Dominant (@Penetrates)-submissive Agreement
Contents 1.
Petition To Become A Submissive
Appendix A. Terms and Conditions of Submission.
Attachment A. !ossar" of Terms
Attachment B. Submissive$s Bi!! of %i&hts.
Attachment C. (iscip!ine) Contro! or enera! P!a" *ethods and Instruments
Attachment (. Sexua! Intercourse Positions
Attachement -. Submissives ard /imits.
Attachment Attachm ent . aivers To Standard Standa rd Terms of A&reement A&reeme nt
Introduction Provided herein is the information and forms needed to petition to become a submissive to Titter5 Titter5 6Penetrates. Acceptance b" 6Penetrates of "ou as his submissive is not &uaranteed. Acceptance is contin&ent on understandin& the materia! provided herein) a&reein& to the terms herein and submission of the forms herein. 7ther re8uirments are9 1. ema!e. 2. *inimum a&e of 2#. 3. *ust not be in an" continuin& re!ationship. re!ationship. 4. In &ood hea!th. #. *ust not smo:e or use dru&s. '. *ust have a smart phone. +. *ust provide cit" and state !ocation. ,. *ust submit to to private textin& via ;i: or some simi!ar service. service. 0. *ust be prepared to submit submit nude fu!! bod" photos from from front and behind) if re8uested. re8uested. 1<. *ust submit to persona! intervie non=sexua!5 for for acceptabi!it". acceptabi!it". >ote the the terms and conditions of this a&reement are potentia!!" ne&otiab!e. (o not si&n this a&reement un!ess "ou are prepared to fu!!" comp!" ith it.
Petition To Become A Submissive I) ????????????????????????) herein :non as @sub) ith a free mind and an open heart do re8uest of ??????????????????????? ) herein :non as @(om that e accept the submission of m" i!! unto is and to ta:e me into is care and &uidance) that e ma" &ro toðer in friendship) trust and mutua! respect. The satisfaction of (om$s ants) desires) and hims are consistent ith m" desire as a submissive to be found p!easin& to im. To To that end) I offer (om use of m" time) ta!ents) and abi!ities. urther) urther) I as:) in sincere humi!it" hu mi!it")) that) as m" *aster) (om accept the :eepin& of m" bod" for the fu!fi!!ment and enhancement of 7our sexua!) spiritua!) emotiona!) and inte!!ectua! needs. To To achieve this) (om ma" have unfettered use of m" bod" an" time) an" p!ace) in front of an"one to :eep or to &ive aa") aa") as e i!! determine. I as: that (om &uide me in an" sexua!) sensua!) or scene=re!ated behavior) both toðer ith) and separate from im) in such a a" as to further m" &roth as a person. I re8uest of (om) as m" (ominant) that he h e use the poer vested in is ro!e to mo!d and shape me assistin& me to &ro in stren&th) character) confidence) and bein&) and that e continue to he!p me to deve!op m" artistic and inte!!ectua! abi!ities. In return) I a&ree9 To obe" (om$s commands to the best of m" abi!it". abi!it". To strive to overcome fee!in&s of &ui!t or shame) and a!! inhibitions that interfere ith m" capabi!it" to serve (om and !imit m" &roth as (om$s submissive. To maintain honest and an d open communication. co mmunication. To revea! m" thou&hts) fee!in&s) and desires ithout hesitation or embarrassment. To inform (om of ants and perceived needs) reco&niDin& that (om is the so!e Eud&e of hether or ho these sha!! be satisfied. To strive toard maintenance of a positive se!f=ima&e and deve!opment of rea!istic expectations and &oa!s. To or: ith (om to become a happ" and se!f=fu!fi!!ed individua!. To or: a&ainst ne&ative aspects of m" e&o and m" insecurities that ou!d interfere ith advancement of these aims. *" surrender as a submissive is done ith the :no!ed&e that nothin& as:ed of me i!! demean me as a person) and i!! in no a" diminish m" on responsibi!ities toard ma:in& utmost use of m" potentia!. In reco&nition of m" fami!" ob!i&ations) nothin& i!! be re8uired of me that i!! i!! in an" a" dama&e or harm m" fami!" and friend re!ationships) m" Eob) nor interfere ith the performance of m" duties as a mother. mother. I understand and a&ree to the Terms Terms and Conditions of Submission hich e have have reached and hich is appended as a part of this petition. >o part of the Terms and Conditions of Submission ma"
supercede this petition. In event of conf!ict this docu ment and its interpretation sha!! ta:e precedence. This I) sub) do entreat) ith !ucidit" and the rea!iDation of hat this means) both stated and imp!ied) in the conviction that this offer i!! be understood in the spirit of faith) carin&) esteem and devotion in hich it is &iven. Shou!d either of us find that our aspirations a spirations are not bein& e!! served b" this a&reement) find this commitment too burdensome) or for an" other reason ish to cance!) either ma" do so b" verba! notification to the other) in :eepin& ith the consensua! nature of this a&reement. e both understand that cance!!ation means a cessation of the contro! stated and imp!ied ithin this a&reement) not a termination of our re!ationship as friends. Fpon cance!!ation) each of us a&rees to offer to the other his or her reasons and to assess our ne needs and situation open!" and !ovin&!". !ovin&!". This a&reement sha!! serve as the basis for an exten sion of our re!ationship) committed to in the spirit of friendship and consensua! dominance and submission ith the intention of furtherin& se!f=aareness and exp!oration) promotin& hea!th and happiness) and improvin& both our !ives. This a&reement has no !e&a! basis in an" court of !a. (espite this) the parties hereto a&ree to function to the best of their abi!ities to the terms herein as if it ere !e&a!!" bindin&.
I offer m" consent to submission to ?????????????????????????????? under the terms stated above on this the ???????? da" of ????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of Submissive
I offer m" acceptance of submission b" ?????????????????????????????? under the terms stated above on this the ???????? da" of ?????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of (ominant
Appendix A. Terms And Conditions o Submission 1. !enera" Scope 1.1 (efined herein are the set of terms and conditions of submission that that (ominant ??????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ? (om5 expects Submissive ?????????????????????????? sub5 to perform and that sub a&rees to fu!fi!! to the best of her abi!it". 1.2 The !ossar" of Submission Submission Terms) Terms) appended hereto as Attachment A) app!ies for definitions definitions of terms used herein. 1.3 -ither part" ma" ma" re8uest re=ne&otiantion of these terms and conditions at an" time. ai!ure to a&ree on maintainin& current a&reement terms or modifications to these terms and conditions are &rounds for disso!vin& the (ominant=submissive re!ationship of the to parties. 1.4 The parties to this a&reement) (om and sub) reco&niDe that actions ithin the scope of the the Petition To Become A Submissive and these Terms Terms And Conditions of Submission are a form of ro!e p!a"in& ithin the context of their !ar&er !ives. -ither part" ma" at an " time uni!atera!!" and temporari!" step out of ro!e and re8uest the other part" to do so. This ma" occur hen the (om and sub are &eo&raphica!!" separated) for the purpose of c!arif"in& these a&reements) en&a&in& in rea! !ife situations ith or!d outside the ro!e p!a"in& or other such reason. In &enera!) it is expected that the (om and sub i!! se!dom step out o f ro!e hen toðer. toðer.
2. Contro" 2.1 The sub sha!! consider herse!f to be the @propert" of (om in matters of concern defined herein. @Propert"sha!! be construed to mean that the sub$s priorities) actions) ph"sica! appearance and p!ans sha!! first and foremost comp!" ith directives presented herein or as otherise communicated b" (om ithin the scope of this document. @Propert" sha!! not be interpreted in the sense of a @s!ave) that bein& a different B(S* re!ationship c!ass. 2.2 The sub sha!! be timid) deferentia! deferentia! and submissive submissive to (om in a!! matters matters re!ated to to this a&reement) &enera!!" ith e"es don in the presence of (om and !oo:in& at (om on!" hen &iven permission. Fpon receipt of directive or orders or tas:in&) the sub sha!! not ar&ue and sha!! ac:no!ed&e her submission and a&reement to perform ith @Ges) *aster) @Ges) Sir or @Ges) (om. 2.3 (om sha!! sha!! not p!ace an" unreasonab!e re8uirements on sub nor an" re8uirements or demands that cou!d EeopardiDe her hea!th) ph"sica! ph "sica! e!!=bein&) Eob or re!ationship ith fami!" or friends. 2.4 Shou!d a conf!ict arise beteen the re8uirements herein and rea! !ife re8uirements) sub sha!! sha!! inform (om of the conf!ict and reasons h" h " she re8uests to deviate from the re8uirements herein or (om$s dictates. (om i!! provide temporar" re!ief to the se!ect criteria of this a&reement to a me!iorate the conf!ict. Sub i!! use Specia! %e8uest method para&raph +.'5 or !eave ro!e para&raph 1.45 to inform (om of conf!icts) the former mode bein& preferred. 2.# ai!ure of sub to meet the re8uirements and duties !aid out herein ma" resu!t in discip!ine. See
para&raph + H (iscip!ine5
3.1 The cornerstone of success in in an" re!ationship is &ood and open communications. communications. So too ith this (om=sub re!ationship. The (om$s position as teacher and mentor !eaves free (o m to sub communications in an open and unrestricted manner. Sub$s position of deference ma" be perceived or become an inpediment to free communications. As such such a procedure for ensurin& sub ma" communicate free!" ith (om is is that of Specia! %e8uestin& as prescribed in in para&raph +.'. Fsin& said procedure) sub sha!! ensure that (om is made aare of sub$s fee!in&s) needs and desires across the spectrum of aspects needed for her menta! and ph"sica! hea!th. 3.2 (urin& ph"sica! separation) e!ectronic communications is the critica! and the primar" mode mode of interaction beteen (om and sub. Such communications modes inc!ude but are not !imited to9 Titter Titter)) textin& and e=mai!. 3.3 Sub sha!! be continuous!" avai!ab!e for communications ith ith (om b" one of the three means !isted in para&raph 3.2. S"mmetrica!!" S"mmetrica!!")) (om sha!! be continuous!" avai!ab!e b" the the same methods for communications from sub . 3.4 Sub sha!! do her best to inform (om if if she i!! be unavai!ab!e for communications for more than te!ve hours b" e=mai! or three hours b" b " textin&. At conc!usion of said &ap in avai!abi!it") avai!abi!it") sub sha!! notif" (om that she is a&ain avai!ab!e for submission to him. 3.# (om i!!) s"mmetrica!!" s"mmetrica!!" to para&raph 3.#) notif" Sub in in the event of unavai!abi!it" for for communications.
4.1 Sub sha!! enter into into no B(S* re!ationships) re!ationships) rea! or virtua!) virtua!) ith an"one other than (om. (om a&rees to s"mmetrica!!" abide b" this restriction. 4.2 Sub sha!! enter into no romantic or sexua! re!ationships or activities) rea! rea! or virtua!) ith an"one other than (om. (om a&rees to s"mmetrica!!" s"mmetrica!!" abide b" this restriction. restriction. 4.3 Sub i!! not fra&rant!" f!irt ith nor perform sextin& sextin& ith an" other ma!e) ma!e) b" virtua! virtua! or rea! means) ithout (om$s approva!. !a&rant f!irtin& is construed to mean f!irtin& as an invitation to sex) here such sex invitation is rea!) teasin& or fa:e.
