researchers focus on security and accessibility in selecting the suitable wireless technology that will be the essential component of the design proect.
Background/Setting of the Study
%ilipinos were known to be family(oriented individuals all over the world. %amily bonding makes our weekends especially Sundays more relaxing and recreational. One activity that will suit our relaxation time is to watch movies in the expense of our own home with our televisions and )*) players.
+elevisions and )*) players were normally controlled via remote controllers with the aid of the infrared technology. Infrared re$uires line(of(sight in order to communicate and transmit command to adust parameters such as channel switching and volume adustments for televisions, playback features and scene selections for the )*) players. -ormally, we encounter some problems regarding the use of I" remote controllers. One good example is the lost or misplaced remote controls. If the remote control is lost, we do not have the option to control our television specifically those televisions that do not have functional buttons and rely on the remote control. It also re$uires line(of(sight which demands users to build a direct connection between the remote and television.
&eing aware of those drawbacks, the researchers were convinced to commence a study regarding the development of an alternative process of wireless remote control. onsidering cost and advancement, &luetooth technology offers secured connections, unparalleled versatility and faster data transfer. In comparison, &luetooth surpasses infrared in faster data transfer, communication range and omni(directional line of sight. &luetooth also is more accessible nowadays due to devices specifically mobile phones which enabled
&luetooth connections. &luetooth also have the ability to connect different devices like personal computers, mobile phones and pocket devices together.
In accordance with this, the researchers will integrate the hardware with the software installed on a &luetooth enabled device as an alternative remote controller for a television. / separate hardware component will be constructed to serve as a median in order for the &luetooth and the Infrared to communicate. %or the software part of the design, the researchers then decides to use one of the latest mobile operating system available commonly known as the /ndroid OS. 0ost mobile devices were introduced and running under the /ndroid OS platform. 1reat advantages of using this software is it provides graphical user interface that please /ndroid users about their touch screen devices and it is an open(source program where users can access the code listings of the programs installed in their devices. +his study will impose an innovative alternative for the usual television remote controller. +his will also maximize the potential of /ndroid devices which usually exhibits remarkable interface and stunning gaming display.
1enerally, the study will not replace the typical infrared remote control2 instead it will be an innovative alternative solution for a remote control. +he design proect will be ust a substitute remote control in the event of lost or misplacement, and even another fashion to appreciate your android device and for a comfortable viewing experience.
Theoretica$ ra%e&ork
In this part, concepts and established models were elaborated to serve as a paradigm of ideas which will be essential in the development of the prototype.
/ccording to 1ilster !3443#, &luetooth is an open standard specification for a radio fre$uency !"%#(based, short(range connectivity technology that promises to change the face of computing and wireless communication. It is designed to be an inexpensive, wireless networking system for all classes of portable devices, such as laptops, 5)/s !personal digital assistants#, and mobile phones. It also will enable wireless connections for desktop computers, making connections between monitors, printers, keyboards, and the 56 cable(free.
5otential for &luetooth applications is huge, because we transact business and communicate more with people who are close by than with those who are far away ( a natural phenomenon of human interaction. +he following list represents only a small set of potential applications in future many more imaginative applications will come along7
&y installing a &luetooth network in the office, workers can do away with the complex and tedious taskof networking between the computing devices, yet have the power of connected devices. Each &luetooth device could be connected up to 344 other devices making the connection of every device with every other possible. Since it supports both point to point and point to multipoint it will virtually make the maximum number of simultaneously linked devices unlimited.
+he &luetooth technology connects all office peripherals wirelessly. onnect 5 or notebook to printers, scanners and faxes without the ugly and troublesome cable attachments. 6sers can increase their freedom by connecting the mouse or the keyboard wirelessly to the computer. 4
&luetooth allows the users to have three way phones. /t home, the phone functions as a portable phone. 'hen on the move, it functions as a mobile phone. /nd when the phone comes within range of another mobile phone with built(in &luetooth wireless technology it functions as a walkie(talkie. In meetings and conferences, users can transfer selected documents instantly with selected participants, and exchange electronic business cards automatically, without any wired connections.
It connects wireless headset to mobile phone, mobile computer or any wired connection to keep hands free for more important tasks when users were at the office or in the car.
B$uetooth'ena($ed De)ice* Sche%e*
/. Operating %re$uency &luetooth networking transmits data via low(power radio waves. It communicates on a fre$uency of 3.89 gigahertz !actually between 3.843 1:z and 3.8;4 1:z, to be exact#. +his fre$uency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices !IS0#.
