LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
Sprint 4G LTE Troubleshooting and Optimization Guidelines Document Version 2.
4G National RF Engineering
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
!e"isions and #ontributions
Organization $et%or& Engineering $et%or& Engineering (Dir) $et%or& Engineering (,gr)
uthor Geo Lubes&ie Geo Lubes&ie
Version 0.
$ame Greg O'#onnor *ui+Lin #hang !ashmi -umar
Date $o"ember 201
E+mail ddress Geo.Lubes&iesprint.c om
3anuar 201
Geo.Lubes&iesprint.c om
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
Table o5 #ontents 1
General......................................................................................................................... 1.1 1.2 1.3
LTE Optii!ation Pro"ess Flo#s........................................................................... 2.1 2.2 2.3
+ell Selection 'rocess................................................................................................................... +ell Selection +riteria................................................................................................................... +ell &eselection..........................................................................................................................1-
*nter+eren"e %ontrol...............................................................................................1 LTE Han(o- Optii!ation....................................................................................1 % #.1 #.
&S&'.............................................................................................................................................( S)*&..............................................................................................................................................(
%ell $ele"tion .............................................................................................................. !.1 !. !.%
) ,
$ite Level Optii!ation........................................................................................................" %luster Level Optii!ation..................................................................................................# &ar'et level Optii!ation...................................................................................................$
RF %on(itions............................................................................................................. %.1 %.
Purpose.......................................................................................................................................! Responsibility...........................................................................................................................! Revision History......................................................................................................................!
Active mode handover................................................................................................................1% )dle mode handover.....................................................................................................................1#
E/TR0N an( %&02 Han(over..................................................................1# R0N Paraeters...................................................................................................... (.1 (.
'hysical +ell )dentity..................................................................................................................&oot Seuence )nde 0&S).........................................................................................................-
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
0 General 0.0
6urpose Te purpose o+ tis (o"uent is to provi(e national an( lo"al RF gui(elines to troublesoot an( optii!e $print5s 4G Net#or'. Tis (o"uent #ill be use( by $print RF Engineering to un(erstan( ig level net#or' per+oran"e etri"s.
!esponsibilit Te 4G National RF Per+oran"e Engineering tea is responsible +or up(ating6 an( onitoring te appli"ation o+ te gui(elines (es"ribe( in tis (o"uent. Please "onta"t te +ollo#ing6 i+ tere are 7uestions regar(ing tese planning gui(elines. Geo- Lubes'ie6 National RF Planning an( Engineering 81934491,:;
uar 839433943); &anager RF Planning an( Engineering Rasii.>uar=sprint."o
!e"ision *istor
11@1)@21 3
o"uent O#ner Geo- Lubes'ie
%oents Original (o"uent 81 st ra+t;
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
LTE Optimization 6rocess 7lo%s LTE troublesooting @ optii!ation a"tivities "an be separate( into 3 (istin"t levelsA
$ite Level %luster Level &ar'et Level
0t te very start6 eNBs are te +oun(ation o+ all LTE Net#or's. %ontiguous groups o+ eNBs +or "lusters an( groups o+ "lusters a'e up te ar'ets.
Figure 1: Network Optimization Flowchart
2.0 Site Le"el Optimization $ingle site veriC"ation6 te Crst pase o+ net#or' optii!ation6 involves +un"tion veriC"ation at ea" ne# site. $ingle site veriC"ation ais to ensure tat ea" site is properly installe( an( tat paraeters are "orre"tly
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
"onCgure( a""or(ing to te Gol(en *age 8G*;. 0 lin' to te latest G* +or all OE&$ "an be +oun( at te lin' belo#. http5//!2&6'erformance/'arameter 7-8anagement/6orms/All)tems.asp9&oot6older:76sites76cops76!2&6'erformance 76'arameter7-8anagement762olden7-'arameters762olden7-'arams
>ey Per+oran"e *n(i"ators 8>P*s; ensure ea" site is per+oring as it soul( be. 0t te very iniu te engineer soul( vali(ate an( analy!e te +ollo#ing etri"s to ensure tat te eNB is per+oring as it soul( be. *t soul( be entione( tat ea" OE& as teir o#n spe"iC" targets +or ea" >P* an( soul( be re+eren"e( #en analy!ing te (ata.