#.1 Sub a&rees to meet ith (om in a pub!ic p!ace) mutua!!" mutua!!" a&reed to to and as convenient for Sub) for introductions as a part of or soon after si&nin& o f this a&reement and hen proposed b" (om.
'. Speciic Duties and #esponsibi"ities o Dom '.1 (om promises to care for and cherish sub and in particu!ar to never :noin&!" harm her ph"sica!!" be"ond scope provided for herein as re&ards para&raph +) @(iscip!ine 5 or emotiona!!" b" ord or action. '.2 (om sha!! be a!a"s open and honest ith sub never hidin& fee!in&s that are necessar" to the the continuation of their mutua!!" supportin& re!ationship. '.3 (om sha!! be responsib!e for :eepin& sub safe at a!! a!! times hen she is is ithin his purvie. purvie. '.4 (om i!! do ever"thin& ithin is poer to train) educate) instruct) shape and mo!d mo!d sub into into best submissive possib!e. '.# (om sha!! provide for and a!!o sub to present her needs and opinions to him ith ith the scope of propriet" set out herein for sub. '.' (om i!! i!! maintain himse!f in &ood hea!th and ph"sica! condition. '.+ (om i!! refrain refrain from the use of tobacco tobacco products) dru&s of an" :ind and i!! i!! on!" drin: a!coho! in moderation. '., (om i!! not a!!o or ma:e sub sub scene scene9 en&a&in& in sexua! activities activities ith other persons5 persons5 ith an" minors or anima!s at an" time. '.0 (om i!! not ma:e sub Eoin in an" mu!tip!e mu!tip!e person scene ith other ma!es ma!es andor fema!es at an" time ithout her mutua! prior consent on the persons5) p!aces) times) durations and activities. '.1< Shou!d (om a!!o sub to part" scene ith an"one e!se) (om sha!! be present durin& the entire scene in order to assure that sub is unharmed) does nothin& (om disapproves of and is not forced forced to do an"thin& on sub$s hard !imit !ist. '.11 (om sha!! immediate!" immediate!" respect and honor the invocation of the safe ord ????????????5 b" Sub) ceasin& a!! activit" undera". '.12 (om i!! stretch Sub$s !imits to he!p Sub &ro in the !ife) !ife) position and fee!in&s of se!f=esteem. '.13 (om i!! honor the Submissive$s Submissive$s Bi!! of %i&hts in Attachment B. '.14 (om ma") ma") at his discretion) en&a&e sub in in discip!ine) contro! or &enera! p!a" usin& methods and instruments activities as !isted in in Attachment Attachment C) except as !isted in Submissive S ubmissive ard Conditions) Attachment - or as ne&otiated and !isted in Attachment Attachment ) ) @aivers @aivers To To Standard Terms Terms of A&reement. '.1# (om i!! respect a!! hard !imits of sub sub as !isted in Submissive Submissive ard Conditions) Attachment -.
+. Speciic Duties and #esponsibi"ities o Submissive +.1 enera!. This para&raph defines specific duties and responsibi!ities responsibi!ities that Sub sha!! be re8uired to comp!" ith. ai!ure to prompt!" comp!" in !etter and intent ith these duties ma" resu!t in discip!ine See para&raph +5. +.2 Basics +.2.1 As per para&raph 2.1) sub sub sha!! consider herse!f to be the @propert" of the (om (om in matters of concern defined herein. +.2.2 As per para&raph 2.2) sub sha!! be timid) deferentia! deferentia! and submissive submissive to (om in a!! matters matters re!ated to this a&reement. +.2.3 Sub$s re8uirement for timid) deferentia! and submissive behavior to (om is is >7T to be interpreted as the sub bein& in an" an " a" inferior or unorth". uite the opposite. Assumin& the ro!e of a submissive ref!ects a stren&th of character) be!ief in onese!f and trust in her (om. +.2.4 Sub sha!! >7T se!f=deni&rate herse!f herse!f nor spea: peEorative!" peEorative!" of herse!f herse!f nor in an" a" imp!" that she is an"thin& !ess than a substantia!) orth") orth") inte!!i&ent individua!. If an" Eud&ment of the sub is to be made) it i!! be b" her (om (o m and that i!! be made based upon performance and !imitations therein) not presumed character f!as in the sub. %epeated fai!ure in this re&ard b" sub i!! resu!t resu!t in substantia! discip!ine. +.2.# Sub sha!! cooperative!" submit to direction) sex) &ame p!a"in& and discip!ine discip!ine invo!vin& an" combination of e!ements from Attachment C) @(iscip!ine) Contro! or enera! P!a" *ethods and Instruments @ except as ne&otiated and !isted in Attachment ) @aivers @aivers To To Standard Terms of A&reement or as dec!ared hard !imits !imits in Attachement -) @Submissive$s ard ard /imits.
+.3 ea!th and h"&iene +.3.1 Sub sha!! do a!! in her poer to maintain &ood hea!th and &ood menta! out!oo:. This inc!udes) but is not !imited to9 eatin& re&u!ar!" eatin& hea!th" &ettin& &ettin& ade8uate s!eep exercisin& at !east 3 times a ee: socia!iDin& ith friends friends at !east once a ee: and) !imitin& a!coho! consumption. consumption. See para&raph +.3.05 +.3.2 Sub sha!! remain c!ean and h"&ienic at a!! times. Sub sha!! shoer or bathe re&u!ar!") re&u!ar!") no !ess than three times a ee: and at !east once dai!" hen co=habitin& ith her (om. +.3.3 Sub sha!! :eep her armpits) armpits) !e&s) pubic and ana! areas shaved comp!ete!" c!ean and smooth. ai!ure to do so is punishab!e. +.3.4 Sub sha!! use such va&ina! products as necessar" to :eep her va&ina and vu!va vu!va re&ion c!ean and ithout unp!easant odors. The (om sha!! routine!" assess the sub$s va&ina most often throu&h sexua! activit") activit") especia!!" ora!5 and advise her if her he r va&ina fai!s to meet his standards. Such fai!ure is punishab!e. +.3.# Sub sha!! inform inform (om of commencement of her period and provide updates on an" si&nificant
discomforts re!ated thereto. +.3.' Sub sha!! inform (om (om immediate!" of an" sudden chan&es of mood) especia!!" ne&ative moods) e.&.) depression) !one!iness) fee!in& un!oved) etc. +.3.+ Sub sha!! sha!! inform (om immediate!" of onset of an" i!!ness. +.3., Sub sha!! maintain her ei&ht at approximate!" her current ei&ht and sha!! notif" (om if her ei&ht increases b" more than five pounds pou nds from her ei&ht at the time of acceptance acce ptance of this a&reement. The sub$s current ei&ht is ????????????. +.3.0 Sub sha!! attempt to minimiDe her consumption of a!coho!ic bevera&es. %e&ard!ess) %e&ard!ess) sub sha!! re8uest permission of (om to have a drin: or refi!! a drin:. This app!ies to a!! situations situations H socia! and otherise. In the event Sub is in a socia! situation here communications ith (om is unavai!ab!e) the Sub sha!! !imit herse!f to no more than one drin: ever" +# minutes. +.3.1< Bod" Piercin& and Tattoos Tattoos +.3.1<.1 enera!9 Sub sha!! not &et an" tattoos) tattoo modifications modifications or bod" piercin&s ithout prior approva! of (om. +.3.1<.2 Specific9 sub sha!!) a!! at (om$s expense and in his presence) receive a c!itora! hood piercin& and sha!! ear rin&) stud or chain from a set provided b" the (om and of his choosin&. Said piercin& sha!! be maintained and fi!!ed at a!! times.
+.4 /ocation and Activities >otification +.4.1 Sub sha!! :eep (om informed of her &enera! hereabouts at a!! times) e.&.) home) or:) dinin& out) shoppin&) socia! en&a&ement) etc. +.4.2 Sub sha!! provide to to (om b" e=mai! e=mai! not !ater than than midni&ht each Sunda" ni&ht a summar" of her expected ee:$s activities. Such activities ac tivities sha!! inc!ude but are not !imited to9 or: da"s) at"pica! da"s off or:) doctors appointments) socia! events) visits to fami!" andor friends) visits from fami!" andor friends and an" other activit" that ma" adverse!" effect Sub$s avai!abi!it" to (om. +.4.3 Sub sha!!) hen not ith ith (om) notif" (om b" text hen she aa:es in the mornin& and hen hen she is about to s!eep.
+.# Sex and ames +.#.1 enera!. A paramount e!ement of the re!ationship re!ationship beteen the (om and sub i!! i!! invo!ve sex and &ames. The sub sha!! participate in and an d perform an" and a!! sex acts the (om dictates and at the time) p!ace) manner and duration of his choosin&. +.#.2 %estrictions. Sub ma" not masturbate or touch her &enita!s for excitement excitement purposes ithout prior permission from (om. (om ma" !imit the number of or&asms that that can be produced from such masturbation. If permission is &iven to masturbate) sub i!! provide a fo!!o up report on ho the
masturbation as performed) hat she fantasiDed about as she masturbated and ho man" or&asms ere reached ith a ratin& from 1 to 1< 1< bein& best5 on the overa!! 8ua!it" of the or&asms. +.#.3 (efinitions. +.#.3.1 Sexua! acts inc!ude9 Standard intercourse consistin& of the sub$s va&ina bein& penetrated b" the (om$s penis. Ana! intercourse consistin& of the sub$s anus bein& pen etrated b" the (om$s penis. 7ra! sex consistin& of the sub usin& her mouth to sexua!!" satisf" the (om andor the (om usin& his mouth mouth to sexua!!" satisf" the sub. 7ther sex. Actions hich resu!t in considerab!e p!easure up to and inc!udin& or&asm) but do not invo!ve the above. -xamp!es inc!ude one part" masturbatin& the other or one part" stimu!atin& the other b" means of some intermediar" method o f arousa! to c!imax. •
+.#.3.2 ames inc!ude an" erotic activities desi&ned to stimu!ate stimu!ate the (om andor sub to arousa! or to satisf" basic needs for domination or submission satisfaction hether or not said &ames !ead to or inc!ude sexua! acts. See ames in !ossar" of Terms) Terms) Attachment A5 +.#.4 Sexua! intercourse acts beteen the (om and sub ma" assume assume an" of the the positions defined defined and i!!ustrated in Sexua! Intercourse Positions of Attachment C. (ecision on the positions5 and chan&es in position i!! be made b" (om. +.#.# Ana! intercourse acts beteen (om and sub ma" assume an" of the suitab!e suitab!e positions defined defined and i!!ustrated in Sexua! Intercourse Positions of Attachment C (ecision on the positions5 and chan&es in position i!! be made b" b " (om. +.#.' Sub ma" from from time=to=time time=to=time be re8uired re8uired to perform ora! sex on (om. (om. Sub sha!! sha!! be prepared and i!!in& for such ora! sex to resu!t in (om eEacu!atin& into her mouth and sub sa!!oin& the resu!t. Sub i!!) if not a!read") a!read") become proficient in the art of deep=throat ora! sex. Sub ma" ma " be re8uired to be passive recipient of ora! sex hi!e in an" position) e.&.) !a"in& on stomach on bed ith head and upper torso raised) supported b" her e!bos on bed.