&. 5ower "e$uirements One of the ways &luetooth devices avoid interfering with other systems is by sending out very weak signals of about < mill watt. &y comparison, the most powerful cell phones can transmit a signal of = watts. +he low power limits the range of a &luetooth device to about <4 meters !=3 feet#, cutting the chances of interference between your computer system and your portable telephone or television. Even with the low power, &luetooth doesn>t re$uire line of sight between communicating devices. +he walls in the house won>t stop a &luetooth 5
signal, making the standard useful for controlling several devices in different rooms.
"ange and Interferences &luetooth can connect up to eight devices simultaneously with all of those
devices in the same <4(meter radius. &luetooth uses a techni$ue called spread( spectrum fre$uency hopping that makes it rare for more than one device to be transmitting on the same fre$uency at the same time. In this techni$ue, a device will use ?@ individual, randomly chosen fre$uencies within a designated range, changing from one to another on a regular basis. In the case of &luetooth, the transmitters change fre$uencies <,A44 times every second, meaning that more devices can make full use of a limited slice of the radio spectrum. Since every &luetooth transmitter uses spread(spectrum transmitting automatically, itBs unlikely that two transmitters will be on the same fre$uency at the same time.
-etwork /rchitecture 'hen &luetooth(capable devices come within range of one another, an
electronic conversation takes place to determine whether they have data to share or whether one needs to control the other. +he user doesn>t have to press a button or give a command (( the electronic conversation happens automatically. Once the conversation has occurred, the devices (( whether they>re part of a computer system or a stereo (( form a network. &luetooth systems create a personal(area network !5/-#, or piconet, that may fill a room or may encompass no more distance than that between the cell phone on a belt(clip and the headset on your head. Once a piconet is established, the members randomly hop fre$uencies in unison so they stay in touch with one another and avoid other piconets that may be operating in the same room. !http7CCelectronics.howstuffworks.comCbluetooth3.htm , <; )ecember 34<<# B$uetooth Pairing Procedure*
'indows D5 comes with a &luetooth configuration utility that you can use to help define a new device that we can connect to. 'e will use this utility to set up a virtual serial port that we can use to communicate with the &luetooth enabled device.
+his configuration utility can be found under the 'indows ontrol 5anel, and then launch the &luetooth )evices application.
lick the /dd button to begin configuring the virtual serial link as shown in %igure <.
igure + +he initialization process of establishing a &luetooth connection
0ake sure your &luetooth enabled device is turned on and set to discoverable mode. +he 'izard helps verify this $uestion by re$uiring you to check a box indicating the &luetooth device is ready. -ow, let the 'izard search and discover any &luetooth devices that are in )iscoverable mode.
igure , )iscoverable 0ode onfiguration
If the device is properly configured and powered up, the device should be found by the 'izard as shown in %igure =.
igure - )iscovered devices via &luetooth connections
Select the device and click the -ext button. +his begins the process of setting up the necessary information to define what needs to happen to pair a host &luetooth device with the 1arcia. 8
igure . Setting up the passkey code
+he default passkey value for the device &luetooth adapter is <3=8. Fou can change this value if necessary for security purposes.
+he 'izard will define O0 ports on your machine for using the &luetooth wireless connection. In this example, the 'izard defined O0A as a 1eneric Serial 5ort as shown below. ! ml, <@ )ecember 34<<#
igure %inal 5hase of &luetooth 5airing
!icrocontro$$er and B$uetooth Co%%unication
In order to develop functional hardware with use of &luetooth technology, one must consider the aid of a microcontroller. / microcontroller is an integrated circuit which consists of a memory that holds its functions based on the program loaded, different input and output pins and other pins for special purposes. 5rogramming of a microcontroller differs from one type to another. Some microcontrollers were programmed using uni$ue microcontroller programs such as /rduino.
+he pin configuration of an /rduino microcontroller is shown in %igure A. +his type of microcontroller is based onan /tmega
igure 0 /tmega
Interfacing &luetooth modules with microcontrollers seems to be difficult to most microcontroller programmers and enthusiasts. Some microcontrollers need several external circuitries in order to interface the module to the microcontroller.
One benefit of the /rduino microcontroller is that it has shields or sets of modules that has embedded circuitry to maximize the use of the preferred modules. Its &luetooth shield that acts as the &luetooth module can be connected directly without the need of external circuitry. +he /rduino together with its &luetooth shield will be the core components of the prototype in order to control the television through the /ndroid phone. &asically, microcontrollers usually connect via serial communication with the &luetooth modules in order to send information.