0verage D Pea' (o#nloa( Trougput 0verage D Pea' uploa( Trougput *ntra eNB an(overs 8bet#een se"tors; *nter eNB an(overs to Crst tier neigbors %onne"tion setup tie D %onne"tion su""ess rate Laten"y ?ali(ate R$RP6 %*NR6 R Po#er6 an( T Po#er are as epe"te( +or te test lo"ation
2.2 #luster Le"el Optimization %ontiguous "overage bet#een eNBs #itin a "luster ensures sealess obility tere+ore6 tis optii!ation a"tivity is a aor +a"tor in overall net#or' a""essibility an( retainability. 0s o+ te #riting o+ tis (o"uentation tere is no baseline o+ te $print LTE net#or'. *t is iperative tat #en te OE&s subit "lusters +or a""eptan"e tat te lo"al RF teas are involve(. Lo"al RF teas soul( "reate &ap*n+o Cles +or ea" "luster6 #i" so# areas +or +uture optii!ation.
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
Figure 2: Mapinfo file created by local RF showing areas for future optimization
0 "luster (rive route ust be "are+ully (esigne( to "over ea" se"tor o+ all sites so tat all aor ig#ays6 roa(s6 $print stores an( aor "ustoer lo"ations are "overe(. 0nalysis o+ te (rive (ata #ill so# areas +or potential optii!ation "anges to iprove te overall user eperien"e. 0ll "anges a(e (uring te optii!ation pase soul( be (o"uente( +or +uture re+eren"e an( possibly sare( #it oter ar'ets as a eans o+ best pra"ti"e. 0 aor "allenge tat te engineer #ill +a"e is te +a"t tat te 4G an( 3G net#or's are using te sae antenna. 0t tis tie6 voi"e is still te nuber one revenue sour"e +or $print tere+ore6 optii!ation e-orts on te 4G sites should not negatively impact te un(erlying 3G net#or'. 0s in $ite level optii!ation at te very iniu te engineer soul( veri+y te +ollo#ing >P*s (uring %luster Optii!ation
0verage D Pea' (o#nloa( Trougput 0verage D Pea' uploa( Trougput *ntra eNB an(overs 8bet#een se"tors; *nter eNB an(overs to Crst tier neigbors %onne"tion setup tie D %onne"tion su""ess rate Laten"y ?ali(ate R$RP6 %*NR6 R Po#er6 an( T Po#er are as epe"te( +or te test lo"ation
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
2.1 ,ar&et le"el Optimization $iilar to "luster level optii!ation6 ultiple subsets are loo'e( at as a #ole. Here6 several "lusters soul( be evaluate( an( analy!e( as a #ole to veri+y tat obility an( proper net#or'ing eists. Te on9going evolution o+ te net#or' (ue to te a((ition o+ ne# a"ro6 i"ro6 Pi"o an( in9buil(ing sites re7uires tat te engineer "ontinuously loo' at optii!ing te net#or' to eet te (ean(s o+ "apa"ity6 an( "ustoer epe"tations. 3
!7 #onditions
Re+eren"e signal re"eive( po#er 8R$RP;6 is (eterine( +or a "onsi(ere( "ell as te linear average over te po#er "ontributions 8in
Te $*NR is not spe"iC"ally (eCne( in 3GPP spe"iC"ations. 0 "oon +orula is as +ollo#sA S8$! 9 S/(8 : $) SA in(i"ates te po#er o+ easure( usable signals. Re+eren"e signals 8R$; an( pysi"al (o#nlin' sare( "annels 8P$%Hs; are ainly involve(.