+.' Specia! %e8uestin& of (om. +.'.1 enera!. Sub ma" at times of her choosin& ma:e a specia! re8uest of the (om. Said re8uest i!! usua!!" be for some specific uni8ue activit" or attention she desires and for hich the (om has not a!read" forec!osed action. -xamp!es inc!ude sex in a specific specific position or manner) manner) or punishment that that she desires for erotic reasons) e. &.) over the :nee span:in&. Additiona!!") Additiona!!") sub ma" use Specia! %e8uestin& to brin& up issues of concern) fee!in&s or other such matters as sub fee!s the need to discuss in fu!! dia!o& ith (om. +.'.2 Procedure. Sub i!! ma:e her specia! re8uest deferentia!!") deferentia!!") e"es don) sa"in& in a soft p!eadin& voice9 JSir(om*aster) JSir(om*aster) ma" "our obedient submissive p!ease ma:e a specia! re8uest of "ouKJ Fpon Fpo n the (om$s approva! the re8uest i!! be made as) @Than: "ou) Sir(om*aster. Sir(om*aster. Gou Gou are &enerous in a!!oin& m" re8uest hich is.... is.... The (om ma" or ma" not approve the the re8uest ith or ithout ithout reason supp!ied) except (om sha!! never refuse to discuss sub$s fee!in&s or needs a!thou&h said discussion ma" be brief!" deferred for a reason of inconvenience.
+.'.3 Abuse. Abuse of the Specia! %e8uestin& %e8uestin& privi!e&e i!! resu!t resu!t in a arnin& and if abuse continues) then discip!ine. ,. Discip"ine. ,.1 ai!ure of sub to comp!" ith the re8uirements herein herein ma") ma") at the discretion of (om) (om) resu!t in in discip!ine to her. Such discip!ine i!! be of t"pe and severit" as chosen b" (om usin& modes out!ine in the remainder of this section. (iscip!ine sha!! be even=handed) dispassionate and serve the end of trainin& sub hi!e preservin& and enhancin& her se!f=esteem at the end of such discip!ine. ,.2 *odes of possib!e discip!ine discip!ine inc!ude s"mbo!ic) tas:in&) corporea! and iso!ation. iso!ation. ,.3 S"mbo!ic discip!ine i!! i!! ta:e the the form of disapprovin& or critica! critica! admonishment of sub) ta:in& aa" o!d Stars previous!" &iven to sub or other such critica! actions as (om ma" deem appropriate appropriate to the fai!ure and ithin the scope of this and re!ated terms re!ative to preservation of sub$s se!f=esteem. ,.4 Tas:in& discip!ine i!! ta:e the form form of re8uirin& sub to perform some penance for for her shortfa!!s5. The specific tas: i!! be determined b" and communicated to sub b" (om. ai!ure to satisfactori!" perform the tas: ma" resu!t in a stricter form of discip!ine. ,.# Corporea! discip!ine i!! ta:e the the form of ph"sica! punishment b" the (om in in form chosen b" (om except as !imited in Attachment - Submissive$s ard /imits5. hen separated and (om punishment is not practica!) b" auto=f!a&e!!ation b" sub at a time) duration) amount) severit") severit") instrument and nature as decided b " (om. Toard Toard this end) sub sha!! :eep on o n hand (om approved imp!ements for use in such auto=f!a&e!!ation. At minimum a be!t) hip and an 1, inch stron& ooden ru!er) or simi!ar. ,.' Iso!ation discip!ine i!! i!! ta:e the form of sub bein& restricted from from contact or communication ith (om for the period of time desi&nated b" (om. Such period hich i!! not exceed 24 hours) that bein& an exceptiona! !eve! of discip!ine. (urin& this iso!ation) sub ma" on!" communicate ith (om to provide notifications otherise re8uired b" this a&reement.
0. Conidentia"it& 0.1 This a&reement and a!! activities occurrin& ithin the scope of it it are tota!!" confidentia!. >either part" to this a&reement ma" divu!&e its existence) its contents or activities activities performed as a resu!t of participation in this a&reement.
I understand and a&ree to the terms stated above ?????????????????????????????? on this the ???????? da" of ????????????? in the "ear ???? ????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of Submissive
I understand and a&ree a&ree to the terms terms stated above ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?? on this the ???????? da" of ?????????????? in the "ear ??? ?????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of (ominant
Attac$ment A.
!"ossar& o Terms re!ationship in hich protoco!s are a re in p!ace p !ace continuous!". '*9 A re!ationship Anima" transormation antas&+ antas" in hich the focus is on the sub enterin& the a!tered mindspace of a different species) t"pica!!" a do&) pon" or horse. Abrasion+ Fsin& somethin& rou&h such as sandpaper5. Atercare+ The time after a B(S* scene or p!a" session in hich the participants ca!m don) discuss the previous events and their persona! reactions to them) and s!o!" come bac: in touch ith rea!it". B(S* often invo!ves an endorphin hi&h and ver" intense experience) and fai!ure to en&a&e in proper aftercare can !ead to subdrop as these return to more ever"da" !eve!s. Agep"a&+ A form of ro!ep!a"in& in hich an individua! acts andor treats another as if the" ere a different a&e. The practice can be re&ressive) in hich the &oa! is to re=experience chi!dhood) or sexua!) recreatin& a sexua! re!ationship ith peop!e of the pretend andor true a&es. enera!!" this can invo!ve someone pretendin& to be "oun&er than the" actua!!" are) but more rare!" can invo!ve assumin& an o!der ro!e of a nurturin& re!ationship of parentchi!d or teacherstudent. Ana" torture+ The B(S* practice of inf!ictin& pain on the anus. Anima" P"a&+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H here the sub ro!e p!a"se andor dresses !i:e an anima! pupp") pon") co) etc.5. Auctioned o+ (ominant auctions off the s!ave to the hi&hest bidder usua!!" supervised and for temporar" use5. Aut$orit& igure%isbe$aving Adu"t game+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H here a p!a"er ta:es on the ro!e of an authorit" au thorit" fi&ure and b!ac:mai!s or humi!iates his or her partner into sexua! activit". activit". Bad pain ood pain and bad pain are terms used !i&hthearted!" b" B(S* practitioners) si&nif"in& that hi!st B(S* ma" inc!ude an e!ement often 8uite pronounced5 consensua! pain) there is a purpose to it) and some pain is consented to and accepted hi!st other pain is not. n ot. JBad painJ is pain hich is outside hard !imits) non=mutua! or non=va!ued) not ished for) and of !imited or no va!ue in this context. ood pain and bad pain refer to p!easant vs. unp!easant pain. As a Jvani!!aJ examp!e) ima&ine soreness after a &ood or:out at the &"m versus the pain of brea:in& a !e&. Author La" iseman iseman su&&ests a corre!ation beteen perception of Jbad painJ durin& B(S* p!a" and subse8uent inEur". BDS%+ Bonda&e(iscip!ine) (ominanceSubmission) Sadism*asochism9 a combined acron"m often used as a catcha!! for an"thin& in the :in: scene.
fu!! bod" restraint apparatus) apparatus) supposed!" Ber,"e& orse+ A fu!! desi&ned for) or b") Theresa Ber:!e" in 1,2,.
Biting+ Fsin& the teeth to bite bod" parts of the submissive for pain but not so stron&!" as to dra b!ood. B"ac, s$eet part&+ An or&" for peop!e into B(S* sex. B"indo"d+ Act or device for preventin& submissive from seein&. Bondage+ Acts invo!vin& the ph"sica! restraint of a partner. Bonda&e t"pica!!" refers to tota! restraint) hoever it can be !imited to a particu!ar bod" part) such as breast bonda&e. Bondage be"t+ A aist be!t hich has (=rin&s or other attachment points used for securin& sub to other fixtures or other constaints Bondage cus+ %estraints desi&ned for use in securin& the sub at rists or an:!es. enera!!" the" are ide rist and an:!e restraints made of !eather) often padded ith soft !eather or fa:e fur and secured b" a !oc:in& mechanism) b" a buc:!e or b" ve!cro. The" ma" be attached to each other or another obEect. Be!o9 suspension bonda&e cuffs and arms !in:ed bonda&e cuffs.
Bondage $arness+ A set of constraints used for bonda&e and t"pica!!" consists of a series of !eather straps) t"pica!!" beteen 1 and 2 cm ide) attached toðer in such a a" as to a!!o a person to JearJ the item.
Bondage #ope arness+ A!so referred to as a bonda&e eb) rope eb) rope dress or :arada5 A rope bonda&e techni8ue hich invo!ves the t"in& of an intricate structure of rope around the bod" in a comp!ex eb=!i:e fashion.
ph "sica! sensation from a top in a scene the on e=done=to rather than the do= Bottom+ one ho receives ph"sica! er. er. Branding+ Fse of hot obEect to p roduce a permanent or temporar" mar: on submissive$s f!esh. Breast bondage+ A bonda&e techni8ue hich invo!ves the t"in& of rope around a oman$s breasts in a visua!!" intricate and decorative pattern) usua!!" so the breasts are either f!attened a&ainst the chest or so that the" bu!&e. Breast bonda&e most common!" uses rope) but ebbin&) straps or a harness ma" a!so be used.
Breat$ Contro"+ The dominant contro!s the submissive$s breathin&. Butt p"ug+ *uch !i:e a di!do) but pear=shaped ith a f!ared base. The f!ared base prevents the p!u& from bein& !ost in the ana! cavit" the pear shape he!ps ho!d the p!u& in p!ace. The" come in a variet" of siDes some can vibrate.
in a ca&e for purposes of punishment. Caging+ -nc!osin& the submissive in Caning+ Administerin& Administerin& corporea! punishment usin& a cane) e.&.) rattan) bamboo) p!astic) ooden) etc) Captive prisonerTorturer+ prisonerTorturer+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H here here one ro!e p!a"er usua!!" the (om or sub toppin&5 is a captor ho abuses the other.
Cat o nine tai"s+ A!so :non as the cat5 A t"pe of mu!ti=tai!ed hip that ori&inated as an imp!ement for severe ph"sica! punishment) notab!" in the %o"a! >av" and Arm" of the Fnited ;in&dom.