In order to develop an innovative remote controller, a microcontroller must be employed into the design and will serve as the main control system of the design proect. It provides innovations as it offers cost efficiency, functionality and different approach in wireless control.
Conce1tua$ ra%e&ork
+he design of the proect follows the set of frameworks illustrated on %igure ?. +he follow(up discussion elaborates the input, process and output frameworks.
+he I-56+ is a &luetooth(enabled mobile phone that will serve as the alternative remote control for both the television and the )*) player. +he mobile phone that would be use should be operating and running under the /ndroid Operating System. / passkey will be re$uired by the &luetooth module in order to pair the phone and the microcontroller. +he &luetooth module will serve as the receiver while the &luetooth(enabled mobile phone will act as the transmitter. +he phonesB &luetooth must be turned on to communicate with the device. /n application should be installed to the phone to control the device and to have a virtual remote control interface. +he infrared remote controller of an appliance can be decoded by an I" receiver circuit to decode its infrared signals and to search for compatible codes stored in the microcontroller.
+he 5"OESS is handled by the microcontroller which will process most of the function to control the television with a &luetooth(enabled phone. +he &luetooth moduleBs main purpose to the design is to receive signals from the phone and the receive signal will be the inputs on the microcontroller so that the microcontroller can generate outputs based on the received command signal from the phone. +he microcontroller is also the one responsible for the security measures of the pairing process for it stored the passkey needed to access the device.+he microcontroller then process the &luetooth signal from the phone and decodes each signal that represents uni$ue commands with its respective outputs generated by the microcontroller. +he designated output pins of the microcontroller based on the program loaded to it will have an infrared transmitter to transmit infrared signals to the infrared receiver of the appliances. +he instruction from the phone will be translated to infrared signals by the 12
microcontroller to perform the function of the usual remote controller to switch channels, adust volume and other features such as the brightness and to turn onCoff of the television and playback option as well as scene selection of the )*) player. It also stores the preprogrammed codes for various types and brands of both televisions and )*) players.
+he O6+56+ will be the appliances. It will be the receiver of the commands transmitted by the phone and generated by the microcontroller. 0ost home appliancesavailable in the market such as televisions and home entertainment systems were usually controlled via infrared signals.
Android Phone
IR-based Appliances - #e$uests !ass%e& code and esta'lish Bluetooth connection - Transmits Bluetooth control signal - Initializes deice !airing - #eceies control signal "rom the remote contro - (enerates out!uts 'ased on the in!ut control signals - )ecodes remote control signals
- +er"orms its "unctions 'ased on the instruction transmitted '& t - *ontrols a!!liance "unctions
Usual TV Remote Control - Transmits in"rared control signal
igure 2 onceptual %ramework of /lternative I"(based /ppliance "emote
ontroller and )ecoder via &luetooth technology of /ndroid 5hone
State%ent of the Pro($e%
-owadays, remote control makes the manipulation of such devices for people to find an easier and convenient way of using and controlling the devices and appliances in the house.
&luetooth technology allows transferring of data from mobile phones to mobile phones, mobile phone to 5 or vice versa. 'ith this, the researchers developed an /lternative I"(based /ppliance "emote ontroller and )ecoder via &luetooth technology of /ndroid 5hone.
+he propose design proect must be able to answer the following $uestions7
<. :ow will the/lternative I"(based /ppliance "emote ontroller and )ecoder via &luetooth technology of /ndroid 5hone perform the corresponding function in terms of7 <.<. <.3. <.=. <.8.
/ccuracy2 "eliability2 6sability2 Security
3. :ow to establish a connection between &luetooth and InfraredG =. :ow to develop a functional system that enables the android phone to act asan alternative I"(based appliance remote controllerG
O(3ecti)e of the Study
&elow are the lists of the following obectives for the proposed design proect7 <. +o perform the functions of the /lternative I"(based /ppliance "emote ontroller and )ecoder via &luetooth technology of /ndroid 5hone in terms of7 <.
3. +o establish a connection between &luetooth and Infrared. =. +o develop a functional system that will enable the android phone to act as an alternative I"(based appliance remote controller.
Significance of the Study
+he following are the beneficiaries of the propose proect7
Android U*er* .+he proposed design proect will aid for android users. &y
using the /lternative 6niversal +* "emote ontrol using /ndroid 5hone, people will be able to control the television within a range easily whenever the presence of the remote control is absent, but still the usual remote control is applicable in controlling the television.
developing the proposed design, the researchers are gaining great knowledge in concepts, and theories which give them the strong ideas and fundamental in building and designing the proect. +he problems that they are facing while doing the design makes their thinking more straight forward to the things needed to create the proect.
uture Re*earcher*4+he proposed design proect will serve as reference
or basis to the future researchers in designing and developing similar alternative ways of controlling devices and appliances via &luetooth and android phone.
