This is a labreport on chemical kinetics... From this labreport students of chemical engineering and chemistry students can get a huge advantage in working in their lab..Full description
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Introduction The degree of acidity and alkalinity alkalinity of an electrolyte aects the corrosion rate of metals. pH measures the acidity and alkalinity of an aqueous solution. A solution becomes more acidic as the concentration of hydrogen ions
H +
pH is dened as the negative logarithm of the
H +
pH = - log H + The pH is usually expressed as a number beteen !"# and !$%# as shon in &ig '($. A solution ith a pH ) is neutral. The acidity of a solution increases as the pH decreases from !)# to !"#. The alkalinity of a solution increases as the pH increases from !)# to !$%#. The pH value is a logarithmic function* so a pH of % is $"" times more acidic than a pH of +.
&ig '($
The pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. A lo pH !more acidic# can accelerate the corrosion* but a high pH !more alkaline# can cause a decrease in the corrosion
rate. &igure )., !H.H. -hlig* %e* p $/$# shos the eect of pH on corrosion of iron in.
&igure ).,. 'ect of pH on corrosion of iron in aerated soft ater* room temperature
Objective The ob0ective of experiment experiment 1$ is is to study the eect eect of the pH on the corrosion rate of steel sample immersed in solutions of pH %* )* 2* and $$.