C$astit&+ A form of erotic sexua! denia! or or&asm denia! hereb" a person is prevented from access to) or stimu!ation of) their &enita!s) save at the him or choice of their partner) usua!!" b" means of a device ca!!ed a chastit" be!t or sometimes for men a coc: ca&e5 that prevents contact and is contro!!ed b" means of a !oc: b" the partner. C"ipping+ App!"in& mechanica! c!ips or pinchers to bod" parts) especia!!" nipp!es and &enita!ia. Coc, and ba"" torture (CBT)+ Torture Torture of the ma!e &enita!s for sexua! &ratification.
subse8uent to the Co"d corporea" punis$ment+ A span:in& or other corporea! punishment app!ied subse8uent recipient p!acin& ice on area up hich the punishment is to be app!ied. Co""ar+ A device of an" materia! p!aced around the nec: of the submissive partner. partner. It is a!so a term used to sho onership of one partner b" another. A person earin& a co!!ar to s"mbo!iDe their re!ationship ith another is said to be co!!ared. Some peop!e conduct forma! Jco!!arin& ceremonies)J hich are re&arded as effective!" so!emniDin& their re!ationship in a simi!ar a" as a marria&e ceremon". ceremon". The standard form of a co!!ar is a b!ac: !eather band around the nec: and often has meta! (=rin&s added to a!!o the attachment of a !eash. Co""ared+ Submissive or s!ave ho is oned) usua!!" but certain!" not exc!usive!"5 in a !ovin& intimate re!ationship. A dominant ma" have mu!tip!e persons co!!ared. A!so9 a pup$s status) as differentiated from a Jstra"J. Co""aring+ The forma! acceptance b" a dominant) of a sub$s service) or the JonershipJ of a pup b" a *aster or Trainer. Trainer. A!so the ceremon" hen a dominant commits to a sub much !i:e a eddin& or other contract5. Consent+ *utua! a&reement to the terms of a scene or on&oin& bdsm re!ationship. Consensua" non-consensua"it&+ A mutua! a&reement that ithin defined !imits) consent i!! be &iven as read ithout fore:no!ed&e of the exact actions p!anned. As such) it is a sho of trust and understandin& and usua!!" underta:en on!" b" partners ho :no each other e!!) or otherise a&ree to set c!ear safe !imits on their activities.
ritten=out a&reement beteen the dominant d ominant M submissive. It can be either forma! or non) Contract+ A ritten=out and is usua!!" ritten after much ne&otiation b" the dominant and the sub) out!inin& ou t!inin& hat structure) &uide!ines) ru!es and boundaries to the re!ationship are a&reed upon b" the to. It is not !e&a!!" bindin&.
Crop+ A!so ca!!ed a ridin& crop or huntin& crop5 c rop5 is a short rod t"pe of hip ithout a !ash and &enera!!" made of sprin&" materia!. *a" have sma!! padd!e=!i:e piece on end.
Cropping+ Fse of a crop for corporea! punishment.
Crotc$ #ope+ A crotch rope a!so :non as *atanaa or Sa:uraN1O in Lapanese bonda&e5 is a bonda&e techni8ue hich invo!ves the t"in& of rope around a oman$s aist hich is then passed beteen the !abia to app!" painfu! or p!easurab!e pressure to the fema!e &enita!s. Crotch rope most common!" uses rope) but ebbin&) straps or a harness ma" a!so be used.
D%+ (un&eon *onitor) a person ho supervises the interactions beteen participants at a p!a" part" or dun&eons to enforce house ru!es = essentia!!") essentia!!") the bouncer of a B(S* event. The" sometimes a!so p!a" cruise director to :eep&et the part" &oin&.
c ontro! from dominant=contrast ith sub5 Dom+ A person ho exercises contro! Dominant+ A person ho exercises contro! = contrast ith submissive. Domme+ oman oman ho exercises contro! see a!so (ominatrix5. 7ften associated ith a particu!ar brand of traditiona! femininit" man" "oun&er fema!e dominants prefer to use the non&endered terms domdominant. Douc$e+ a&ina! irri&ation) the rinsin& of the va&ina. Fsed in ro!ep!a"in& or &enera! sexua! intimac" activities in B(S*. Ds+ (ominancesubmission9 p!a" or re!ationships that invo!ve an erotic poer excha n&e. Dungeon+ An" space set aside for JsceneJ activities. Private dun&eons are often fabricated in residentia! basements or spare rooms. B(S* or&aniDations sometimes secure space for their members to p!a" o!d arehouses and factor" spaces are popu!ar for this) especia!!" in areas here Don in& !as forbid c!ubs of this t"pe in residentia! areas) or c!ose to schoo!s or churches. Some dun&eons are open to the pub!ic on a membership basis or as a ni&htc!ub. These are ca!!ed Jpub!ic dun&eonsJ even if the" are on!" open to members.
ph "sica!!" or emotiona!!". emotiona!!". Because the /dgep"a&+ S* p!a" that invo!ves a chance of harm) either ph"sica!!" definition of ed&ep!a" is subEective to the specific p!a"ers i.e.) hat is ris:" for me ma" not be as a s ris:" for "ou5) there isn$t a universa! !ist of hat is inc!uded in ed&ep!a". ed&ep!a". oever) there are a fe forms of p!a" hich a!most a!a"s ma:e the cut) inc!udin& firep!a") firep!a") &unp!a") rou&h bod" p!a") p!a") breath p!a") p!a") and b!oodp!a". b!oodp!a". e=stim and e!ectrosex5 is activit" invo!vin& the app!ication of /"ectrostimu"ation+ A!so ca!!ed e=stim e!ectrica! stimu!ation to the nerves of the bod") ith particu!ar emphasis on the &enita!s) usin& a poer source such as a T->S) -*S) io!et and) or made=for=p!a" units5 for purposes of sexua! stimu!ation. /"ectric p"a&+ Fsin& e!ectricit" as an imp!ement of B(S*. This can mean shoc:s to the &enita!s breasts or anus. Fsua!!" considered ed&ep!a". ed&ep!a". /ndorp$in rus$+ -ndorphins are the chemica!s responsib!e for the Jhi&hJ peop!e often &et from activities such as sex) or hi&h=ris: sports) and is the bod "$s response to hei&htened or intense experiences of certain :inds. B(S* activities) especia!!" those incorporatin& a de&ree of sensation p!a" often cu!tivate the endorphin rush as part of o f their Jpa"offJ to the sub. But a!so see aftercare for the care needed to ensure that subdrop does not occur afterards as the bod" returns to norma!.
a nus. The increasin& /nema+ Procedure of introducin& !i8uids into the rectum and co!on via the anus. vo!ume of the !i8uid causes rapid expansion expa nsion of the !oer intestina! tract) often resu!tin& in ver" uncomfortab!e b!oatin&) crampin&) poerfu! perista!sis) a fee!in& of extreme ur&enc" and co mp!ete evacuation of the !oer intestina! tract. *a" be used as punishment especia!!" ith uncomfortab!" arm f!uids. /rotic sexua" denia"+ :eepin& another person aroused hi!e de!a"in& or preventin& reso!ution of the fee!in&s) to :eep them in a continua! state of anticipator" tension and inner conf!ict) and hei&htened sensitivit". sensitivit". see a!so tease and denia! and chastit"5.
ano ther person for the sexua! arousa! or &ratification of either or /rotic span,ing+ The act of span:in& another both parties. 0etis$+ A specific obsession or de!i&ht in one obEect or experience. 0ire p"a&+ Fsin& fire as an imp!ement of B(S*. This can mean b!oin& the heat of a !i&ht torch onto a bottom) !i&htin& poo!s of fue! on the bottom$s s:in) !i&htin& !i&htin& f!ash cotton on the bottom) and other creative uses of heat. Cuppin& is usua!!" c onsidered an offshoot of firep!a") firep!a") a!thou&h in sensation it$s c!oser to the use of c!ips and c!amps. Fsua!!" considered ed&ep!a". 0isting+ A!so :non as handba!!in&) fist=fuc:in&) brachiova&ina!) or brachioproctic insertion5 A sexua! activit" that invo!ves insertin& a hand into the va&ina or rectum. 7nce insertion is comp!ete) the fin&ers either natura!!" c!ench into a fist or remain strai&ht. In more vi&orous forms of fistin&) such as Jpunchin& punchfistin& J) a fu!!" c!enched fist ma" be inserted and ithdran s!o!". istin& ma" be performed ith or ithout a partner. partner. 0"age""ation or "ogging+ The act of methodica!!" beatin& or hippin& the human bod") especia!!" in B(S* the buttoc:) thi&hs or breasts. Specia!ised imp!ements for it inc!ude rods) sitches and the cat o$ nine tai!s.
from spea:in&. is sometimes orn orn !ag+ *ethod or obEect used for restrainin& sub from durin& some bonda&e and B(S* ro!ep!a"s. a&s are usua!!" associated ith ro!ep!a"s invo!vin& bonda&e) but that is not necessari!" the case. Ima&e shos ba!! &a&.
!ame p"a&ing+ A situation situation in hich (om and sub or one a!one enters into a p!a" actin& state as rea!istic as practica! under the circumstances. ame p!a"in& m" be scripted or ad hoc) but the &enera! ru!es shou!d be a&reed upon beforehand. See #o"e p"a&ing. !ender-p"a& H ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H here one or more p!a"ers ta:e on ro!es of the opposite sex.
!enita" 1e2e""er&+ (A !so :non as sex Eee!!er" and adu!t Eee!!er"5 is Eee!!er" hich is desi&ned specifica!!" for ear on or to accentuate the &enita!s. In a ider sense a!so nipp!e rin&s and some butt=p!u&s ma" be ca!!ed &enita! Eee!!er". (ominant ma" re8uire submissive to ear &entia! Eee!r" as a part of demonstratin& contro! of sub.enita! Eee!!er" inc!udes coc: rin&s and va&ina! Eee!!er" as e!! as ana! piercin&s.