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
8A in(i"ates te po#er o+ easure( signals or "annel inter+eren"e signals +ro oter "ells in te "urrent syste an( +ro inter9R0T "ells. $A in(i"ates ba"'groun( noise6 #i" is relate( to easureent ban(#i(ts an( re"eiver noise "oeJ"ients.
#ell Selection
Te "ell sele"tion pro"ess an( "ell sele"tion "riteria as per 3GPP stan(ar( 3,.34 areA 4.1
Cell Selection Process
Te /E sall use one o+ te +ollo#ing t#o "ell sele"tion pro"e(uresA 1. *nitial %ell $ele"tion Tis pro"e(ure re7uires no prior 'no#le(ge o+ #i" RF "annels are E9/TR0 "arriers. Te /E sall s"an all RF "annels in te E9/TR0 ban(s a""or(ing to its "apabilities to Cn( a suitable "ell. On ea" "arrier +re7uen"y6 te /E nee( only sear" +or te strongest "ell. On"e a suitable "ell is +oun( tis "ell sall be sele"te(. 2. $tore( *n+oration %ell $ele"tion Tis pro"e(ure re7uires store( in+oration o+ "arrier +re7uen"ies an( optionally also in+oration on "ell paraeters6 +ro previously re"eive( easureent "ontrol in+oration eleents or +ro previously (ete"te( "ells. On"e te /E as +oun( a suitable "ell te /E sall sele"t it. *+ no suitable "ell is +oun( te *nitial %ell $ele"tion pro"e(ure sall be starte(. NOTEA Priorities bet#een (i-erent R0T or +re7uen"ies provi(e( to te /E by syste in+oration or (e(i"ate( signaling are not use( in te "ell sele"tion pro"ess.
Cell Selection Criteria
Te "ell sele"tion "riterion $ is +ulClle( #enA $rlev K <ereA $rlev Mrleveas 8Mrlevin Mrlevino-set; 9P"opensation <ereA Te signale( value MrlevinO-set is only applie( #en a "ell is evaluate( +or "ell sele"tion as a result o+ a perio(i" sear" +or a iger priority PL&N #ile "ape( Privileged & Confidential Information This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted, confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure is prohibited without authorization
LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
norally in a ?PL&N )I. uring tis perio(i" sear" +or iger priority PL&N te /E ay "e"' te $ "riteria o+ a "ell using paraeter values store( +ro a (i-erent "ell o+ tis iger priority PL&N. Srxlev Cell Selection RX level value (dB) Qrxlevmeas Measured cell RX level value (RSRP). Qrxlevmin Minimum required RX level in thecell (dBm) Qrxlevminofset Ofset to the sinalled Qrxlevmin ta!en into account in the Srxlev evaluation as a result o" a #eriodic search "or a hiher #riorit$ P%M& 'hile cam#ed normall$ in a P%M& *+ Pcom#ensation ,,S+
Cell Reselection
%ell resele"tion paraeters are broa("ast in syste in+oration an( are rea( +ro te serving "ell as +ollo#sA Mo-sets6n Mo-set+re7uen"y Myst Mrlevin Tresele"tionR0T
Tis spe"iCes te o-set bet#een te t#o "ells. Fre7uen"y spe"iC" o-set +or e7ual priority E9/TR0N +re7uen"ies. Tis spe"iCes te ysteresis value +or ran'ing "riteria. Tis spe"iCes te iniu re7uire( R level in te "ell in (B. Tis spe"iCes te "ell resele"tion tier value. For ea" target R0T a spe"iC" value +or te "ell resele"tion tier is(eCne(6 #i" is appli"able #en evaluating resele"tion #itin E9/TR0N or to#ar(s oter R0T 8i.e. Tresele"tionR0T+or E9/TR0N is Tresele"tionE/TR0N6 +or /TR0N Tresele"tion/TR0N +or GER0N Tresele"tionGER0N6 +orTresele"tion%&0HRP6 an( +or Tresele"tion%&01RTT;.NoteA Tresele"tionR0T is not sent on syste in+oration6 but use( in
