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project of chemistry
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project of chemistry
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Chemistry Project NAME: Mohit negi CLASS CL ASS: XII ROLL NO:
Aim To te To test st th the e pr pres ese e nc nce e of insecticides and pesticides in fruits and vegeta!es"
S . N O. 1.
CO NTENTS Ackno wled g ement
Cert if c at e
Int rod uc ti on
"at erial re$ u ir ed
&rocedur e
O ( S E ) *AT I O N
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Ackn Ac know owlled edge gem men ent t I #ish to e$press m% deep gratitude and sincere than&s to the 'rincipa!( Sheeta! Mann( Modern Convent Schoo! for her encouragement and for a!! the faci!ities that she provided for this pro)ect #or&" I sincere!% apprecia!e this magnanimit% % ta&ing me
her into her fo!d for #hich I sha!! remain indeted to her" I e$tend m% heart% than&s to Teena Singh( Chemistr% teacher #ho guided me to the successfu! comp!etion of this pro)ect" I ta&e this opportunit% to e$press m% deep sense of gratitude for her inva!ua!e guidance( constant encouragement( immense motivation #hich has sustained m% e*orts at a!! the stages of m% pro)ect #or&" I can+t forget to o* er m% sincere than&s to parents and a!so m% c!assmates #ho he!ped me to carr% out this pro)ect #or& successfu! and for their va!ua!e advice and support #hich I received from them time to time"
Certi,cate Thi Th i s is to cert ce rtif if% % that th at t he chem ch emis istr tr% % pro) pr o)ec ectt t it!e it !ed d to test the presence of insecticides and pesticides in fruits and vegeta!es - has een successfu!!% comp!eted % Mohit Negi of c!ass ./ in
partia! fu!,!!ment of curricu!um of CENTR CENTRAL AL 0OAR1 0OAR1 O2 SECON1AR3 E14CATION 5C0SE6 !eading to the a#ard of annua! e$amination in the %ear /7.89/7.
E$terna! e$aminer Te T e ac he r in 9 ch a rg rge e
In the past decade there has een a tremendous increase in the %ie!ds of various crops to meet the demand of overgro#ing popu!ation( achieved % using pesticides and insecticides" These Th ese are chemica!s that are spra%ed over crop to protect it from pests" 2or e$amp!e( 11T( 0;C(
'esticides are proven to e e*ective 'esticides e* ective against variet% of insects( #eeds and fungi and are respective!% ca!!ed insecticides( hericides and fungicides" Most of the pesticides are non9iodegrada!e and remain penetrated as such into p!ants( fruits and vegeta!es " 2rom p!ants the% transfer to anima!s ( irds i rds and human eings #ho eat these po!!uted fruits and vegeta!es" Inside the od% the% get accumu!ated and cause serious hea!th pro!ems" These da%s preference is given to iodegrada!e insecticides insectici des !i&e ma!athion" The presence of Insecticides residues in even ra# samp!es of #heat( ,sh( meat ( utter etc" have aroused the concern of agricu!tura! administrators( scientists scienti sts and hea!th o> cia!s a!! over the #or!d to put a chec& over the use of insecticides and to search for non insecticida! means of pest contro!"
T0EO) Nitrogen present in organic compounds is detected % ?Lasaigne++s Test-" The e!ements present in the compound are a re converted from cova!ent form into the ionic form % fusing the compound #ith sodium meta!" 2o!!o#ing reaction reaction ta&e ta &e p!ace:
C%anide of sodium so formed on sodium fusion is e$tracted from the fused mass % oi!ing it #ith disti!!ed #ater"" This e$tract is &no#n as sodium #ater s odium fusion e$tract"
"aterial re$uired
Mortar and pest!e
g!ass rod
China dish
, !ter paper @a t e r 0 a t h
2usion tue
Tr i p o d
Tet tue
odium me
itilled water
ilute Sul5huric acid 7errou ul5hate crtal
&rocedure 1) TAKE diferent types o ruits and vegetables and cut them into small pieces separately
!) Transer the cut pieces o various ruits and vegetables into it separately and crush them
") Ta#e Ta#e diferent diferen t #inds or each #ind o ruits and vegetables and place the crushed ruits and vegetables in these bea#ers and add 1$$ ml o alcohol to each o these
%) &tir 'ell and ( lter lter
) Collect the ( ltrate in separate china dishes* evaporate the alcohol by heating the china dishes one by one over a 'ater bath and let the residue dry in the oven
+) ,eat a small piece o sodium in a usion tube* till it melts
-) Then add one o the above residues rom the china dish to this usion tube and heat it till red hot
.) /rop the hot usion tube in a china dish containing about 1$ ml o distilled 'ater
0) rea# the tube and boil the contents o the china dish or about minutes
1$) Cool and (lter the solution
11) Collect the (ltrate
1!) To To the ( ltrate add 1 ml o reshly prepared errous sulphate solution and 'arm the contents
1") Then add !2" drops o erric chloride solution and acidiy 'ith dilute ,Cl
1%) 3 a blue or green ppt or coloration is obtained it indicates the presence o nitrogen containing insecticides
1) 4epeat the test o nitrogen or residues obtained rom other ruits and vegetables and record the observation
So! no"
Name of the fruit or vegeta!e
'osi ti ve
3e s
'osi ti ve
3e s
'o tato
'osi ti ve
3e s
'osi ti ve
3e s
Testt fo Tes forr p re rese senc nce e Tes Testt fo forr of nitrogen insecticide or pesticide residue 5'ositive or negative6
)ES,-T It is conc!uded that from the aove oservations( that each fruit or vegeta!e
contains nitrogenous insecticide or pesticide residues in it"
Conc!usion @e conc!ude( from the aove oservations( that each fruit or vegeta!e contains nitrogenous insecticide or pesticide residues in it"
0i!iograph% oo#s NCERT NCERT Chemistr%9 C hemistr%9 XII Comprehensive 'ractica! Chemistr%9XII Chemistr%9XII