!enitorture+ Torture Torture of the &enita!s.
h erein H here a oman is seen as a pa&an deit". !oddess 2ors$ip+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein !ood pain (3)+ ood pain and bad pain are terms used !i&hthearted!" b" B(S* practitioners) si&nif"in& that hi!st B(S* ma" inc!ude an e!ement often 8uite p ronounced5 of consensua! pain) there is a purpose to it) and some pain is consented to and accepted hi!st other pain is not. Jood painJ is therefore pain that is mutua!!" a&reed) desired or permitted b" the submissive submissive partner to be experienced) and seen b" them as of enEo"ment or va!ue. !ood pain (')+ ood pain and bad pain refer to perception of pain as p!easant vs. unp!easant. Sensations that non=practitioners ima&ine to be painfu! are instead perceived and described b" B(S* practitioners as p!easurab!e or a &ood form of pain) in much the a" that musc!es after a or:out at the the &"m ma" be sore) but in a &ood a". The transition of perception from Jbad painJ to J&ood pa inJ ma" re8uire a arm up beforehand. !o"den s$o2ers+ Frinatin& on) or bein& urinated on o n b") another person. !orean+ A sub=&enre based upon the ritua!s and practices created ithin the or!d of or in the erotic nove!s b" Lohn >orman. orean cu!ture is based on stereot"pica! &ender based ro!es hich is considered b" man" to be in conf!ict ith B(S* here there is freedom for either &end er to act in an" ro!e *a!eema!e as either (omsub or Topbottom5 !unp"a&+ The practice of inc!udin& actua! or simu!ated5 firearms into a scene. airbrus$+ A hairbrush is a common imp!ement used for span:in& an d consists of a padd!e=shaped piece of ood or p!astic ith ri&id or soft brist!es brist!es on one side. and,erc$ie codes+ isib!e si&ns to indicate to others "our area of B(S* interest a co!or orn on the !eft indicates a top) on the ri&ht indicates a bottom. ard "imits+ hat someone abso!ute!" i!! not do non=ne&otiab!e. As opp osed to Jsoft !imits.J5 arem+ A &roup of subs servin& one or more dominants.
arness+ -nc!osin& the submissive in a set of usua!!" !eather5 bands for erotic purposes or to restrict mobi!it". mobi!it". See i!!ustration to the ri&ht. ospita" game+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H invo!vin& ro!e p!a"in& as doctors) nurses andor patients. umi"iate+ To cause the submissive to fee! shame. To hurt the p ride of the submissive. Actions to humi!iate the sub are &enera!!" not appropriate to the (om$s ro!e in nurturin& the submissive$s &roth. umi!iation ma" be used in &ame p!a"in& and shou!d be restricted thereto. Impact p"a&+ Part of sensation p!a") dea!in& ith impact such as hips) ridin& crops) padd!es) f!o&&ers) etc. Inanti"ism+ Parentchi!d or parentbab" ro!e p!a"in&. 4idnapped game+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H here the submissive p!a"er is abducted and forced to submit to to sex) e.&.) is bound rope) duct tape) bonda&e tape) handcuffs) etc.5 and &a&&ed duct tape &a&) bonda&e tape &a&) c!eave &a&) ba!! &a&) etc.5 and teased before the sexua! act. 4nie p"a&+ S!o) methodica! sensation of the bottom ith the ed&es and points of :n ives) usua!!" ithout cuttin& the s:in. ear of the eapon ea pon p!a"s a !ar&e part in the stimu!us of the bottom. 4nout+ A :nout QnaRt5 is a heav" scour&e=!i:e mu!tip!e hip) usua!!" made of a bunch of rahide thon&s attached to a !on& hand!e) sometimes ith meta! ire or hoo:s incorporated.
5eas$+ A!so ca!!ed !ead5 is a !en&th of rope) !eather) chain) or other f!exib!e materia! s"mbo!ica!!" orn b" the submissive partner. *ost !eashes attach to co!!ars or bod" harnesses) hi!e others !oop direct!" around the person$s nec:) rist) an:!e) or sometimes around the ma!e &enita!s or fema!e bod" piercin&s) e.&.) c!it rin&. Ima&e to the ri&ht shos fema!e submissive submissive on co!!ared !eash ith breast bonda&e.
5imits+ hat someone Jon$tJ do or is hesitant to do
mu!ti=tai!5 t"pe of hip made of a ooden hand!e of about 2# cm 1< %arinet+ A short) scour&e=!i:e mu!ti=tai!5 inches5 in !en&th and about 1< !ashes of e8ua!) re!ative!" short !en&th. The !ashes are usua!!" made of !eather) but sometimes soap=stiffened cords are used in p!ace of !eather. %asoc$ism+ Act of receivin& pain for sensua!sexua! p!easure.
sexua!!". %asoc$ist+ Person ho enEo"s pain) usua!!" sexua!!". %asters"ave+ A consensua! re!ationship in hich one person receives contro! the *aster5 hen &iven it b" another the s!ave5 for mutua! benefit. An extreme form of (s hich usua!!" invo!ves a 24+ re!ationship rather than a short period of time scene or p erhaps a ee: end.5 The s!ave i!! usua!!" accept a co!!ar from their *aster to sho that the" are oned. %ummiication+ Immobi!isin& the bod" b" rappin& it up) usua!!" ith mu!tip!e !a"ers of ti&ht thin p!astic sheetin&. Breathin& and other safet" measures must be appropriate!" ta:en care of) often b" !eavin& the face or at !east the mouth and nose5 open. Bod" temperature maintained to an extent b" movement5 ma" a!so be affected so a arm environment and arm aftercare ma" be important. *ummification is often used to enhance a fee!in& of tota! bodi!" he!p!essness) and incorporated ith sensation p!a". %unc$+ A &roup of peop!e that are into B(S* meetin& at a Jvani!!aJ p!ace in street=appropriate attire. Sometimes this is a c!ub. Gou Gou mi&ht see an announcement announ cement !i:e) JThis ee:end$s munch is at (enn"$sJ 6eed"e p"a&+ Temporar" piercin&s done ith steri!e need!es of var"in& &au&es) usua!!" on!" for the duration of a scene.
6ipp"e c"amp+ A c!amp that can be app!ied to the nipp!es of either men or omen. It is a sex to" hich can be attached to the nipp!es n ipp!es to create pain b" restrictin& b!ood f!o from erect nipp!es b" app!"in& pressure to them. S ome peop!e derive erotic p!easure from seein& nipp!e c!amps app!ied. The" are used in some B(S* activities) such as tit torture. The use of nipp!e c!amps is often portra"ed in the media as deviant or :in:" sexua! behavior. Ima&e to ri&ht9 Ima&e c!amps ith chain.
6ipp"e piercing+ A bod" piercin&) centered usua!!" at the base of the nipp!e. It can be pierced at an" an&!e but is usua!!" done horiDonta!!" or) !ess often) vertica!!".
6ose torture+ A traditiona!!" Lapanese form of B(S* often invo!vin& nose hoo:s. 7T4+ 7ver the :nee span:in&5.
Padd"e+ (evice for use in span:in&. A f!at ide norma!!" ooden board ith hand!e. *a" a !so be broad thic: !eather obEect ith hand!e.
nec essari!" enEo" Pains"ut+ A person ho enEo"s receivin& a heav" de&ree of pain but ma" or ma" not necessari!" submittin&. P"a& part&+ A B(S* event invo!vin& man" peop!e en&a&in& in scenes. ProDom+ *a!e professiona! dominant char&es mone"5 ProDomme+ ema!e professiona! dominant char&es mone"5 Pon&gir" or Pon&bo&+ Sub is dressed in a po n" outfit) ith mouth bit and ana! p!u& ith a tai!. The" are to!d to prance or behave behav e !i:e a pon". Pup-p"a&+ Sub is made to act !i:e a pupp". Sub bar:s) hines) eats from a bo!) etc. Such p!a" is sexua!) but a!so focuses on the a!tered mind=space of bottompup and the comp!ete dominance of hisher Trainer*aster.
Aare Consensua! ;in: #AC4 = %is: Aare #ape antas& game+ A &ame H as defined herein = here here one ro!e p!a"er fei&ns bein& coerced into into an une!come sex act perpetrated b" the other ro!e p!a"ers5. #ape antas&8 ravis$ment+ The p!easurab!e fantas" of inf!ictin& or bein& a victim to an act of consensua! p!a"=rape. #o"e p"a&ing+ The act of p!a"in& out a ro!e in a &ame. See !ame p"a&ing 5. %o!es can be &enera! desi&nations of poer positions) or ver" specific) detai!ed fantasies. Some peop!e) such as those !ivin& the orean !ifest"!e ma:e use of an entire ima&inar" or!d. The contro!!in& p!a"er is often ca!!ed the top or dominant hi!e the contro!!ed individua! is c a!!ed the bottom or submissive. It can be considered con sidered dan&erous and therefore a safeord is advised to continue the safet" of others5 in such acts. Sadism+ The act of inf!ictin& pain. Sadist+ Person ho enEo"s inf!ictin& pain) usua!!" sexua!!". Sae8 sane and consensua"+ SSC5 a credo used b" b " some B(S* practitioners to determine the appropriateness of B(S* p!a". Sometimes contrasted to %AC; ris: aare consensua! :in:5. Sae2ord = A codeord a bottom can use to force B(S* activit" to stop = used especia!!" in scenes hich ma" invo!ve consensua! force.
Scat p"a&+ eces p!a" Scene+ A time period of B(S* activities. A!so used to refer to the B(S* communit" Jthe SceneJ5.
h and!e. ariants9 ariants9 Scottish Scourge+ A corporea! punshment device that has severa! thon&s fastened to a hand!e. tase usua!!" to or three !eather thon&s ithout a separate hand!e5 cat o$ nine tai!s9 nava! thic:=rope :notted=end scour&e. Sensation p"a&+ B(S* p!a" here the intent is to push peop!e$s sensor" !imits) thus exp!orin& texture) sensor" depriva!) throu&h to hips) f!a&&i!!ation and ed&ep!a" ed&ep!a ". Service-oriented submission+ A person ho enEo"s performin& a service in a sexua! or B(S* environment
Sex mac$ine+ A!so :non as a fuc:in& machine5 A mechanica! device used to simu!ate human sexua! intercourse. It is a more sophisticated version of the vibrator. vibrator. These devices ma" be used in B(S* p!a".
submissive5 ho consensua!!" &ives up tota! contro! of one or more aspects of S"ave+ A person usua!!" submissive5 their !ife to another person their *aster5 S"eepsac,s+ A t"pe of bonda&e &ear. S!eepsac:s are primari!" used to confine a person comfortab!" for an extended period of time. Simi!ar to a conventiona! s!eepin& ba&) a person c!imbs into a s!eepsac: and is usua!!" Dipped into it up to their nec:. enera!!" s!eepsac:s are ver " ti&ht on the bod") addin& to the bonda&e aspect of the experience.
S"ing urniture+ A suspended) free=sin&in& chair) bed) or hammoc: that is made of a frameor: connected to han&in& straps or rope. hen attached to po!es or a frame for carr"in&) a s!in& becomes beco mes a stretcher) a simp!e form of !itter. !itter. Fsusa!!" combined ith bonda&e usin& the s!in& as support.
Sot 5imits+ Somethin& that someone is hesitant to do or nervous to tr". tr". The" can sometimes be ta!:ed into the activit") activit") or preferab!" it ma" be ne&otiated at a tria! or be&inner !eve! into a scene. Span,ing+ The act of hittin& a submissive$s bod" H usua!!") but not a!a"s on the buttoc:s = ith an open hand or a variet" of span:in& imp!ements) imp!ements) such as a be!t) padd!e) hair brush) cane) ridin& crop) hip) sitch birch) snea:ers) ro!!ed=up nespaper) ru!er or martinet. Span:in& ma" be administered to bare buttoc:s or norma!!" dressed.. Span:in& p ositions inc!ude but are not !imited to9
7ver the :nee7T;5 over the !ap !"in& prone p rone bent over under the span:er$s arm throu&h the !e&s of the span:er :nee!in& on a bed or ottoman) stooped over ith the hands on the f!oor be!o over the span:er$s shou!der or on bac: ith !e&s vertica!. Span:in& can invo!ve the submissive in bonda&e.