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
resele"tion rules by te /E +or ea" R0T. Tresele"tionE/TR0N Tresele"tion/TR0N Tresele"tionGER0N
Tresele"tion%&0HRP Tresele"tion%&01RTT Tres6 ig
Tres6 lo#
Tresserving6 lo#
Tis spe"iCes te "ell resele"tion tier value Tresele"tionR0T +orE9 /TR0N Tis spe"iCes te "ell resele"tion tier value Tresele"tionR0T +or /TR0N Tis spe"iCes te "ell resele"tion tier value Tresele"tionR0T +or GER0N Tis spe"iCes te "ell resele"tion tier value Tresele"tionR0T +or %&0 HRP Tis spe"iCes te "ell resele"tion tier value Tresele"tionR0T +or %&0 1RTT Tis spe"iCes te tresol( use( by te /E #en resele"ting to#ar(s te iger priority +re7uen"y tan "urrentlyserving +re7uen"y. Ea" +re7uen"y o+ E9 /TR0N an( /TR0N6 ea" ban( o+ GER0N6 ea" ban( "lass o+ %&02HRP an( %&02 1RTT #ill ave a spe"iC" tresol(. Tis spe"iCes te tresol( use( in resele"tion to#ar(s +re7uen"y priority +ro a iger priority +re7uen"y. Ea"+re7uen"y o+ E9 /TR0N an( /TR0N6 ea" ban( o+ GER0N6 ea" ban( "lass o+ %&02 HRP an( %&021RTT #ill ave a spe"iC" tresol(. Tis spe"iCes te tresol( +or serving +re7uen"y use( in resele"tion evaluation to#ar(s lo#er priority E9/TR0N+re7uen"y or
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
R0T. $intrasear" $nonintrasear" T%Ra
N%R& N%RH T%RaHyst
Tis spe"iCes te tresol( 8in (B; +or intra +re7uen"y easureents. Tis spe"iCes te tresol( 8in (B; +or E/TR0N inter9+re7uen"y an( inter9R0T easureents. Tis spe"iCes te (uration +or evaluating allo#e( aount o+ "ell resele"tion8s;. Tis spe"iCes te aiu nuber o+ "ell resele"tions to enter e(iu obility state. Tis spe"iCes te aiu nuber o+ "ell resele"tions to enter ig obility state. Tis spe"iCes te a((itional tie perio( be+ore te /E "an enter noral9obility.
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
8nter5erence #ontrol
o#nlin' 8L; inter "ell inter+eren"e #i" re(u"es te signal 7uality is a aor +a"tor "ontributing to (egra(e( servi"e. *t usually ipa"ts "ell9e(ge users #i" la"' goo( 7uality RF signal (ue to te presen"e o+ ultiple serving se"tors o+ siilar signal strengt. L inter9"ell inter+eren"e s"enario "an also be observe( in (ense urban areas #ere ultipat +a"tor "an results in strong signals +ro various se"tors in one geograpi" region. L inter+eren"e i+ not "orre"te( "an lea( to poor trougput per+oran"e on bot (o#nlin' an( uplin'. Tere+ore an iprove( L "overage in ters o+ bot signal strengt an( 7uality provi(es better user eperien"e. *n(i"ators su" as lo# $ignal to noise ratio 8$*NR;6 lo# s"ale %annel 7uality in(i"ator 8%M*;6 Transission o(e 8transit (iversity;6 lo# Re+eren"e $ignal Re"eive( Muality 8R$RM; an( ig Blo"' error rate 8BLER; are "oon in(i"ators o+ L inter+eren"e. Lo# $*NR an( lo# %M* reports result in lo#er an( ore robust o(ulation s"ee +or (ata transission. Te Crst step in optii!ation e-orts is to iprove te "overage an( 7uality o+ eisting serving "ells resulting in goo( 7uality o+ servi"e 8Mo$;. R$RM is (eCne( in T$ 3,.214 asA Re"erence Sinal Received Qualit$ (RSRQ) is de-ned as the ratio &RSRP/(0123R4 carrier RSS5)6 'here & is the num7er o" RB8s o" the 0123R4 carrier RSS5 measurement 7and'idth. 3he measurements in the numerator and denominator shall 7e made over the same set o" resource 7loc!s. 0123R4 Carrier Received Sinal Strenth 5ndicator (RSS5)6 com#rises the linear averae o" the total received #o'er (in 9+) o7served onl$ in O,:M s$m7ols containin re"erence s$m7ols "or antenna #ort ;6 in the measurement 7and'idth6 over & num7er o" resource 7loc!s 7$ the 20 "rom all sources6 includin co1channel servin and non1servin cells6 ad
LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
o#nlin' *%*% 8L9*%*%; enan"es "ell9e(ge /E per+oran"e by a(usting te po#er +or /E base( on reporte( "annel "on(ition. %ell "enter users get (i-erent po#er allo"ation base( on /E5s +ee(ba"'. 0verage %M* Tresol( etri" is use( to (i-erentiate "ell e(ge an( "ell "enter users. L po#er "ontrol e"anis uses te "annel estiation to a(ust te Pa paraeter #i" lea(s toA *+ te user is estiate( to be in "ell "enter "on(ition6 /E spe"iC" L po#er relate( paraeter Pa is lo#ere(6 #i" results in po#er re(u"tion o+ (ata sub"arriers +or tat /E an( +urter (e"reases inter+eren"e to neigboring "ells *+ /E is estiate( to be in "ell "enter "on(ition6 Pa is in"rease( an( en"e
(ata sub"arriers po#er is in"rease( to aintain e(ge /Es 7uality
LTE *ando Optimization
Han(over su""ess rate is anoter iportant >P* +o"use( on in optii!ation pro"ess. Having a goo( su""ess rate in(i"ates tat sites in net#or' "onne"t to ea" an( user "an enoy uninterrupte( a""ess to net#or' in obility s"enarios. Te ipa"t o+ LTE an(over per+oran"e (epen(s on #at type o+ appli"ations users are running at teir en(. For eaple6 poor an(over per+oran"e or ig an(over laten"y ave lo# ipa"t on appli"ations su" as Cle trans+er #ere a sall interruption "an be tolerable #ereas ba( an(over per+oran"e ay ave severe ipa"t on ?O*P appli"ations #ere a an(over (rop results in voi"e "all (rop.
Active mode handover
0"tive o(e an(over "an be o+ tree (i-erent typesA
1. *ntra@*nter Fre7uen"y Han(over bet#een "ells using sane or (i-erent "enter +re7uen"ies 2. *ntra@*nter eNB Han(over bet#een "ells o+ te sae or (i-erent site 3. $1@2 base( Han(over involving &&E intera"tion or (ire"tly bet#een t#o eNBs using 2 lin's Privileged & Confidential Information This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted, confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure is prohibited without authorization
LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
/E "an be "onCgure( in "onne"te( state to report several (i-erent types o+ easureents base( on event types as eplaine( belo#.
Event 01 •
$erving be"oes better tan a tresol(
/se( to (ea"tivate Gap &easureents
Event 02 •
$erving be"oes #orse tan a tresol(
/se( to a"tivate Gap &easureents
Event 03 •
Neigbor be"oes o-set better tan te $erving
/se( to trigger *ntra9F0 Han(o-
Event 04 •
Neigbor be"oes better tan a tresol(
/se( +or 0NR
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
Privileged & Confidential Information This information is subject to Sprint policies regarding use and is the property of Sprint and/or its relevant affiliates and may contain restricted, confidential or privileged materials intended for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution or disclosure is prohibited without authorization
LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
Net se"tion (is"usses te "onCguration relate( to Event 03 #i" is use( to +a"ilitate *ntra9F0 LTE an(over.
