G.R. No. 92163 June 5, 1990 IN THE MATTER MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR HABEAS CORPUS. JUAN PONCE ENRIE, petitioner vs. JU!GE JAIME SAA"AR #P$e%&'&n( Ju'(e o) *+e Re(&onT$&- Cou$* o) ue/on C&* B$. 103, e* -, respondents. FACTS
On February 27, 1990, Senate Minority Floor Leader Juan Ponce nrile !as arrested by o""icers led by #irector $l"redo Li% on t&e stren't& o" a !arrant issued by (on. Jai%e Sala)ar o" t&e *e'ional +rial ourt o" -ue)on ity. +&e !arrant &ad issued on an in"or%ation c&ar'in' Senator nrile, t&e spouses *ebecco and rlinda Panlilio, and re'orio (onasan !it& t&e cri%e o" rebellion !it& %urder and %ultiple "rustrated %urder alle'edly co%%itted durin' t&e period o" t&e "ailed coup atte%pt "ro% /ove%ber 29 to #ece%be #ece%berr 10, 1990. 1990. Senat Senator or nril nrile e !as !as taen taen to and and &eld &eld overn overni'& i'&tt at t&e / &ead3uarters !it&out bail. +&e "ollo!in' %ornin', February 24, 1990, &e !as brou'&t to a%p +o%as 5arin'al in -ue)on ity. On t&e sa%e date, Senator nrile, t&rou'& counsel, "iled t&e petition "or &abeas corpus. +&e ourt issued t&e !rit prayed "or, returnable Marc& 6, 1990 and set t&e plea "or &earin' on Marc& , 1990. +&e Solicitor Solicitor eneral distin'uis&ed bet!een t&e co%ple8 cri%e :delito co%ple;o:< arisin' "ro% an o""ense bein' a necessary %eans "or co%%ittin' anot&er, !&ic& is re"erred to in t&e second clause o" $rticle =4, *evised Penal ode, and is t&e sub;ect o" t&e (ernande) ruli rulin' n',, and and t&e t&e co%p co%pou ound nd cri% cri%e e :de :deli lito to co%p co%pue uest sto: o:<< aris arisin in' ' "ro% "ro% a sin' sin'le le act act constitutin' t!o or %ore 'rave or less 'rave o""enses re"erred to in t&e "irst clause o" t&e sa%e para'rap&, !it& !&ic& (ernande) !as not concerned and to !&ic&, t&ere"ore, it s&ould not apply. nrile and o. !ere c&ar'ed in t&e in"or%ation on t&e occasion, but not in "urt&erance, o" rebellion. (ernande) rulin' c&ar'ed %urders and ot&er co%%on cri%es co%%itted as a necessary %eans "or t&e co%%ission o" rebellion. ISSUE
>?/ (ernande) rulin' rebellion absorbs ot&er cri%es< %ust be abandoned, and &old t&at under $rt =4, rebellion %ay be co%ple8ed !it& ot&er cri%es >?/ (ernande) rulin' %ust apply only to o""enses in "urt&erance, or as a necessary %eans "or t&e co%%ission o", rebellion, but not to acts co%%itted in t&e course o" a rebellion !&ic& also constitute @co%%onA cri%es o" a 'rave or less 'rave c&aracter RUING SC
+&e ourt voted 11B2 t&at t&e (ernande) rulin' be %aintained t&e t!o ;ustices !anted it reBe8a%ined<. +&e vie! !as rein"orced by t&e PresidentCs repeal o" P# 9=2 o" t&e "or%er re'i%e !&ic& precisely sou'&t to nulli"y or neutrali)e (ernande), by enactin' a
ne! provision, $rt 1=2B$ o" t&e *P, to t&e e""ect t&at @!&en by reason, or on t&e occasion, o" any o" t&e cri%es penali)ed in t&is &apter &apter o" +itle D, !&ic& includes rebellion<, !&ic& constitute o""enses upon !&ic& 'raver penalties are i%posed by la! are co%%itted, t&e penalty "or t&e %ost serious o""ense in its %a8i%u% period s&all be i%posed upon t&e o""ender.A O 147, issued June 6, 1947< n t&us actin', t&e President by le'islative "iat, reinstated (ernande) as t&e bindin' doctrine !it& t&e e""ect o" la!. (ernande) re%ains t&e bindin' doctrine operatin' to pro&ibit t&e occasion t&ereo", eit&er as a %eans to its co%%ission or as an unintended e""ect o" an activity t&at constitutes rebellion. +&us, t&e 3uestioned n"or%ation %ust be read as c&ar'in' si%ple rebellion only.