Span,ing benc$ or span:in& horse is a piece of furniture used to position a submissive on) ith or ithout restraints. The" come in man" siDes and st"!es) the most popu!ar of hich is simi!ar to a sahorse ith a padded top and rin&s for restraints. A!so see @ @ooden ooden horse. ho rse.
Span,ing S,irt+ a!so ca!!ed a span: s:irt5 has an additiona! openin& in bac: desi&ned to expose the buttoc:s. hi!e the name span: s:irt su&&ests that the earer cou!d be span:ed Jbare bottomJ ithout removin& or repositionin& the s:irt.
Spreader bar+ An artic!e of bonda&e e8uipment consistin& of a meta! or ooden bar) ith attachment points for bonda&e cuffs at each end) hich can be fastened to rists) an:!es or :nees to ho!d them apart. The" are used in bonda&e bonda &e p!a") and sometimes in bedroom bonda&e) usua!!" in association association ith other other bonda&e e8uipment. hen app!ied to the rists) a bar :eeps the arms spread aa " from the bod") providin& an unimpeded access to the subEect$s torso. hen app!ied to the an:!es or beteen the :nees) it immobi!iDes the subEect b" preventin& a!! but the most a:ard a!:in&) and :eepin& the !e&s spread to a!!o unimpeded access to the subEect$s &roin and trun:. If bars are app!ied beteen the :nees and beteen the an:!es) the subEect ma" be forced to bend their :nees) ma:in& a!:in& even harder. A pair of bars ma" ho!d the subEect in a spreadea&!e position. Ima&es9 %i&ht. Suspended on tiptoes ith an:!e spreader bar and ba!! &a&. Be!o9 An:!e spreader bar app!ied ith ropes and :eepin& :nees spread exposin& crotch.
Strapping+ A form of span:in& invo!vin& use of a strap !i:e device H usua!!" !eather and stiffened = inc!udin& be!t) tase) etc. Subdrop+ A ph"sica! condition) often ith co!d= or f!u=!i:e s"mptoms) experienced b " a submissive after an intense session of B(S* p!a". This can !ast for as !on& as a ee:) and is best prevented b" aftercare immediate!" after the session.
Submissive+ JsubJ for short. Person that &ives up contro! either a!! the time or for a specified period >ot to be confused ith JbottomJ or Js!ave.J5 Subspace+ A Jnatura! hi&hJ that a sub or bottom5 &ets durin& a scene or hen bein& contro!!ed. The sub ma" fee! disconnected from time) space) andor their bod") and ma" have !imited abi!it" to communicate. It is critica! that a (omme5top ta:e responsibi!it" for the subbottom and be aare of their sub$s e!!bein& if the" are in subspace.
Suspension+ an&in& submissive off of f!oor b" use arms) !e&s) torso usin& robes) chains or devices specifica!!" desi&ned for suspendin&. Suspension ma" inc!ude bonda&e and be used for purpose of :eepin& submissive immobi!e durin& torture or sex.
Suction+ App!"in& a &!ass or p!astic bu!b to the submissive and evacuatin& it to suc: the f!esh into the bu!b. Fsua!!" done to the nipp!es or c!itoris. c !itoris. Fsed as pain inf!iction. I!!ustration
S2itc$+ Someone ho !i:es bein& both top and bottom) either in one scene or on different occasions. Ta,en in $and9 24+ *a!e dominance in mono&amous marria&e) ith or ithout B(S* aspects. Tease and denia"+ ;eepin& another person aroused hi!e de!a"in& or preventin& reso!ution of the
fee!in&s) to :eep them in a continua! state of anticipator" tension and inner conf!ict) and hei&htened sensitivit". sensitivit". see a!so or&asm denia!5. de nia!5. Tit torture+ %efers to an" of severa! erotic activities focusin& so!e!" on inf!ictin& pain on the breast) nipp!es) and areo!a for sexua! &ratification. It is often used in conEunction ith breast bonda&e) hich focuses on the restraint of the area. Ima&es be!o9 /eft. /eft. ot ax and c!othes pins on nipp!es. %i&ht -!ectrica! shoc: to nipp!es.
T6!+ The >ext eneration. A ta& common!" used b" &roups and or&aniDations hich cater to "oun&er peop!e invo!ved in B(S*) t"pica!!" a&es 1,H3#. Top+ Person Jdoin& the actionJ contrast ith bottom = person receivin& the action.5 >ot to be confused ith (om hich is the person ho Jputs the scene toðerJ. A ma!e (om cou!d enEo" CBT and te!! a sub hat the" are to do. In this case the Top is the submissive fo!!oin& fo!!oin& the direction of the (om5 (o m5 and the bottom is the (om receivin& the attention of the top5 Topping rom t$e bottom+ A bottom ho purports to be a submissive but ho nonethe!ess ants to direct the top. TP/ or Tota" po2er exc$ange+ a re!ationship here the dominant or oner has comp!ete authorit" and inf!uence over the submissive$s !ife) ma:in& the maEorit" of decisions.
do minant Training+ -ither referrin& to a short period of time a scene5 or an on&oin& effort of the dominant teachin& the submissive ho to act. 9niorm etis$ game+ ame p!a"in& H as defined herein H here one participant dresses in uniform for instance as a student) cheer!eader) rench maid) etc.5) hi!e the dominant participant p!a"s an authorit" fi&ure a parent) teacher) coach) po!ice officer) etc.5.
A!ternative!")) sexua! behaviour hich does not encompass :ani""a+ Someone ho is not into B(S*. A!ternative!" B(S* activit". activit". The term is sometimes used in a dero&ator" sense. be& innin& of a B(S* scene hich invo!ves &ent!e p!a") a!!oin& the ;arm up+ The period at a be&innin& bottom to be&in endorphin production) enter subspace) and under&o ph"sio!o&ica! chan&es such as
brin&in& f!uids to the surface before impact p!a"5 that i!! accommodate more intense p!a". ;IIT;D+ hat it is that e do. A broad term referrin& to a!! forms of a!ternative sexua!it". ;ax p"a&+ The top drips hot ax on the submissive$s bod" parts. ;$ip 9 An instrument for corporea! punishment. hips are &enera!!" of to t"pes) either a firm stic: device desi&ned to stri:e direct!") or a f!exib!e hip hich must be sun& in a specific manner to be effective) but has a !on&er reach. There are a!so hips hich combine both a firm stic: and a f!exib!e !ine. A specific variant on the hip is a !en&th !en& th of sin&!e or fo!ded over rubber) vin"! or p!astic covered e!ectrica! cord. ;ooden $orse A!so :non as Spanish don:e"5 is a device used to constrain the submissive hi!e app!"in& corporea! punishment) usua!!" to the buttoc:s. The ooden horse is a sharp!" an&!ed device ith the sharp point of the an&!e pointin& upard) mounted on a sa=horse !i:e support. The victim is made to stradd!e the trian&u!ar JhorseJ and p!ace her fu!! bod" ei&ht on her vu!va) hich rested on the point of the an&!e. ei&hts or additiona! restraints ere often added to :eep the victim from fa!!in& fa!!in& off. See i!!ustration to the ri&ht.
Attac$ment B. Submissive Bi"" 7 #ig$ts
As a submissive "ou are not !ess than an" other human bein& and "ou brin& somethin& specia! to a re!ationship. A dominant needs "our submission in order to be ab!e to p!a" or interact in a (s re!ationship. Gou Gou have the ri&ht to be treated ith the respect for that specia! trait of submission "ou possess.
As a submissive "ou have the ri&ht and the dut" to be proud of ho "ou are. Gou Gou need never fee! shame sha me for this ever a&ain and shou!d never a!!o an"one to diminish ho or hat "ou are.
Gou have this ri&ht irrespective or hether "ou are submissive. Gou Gou have the choice as a sub to choose someone ho i!! ma:e "ou fee! safe as this is "our so!e choice and "ou need never be in a position here fear is a!! "ou :no. If "ou are) this means "ou have no one to b!ame but "ourse!f for not choosin& the ri&ht dominant and for not n ot !eavin& hen "ou find that this is his or her st"!e of dominance. If "ou are in a position here "ou are bein& he!d a&ainst "our i!!) "ou need to find a a" of escape or indicatin& distress at the first avai!ab!e opportunit". opportunit".
As a submissive "ou have a ri&ht to "our on fee!in&s and to express them. It does not matter hether the" are positive or ne&ative) the" need to be discussed henever the" happen for "ou. Submission does not or: in the absence of communication. Gour (om cannot contro! "our !ife and ma:e &ood decisions that i!! not harm "ou if "ou do not share the fee!in&s "ou are fee!in&.
e shou!d chan&e this to9 Gou Gou have the ri&ht to use a safe ord. >o never means that a dominant or master i!! stop an"thin& = remember e te!! them to i&nore us hen e use that ord. It is "our responsibi!it" to ma:e sure that "ou do not do an"thin& "ou do not ant to. Subs shou!d discuss ne&ative fee!in&s or experiences ith somethin& ith their master in a respectfu! a". a". The idea is not to be harmed) but to communicate open!". Subs a!so need to ma:e sure that activities activities the" do not enEo" are not part of the master$s :in:s so that this do es not happen fre8uent!".
%emember that "ou chose this !ifest"!e because "ou eren$t happ" ith peop!e ho did not :no ho to hand!e "our submission. %emember that "ou discovered &reat Eo" hen "ou found out that "ou ere not Eust need" or codependent. codependen t. Gou Gou have the ri&ht to e nEo" this !ifest"!e and fee! a!! the Eo" "ou are &ettin&. It too: &uts to admit "our submission and "ou are a!!oed to pic: the fruits of honest". honest".
Gou have the ri&ht to communicate open!" and honest!" and to have sa" in an" re!ationship = a re!ationship b" definition is a to a" street and shou!d never be one sided. Gou Gou need to ma:e sure that "ou ma:e "our needs :non and that "ou ma:e sure that "ou are a!a"s present in the re!ationship. Subs a!so have this ri&ht but the" exercise the ri&ht hen the" choose a dominant or master. Gour Gour needs) desires and ants shou!d be discussed in detai! before an" co!!ar is p!aced around "our nec:.
As a submissive "ou fina!!" can exercise this ri&ht. Gou Gou are no in a fami!" of peop!e ho fee! the same a" "ou do and ho understand ho and hat "ou are. Gou Gou i!! be!on& to that specia! dominant soon or ma" a!read" be!on& to someone.
Gou have the ri&ht to be !oved for "our submission and to !ove the person ho i!! contro! "our !ife and use "ou to serve them. /ove is somethin& that happens in most (s re!ationships contrar" to hat "ou mi&ht have heard. /ove a!so ma:es "ou submission b!oom. %emember that subs sometimes have different ideas of hat !ove !oo:s !i:e. The" mi&ht ant someone ho humi!iates and hurts them and does obEectif" them. To them that mi&ht sho !ove. >ever !oo: don on hat others perceive as !ove and ce!ebrate the differences.
