Electrical Materials
UNIT I: Conductors Classification: Classificatio n: High conductivity conductivity,, high resistivity materials, fundamental requirements of high conductivity materials and high resistivi resistivity ty materials, mobility of electron in metals, commonly used high conducting m aterials, copper, aluminum, bronze brass, properties, characteristics, characterist ics, constantan, platinum, nichrome, properties, character characteristics istics and applications, materials used for contacts. UNIT II: Semi-Conductors General concepts, energy bands, types of semiconductors, Fermi Dirac distribution, distribution, intrinsic Semi-conductors, Semi-conductor s, extrinsic Semi-conductors, hall effect, drift, mobility, diffusion in Semiconductor Semiconductors, s, Semi-conductors Semi-conductor s and their applications applications,, superconducto superconductors. rs. UNIT III: Dielectrics And Insulators Properties of gaseous, liquid and solid dielectric, dielectric as a field medium, electric conduction in gaseous, liquid and solid dielectric, breakdown in dielectric materials, mechanical and electrical properties of dielectric materials, effect of temperature on dielectric materials, polarization, loss angle and dielectric loss, petroleum based insulating oils, transformer oil, capacitor oils, properties, solid electrical insulating materials, fibrous, paper boards, yarns, cloth tapes, sleeving wood, impregnation, plastics, filling and bounding materials, fibrous, film, mica, rubber, mica based materials, ceramic materials, classification classification of insulation ( solid) and applicatio application n in AC and DC machines. UNIT IV: Magnetic Materials Soft and hard magnetic materials, diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials, electric steel, sheet steel, cold rolled grain oriented silicon steel, hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel, hot rolled silicon steel sheet, hystersis loop, hystersis loss, magnetic susceptibility,, coercive force, curie temperature, magneto-striction. susceptibility UNIT V: Optical Properties of Solids Photo emission, photo emission materials, electro luminescence junction diode, photo emitters, photo transistor, photo resistors, injunction lasers, optical properties of semiconductors, semiconductor s, application of photo sensitive materials (CRT, Tube light, photo panels etc.).
Course Learning Outcomes
After undergoing this course course students will be able to: Improve their understanding understanding about various types of materials Understand the applications of various various materials, their properties properties and characteristics Understand the structural structural behavior of of different materials materials BOOKS Material Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Ian Jones Oxford University Press India. An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials
C. S. Indulkar and S. Thiruvengadam S. Chand Publishing. Electrical Engineering Materials
P.L.Kapur Khanna Publishers. An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials
Dekker Adrianus J. Prentice Hall India. Electrical Engineering Materials
N. Alagappan and N. Kumar Tata McGrawhill. Electrical Engineering Materials
R. K. Shukla Tata McGraw Hill.
1. “Electrical Engineering Materials”,Dekker,PHI Pbs. 2. “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Indulkar,S.Chand Reference Books: 1. “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Tareev 2. “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Yu. Koritsky. 3. “Electrical Engineering Materials”, R.K.Rajput, Laxmi Pbs.