Sco1e and 5i%itation of the Study
+he design proect was developed for /lternative I" based appliances remote controller and decoder via &luetooth technology of android phone.It is applicable for small offices, other establishments and houses that uses android phone for communicating there appliances that can be reach through short distances.
+he prototype will work as a remote controller to any I" based appliances. %or establishing connection between /ndroid 5hone and to any I" based appliances, user needs to decode the prototype in the specific I" based appliances. /ndroid 5hone and the prototype were prepared in automated mode connection. +he signals in the /ndroid 5hone can be transmitted as long as it is covered within the range of &luetoothmodule which is <4 meters radius.
6sers can operate any I" based appliances if heCshe can distinguish the designated password and if the program software is installed in the /ndroid 5hone.+he prototype has embedded codes and logic circuits which is produces the process of transmitting data such as identifying connection, verifying password, /ndroid devices commands, and controlling the relay in the circuit.
+he /ndroid 5hone needs &luetooth capabilities. onnectivity of the /ndroid devices is re$uired for accurate connection to the prototype and stay still for as long as the /ndroid 5hone is power on.+he design proect is only applicable in /ndroid OS and it cannot be used in Symbian OS and other operating system. +he android application of the design proect is limited to control the power, volume, +*C/* selection and channel selection of the 16
television and the power, eect, play, stop, next, previous, rewind and fast forward feature of the )*).
+he prototype is only limited and applicable to specific brand of appliances such as a television and a )*) player for the demonstration of the proect. &ut it is possible to apply in any I" based appliances by adding their respective decoded control signals. Definition of Ter%*
+his part of the chapter is a collection of all terms used specifically those terms which is unusual and needs deeper explanations and discussion in order to be fully understood. +hese terms also clarifies its intended meanings based on the usage in the study and to avoid confusion with terms which can be used in different manners.
an operating
devices such
as smartphones and tablet computers. Arduino.Itis an open(source single(board microcontroller , descendant of the
open(source 'iring platform,designed to make the process of using electronics in multidisciplinary proects more accessible. B$uetooth4Itis a global short(range wireless standard that allows a broad range
of electronic devices to connect and communicate with each other. ir%&are4It is a combination of software and hardware. omputer chips that
have data or programs recorded on them are firmware. $o& chart4It is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in
the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. ra%e&ork4It is a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or
guide for the building of something that expands the structure into something useful.
6ra1hica$ U*er Interface4It is a program interface that takes advantage of
the computer>s graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use. In*titute of E$ectrica$ and E$ectronic* Engineer* 7IEEE84 It has advanced the
theory and application of electro(technology and allied sciences, served as a catalyst for technological innovation and supported the needs of its members through a wide variety of programs and services. Infrared !IR# $ight4It is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength longer than
that of visible light, measured from the nominal edge of visible red light at 4.?8 micrometers !Hm#, and extending conventionally to =44 Hm. 5i(rary4In programming, a library is a collection of pre compiled routines that a
called modules,
are stored inobect format. !icrocontro$$er4It is a highly integrated chip that contains all the components
comprising acontroller . +ypically this includes a 56, "/0, some form of "O0, ICO ports, and timers. !odu$ation4It is the addition of information !or the signal# to an electronic or
optical signalcarrier. O1en Source4It refers to a program in which the source code is available to the
general public for use andCor modification from its original design free of charge. Open source code is typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community. O1erating Sy*te%4It performs basic tasks, such as recognizing input from
the keyboard,
sending output to
of files and directories on
the disk,
the display and
controlling peripheral
devices such
as disk drives and printers. Piconet4It is an ad(hoc network by linking a group of users which uses blue tooth
technology protocols for allowing one masterB device to interconnect with up to seven active slaveB devices. Protoco$4 / standard set of regulations and re$uirements that allow two electronic
items to connect to and exchange information with one another. 18
Synta94It refers to the spelling and grammar of a programming language. Te$e)i*ion4 It is a widely used telecommunication system for broadcasting and
receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. Tran*%itter4 It is a device for sending electromagnetic waves2 the part of a
broadcasting apparatus that generates and modulates the radiofre$uencycurrent and conveys it to the antenna. "ire$e** 5oca$ Area Net&ork 7"5AN84 It is an on(premise data communication
system that reduces the need for wired connections and makes new applications possible, thereby adding new flexibility to networking.