In fact) "ou have a dut" to be hea!th". ea!th is a re8uirement for subs and this is not ne&o tiab!e. Gou Gou have to ma:e sure that "ou are in a hea!th" re!ationship and that "ou do not &et abused.
Gou have a ri&ht to remain hea!th") hea!th") but "ou a!so have a responsibi!it" to ensure that an" sexua! partners "ou ma" come into contact ith can trust "ou to be responsib!e sexua!!" and to not be the carrier of a sexua!!" transmitted disease.
Attac$ment C. Discip"ine8 Contro" or !enera" P"a& %et$ods and Instruments (urin& the course of sex) sex) &ame p!a"in& or discip!ine and the fo!!oin& activities activities or instruments ma" be emp!o"ed) sin&u!ar!" or in combination) except as !isted in ard /ist of Submissive. Submissive. Para&raph terms are as defined in !ossar" of Terms Terms Attachment A to basic a&reement.5 Abrasion to an" externa! bod" part or va&ina or rectum. Biting of an" externa! bod" part) but not to cause the s:in to brea:. B"indo"ding for duration of an" ac tivit" or period se!ected. Bondage for restrain inc!udin& durin& sex) discip!ine or &ame p!a"in&. Bondage be"ts H use of permitted. Bondage cus H use of permitted. Bondage $arness H use of permitted. Bondage rope $arness H use of permitted. Branding H use of permitted to buttoc:s or breasts. Breast bondage H use of permitted. Butt p"ug H use of permitted. Caging H use of permitted. Caning = use of permitted for corporea! punishment or &ame p!a"in&) inc!udin& devices of simi!ar simi!ar nature to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts) hand pa!ms) feet bottoms. Cat o nine tai"s H use of permitted permitted for corporea! punishment or &ame p!a"in&) inc!udin& devices of simi!ar nature to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts) abdomen. C"ipping H use of permitted permitted to an" externa! bod" part inc!udin& inc!udin& &enita!ia and breast nipp!es.
specifica!!" permitted and inc!udes !abia maEora and !abia minora) in addition addition to C"it c"ipping = use of specifica!!" c!itoris. See @C!ippin& in !ossar" of Terms5 Co"d corporea" punis$ment = use of permitted to buttoc:s and breasts. Co""ar = use of permitted in private as directed b" (om. (om (om ma" re8uire s"mbo!ic @co!!ar e)&). cho:er nec:!ace5 be orn hen in pubic.
Crop H use of permitted for corporea! punishment or &ame p!a"in&) inc!udin& devices of simi!ar nature to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts) abdomen) hand pa!ms or feet bottoms. Crotc$ roping = use of permitted. Douc$e = Douc$e = use of permitted. Dungeons or simi!ar faci!ities) inc!udin& c!ub or renta!s = use of permitted. /"ectrostimu"ation = use of permitted. /"ectric p"a& = p"a& = use of permitted. /nema = /nema = use of permitted. /rotic sexua" denia" = denia" = use of permitted. 0ire p"a& = p"a& = use of >7T permitted. 0"age""atio"ogging H use of for corporea! punishment or &ame p!a"in& to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) sides5) breasts) abdomen usin& an" instrument suitab!e and defined in !ossar" of Terms. !ag= use of permitted. !ame p"a&ing inc!udin& a!! &ames !isted in !ossar" of Terms !enita" 1e2e""er& H re8uirin& sub to obtain at (om$s cost and use) e.&.) c!it rin&. !enitorture = use of permitted to inc!ude c!ippin&) span:in&) bitin&) bitin&) pinchin&) hot ax) !o"den s$o2ers to be produced b" (om on sub or vice versa. !un p"a& = use of >7T permitted.
pu nishment and app!ied to buttoc:s) thi&hs or breasts. airbrus$ H use of permitted for corporea! punishment arness H use of permitted. 4nout H use of permitted for corporea! punishment pu nishment and app!ied to buttoc:s) thi&hs or breasts.
private settin&s or scenes. 5eas$ H use of permitted in private %arinet H use of permitted for corporea! punishment an d app!ied to buttoc:s) thi&hs or breasts. 6eed"e p"a& H use of permitted. 6ipp"e c"amps H use of permitted ith or ithout chains. *a" be used as a form of !eash connection. 6ipp"e piercing H to be ac8uired and maintian maintian as re8uired b" (om at (oms expense.
Padd"e H use of permitted for corporea! punishment or &ame p!a"in&) inc!udin& devices of simi!ar nature to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts) hand pa!ms or feet bottoms.
p unishment or &ame p!a"in&) inc!udin& devices of simi!ar Scourge H use of permitted for corporea! punishment nature to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts or abdomen. Sex mac$ine H use of permitted. S"eepsac,s H use of permitted. S"ing urniture H use of permitted sin&!" or in combination ith other bonda&e devices. Span,ing H use of permitted ith an" instruments defined herein and suitab!e for such use. Span,ing benc$ = use of permitted. Span,ing s,irt H use of permitted. Spreader bar H use of permitted sin&!") in combinations or in combination ith other bonda&e devices.
pun ishment or &ame p!a"in& usin& appropriated devices Strapping H use of permitted for corporea! punishment app!ied to buttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts) hand pa!ms or feet b ottoms. Suspension H use of permitted sin&!" or in combination ith other bonda&e devices. Suction H use of permitted to nipp!es or &enita!s. Tit torture H use of permitted ;ax p"a& H use of permitted ;$ip (2$ipping) H use of permitted for corporea! punishment p unishment or &ame p!a"in& usin& appropriated devices to this c!ass and app!ied to buttoc:s) b uttoc:s) thi&hs a!! sides5) breasts) hand pa!ms or feet bottoms. ;ooden $orse H use of permitted
I understand and a&ree to the use of the discip!ine) contro! or &enera ! p!a" methods and instruments stated above as exc!ude b" the Submissive ard /imits /ist or aivers To To Standard Terms of A&reement ?????????????????????????????? on this the ???????? da" of ????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of Submissive
I understand and a&ree to the use of the discip!ine) contro! or &enera ! p!a" methods and instruments stated above as exc!ude b" the Submissive ard /imits /ist or aivers To To Standard Terms of A&reement?????????????????????????????? A&reement??????????????????????????? ??? on this the ???????? da" of ?????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of (ominant
Attac$ment D. Sexua" Intercourse Positions
umpbac,ed Bridge 9 (om i!! re8uire stoo! stoo! support beneath his bac: for this position. Sub i!! i!! stradd!e (om and &ent!" contro! the movements. move ments. The Sub i!! provide both a &rindin& move ment a!ternated ith up and don. Submissive must ab!e to ta:e most of "our on ei&ht durin& this sexua! event. *a" invo!ve ana! penetration vs va&ina!.
!oing ome+ A cushion i!! be p!aced under the Sub$s bottom to raise her hips s!i&ht!". The Sub moves her pe!vis) one a" and then the other. *a" invo!ve ana! penetration vs. va&ina!.
5a>& Aternoon+ The (om is on his side. The Submissive on her bac: !e&s over (om$s hips. (om penetrates Sub. *ovements are minima!. ands are used for caresses. (om ma" masturbate masturbate submissive. *a" invo!ve ana! penetration versus va&ina!.
Scandinavian+ Submissive :nee!s astride (om ith her bac: to him. (om ho!ds her aist and thrusts) hi!e she s!ides up and don on top of him. The submissive$s hands i!! p!a" ith her (om$s scrotum and anus hi!e en&a&ed in sex act. (om i!! caress Sub and ma" pu!! her hair or breasts.
h oss !"in& on Scissors+ (om :nee!s at the ed&e of the bed) tab!e) or other support in front of his Sub) ho her bac:. (om ho!ds her !e&s apart b" &rabbin& onto her an:!es and he enters her. Penetration is t"pica!!" ver" deep. (om ma" re8uire Sub to fond!e her breasts) massa&e her mons pubis c!it or simp!" !ie sti!!.
(o m for impromptu sex an" p!ace an" time of his choosin&. ?uic,ie+ This position ma" be used b" (om (om and Sub stand face to face) the (om stimu!ates his partner$s &enita!s ith his penis and then penetrates her. her. (ue to simi!arit" of hei&hts) Sub i!! &enera!!" be earin& sti!etto sti!etto hee!s hen this techni8ue is emp!o"ed.
S"ide+ The sub !ies on top of the (om ith her !e&s open to a!!o penetration. 7nce her (om is inside her) she then c!oses her !e&s ti&ht and s!ides her bod " up and don a&ainst her (oms (oms bod".
6e2tons App"e+ The (om stands up) a!!oin& his Sub to rap her !e&s around his aist) hi!e he supports her bottom and bac:. The (om ma" chose to rest the Sub$s bac: a&ainst a a!!.
opscotc$+ The (om :nee!s up and penetrates his Submissive) hos hos !a"in& on her bac: ith her feet a&ainst his chest. (om contro!s the thrustin&) hi!e his Sub i!! user her hands to ander a!! over his h is bod". bod". Penetration is ver" deep. *a" invo!ve ana! vs va&ina! penetration.
An1ou-St&"e+ The (om and Sub >ata!ia !ie don on their sides ith the Subs bottom a&ainst (om$s pe!vis. (om enters her from behind and caresses her and :isses her breasts.
6or2egian Cross+ Sub >ata!ia !ies on her bac: ith one !e& strai&ht and the other bent at the :nee. er (om sits on the outstretched !e&) ith one :nee under her thi&h) maintainin& his ba!ance ith one hand p!aced behind him.
S ubmissive uses T$e C$air+ (om sits on a chair ith his Submissive on his !ap) ith her bac: to him. Submissive the stren&th in her !e&s to ma:e an up=and=don movement) hi!e (om caresses ca resses her c!itoris and breasts. She ma" need to !ean forard a !itt!e for easier penetration.
T$e P"oug$. The Submissive !ies on her front and ta:es her ei&ht ei&ht on her forearms on the the ed&e of the bed or other support. er (om !ifts her !e&s and :eeps them apart as he enters her from behind) contro!!in& the movement hi!e she remains sti!!.
C$ristian Position. The Submissive !ies on her bac: ith her !e&s open) hi!e her (om !ies beteen her !e&s and enters her.
9p 0or It+ The Submissive !ies on her bac: ith her :nees dran up to her chest. er (om :nee!s next to her and enters her) supportin& himse!f ith one hand and usin& the other hand to ho!d the Subs thi&hs. The submissive i!! use her free hands to caress her (om$s testic!es.
Dont !o+ The (om !ies on his side) ith his Submissive !"in& head to tai! a&ainst him) ith her !e&s rapped around his hips. As he thrusts) she can rub her breasts a&ainst his !e&s. The (om ma" caress his partner$s bottom or penetrate her anus ith his fin&ers.
variation on the missionar" position. The Su !ies ith her !e&s open) ith cushions cushions p!aced T$e Beat+ A variation under her bottom to ti!t her va&ina for deeper penetration. The (om !ies on top of her and enters her) ta:in& his ei&ht on his arms and contro!!in& the movements.