*n a"tive o(e easureents are per+ore( only #en $erving %ell R$RP +alls belo# a "onCgurable tresol( 8Smeasure; S Te 03 event paraeters +or 0"tive o(e easureent are transitte( via RR% %onne"tion Re"onCguration &essage S Te paraeter a=ofset (eCnes te 8neigbor o-set K serving; "riteria. S 0((itionally6 tere is a "ell in(ivi(ual o-set tat "an be "onCgure( per neigbor 85nd>ofset ;. S Tis "riterion ust be satisCe( over a "onCgurable perio( o+ tie +or te easureent report to be (one 83ime3o3rier ;. S Te easureent "riteria "an be base( on R$RP or R$RM an( is "onCgurable 83rierQuantit$ ;. S Te easureent report "an be "onCgure( to report R$RP@R$RM or bot 8Re#ortQuantit$ ;.
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
S Perio(i" reports "an be generate( a+ter te Event "riteria are et base( on a "onCgurable paraeter 8re#ort5nterval;. S Nuber o+ reports generate( base( on te event is "ontrolle( using a "onCgurable paraeter 8re#ort4mount ;
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
Idle mode handover
*(le o(e an(over or "ell resele"tion is te pro"ess use( by /E an( net#or' to onitor /E5s lo"ation #itout it re7uiring ra(io resour"es. *n *(le o(e6 /E reains atta"e( at &&E level but reains RR% i(le unless it re7uires RR% resour"es 8+or e.g. To per+or T0/ or Paging pro"e(ures; &aintaining ost "urrent an( up(ate( neigbor list on te eNBs is "riti"al to +a"ilitate su""ess+ul an(over. Neigbor list ust be up(ate( +re7uently to a""oo(ate a((ition o+ ne# sites an( se"tors in te net#or'. %on(ition #ere ultiple an(overs are re"or(e( #itin a very sort perio( bet#een sae t#o "ells in stationary or obile s"enario is 'no#n as Ping9Pong. Ping9Pong "on(ition a-e"ts te en( user as ore pro"essing tie results in poor user eperien"e. Tis situation arises #en bot sour"e an( target se"tors eet te an(over tresol(s an( are e7uivalent in signal strengt. Ping9Pong "an o""ur in bot strong an( #ea' "on(itions. 03 o-set6 $9easure6 Hysteresis an( %ell in(ivi(ual o-set are soe paraeters #i" "an be t#ea'e( to re(u"e Ping9Pong rate.
E/TR0N an( %&02 Han(over
E/TR0N an( %&02 an(over "an be use+ul #en bot net#or's are overlai( on sae geograpi"al region. 0 user traveling out o+ LTE "overage area "an an( (o#n to HRP #ile aintaining te sae (ata session an( uninterrupte( (ata trans+er. Tis +eature is elp+ul in "ases #ere a ne# LTE net#or' is (eploye( on a ature( %&02 net#or' an( /E "an rely on un(erlying net#or' #enever it goes out o+ "overage on LTE *pleentation o+ Neigbor list +or un(erlying %&0 net#or' is nee(e( to +a"ilitate E/TR0N to %&02 an(over. On LTE si(e6 appropriate neigboring se"tors #it PN an( "annel in+oration are populate(. Rigt HRP neigbors "an be sele"te( base( statisti"s su" as Han(over atri 8HO&; (ata o+ %&0 net#or'. Optii!ation (rive test "an also give use+ul in+oration in (eCning issing or appropriate neigbors +or E/TR0N to %&02 inter#or'ing. Belo# table eplains Paraeters an( Events use( on E/TR0N to %&02 inter#or'ingA &essage RR% %onne"tion Re"onCguration
*E B2 Event
Paraeter b2Tresol(1Rsrp
es"ription R$RP tresol(1 use( +or triggering te E/TR0 easureent report +or %&02 HRP Event B2.
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RR% %onne"tion Re"onCguration
R$RM tresol(1 use( +or triggering te E/TR0 easureent report +or %&02 HRP Event B2. %&02 tresol( 2 use( +or triggering te inter9R0T %&02 easureent report +or %&02 HRP Event B2.
7O-setFre7 ysteresisB2
RR% %onne"tion Re"onCguration
02 Event
Hysteresis applie( to entry an( leave "on(ition o+ %&02 HRP Event B2. tieToTrigger value +or %&02 HRP Event B2. Te tieToTrigger value is te perio( o+ tie tat ust be et +or te /E to trigger a easureent report. Te reporting interval o+ a easureent report +or %&02 HRP Event B2. Te nuber o+ easureent reports +or %&02 HRP Event B2. Te aiu nuber o+ "ells in"lu(e( in a easureent report +or %&02 HRP Event B2. Muantity tat triggers te Event B2 easureent Te trigger "an be set +or eiter R$RP or R$RM an( is only appli"able on tresol( 1. 02 event is triggere( #en sour"e be"oes #orse tan te "onCgure( R$RP tresol( 8Re+er to stan(ar( 3,.133 +or R$RP Report apping; Priary R$RM tresol( value +or event02. /se( only #en triggerMuantity02Pri is set to R$RM. eterines te reporting interval o+ a easureent
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
report +or Event triggerMuantity02
01 event is triggere( #en sour"e be"oes #orse tan te "onCgure( R$RM tresol( 8Re+er to stan(ar( 3,.133 +or R$RM Report &apping.
Hysteresis applie( to entry an( leave "on(itions o+ Event 02 Te tieToTrigger value is te perio( o+ tie tat ust be et +or te /E to trigger a easureent report +or Event 02 Te nuber o+ reports +or perio(i"al reporting +or te priary event02 easureent .?alue eans tat reports are sent as long as te event is +ulClle(. Priary an( se"on(ary easureent paraeters re+er to te option to use (i-erent settings +or t#o siultaneous easureents +or event02. Te aiu nuber o+ "ells in"lu(e( in a easureent report +or Event 02. eterines #eter te &easureent report +or 02 event in"lu(es bot R$RP an( R$RM in+oration or te only R$RP or R$RM as "onCgure( by te Trigger event above. Filtering "oeJ"ient use( by te /E to Clter R$RP easureents be+ore event evaluation Te easureent Clter averages a nuber o+ easureent report values to Clter out te ipa"t o+ large s"ale +ast +a(ing.
Clter%oeJ"ientE/traRs rp
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
RR% %onne"tion Re"onCguration
01 Event
Clter%oeJ"ientE/traRs r7
Filtering "oeJ"ient use( by te /E to Clter R$RM easureents be+ore event evaluation Te easureent Clter averages a nuber o+ easureent report values to Clter out te ipa"t o+ large s"ale +ast +a(ing.
01 event is triggere( #en sour"e be"oes better tan te "onCgure( R$RP tresol( 8 0"tual Tresol( Paraeter 9146 3,.133 stan(ar(s; (B
01 event is triggere( #en sour"e be"oes better tan te "onCgure( R$RM tresol( 8Re+er to 3,.133 stan(ar( +or R$RP Report apping; eterines #eter Event 01 is triggere( base( on R$RP or R$RM "riteria. eterines #eter te &easureent report +or 01 event in"lu(es bot R$RP an( R$RM in+oration or te only R$RP or R$RM as "onCgure( by te Trigger event above. Te aiu nuber o+ "ells in"lu(e( in a easureent report +or Event 01. Hysteresis applie( to entry an( leave "on(itions o+ Event 01. Te tieToTrigger value is te perio( o+ tie tat ust be et +or te /E to trigger a easureent report +or Event 01 eterines te reporting interval o+ a easureent report +or Event 01 eterines te nuber o+ easureent reports /E
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
nee(s to sen( #en Event 01 "riteria is et $*B
systeTi e*n+o %ellResele" tion Paraeters %&0 2
tiie0n(Pase$yn"%ri ti"al