T$e 0an+ Submissive stands ith her bac: to her (om. She bends her :nees and rests them on the ed&e of a chair and crosses her arms on the bac: of the chair to support herse!f. The (om enters her from behind and contro!s the movement) caressin& her c!itoris and breasts ith his hands. Penetration Penetration in this position ma" invo!ve va&ina or anus.
T$e Snai"+ /"in& f!at) the Submissive pu!!s her :nees into her chest and thros her feet o ver the shou!ders of her (om. e :nee!s in front of her and enters her) ta:in& his ei&ht on his hands) on either side of her shou!ders. Penetration in this position ma" invo!ve va&ina or anus
5a>& Submissive+ The (om :nee!s up and !eans bac:) ta:in& his ei&ht on his hands behind him. is submissive !ies bac:) ith her head on a cushion and her bac: comp!ete!" f!at. She bends her :nees either side of her (oms hips in order to p!ace the va&ina at an optima! an&!e for penetration. ith (om$s permission the Submissive ma" caress her breasts and c!itoris durin& penetration.
Doggie+ The submissive is on a!!=fours) ta:in& her ei&ht on her forearms. er (om :nee!s behind her and enters her hi!e caressin& her breasts and c !itoris.
5a>& Dom+ The (om !ies bac: ith his !e&s over the ed&e of the bed and his feet on the f!oor. f!oor. is Submissive sits astride him) ith her bac: to him) and co ntro!s the movement ith her !e&s ide open so she can a!so p!a" ith his testic!es and ith (om$s permission) her on c!itoris. 7ne variation on this position is for the Sub to ta:e her ei&ht on her :nees) hich i!! enab!e her to move more easi!".
sidea"s) ith his ei&ht on one arm behind him and his :nees bent) restin& Picotti+ The (om sits sidea"s) one on the f!oor. is Submissive sits on him) ith her bac: to him and !eans onto her forearms) roc:in& herse!f on her arms and contro!!in& the rh"thm of penetration. ith his free hands) the (om i!! caress the oman$s breasts and bottom and possib!" p ossib!" provide ana! stimu!ation
S$ip At Sea+ The (om !ies on his bac:) ith his Submissive sittin& on him) ith her feet on the f!oor next to his bod". She uses her thi&hs to move herse!f up and don and has her hands han ds free to caress herse!f partner ith her (om$s (o m$s permission.
0rom Be$ind+ The (om stands up ith his bac: a&ainst a a!! and enters his Submissive from behind. e contro!s the thrusts as he ho!ds onto her thi&hs. *a" invo!ve va&ina! or ana! an a! penetration.
Ba"ancing Act+ The (om !ies on his bac: ith his :nees raised) hi!st his Submissive sits beteen his !e&s. er (om ho!ds her around around the aist to he!p her maintain her ba!ance. The Submissive Submissive i!! use a free hand to caress her (om$s testic!es.
h oss :nee!in& in ang a ngiing + The Submissive !ies don and rests one !e& on the shou!der of her (om) ho front of her. er (om enters her) :eepin& himse!f stead" ith one hand on the an:!e over his shou!der and the other on her :nee. The Sub i!! her hands free to p!a" ith her (om$s testic!es andor) ith her (om$s permission) her c!itoris.
T$e Toad+ The (om sits on the ed&e of the bed) ith his feet on the &round and his bac: supported. is Submissive sits on him) ith her bac: to him) h er :nees bent and her feet on the bed either side of of him. She pushes ith her hands and uses her thi&hs to move herse!f up and don. er (om ma" he!p her ith the movements b" !iftin& her up. The (om ma" a!so caress her breasts and c!itoris in this position.
The Co!umn9 The (om and Sub are standin&) the S in front ith her bac: b ac: to her (om) arms intertined to maintain ba!ance. er (om enters enters her from behind) hi!e she arches her bac:. The Sub can a!so !ean forards onto a a!! or tab!e as directed b" the (om..
T$e Cand"e+ The Submissive !ies on her bac: ith her head on a cushion and her pe!vis raised b" another) thinner cushion on the ed&e of the bed. She roc:s bac: and dras her :nees into her chest so her (om) :nee!in& next to her) can enter her.
T$e Bas,et+ The (om sits on the f!oor or on a firm mattress) ith one !e& outstretched and the o ther bent at the :nee to maintain his ba!ance. is Submissive sits astride astride him) hi!e he ho!ds her hips and pu!!s her onto him for deep penetration. The Submissive is in in contro! and can var" her movements to brin& them both to a c!imax.
Spanis$ 7me"ette+ The (om is sittin&) ith his ei&ht on his ri&ht arm and his !e&s outstretched. is Submissive sits astride him) ith her bac: to him and !eans forards) supportin& herse!f on her arms. The submissive contro!s the movement. The (om i!! provide caresses and po ssib!e ana! stimu!ation.
Submissive sits T$e C"ip+ The (om !ies don ith his !e&s outstretched and c!osed toðer. is Submissive astride him and !eans bac:) usin& her arms for support. hi!e she contro!s the movements) her (om can) and !i:e!" i!!) p!a" ith her c!itoris.
T$e ;$isper+ The (om s!ides beteen the !e&s of his Submissive) hos !"in& !"in& on her side ith her :nees bent and her an:!es an :!es crossed) &rippin& him ith her thi&hs.
T$e C$a""enge+ The Submissive stands on a sturd" chair or other !o sturd" obEect and !eans forard in a sittin& position) ith her feet on the seat and her e!bos on her :nees. er (om enters her from behind and :eeps a firm ho!d of her aist to he!p her :eep her ba!ance.
other. The (om s!ides his thi&hs T$e !rip+ The (om and Submissive both :nee! don) facin& each other. beteen his Submissive$s !e&s and enters her. her.
T$e ;$ee"barro2+ The Submissive ta:es her ei&ht on her arms and one :nee) hi!e her (om :nee!s behind her. e ta:es ho!d of her hips and enters her. her. This position is 8uite tirin& tirin& for the submissive and and she is expected to train hard to be ab!e to maintain this position for a !on& period.
T$e Spider+ The (om sits ith his !e&s out in front of him) !eanin& bac: on his hands) hich are stretched out behind him. is Submissive sits astride him and roc:s her p e!vis) ta:in& her ei&ht on her arms and !e&s and brin&in& them both to a c!imax.
Tota" Abandon+ The submissive !ies on a cushion on the f!oor or on a ver" firm mattress) ith her :nees bent. er (om s!ides in beteen her thi&hs and enters her) pu!!in& her don onto him.
T$e Sp$&nx+ The Submissive !ies on her tumm") ith her ei&ht on her forearms and one !e& bent out to the side. er (om is on top of her and enters her from behind) b ehind) ta:in& his ei&ht on his arms.
T$e Transat"antic+ The (om sits ith his ei&ht on his hands and his !e&s stretched out in front of him. is Submissive !eans bac: on cushions) ith h er feet over her (oms shou!ders) contro!!in& the movements ith her hips.
h is Submissive astride him. She !eans ri&ht bac:) restin& T$e ;atera""+ The (om sits on a chair ith his her head on a cushion on the f!oor) hi!e he ta:es contro! of the thrustin& and caresses her breasts.
aa") !eanin& T$e otdog+ The (om !ies on his bac:) ith his Submissive on top of him. Shes facin& aa") on her e!bos) and her :nees are bent ith her feet restin& on his :nees. e enters her from behind and contro!s the movements as he ho!ds onto her aist. The Submissive !ifts her pe!vis up then pushes it don into her (om to a!!o deeper penetration.
T$e Do"p$in+ The Submissive !ies don on the bed then !ifts her hips and ta:es her ei&ht on her head and shou!ders. er (om :nee!s in front of her and enters her) supportin& her pe!vis ith his hands. The (om i!! c!imax them ver" 8uic:!" in this position as its difficu!t to maintain for !on& due to the stress on his Submissive$s nec:.
T$e #ide+ The (om !ies on his bac:) ith his Submissive :nee!in& astride him) facin& his feet. She contro!s the movements b" pushin& up and an d don. The Sub i!! fond!e her (om$s testic!es and m" ith his permission massa&e her c!itoris.
T$e 5otus+ The (om sits cross=!e&&ed) ith his Submissive sittin& on him ith her !e&s rapped around his aist. e he!ps her to move her hips ith his hands.
T$e #ig$t Ang"e+ The Submissive !ies on her bac:) ith her bottom at the ed&e of the bed or tab!e. er (om enters her hi!e caressin& her breasts or c!itoris. At the discretion of the (om) this position ma" be done ithout thrustin&) viD.) the Submissive i!! &rip ho!d of her (om b" crossin& crossin& her an:!es behind his bac: and pressin& him a&ainst her) movin& her pe!vis to c!imax.
T$e Trip+ The (om sits on a chair) ith his Submissive astride him on his !ap. hi!e she roc:s her hips) he nipp!es her breasts and &uide her movements ith his hands.
Spooning+ The (om and Submissive !ie cur!ed up) side b" side) ith the Submissive facin& aa" from her (om. She pushes her hips h ips into her partners and raps her !e&s around his so he can enter her more easi!". easi!". (urin& sex) the (om$s hands are free to caress his partner$s breasts and c!itoris as he ta:es contro! of the movement.
The Star9 The Submissive !ies on her bac:) ith one !e& outstretched and the other bent at the :nee. er (om enters her) puttin& one !e& under her raised thi&h an d ta:in& his ei&ht on his arms behind him.
h er hands) ith her arms outstretched on the Indian eadstand+ The Submissive ta:es her ei&ht on her bed. er (om stands on the f!oor) !iftin& !iftin& his Submissive$s hips) hi!e she puts her !e&s under his his arms. The Submissive needs a !ot of stren&th and f!exibi!it" for this position and i!! need to train for it routine!".
Attac$ment /. Submissives ard 5imits I) ????????????????????????) herein :non as @sub) dec!are the fo!!oin& to be hard !imits of behavior) activit") activit") e8uipa&e and devices that are not to be indu!&ed or used b" (om ith re&ard to sub at an" time.
I ?????????????????????????????? ) sub) dec!are the above to be m" ishes on this the ???????? da" of ????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of Submissive
I ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????) ???) (om) a&ree to not to vio!ate hard !imits stated above on this the ???????? da" of ?????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of (ominant.
Attac$ment 0 ;aivers To Standard Sta ndard Terms o Agreement I) ????????????????????????) herein :non as @sub) and I ??????????????????????????) :non as @(om) dec!are and a&ree to the fo!!oin& aivers to the base!ine documents that form this a&reement.
I ?????????????????????????????? ) sub) state a&reement ith and approva! of the above aivers on this the ???????? da" of ????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of Submissive
I ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????) ???) (om) state a&reement ith and approva! of the above aivers the ???????? da" of ?????????????? in the "ear ????????. ?????????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????????????? Si&nature of (ominant