*(entiCes te %&09eHRP +re7uen"y ban( "lass in #i" te "arrier +re7uen"y "an be +oun( "ellResele"tionPriority Resele"tion priority o+ te "ell in te eNB. Te range is 96 #ere in(i"ates lo#6 an( ig in priority. tresHig TresHig o+ %&02 HRP ban( "lass B. tresLo# TresLo# o+ %&02 HRP ban( "lass B. tResele"tion$+/sageHR <eter to use P tResele"tion$+/sageHRP o+ HRP resele"tion in+oration tat is sent (o#n to $*B. tResele"tion$+/sageHRP (eterines #eter to apply a s"aling +a"tor +or HRP "ell resele"tion. tResele"tionHRP TResel"tionHRP in"lu(e( in te HRP Resele"tion in+oration sent to $*B. Te (e+ault is 6 an( "an be "ange( by te operator. tResele"tion$+HigHRP ?alue by #i" paraeter tResele"tion%(aHrp( is ultiplie( i+ te /E is in a ig obility state as (eCne( in 3GPP T$ 3,.34 tResele"tion$+&e(iuH TResele"tion$+&e(iuHRP RP in"lu(e( in te HRP Resele"tion in+oration sent to $*B. sear"
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LTE Troubleshooting / Optimization Guidelines
R0N Paraeters
?.@ Ph$sical Cell 5dentit$ P%* is (erive( +ro t#o pysi"al layer signals Priary $yn"roni!ation $ignal 8P$$; an( $e"on(ary syn"roni!ation signal 8$$$;. Tere are )4 uni7ue P%*s. Te pysi"al9layer "ell i(entities are groupe( into 1, uni7ue pysi"al9layer "ell9 i(entity groups6 ea" group "ontaining tree uni7ue i(entities. Te grouping is su" tat ea" pysi"al9layer "ell i(entity is part o+ one an( only one pysi"al9layer "ell9i(entity group. 0 pysi"al9layer "ell i(entity is tus uni7uely (eCne( by a nuber in te range o+ to 1,6 representing te pysi"al9layer "ell9i(entity group6 an( a nuber in te range o+ to 26 representing te pysi"al9layer i(entity #itin te pysi"al9layer "ell9i(entity group.82; * 81; * "ell * 3N N N 81; * N 82; * N Ea" "ells Re+eren"e signal transits a pseu(o ran(o se7uen"e "orrespon(ing to assigne( P%*. 0n( "annel 7uality easureents are also a(e on re+eren"e signals. Tus6 an optii!e( allo"ation o+ P%*s is nee(e( to avoi( probles in "ell re"ognition or "ell sear". uring P%* planning6 one nee(s to avoi( sae P%* an( P$$ on neigboring "ell. Tis eliinates "on+usion in "ell sear" an( also re(u"es inter+eren"e #i" "an o""ur (ue to P$$ or re+eren"e signal "ollision.
?.A Root Sequence 5ndex (RS5) Te Preables use( in R0%H pro"e(ure are (erive( +ro Root $e7uen"e. Preables are obtaine( by "y"li" si+ts o+ root se7uen"e #i" are base( on Ua(o-9%u se7uen"e. Tere are 3 Root $e7uen"es available. Tere are ,4 preables available per "ell an( /E ran(oly sele"ts one preable to per+or ran(o a""ess pro"e(ure. *+ nuber o+ preables per root se7uen"e is less tan ,4 Preables6 "ontinue (eriving Preables #it net Root $e7uen"e unit ,4 preables are obtaine(. Tus6 uni7ue assignent o+ Root se7uen"e is re"oen(e( bet#een neigboring "ells. Te Belo# tables (es"ribes N"s to Uero %orrelation !one "onCguration apping an( L$& paraeter +or "onCguring R$* an( Uero "orrelation !one "onCguration paraeter.
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ttpsA@@$ystes.sasung#ireless."o Net#or' ?ision K Publi"ations K $print K 4G R0N K &anuals
43 LTE eNB &aintenan"e Troublesooting &anual 41 &&B$ Operational &anual 1: LTE Optii!ation Gui(elines LTE stan(ar( (o"uentsA 3GPP T$ 3, series LTE optii!ation gui(elines Hua#ei Te"nologies LTE Optii!ation Gui(elines 0nritsu
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